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Version: 3.2.0
Copyright (c) 2015 Zack Lovatt. All rights reserved.
This script is provided "as is," without warranty of any kind, expressed
or implied. In no event shall the author be held liable for any damages
arising in any way from the use of this script.
ESL is a toolbar for easier management and manipulation of shape layers.

Explode - Explode a shape layer to individual layers

Merge - Merge shape layers together to a new layer
Convert - Convert Vector to Shape Layer
Remove Artboards - Removes AI artboard artifact
Select Fills - Select all fills in current layer
* Hold ALT to select all fills w/ same colour
* Hold SHIFT to select all fills in active comp
* Select Strokes - Select all strokes in current layer
* Hold ALT to select all strokes w/ same colour
* Hold SHIFT to select all strokes in active comp
Copy "zl_ExplodeShapeLayers.jsxbin" to your ScriptUI Panels folder, usually here
* PC: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CC\Support Files\Scripts\Scri
ptUI Panels\
* Mac: \Applications\Adobe After Effects CC\Scripts\ScriptUI Panels\
If the ScriptUI Panels folder does not exist, create it.
If you use ft-toolbar2 or a script launcher, you can run the file directly
(instead of docked as a window) and it'll execute immediately, without a UI.
Holding down modifier keys while launching the script alterS functionality.
* Alt/Option:
* Shift:
* Ctrl/Cmd:

Merge selected shapes/layers together (vs explode)

Toggle saved "Use All" option from settings
Open options window

Combine shift+alt to mix merge/explode/useall/selected

----------------------Trial Mode
If you're running the script without a valid license, the following limitations
are imposed:

* Merge:
* Explode:

You can only merge two full layers, or 5 shape groups within one la
You can only explode 5 shapes per run.

* 3.2 - Select fill/stroke behavior changed; only looks at CURRENT LAYER; hold
shift to look at WHOLE COMP; hold alt to select same fill/stroke. Convert respe
cts anchor points & auto-removes artboards. Merged layers inherit parent switche
s. Can hold SHIFT when remove artboard to remove empty groups. Removed count ale
rts. Several bug fixes & improvements.
* 3.1 - Headless integrated into file; Image files are now embedded; Convert l
ayers removes 'Outlines' text, moves new layer above original and now respects '
delete source'; Added 'Select Same' functionality; Can toggle count alerts; Can
toggle appending layer name when exploding; Fixed bug with script failing when e
xploding a position-animated layer.
* 3.0 - Now toolbar mode, with lots of extra functions
* 2.9 - Added 'merge together' functionality; with "use all" off, select speci
fic shape layers and hit 'Merge' to merge them together to a separate shape laye
r; merge now works with animated properties, and will merge layer effects
* 2.8 - Revised UI, options now save to disk
* 2.7 - Improved efficiency all around; some major functionality completely re
written. Progress indicators have been added to easily see progress. Explode now
works with multiple selected layers. Merge now works with parented layers. Fixe
d a major bug with merge resulting in an empty layer, another with shape filters
& effects not being propagated (fill, stroke, trim paths), and some other, mino
r bugs.
* 2.6 - Fixed a bug triggered by shape groups with the same name.
* 2.5 - Can now choose to explode specified shape groups instead of all, explo
ded layers now take name of shape group, merged layer is created above topmost s
elected layer, UI & code revisions & efficiencies
* 2.0 - Added 'Merge' functionality, cleaned up code
* 1.1 - Fixed UI bug.
* 1.0 - Initial Release

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