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Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #1

Message: #1
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Whip Share Which season do you enjoy most: winter, spring, summer, or fall?
Activity: Human graph students stand in 4 parallel lines to create a bar graph

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #2

Message: #2
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Whip Share Which of the following subjects do you enjoy most math, reading/writing,
science, or social studies?
Activity: Count to Ten (pg. 239) Discuss if the game was fun and fair, Suggestions to improve?

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #3

Message: #3
Greeting: Basic Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Whip Share One thing I enjoyed last school year was
Activity: Count to Ten (pg. 239) with suggested changes from previous day Discuss if the game was
more fun and fair with changes

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #4

Message: #4
Greeting: Basic Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Whip Share One thing I like to do with my family is With a review by asking, Who remember
something that someone shared that he or she liked to do with family?
Activity: Toss a Name Game (pg. 250) Need ball to toss as students say 2 others names

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #5

Message: #5
Greeting: Name Card Greeting (pg. 223) Need cards with student names
Sharing: Whip Share One thing that went well for me the first week of school was With a review by
asking, Who remembers something that went well for someone?
Activity: Group Juggle (pg. 244) Need ball to toss

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #6
Message: #6
Greeting: Language Greeting (pg. 222) Use ideas brainstormed in message
Sharing: Whip Share A fun thing I did recently was Have students ask questions of others
Activity: Me Too (pg. 249)

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #7 A

Message: #7
Greeting: Basic Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Interview Share (pg. 232) Three things about me are Have students write a question to ask
the sharer on their clipboard while they listen
Activity: None due to interview shares

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #7 B

Message: #8
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Continue Interview Share (pg. 232) Three things about me are Have students write a
question to ask the sharer on their clipboard while they listen
Activity: None due to interview shares

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #7 C (Skip this lesson if finished with interview
Message: #9
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Continue Interview Share (pg. 232) Three things about me are Have students write a
question to ask the sharer on their clipboard while they listen
Activity: Shuffle em Up (pg. 255) Need nametags

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Ourselves and Each Other #8


Message: #10
Greeting: Handshake Greeting (pg. 218) Discuss importance of a quality handshake
Sharing: Snowball Share (Crumble up a piece of paper and toss the snowball to have students share)
What is a quality you have or would like to develop?
Activity: Heads or Tails (pg. 245) need coin

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Family and Adult Friends #1


Message: #11
Greeting: Formal Greeting (pg. 218) Use students last names, Ex. Mrs. Ramberg
Sharing: Individual Share (pg. 231) Describe a cousin or family member you know well. Teach
students to finish individual shares with Are there any questions or comments?
Activity: Configurations (pg. 238)

Unit 1: Getting Acquainted

Theme: Getting to Know Family and Adult Friends #2


Message: #12
Greeting: Formal Greeting with handshake (pg. 218) Use students last names, Ex. Mrs. Ramberg
Sharing: Individual Share (pg. 231) Describe a custom you share at home. Teach students to finish
individual shares with Are there any questions or comments?
Activity: Hands Up (pg. 244) Use favorite food for topic

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Safety #3


Message: #13
Greeting: One-Minute Mingle Greeting (pg. 224) Timer is needed
Sharing: Partner Share (pg. 232) What dangers do you encounter in your life?
Activity: Driven to Trust (pg. 240)

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Fitness #1


Message: #14
Greeting: Baseball Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Whip Share I like to exercise by
Activity: Copy Cat (pg. 239)

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Fitness #2


Message: #15
Greeting: Ball Toss Greeting (pg. 217) Need ball
Sharing: Individual Share Share about a time you were proud of your exercise, students end with: Are
there any questions or comments?
Activity: Passing the Hoop (pg. 253) Need hula hoop or tape made into large circle

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Food and Nutrition #1


Message: #16
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Whip Share What is a new food that you have tried before? Did you like it?
Activity: Macaroni and Cheese (pg. 248)

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Food and Nutrition #2


Message: #17
Greeting: All Group Share Greeting (pg. 217) students share their favorite power food
Sharing: Whip Share What is a new power food you would like to try?
Activity: Twenty Questions (pg. 260) Need tape and note cards with foods written on them
(See Power Foods listed on page 288 possibly make copies for students to see)
Have students keep for a food diary for one day.

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Food and Nutrition #3


Message: #18
Greeting: Snake Greeting (pg. 227)
Sharing: Individual Share What is something you learned from keeping a food journal? Students end
with: Are there any questions or comments?
Activity: Sausages (pg. 255)

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Emotional Well-Being #1


Message: #19
Greeting: Peace Greeting (pg. 224)
Sharing: Whip Share What is something you do that makes you feel good?
Activity: Something Bad about Something Good (pg. 256)

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Emotional Well-Being #2


Message: #20
Greeting: Peace Greeting (pg. 224)
Activity: Reflection Have students relax, close their eyes if they want, and think about the following
situations: Think of a time you were angry. How did you react to your anger? Did you handle your anger
well? Next time you are angry, would you change anything?
Sharing: Whip Share Next time you are angry, what is something helpful you can do to control your

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Emotional Well-Being #3


Message: #21
Greeting: Basic Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Partner Share What do you do when you mess up? Share/discuss helpful tips for overcoming
a mistake
Activity: Mrs. Mumble (pg. 249)

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Emotional Well-Being #5


Message: #22
Greeting: Mimic Greeting (pg. 223)
Sharing: Partner Share Groups of three talk about what the sayings the message mean
Activity: Partners look at pictures of different people, and identify what is beautiful about that person

Unit 2: Health and Well-Being

Theme: Emotional Well-Being #6


Message: #23
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Partner Share What makes a person popular?
Activity: I Sit in the Grass (pg. 246)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning About Our Needs #1


Message: #24
Greeting: Introduction Greeting (pg. 221)
Sharing: Whip Share Who is someone with whom you have a good relationship?
Activity: Table Top (pg. 257) Use the following group discussion questions What is one of your
favorite ways to have fun with a friend?; What are some ideas for how siblings can get along?; What is
something you know about getting along with adults?; What is one thing you have learned about

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning About Our Needs #9


Message: #25
Greeting: Ball Toss Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Partner Share Tell about a time you had a lot of fun.
Activity: Frogger (pg. 242)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning Skills #1


Message: #26
Greeting: Skip Greeting (pg. 227)
Sharing: Whip Share What is your favorite subject? Why?
Activity: Guess the Number (pg. 244)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning Skills #2


Message: #27
Greeting: Choice Greeting (pg. 219) Greet someone you havent greeted in several days.
Sharing: Individual Share Tell about a time when you did something impulsive and either were glad or
regretted it later on. Sharers will finish with, Im open for questions and comments.
Activity: No, No, No (pg. 250)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning Skills #3


Message: #28
Greeting: Double High Five Greeting (pg. 221)
Sharing: Whip Share What helps you get your homework done? What hinders you?
Activity: None

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning Skills #4: Reading


Message: #29
Greeting: Book Character Greeting (pg. 218) Need note cards and masking tape
Sharing: Whip Share Why do you like this book character? OR What is a quality book you have read
Activity: In the Manner of the Adverb (pg. 246)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning Skills #5: Social Studies
Message: #30
Greeting: Language Greeting (pg. 222)
Sharing: Whip Share If you could travel anywhere in the world, where would you go? Why?
Activity: Around the World (pg. 236) Topic: U.S. States OR Countries in the World


Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning Skills #6: Math


Message: #31
Greeting: Skip Greeting (pg. 227)
Sharing: Partner Share What tricks do you use to help you in math class?
Activity: Count to Ten (pg. 239)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Learning Skills #7: Science


Message: #32
Greeting: Question Greeting (pg. 225) Whats your favorite kind of weather?
Sharing: Individual Share Tell about an experience you had with wild weather. Sharers finish with Im
open for questions or comments.
Activity: One Frog (pg. 251)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Social Skills #1: Cooperation


Message: #33
Greeting: Snake Greeting (pg. 227)
Sharing: Partner Share Tell about a time teamwork was important, in or out of school.
Activity: Helium Lift (pg. 245) Need yard sticks for groups of 4-5 students; Discuss how cooperation
relates to this activity

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Social Skills #2: Assertion


Message: #34
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Individual Share Tell about a time when you stood up for yourself or for someone else.
Students will finish their share with Im open for questions or comments
Activity: Sticky Situations (pg. 275 could give more situations) With a partner, students role play
what they could say to be assertive in the following situations: I didnt want my picture taken but people
kept taking it anyway; I thought I looked nice, and someone told me I didnt; I was the only boy/girl who
signed up for an activity; Someone has a crush on me, but I dont feel the same

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Social Skills #3: Responsibility


Message: #35
Greeting: Partner Greeting (pg. 224)
Sharing: Whip Share What is something a responsible person does?
Activity: Group Juggle (pg. 244)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Social Skills #4: Empathy
Message: #36
Greeting: Gift Greeting (pg. 220)
Sharing: Whip Share Tell about a time you made another person feel really good inside.
Activity: Acknowledgment Buffet (pg. 235) Need a paper plate for each student


Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Social Skills #5: Self-Control


Message: #37
Greeting: Popcorn Greeting Students stand in a circle, and one at a time step into the circle and say
Good morning, everyone. The circle responds with Good morning, ________(name).
Activity: Radio (pg. 254)
Reflection: Whole Group: Show me fist to five, how well did we do with self-control during the game?;
How hard was it for you to use self-control?

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Friendship #1


Message: #38
Greeting: One-Minute Mingle Greeting (pg. 224)
Sharing: Whip Share What is something you enjoy doing with friends?
Activity: I Sit in the Grass (pg. 246)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Friendship #2
Message: #39
Greeting: Name Card Greeting (pg. 223) Need name tags with each students name written
Sharing: Partner Share Tell about a time when you participated in gossip.
Activity: Telephone (pg. 260)


Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Friendship #3


Message: #40
Greeting: Gift Greeting (pg. 220)
Sharing: Individual Share What was a meaningful gift you once received? Sharers will finish with Im
open for questions or comments
Activity: Magic Ball (pg. 248)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Friendship #4


Message: #41
Greeting: Hand Hug Greeting
Sharing: Partner Share What characteristics do you appreciate in a good friend? Partners write the top
two qualities they admire in a good friend. Select a note taker to record as partners share to the whole
group. Choose students to create a Five Star Friend poster, listing the top qualities of a friend.
Activity: Popcorn Acknowledgment (pg. 253) OR I Sit in the Grass (pg. 246)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Communication #2


Message: #42
Greeting: Silent Greeting (pg. 226) Discuss times a person may need to use a silent greeting in real life
Sharing: Partner Share What evidence shows that a person is really listening to you?
Activity: Non-Verbal Messages (pg. 250) Need feeling cards cut apart from page 250

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Communication #3


Message: #43
Greeting: Elevator Greeting (pg. 220) Discuss how tone of voice tells a message
Sharing: Partner Share Describe a person that is difficult to communicate with. Why?
Activity: No, No, No (pg. 250)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Communication #4


Message: #44
Greeting: Handshake Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Partner Share Describe a communication strength and weakness you have.
Activity: ESP (pg. 240)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Service #1


Message: #45
Greeting: Basic Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Partner Share What does the quote from Kennedy mean? Do you agree? One person from the
partnership shares with the whole group
Activity: Cumulative List (pg. 239) I would like to serve by

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Service #2


Message: #46
Greeting: Formal Greeting (pg. 218) Greet using last names, Ex: Mrs. Ramberg
Sharing: Whip Share How might a student your age serve his community?
Activity: What Are You Doing? (pg. 260) Students act out ways they can help others

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Play and Fun #1


Message: #47
Greeting: Telephone Greeting (pg. 228)
Sharing: Whip Share What is a favorite way you have fun?
Activity: Copy Cat (pg. 239)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Play and Fun #1


Message: #48
Greeting: High Five Greeting
Sharing: Partner Share Tell about a time you experienced anti-fun. What might you do to improve a
situation where someone is being made fun of.
Activity: Group Juggle (pg. 244)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Play and Fun #2


Message: #49
Greeting: Ball Toss Greeting (pg. 217) Need ball
Sharing: Partner Share Tell about a time you experienced anti-fun. What might you do to improve a
situation where someone is being made fun of.
Activity: Passing the Hoop (pg. 253) Need hula hoop or ring made of tape

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Play and Fun #3


Message: #50; Need joke/riddle books out

Greeting: One Minute Mingle Greeting (pg. 224)
Sharing: Whip Share Who is the funniest person in your life? Why?
Activity: Partners or individuals share joke/riddle they found

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Play and Fun #4: Having Fun with Math


Message: #51
Greeting: Puzzle Greeting (pg. 225) Need colored note cards cut up
Sharing: Snowball Share (pg. 233) Students write their answers to one question on each side of their
paper, Whats hard about math? Whats fun about math?
Activity: Count to Ten (pg. 239)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Play and Fun #5: Having Fun with Words


Message: #52
Greeting: Great Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Whip Share What is a word you like? Why?
Activity: In groups, students share the definitions of their word they found from the activity in the
message. Students in each group try to guess the word based on definition, and other questions asked
about the word.

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Play and Fun #6: Having Fun with Thinking


Message: #53
Greeting: Ball Toss Greeting, played forward and backward (pg. 217) Need ball
Sharing: Cumulative Share (pg. 233) What is one word of something you enjoy thinking about? Ex:
Activity: Green Door (pg. 244) OR Going Camping Can I bring ____? OR Alibi (pg. 235)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Hobbies #1
Message: #54
Greeting: Ball Toss Greeting (pg. 217) Need ball
Sharing: Whip Share What is a hobby or interest you have outside of school?
Activity: Alibi (pg. 235) using a hobby as part of your alibi


Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Hobbies #2


Message: #55
Greeting: What Are You Doing Greeting (pg. 228)
Sharing: Whip Share What is a hobby or interest youve never tried, but are interested in?
Activity: Prepare for tomorrows individual shares about a unique hobby. Students will think about
their share, and brainstorm questions to ask the sharers.

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Hobbies #3


Message: #56
Greeting: Step In Greeting (pg. 227)
Sharing: Individual Share Tell about a unique hobby you have. Students finish with Im open for
questions or comments.
Activity: Twenty Questions (pg. 260) with topic of hobbies

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Making Choices #1


Message: #57
Greeting: Baseball Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Think, Pair, Share (pg. 233) How do you make your choices? For example, what do you think
about when choosing whether or not to go to a party?
Activity: Continuous Tale (pg. 239)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Making Choices #2



Greeting: Choice Greeting (pg. 219)
Sharing: Whip Share Tell the snack you chose and why.
Activity: Configurations (pg. 238) Have list of configurations for students to choose from

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Making Choices #3



Greeting: Greet Three Greeting (pg. 220)
Sharing: Think, Pair, Share (pg. 233) Which seems to you like the best way for groups to make
decisions: leader decides, majority rules, consensus?
Activity: Create a consensus decision on the snack by looking at the choices on the message, and
coming to agreement on either pretzels or the mystery snack.

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Planning and Organizing #1
Message: #60
Greeting: Huddle Up Greeting (pg. 221)
Sharing: Whip Share Do you consider yourself an organized person? Why or why not?
Activity: Group Juggle (pg. 244) Need ball


Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Planning and Organizing #3


Message: #61
Greeting: Puzzle Greeting (pg. 225) Need colored note cards cut into pieces
Sharing: Partner Share Tell your partner about something in your life that needs organizing. Partners
then give suggestions as to how to make that thing more organized.
Activity: Radio (pg. 254)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Careers #1


Message: #62
Greeting: Formal Greeting (pg. 218) with handshake and last names like going to a job interview
Sharing: Whip Share Name a career that attracts you and one reason why.
Activity: Shuffle em Up (pg. 255)

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Managing Money #1


Message: #63
Greeting: High Five Greeting (pg. 218)
Sharing: Whip Share If you were given $100, would you spend it or save it?
Activity: Group Juggle (pg. 244) Each ball entered into the circle represents $5. How much money can
we juggle?

Unit 3: Adolescent Needs

Theme: Managing Money #2


Message: #64
Greeting: All Group Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Partner Share How much does the media affect how you spend your money?
Activity: Count Up Variation (pg. 239) In groups of 4-6, students count up to $1 by naming coins. For
example: One dime, 10 cents; a quarter, 35 cents; a nickel, 40 cents Each time two people speak at the
same time, the group goes back to zero OR Heads or Tails (pg. 245)

Unit 4: Multicultural Understanding

Theme: Cut From Common Cloth #1


Message: #65
Greeting: Sawa Bona Greeting (pg. 226)
Sharing: Think, Pair, Share Write on a sticky note (or think to yourself) as many cultures or countries as
you know from which you are descended.
Activity: I Never (pg. 246) Choices related to cultures Ex: I never ate Indian food, Ive never traveled to

Unit 4: Multicultural Understanding

Theme: The Cost of Us vs. Them #1


Message: #66
Greeting: Huddle Up Greeting (pg. 221) Using the following categories: gender, age, family size (3 or
more siblings, 2 or less siblings), birth order (1st child, 2nd child, 3rd child), place of birth (city, state)
Sharing: Whip Share With whom do you share a characteristic? What is that common characteristic?
Activity: Me Too! (pg. 249)

Unit 4: Multicultural Understanding

Theme: Each Depends Upon the Other #1


Message: #67
Greeting: Silent Greeting (pg. 226)
Sharing: Whip Share Who is someone you depend on? Why?
Activity: Five People Standing (pg. 241)

Unit 4: Multicultural Understanding

Theme: A World in Flux #2


Message: #68
Greeting: Choice of Voice Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Whip Share Is change easy or hard for you? Give one example.
Activity: Somethings Changed (pg. 256)

Unit 4: Multicultural Understanding

Theme: A World in Flux #3


Message: #69
Greeting: Snake Greeting (pg. 227)
Sharing: Individual Share Tell about a time when you had to adapt to a change. Sharers finish with Im
open for questions and comments.
Activity: Copy Cat (pg. 239)

Unit 4: Multicultural Understanding

Theme: Personal Power: The Courage to Take a Stand #1


Message: #70
Greeting: Name Card Greeting (pg. 223) Need nametags
Sharing: Partner Share Describe someone you know who is brace to stand up for something or someone.
Activity: Me Too (pg. 249) Use the words I admire people who Example: I admire people who tell the

Unit 5: Societal Issues

Theme: Citizenship #2


Message: #71
Greeting: Basic Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Whip Share Who do you consider a leader? Why?
Activity: Knots (pg. 248)

Unit 5: Societal Issues

Theme: Citizenship #3


Message: #72
Greeting: One Minute Mingle Greeting (pg. 224)
Sharing: Partner Share Post characteristics listed from previous day. Discuss the list of characteristics
of a good leader. What characteristic is most important?
Activity: Line Ups with designated leader (pg. 248) Categories: age, number of letters in first name,
number of pets, etc.

Unit 5: Societal Issues

Theme: Citizenship #4


Message: #73
Greeting: Shape Greeting (pg. 226)
Activity: Shape up, without a designated leader, then with a leader (pg. 255) Need foot long string
Reflection: Was it harder or easier when you had a leader? How did the leader help the group? Was it

Unit 7: Closing the Year

Theme: #1


Message: #74
Greeting: Gift Greeting (pg. 220)
Sharing: Whip Share What is something youll remember from this year?
Activity: Mrs. Mumble (pg. 249)

Unit 7: Closing the Year

Theme: #2
Message: #75
Greeting: Great Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Think, Pair, Share What is something you are proud of this year?
Activity: Tap Someone Who (pg. 259)


Unit 7: Closing the Year

Theme: #3


Message: #76
Greeting: One Minute Mingle Greeting (pg. 224)
Sharing: Snowball Share (pg. 233) What is something someone has done to help you in this advisory?
Activity: Fan Mail (pg. 241) Need pencil and lined paper

Unit 7: Closing the Year

Theme: #4


Message: 77
Greeting: Ball Toss Greeting (pg. 217)
Sharing: Whip Share What makes a good game?
Activity: Choose activity that was most favorite of students

Unit 7: Closing the Year

Theme: #5


Message: #78
Greeting: Choice Greeting (pg. 219)
Sharing: Individual Share Tell about a memorable moment from this year. Sharers finish with Im open
for questions and comments.
Activity: Freeze Frame (pg. 242) Small groups show memorable moment from school year

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