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Individual Professional Learning Target

Evidence Journal

Kelston Intermediate School.


Success Through Effort .. To Our Potential.




Vision - Moemoe
Designing academically, socially and culturally
empowered students through effective and
pedagogically relevant educational experiences creating
a respectful, responsible and engaged learning

Pepeha O Kerehana
Ko Puketotara te maunga
Ko Waitakere te awa
Kawerau-A-Maki te iwi
Ko Rakataura te tangata
Te Kura Takawaenga O Kerehana toku kura

Term Four Weeks 1-4

Second round of formal in-class observations specific
to Kelston Intermediates KPI's completed and Staff
individual self=evaluations of this criteria submitted.
Areas of good practice and areas for development
discussed with specific consideration given to term
two observations. Appropriate next steps actioned
with the intent of identifying areas of practice where
individual strengths are utilised among the staff.
Areas for development are also identified for future
professional learning targets. This process is then
signed off for the current learning year. End of year
OTJ's completed (Week 5 Term Four) and final
classroom analysis of learning progress analysed.
Learning movement discussed school wide and at
classroom levels. Appropriate follow up actions
identified with consideration given to school targets
and individual teaching areas of excellent
performance and areas for development.

Our Quality Assurance/Appraisal Cycle Procedure

Weeks 5-8

Action Research presentations

scheduled during Practice meetings.
Every teaching staff member to present
Professional Learning Targets based on
action researched conducted throughout the year. Specific reference to the
Social, Cultural and academic aspects of
this research to be incorporated into the

Term One - Weeks

1-4 Performance
Agreement and Individual
Professional Learning
Target set. Social,
Academic and Cultural
Dimensions articulated
and formalised in
Evidence Journals.
Performance Agreement
signed specific to Kelston
Intermediate KPI's and
professional expectations
aligned to Registered
Teachers Criteria
incorporating Kelston

Term One


Term Three
OTJ week school wide week
two term three, data entered
and individual class analysis
completed comparing
learning improvement from
term one, learning priories
reviewed and adjusted to
ensure accelerated learning
continues to occur. Whole
school achievement snapshot
created (Mid-Year data) and
learning progress school wide
analysed. Informal
Walkthroughs and feedback
occur in identified areas and
areas identified by teaching
teams. Evidence Journals
checked and discussed with
specific focus on action
research documentation of
Professional Learning Target

To ensure quality
learning and teaching
practices occur at
Kelston Intermediate
where an
environment of
collegiality and
professional support
is evident creating
exceptional social,
academic and
cultural opportunities

Informal Walkthroughs and

feedback given based on
set criteria specific to
classroom practice and
organisation. Beginning of
the year OTJ's completed
(Week 5 Term one) and
classroom analysis
completed and learning
priorities identified to
ensure accelerated learning
progress. Whole school
achievement snap shot
created (Beginning of the

Term Two - Weeks


Formal In-class
observations specific to
our Kelston Intermediate
Performance Agreement
and KPI's. Observations
discussed between
appraiser and appraisee,
areas of good practice and
areas for development
identified with follow up
actions prioritise. Evidence
Journal checked and
discussed focusing on
evidence gathered
towards Action Research
presentation early in term
four. Necessary follow up

Action Research Expectations:

To enhance an aspect of our professional practice through hands on research and
using pedagogical approaches that improve our ability to provide excellent
learning opportunities and outcomes for our students.


Identify a Professional Learning Target for 2015 in an area where your

practice could be enhanced using evidence gathered from your previous
years Quality Assurance and Appraisal process.
Articulate your target in this evidence journal breaking down the social,
cultural and academic aspects of it detailing the type of learning you will
need to undertake in these areas.
Complete a SWOT analysis on your Target, identifying any barriers you may
face and how you may overcome themplanning for successful outcomes.

The Action Research Process:

You can use any type of Action Research process that you feel comfortable
with. The following expectations however must be included and evidenced in
your process.
An up to date Evidence Journal must be kept which links progress towards
your target.
One professional reading based on your target is completed every term,
evidenced in your journal and referenced in your end of year presentation
Pictures and videos are used as other sources of evidence of working towards
your target.
On-line resources and research is referenced
At least two professional observations/Interviews to be used during this

The Outcome and Presentation:

(Weeks 5-8 Term 4)

A multi-media presentation 15 minutes long which highlights your learning

through-out this process. Has links to your research and clearly demonstrates
the learning you have undertaken, including reflective statements and
thoughts, changes in practice and pedagogical approaches while working
towards your target.

A hand-out or on line resource you have created as a professional learning

document for all staff.

Professional Learning Target

What are the 5 Cultural Constructs aligned with Indigenous Epistemology?
Given that Maori and Pasifika peoples recognise traditional understandings what are the
critical distinctions that define best practise in multi-cultural education in the context of the
National Framework and KIS Kaupapa?
Learning Dimensions: Please clearly state how your professional learning target for the
2015 school year will enhance your cultural, social and academic pedagogical and practicing
knowledge. These outcomes must be measurable and evidenced throughout the year.

will be


Interviews with my peers and students in both our learning community and at
Kelston Intermediate ascertain what the current practices are that
meets the needs of specific ethnic groups.

Explore collaboratively Indigenous Epistemologies which includes Maori and


Observe and record practices in the Cook Islands and interview a cross section


Professional readings Indigenous epistemologies in a national framework

What are the 5 cultural constructs aligned with the 5 key competencies?
How can we develop mutually beneficial partnerships with communities on
behalf of individuals and defined ethnic groups?

Ted talks. Interview Phil and Anne post Indigenous Symposium.


First note what KIS does that explicitly caters for indigenous learners. Maori

Interview our ethnic groups at KIS, students and parents to record their
traditional understandings /values that sit alongside the success of their child.

Visit schools with recommended best practice models and reference these with


SWOT Analysis:

A wealth of research currently exists.

NZ Educational Academics who are both Maori and Pasifika have contributed to this inquiry
Persons associated with research accessible to correspond with, and known to Phil.
This is an extension of my 2015 Action Research.
We have for the first year a Maori and Samoan Bilingual unit.
A staff rich in cultural capital.
Supportive leadership and peers.
Students who are relational, and co-operative.


Not utilising time well, irregular updates at irregular intervals

Not competent with one note and unsure how to format this research.


Potential to gather relevant information in Rarotonga.

Relieving opportunity in Raro to observe and compare cultural pedagogies.
Possibility of case study Eli in a Pasifika context, transition from NZ and
To interview Phil and his mentor Ann after International Indigenous Symposium
To interview our Learning community to identify what traditional values are
inseparable from identity and how we can ensure these are an integral part our
kaupapa moving forward.


Absent term 2
A very busy family and life!

Professional Development Record

A Record of Learning

Record all papers, courses, workshops, informal and formal training

you received.


Developmental Area

Duration and Description

Leadership or Management Development

Essential learning area (Practice and Knowledge of Curriculum)





Professional Development Record

A Record of Learning

Record all papers, courses, workshops, informal and formal training

you deliver.


Developmental Area

Duration and Description

Leadership or Management Development

Essential learning area (Practice and Knowledge of Curriculum)





Professional Development Reporting

A copy of this form is to be submitted to the principal





Description of Development:

Relevance to My Professional Development/ Implications to My Practice

Overall evaluation of this development


(Print Name)



Staff Member:


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