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The challenges of Energy Transition in North Rhine-Westphalia

and the relevance of Community Power


1. A short introduction: The Regional Association for Renewable Energies (LEE NRW)
2. Challenges for the Energy Transition in NRW Some facts and figures
3. 100% renewable energy solutions in NRW?
4. The relevance and fuctions of Community Power
5. Perspectives for Community Power in NRW

13. November 2016

1. A short Introduction:
The Regional Association for Renewable Energy in North RhineWestphalia (LEE NRW) was founded in 2009 own office in
Dsseldorf since 2010
Our common goal: We want to reach a energy supply in NRW,
which by 2050 is entirely based on renewable energy
Our members:
companies (manufacturers, project developers, operators)
private person
from the renewable sector. (wind energy, solar power, hydropower,
bioenergy, geothermal energy)

Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW e.V.

1. A short Introduction:
Our concrete targets:
Substantial development of renewable energy devices in NRW
Supporting a comprehensive approach for the energy
transition in the electricity-, heating- (cooling-) and mobilitysector
Using energy efficiently
Generate a broad acceptance for the energy transition in the

Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien NRW e.V.


2. Challenges for the Energy Transition in NRW

If North Rhine will miss its climate change objectives, Germany will fail too! (Quote: Friends of the Earth NRW)

NRW has a key-role in reaching the German climate protection goals

781 Mio. t CO2

NRW is responsible for 1/3 of the German CO2-emissions

more than 20 % of the German population live in NRW (18 Mio.)
more than 30 % of the German fossile generating capacity is located in NRW

268 Mio. t
= 34,3%

NRW needs more than 25 % of the German electric power consumption

more than 70 % of the electricity generation in NRW is based on coal and
lignite, just 12 % on renewable energy
Industrial sector has a share of more than 20 % of the GDP

Quelle: EnergieDaten.NRW 2013;


Compared to other regions in Germany the challenges of

energy transition in this region are very considerable!

2. Challenges for the Energy Transition in NRW

Development of wind energy in Germany

new building (MW)

capacity installed (MW) overall

new building

capacity installed

Source: Federal Association for Windenergy (BWE)

Source: BWE

2. Challenges for the Energy Transition in NRW

new building (MW)

capacity installed (MW) overall

Development of wind energy in North Rhine-Westphalia

Source: Federal Association for Windenergy (BWE)

capacity installed

new building

Windenergy has a share of 4 % in the electricity consumption in NRW

2. Challenges for the Energy Transition in NRW

If North Rhine will miss its climate change objectives, Germany will fail too! (Quote: Friends of the Earth NRW)

NRW has a key-role in reaching the German climate protection goals

781 Mio. t CO2

NRW is responsible for 1/3 of the German CO2-emissions

more than 20 % of the German population live in NRW (18 Mio.)
more than 30 % of the German fossile generating capacity is located in NRW

268 Mio. t
= 34,3%

NRW needs more than 25 % of the German electric power consumption

more than 70 % of the electricity generation in NRW is based on coal and
lignite, just 12 % on renewable energy
Industrial sector has a share of more than 20 % of the GDP

Quelle: EnergieDaten.NRW 2013;


Compared to other regions in Germany the challenges of

energy transition in this region are very considerable!

3. 100 % renewable energy solutions in NRW?

In 2013 the NRW-Government has passed its climate protection act with
climate protection targets (-25 % CO2-Reduction by 2020 and -80 % by 2050
(at least, compared to 1990). NRW was the first state in Germany, who
passed such an act.
Additionally, NRW-Government has also developed a climate protection
plan with measures to reach the targets. Therefore a three year long
dialogue-process with about 400 stakeholders (economy, society, NGOs)
was organized and finished in 2015.
As for the climate protection plan, different scenarios have been calculated
for the developement of the energy system in NRW especially a 100 %
Result: An important influence factor for the energy balance and the configuration and
Source: Wuppertal Institut (2015): Optimierung eines
100 % EE-Szenarios in der Stromerzeugung fr NRW,
(eigene bersetzung)

balance of the electricity system is the integration level in a supra regional (international)
electricity system. () For a 100% electricity supply with renewable energy in NRW and
Germany is a good connectivity with the Alpine region and the Scandinavian countries
important, because of high potentials of hydropower in these regions.

3. 100 % renewable energy solutions in NRW?

Local or regional integrated solutions?:
For NRW we need a regional integrated model.
For the interregional cooperation we should combine the decentral technology of
renewable energies with the principle of subsidarity, which says:
Balancing power generation and energy consumption on the smallest (grid-)
and just, when that isnt possible, use the next higher (grid-) level!


Nevertheless island-solutions and the claim of self-sufficiency are important drivers for
the energy transition and a motivation for community power actors!

13. November 2016


3. 100 % renewable energy solutions in NRW?

Although the challenge for a
100% Energy Transition in
NRW is considerable, we see
different regions, districts
and municipalities with
100 % renewable energy
In some communities in NRW
its already a reality!

13. November 2016


4. The relevance and fuctions of Community Power

Impact on the energy system

Impact on the national economy

Higher number of market
players / lower risk of
market power

Likelihood for the

implementation of
certain (smaller)

Added regional

Acceptance for the

energy transition and the
renewable energies

Participation and
Increase of civil engagement

New jobs
Creation of a new
economic sector

Integration of civil
community in sustainable
economy processes

Strengthening for the local identity

Impact on the society

Vgl.: Hauser, Eva et al. (IZES) (2015): Nutzeneffekte von Brgerenergie. Eine wissenschaftliche
Qualifizierung und Quantifizierung der Nutzeneffekte der Brgerenergie und ihrer mglichen
Bedeutung fr die Energiewende. Im Internet:
CE-Nutzen_Endbericht.pdf (Stand: 01.09.2016).

13. November 2016


4. The relevance and functions of Community Power

Renewable energies are predominantly a decentral technology.

Instead of a smaller number of big power plants, we need many thousands renewable
energy devices in the new energy system.
So renewable energies bring the energy supply closer to the local residents.
Community Power is a central step for the societal acceptance of this process.

=> But is community power really politically intended?

13. November 2016


5. Perspectives for Community Power in NRW


Deutscher Genossenschafts- und Raiffeisenverband e.V. (aus WWEA/LEE

NRW (2016): Rcken- und Gegenwind fr die Brgerenergie Brgerwind-Perspektiven aus Nordrhein-Westfalen und der Welt, Bonn;

Community Power was a main driver for the German

Energiewende. In 2012, 47 % of the installed
capacities of renewable energy devices and 50 % of
wind energy capacity were in the hand of community
power corporations,

New foundations of Energy

cooperatives in Germany

but in the last years we have seen a

decrease of community power projects in
13. November 2016


5. Perspectives for Community Power in NRW

This decrease of community power projects in the last years coincides with substantial
changes in the Renewable Energies Source Act (EEG) in its recent legal reforms 2012 and
But the most significant change in the German financing system of renewable energy lies
ahead: The change from a guaranteed feed-in-tarif to a tendering system for wind energy
(onshore), big solarpower-projects and biogas in the upcoming EEG 2017.
Despite given exceptions and facilitations for community power projects, these projects
must take part directly in the auctions (no de-minimis-rule!).
In light of recent international experiences with tendering-systems and a tender-pilot for
free-field-solar power in Germany, developers of community-power-projects in NRW are
mainly pessimistic about the prospects of auction-system.

13. November 2016


5. Perspectives for Community Power in NRW

After a joint study of WWEA
and LEE NRW (2016) to the
expectations of community
power actors about the
upcoming tender systems
for wind energy, a second
study should follow,
monitoring the concrete
impact of the auction-model
on the community power
scene in NRW.
13. November 2016


Contact us:
Jan Dobertin

Landesverband Erneuerbare Energien

Nordrhein-Westfalen e.V.
Corneliusstrae 18
40215 Dsseldorf
0211 9367 6060

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