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Peter Hoeher1 and Fredrik Tufvesson2

Information and Coding Theory Lab

University of Kiel, Kaiserstr. 2, D-24143 Kiel, Germany
2 Department of Applied Electronics
Lund University, P.O. Box 118, SE-221 00 Lund, Sweden


For the purpose of various synchronization tasks (including carrier phase, time,
frequency, and frame synchronization), one may add a known pilot sequence,
typically a pseudo-noise sequence, to the unknown data sequence. This approach is known as a spread-spectrum pilot technique or as a superimposed
pilot sequence technique.
In previous work, we applied the superimposed pilot sequence technique for the
purpose of channel estimation (CE) for single-carrier systems. We proposed
and veri ed a truly coherent receiver based on the Viterbi algorithm, which is
optimal in the sense of per-survivor processing. We also suggested a generic
low-cost receiver structure based on reduced-state sequence estimation. Here,
we extend the receiver structure to cope with multi-carrier systems. Among
the distinct advantages compared to conventional pilot-symbol-assisted CE are
(i) a lack of bandwidth expansion and (ii) a signi cantly improved performance
in fast fading environments.


Consider digital data transmission over time-selective (i.e., non-frequency-selective) fading channels. Assuming coherent demodulation, one of the main problems is carrier synchronization, both in terms of acquisition and tracking, particularly when the channel is fast and when a line-of-sight component is absent
[1, 2].
A popular technique to maintain coherent demodulation for a wide class of
digital modulation schemes has been proposed by Moher and Lodge [3, 4], and
is known as pilot-symbol-assisted CE1 . The main idea of pilot-symbol-assisted
CE is to multiplex known pilot symbols (also called training symbols) into an
unknown data stream. The receiver rstly obtains tentative channel estimates
at the positions of the pilot symbols by means of re-modulation, and then
computes nal estimates by means of interpolation. Aghamohammadi and
Cavers were among the rst analyzing and optimizing pilot-symbol-assisted
CE given di erent interpolation lters [5, 6]. Due to the pilot symbols the
bandwidth slightly increases.
In this paper, we explore a related technique proposed by Makrakis and Feher
[7, 8], originally called spread-spectrum pilot technique. This scheme has also
been invented about a dozen years ago, but is less known. The clue is to linearly
add a known pilot sequence to the unknown data sequence, see Section 2.
Makrakis et al. applied the technique to phase synchronization [7, 8]. Later,
the technique has been applied for the purposes of frame synchronization [9] and
joint time and frequency synchronization of OFDM signals [10], respectively.
Within this paper, we assume a synchronous symbol-by-symbol superposition,
where the power of the pilot symbols is typically much less than the power of the
data symbols. By construction, there is no increase in bandwidth. Therefore,
we use the notion of a superimposed pilot sequence technique as suggested in
[9]. As opposed to pilot-symbol-assisted CE, no interpolation is necessary. The
superimposed pilot sequence technique is therefore more bandwidth and power
ecient than pilot-symbol-assisted CE, particularly in fast fading conditions.
Our main contribution in [11] was the derivation of a recursive receiver structure
for the purpose of CE (phase synchronization). Emphasis was on single-carrier
systems. Here, we also treat multi-carrier issues.


A simpli ed block diagram of the transmitter, the channel and the receiver
is shown in Fig. 1. This picture features only a single carrier of an arbitrary
multi-carrier system with orthogonal sub-carriers. In the following, we use
the complex baseband notation and assume perfect time, frequency and frame
synchronization. In the transmitter a known pilot sequence, typically a pseudonoise (PN) sequence, is synchronously added to the unknown data sequence.
1 Channel estimation may be seen as a generalization of carrier synchronization, since estimates of the quadrature components cover the carrier phase as well as reliability information,
often called channel state information.










Figure 1: Equivalent block diagram of a single sub-carrier.

The chips of the known pilot sequence and the i.i.d. data symbols are denoted
as pk 2 CI and uk 2 CI , respectively, where k is the time index. (We assume that
the chip duration is equal to the symbol duration.) Our scheme relies on a low
correlation between the pilot sequence and the data sequence in order to resolve
phase ambiguities. Both sequences are assumed to be M -ary with zero mean:
E [uk ] = E [pk ] = 0. Let the energy of the pilot symbols be E [jpk j2 ] =   Es
and the energy of the data symbols be E [juk j2 ] = (1 ? )  Es , respectively.
Hence, the average energy of the composite symbols is Es , if the sequences are
mutually independent: E [uk  pk ] = 0. The average energy per information bit
is Eb = Es = log2 M .
The normalized power of the pilot symbols, , corresponds to the amount of
known information transmitted, and should be optimized. In pilot-symbolassisted CE systems the related parameter is the spacing of the pilot symbols.
In the remaining,  is assumed to be constant for all k, since our focus is on
tracking. In order to improve the acquisition phase,  may be larger for the
rst symbols within a data frame [10].
Note that in pilot-symbol-assisted CE systems the data and pilot symbols are
orthogonal by means of time-division multiplexing, whereas here the crosscorrelation between the data and pilot symbols typically is non-zero. However, the superimposed pilot sequence is known and therefore the disturbance
can be made small. The negative e ect on the bit error rate (BER) is overcompensated by the lack of interpolation, as we will show in Section 4. The
transmission system may be interpreted as a two-user system, where one user
transmits information unknown to the receiver, and the other user transmits
known information. Correspondingly, the transmission technique is related to
multi-user systems, and the synchronization/detection problem is related to
multi-user detection. Also note the similarities with watermarking schemes.
The matched lter output samples, yk 2 CI , can be written as

= (uk + pk )  fk + nk ;


where fk 2 CI is a multiplicative (time-selective) fading process with E [jfk j2 ] =

1, and nk 2 CI are zero-mean white Gaussian noise samples with one-sided

power spectral density N0 . Oversampling is not treated within this paper, but
could be used to improve the performance in fast fading.
In the transmitter, the major di erence between the spread-spectrum pilot
technique proposed by Makrakis and Feher and the scheme described above
is that in the original proposal the linear addition was done after D/A conversion, whereas we do digital baseband processing. Therefore, we guaranty
symbol-synchronous transmission, which is an important property for our novel
receiver. As a side e ect, the power density spectrum is una ected by the superimposed pilot sequence when using a PN sequence.


Instead of using conventional receivers for superimposed pilot sequences [7, 8]

or pilot-symbol-assisted CE [3, 4, 5, 6], we will now investigate the recursive
receiver based on the Viterbi algorithm proposed in [11], which directly outputs
estimates of the data symbols, see Fig. 1. This receiver is primarily designed
for the superimposed pilot sequence technique, but is also suitable for the
conventional pilot-symbol-assisted CE technique. Di erent channel estimates
are computed for di erent hypothesis by means of the principles of per-survivor
processing [12, 13]. Interference cancellation is done inherently.
The goal is to recursively compute the maximum-likelihood sequence. Since
the noise is assumed to be Gaussian, a suitable metric increment is
k (~uk ; u~k?1 ; : : : ; u~k?L ) = jyk ? (~uk + pk )  f~k j2 ;
where u~k is a hypothesis for the kth data symbol and f~k is a channel estimate,
which depends on the hypotheses u~k?1 ; : : : ; u~k?L . Given these hypotheses, the
channel estimate f~k can be computed by linear prediction [12]:

XL l  k?l (~k?l + k?l)


a y



where L is the predictor order. Substituting (3) into (2), we then obtain the
desired metric increment. If the channel is wide-sense stationary, the optimal
predictor coecients, al , 1  l  L, are the solution of the Wiener-Hopf
equations. Instead of prediction, it is also possible to use ltering or smoothing
to calculate the channel estimates.
The hypotheses u~k?1 ; : : : ; u~k?L belong to the states of a trellis with M L states,
and u~k belongs to the actual branch. The trellis has M branches/state. For
large M and L, the complexity can be signi cantly reduced by applying the
principles of reduced-state sequence estimation and set-partitioning [14, 15].
Since the noise is assumed to be white, the metric increments are additive.
Therefore, the familiar add-compare-select operation can be applied and the
maximum-likelihood path can be found by back-tracing or related operations.
A rule of thumb for the decision delay is D  (L + 1) : : : 4(L + 1). Due to

the maximum-likelihood sequence estimation, the receiver can cope with a lowpower pilot sequence.
Our receiver is suitable to process pilot-symbol-assisted CE too. In contrast
to the conventional pilot-symbol-assisted channel estimator, all matched lter
output samples, i.e. also the data symbols, are used for CE. The proposed
receiver may be extended to accept a priori information and to deliver softoutputs. These properties are necessary for iterative processing, and they are
used for the separable 2-D receiver described in Section 5.



For a single sub-carrier, we have veri ed our receiver given the following setup: We used 2-PSK modulation (M = 2) for the data and pilot symbols (no
staggering, no phase o set), i.e. real-valued symbols. For this particular modulation scheme, the performance could be improved by transmitting the pilot
sequence as the quadrature component. However, here we want to demonstrate
the feasibility of using a common channel instead of two independent channels.
The pilot sequence was a long PN sequence known to the receiver, as opposed
to a short sequence applied in [8]. Data and pilot symbols were generated by
independent pseudo-random generators. We averaged our results over several
thousands of possible pilot sequences. The block length was chosen to be 2000
The channel model was a at Rayleigh fading channel per sub-carrier with
2-D isotropic scattering. The performance was studied for a wide range of
di erent fading rates fDmax Ts , where fD denotes the Doppler frequency, fDmax
the maximum Doppler frequency (?fDmax  fD  fDmax ), and Ts the symbol
In the receiver, the proposed Viterbi receiver with a suciently long decision
delay was applied. The Doppler spectrum and the signal to noise ratio were
assumed to be known in the predictor design. This assumption does not appear to be critical as indicated in related work. The BER was chosen as a
performance criteria. Focus was on the tracking phase, i.e. we did not take the
rst part of the block into account.
In a rst set of Monte Carlo simulations we optimized the normalized power,
, of the superimposed pilot symbols, see Fig. 2. The signal to noise ratio per
information bit was Eb =N0 = 15 dB and the predictor order was chosen to
be L = 6, which corresponds to 2L = 64 states. It appears that the BER is
not sensitive with respect to  over a wide range. The optimum normalized
power is about  = 0:02 : : : 0:05 for all Doppler frequencies of interest: The
power of pilot symbols should only be about 2 % . . . 5 % of the power of the
data symbols. In the following,  = 0:05 is applied. We observed further that
a predictor order of about L = 6 is sucient. Given these optimizations, we
plotted the BER versus Eb =N0 for the scheme under investigation, see Fig. 3.
As a benchmark, the BER performance of 2-PSK on a at Rayleigh fading

channel given perfect channel estimation is plotted as well. For fading rates
up to 10?2 the loss is less than 2 dB, and even for fast fading (fDmax Ts = 0:1)
no error oor is visible in the interesting range. This behavior is in contrast
to conventional pilot-symbol-assisted CE, where we both have a bandwidth
expansion and an error oor in fast fading channels.
Rayleigh fading, Eb/N0=15 dB, L=6

Bit Error Rate



fD max Ts=10
fD max Ts=10
fD max Ts=10











Figure 2: Optimization of the power, , of the superimposed signal.


In multi-carrier systems we can either use single-carrier receivers for each of

the sub-carriers, as discussed above, or we can improve the performance by
exploiting the correlation between the time and frequency domains. The last
aspect could be handled either by using separable receivers or by a truly 2-D
receiver, respectively.
In the case of separable receivers, we may rst apply a bank of parallel, independent 1-D receivers in one of the directions. These receivers have to be
modi ed to deliver reliability information about the transmitted symbols. In
the next stage, we may apply another bank of parallel, independent 1-D receivers in the other direction. These receivers have to be modi ed to accept
a priori information given by the rst processing stage. Note the similarities
with block interleaving and iterative (\turbo") processing; both iterations are
The truly 2-D receiver can be based on the known 2-D Viterbi algorithm [16],
which can be extended to handle per-survivor processing as described above.
In this case, one could optionally use 2-D pilot sequences to further improve
the performance.

Rayleigh fading, =0.05, L=6


Bit Error Rate



fD max Ts=10
fD max Ts=10
fD max Ts=10
perfect CE (no SNRloss)




Eb/N0, dB




Figure 3: Bit error rate versus signal to noise ratio for channel estimation with
superimposed PN pilot sequence and novel receiver.


In this paper, we explored the superimposed pilot sequence technique for the
purpose of channel estimation. Due to the redundancy, truly coherent demodulation is achieved. The main contribution was the derivation of a receiver
based on the Viterbi algorithm, which is suitable both for single-carrier and
multi-carrier systems, and which is optimal in the sense of per-survivor processing.
Compared to pilot-symbol-assisted CE, which is currently state-of-the-art, distinct advantages are as follows:
 No bandwidth expansion
 Better power eciency in fast fading environments
 The technique is more universally applicable. (The same sequence may
be used for time, phase, frequency, and frame synchronization and as a
unique word without additional overhead.)
 Data symbols are equally sensitive against transmission errors.
The robustness against fast fading is particularly important for multi-carrier
systems, since the normalized Doppler frequency is typically higher due to
long symbol durations. Furthermore, the transmission scheme is robust against
channel variations, since no worst-case assumptions have to be made. However,
our Viterbi receiver is, due to per-survivor processing, much more complex than
a single interpolation lter. Therefore, simpli ed structures based on reducedstate sequence estimation were suggested as well. Future work may be devoted
to low-cost receiver structures, optimizations of the pilot sequence, an evaluation of M -ary modulation schemes, receiver structures with oversampling, and
a detailed performance analysis including the acquisition behavior.


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