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HiWeb Marine Cable Consortium

The HiWeb Marine Cable Consortium is formed by major Iranian telecommunications operators and has a
goal of aimed developing an alternative transit route for data and internet traffic. A key consideration is
to build a transit route to Europe that avoids the conventional traffic routes through Sinai n Egypt.

New Regional Subsea Cable Venture Feasibility study

Business issue
Iran presently does not have enough international capacity to serve demand for Internet services. HiWeb
needed to understand the financial and technical feasibility of constructing a cable system from the Persian
Gulf through Iran and the Caspian to Europe.

Salience solution
Salience work reviewed the current market supply and potential business opportunity thus providing a
view of HiWebs competitive position against other subsea cable operators and showed how the cable will
fit into the existing seascape of cables.
Salience developed a series of deliverables for market analysis, impact studies and sub-sea cable
deployments across multiple countries in the region. Salience delivered an overall study of the project, in
order to show all the benefits, as well as the inherent risks, for all stakeholders. This comprised the building
of a detailed business plan and financial models, including market forecast, revenue estimates, OPEX and
CAPEX calculations, and project valuation.

The project provided a view of the market potential from the proposed routes the consortium will be
serving to justify the investment in their cable with specifics on the expected returns and payback

Salience Consulting DMCC, Mazaya Tower AA1 unit 2407, JLT, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

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