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EPC 2403

Lesson Plan Template





Number of


Personal Aims (What do YOU need to work on in order grow professionally?)

I will work on my management and controlling the students.

Learning Outcomes:


(Link to the ADEC K-5 curriculum document)

Students will be able to learn about the number ten

Paint- cotton- play dough - papers- glue- plates and they will be able to count and figure the
number ten.
Lesson Introduction
Whole group activity: Time___10 minutes

Question (Blooms Taxonomy)

Remembering (low level):

Opening/Introduction: (Bullet points)
What will you do in order to introduce the
concept to the students?

The children that is low level they will identify the

number ten by writing it on the sand

I will open my lesson by figuring out what

Understanding (low level):
inside the box and it will be the number ten.
The child will write number ten and will draw ten
things and the child will start to count.
Active Engagement: (Bullet points)
Applying (low level):
After youve modeled the concept, what activity
will you have the students perform while on the
It will develop their fine motor skills and it will
carpet to ensure that they understand it?
keep it in their mind.
writing number ten on the sand.
do the number ten by the play dough.
they will do a cloud by the cotton and they
Analyzing (high level):
have to do ten rain drops by using the paint The child will put ten cottons as clouds and ten rain
and their finger to print the ten drops.
drops and they will write the number by the paint.
they have to set up the puzzle from 1 to 10.
there is a board and there is different
Evaluating (high level):
numbers on in so they have to stick the
See the children if he apply the instructions that i
happy face on number ten.
gave them and i will ask them to count if the child
count until number ten i will know that the child
Link: (Bullet points)
Remind the students in kid friendly language
understand or not.
how they can apply what they did whole group in
their independent learning centers

I will give the child an activity that I can see his

level on. after that I will give the child the choice
to choose what he would like to do and in which

Creating (high level):

They will start to create the collage activity.


EPC 2403

area he want to go because the child will give more

when he choose what he like.

Learning Center Resources or Materials

Learning Center 1

High level.
Collage and design
Materials for the first
activity :
Materials for the 2
Play dough

Learning Center 2

Learning Center3

Learning Center 4

Medium level
Block area
Materials for the

Medium - Low level

Math area
Materials for the
activity :
Happy faces

Low level
Science and discovery
Materials for the

Reading area
Materials for the second

Small Group Learning Centers: Time___00:20:00

Learning Center 1 Title: collage and design center

First activity/making a cloud with ten rain drops
8 students in this first activity.
They will get the resource.
They will share it together.
They will follow the instructions that is given to
They will start to apply the cloud activity.
The child will start to count with the teacher.
Second activity/ make with the play dough number
ten and do ten things.
8 students in this second activity.
The will get the play dough.
They will start to create what they like but it have
to be related to the number ten.

Learning Center 2 Title: (Bullet points)

In this activity they will connect the numbers from

1 to 10.
5 students in this activity
They will get the puzzle.
They will start to think what is first and what is
They will start to join the puzzle together.
Each child will jump on each puzzle and count.


EPC 2403

Learning Center 3 Title: (Bullet points)

Learning Center 4 Title: (Bullet points)

First activity/ each student will have a board that

have numbers and they have to stick the happy face
on number ten.
4 students on this activity
They will understand the activity.
They will search for the number ten.
They will stick the happy face on number ten.
Count how many number ten they found.

In this activity the children will write number ten

on the sandbox.
2 students.
The students will join together.
They will share the sandbox.
They will discuss about how the number ten is
They will draw ten things on the sand.
They will start to count from one to ten together.

Second activity/ write number ten and draw ten

things on the ipads .
5 students
Each child will get an ipad.
They will draw ten things
They will count what they draw.
They will write number ten.
Closing activity: Time: _00:05:00__
Allow children time to discuss how what they did during their learning centers and how it relates to
the lesson outcome
Remember that. (restate outcome using kid friendly language)

I will let the students to tidy up, after that they will sit on the circle area, and i will start to review with them the
number ten, by singing with and clap and step their feet ten times. then write number ten on the air together.
Assessment for Learning:

assess the children by counting with them tile ten.

General Comments

Recommendations / Future personal targets / Areas of focus


EPC 2403

If I will taught the lessons again I will do the activities the same , because the children like it and
they ask to do again but I will repeat the activity but maybe I will add something more. if I will
taught the lessons again the different that I will do that I will change the activity that it was
simple for them to little bit difficult or I will add on the activity like if they were doing the
number by the play dough I will let them to do the number and balls according to the number and
count it, because the child have to think while he is doing something and learn something new if
it was easy for them and I keep doing this activity it will not change the child's level. I had
achieved my learning outcomes. the thing that surprised me that the student are smarter that the
activities that I did that they finish the activity so quick. I have disappointed moment that when I
introduce the lesson I don't take my time to do it I just take about 5 minutes. as first time giving a
whole lesson it was good I feel that I want to do it again and again it was so fun to teach the
children. it was a successful lesson because they understood what I say, and they enjoy and their
attention was on me.

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