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dear white people, if we as minority citizens can legally own and more readily p

urchase handguns...doesn't it really only make us that much easier to uh..."get

rid of"...thereby maintaining the foundation of your irony.
kali: but you gave him your flag
brad: and?
k: you gave me the same color one
brad: and?
k: what does that mean then?
b:he's going to use it to wipe his ass when he's done.
k: done?
k: with?
b: where'd you leave your purse?
k: oh shit .... you mean?
b: yeah.
k: oh?
b: so ... you know?
k: so... no shit?
b: just get the fuck away from me right now alright. go take a shower, jesus chr
Dear ARROGANT WHITE PEOPLE: on our next episode of LIKE I GIVE A FUCK
I have 12 friends, and I don't like 7 of them. Give or take.
When you see a sexy chubby pretty bitch, ask her to make out.
American society has a vioelnt imagery addiction. Fuck it though, violence is pr
And the pawn takes the queen.
Essay question: How does it feel to believe?
Sleep Study: Fisher Price Presents My First Gun Charge
On Christmas 2012 I was at my brother's house. Someone left a .40 cal on
the couch, and of course being fascinated with guns since my youth (I've seen t
he original 80s Robocop WAY too many time), I picked it up, took one outta the c
hamber, slid the magazine back in. I aimed at the couch....then in my naivete as
ked, "What, would it be the worse thing in the world if I kept this?", to which
my brother responded, "My cousin would beat your ass if you did", he then told m
e if I needed one it would cost me.
I'm pretty green to the way the streets work, though I'm pretty book sma
rt. I'm also a felon, two time loser, thereby not allowed to be within 1,000 fee
t of a firearm. Having been robbed and my apartment broken into on several occas
ions prior to the above mentioned story, incarceration is at most an irritant if
the other option is not feeling safe within my domecile.
I stole a 6mm b.b. gun from Wal-Mart and started reading up on handguns to prepa
re myself for eventually carrying something in excess of 4 pounds on my person.
I've never been a stranger to being arressted for something as mundane a
nd being released within a few months, so I decided how long it would take to ge
t arressted with said b.b. gun on my waist and what the eventual consequences wo
uld be. Depending on what part of the county I was in, anything from the cop say
ing, "Damnit I hate those things" and letting me go or a rookie being overexcite
d about the opportunity to charge a black kid (I'm 29 but look around 19 if I sh

ave) with a "firearm" for an item that does not create an explosion. At or aroun
d day 45 I got caught buying marijuana, and a presumptive search turned up a "sm
all unloaded handgun" and a few baggies of marijuana.
Several weeks later I got a letter in the mail informing me that the local polic
e department wanted me to come and pick up my, "altered toy handgun". The person
at the property room that returned it let me know that it's, "not wise to carry
a gun" to which I responded that I intend to (eventually) have my rights restor
ed and possess one for home and business protection.
A few months went by and in the course of filming Youtube films and othe
r creative projects I was arrested a second time, this time placed on Felony pro
bation for "possessing a concealed weapon"
Personally, I fail to see the point in disallowing a segment of Felons t
o own weapons for home protection and self defense, as the argument is similar t
o the marijuana dialogue, which is that criminals are being created out of indiv
iduals that would not be committing a crime otherwise. Most firearms used in cri
mes are obtained illegally, thereby creating a black market in implements of dea
th and murder weapons.
It takes up to three years for one's rights to be restored, but with information
control the way it is, even felons require the ability to protect their domecil
es, family, friends and loved ones.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Growing up, there weren't many blacks in my classes. I dropped out in the 11th
grade after having attended gifted and magnet classes my whole life. The demogra
phic broke down something like this...3 or 4 black kids, 2 asians, a jew, and a
hispanic, the rest of the class was composed of around 20 caucasians. I speak pr
oper English for the most part unless I'm drunk and my inner Jim Jones comes out
, not to mention my Mother is half white by genetics not complexion. I took a lo
t of shit for talking/acting white in school from people of all races, ignorant
shit about not being "black enough". By the time that I was around 24 I had fina
lly developed a verbal defense to such bullying, case in point:
Illiterate: Why you talk like that?
Me: Because that's how words sound when they're written.
The older I get the less that kind of thing bothers me, and I genuinely just fee
l bad for such people. Racism is racism....if you believe that skin color dictat
es behavior then you're automatically being racist towards yourself, and that go
es for anyone, black/white/purple or grey.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I'm a horrible sinner. I don't eat children or kick rabbits or anything,
but I am not the most righteous person that I could be. I'm aware of it though,
making personal pet peeves about myself something that I can do something about
. I hope very seriously that makes a difference.
We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, but I attempt to do the r
ight thing as much possible. Sin isn't the kind of thing can measured. The Bible
says very plainly that if you are guilty of part of an evil deed, you're guilt
y of all of it. Hate the sin, Love the sinner.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I've heard it stated that as humans we're the only creature on the planet that i
s aware that it's going to die. My question is how in the hell was that experime
nt conducted? How was such a conclusion reached? Sounds similar to "All dogs go
to heaven" or "Cats always land on their feet".
I only care what people think of me to the extent that I have to deal with their
opinions. Unfortunately, I have to face a lot of people that have ill-formed ju

dgements of who I am as a person and what they believe to be my motives and inte
Imagine leaving a trail of bird feed toward a wood chipper and a chicken followi
ng that trail. That idea is hillarious to me for no particular reason. It only w
orks with chickens though. Or koalas with eucalyptus.
Stress is fear. Fear is the opposite of Love. Therefore it's unGodly.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I used to think that Lil Wayne had bumped his head comparing himself to
2pac in any way simply because 2pac was the son of a Black Panther, and had far
more historical impact and relevance.
Don't get me wrong, I've always enjoyed Wayne's music since I first heard his fe
atures on Juvenile's "400 Degreez" in the 6th grade way back when. And then it o
ccured to me very's 2016. Weezy had been ghostwriting since he was
11-years-old. He'd shot himself before he was legally allowed to carry a conceal
ed weapon, and grew up in a town so notorious for having a crooked government th
at the Bush administration just said "fuck it" and drowned its inhabitants. You
have to add all of that up and subtract the particulars. In order to write a son
g like "Lights Out", "Get Off the Corner" or "Kesha" before you're legally allow
ed to drink you have to have been through it. Parts of the world are so fucked u
p that children have more access to firearms and drugs than textbooks.
I don't think that Wayne drinks gallons of promethazine, eats xanax by the handf
ul or smokes marijuana to be fashionable.
I don't think that he announces that he's strappped to the teeth with fi
rearms to be cool. It's more that he uses those "drugs" as prescribed, and in a
world full of hatred and jealousy, a dude lucky to be alive to "Spend Money Jesu
s Saves" feels the need to protect himself and his family. All of his songs bein
g about nailing chicks...he's a fucking rockstar, do your own math.
Long story short, I can't imagine a reality where 'Pac and Wayne don't get along
. They'd have dropped an album together by now, no doubt.
I was one of the good ones once upon a time but life in general fucked that up.
And in all reality, I thank God for that every day for I'd have grown up naive a
nd unhappy, thinking that life is sweet and disappointed that it isn't.
I will never, or at least hope not to ever, understand the mentality of an indiv
idual that obtains things not to enjoy them but in effort to cause jealousy in a
nother or feel better than someone else by having it.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------As many countries, as many languages, as many civilizations in the world
as there are on the planet, there are that many translations of any spiritual t
ext or doctrine. By the time any of those got to me, they'd all been bastardized
beyond recognition, similar to a jigsaw puzzle. It's up to the reader to interp
ret and put together the pieces in relation to their own lives.
Do I believe in God? Yes. Do I believe that there is only one way to rea
ch an afterlife that isn't eternal hell and suffering? No. Am I in charge of the
judgement that leads to heaven or hell? Nope. It is up to God(s) in conjunction
with our spiritual and visceral actions that determine our ultimate fate, if i
t's not already predetermined.

There is no such thing as a Godless place. There are in fact Godless peo
ple. Who's the man with the master plan? A nigga with a motherfuckin' attorney.
I like women WAY more than any drug I've ever done. I have to keep sight
of that. I've never sat in jail and craved narcotics. I've asked God to stop th
e withdrawl. There is a slight difference.
When I'm incarcerated I miss decent food, a cigarette and a cup of coffee, porno
graphy, video games, decent books....anything to break the monotony. Above all e
lse, I miss my family, and I think of all the damage caused by my negative actio
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------I love:
- Women
- Sluts
- Bitches
- Hoes
I need the kind of female that her and I can both not have shit together and sti
ll enjoy eachother's company. Like, half a pack of cigarettes, 8 dollars and a b
ottle of cough medicine and everything is just golden.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------There have to be worse things in life than death. Plenty of things can make you
wish that you were dead, but when you're dead you can't wish for anything. Those
things don't effect you anymore.
I still remember the macarena.
Modern science makes the argument that the color white is pure. Those that belie
ve the system of white supremacy/European indoctrination distort the truth of pu
re matter being dark and/or black/brown argue otherwise.
My personal belief is that green is in fact nature's definition of purity.
I knew I was grown when I realized I would rather watch VH1 than MTV. That's up
there with arguing about cigarette and gas and stamp prices in terms of adulthoo
d milestones.
"It's not enough to want to reach people, I have to understand how I am coming a
cross to them as well"
- John Moe
Dear White People,
Thing is, if you get rid of all of the minorities then eventually you will turn
on eachother, start sorting yourselves into smaller categories and groups and s
ubsections leading to extermination of yourselves. Regardless of what stage thes
e actions are in, the point is that hatred is destructive to all of society, inc
luding yourselves, not only the segments of society you'd rather ignore.
I wish that a whole lot fewer rap songs were about selling and using drugs, viol
ence and misogyny. Not because I'm against those things, but because it seems to
be such a waste of one of the most powerful artforms in recent history.

Something that I don't think anyone who's never been through it understands abou
t incarceration is that you're never alone. Everything is done under someone's g
aze, knowingly or otherwise. I'm not in any rush to be around people that I don
't know and love any time soon.
If the primary consumption of hip-hop and hard cocaine were by black Americans,
those industries wouldn't be very lucrative on any level.
I've made this joke on several occasions that when my Mother finally loses it I'
m going to purchase her a pair of bunny slippers, a bathrobe and a pack of Marlb
oro #27's. To which my Mom responded, "Marlboro Reds".
The thing about religion, indoctrination, beliefs, etc. is that anyone can focus
on disputes, reasons to hate. The truth is found, though, in common bonds, simi
larities. Not though dissent.
Stem the Tide. Hide the Stem.
More guns. More cocaine. More ways to pay taxes, lesser penalties for the guns a
nd blow. If we're paying taxes, that helps the economy, if we're doing county ti
me for what used to be a prison offense that helps the local government.
I practice celibacy. Practice makes perfect.
Proverbs 29:16 Someone who tricks someone else and then claims he was only jokin
g is like a crazy person playing with a deadly weapon.
In terms of when I started using drugs and how long I used drugs, I can really o
nly imagine how stunted my growth must be. If I'd never started, who knows what
I would be doing with my life. Perhaps I wouldn't be that bitter and angry.
NA Basic Text page 46
If we pray for God to remove any distracting influences, the quality of our pray
ers usually improves and we feel the diffference.
I can respect not caring a whole lot more than I can hatred cloaked behind the g
uise of righteousness.
Most problems in life can be summed up by stopping to ask yourself, "What do I a
ctually give a fuck?", anything else can be dealt with by minding one's own God
damned business.
Fallen Idols
Institutions in Decay:
All terrific concepts they are, productivity, education, celebrating a union. Th
e problem, of course, is that once money is introduced into the equation the pri
nciple is dilluted and greed runs rampant.
If I get my soul back from the Devil on that last deal, I'd refinance it for lov
e this time.

However little racists think of the minorities that they don't like, multiply th
at hatred by about 14 catrillion I don't know .... hate molecules and you're sti
ll nowhere near how little that minority could ever possibly give a fuck about t
he people that hate them or their ill formed opinion until the other shoe drops
and the balance of power is revealed. That has to be the fun part. Until the oth
er shoe drops and karma seems that much closer for that nanosecond that you can'
t grasp. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. What's that like three shoes? Bet.
I've never snapped and attacked someone while inebriated on marijuana, however o
n prescription psyche meds I cannot say the same. You've seen the commercials, "
Have you grown man titties from too much dontgiveafuckitall? Call 1-800-555-Cash
". I couldn't join the military during The Falleujah/Iraq conflict in 2005 becau
se of having taken psyche medication as a teenager. My recruiter did, however, t
each me the invaluable lesson that drinking vinegar for a week (1 shot glass in
the AM and another at night with Gallons of water in between) cleanses the kidne
ys allowing you to pass urinalysis.
So if marijuana is made legal or medicinal, ethically, I'd have no qualm about s
moking marijuana while attending AA meetings unless it became a problem.
NA Basic Text page 45
Enforced morality lacks the power that comes to us when we choose to live a spir
itual life.
Mafia - Sicilian/Arab slang for "Acting as protector against the arrogance of th
e powerful"
I remember in grade school we would get a prize if we read so many books per mon
th. I find myself wondering why no one makes similar kinds of incentives on a la
rger scale in adulthood.
You can only control nature to the extent that you're able to delay its inevitab
Slavery in the United States is a strange concept as letting someone considered
subservient build everything under forced labor is a lot like letting a third gr
ader do your geometry homework.
*Think Two to Three Moves Ahead, Each Move Made to Lay Siege to the King*
The weird thing about the the penal system as I've witnessed it is the attitude
toward drug use. Using drugs and illicit substances is its own hell, adding inca
rceration on top of that is unnecessary. As a preventative measure aimed at dete
rence it seems feasible, but it's a waste of effort that could be spent penalizi
ng the negative behaviors that stem from and lead to their use.
Civil War: North v. South
Northern attitude toward black citizens tends to be, "Well, you're here so make
yourself useful", meanwhile in the south it's more of a "Do what you're told or
I'll kill you" type of vibe. Mental images of the United States after having bee
n broken apart or mortgaged by region, as each region retains its heritage flash
behind my eyes.
Being black is a lot like driving a Ferrari with $8 in the gastank and zero coll
ision insurance. You're unable to move very far or very quickly, but you look sp
*Think of What Your Opponents Side of the Board Looks Like As They are Attemptin

g to Lay Siege to the King*

A major part of growing up black in the South is swallowing my pride and learnin
g to speak with caucasians in positions of authority in a manner that neither of
fends nor threatens their sensibilities.
Calling a black person a "nigger" is in many ways similar to watching someone th
at you thought that you could trust throat fuck your fiance.
I came to a conclusion about life, and that is I should base the relationships t
hat I get into on a rating system of whether or not my Dad, god rest his soul, w
ould want to bang the chick. And to what degree.
After meeting said broad, would my father:
(A) Congratulate me on my catch?
(B) Would he want to hit it with me?
(C) Would he bag her and pass her to the homies?
The decision to get involved in long term commitment would be decided with said
scale as a rubric.
I've noticed in the state of Florida the state is attempting to fuck as many peo
ple over and hand out as many long sentences before a good deal of major laws ma
ke it onto the ballots with the knowledge that a good deal of the sentences hand
ed down won't be overturned on appeal.
The problem with racism in society is that the victimizers start to believe that
the people that they are opressing see them as anything other than ignorant, de
lusional fools.
End Times: When the only thing that matters is how well you deal with the inevit
able facts of life. The fundamentals never change.
When you lose a pointless battle no one gives a fuck.
Love is knowing that apologies aren't necessary.
In honor of the Santa Muerte, in 2015 I declared myself a medicated resident of
the sovereign nation of the Gulf of Mexico Republic.
When you let your imagination run wild, the only way to tame it is to accept rea
lity at face value.
Those with nothing to hide aren't concerned with a trail of evidence.
Different Kinds of Women As Described Through Food
- Main - Says it all, the whole kit and kaboodle. Can get boring but you
do not want to go without.
- Side - It's there, you might get to it when you have the chance. Good to
have options.
- Salad - It's good for you but you could always take it or leave it.
- Side Salad - Appetizer - Something to keep you occupied while the main is being

- Desert - Something like a happy ending. Why not? Go for it.
- Soup - Similar to appetizers. It's there, why not?
- Bread Sticks - See above.
- Drinks - Something to help the whole ordeal gestate that much
- Fast Food - You just don't have time, you need the carnal joy from the
taste of processed chemicals and the deliciousness of something
that CAN
'T be what you think it is. It's there, it's fast, it's good.
- To Go - You could head inside and have the full experience of reading
the signs on the wall, the whacky paraphenalia etc. or you could
get your
charred flesh and head home like Fred Flintstone before
the Brontosaurus
Burger tips his whip
- Made to Order - You call your favorite sandwich shop and it's
ed the girl behind the counter will prepare your favorite
morsel with just
enough mustard, not to much jalapeno and the olives in a separate container j
ust like you like it. Why can't
every meal be this way?
- Cold Cuts - A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
- Coffee - A quick jolt to remind you what you were sorting through
before you took a "break" in the first place.
- Pastry - Not necessarily a desert item but close enough, never a bad choice.
There should be such a charge as "petty theft auto".
In my mind, countries should be named after the nearest body of water where most
boundaries are located between neighboring countries on separate continents.
Gender equality is bullshit. It is propogated to keep women subservient. If our
brains are connected to different organs then as separate creatures we're capabl
e of different thoughts, feelings, emotions and methods of understanding from ju
Taco Bell is for the Mom's, Tijuana Flats is for the girlfriends.
The "Right to Die" law made suicide legal in Florida. Yikes.
In the Godfather, when one of the Midwest bosses says, "They're animals
anyway, so let them lose their souls", they were speaking of the (mostly) white
anglo-saxon consumers not the (mostly) black purveyors of narcotics in inner cit
y neighborhoods. What could be more degrading than to waste all of your money on
a substance that your body requires at this point, and what's worse to have to
travel to a part of town that your ancestors used to inhabit from an individual
whose very existence turns your stomach?
It breaks down something like this from what I've been able to piece tog
ether. When a foreigner gives an impoverished American of any color something as
valuable as a processed plant, he also gives that individual/individuals the me
ans by which to protect said crop.
The justic department only bothers to persecute drug dealers because the supplie
rs would prefer to bypass the U.S. Government's wasteful wreckless policies.
Another day at the Socks and Slippers Academy. In jail you can watch a women's t
ennis match or a female softball game for hours without realizing a sporting eve
nt is taking place. It's just an excuse to see girls running, jumping, bouncing,
grunting and yelling emphatically.
The Gulf of Mexico Republic hereby places into effect the "Shouldn't Have Been T
alking Shit" statute.
NA basic text p. 106

"Higher mental and emotional functions such as conscience and the ability to lov
e were sharply affected by our drug abuse. Living skills were reduced to the ani
mal level. Our spirit was broken. The capacity to feel human was lost. This seem
s extreme, but many of us have been through this state.
- Control the Center of the Board The Native Americans and a few other indigenous populations through rece
nt history have been systematically slaughtered by colonists, yet in the Declara
tion of Independence are refered to as "savages". Fuck, at least the Nazi's made
fuel, clothing, soap etc. out of those sentenced to die in concentration camps.
All in all, who's the savage?
I start to wonder about other human atrocities...AIDS/HIV, the crack epi
demic, ebola etc. How short sighted were the creators if in fact these plagues w
ere created by man deliberately? If the intended purpose was to decimate a perce
ntage of the human beings on the planet, at what point did it fail to register t
han we all live on a single planet where the ebb and flow of even the most minor
action (a butterfly fluttering in conjunction with the wind in the trees the wa
y that all things in nature effect eachother) begins a chain reaction of often u
nforeseeable consequences? Did some scientist in a laboratory create a disease w
ith the understanding that the victims would explode or evaporate on contact? If
you ever look at a map, certain parts of Northern Africa are driving distance f
rom Europe, bodies of water are literally the ONLY separation between any contin
ent on the planet. Without getting any more longwinded, the inevitable truth is
that we all share a single planet, one Earth, the same resources and any hatred
based segregation or plan to conquer based on said policies harms each and every
individual alive, sometimes directly, other times indirectly.
The first few patients to have contracted HIV, whether intentionally, th
rough science, on purpose or completely by accident, could not have known that t
hey had it. At this point in history, babies are born with AIDS, born hooked on
drugs, so to what degree would they in fact feel any shame about procreating whe
n LOVE is natural and science has progressed to the point that the impact felt b
y a previous generation's zeitgeist is no longer a concern?
- Jail Shoes - Talk Shit Tell Lies: A Guide to Incarceration Anyone that has been or will soon be incarcerated for any reason should know the
se things:
- Don't Gamble
- Stay Away from Gangs
- Stay Away from Gays
Or the "3 Gs" as they're referred to. However, jail is filled to the brim with m
iddle and high school drop outs, you know, the kid that smoked weed the first ti
me when he was 11 and decided he could be just like his favorite rapper if he st
arted selling dope and robbing, so if you want to have any fun (well, fun is an
exaggeration) or break up any monotony you might end up in a card game where you
owe the house a few packages of Ramen Noodles, or you'll find out that the gays
, though repulsive, might know where to score some decent pills, and knowledge o
f criminal organizations and their members is never really frowned upon as it he
lps you to move freely among different members without dispespecting their chose
n beliefs.
The real rules, the three things that will in fact get you killed with zero hesi
tation and in fact very much contemplation are this:

- No Sexin'
- No Snitchin'
- No Stealing
No Sexin' is simple enough. There are enough gay men in incarceration th
at the age old "Scared Straight" addages don't really apply anymore so you've no
t much to fear in the sexual assault department unless you really piss someone o
ff. Plus, some of these motherfuckers are never getting out, so if you fuck arou
nd with their "punk", then you've basically fucked his wife and he will kill you
for it the same as in society.
No Snitchin' doesn't have to be explained. The hierarchy for such thing
s puts snitches and child molesters at about neck and neck in terms of individua
ls that will never again be treated as human beings behind the wall. No stealing
needs some explanation....3,000 criminals on the same plot of land, naturally,
shit will go missing. But the bottom line is that your locker becomes your life
compartmentalized, pictures of family, friends, loved ones, that great book or j
ournal someone sent from on your birthday, your clothing and any othe
r trinkets mean the world. Not to mention cantene/commisary items are often stor
ed there. To steal from another inmate will usually result in at most an ass who
opin when the victim finds out whodunnit. But in this environment, it's the equi
valent of burglarizing a domecile to cross the line and just take something that
doesn't belong to you. People die over nothing, don't be a statistic.
Do what it takes not to get stabbed, beat up or fucked. (I manage to not
get laid on a daily basis, same principles apply while incarcerated). Oh, and t
he first person to think gets their ass kicked. Try not to remind any serious co
nvicts of the outside world because tension is high and mental escape from one's
surroundings tends to involve over concern for the events of the compound (day
to day drug transactions, which guards might be fucking, who got sent to the box
etc.) All in all, mind your own god damned business the majority of the time, d
on't pay unnecessary attention to anything shady unless you're keeping yourself
safe, and above all else, be alert. Everything draws attention, be extra-cautiou
s of what energy you're broadcasting and be prepared to defend yourself physical
ly if all other reasonable solutions fail.
If you've ever seen "Lockdown", "Jail", "Cops", "Lock Up Abroad" etc., the depic
tion is very accurate, only in reality none of the content is edited for commerc
ials or to make sure it fits in the alloted time frame.
It's like going to an all male high school in a terrible neighborhood. Every hug
e black kid wants to give you a wedgie, kick your books down the stairs and stea
l your lunch money. Every redneck doesn't know shit about anything but drinking,
fighting and fucking. Every hispanic kid is overly friendly and will cut your t
hroat the instant that you cross him.
Thing is, once you have a nickname, everything is all good.
All in all, it's a lesson in not arousing the suspicion of murderers. Hands abov
e the blanket, no sudden movements.
***Opening move determines the course of the entire game***
Age Ain't Nothin' But a Number:
When I was a kid it used to bother me when my
s or the year that I was born. Funny thing is, though
matter any less, I'm 3.5 years older than my younger
that we're twins. She'll always be the female version
e some pain in the ass 19-year-old that she's worried
and wind up in ICU or Central Booking.

father forgot
at 29 and 26,
sister but we
of myself and
sick is going

how old I wa
age couldn't
tell people
I'll aways b
to black out

Truth of the matter is, my Dad had bodies on him and at least .25 ounce
of weed and whatever pain pills floating through his veins on any given day. He
had way more on his mind that I did most of the time, and I, like him, barely kn
ow what day of the week it is a good amount of the time.
He used to sit my sister down and give us humbling truths to digest such
as "Kids, we're poor but we have it better than other people".
At or around the age of 27 it dawned on me that a better explanation would have
been, "Kids, I'm a fuck up and your Mother's family cannot stand me".***********
The ony thing that I'm obligated to do is stay black and die. And you know what?
I might not even do that. Tomorrow I'll be Mexican, I already don't pay taxes.
New Law in the Gulf of Mexico Republic: Felon in Possession of a Firearm is a mi
sdemeanor offense punishable by a fine or up to 6 months in the county jail
Once you lose your mind it's a lot like spilling water on a jigsaw puzzle. Every
thing still goes in the same place, just none of the pieces fit.
I realized that as a 90s kid there are a few pop culture icons for whom there ar
e an infinite amount of scenario references because of the sheer amount of their
products. Namely 2pac songs/albums, Super Mario Bros. or Nintendo in general, a
nd the Simpsons.
The Cold War is finally over, and I think the U.S. lost.
The saddest part of the "War on Drugs" is that it only proves to other nations t
hat our true weakness is the we will destroy our own populace for fabricated rea
sons rather than combat an actual enemy.
I wish that stupidity not only effected the stupid without impacting their victi
ms, but also happened considerably faster so that the rest of us aren't plagued
by ignorance not our own.
The strange thing about rap music is that it's the kind of medium where the song
s are either incredibly ignorant and senseless yet considered "real", or very we
ll thought out and elaborate and considered just as "real" with very little midd
le ground.
I woke up sober in a trailer park once. That was a scary few hours.
Racism should be treated as a mental illness. I'm not a separate creature, you p
sychotic, my complexion is just darker than yours. People capable of acceping th
at they are incorrect about something without it being a damaging blow to their
ego are the kinds of individuals I would hope to call "peers".
Let me get this believe that the distance of the sun in relation
to my ancestor's country of origin however many thousands of years ago has some
bearing on my character?
The Lil Homie in the Trap's Prayer:
Please GOD, do not let the landlady, the police, this stripper's boyfriend, a c
rackhead, jackboy or angry customer show up. Amen.
I believe Adam and Eve had both tasted the forbidden fruit of the Tree of Knowle
dge separately, but when they ate it together that's when things got messed up.
Eve was like, "Fruit eaten secretly is sweet" and Adam responded, "No shit, be q
uiet, God's listening". Point is, I don't think that you're supposed to smoke we

ed with the opposite sex.

When it's kill or be killed, the best solution is to live and let live.
It's not that I think that I'm better than others. Quite the opposite. It's that
the tendency for another to look down upon me isn't justified in any way that m
atters seriously.
Why do cemeteries get such incredible wireless internet signals?


1-3, 1-5, 1-7 Federally state

Shouldn't Have Been Talking Shit State
Fuck You Thought? State
Handle Your Business State
Say Somethin' I Don't Like State
What Had Happened and Then State

The law should only exist to protect the weak from the stupid. The rest of us sh
ould be left the hell alone.
Love is Pain is Knowledge.
Knowledge Applied is Wisdom.
Ignorance is Bliss.
Love is Blind.
Racism is the same as rape, an extortionary tactic used to keep the weakminded f
rom discovering their true potential.
The only thing that hate is good for is letting someone else know what you're af
raid of.
You have to respect words at their basest level in order to take for gra
nted how literally life moves way too quickly to comprehend the basic changes in
nature, to compensate for the mass amount of information that we have to interp
ret temporally. At a certain point in life you've got to accept that hatred reta
rds progress on such a basic level that somewhere down the line you have to take
it all in without regard for one's feelings in order to have a clear glimpse of

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