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>Explained greatly in video>>99019151

Anything else? Or are we going to go in circles?
Anonymous (ID: lH34w7g8) 11/17/16(Thu)16:58:12 No.99023062?>>99036351
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>>99010126 (OP)
Did you faggots forget 50% of white females voted for Trump?
Did you faggots forget Spanish women voted for Trump??
Fuck you guys, next election I'm voting against Trump this time around.
Anonymous (ID: 8upU/oGy) 11/17/16(Thu)16:58:34 No.99023114?>>99023808
>>99010126 (OP)
White women got trump into the white house
Anonymous (ID: DIHAMOP7) 11/17/16(Thu)16:59:56 No.99023284?>>99023858
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>women are natural nurturers
>cultural zeitgeist says that women must enter the workforce if they wish to be
>more women enter in the workforce
>women are still natural caretakers
>enter into the childcare and education systems en masse to fulfill natural desi
re to nurture
>quickly outnumber men in those fields
>feminize education system by accident
>girls start to perform better in feminized education system
>boys fall behind
>fucking leaf says boys are dumber because he doesn't understand cause and effec
Did I miss anything?
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:00:44 No.99023392?>>99024969
That's a think tank discussion moron. You have no empircal evidence. That video
has no concrete evidence. It only explores the possibilities of the cause. You'r
e the one making tautological arguments. I'm still waiting for a scientific stud
y. Not unproven hypothesis.
Anonymous (ID: VQU+F0B9) 11/17/16(Thu)17:02:42 No.99023674?
Canadian anon is right, girls do perform better than boys, i saw that in my prim
ary school/high school/university. Did you go to school?
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:02:47 No.99023686?
Women have better study habits, but they're less creative, innovative, and intel
lectually curious, and more affected by social pressures.
Anonymous (ID: D9J2bYwn) 11/17/16(Thu)17:03:36 No.99023808?>>99024718

Exactly. They have redeemed themselves for now.
>lefty fucking retards must justify how white women are sexist and racist agains
t themselves
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:03:59 No.99023858?>>99026537
I too can make up half baked theories. Seems like you don't understand causation
and correlation.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:07:49 No.99024339?>>99024896
>Girls have a tendency to be social conformists and blindly obey whoever has pow
er over them
Gee I wonder why our elites are pushing feminism so hard.
Anonymous (ID: ZMS4FQzk) 11/17/16(Thu)17:07:50 No.99024341?>>99025010
>>99010126 (OP)
fuck off with this "hurr durr le women is to stupid to vote hurr durrim not tota
lly saying this because my only GF left me because of BCC propaganda hurr durr"
women can be just as redpilled as men. and men just as bluepilled as 3th wave fe
is it less common for women to be redpilled? yes, of course it is, people functi
on differently. but to exclude all women from voting or having a say in anything
is retarded. treat someone on a personal level instead of seeing them as a hive
mind in a group like the kikes wish to see. strive for certain conditions to vot
ing like high IQ or owning property or whatever if youwant to end leftist men an
d women. for fuck sake i know more redpilled,traditionalist and fascist women th
an i know men who are like that. stop falling for kike propaganda wich is trying
to scare you away from your women.
Anonymous (ID: LgHI58G6) 11/17/16(Thu)17:10:47 No.99024718?
>They have redeemed themselves for now.
Some of them.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:12:01 No.99024896?>>99024972 >>990255
>following classroom rules makes you a conformist.
There is a difference in complying to rules and confirming to an idea. Idiot.
Anonymous (ID: ax4tbuDH) 11/17/16(Thu)17:12:20 No.99024934?>>99026092
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>>99010126 (OP)
I think it should be heads-of-household only get to vote. You can cross check vo
ter verification through the combination of
>mailing address
>tax deduction status
>physical location
So the chance of voter fraud is null. Along with that, families tend to vote in
agreement the vast majority of the time, and all women who either live alone and
provide for themselves are equally entitled to vote. That way it's not a gender
thing, but providers' vote. Let the people who actually pay for shit get a vote
. And yes, it would only give one vote to 8 people that live in a studio apartme

nt in San Fransisco.
Hell, even give the choice of weighted primary, secondary and tertiary votes (co
unting 3, 2, and 1, respectively) so third parties can win through majority seco
ndary votes. And keep the electoral college.
Anyone have thoughts on this?
Anonymous (ID: gHWkPF94) 11/17/16(Thu)17:12:36 No.99024969?>>99025853
I provided a link with multiple sources, you merely provided 1 link that even ac
knowledge multiple reasons for why girls get higher grades. Heck, even in your o
wn very source it states that boys get higher scores on tests, but you merely lo
ok at that article and come to the conclusion that women are smarter. Again, the
video explains it perfectly, you can watch it and think on it, or just put your
hands over your ears and scream.
Anonymous (ID: 4WSngGB8) 11/17/16(Thu)17:12:38 No.99024972?

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