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Preposies em ingls: in, on, at

Uma preposio liga termos (substantivos, pronomes e expresses) a outras

palavras na frase. As trs preposies em ingls mais comuns: in, on e at.
1 - Quando for falar de tempo, use in para se referir aos perodos maiores e menos
especficos, como uma parte do dia, um ms, uma estao ou um ano.
Veja os exemplos:
I always brush my teeth in the morning. (Eu sempre escovo os dentes de manh.)
My birthday is in June. (Meu aniversrio em junho.)
Its always cold in winter. (Sempre faz frio no inverno.)
My brother was born in 1999. (Meu irmo nasceu em 1999.)
1.2 - Quando for falar de lugares, use in tambm com os maiores, como cidades, lojas,
pases, bairros e partes da casa, como nos exemplos a seguir:
I used to live in Florida. (Eu morava na Flrida.)
Bangkok is in Thailand. (Bancoc fica na Tailndia.)
I am in my room. (Estou no meu quarto.)
Nota: Usamos tambm in quando nos referimos a leituras que esto (ou poderiam estar)
num papel:
I read it in the newspaper (Li no jornal)
The order was in the e-mail (A ordem estava no e-mail)
2 - A palavra on, quando se referir a tempo, fica para dias e datas especficos. Alguns
exemplos disso:
He was born on September 24th. (Ele nasceu em 24 de setembro.)
I go to the gym on Mondays and Wednesdays. (Eu vou academia na segunda e na
Nota: Para falar de lugares, on usado com superfcies, como ruas ou objetos em cima
de outros.
The papers are on the coffee table. (Os papis esto na mesa de centro.)
I left the keys on the counter. (Deixei as chaves no balco.)
Tambm usamos on para informaes em meios eletrnicos e que no poderiam virar
There is an awesome video on YouTube. (H um vdeo incrvel no YouTube.)
You cant believe everything on the internet. (Voc no pode acreditar em tudo na
She is on the phone. (Ela est ao telefone.)
3 No caso do At iremos us-lo para horrios, momentos especficos.

I will see you at 8 pm. (Verei voc s 20h.)

My interview is at 3 pm. (Minha entrevista s 15h.)
Nota: Com lugares, at acompanha locais especficos.
We are meeting at the cafe. (Vamos nos encontrar no caf.)
The football game is at the stadium. (O jogo de futebol no estdio.)
1. I live ___ a house.
2. We will meet ___ 5:00 pm.
3. My birthday is ___ May 5th.
4. The last Olympics were held ___ 2012.
5. I usually study ___ Sundays.
6. My papers were ___ this table, where did they go?
7. They left ___ 9:00 am.
8. We met ___ the park.
9. I like taking a nap ___ the afternoon.
10. It rained a lot ___ the spring.
11. They are going to meet me ___Saturday, ___ a quarter past three.
12. Julia went to Paris ___ September x 2003.
13. __ he morning I usually five classes, __ the afternoons I always do my homework and
___ night I watch movies.
14. He'll be here __ a few minutes.
15. The party will be __ nine, __ the morning __ August 20th.

Crazy English - Preposies de lugar - In At On - Prepositions of place in english
Crazy English - Preposies de tempo - In At On - Prepositions of place in english


1. I live _in__ a house.

2. We will meet _at__ 5:00 pm.
3. My birthday is _on__ May 5th.
4. The last Olympics were held __in_ 2012.
5. I usually study _on__ Sundays.
6. My papers were __on_ this table, where did they go?
7. They left _at__ 9:00 am.
8. We met _at__ the park.
9. I like taking a nap __in_ the afternoon.
10. It rained a lot __in_ the spring.
11. They are going to meet me on Saturday, at a quarter past three.
12. Julia went to Paris in September x 2003.
13. In he morning I usually five classes, in the afternoons I always do my homework and at
night I watch movies.
14. He'll be here in a few minutes.
15. The party will be at nine, in the morning on August 20th.

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