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,A Pub,li,calio" of

t .' .. e -':,'ationI8_ R:~'fllel ,ASSOiC·,slion


- .

The NR-A Galde 'to RI:f,les ,HCl5J1ot1~ns

NRA ,BOO:KS ~ 8:i][ Aski:lls" D,t'recu),rr," T~ :Bryant, ,&i~:fOI"; 'M~,ke :F:~y,. ,h''Qd~il~~ Chief; Am!,e~ GIltZma:ll", A rf D,i,.e;c.~o,r': (lel'a1d B. H award, Jr.,., Copy Editor;" Cover' phiQto 'by RJ~Uld'Y Lamson, C-opy:dgbt ~ 1,'9801 by the :Nat~omd R~f]e ,ASiSoc;~ati(Jn (')(( America

.AU ~]:ght;S, 'f~se;rwd :i:n;~l'U!d i:Qg. 'tbe rilbl to R:produoe Utis

boek or portions tt'he'",e(),'£ ill ~~y f,o~ .•

,Libra,ry ,of Congress .C~;tt!lJO! CaJrd N'um'ber '79-9'';223,-

Published October ] 9~O.

]'SlBN' O .. 9',3S:9~!S~312~·2

'91l.._ NR' ',. A-' IG_,-' ! il .... l-. ~ I] l~ - j'.:_ _' _ '. JIIIE ...

Plstol:s a'nd :Revolvers,

N,RA, IOO':KS _, Bill As:ki,ns,! Difft't,";l'l7 T'~d. lb'-y,aW!!l;t,. ,Ed~:~Qr;' 'Mik~' Fa.y,~ Prioduc.rj.'r~'n Chrej;; Angel GuW~,U~'i Art Dln'C1.,or: 'ut'faJ]d 'IB,. HOlWar.d:~, JIIi"~ Cop, Edit'c,r:' Cever pbat:o 'by 'R;and.y Lamson.

- CQ:py,r~ght,;fi 198:0 by ~h~' N a tlon;a:] R:~ne ASi~oci~tiiO~, of Amer,ica,

Adf ,ragn't:S, rese~dl i,ndud.i~g, t1iil,e :rigrn 'to :re~tflod.uce dli~ book @!r. :p~d~O]lliS thereof in ii3l'DiIJ,y fi@:r,rDTh.

L$ibra'ry o!f ,Congre18s,g Ca.rd N PiliiEl'ber 79--'93,223., :P1!n,~:~]$~,edJ ,Omo:be:r 119;80.,

ISBN' G-'9,3,S9~;~tg{",33=4]

Fo"':-: ·r···e .... -··w· '. ':··'0· r- •··· .

1 ._ • 1 '. ."., I

.• "'~". 'J ... ~ •••••••• t ", ":_"

T· o some people, apparently 1 the: most enduring rem . mbra nee is 'Ul3 t of em ba 11 rass rnent, '_ can clearly recall a misera ble few welelt·s over 40 yea.r1~, ago when, at age 91 I. sl,e:p,~ with a partwaUY-18:SSremlblld ICoh WOlodsma,n under :my p!~.low ..

.. .ear rof being CBUgJlt with the gurt.whic.h properly belonged in the pare n~a] ca binet ~ m U$~ have n u m b ed .my wits or my ri.ngers. for I couldn't get U1.e· rnainspring heusing back into the 'W: ra me. Bu t I don't remem her' the fear, onl y the e.·m ba rrassment 'wb~'n I finally asked :"~)r he] Pi in - as it turned out ._ f oreing the ho us ing home.

A general rule, in firearms assembly ls "don't use 'oree," b .t :~.S this boo k poin U:, out, t here are exeepti ons, If 'n had. ordy bad

" ' .. , .,' - '9:' "3,n, '1" (, . '~ld~ '-h" . ,·.~~...:I ..... A .- .. , -:. ·t·, - ... -. ,1'· I .. J" -. . t~

a copy Ul '_'"7 . woum nave ,aVOh,.I~ an extreme y unp .. ea,san

_. . -

experience. ._ hi s was impossible, of course since the first

edition of N,RA t!l.ust rated Firearms A,s$en~ hly H an db 0 ok; as Volumes I: and II were t.tten called d~dn·t appear fo another 20 years.

I bought them. then .. and my life has been considerably

'h" .. ~ d '~h . hei 'I

• • .r •. [ '." T • - .. - - • -, , •• ' :-,' -, -, •• ,[ • - ", -, - -. - .- [ _. ,,- •• , • I

.~' appeer ever since. . recomm .n.·, tt [em now! In t esr greatt

expanded versiens, wholebear edly to anyone who is lnterested in puns of an u descri ~p~ t] on 0 r era Not onlv win thev

". J .. I [ .10-- . '-~ .~.'. -J' ,."[', Il _' ,._" '... -. _,', •••.•• :,,_ --J.' ',._ ...: '[J-

give a, good understanding of th ~ fttn.ct~o':rn and construction of guns, and make disassembly I reassembly 'O'F' repai r easier, but they contain much historical Information in a. convenient format, IOf great interest to me of course, is the fact that they frequenUy provide knowledge as a substitute for embarrassment.

Pete Dickey

Te .... ,h ri'··lil""~1 'I Eld' ~'lI'ln:ll"

~.'f.r. " ,[Iij W, 'l.r.l~, .. ,' 1~,lb ~J~

A mertcan R',ifletnQrJ'


C// ~ rte ",/:-.,

, .. ·.:0 0 •. '.' e······~n _·S-,'.-,

••• '_' ".' . 11 •

- --

'B'I' ·O·-:::-····O· .. ·,"···'K:·' I

. . .• I ".,' ." .•... , I ,\' , _,

R--'i-f':I-'- - d-'S' '-h-t- ms ,-.',' . ", e:s· '. A,'··O·, , ·_c',.· "0" .. " .. g,,-~.U'I-

•• J. ~ •• . t. . ~ 'oj I

Armalite A:R,-l . .22 Rifle' '. " " '" '.' ., .' " ' ... '.' ' .. ' .' '" .' .. ~ '. ~ 'i "' i' '" .' '. I, .' 1;,0 The: Ballard ,Rinie ..... ,i ~ ., ~ .' , •• , i ••• , '" '.' ' •• , ' •• ' .' " .' ••• ' ' • .; '. ' •• ' ,. .' ,i m i, I: l

Breda t2 .. Gauge M,ark, mJ Shotgun ". '" '" '.' ~ ~ '" '" " '" '. ,. ,i, '" ,i '. ~ .' [.4-

B,Ir1(]iw:n in"g, :B,A, :R, .. ,:}2 'i ;. ,. ~ i' ~ i' ,i i, 'i .. "' i, ,i ;, ; .. ;, " ~ .' " .' .. .' '. ., '. " '. ,i ;, "' II 6

B,n,;wnill,g :BAR H'~gh-P'ow\er Rifle ",.' 'I' '" a. ~ ~ '" ~ '" ~ ,i .. 'i, '" 'i " " ., 1,:8

,B,w(rWD [ng: :8 L-'.22 Rifle.. ;, '" ;, "' .. "' .. ;0 .. .' .. " '. ~ .' " ~ " ~ • .. .' l!l .' " .' i .. "' 2.0.

Brown l'll,g: Caliber i '22 A u romatic 'R ine ~ I " 'I' '" .' '" i, ,i .. i ~ ,i '. " -a. 22 B,nlwni:ll,g: Double Automatic Shotgun. 'i ~ i' '" "' '" .' '. ~ ,", ~ • '. ,'" ,.,2.4 ,8 f()IWn in"g, Superposed Shotgun .' .. .' .. '. '. " .' '" ~ " '" ., '" ,i lO 'i, •• 'i '. " e. 26. 'BSA Ma11hli,-,I'nternalionam M.taJr'k, m:Il Ri:fle .; ;, ., .' '! ~ '.' ~ '! i m ;,28

!e·oIIt: .AR-:I S R.:ifl,e .' '. ,. ' . ., .' '" .' ' ...... ' ... ' ... '. '. " . ,. .' " ~ .... '. '" ... 'i '. ~ .' ,3-0

.FN Sern i-Aut omat ~c R ifl.e' ." ~i, • i, .. i, .. " ,i .. • '" ., • ;, • " • l!l .' ;; .,.i •• .' 12

Fo:x, Miode:~ B Shetgun I' ~ " ., EO '. " • til '.' " '.' ' •• , I' " I, .. ~ " .. ,i ,i 'i' '. " ;. " 1,34-

Franchi A> utomati F' Sho tgun _, , , _ , , , _ _ ~£

.~'!.Ila,;IUIJ._, l_,~. ,~. v., ~ 1 'I.! ·,,11. !no ;!I:.MJ " .••• 1I!!1 I!!I II!!I II!I II!!I I! I!l II!! I!I !l !! !I [! ~I !II II! !II ~ .!i .• ril II!!I.;}U

French Mod,e:~ 1'9,36 :Rifie " .' .. '.' " .' "' '.' "'~ -e ~ I' ~ .". ~ • i"i' ;; i, .. i • " ,,38

German :M odel 4:1 F.l'~ne ;; i' Ii i, ,i i, 'i' ., 'i .. 'i ... ' ,i ;; I ~ i, ... ' ' •• ' '. ,. '. ,i "' i,40 lri . , -,'. '~Al'.,..dai.] 1(1'0/' Ai'O' 'R'., " n AI~'

uerman ~l!'iOU[e_, :700 It! " ,.'. "lI,!IIe .' ' ... '.' ,. ' ... '!' ~ .' ! ~ ..... EO .. " '" 'i .. i '. ~ '.' ~,~

The: Italian CJ,1a;r;"c'.a:f1JJ"!) R i n.e "" ,i' .. i' '" 'i " 'i ~ i, i ;; _i' .; ~ .; ~ •• ;; '. .. '. '. .. '.' 44 IU1,8!cJI. Mod,e~ ,j,' Featherlight Shotgun '. ~ .' ...... ~ ,i .. ,i " ,i' ~ ~ .,,46 :U haea Single Barrel Trap Gun ,i i, ,i' ~ ,i .. ~ ,i .. 'i " • .. '.' '! .' '! .' '. ,. ., i ,4,8, .J., IC', 'Hi\uins, M',odel ,J,:] Rifle, 'I ." •• ' ' •• ' '. " '.". ~ '.' .. 'I' ... '" 'i'" ' .... , .' ,.510 J,R,p,anes;e' A:r],$,a'ka M: odel ~ [90S. 6", 's',mm I "' .. ,I ,. '. i m ".5 2:

J o,:h;ns:on Sem,ru- Au.'h,1 Rifle I' •• .. ',. ,. '.' til '. " '. '. .' '. EO 'I' EO I' EO .' .. i, ,i .. ,. '. ~ .,,54

'L C-'· em"I~~'t. '-D' 0' n'~m~B' '·~'1F"-·'e·-[ S···· 'IkO' 'it"g' U' 'Fli 'C'~,

.:'..:.' •. :_ •• ~l. olll~I[W I ....... uU,~\r.··i"""", I ~W ,r.· ~ : ...... []. ,.':....,. I .[IH~ ~.J!i i!I [!!I II!! !II I!l '!II!' i!!I '!!' '!' !" I!! 'I! ~i '. ,:J.lO

LIEIi.ili; E';'I'li"fi;~Iil!;'ld' 'R'~fll,~ 'Ni'n ] ~A' "':!;'rk '[1'111 ;£'!j.ii'

~~'__l . : I~~,~_' "[~~'h_I._. . .... ,~ _"'~ _,·'.l y.! . J '~l !r~,11 ~ __ '.::. 1-' JJ! !!o '!II! !!! '!!!' ~ ~ '!! !tl !II! ill :I!' ~ 'I' !I iI !Ii I~ ~l [il ,~IO

t-lees.::E,nfi.eld N',o,., 4- R ]'fie '. ~ " .. .. ,i .. ,I, '" ,i '" ,i .. ~ '. ~ i, ~ .' ;;; '.' ;;; .. '. .. .. '. '" .' 60

TiL.II!!i' ·M·· '11 A··· 'Q1l'..fliJii!. Iiit "'Ii

"g~. _:.:. ,_i:..~ '_' ~ _' ~!!!' I!!! !!!- ~ ~l [~ ~I I~ ~ !' [!II !!' '!II! II!!' I!! !!' '!II! ~ ,. ~ !' l!! !!J [! [Ill -! E!! '!II! ~ 'I' !! II- il! Ii Ii. i V,L]

'M···;' . ,~I . -,-. )lA·.·. ····d'l·]- II n,.C,Ci' R-;-" ~'if1' L,;\!I

_', ,i8;y,sen ,~¥.~.O.·I Ie. til "r:.JO' I,· ..... W,' e ~ i' Ii 'iii 'i 'ii' iii 1il 'I fi I' iI! ill 'i iii 'i iii Ii Ii i Ii il rill [!Ii! !Il II' ~

M· ... ;'.- I • ]'"..- h·- [S') -:h·,·,. '- I" 1'-' - •• "R' ;"'n~ - 6":6",

,·_:,_an.n.~u;, er"'c" oe.n~,rtJ,e:r ,~·!.·"e .. '.' .. ' ... " " .' '. ~ ....... ' '" ,,.!I "".i ~ i,>~

M a,user :M: Odfd, 7 '1/8,4 Rift e: lO .' ,I ~ 'I ., ,. ~ '. ~ ," lO ~ 'i i, i m ,i ,. 'i' ,i i, ~ 'i !' ." tiS·

'M' 'M' d I '~8 8' 8' C' '. '.' R "'Til-- '

", I -, -, ,:- -';1' . " -.".:-: -. . 'I, . _' I' - - -. - - [-II .":- ... - '.:. 1" - I '- :1

.c:,·auser .. _. __ ,o,_,e., _,: i..:.-,._O,m.m.lSSlOn, fJoi,e, •• ' '.'.' .'.' '.' '" "'I ' •. '.,' ~ .,70

M:a,user :M,odel ~,8:9 ~ ,Argentine Rifle ~ 'I, ~, ~ i, ~ I, ~ ,i, .. i, ' •••• ~ '. ~ !,7'3·

'M···· I', -,-,,~, -1- M- .. ',.- ... A 'l 'iI'eno 'R""',f'I-, 1'C'

.. ' "a, u:se,r ,:,_, ,Ou e, ii, 'Q':7 iO' r ...... ~.~ .. I,e, i, •• i, .i' '" ,., ~ •• .. ,. ~ i, '" .' i .. i, .. '.' ,. " '. ;, •• '. ~ .' .' J

'T-h' 'S:-·· ct:·· '-h 'M" " , . 7-1-

I . j _. .._. I', '. - ~ • 'I, 'I I' ~ . . '.

, . e ,.~ we, . .l S " ,,'., au ser '. ,. I, ~ " " .. " .. ,I til !I ill ,I ~ .' '. ~ '.' 0; I, i, i .. i, ,i i, ,i '! ~ • .

M ai~:in M (Nj e~~ 3[9 .. A ;. i ;, • .. i, •• i, ,i .. ,i .. ,i .. ,i ~ 'i, ,i ;, ,i i, ., ~ • '" .' .. •• '" ,i ~ " 19

:M ar,Hn M ode;~ gO S1" S:~:HJi~gun ., 'I '.' lO .. '. .. 'I' '" " '" ~ '. ., ,i .. ,i' ii '. '. '. ~ .' 8: ~

M"Ir.~:in M ode~ 3.3(5, '. .. '! .. .' ~ !' ., .' '.' .. .' .. • ~ !' .. .' '! .. '! ~ !, .. '.' '. '.' 'I' •• '. 'i, ii ,,8]

:1891 M osin ... N a,gant. R,h1:e . " '.' ,. ., ,. ., ,. ~ ,. ~ ., " !, '" i, i .' ,i .. '. .; '. .. '. .. I' 8,~, M·Ot]s'ber)l, ,Mode:~, 144,..L8 ,,:22, R]:fl'e' ~ '. ~ .' ' .. ' '.' '" I, .. ,I, lO I, '" '., lO i ~ i' ,87

N,IV,Y ,A,:rms, Mode] 66 ",. ,. '. ~ .' .. ~ .. ., ., .. '. .. i ,i i, ii i, ,i, i, i .. i' '!' ., '" '. ~ •• 8'9

'The 03A3 S!]:liirin.gfie.ld .. 'i, ii '. ,. " I, '" " '" " ~ .! .... ' ... ,i ..... i ,i ~ ,i .. ,i " " ~ ~;H

Pa,rk,e:r D'~Jiuble .. 'Ba[r;e~ Shotgun i," ,. lO ., ,i ., '. ~ I ~ • '" l'lO '" II '" "'!' '! •• '93

:Rem,].ngtcrn, 'M od,e] s' 8, &, '8:] Au,~ olo'ad ~ng RHles i," ,i, .. ,i, '" 'I' .. 91,5

R"eming1:o m, :M ~ 0 S,hot,gul'ml. .. ,i 'i ~ ,i ., .. '., '.' ~ 'I· " 'Ii " " " EO ~ ~ I " '. ro .' '. .' " 9'1'

,R,emingt'ij)'WJj M ad,el 11 's,h-ot"gUD ~.' ~ .' ,i, i, ,i, .. ,i, " '. ~ 'i, ~ i, '" ~ •• EO 'I' " .,.t~'9

Rem:i,ngtl(Hl, Model ].:[-418 Sh,ot\gun., '.' '.' " '.' ~ .' ~ .' ' •. ' ~ .' .. ~ '.' .; ,"' ;; '~02 Rle:m:ing~,o'n M ,ad el 1.:2 :Rifi!e ~ ~ '.' ~ '" .. '.' .i' ~ ,I, .. '.' .. ,i ;; .' ~ i, .i ~ ,~ ~ '.' .. ~ 0"4-

,Rlem:i,n~ion M iode~ 14 .. 'i' " '.' " 'Ii " .. ,.' ~ • .. '.' • .' .. ' m '" .. '" .. ,i .. .' '" i, .i ~ '. 106,

· ·

. ·

R emin,gto'm, Mod el .2 S Rifl,e ~ ~ '. • .' . '.' to ., ,I ., ,i ~ '. ~ 'I ~ 'i, .. ~ .. • '" ,I 1,08

Rem in ~,-' o.n M odel ,30 "" I' !I! I' '" ~ '" ~ ,0 ... ' .. ,I' 'I ., '.' ., ,. .. '. '" .• ' ,i ,i, '. ~.. 110


Remi n.p on M' odel ,J 1 S.tUJ nguD. I' to ~ ,. 0, ,~ .. '.' .. '. to ,I' ~ ~ ~., ~ ~ .... -, 1,2

.-. ~ M' d 'n 3'''j R"n 'I iII.;'!i1

Remington :., o~ ej, _:.:,;) =:·,L~· .. " .. '.' ' ... '.' '" '1' " " ~ .' ... ' It! .. ' ... ,i '.' .. I ii, III "'IIi'

Re·mwngtoD Model 31 Rangemaster ' .. ' '" " 'I " ,I· lO ~, .. " to ., to " "' .. '~ 'I: 6

R,e'lni.ngt ern Model 40 X' 'T's r,l.f't Rin,e' ~ ., .. 'i , I' ~ I' '" ., ,i ~ '. OJ ~ ,I, ., 'm 1. 8

Remington M odel ;5:8 Shotgu:n i," ,i, cO .. 'i .. '.' " I lO i, '! ~ 1I '., ., ' •• ' I: 20

Remingto n·.~ y1 cn~ 66 Rifle . .' ~ .' '. ~ '. '" 'I " I ~. I, i...' ~ ,i ~ '. I' '" .• I 2:2,

R e min gton N'y.~o n 716 RIfle: .' ' .. ' '1 II .•. ~ ,i, '. .' '. .. I ,. I .. ,i ;; '.' .. I' ,. ,I .' 'i! - 24

R1emington M:odel l4 ~ Gamemsster '" ,I to i, i, ~ .' .. ~ II " ,I' m '. " .~ 2!6

Remingt,o R M od e~l j, 10 R,iHe ." '. " 'I " ,i' .. .' •• " 'I .' ' •. " i, • ~ .. I ,., i 1,2,8

'R ,. ''l,J' d 1- ,iE: '111 AlA R"O 11]- O'

~ .... ··mlw'nglon JfVJ.O i • e'. ~ 1_:' ;'~ :. :]i"[ 'ie tIi iti Ii] r! Iii Ii! ~l II' iI! II !Ii 'il ~ ~I ~ • III iii til +. ~l !II ~ ;.':: . .'

R,e'.m'~n.,gto11l :Mode'] 52] T RUle. '. _ 'I ~ ,I, ~ i, cO " ,1' ;; "' " "" .. , ~ '.' "' ~ " • 132

R'.·m:iifal,.On. ',:,: 'odie ,S'OX., .. '. "'1 . ,i ~ <!' '" " r ... ,I' " .' ~ .' .... " " ,', ~ '" " ~ :11)4·

.R.emingtoln M: odel S,SOA RUle '. " ~ 'I " '1, " ,,. .. "' '! " "' ~ ,i ~ '.' .. I' ~ ~ + .~ 36 Remin gto,n :M odel S.52, Rifle' "' ·1· " ·Ii ~ ~ cO· j '. " '.' " I' .. 'i, '" i, '.' " 'I, ... ~ '~3 8

R,e.m ~n.,gt.o n. :M odel :5'12 !O •• ' " OJ ••• i, ,! i, .' .. 'I' ... ~ 1I " ' ... ~ .. 'I " ,I, ,i i, 'i.~ 'i>~. 40

R,cming1on M:od,~] ,580 RiO,e '.'".' lO 1I,~';o '.'" '"'' '1'" I, ~ m • ~".. "' .. '142

Remington M odel 5:'9:f. A, .~92. R:iflles, .' ;; .' ... ~ ,I i, ,i m '.' ~ " '" 'i' " ~ 44

RemhlgtoD Models. 600' & 660 i, .. "' " " ... lO ,i .. '. ~ '. " ·11 ~. i, ,"' " '.' lIi ~ _ 46,

Remiegten Model '00 :R,ifl. ., Ii ~ ", " '.' " I' .. " ~ i, ~ ~ ' .. cO· , '.' .. '.' " " ~.48

Remington '7:2,'~ ... ,72,2 ,I.·' ine i, ,i + " .. '.' ,. '1' iI' 'i, ,i, " ,i " '.' " ,I, .. .. .. OJ '" " iii '.'" 3, ~

R.emin~,on M'DdeW '1'40-14,2 .. R:iD·e .' co' " '.' " ,i, ~ ,I, •• ' .. "' ~ " ,i, " '. '11 iI " IS,], ReminitO'" .M odel 7160 Gamemaster R:ine: ~ 'I " ,.' " ~ " '" to '.' ~ 'I I.S;:;

.Re·m:run.gton Model 7,8,8 RiCh: ,i ~ '. " '.' " ,I, '" ' .. '" ~ + " '. OJ '" " '.' .. "' '1' ... ~ ,S:?

Remin,gt,o:n, M,odel ,8:70 S:hot.gun '" .. ' '" '" ,"' .".' " I' " ,. " .. ~ " " 'Il .. '. ~ I. S9 iR ~ -".- 'M' - ..... ..:1 .. 'ml '@"C'Sh"'1,;£1

.. . _mIn. on ,' .. 'Uu,e.,:11 10 . 01 . _ i_' II] .. ~ " 'I' " ,I, ~ .' ", 'I' .. Ii ii, ," ., • '. ii, ~ '.' .~ 'to II,

R.emington Mlod,eJ, l'WOO ;0 ,i + '"' '" .• ' " I' ~ ·i, ~ ~ '.' ~ .' '" ,.' lO i, ;; ~ ." .. " ~ .. ~ 163

,Rlcmin.,II·o:n M'odle. '~88S at :18'99' ,Lee M,.ga:d:ne: ftrufle .... , .. ,",l,6,8 IRemi,ngt on R oUim.1 810 ct. . " ~ ;. .' ~ .. 'I' .. " .. ,I, '.' i, .. ,~ to ,~, ,i ,~ 'i .. 'I' '. ~ .' ~. 710 'I[) A.ill 'M C '1Il..: 72

,~,U'iSe.iI1" ,.~, ".' ,a,gnu m. I.,' "M U:~:I!l.f '" 'I' " '1' iI' ~ ~ "' '.' "' '.' '" II, Ii ,., ;; ,- '" Il 1-' '

Ruge',f :Mrun:i."'~14 Carbiue;; '. "'.'" ~ .. i, <i " ~"'. Ii '., .. ., .. "' ~ .. " ~ , ;0 "' lI;o :~14 R,·u .. ger M' ode] '; 0/22 'Car'b.joe 'I .. 'I " '1' " i' '" .' " ~ ,.. '1' HI Ii iI ;; '.' '" '.' ;;, .. '" 1,16

:Sakiol Cen,~e'f ... :F:tre .B·o]~ Ac!ion ,. ~ cO .. ,~, '" .' " Ii Ii, i, ~ .' 'I, Il I, ' ~ 'i, •• ' J 18

:S,afV'I.,g,e 'Mod,e.·.~ 6 R~fle .' " ~ .. " .. " .. i' .. - '" '.' II· .. '.' + .' " 'I' " ~ '. " ' •• ' " I! 80

S,I'vage: M' odel .24 Com lbi na,t ru OIn Gun ".".~ ,i " 'i " '.' " ,i, OJ ,~ .. , .' ] 82

Savage' M·,od.e];s 2:9A A 29B RUle'S" ,I .. ,i ~ ~ '. " ·1 .. ,i, + .' !O .' .. , .. ,I ~,8~4·

Sa '1lii,ge-S. evens M od,el 94C .. '.' to ., Ii ,i, '. ," '1' " I' .. ... .. ~, .' II ;0 '. ~ • '. '. ~ 8:6

Sarva.:ge :M:ode'l 99 Rine .. ,,·~·i "' ,i ., '.' " ., .. I, " ~ '. " • " I' .. 'j' " .' '. " .' • Il .188;

S,lvage M ,ode] ~ I: 0' :R iDe i,;; .' '.' .... Ii ,i, '" _ ~ ~ " '" , to i, .. • " .' .• .. '" ~ OJ .' -901

Sa v,age M 0. d,e] ~ 9' ~ 9 N' R A R,me ~ ;;, " ,"' II I.' ~ .' ~, ~ 'I' ~ ,I, " i, "' I' ~ ., '.' ~ ~ 9'.2 Si:moiDoi\, l.62,mm ,Ca:r'bh1e ~ ~ 'I' I' '.' .. '. j " ~ ~ " .. " + ~ ;; ' ... ,I, ,i i' ,I iI i :r 9'4 S,pringfieJd: 'M o.,d,e~ 186~. R:in,ed M w.s,k,et .. t .. .' "' '11 HI' ~ '.' ~ 'I' • ~ '. ~1'96, S.prin\gfie'.~d M:odtl 1.8:1.31 'i,45 .. 70 Rine ~ i '. " ,I " ~, .. ,~ " ,~ ~ il ... " " 1'9'8

Sw~ss; :M:,odel ~ :1819 R i:ne ~ Ii " ~ ~ .. ~ fl· ~ i '" "' "' Ii "' ." HI, ,", ;0' " 'I' .. '.' ~ ,",200·'e·v Models 31 &t 40 ." ' "' ~ "' ~ ,;; 'I' '" ,~ iI ,," '""~ '.' .. 'I' e '.' + .' •• ' ,,202

U. S'i K.rag ""' '1' II m ,i "' ,i .. '.' Ii '1' ,. OJ 'i + .. "' .' "' ,., '" '.' ~ '. 'I!' "iI' ,i...' .. ·111... II ,'" ,204



Wlnche ster M 10 d.e'~ 6 ~ 'RiO,e' '. '. ~ i' i, '. ~ 'I, ~ IJ " ~ '. ~ .' ~ • ~ .' '. • ., 'i, II 2:216

'W'i nchester M odel 16'2,A :Rifle 'I, II I' '" '.' '. .' • ~ i, " i " " " " ,I to ,I co ~ ~ '. 2:28

'Wlnicbes'ter' M,od,el,63 R~:n~, i, i, ~ ~ " ,II ;0, ;0, .' " '.' '. '.' '.' .' ' •• ' e. ~ ~ ~ ,. 23,0

-W'~':'L·'I"liIIIi""Le~,'~'.i!!"'Ii" M,I,··I'o,.JI,e,] ~nA~, 'DIJ=n· e': ,., ,., .. ,i .. i, Iii i, ,i ;0; 'i ill " ill '. " '.' ' '. i, ~ i' :2:32

.. ,_,~,1Il!i.r,1l$ .~!~!lir.Jl " .. g~. yr"·,,. ,1£\., 1 1 __ ._ _ _ _ _ _

Wb:l'(:heg;~,~r M: ad el 7'0 Riflt ~ ~ ,i' ~ ,i ;0; iIJ ,I' ~ '. ~ .' .. '. ~ '.' .. ~ .. .' ,. .' ~ .' 234,

W:~:tu.i'h,est:er' 'M:odel, 1] :Rifle ~ ~ .' ~ ,"i illi, ~ 'i, '" I,,, ., " .' ~ '"' " '.' i, i i,2],6

W'hlche ster :M odel '7'5 Target 'R rune' ~ .' co .' ,i ~ 'i' ~ ,i, ~ 'i, ;0; ~ '" ,~ '. .' '. 23,8

W'inclies,'ter 'M ,0 del 71' R:~n e 'I '. ~ '. ;, .' ~ ~ ,. ~ ,i' " ,i' " I, " 'I " .' '. ~ ~ ~ ,. 240 Wi-nehes:ter 'M odel 88 R ruf],e '.' 'I' " • " .' '. ~ '.' .. '.' .. i, ,i i, ,i i, ,i ill .' iIJ ! ~ • 2,42-

W:in,ch.esl~er M,od,el 94 Carbine ~ ;, '. ~ ,., ~ 'i' "' " '.' ., ,I ill '. ~. " "lO • ,. ".2,4~,

,-- ., ,.-, - 1 - 111\0 R"fl:- 246

W Inehester ,M, ode ~ u .. 1 .I "~ ·,1e iii '. ill 'I' ill .' ~ .' '. .. • .. ,i, ,i ,I " '. " " a. .. '. ,. ~',,'

'W:~:IlJ~h)ester M,odlel ] :200 Shotgun ,'~ '" ~ I' ~ .' " .' '" .' '. .' " ~ 'i, ~ i ~ .248 'W inchester :M odel 18'7'3 ;; ,i, Ii ,', ,i ~ I ~ • ~ .' '" ~ '. .. '. ~ ,', ~ " ,i i, " ~ '. .. " 25-0 Winche'rner 'M iode~ 188'6 R:~rh~~' '. '. .' ,i, ~ " .. '~ ,i ~ ,i to 'I' "' " " , '. i, ,i .. 'i 2:52

- -... ., ~ 'I on'" R~il 2,1:'4

Wi.nches,t~r M,ode~ ~ o~~ ~-IJ:ue: '., •. ~ ,. ~ " ' ... '.' .. '.' ... ' .. '. '. ;, , .. '.' " .,~j .

W'l· nebesrer M··j ,~d' II~] m Oc,fl1 Shlo~ ~-u n .. ,i ,i i, ,i i, ,i .. ,I' .. ,i .. .' " ,,~ .. i, ii .2516

_ ,~_< ~a ~ . I ! 1 ~. _ ~ _ C 7' - - ,b

'WbTjlcbes;~,ier M.'odiel '~9'(l~ Rifle ~",' ill ,I " ,I, lO .' '.' ~ '. .. '. .. 'i, .. • ~ to .' " 2; sa WincbeS~jef' M, odel ~ 90'1 '., ,i .. '. to 'I' 'I .' '" .' '. ~ .' .. i, .. ar ,i " " .. • " I' '. ~ ,,2.60' 'Whl,C:best)et' S:in,IJe' Shot :R:ifi.e Ii ~ , .. 'I' Il 'I' " .' ' •• ' ' •• ' ' ... " co 0' 'i i, .' 'i .,262. W'~nche,steF' M 'od,~~ :5 5 :s hH)'~ 'R'" ~ . ., '. .! "'."' .' '. "' ~ Ii' "' 2:64

'B"0"":' O"-"'K' Ie, I'

,'~ '.' ..• ~" ". .

A'ml- - !!j;'-"-..:il T1.11'ii,".'IL.;i:i;' c· p. ;i:iil-:- -;Cio -'II:..-·V' 2,~,'~

I _ ,1Il, e'nl rl:il.I]U ,. lE ~ l~lr.lJIr ... 1r . 1~,.plp~rll;JiO,~ .. III Iii. Ii! Ii. fillil i'. iii •• Ii! ~l ii II !Ill .l'lIli! 1Ii.!i!!i • '''.'.!iII!'iI. Ii! li! !i"11 !it !Ii ~'lUIl

Astra 3<5'" Revel ver " .. ' ,,,' ~" i""" ,'.,;, ,,,' ' s s '",", ;,,' ~ ,."", • '. + .,,' '. "" ' •• ,',".' ,,,' '. , .• ' •• ,. ' .... ,' ' •• '. '. ~2 6 8,

A .- - 'C'''-' - t - iIi..] '0"- '~ "'''''10'

' __ :Slr:a, I,.. on:!iii' ,a, I!:} _.e r l:$lO,a, ,.". ,." .". ' •• '. '.,'.'. ~ .. , ... ,. ~. ,. , ... , •. , .. ", ... , ... , . .,. , . ., .. , .... ,",. , .• , ~ i .'.

A-t M"- -'d ]- . .!It'IIln· - d" '6' 0':"'0" P',' -,iI'~' 2-'1'2

~ ,:r:a, . ',:' "0' ,~. 5 '!ifV!U a 1[1.', " ..... c. " [Sit (jI:ll:S: •• ,. ",.' .... ,. ,. , •••• ,.,. , •• , ... ". , •• , ." ... ~. ,"". '. ",: .. ,:".' ,~",

''D. ', .. ' ·'t't· - M····' .. 'dl'l 9:"1 'P·'·'· 11',' .-] '117 '/'1

.£Je,r,e ~ J3 1::f]O·1 [e. 1 .: U ~ IS,~'D, • 'il 'i'i~li'il!i'I'i'i[il.' i lill'i' i til !I. !Ii 'ii'illll'~'ii~'~'E'r. ii' il;l". ,p.1ii'~ '~~'i!H~T.~"E'Il1!' ~,,~ ~",! '!!i 'taL [',' ~

'Beretta '950B J,etnre Pls:~o] i,' .. ,.,,·,,·,·,,·,·,· .. • .",',. "" •• "' •• ,.", •••• ,.,,, ••• , ••• .,. n. ·/1.7 6, e· -.- .. ,.",. p~:. -'m,,,,·· -p ... ~. - '1' 'M-i 'd'-' ]. In"j~..;II "2' 'j"Q

JO,e:r'ena , . OC,!l!iu,let. ' lst.a, , .... o~ e, :ii",.;l!"'t " ....... , .... ,' .i,.,.h, .. ·.,.' •• '.' •• ,', ... ,,"',.,',., l 0'

Betrgm,all'[l S pe,cial :M: odel 'p'ocket Phi'to~ ' .. ' ,,,. +.'. ' .. '." , .. ' .. ' .".".' ,,, .. ,. '. ,,28 0 'ID! f ", 4,,~"1" 'M··...:I·J ,,:n p' .'": t-'~ ,282,

Jj]i1e,in",n,B liu e,w, J ",.,. '0 IU,~ ,uv ,]:5 o,~, ,. "' •• ,,,.,. ,.". , •• ,.,." •• , • .,.,." ...... ., •• , .... '. "' •• "'.'. ~" ••

B ", C' -] 2- S A- 'p-". - '-[ 2"8" 4-

1-- '," .,. :,~ . I - . ,. " '- .. ' .1, _. ~ . I I .. .- . ,_ I' .' 'j ',' . _ . , :(

I rownrunlg·, - a,. -I '. I: " rlJ.~ltJO _ 15tol .m!il.riJ!lI.'n!i'Jii'.riJ~'.'IIl'II •• !il Ii'. III I! • III !I '.'i'J!ili'il!i-1i 1i'i'ii'ii~~1i'E . I .. '.-,

B,.' ... :" ,~ ;;!l,'Ctn.A ·,t" 'iP···' ~,.1 2!8,6

rOWlnJn,g , • .JOY M,U, ·.0 " ~SI~OJ '''n '" , ,~~",,,,,,,.,,,,,,,.,,;o'l!"'~''''''''"+'''.''''''.'''''' ,~.~~.,'. '-'

'8' ·'ro·"~~iIfIi~na -3,,'Q,ji'\Au'iI!'llf'ii,m· r.Ji·t~,;f' p. ,oC',;ft '!'",,'Q: 2A"Cl

. _', ,,_. n W,I, ~ _ IOtU ~" !Lyl " Jill "I~~ . ,:_.Iai-~ DC "".IIl"'I., .. IIl •• IIIOI •• ~ .111111 •• 111 •• 1 ••••• I.,.IiI •• ~~' _·o

B "'-:.'ii,'ii!t-::-·'~-:- g C'M" .'. -,A~,r ":"t n,· ~,t, .... ~1 2:'90

fQ "~~i'_nJ n, __: "_. f:'IU,g wIS."" ,r,~ OJ 1L,'u'Ji • ",.' ••• , •• ~. ,. , ••• , •• ,. , •• '. '. ' •• , •••• '. " .•• " ..... '. , •••• ~. ' ..... ; "' .. '

B, ,"'.]- non '2··..' ,g.,,,

,row rtl ng ,'~'. y 'tl~'!i"ii'iillil i~ ~ ii i ti cr.'i i'ltJCiI"i'il.1i"ii'ii1t' i"i ~ ii 'ii tJ 1Il'Eii~~'!!'~~"~'!i ,!I !i!"!' '!-!!i'! ,tl'!-~~'!! ~'!lE!!'~.!'''''!';;''' .". -!l0l,. .' L

"8 '. M..:I ~I ] ILIHO""'" S ,...I'. II:... 'p'. 'I !"), Illj,', .! -: .. ' rownJ,ng . 1.·.·.:: ',10 U e:~ ':, I,,~ :. t I:~ weulS w~i . :-)]$1.0, I HI." Yl ... HJ.,. , .. 01,. Iii 01, '" I" !ll •• [11.1. rill.'. lil~' .,i I;~Q'

:Ilrowning' M ,odeJ ],1922 P'i ,;, ~.".,. '. ~. '. ~. 'n',' .". '. ~ ~,. ~.,. '. ~.,,;, .". ~ .". '"', n .'.,,' , .• ,2, 961

B . M d '1 '"11f.II3,ji· '8' 'I. P 298

FawnIng ,_·.··__:,o.::_:e'j. ~,'j,-.',.J , ',l.'-,~;owe.r ,~"".~.,." .. ".".~.".~"., .... ,.""." ... "" .. ~ .. , .. ,.". c,,-

:Bru;wnIng M,od~l 11936,,~ .. ,.~., .. ,"., .. ,., .... ,,, .. ,."".rn.,.,.".,.", •• , ••• ,i ••••• ,." •• "i .,.~_3 00 :B'w()'wning, N'omad Semj .. "Au.tomaHc' :P:i~;~o].""i 'co •• ".'.," .,.~.".~, i,.+~3 02 ··C·' , '1- f' ., i!i;t A"" .- , .. ,;II',. p.,.. , ... , ... ]- "') ti'il14''';''

[.' : 0 lit i~l;,) ··I··~,1,oma!I4i!C _' ~S~,OI' i'i!~!I]i'Ii.'!i i'iJ!i'i'i'J!ii'~'Ii'I'!!!'i!'~~l!!!'l!fP1i'!!!!I'!I !!!'!!!,i"I!!'Ii'~'!!!"!''!''! !!i I!, 01 • '!I '!,. , .. I!lmlIV ,.l

C '[ A' '. 32' & 380 'p 'k p~ 'I ");'0"'6'

[ ~."J , .' .- :., ~ ~ .. .'! '-.' I .-: 1 ' _~ ,[.'-, I .. ' - .,_' ••• - .- '.' I· (I' . J. '

o ~ .' __:ulo,,l,c. '.C~ , .. '.- ' .. L oc:,et " ]S~O,' .,., .. ,."' .,.~ .. ., .. ,.~ ,.'._-

'Colt. .,4,,5 ,A:rultoma;t ~c P ]st 01 ., .. ~.,. , .. , ... , .. ~ .. ",., .. " .. , ... ' .. , .... "",.,. , .. ,. , ' .. , i' .".]. 0.8

C,- ... -.1,', '"""',~ ,4",~, 'C-, -, ,- - .~': --- iU-"~ ,- 312,

'. Q,llt .rlir,,-,!. , •.. r; '.'- onve,ws~on ',~ n~,t, !iJ~".~ii i'il~I.'iJ!iJ!I .'Il!i'i'IIl'i'Jii"i!i'ii'i'ii~'iii~~J1ii'E'!-1I"E'~!I,~,II-

C ,~, 'D 'L.'m A· R 11 '314:

o~t : :··!o"u~~e ·"····,c,tlon _·.:·eVIOI .. ve:rl,~;a;iI'!,OI'iI .. ,Io;'!!,,. .... ,,. ",10;011. !!! 011. I" ,1o;"'1.111"',.,lllll. illil •• 1 ••• llj!il.".-: "

r - ~I D' - --'L,] A-' ~ • - . N·'---- A' ,'- -- iIi!'. N' -'---t NC'~ 0- 316-'

~Owt aU~:.Ie '" :c,tu:U1. I ew_~ :rm,Y« '. e'", , ..•. :a,v~1' ",. u.'. ,." ." .. 'i '.;, .". -' _- •. ' •.

- D W N - 319

Cio'~t I':' er~'noe:r .... 101'" 3 .,.,.i,.,.,.',i ".,.'., .. ,.,",.,",i'.""'i~"i"".,.~. i ',.,' .... "., •• ,." •• "." , .. ' ,:,

cion Fnlnt'~'r :S c(n~t R.'evolver, ,. ~,,' ~. '. '. _ ",".','. ~". ~ .. _ ,. ' .. , _ , .. ,. , . .,.,." .. , 3 2,0

C'(ll~t Gold, Cup N'atiotual Ma,tJch 'Matk 11:1 ., .. , .. , ... , ... ,., .. ,.,.,.,."., ,:3 2,2


C!ol't ".- ateh _. arget 'W'oofi,s'ma:n .,.~ ... ~ a.e- ", ,.,.,,,, """"',',i ..• ~.,.~~ ... ~~. 3,.24

COj~'t 'Offi,ciaJ PQ~1'ce: Revolve ~~ .. ~~.~ .... ~ ~ , ... ,.~ .. ~~. ''f'' ~ •.•.• " •.• ,..". 126

.• -:,",.'_" ,.: -~'. "~I-. - ~-.- ~ . 328

C'D,~t ,Pia R evol ver.. . .. ' .. ' a- , .•. , 'i·.·· i"i •.. ,., ,0. i ,;, ... ,. ",. '" ,,, •• ", '"., •••••• ".... .

rCcdt . lS, Pocket A utomat ie ,." ~.,. n ,.,., .. ~ ,.. . " •.•• u , •• ". ~., ".330

CoU Silmglle. Acticn ,A'rmy R,ev,o]:ve:W' .• ~ •.• ~ ,.;,.",~, ., , , •. , .. ,.'f 'f 331

Colt :M:odel ID 8,S11 ~:I'avy ReV"o]v,e,' ~""'~'~'f' "'~'n.'.u-.·.~.H'·.UOM',i, 33,4

CI It M- . 1 1I18.c; ,C' iii:' ide ..... ,~, m- me III" R' evol ver 3. 3:6

: . ·0. \~, . :"" Que._. Jj, .,';;,.) .:;j,l_. '!>,d w~. ~: _ i '!...~ :' ',,",'~'. · .. l'r ' .. ,.t, " ". " ~ ,. " , .• ' '. .. ..

Crossman Series 1.30 PiSl,OIW uw.,~ ~ ,.~ T U"'h"h ,."".~.,.33 8

C:roS,STn,an Series ,~510 Pi5:tIOI],.~, .• ,., ~',.~.'i"'.' ••• , ••••• ''f' 'W"''''f'' 'f •.•.• , .•.• " •. 34 0

C S'" '1 .• • .£ D 1 3'li2 I_ rossman I :',l:n,I'. e A,ctlon, g Rev',o' ..... om"'U .". U .", .. i, i "',. • ~.,. ",,,.,;, •. : .'. ' "

C=Z-:- 'la. .... d "1 21"'J1' p" f' . ~I 344

: .' / I w'1. 0 ... 1 CI I / - I . -.' ~SI~rOIW • 1Il.1. i! iI'!i 'Ii! it! ill. Nl il .11 •• 1. 1.1@l ~,I!!': "!i'1! ~"·im •• 1.111.111111 ;r;j'F.~'i'~iiilii. i.I.1 1I1!II!!l !.II!! ~ ~,_. .

CZ M'odel !lO Pistol ~"i'."'H'''''"'''''' 'U' .... '.u , ... ,.'"" .... Ui,.~. " •• " ..... UiHi iu ",3146

D,an W'iesson ,Model W'~ ~ 2 Revolver .~., .. ,,~, .. ~',.~.'i'.~"'.~~,., ~;,i, • .,348

Deringer P'ocket :, 'istol.; H.~"'.~".'.~'.i'."'i'."'.,.".,.~~.~ 'i.,i" ,~., ~5 0

D'reyse: Modem ~ 901 PiS,MOL,._ '., . ".'''u.'n .... '.'.'i'.''i ~~ , • .,.. nih '. 35.2

E:nfi.eld Revclver No, 2 M,k ... land 'Mk. ,~ 'U.·i~'" ••• 'U'·U"'" 354

E r:ma ,.,' "'2; p!,ol"".;, i' ' .,~ ~" ~ • i ,.;,. '".'., ,., ~ ~ ,.~ .. i, ,.,. ~ , •• ~ ~ 'H' ,i ' " " ' ••. ,3,.516

Libera tor Gun 4'·0':)'"

~ IW ...: _ ~ . III .. :'. I~ . ~ !! ~ iii • III III • III .. II) ~ '!l '!!, ~ 'Ii so e II III ........ "Ii ~. !II! 'II!' ii"i - iii i II .1 II .. [II .. !II! <Ii '!II !II! Ii'~ Ii i·1i III .... [II .... III 'tl i' . ~ iii i ,iI '. I

TL . 'l" ," 'po .~. ,. , ~I ,/:. O· . 4·

_ ~,.e Ul11" I JiS to !II ,Ii ,i·ii~!i ••• I.III~I! i!i~!ii'illl!llilll!ll •• ~! •• ~!II'iil iilhiii·.rilIIJ •••• '.I!iill.~,,¥Hoii'imi'.I •••• 1!!I~~1!11!~ ~ . ...:,..

4·.2 Sm :ml Liliput A.u.u,oma tic .. ~ ... nu ... , ••.•• "" • , •••• " i • '. ~ " •• " • H' H •• "'. " •• ' .. 4· 0 7

Th M· 'k- P" . ~' 4' 0"8"

. ' " ", • '" _,'-',. • .•• - I'· •

11 ,e • ': axarov II'- ~Sl 01 !!;. !'lI"1ii '. !I' Ell I!! !l'1 ••• 1 I! ! ~ !o'! +.11' se Ii .111 •• JlIII!! Ii'. !I"! 'i!:Ii' i e ... III .1.,1111; .I'~ <Ii i·i 'i!il.111 - '-,', .

M - 'l- . - '·S·- .. -p.' , -. ,:tf,. 't '-P":' ·t· ., .. .' 4" 110"

auser I' 1"_'iC ,', OClI\,f! 'I I j ~IS~O'_:+~"i'." •• III •• '.~'!III!of. lirii , •• [IJ.l.[II"!!!.'_!!!'oIiil!iili[i!p..I.[.I~.I'.I!'f!!Il ' __ .';

Ma,use:r Military Pish)t'"~' .~.,.u.".;,",'''" n ... "'~""";" .... "'''Uhh. u .. " .... ,.~ •. 4l2

M· ". '-,-'-':," iP' ~l .. t p:.j,.,,- ..... ] '5'CIiI-'lt'Ii ,,; 1- 4

... ' au,se,r IOCIi..e. _ ,],S10. ,I, '7 IjJl , .... ,.~~.~, "" •• "' .... ,.~ •.• ~ ....... " ..... ~, ,~~,,,",.I~. -'

:M.,'f WT,P Old ,Mod,el.. ... hU ..... "' ~ ••. iU •• m.",," 'n"';"'i"'" n .. '~'''''. 416

N III... -T- "'-. 1)11 'P'I<' - '. I 41 7'

[I m IIJIlU I y~p e !I.. "w:sto, iii. 'iiIil.I. 15 !!I. '!I;~'Ii!io!! irih.'.III~ .lmllha,,110iii !i'i! - - i. [II ••. I!! !I, 'il'ii!i!!II'. 'II II' •• [I! . ,I _.

O · 'f k" Pi ~I 419

IlfH!g:llres !. ,IOC ret ..__.!l lS.t01Jlj IIll 1!!1!1!!~~'i!!'r.1II .11II.1.'."!Ii!!~fi:i irr.~·irilili •• [II ilJ. ,! !I' !!I 'I! 'I! til'iI ri' ••• tll. !!I1fl""II.!!!ill !IH3 .. ' ',.

P - i~" L R- , - Ai 'P],'I,!C: 4' 2- 1

IJ ICI~lSWI! I f: .. :, igo:m " ~ ,~iii1I!1'iriiillil.!ll •• 000!f!!!!.~!t:t"il~l. i[fl •• 1.1! •• t!l!lo!l,!!,i!Ii' •• 1111!J!!IF'! ~'!!!+!i'II'l~SI •• rtl •• Iii !!,! --;1 :.'

'iO' --."' ,. - 'N' -M'" -'d 'I .A'AI A'" . -R""- -, '[ .. , 423 r,'I..em~nlt.on " ew ", o::.e" ,.~ .. _,·.levo. vcr '.m" ........ , •• ,.~.·., • .,,,. ,,'

R· D L.l 0 + 4 2' ,~ ._ 'IOU I~. Ie I.' errrw'nl:er ~..... .i , ".'. '. H ' .• ;, .. i ~" . )

R.. .' .-- .. t· ., X-::-' ,- p" ]1 00- I p' I· Ii· ·1 4 2· 7:

~e'miruillll_.on ":.," r'- ]1, ,,-.1., •• ,'. WSI~IO I j •• liII 111.11. "!I 'i!i:ili[ •• l.,~,!l!! ~[I!."iI'[i!il.[.IIl.I~fI!! !I'~~'.'liil.'.r-..I.[!I~!!!'!3 .' "

R,e.~m~~:nst,on "(fW M:odel P,ocklet R1evolver . , .. ~ ... ,.~.,., ...... ~.,.~ .. " ,4·,2 9

R' ,- ,i - .'-'. '.- p" .. 'L, . p"'. '. ]- 1.,..1' 'd"-l- C 1- 431

lemlngm:ron, :OCAet, Ish) ,M.O· ,·:c· ,;,.!II .•.• !Ii",. ,i ••• , ••. ,., ~ •• ~ •• ,,, ... , ••.•. , ~, '-

'R'tl.,ler : ,22 A'u'£IOlm,ati,lc' . .,., u" ~,." , .',. ;,.,. , ' " •.• , ' m' ~.,." i"h •• "" .. 4 3 3:

RUIifi',- ,B,.- -.- .. ' ,t 435

' oer u'earca '1i1.l!l!II.l!!!·~lI·'I!'ii'i:t.I[II"!II.l.I.~!I!!'.!II~·ii~i·'i .111.1111111 •• 'f il.liI •• [I;!"'II!!'!!!Il!ii"iiil •• EtI IIJ. III •• III t!l ! ,I! ".!'II - :.

R -8] kh 'k- 3S" R ] 4'-'-'

~, -=-, _. I 1 Ii ...... '.' .a, .-' ,", . ,- ,- ['. "J I '. ,- -·.'1 :-::-'j ",-. "'-1- .. ' -."1--:.

_ .ll.,li,er .. B.C·.,. __ ,aw.,· .. _'. _. ". evo ver ,.,.",.,., .. , , .. ,., .. , .. , .. ,., ~ .. , .. '" ~ .. 37

-R'" . -. .'!I. H' I. . ke "S" '~I ,eo i..,,~, 439

, .. '. u\g;tr s, ,;;-; I,a, w.eye :" ,] "gllie ,i."l',IIIiIiO!I~ , .. iii ,' ~ ~ , ' ., ••• , a . , ~ ~ a ' ,. '. "'.

RU.,g;e![' Securi t,Y' Six Re:'V'lo',~\'1e F' , .. , ' ".' •• " ,,,. '.,'. , ' •• , .,,0., ,. , •• , •• , •• ,. , •• ,. ,. ,~,~, :~

R· I' '.' " 'J' S·' ,., ]1 ·s·,·· ',' R' ,"1 '~i: . 4·4,3 .' L.rn,1 _le _ ._ .lX, ,_~ .... ...: e,v D'~Vle,r ~!!'!!'!I ~,,!! .•. !!II !!!".,,~ ,!I!! • l. '! .• l!i III •• ~ I!!I. I!!IIII .1 .• III •• lll.l. I. !III ••• !III !II I! til !'I I! •.

Sauer 1& Sohn Mlod"eJ. 3:8 Pistol, .32 A,CP .,.~ ... , .... +'''i''+''''"''''''''''~'''' 4,4·!) Sauer M (~de'~ 191]0 Pistol, +.. '." ."i" .... ,i ~. ' •••• ". '. +. .". ,. a .• '. +. ,,,,,~ a .. ,.,.,' '. ~ ,., ' s w a " .... , .,~.,. 44'1 Savase 'M"': '0' d;IIa.1 '~IIii:ii'mln Pocket Pistol 449

· Q ~'-·cti... _.':' ",", ,~'7 ~ U' .... ""'_.:"'" c ,:JI.'~ .. _.'. ,~.,.,.~.,., .. ,.,.~.,.".~ ••• ,.,., ••• ,"'" •.• , •• ,., .... 4"' 51'"

S '-M-' d 't I 0']' p'.' ]

-_ .. _- . --- '1, '(._,.' ,

avage I' ';, 10·:·· Ie. ' . .:. .. 1 , . '. ]5. to, j '!I. I. II .l. l •• l. !!I III •• II ••• 1i!.1. III !Ill •• I •• ' i 'iii 1iI'i' i~' lIi"i!i~' i 'ti il ii"i 'Ii~' ~"Ii +,~, - . '-=-

'S 19:'" N',e'tlhalu:s;e'n Pistol ." .. ", .", ~ i ... ~ , .• """ 3".,", ." •. "" '. ~, ,.,,,.,. ' •• ' .". ' •• ,." •.• , ••• , ... 0,. '. u, ..... 4·,5 3

S . h .!P.. 'W' 3,c' C ~"oii. P ~I "55

,'ml~,I'~ Oc., ".,",' essen ., . .)I,--a.w. A.uto '" lst'O.w ....• , •• ~ •• , .. , .. ,', .. ", .• ' •• ' •• ~., .... , :'- :.

C'~~'!·h-'D;", 'W::-"': ,-,-'-'-.- Ie' ,_·t, nnial :R'· .. ,., .. .'~.,. ,-' lIC:::,1'" .::l1.m.l, 'ii., .,!LX. '." essen .•. e Il,lI;,en fua., ,': eV(h Vt[ ." +.'. ' •• ' ." •. ,.'. ~ •.• '."',, ..... '. ~.' .... ' .',J,'

S:·.,.,,~ h-l ~ '-w··: ,~, .' .... 1:'" 459

. r:t:llt. ~. ,."" e·ss,o',n .w:;;,scort .• ".",,,,,, ... ,,,.,.,,.,, ... ,.,,,~,.,,,,.,,., ... , •• "." .. ,~.~~.,.".,., .. ,." .... , ... , . '-'

:S· . - '··-:h·,..:t",· 'W' ",' ,"'. '. 'v'JQ 'H(' '-,'-,: - :,. "h-c,' 'M'" 'I' . -, --:-" ", . , 4,61

: "ml~.11. "', '" ~s,s,o'n ~_IQ ,~ .. ea,vywe,l.g, tt, , asterpiece ".' ,' " '.

S· . c ,'. L ,~I., "W'" ' ... - - . -. 'M' "'1",. -, '-,,-, . -- d '0" 'I'· , 'R" . ·-t· . , 4'~'3"':

m ltn ~,_ It}s,so-n '_" .bl ita-ry ,anI '~. ,~O .lIce ,' leva veil' . '. , .• '.,..', '.,. .... ~ - ~': . ,I

Sml th & 'Wess,on 'M: edel ,),19.". ",.". ~ ." .... , .". ~ ,". '. s .• " aa ' s e e -e ... ". ' •• .e-s ~ ., .• "., •.• " ••• 4,6.5

S· .. -,iI., Jii: .. 'W' .... 'i .. Ai'· .AI't . .iIi] ,A:lii:_ '0:' ·t -'~ J: &:.1·' ~' m ttn ~: . ,eSS'Q:rr!J ~¥.II!. Qy~,. ~ l-t'U Ir] $ ,o~ , .... ' .... ,. , .. t , ••• , •• , ••• ' •• "' •• ,. ,,, •• ~.,. ,.'r.tU .e-

S m :It'''',IIilI~ W'·';f>It!'!il.'iI"ii.'Ffi' Ji;·A1'o-··d,;61 5~'2-:; Pistol ,~, Ie q

~.' I ,I. niJIJ I~ . _ '" !1i!r~~fU~llll !i}WiIL .,': .' fJW. ") '-. ~~:~,1y oii'. 'il riI'~'. il ~ i 'Il 'i' iil. +'1i' ii"i ~,,~,!" ~,~,,!: ,ti~,:; ~ '!i~,!!! ,!' a. 01 '!!~ D ;;

Sm ~t'h-I .. ~ W'··:',j!iI'~~O·"ii1

l III l I 1"'- . 'fr~",r .. ~,~,

N· ,. -- '0':' .~. ~ rn - ,- :s··'·· ,iIi."- ':1:' " '-H', '-, ,-,. " .~:·I ·R·· .. ,.. 1II!.r." '-I u .. 14,11 _ i;,W .A;,, lure ~\allJ.el~y .. "a m.merlles s ,'. e '1'"0 ,,,ler.,,., .... ,.~,, ."

'i!:" - ~',','~~ .. 'W" ' .. :. . .... NC'~' _. b . 1- ~ ., 1, , ,4 7' "l

rJ mJ t u 1& .~ - .. e:SS,OIru. , um,! •. er, ,lS,eV(hve:!F .. '. ,,,. ' , ,. ' , .,' .. ,. , ,. , .. , .. ' - . ...)

'So .... B"IM: I B I[!' M' P~'" ~i . 41'5

,:' .. ':' ~a.r ',,', ;;' . .- '. I:.! ~I' I,~-' .....:.· .. l5'0 WSI~1 i"ii 'il +'1I"E'~ ~,,!!!! l!!i~' 3 'i!!:;!!' !!!"!!i ti E!!'!! 011 t!!!! I. ,!' Ii!". ,. '!lll!!'. Oil III • ,II.,. !I ~., .110 OII.i. r •• ,. I. III ii' - :- ~:~.;_

S" iIi'" I 'lA" ~I'n nls.·.···~ p'O',~ I~I ,417

· '. i~ar ~·Y.lI ou,e,~ ~'" LSI~,C ~,!!!,,!! ~ !!!"!!! ,!!! ~ !!"!i! l!i !!!"!!I'~ 1i!1!!!,!!! ~!!, !II!, Ii!'. ,. lIol.,. I!!II!!I,.II. [!I.I. (. lli. , •• 1 •• !.!lI. I. !II !'I' •• II' !I"1l 'Il 1'1'

Stir M od.ld :F Cat .,2.2. 'Pistol], '. m •• '".,. ,. '" ."." •• '. ""i,.·' i"'" '. i" ~ ,". '. ~ ."i ' •• ' ..... ,". , •• ,4 "19 C"~- H'Di"'AC' -p~ - 'I''' I 4': '8:" II

,.i:) I~lar C'· I . I .I!li!' • .J.I1 I 'l'S ~IOI, Iii. '. riI.,. 11I1Ii1. ,.IiI ••• 'I.III. '. Ii! 1'1'. ~ riI i"ii~' 1'1'. +.!i' i"r; oil~' i 'iIi~' i"E 'ill'l';; -Ii ~ ~,,!!! ~!!!'!5 oJ! '!lll!!'!! I~ '!"!! I" '!l' .•. ...:. '_

S,tleyr' Mod,el '~9 ~ 2, Pis;to~ ,i, ••.• , ..... " ... ~, .. ~.,'~ •.• ,.~.,'~ .. "., ... ".,'.,., ..... ,".,.,., •• ,.~.,.,.~4,83 'S··t 'M'" d 't e IP" n to'," if' 'po ," 't -1 .IA;15

.. :.: '~:Ieyr .. '. '.1. 0 l__,e,· .;1],1 :' .. ["'r·I01c, •. e1i. ~···W~· '10· '!l1l!!,t!lIlI.II.l!!IlI!!l.l •• l.l.l.lll. ilttI.l ••• 1 •• !II •• 1i!il'i'ii[i!1iIi"il~l1i'Eti ~.~~

T'L.· TI-·'~l.--, .. - 'pl':':"' .. ,- •. ]. 481

,II-J,e 0 ~Ja~[le'v rustOI I .I.!i Ii! i 'i Pi! Ii!'i I. lil i".!iI !i!'i'i! 1iI !i"i !Ii !ii' ii!j!i!!iI'!i!I'!!! t!!iI' !!!"!!! !I! !!I' I!!'~ ii' i!!'!!! '!i !i"!! '!i!!!' !!!"!!! ~ •• [~~ 1I!!,,1ij 1I1 •• l!I 11.:.'.

'U-', , .: 1'1 ' ~A':·~,·,t··· _ ... ,' '·'1' ·d·' 'p.'."" .ll,· .·c· 'p,. _,to . ~I ,~,,8'9

'.".' n~q,ue l:¥:~l~~ ..:.a,ry a,D .. : I O~[c:e. .I.S"Ow '1i~!!"!!!I~!!!I!!!,~~~, • .I~,!I'!!'.''!iIl!!,,.I •• l.,.I •• , •• [11.1 !! l!l.'. III ... _ I

'U'S- M······(- 'd!I'~1 ·lO,,A·2··. ·p:·,-·,'··-c'~'I'lt'.,-·'!;ii" p'"., .. ,!.'!"t,,....,l· 491

.' ." .. '.' ,_: .. _.'01 _:_ ew, _ '101'+. . _ e 1r()Ii,L~ S.lV'III.L _ '. ~'iJ! ,,v, ·m.,. ,. m ." •••• ,. , •• , •• ,i ~'. ,. ~ ."i';' .".,;;,;, •• " ~"" '. ",.:. _

4. 93 ,!!'a ~t,h~[' M O~.le'~ ~"~? .,65 m~ ~,.',. ~.~ i'm m" '. m 0 '. m •• ,."' .".,;, ~ "';' .... ' •• .;, .". '. ~ ,,,',,. H" ~ , .... ~. '. '~ q 5

Wa,~t.ber Mod,el '~i~ 9m:m ,Pls,t!O'~ .. ~~,.~."., ••.• ,.+" ..... ,,,.,",.~ •.• , .... ,,., ••.• ,.,,~., •• ,.,.' ,,~:._, 'W' ~ 'I,.;, M d 'I 8- 491

........ ' .. 'a'lllJtll;~eIl I.' .') 0"., Jle,~ :. :i3fl5l"it!~lil'i~~ih'i~~iii"E~5H5lE!!!'!!'I3~'!!!"!!'!iI!!".I.!!!'!I.'!!!'!'~!!! .11l.1.IIl.l.l!!IlIl •• ri:JIII.'.lIi:iil.[i!!i!.'i!i!i"i.'-:'· .~.~.

- 4-9'

r .

[ .1- 1',1. . ... '., - E.. :j - '~J '~,~_ .. '-r':'Ii ..... !- .; gi .. ··

WaJtber Oym~:nc R,a.rn:,u.[I, .. F.I,re Punol".'.';'~.".';'~~';"""~"'';''''''~''''i~'''''''''''' ,:. :,.

Wa,~:l:her' p ... ,3,g'i". ' ... , .. i ,i .".,'" " ..... '" '",. ,."., "';''' ." .... ". ~ .. ".,~ ..... ' .... ".", ~""" " ...... ," .... ". ' .... , .... ,. ,. ~ .. '. ' .. ,. 5 01

'W' :I 'h M 'd' nl 'pH 22' C 't 'p-.' ~ 503

,' .. a,:i,'t,!.,er ., .. 01,. le:~ .':',f,' ,..~. 1::_" ~a~ :' rust,O:' . , 'i".'. , ', Ii,. .".',. •. ,,,U .". ~ ,. ,. '_c'.' ~,

.-.,-- '. .- -M' . . .- -" ,-, - 15" 0" 5

. . -.., ". -- .. . i ... . .. , , '

Weble'y , "[ 1,8rt: I V Rev!o~¥e~f'i!!p. jjo i ~!i' i <i !il'.';i!!to 1i'!! I!!! '!l !i"!1 ~!!I' I!!'[!! 'fl'!!"!1 '!i '!j !!,I!"II!!"II!! 1!!I1!i II!!l. I~ III.'. 1 •• 1. liI!i iii.' .

W· "-b'~i ,. 'M""" '. ~IO,. , 'IP':' 1" _ .. 'P)' -,'. :em SO?

e ": '.IIe,Y _,'. : ... et.r(Ji[I;Nl'~t [,a,n, .ce,· '0 ru,oe:, 1,S,t'ijll. ,. "' •• ,." •• '" •• ' •• "n ••• '. '.". '. m," '.". ,,,..,,' . : ' ..

w' h'" . - _.. 2-"'2~' A"'-'- .. -_.- . - ~ - '-p. 'I~ -.]- 50.01

· ... :.'.lln.ey ,. ~J__ ." ·.uto~ma,~,u; ... ]$1,0. , ... " .... ,'. ,. 0"., •• '" i,' ,."' i,' '. ,". '.,' , .. , ,.". ' ...... 0'' •.• " ..... ,.. ..' '~. :::7




., .








'T' 'HE, A R .,1' Explorer rlAe; "oN as lntro-

dill ced -I: iI\'Ii 1 D £"n, 'lku A'rm"""II'· te 111" - ,,..

_ _c, " -':: ~ - U Iu l . ]!'U!U !IJ! j .. .. ~,_ ~~.h" iii .II!,,n. .... ,.,

Costa Mesa, Calif.. Chambered fO'IL'" the .2'2 ] nr.:ug: ri He cartridge, regul a r 'or h i,~h veloclty, this blowback -operated ~ sem i·~ automatic rifle 'bars: an alumiaum alloy receive r and a pla srle buttstoek ~n which the barrel and action ca n be stowed when not in use

0,[ composlte steel ,~.nd al um billl m cons truction -, the [,6/" barrel is secured 10 th~~ receiver by ,a knurled nut made h) be tightened or loosened w:ilfh the: ffi.og;e ["50. Cart ri dges are fed f rom a detach able ]b ox . m agazi ne h,o:ld i Ilg g rou nd s,

W ith butt c ap ~,[1 place on th .. e s tcck the .AR·,j" rifle 'wiU f~o~,t in water In both stowed and assembled corn cl.i t ion. n wei,g~$ 2. lbs, 14 02S, and irs assembled length ~is 3.'5'~ I,~ •

The A,R = l ri He ]8; also a. vaU able w:~'th so] i.d wal nut stock,

1. Frol1rt s'~ght 2" Frnn t sight

~olll pl liD 3 8~arrel

4., llata rrel nut 5., Boilt

6., FIring' 'P'iJ~ r:pl ~ ,pil'ln

']'., Extractor 8., :Ext rector .s.p.ri'ng:

g., Ch,~.rrg i f:ll,g' handle

1.0,., IExtra'ctor roll pin

:ll_ 1. F· . a,

_-Inng ;p~n

1..2. 80 It act io n

sp ri rigs (:2] ] 3,. So It sprl ng _, ,gWid~ _ [4\~ ReelS! 11iI'8 r 15 .. Saf,ety

1. 6\0 S~rfet,Y be il! I detent

,] i" Rea r s i'gh'~' screw

1.8. .~,eaif sJght 19; S'1!i'fe1ty s ~U! P

dng _

,20,. M'agaz,ine :21... Trigger

2~2.. 'Tf'~gg,e r' spri ng su pport pl n :23.. M agai.i'ne ..


,2,4,. M:~~a:z i ne latch s,p'rl~ng~ 25.,,ctn r _

2'6., Ha on me rand

ttrugg,er ,~Hlri'n~:-

'2,,]., Hammer - -

,28. Hia.mme!r piv'ot

2'9. ~',~~e:ive:r slde


,30. R:ece~\re:r side p I,ate s .. c:liiew ,31. Stoc:k

3,2., Stock 'b3 ke·, down SClr-ew 33\., .s;~ock ta k~·' 'c'own SCII'!.W nut

3,4,. Nlut rOil I pin as. StocJ~ rbU!U cap





, '.

1-· Th_ AR= 1 ,i:g .•.• asy to assemble and liaJ'ke: down. Reimov,e steck butt eap (.3 j') iEJd willbJd:ra:w barrel, Iiece.w,er assambhrj and m,aIH~m,e.. Ins rt rear' (If receiver rW4) .~,o its c.ofwespo.H!cfn,g slots. .lrn front at ,stock (:3l I ). T1J:r~, stuock 't8!k:~dow:n:tl screw (32 l' II.. base ,o.,f pEstol S,r-ip u ntll j t tn rea~:s into . eeelver and, locks the 1: ~iCJ!gether.

2 ,Aft,er s tock aJnd. receiver have been . assernbted, barrel earn be ~:nstaW:!ed,. 'When j Q,i:nirJJ,g bar .'1 (:3 ) to ,rece~ver , be snre key {In. 'b a rre [ iillli1e~ lL~p 'with s~ot: 'in reeei ver, '.hen :pusib them to&et her and thread barrel nut (4) over- reeelver unlw] it is haJrJd. tight.

3 ''Ine e:h,argimg harJid~e (9) must, be pushed crosswise ,j nto boh 'whem, reeel ver i stowed ,L stock, The cha rgi.n,g lumdle can lon~y be removed when barrel i. out. Insert a ,f.l,n.a.e:f' or dowel into :fron:~, 10 receiver, Push, -'baH (5) back slig'hd:y U f!li I.·g:i:ng: 11.[1 ntm~ ] i nes up eX:lcUy - wi,~ h circular C'!JJ10Ul in receiver, and lhen purn~ cr:uug;ing' h.anclle :CUlt.

4- To, :remO"\I',e: belt, f:i rst eoek gltD,irnl. aJnd - remove ,cnal!lr,!fllilg' bll1~ne·., Insert :i fi nger into ~ce.ive:r ,and press hOII~" back sUg,hfly '[,0 free Hj then, ease: It 'out t'hr.'(nl,gh froID t ,of recetver, "W'hen : ,pla.(f ID; bolt, be sure :p[asili,c n)d:s om 'bo,lt s,pdng gu ;:00 (:W 3 ) slide ,I nlsi,de bolt actlon spri Ilgs (12,); then push ha] [ ~n an ' replace. cocki ng handle,

5 T,OI expose 'the mechanism i rSE un .. I~~_':, eoek gun: 'then remove receiver side

plate ,S'I'e,:'W (3,0) and receiver side. pla~ie ('29). Be:f'olre ,removill,g: Intemal parts, unhoek ~1:J.:m mer and ~ r,ig~er ,$,p:rh'llg: (:2 6) , When ,re'piacif:l\g parts, ,;:ns,taU hammer (2-') and hammer and trigger :Sjlring· them trigger (2 W ) ~ Hold inside leg of s,;g· up, as shown. and push trigg,e'r se ring' support pin I{ 22) h ilU W3J Ul.fOUg:h tr.i"gg~:r., Re l~,e ase inside leg of SpfinS: and lift. outer leg over t r~gge r :spr,hil,g' support pln.

161 'To adjus,'l rear s,ignc', Icu:)se'li1 rear sight screw (1.1') and move rea r ,S ig~,'t, (1. S') up .c;. r dow.n.


A· !':~an to R·~em, ember

'~ ,IV I~.. . .. _. '.' . _

A S.fJ,ltJ,;er iI,tJ;d a latritJt

01 a g,UtlftJ~a'i/Ht ,fa In il.Y

B,orn~N O'r.t-hd,mprt-on, 1\4488.,,, MCZ)' 20, 1706'

Died P!e·e,i(s.'iiU", N',. Y"~ F,eb,. 19~


S E:~t"H1' 'POJJI EM!l' 'was born. in to :I _ £~'m.n:y f:~mo1ils forr Us glJ~m.a1ll::le,[S, fot[ over 2.00 years, from 1,1610' 'to ro, 8 ,0 ~ little ws known of' Pom"ero~f s you~h except t'~~t, be gl'Cf~y u:pl'~n :N ofrll ampton and 'lea med the black-

!C"ml~''''L~'i'':il!g _ ,"..;:I gunsm ,;,t':JI1I':n,Di' trades

riI. :. L~Jj 1,II.Jj.W: [l.~.~.U, I ~'.' 1 .!l~ 1 __ !I, Im~. ~-~ ~bl __ &Im· ~

from h is fatl~H:fr and g,ra,nd father there, married en Dec, I -4 ~ 1 j 3 :Z~, and became fhe f~.H~er. of 91 c'h:F d ren.

In 17,43 he became ,an. e:n;s.,rugn. o:f ~h,e to C~] '~11 ~litia1 and his d D$'[ in .. ~,l]~s.hed. m-niHta.ry career was begun. In. 174 i be '~IS, prom obecd to Cal P'" 'm,in:; and in. ~ '745".' :aJS a major ,in the 4,tllil M:ZlSS~C~lUSC:tts; Rc~:inilC'nt. pa[~ t:iic"i'p81t.ed in th.'G' siege of- 'Lo1);tIsboU'~g where he.;t~nguis:Jcd h~rnse:f by unsp ik ing the enemy ca n non 3,nd turning them on the citadel a- I n

I '~5'; Pomeroy was Iieutenant colonel o:f.· t'het:ro0F!s raised, in western l\~[ISS~C'J-l usetts ,\,'h icb bore the brunt o,f the fi,gll.'~:ng' with the French and lild:iarns a.t Lake Ceorg~. When the colonel was ].dned Pomcmv sueceeded to C01ll[]UID d. an d eaptu red the French commander.

During the vears of' peace foUQ\~ing the' 'F~nc'l and t'ndian War, Pomeroy 'tprn,eticed. his gun'rna.kIng trade hi}. '··0 rthampton and p~ayed an :im,pormnf role in loeal gov,ern", ment, ,As lIiv.a:f \ivruth.f,n.,g1and beeam e ioo'mine:ni'i' however, "he entered ae,,eiy i" to the movemen t for '~iberty. ~ He a ttended tbe' Ii 1St in, d seco nd provinc ial congresses and was cine of '3, iofficle;rs appointed t,Q militarv cornmand of the province. Despite _lIb age and't 'he fo ugbt Sl:S' a volun teer :,dv3rte at tll e Ba _ tWe of Bunker .. ill canjting 'a ~Urs1keft of his own m a nnfactu re, ''VVhen t~l s t was b reken he repu.tedly retreated s~.owly

~~ ;~:!~:y b~~kir::~[ s~i~~o~h~.

the back,

Five days after the battle he \V3JS; a.:pp~jinted the first b[iga'c]~er .g,ern.e~ral '" h C t'· ] A- Si!l,."~iIf iI:.'.UiIl, t,· e ..... on ~,UlJ,eD.t~l, . -,.rm,:y ~ ':.'" l~ ~ :~CIL l ve

in ,tbe field, ,in h ~s 71,gt year, he ~:vas CD. 'h,ts .. ~a' so!'Ulh 'to j.oin '''- Ish ~ngton)n ·e~ Jel;sey 'IIvhe.n fu} was

• 1I1~ • 'l... 1" d d· d ,-

,stnc~'e fl Wltn pueu ~wsy an· '. ,~e,. at

:P,eets};dl.~HA I (),LD 'L., f [TE:aSO!N


ON,,: CIV,. 5,~1 HSI6~J IC .. H,."", lB,. ,a1l,'ar,-,d of

I _ W()rcester~ Massl.~ was gra:n~ed

V., S~ PateDi~, N·Q" 33,,6:31 covering a lever-operated, I[ngl~ho't rile action,

Initi '[ ~ ~ _!,,tfI - t...'

__ Jtla._ manutacture D,lL WI.e.S under 't~J,I:S

'P~ a!tent was bv Ball & 'WUHams of

I . J. - • • • - . . .J: - ~ ~--' - - -'-~' -, - ' -

W,'olroeS~elr ~ M',I:BS'i Dut~nl the: 'Civi~ 'W'ar fbis, 'firm. sold, 20! 000 Ballard rifles '!t01 the ,St9.;,te o.f :Ken.'tuc'ky and also :fUInished tbe 'U., S. Government ,a_ total 'of' m,5i[)'9 carbines and ,] S dftes.. lin. 1866 ,p'I'oducdo:iILi of Ballard rifles was taken over by 'he Merrimack Arms, '& 'Mfg~ ,Co~ of' '," ewburypert, Mass,,~ and ~n, 18[69 'by the Brown 'Mf!'~ Co. of' the. sam,e ,eitYJ' which fir.m ceased prod,ucLn,g Ballard r~fies, In, i ,87,3 OJ

In ill t1 lS BaUard rIfle ·prodw.ct~on was resumed by J'! M.. :Ma.rUn of New Haven, ConD,. In 18,8, I UtwS, .firm became the M,aJrHn Firearms [C'c[, jl but th,ere

b k a. dueti ;r; B, .... "] ...:!Ii

'was no rea' m pre .. uenon oi . '!.1._1, !lI!ru

,riles., The [exact date that. Ballard 'rille [D'Ir:,oductwo~, was discontiuued lb, the MarU n Firearms Co, is unknown, but ~ 1,91 was apparently the flnal year.'

During a produetlen period that ~,pano,ed 3,0 years, the ·B.aUturd, riHe. earned an enviable I-e,utation for "ot11 accuracy and reli.abn~lY'i BaUard aetic is



were often. used by' guamakers as the basis ()f fine targe( ,rifljes and even, tc t'hlS, d i,Y it i:s not uncommon to' eneounter C3J1.. .. 2,2 match c]fies with Ballard actions in regularu~e by' (,opm.tlight competjrors,

Bady BaUard dfies are rela~ivle:[y crude ~ n comparison 'wifb, 'the last models produced by the 'MarUn Firearms Co., 'but the: 'basic: actio'D ,styl[e remained su.bstaJn:~iaU.y un e h a n ,g Ie d. ,. Early' B:8' lards we-re m,lde fer rimflr!, cartrwdges and some incorporate dJ an lux.wUary nippl[e. w'hi.c:h. pe.rmi~Ut:d use .of loose, powder and ball ignited, by percussion ca.p. An. improvem .. eat by l. 'M~ M i:rlin, was a rlever-sJbL~ firillg pin tc pernlit use elf censer-fire or rimflre cartridges in .. he SaJm,e rifle,

Receivers and b:reecJh'b'~ocks of rimfire rwfles were us,uany o:f IcasehBJrdenedl cast sron , 'but, these :p arts were e fte m, fioI,g,ed fo; - use ww{b larger center .. fire eartrldges, Se:y,er,al dijfefleJ'lt types of extractors, flnger I evers, and set trigger arraagements 'wU]' be. noted m the V3.f[OUS models and makes of the BaUa:[.\d ,fm:H:e.. :F.acbo:ry. chamfbetings. ra D ,fr.u:m the .22 short up! to and [ncb)]d~nl, the ~4.S-'II' lilO· 1_2,*, ,~1' S·, har s,

I. VI , Q l'p __

Parts Legend l., Barrel

2:. PleDt s~.t s. Reeetver 4..earr. ~t

, .. &- H' ~~pt scm. 12) 'J~ ,St~k lug,

7. POteatm

·Iw Forearm ins' rt 8" For arm 5~RW

1 Q. ~Ir JiJilik.

I L. 'It~h'hlook, ~eif fl. ~bhlook, light 13., PiriD,f} pin

:14. H'ammer

1'5.. ld~'i'DS'P.rlm,s

~~t liisaer spriq

19'. T- 'gger

II. BloCk s,em,w (1)

~;; H.@m_DlU screw '2tl~ .Rear Meek, ~ 11. Finge~ eyer

22,. L, veT Imk; screw 23,,&~r

~4" 'Lever ~w

25'. Stoo· wed

36. Sroo b:~ft

21.. BuUplJW .

21 .. , ·.u,tfp'lat-t aerew ~1J


1- , L1"o d~s.Msem ble t'be. :B alard, rill;" fi[:s~ o'pen actiofiil, then "emov'e le'v~I' screw {.arrow-'24 )1 ~ I, eldin.g extractor (23 ) w:n pl ace with l[ef.t t~um,b~ pul ru action d/o'w:1l

a 'Del, f,OrWI:r.d amd away

2- R'MlicY,e ex,k,ad,or by JlickE~g ilt. out wlih a .,., ~i 'tip[

3:~1 'N'e;d, hold actlon fijf,m~y ~ , emove ,,__:' bloc.k screw (18,) wb:cb :r.eta.hlil_S' lever link (1'0) ~n iorw:ard recess of breech .. block, ''(he finger ,~ever (2Dl) " Iever Unki. and ~'e\l'e'r link screw 1(22} mlay 'be ~~fled

a way Ircrn breech block

4 Remo'l1'If:; hammer ~CW!ew' (19')" rear' 'b]oct screw (20 )1, .aIDldl 2' ,re.m,alhlin_g 'broct ,$'Cr'eW5, (1. 8 ) '. U~] Dg a, sm all, ,~ren:l[b ,o,f ~ co ~l,ide .h nrdwnod ~ I at, pry halves of breechblcck (~I l and ~ 2) ~p~ri b:r insertnng: slar into forward recess and twisting, 'T~lis. '\','VilU separate breeehblock and expose

an ~"[Ilte,r, _ a ~ work i n~ 1P8 rts

51 Co:ndn~e b.y 1if:t.~Ili8 ,aw,ay' ,fir~ng pin

, , ( 1. :3 _)" Rei Ieve stprll]'j(g: tension on ham~

mer (] 4) by pi aei o;g' a, .screwd river blade ,a,gam n:5!t: top"m,oo't ,s:u rface. ,of ,01 ains',p:r:ing recess and ~,Oip surface of m in:.spri.n~~ then n~ist :sH~I'h't y to depress :m!a~ns cdng, Hammer may now be U ftied out' and a wa:y. Remove ~:rJgg_er' (ill7) and 'td;gg,er

(] 6,). Reassemble in reverse order

S"d- • f" ,.... b '1..'11.,'1 t·iI.. iilf- Il.

:i' Ie v~ew 0.. .r,I,~;yt:reec,~.!Hi"il,JJC- ~ ,nak SI,~oWg,

:rehl'Dive p.osition. of co:m:pon~-nt parts •


Committee of Safety Musket

O ~,":E ,o:f the widely used and. alm.-,os.t as widely misunderstood popular names given [,0 a gf'OUp of firearms is • 'Cornm i nee: of Sa f.e~y' 'M u rs:&~J~tf' . As It has come to be used in many circle'S, today, It mi .·.~t mean any' American-made mUs-t'e! of the Revel u t£oo a ry W'a,r period, 'h isis far from accurate usa,.g,e..,,'any muskets 'were made in the Colonies at that t:mnu~: which h~d absolutely no, connection with any of the various commlttees Of coun ells 0 f sa fety, Dill th e 0 l he:ii" h an d, :m an y of [he muskets purchased and issued b~, the comrni tees. or safetv were forelen arms or nondeseripr

eapor 51, of adler periods picked up ~,' here er they cotl~dI be: found.

Thu $:ll i:f the term is to be used :il n a pu I'\t! 'Sf! n se to design a toe a group of arm s, :i t ea n on]1 'I refer to that small number of musket made by Amerlcan gunsmiths directly under contract to 'the eomrrnttees and C'OUJil:i:]S of safety and following their soecific ·1:ions. These muskets \.vere few in number ,a'n(d :m a de fe r ordy a shor E p er i 0 d, The Ii :IJ'S t, com ~ mittee contracts were Iet ~n the late spring ~n.d early summer ,of ] 7'7.5, after 'the battles of ICO'il~ cord and Lexingten had already taken plac,e~ Them

as, SO(Hl as new state consd'tutm'ons \11' e e written !lrlid formal governme ~ ts esta ~]~!s'he.d, the comrnittees and councils of safety were disbanded I and ~~e,ir functions taken over by other bodies,

Duri ng the short perio d ,of t heir :1 lves, however,

111., ,. - did - 'b~'" It., lficati f- h I

the eemmettees lu ~.sUI, .• usn spectncanons lor t "e.'

guns to be made for them. 8lf'ltd rhus it is possible to know ~'. hat such .a musket looked Uk,e.., Such speclflcations ,stiH exit frern almost every coleny, and they are remarkal '~y unanlmcus. lfuskets were to be patterned after the second model Brown Bess '\Vj~:n ,a, 42t,r barrel and the British caliber of :13'.. Mounts were 'to be crass but sometimes ][0]1. WaJS permitted. Walnut was preferred for stocks but' maple al JJ.i' was allowed In IM,any instances, In all details the' IB,'~n(,~'$h: muske ts were to be used as pat'terns for C9IlIJ11:i'nee o.f safety muskets

True committee o'f s,a'fet.y muskets, of :Uds. type were made for Oil~'Y "2 or 3 years at the mo r, By that .lme the: committees had been dissolved, ,~nd also the French pattern mus kets with their.' smaller leal. .69 and banded construction had become more popular and were eing adopted as standard.

Even with all the contemporary speciftcations air hand, 1'[, IS, still not possible ~o state with eert uny tha t a giv,en gm n W'!;S, made £'0':[, a comm ~ tree of' sa:fet.y. It can, hO'W"Ie :(::1" ee identified as. 'the proper ~ye ane the name used ~ ]t'b some [ustificaticn. A~, the same time i:'t is possible 'to segregate the banded muskets of Fre rille h pa ttern made ill America with the reasonable eer ta i n ty t hat these belong to the later years ,of '~he Revolution and were made el ther for Congress or on e of ~he' newly o:r,ganized s'tate go,vern m,e. fill ts.' __ R A.R.oI.D L.. P ETEl:SON


THE Breda 12 ... Mark n semi-lIutlJl-

m,atic s'hotguD. '~I marnufac,'W'ed :m

'iI'c"'~'~y' ~j.' B:ijjI)O~I~ 'M'e,,",""'iO'm':;t'!!'mI, Bres !·'Q'D'Qo

.lI.LiIillI .. · "'1 .,~~~g " ' .. I ..• ~H: I -~, ..___:_: ~~ Jc.1II .IQ

There 'w'erle: , distinct ,nJd,UC~~tUl series

• .'L, I" D - ~,L, •

lID we I ~~,gl., -,D:reda M:I,ot;gun pner '001

m.bloouetjou of tbe M:ark n ve!'smQ,11 ill. m9Sl. Plod~ction. of tbe first series was

b· . 1~ iOj,_,ijJ '10 "'Ti11... M- ·N\ .. , II .,

~ e,gu:n m ,,;;lI''"tI~,, .!,,wj,rt· .-,,1L ' sene.:s"

d~' -'. ~ ,~ d 1 O' 'O"loA' ... ~ ~ 'Ell! . dll 120'· ~

e5 19na tie. s u 'o",~ c-Olver. .ore. I a, . ,·.-ga ..

$'hotgIllDS D:U!mibeRdJ from (0)Oo.m ~i ,;tm.d wncludes the Breda model",

also I I'"· ~ ....... ..:IIUl"'6.;r OI'D' 1: 9· "i¥'1 w' b- ;:"'h~" '".li!l; :

w~.. ~nl"~"",~ _.~U' .W . ',' ,:; .. !I.' __ lI! .... __ . . ~ s,e-

riaUy numbered. from, ,S·oo[Jo.(n~

The desi,p of the. Breda. 'Mark n:.

'h .. . '. l~iIi . ..:ml~.c· f

:8, ,otgun is essenna .~.y a. mouiu,cahon. 0:1•

'the Brownirlg lODg: ... recoil system, In,

'" ;Ii,'L,.t;..,.. L, 'II!.. .• AI"

:sy'Ehem 'we irllctloDI!JIalf!;.e requires. l'IioiIlJUS't, .. ,

memt for light and beavy loads\" Kits are ,i!J.v'!···'able to con,vert ill 2 .. ga, standard. :models to 12-'13,.:; '_·"gnUI-I ..

The m,agazim,e cut, .. olI 'rns ope.f,ated. manuan:y by pUi'h~ng 'du;: cu.t~·ff lever IO:Ll

~ _ .

tl e lleft ,side of the act 'ron to the :forward,

poslti,o(D,. S le'nS 'w,ill. not feed from. the magazi:rlli: into the. chamber unless ·dl.e cu.t~ff: Is .mov1ed t,OI rulU, rearward

" , n ~ '" f- 'L_ ..

,pos~uo .. JI,I o· .~'lO.· o. tHe .magu~ne eut-

o,ff permits the user to 'mamtahl a full

'" f~'L'lil-" T- '5' d

magazme 01 'S~..te:J 8 m reserve, l_ 0 '1Ill~ iea

the gun.~, !en,gage the :safety', and move 'the cut-off Iever '~'Ol its fOl:rward .• , Then dear the chamber by lett ae !lin:g;' ~iL .... ., .. -:I":"cO' iIo.'·I· 'I d·~~I.·- to re - -=, '~I' ~. h . ~ d';' .... ~

ne operaung uil,ll· lII.e. rear i!Lal~C e· pe-

:sw,tion .a 'Wlth gun, inverted, depress earner lalttCh button and puah carrier down [-0 :~ceked ·~odticn.~ M'ov,e cut..-cdf Lever 'to'


reltW,ar.Q po~ it~o:n. 'W,idt inlde~ ·;ger de- the boU pawl wbich wilt release,

iIIl 'I/.. 'I"t. •. s th . "'

ai~ sue.JJ~ In .' - e magazrun.e:.

1 To d~aBemb.J~I!' e!Dpge sa;~e;ty';l open bont (,66:),~ p,t'eSs ·f.o~e,,-e:nd. rEO,. a~d rec,el'ver: (.9') ~ ;and ·UDsc:re. ~·p·e ca,p'

C :2:5 ) '. :R,e~o.·lV[e fOf'",!!ed and barr.el 3Jssem .. bly ( 1 ) ~ R,C!mo.w 'brDD~e f.EktiOIl brake «2.0); :'-ev,em,ed 't.·rlb' ~t~g (19), ~I [,eeo~l s,pELng, w~helir' ~'18) ';1 smd l1tf.c~.~ S,P';ri~1

( li) f.[il'om, ma,gaZ'Jne tube (16)., 'P.f~SS lCM'~ r.tef' .Ia'k:h bUltiOg 1(29) and .guide bolt: [dosed., ,S,Ud· o. f.a~;Vlet t:Q:\1'le,r 1(8)

2- I Push ,i;r.mly !(u!lJ!(rlo, end. of $ilI:f\ety' , h:vle:.r .!Pin (3'7) (,o.Plpnsile. .side of re,ceiV::_~f h·,a., safefY' .1,ever pO.fOOD)' US~:11S mapdo,e a[p! (:2;5 ~ as a dti.m'b~e' fOil" 'tn:u.mb~ TwJsf, rsa/Ci~ :~eve;f 0,(( enga:ged p05!i:tiion and do,wn, ,cleH ,of' r,e~,ei\r,e.ri )?,tdl o~:t widlJ Nis,tillg move~e.[jJJif~, ·W.' t I '(;I;r tier. l3l:reh 'button (29) .dJe,p:ress@cl. ,g:r,I,S:P u·' g~ar,d ( 4· 7) aRid swi'ng ass em lol:y' free,· the 'u.:~ggru:; guai£'d aS$e·m'b~:).' Oll!t of rbe aci£~Oi]

3 'Depr;eSts ho,rn't paw m, ( 7,4.·~r.fOW ') W',hth

I :i.iOJdex. h.nge!:' oi r~ghit ha nd a.lld at

mme d·' e slightly' pun be t rea.rwa:rd 'Usltl18' o'~l'::iIJ,:[] RI' h~,lldlle ( ,- ). U (litH paw [ cl'e~.r.s l[o.1P o,:f ,ac lOin. Press p,awl aga:ins'l' 'fa'Cel of ms ga;ghH~' rube ('t 6) 'and, sWide bo.h: assem bW," f'Oiwa rd Ith [ 3.CEio·n ,gu'ide ~[OlS' a:nd O!\fe maJgazine rube';o 'This, ffie~s, the bo t a.s.lSe-mbl'y bom. ~he ;DctioD, !body

]., aarre~~

2. 18a rr,el extens ~O!f1 ~

3·.. Eje:cto r:, wii t.h 'f:,j\l(~'ng riv[E!!;ts 1(2) rt 4. Front: s.ight basi:*

5., Front' :slght

6,. Choking tube re'taining S~)rhle

7. Choking'tube

8. R[ece!i'v'~ r eover 9.. . R[!c'e·i'VIe.r

10., Malgazine cut .. offf ~evet 1 ]. Cut-off pi'r ~

1..2. Cut ·off :pi IU nger ·spdng *

.13\0 'Cutoff ,p~'tl.l,fIlgerr sp rhlS' SC,f'!f!W' * ] 4,. M,i.ig,azi ne rl Ilg washe,r'"

15. r·:in.g*

16. ,Malga:z i n@: tlU be ~.

17. R'elcoU ,spring

lao R,~ot)il spr'ing: was,her 19.. 8[eve:~ ed br8,kie rb~g ,20~ Bronze friction brake

,2]., Magaz.ine s.pri n.g 'fol~ lower 2'2. IMagaz'une, sp,(ng

2'3. Magazhle· reducer (2 ,$,h,e·_ 0

2·.111 M' ,. ., t .

~.. aga[z~ne s\p[ra'lf:lg ife'am er

2.5, M,aga.·,zi ne cap

26.. Magaz:i ne cap feta i ner screw 27.,'ine cap p.lunge!:r*

28, Magalti n e calf) r$tal'~ n er S;lPr~ing * 2'9. Ca'rri,ef I,atch butto:n

30. Carri!~u latch ~eve;r

3,]., Ca rrler ~ait'ch :s;pr:i rag

3,2.. [f.tvght ma.ga1zirne shell ~Ia[~chl l~eV,tH' ,33,. lFU,ght Ima'.·alzirH~' shell l,atc:1t1 spri~nl 34.. S h e~ll i a'[c:h~a rrneif latch ,pm,n [2'} 35,. Le·~t magazine s,hel,! I.a:~c.h le·ver 31& Le!ft· ~a:·tch $,pr,Dng

37. [~h9\1'ers,i b~e samety I e~lr~,

dis.aJsse.m'billy pln

.38. Action sp.ring· 'tube ~oc.k washieir* 39 .. AcUo sprin,l·tlube. lock nu~·· ,40,. Ac.tiiion slpdmg tuibel .

41,. Ac.thn1 spring fn~I.lo,w·er

42~ Acti on sprl I1lg

43., Actkm spring g)uide 44. Stock loc:kw,a:she'.r 4,5. Stoc:k. ,$Iplri filg walsh er

4[6. Att~on s:p'fing t.ube plug: 4'7 ~ Triee:r gU2llfd

48~ Hamimer pln

4'5;1., H~ mrner

·50~, Trii,aer'

si, T'lliigger sprl ng 52:. T'wigger ~i n

53.. H iii mIM€:r s.,pr'~,iilg

54,., Sa fs·ty. IJ ~ u fil\ge,r s~lrui!ilg 55., Sa fetty· p[1 U~I!er

56. Sirf:e'ty pi~Ulnger' p.iastic was'ne.'r

1!:17" C- .~ IT' ""I'[e'r'

~::.1 :,.g_, ~

.58". C:arrmer dOlS:

59'~ Calnj'er dog [p[i'Ulnger 60., CSlrt!'e:f do,g' :s'prinrS 61.. ea me i'" dog ,prim

16,2., Calrri'er rocker .~rm

63., Carrier rocker sp,ring'

64. 'Carti~f' rocker pli'~ltt'

65. ,Carrie,r rocker pin

65. [Bolt. _

6 '}'.. La cki~rn1g block t58~ ,Le,ft [extrac.h)

.169., iLeft extra,e.:to,r slpri,ng 'l"{l, E~h'ac·tQ.if' pin [(2')

l' m. IIR:L~ght ext ractor sp;ri fig 72.. fit ~',ght extra,,f

7,3" Bo.~·tpa~~d ~:Pr-]I!1g

'].4. Bomt lpavd

']' 5~, Bo~ t ipaw,~ pi n '1'6,., [1'0.1 t p,l,at,! .

71.. Operatling h~a.rlIldl[e

18. F,i rmng PWII1 r,eta i n i nl,g' pEn 19,. L~:nlk ~[i f1

80.. Opei!t'Srt'i ng handl~e ~a[~'c.h 8,1. !link s,.pr:~ng

8,2. IFi wi n,g pi'n

.83,. Fir',~,ng lOin spring 84. Bo,~t n "lk - 851., Pi.~l~O~1 gr~:p stoc:k. 86,~ BuUpl,al@'

87., Buttp,l.ate ,SICre.W (2) S8" for.en:d

8·9. FOfle."1i!ln,di.y.ok:e*

* TIC' bla' 'faJc:ro IY d ilsi1u;:semb~',e-dl on ~'y '1;' Perma n;e.nrt· ass8'mb:·.'1 'h) ca rrier rocker a:rlm (Part 6,2)

,4.····· G.tti1l'-[ .fcea~· .porti)DO ,of ui'Bge~' gut~;[:d

( 47 ) w~,th ~elft haoo" gd] 'wid! .rigbt ~and mOV\t? ,,-a:.t'.de.r I( ~ 1) downward ;aOJd thea aw,ay .from l~gs om. ,guani as sho .. 0, Li,f't i(~rdH :a.w.~.yJ. - €o~l'her w."'th [cal'rji~.r ;r..C!Ckel': a~m Msemlb,ly (6.2j, 63J 64,,& 6, )[ . D'f"if,;: out ba __ lDm.ef· l\)i:n, ,( 48) and 1'~mcO''V'e ~amaer (4'9) aed bamm~t s.prtng' (; 3) . D.r:ift Ollll,[ td~gpt pIn ( '.2 ) and] mmQ,'~~"e 'ulgs'u (50) :i\od ,tti,gge.i' [( 51)

5 Rold.. bolt (66) upsid~~QWD :arui ,,=-:1 puSb. bolt Unk (,84f dCiWm a'nd] furw,ard.. Sbd.· Cf~.t 'bob ,plate: (76)., Pull Utik back and sJid,C! OU~: Im.k~, operu:u.n.,g handle ( ~ 1), a~nd S.rbIS· pill (,82:)[. This, 1i:;(Q,ables ,th~ 1,ocldD! b~ock (,6~") to d.d!\O;p oq;rut· [Othe;r. bob disasse.m:bly· ~s, ob\"l'io~. 'Wben reas .. :sembll:ng tilIDe bol[:;, :reiD serlE '~olt'e ( '16 in .d'ijjection ~wdla!i,ted. by afl'OCW ,iilam,pedi 0]). ,the [bol~ pWSJ,te

6- To remove .PSittS f~o.m m..aga;dJl,e tDhel . p.Q" Q:I.[ ma,g-a, rin e s,pr:ilDg £ieraine:r' ( 2.4).. Ma,pnliJ:ile .:ted!u~~r (.23)· .ma.~m:u~ !pr,~Dg (22).~ aed . .ma:gazi:ne .spring' follower

(2: U\) ma'!'" b _ w~thdlrawo. To r.€m'Me· sflock) temove tn.ncp,Law, screws (~r:) iIlud 'buu:·, pla~e [( 86) co 'Usi~3' 9!/ us?" T -,band.~e' S01l:keE 'wr"encb~ Q;l.r.a out acrion sprin.:· nib€. plug

( 46) .. M,yn,uj~. .pr'es, ,OD. 'W',l;',e·liJCb. ~o t'irefi;Q;Ii:: :aClbion, ,sprirnl' [( 42) :Syj:g,f;,' 'OCIlI: -


!FtetinOvll'll,g' 1fle reoei¥e~' covell' expose,s, the IAlPi:~22 rifle:~8 [mechsnlmn •. TlM BPtR:..22: ac,tiofl ;SftOWllll be low Ihas a b,reecl:!ll bdrt [Ioct €arntow) 8md ,a~ti'onl sUde 1,I~k, wmlch ,the H'mi;oo:;JlJtcmafile IA.R.=22, does. filol

]lh~lownillJg,js :BA,R -22 'was. introdueed in ~ 9;71 as a ccmpanien ~o dle a,AR ceaterfire rifle introduced 10 years earlier, Of strai J~t bllo\\I'back operation- the sesni-automatlc ,,22 F]'mJire, rifle 'i s rna nufact,u'redlb)f -, , I i}rroku Firearms ICO" lof K.ojc:hl~ Japan.

The rifle'''s construcrion l'S URl'I;S,'UII in that • 'hart, appears tOI be' the receive , is ,8l.'ctUIU .. !()'~ly a cover, Removing the cover €)Lposes the breeeb bolt a nd firing mechanism \vhichl are retained ina, mechanism bousi ng ,0.]" receiver made inlegra 1 '\V it h file trigge r guard, 'Most. BAR~22 parts are interchangeable with its coun~'e:rpa,rt, [he BPR I~B:roiwning Pump Rifle)-22. The pump version.whieh has ,! h1gher number of parts, fires, from a locked breech rather than a blowbaek action. It ls 'made for the .11 \Vi,nc·heste'f.' M,ag;. rimfire cartridge as we.U as the .22, 1,0:[1,.1 ri,ne.

TIN:: B A .R-22 rifle has a '.,0 ~,. barrel aJ,rbd at tubular magazine which holds 15 .22 loag ca:rtr1d!ges,+ U, has an overall ~e:n,glh of ,cg '" M and "l eig:'H.s 6~ Ibs - The receiver cover of the Grade U version a embellished with small game scenes.

'" ramp-mouneed 'bead, front s]ght and an ad] ustab lie; folding leaf open rear sight are' standard, The. reeei ver cove. r is. grooved f or dp-o:ff tele scope u]ow:nt's., The :r:if1e),s; ser~a~ num ber is sta,riIl'p ere! en the lower ri,gtn W9,U lof '[be receiv\er. cover, •


2. IRe.I·· ove ttle .-ec~Qr bar (t2) m'ronlll the liil~t !ii'de, of the m,ecihsfllism [h'C!lJJ&1if1l,g Ptemm,DYe 'Ill.!' m:,fij'or s,"url'ngl 1(160) Brn,d rQllllIide ~6.1)1 b'y pllllsti'ln9.l lie, g uh::te fOIli'WBKlI Illltil [fl' ,cam be, litmd up ~uil,dI 01l.l~: ,of 1lhe, housing.

1. Barre.,1

2'. B,lU'fB'1 p'iin ,3. Bon

4, 8,o~ t Iret u rn spr;flng s, Butt pilate!

6. B,uU pl ate sc:rew r. B.uttt:s.rto,ck,

8. C.aJli'rie:1i

9. C.~llirie:1i pln

1 O. Car"rier sp.r.~ng

1 '1. COC~A ng hand Ie ;,2, IEj'ector bar

1:.3. Ex:h"8ctO'li'

14. IExtraco'r pi !iii

15k E:drac;tolf sprln gl

1,6.. Extli:acto Ii sp.rin gl 'fOUOW19'f 17', Feed guide. lretainij' 9 ,crew "1 a,. Fe:@d 9 u i'dle a,s:semlb!lly'

191• F'iring pi Ii1I ej ector

20. F nr'ting' pi D.1I: ej<e ot 01 1"' pi III

2,1, Fliring' pi;n e,! ector s[pri nlg 22'. Fkingl p'il!1l' eject.or spring

'mol lower 2,3,. Forearrm

2A,. FO'fiea[if'm br ,cke~:

:25,. F(J;f"e'.9J'1fm erSH;ut(i'~ eC'11 2€t For;earm sc,rew

27. M[aga~'[liie ,aLsse'm bly'

28. Mlag azirlin~ 'tJ[J be' bli\eJloket

29[. M'agl~rz:illiille 'tJube' bll',ecket pin 3D. Ml3ig3:Z:i Fn'e tu be! tJ lI'2Jicket-.,.


31. Mla'Q!a;dfl'il tube' outer

32. Mr~g!a;zi lIM:!!' 'tlU be! retahil i n9


33. Mlec'h,a.nI lsrn housing:

:34. Mlee'Wn,9in i$lm housing p,i n

35, R'eceiver caver _.

36. Sal'$~,y

31. Sa'~~:y' ~5rp'ri n9

38. Sa:f.'ety s,prj'ng 'fo,IICW8f' 39.. Sa'fe~y s,pri ng p~ n

40. Sea'r

41. Sear piin

42.. Se,aJIi' stop pi n

43,. S'ear ,sp ri iii 9

44,. Sear sori l'iI:g screw

45. ,seal" Iwvler -

46. ,Seat leve Ii p~n

47. Sear Iwerr spr:Tng 4Et ,Si'glt1t front

4~t .si'gh~: baSil' frent

5[)[. Si,ght D'8:Sle :scrrew from

51,. S,i'Qlht assemlb ~y rear 52: . .51 ide. ;a rm

53. SI idl€ a rrn s~ud

54. Slide arm we:'mglht 55, • .s~D ok Ib olt

56. ,st,Qck, 'bo't I,ock was'l!iJer 5 7,. S~.o ek 'coU: was.n er

- - _...., . - - ..,.

6ft Siri ker

,59. Striker glo~ de ,pi'ml [60. S.tni kerr Sipru ng

16,1. St ·,~kle r spMlng guide, 162.' akedown serew 103. Top ramp

164. Trigge!r .

165. 'T'rig'Qler lP'm

166. Ttigger spring

:I. Raj'se Ole' rear lInd '0" the, bon (3) snlig!ht [_P.wa~. A cuet will be' heard! wtlem the boU Is .Ieased flro;m l'Ie' fJlide arm (12)1, The :S'Jik,er fSfn 'wllm mow fan out 0" 'the' b o~t.



t Re·,move ~be. 'o,p UlfM,p (53,) W 'idh gui'[a:e~ ~Ih@! ,calnridgle!'s, iintD the' ,,r !by 'p'u~11 ing it ri'earrwa r,d~ 'Flu I1h er drnHssemb~ly is, 110,1 ordiill8. r'lly req,u'ifed or feClom m 8mded,. Olea n the' :lc,th:l!11J and Iparts: wii(hl sol''1ent. 'The'n dry' 'the'm alnd ,~pp-'Iy a, ,e'ry' Ii1g h'. Icoat cd oU~

Replace '~hle t10p lia1rnp 1(63.)1 i' 'hJ 1be reGGsS, albo,vel '~"h.e' chamlber. [~1'iI S en the sl[riill!te r (S\8~ ~lliIto fiear IOf 'Ilhe Ibo'~: ilfilld p,lsce tlhe tU:l[lt f,lce' agairns1, line ,e!ha-I-~_'-,elf ,elnd ,of the' ib'ilrr,r;eil.. IPull the :S I~de 81rID [[52) r'earwa rei wi·th ,8 SCIiUW", drlv18 I and ap'ply dawrn:wafi'd thu mlb'u re on '~tie bo~1 untn the 91 i, ~ ,e' arm enigage,s, the' [r1recess in the righ~, ,s:id'e ,of thlls, boU.

Illfts,laU t~e :s,tll'iiief spr"lmg ('60:)1 31".:11 gui'de' (;6;11) willftJ the 5bD - :e,' s;IJII.I[d 'of' :he glUdd~e I~ the' h o~e' ~Ii'!i ~'he' rea f' ,of the Irece~we'i"" R e~pl,aoe, the' @j;e.c~)~lr !blat (1:2) 'with 'IJhe ho~lk:e.dI end reaM'a ~d1.

Sill del Ih,e' !li"ece~V1ef !Cover 10'11811' the' r..,ece~ve:r untill Ihe cooking Int. -'cUe (1~1) [C8n be' ~n5ened In Ihe. bo - t through the aJ:eeUoin iPO".. Fu'll!y 'rep,l.aeie the' receive,r e QVier :andl r\E!rplace. the takelll:town ,S;C{f'e.W 1(62)1" K,e;epng Uliis S'CfeW 'Vtery Ijig'hi~: Ih,e~ps 10 n'IIla'lmta'ln' te1IIQscope aUg;nme;n·t .... iith the. bal!ite_"



, ..

.,r.'OWFlliiliiMg Glrade' I Ma,Qllilu m alUl~~:do\ad I'n,s .rUle ,alb.DV\E!i i$ ,d~$"" '~jingui:5\hledl b\y' 11:5, ,r'E!c(lU pa,,1i 24:~' b'ali'm~ and pl,a~1iI (fN) Ie In gl li'arvtl Ingi) I1"e!c:eii'iielll",. Il~$ ~hree~ir.o~ rall:1 de'~chidJII!e bO(l m~ag,a.zfne ;srna1~SJ onto the ~limIQ;edl fl,oof,Fd1a.te. II HI

:s:ls.n,dalrcl cailljlber:.s.~i 'Ute rUle' i',s; :slJp',plliiedi

'wiitlhl a :22n ba rlrel!~ bilack, p,las:ljie

buljp,I;Ue andl,a fo'u r;..r'OLWl'iu:f' '7'$ ~:'

m~agazilil1,e,.. II

.' I!! I

M ag, chambering was d ropped at that ti me, .1: n ,~9'19, 10 rades 1 .. :I'~ 'f and l V We]f'e offered. En~l",a ViIl"g differsbeeween the sta n dard and magnum versioes, H a [so varies over [he Yif:,afr5 w il h in ,~ grade, The J 979 Grade III depicts B~gbor[U r:a:m; ~,:nd bu I~, e i k 0 n '[ he sides 'of' it is: reeei ver, l"~e ,o:rlginal G rade ,~,~.~ shewed deer and ante lope heads,

Wheu-chamlbe:red for magnum cartridges, the B,ro'\vi:iIi:iriL,g semia,mn!O]lHUic rifle is suppli .. ed with ill recoil pad and a 24'" barrel, Ba,rfie~.s for standard eart ridges are 2:2,'" long,

:O:fO'WIli'riLg :refe:~s to this sern i-automaric hunting rifle as [hoe' Iii B"A 'R,"~,~ w~ich has caused eonfus ion \1iJ it b the se leetive-fire '1\ .. 11' .... d a,1 '[9'~ Q mll ;I~'a-!I!"v r·I'Itili.... of ,-[ ik·~I,ii' 11:11,0 1IfR,1!!o "'iJT"'h,I!!!' 'illc ~ ... d ;0;'11 'I (!I, I '0' 'B· .i.. R:

[~lll U:- J..,9] .. [D, Q _,_._~_~~.~!II. __ ~ .#' ,_,,_-!t ~~ V,_, . ~;Jl~,~ !Ii~iQl~ ~ 1fIW'. W I J~ I.VJli v'.", 11g1~ J."'1 I Q [' n ,'oJ

(Brewing Atll'[(Jrnertic; :~i,fle) 'was designed by J ohn :M:., Browning (:18J.s~~9"26) and was a ln~.i:Ul's,:tay weapon of lLS., troops in Vilorl.d \~ta'rs, l and 1],




!Iio~_. "


• ,69

1& G:8

P,arl$ ~eg:end

1.~ A~tiQn b.!r-;lIU'g h ' OF Isit :2~. Ac~i~~sprir,rg

''lI "A ...0910 ............ ~..:"'" - nl - .... QJ. J!"IL!.iiI~'~U,~ >aF!: ni.,gl '~U ~i.iJ!!i

4. Barr:el Sit. a~I~:

~- ~ B~I~. '~'Q'er; 1'. ~ol~, $I~~ I,~ 911"191'

-<'9,. Buffeif!' p~:am 1~. 9Jtt ,Ia~

'11~ By t1 pl.~ ~a]~ 1 ~~ i!!l.t1 sjqe)<

'1 a lEa m ~~n

1'</i, [J(' . -- - - * '

_"iii',;. __: lpCG1ti Il"!(_K~:e If

15 .. Dj~Mrnil\~tx,\!f! pi'n ~:6. Biso~®rn ln1~lo," ~,1ti111;9

11., QiSOQtR P'li8'.r; G1f' ,SP'OIIi1l:g p:1 ung,er.

U!l ~~mil" ~-

1 @', E'J~e;c~D'1!' flErlsil1l ins pir:il'

:lOi. Et~;wr- sp';ri~&1 -

11 ~ ~f;ae:tOiIf

'~', '~"'.~ll)i~JP;rIJrn(iI :23,; Filr'ing pin -

:2~. fifinijl pi'Irc!1 i'ieta~n~ r,(g ~in ~fi~, FIring I?if!l :sgrlng'

:Z~L FOlnearlili1

2:;i. ~r.'tani1 1St;llJte~eGn :ll. S~ '~Ii~def'

U. Gas,p~~n

~(t Gas, llJi~iOfj ,$~P p~ nill 11 ~ Gas, r~guJa1i~','

32, G~s rjg I!JLa:tQfJ8~sk@t

~. ~amimiE!!ill '

3_f. ~lamme Ii ~~'n

~. h'iN~'i1i8 ~eoe

$~. M~.]ne bQ~V

~ - Mf~~!1"* 'flo:om)laIt~

~8. M ~~.fIne 'fIGtll1~JSI~~! 'p'h~'O:t pin 39- M~~ni 'fls,O'_laioo1qrtn'g, ~O. M.9 ~Ae f,(!jIIIOwer r ,~n:. Mq~ilne 'f@llq'lillfer !Spring

42i. M a~I'ne fol~'owsr rijJ\I:,i;rj,t

43. Ma,_~ne L8IllCh

~~. M\8@;Ultne lar1ell;n 'S,pr,ill!

4. M'g~rD1e 1~l:.ttil ~priinQ pl~ ~ger

46. M ~tH;lllle lal\:;~ ~MFJ Din -

47. M,ag ~i~e fBtavru ng ~R" nil

~a. Ma~~ i'1fIj~ ~ilhli 1119 JJ;;;H'i'rI'l;g pfh 49. MtIlinspliWril~-r~ftI,f @r [et

~O. Ma~n~P1rill'1g guuillle-rij!rJht ~r I'eft 51. Mal nJs<p\rin~ pi:Wir=hflililll mer

5~~ M~ij ~slu'iflg pj f1r'"-'trT!!I,er ;lIard -{ra. '@pera,ti~ '_'irftdle

i ~. Qper;a~H rrlLg banI(] Ie look

,SS. '!'mp,efa,~i r.l\9 Mandlle lOCk pill11l

,5~ .. C;:fpela~~ futg hand Ie !o~k S;pl'~ii!9 5;J'. ~-ce~lM'8'r

5'8. Sa~~ lo:ro~P.~Jt ~'~. ,S_~I'!aly s~rililg

eO. Si~1y sp1l"in~ pill!! nger

B 1. ,$fa,['et, ~pring, r'eJlifl~ ~g piO 6~. S~.

00,. ,~af ,pt~

64). 'Sij~ht tl~~d. ~J"!;ln~ 65\._ Sfg:M 'hM'd_. icrat

~'S. ~gg!t.1it mm,p.:t:rq,rnt

61 m 6Ig,IfIIl,~_$S'em !ll~, ]'100ll'!

1M. SlillJil 9 ~,Iet. lw~qr It

~ \§lilMiW 0~J~I!~~watShe_r 1'0,. :~Ii' - '- \, >. - l;i\iil; .',

. _. Q _ ~ IerJQ .'!:ill:. MIalr

71" $l1O'e:kc ~~I~:

1~,. §t€D~~ l~li' Wi[~~e,r' 13" 8tqq'k lool~' ~~hat:e'

'nt ~~QIf ~ I~ right: 'O,r- ~'eM'

1~, Te'fiBSG'o~: moo Iilrt, 'n! r,eli ~e~ws, 716, Tinifh\Q laJm~

(.'1 ~ Tinruungl ~tI!l~<hI 1iie1\a]nJoflillg (!Iiln

'7\i1L T'Il.i9aer '

1'~\. Tng;flar i!in

aGl- TdBQ'er mUaJrd

, ..

• Aelija~'lfe'~!J ~o:~bl~ ung of the rtl~Chi8in ism requ ~re'5, ,th~t 'the. g.aiS s,~s~elm b~' ~ep1 elea n. The 'followilllg procedure' niSi f1eOOm IliI1Etndteld~,

,C~oSie' the Mi3!g\8Zine Hoo ~p I',ate alnd pu~ II 'Ilhe ,ope'~ti~gl h ~:r'1! dlle ~5'3) M~m,alrd lJlI"l'tU "~he, boU ~ocks ~n, ~ts ap~\fl pOG.ft!~H'Il. ~emove! the 'front $1 i ng leyel', (1O@i) wi'~hl sma.11 wrench. Gi~r.asp 'the flO r'Ward end O'f the forearm ,26) ,!limo pli III it :Bi~y "1:"0 in the barrel ea ffef~lll.y unti:l resis,taJnc~ ls 'feU. Then s~ i:d~ U'lJ8 '~orea,nTl ',oM,ard and o'fL

Clo<Eie: '~ih e' bon ,SUl,d puill the StiliPPOt'!t' 1'o1Jl!HElJrdl en cis a;w~J' 'from '~h,e' r-cibnd t~iI$ ('74) 't'O'Maro from '~heir sio~$. il'n con neetiwngl sllu cis on the l;nen1i:a piece 'I!h,e re-cei~~r (No. '1), The ,a,e~ion bltl~ (,5'5), '[On"!Ylud out of the ~e.OO11veir ('1 ') ;alre re.m,ovOO o:y p~1I ftrll9 their (No. :21',

~emo~e ~:tIJ5, wsgullalprr (3'1) t'mnrn ~ned il~ Ih~ 9 as ey~i['i!delrr., flIr110 ea ~e U~e t!'ron;t I~]i'l:dl O'f titil,~ ,galS t,yl~ f.9,rj~r H~o- musit be' takern to eng a,g,e, '!jhe~ Wf113 neb

3) wtth ,13, ,~,,, wre rJ ch, 'The. ga:s $~Ci~rely ='

~eg'li.datot wHI be very' secu rely tigiM-

N'(J, .3

py~ i t'lne ~'r1'EH1~aJ pie@e: Iba~k toward be' UiSleG '~O a~oldl Slcoli"ing' tne perts, I'f the ~~~ei~er'i 1l!f~~lr 'I~o~ ,of U~e' 9~ the gcas piston wPU I!'H)'i: mO~@l willll! p:is~on ~2S,} 'can !be! pusitn~d 'f,orward mQder,a,t:e f~rc~. P-i!Jt n;~:t(H~;Q.'i\!i~J'i{r (l'ut o:f "tlh ~ gaS! cylill"!der 'W i tin. ;aJ sm>all around the' pJ ston I walt ,a:bout 11 S punch (Nct. 4~, A nl e~uem e~y di fi1,y min ut'elS\1 ,alnd tlry ~o' P U$~ it out with g~$, :syS't!g)!ii!i mary req U,ll'ie' d rl~~-ng the the 'd rriU, IPlJnch, n n-UE!' pisto n, ,still I will, pa5.'!:on ',oMardl wi'~ihJ a hammeir not ,m~'11 put ITIi!'JY'",e IF! itnl->sohn.:r.nt' 0 r'!J and d r.Ut' P!.ll n.c;nl. EX,l rame' care' m !;Jest n :e!lnd ,a1low 'It '~O ,~et ,OYiZ!irnlght,



Grasp 'rne, reo~,rfV\~r aJnd p.u II t:rl'i;' end of the aJCltiorii :$pring glU f;de ~a,iil action sprij n 9 9!~ide (3,) -rQ~a rd '! h en be moved to one: sid e' ~N'Q. ,5), toward g:al$. cy!i1nde.r IjJint~ ~ it ns olean' of '[h i!)f:!' r.ea~.atd '~o rrernove it wilth 'tile.. I its reiCess. I'n th(!1 r.e¢e'~ve'r, T1F.!,e 'rna,1i" aClio'n :s,pr-i'fl"llg (2) :and ~nenl~ pjeee.

- - .5

' .

No ..•..

R,e~'i!dly~s in the gaJs cy,~ill'1d"e r' ;and on ~he gas pisto,n '~hQuld b~ th(~ .. w(~ug'hly -r~m'oved wUh nHro-s© l\rle,n t ? rr' bore c:;1'iiliISlne.w'. Hea,vy _ r,~i:dues 'CillI11

ih.,. '1:'Q;""" ..... """.d 1!«!tI "''''''''', .L;II..·~nii"l i·lI..·e· il"il""'"

~"I;;I I.I'~IIJI~ !!'!.iI'''!''!Ji:rY ~j. ~~!I!I.IJbllU1IJ ?~ III a ~ a:a

CoYll iifu~eir wi~h !it 211-g~o, bronze wi~e bore bwush ~nd' s'Olvent'.


The 9&'81 Iplist;OWIl,. g,~ Cy1 iinC'er. ,and ,~ther pe,r1~, of the gl9J$ $;y$~e;m :s.'hotlll'd be 'wi ped w,j;l:h a, ''fIe~ Ugtl'Uy o'Ued ci o~h !i!.'fl.ei!"' '~ll'ean~ ng", T!h~' g:aiS, C'l~' Ii ndler ~ IIlterior and 'rhe gas p i,s(on sh~'ulld WIIot b.e 'oill'ed bey'Oiid ttQ i $-

IRe'assembly is 'the reverse, o-f" the d ~sa;s;sem bly p moee;d1Ulr,e" The ;a,ctionJ

c[!;'l"iorJ P'i1I"W ,~ i-IPI,i"i '11!'!"lI!I'~1'I;1f!I li"IIUi'd'i!ri· '~'I'lI;dI

""I'" II_U~., ""' 11. VLU '~P"~ _~.~ ,~"",_. VI, '!iIL' __ 1o!!

inertia piece ,are: replaced fli ~t The 'gla:s, pi:SL'On is 'then pla;c;~d ~Irrro the 'ht)IFrl o~' the gas, c:!(iilfllde'f and p u she,d reili:~~rd o'rje~~' ,the end' of U'ill£i ,e,ction :spr'i ng 9 uld,9'" The ~liiI1all 9 Uid"9 [pl~n at the re-81F 0" the gas 'e,yln n tlE;r l!TIu:Sl ~El' ,e'fJ1ga.gJed i n '~h 9i lelilgrlltvwiSle: ,groove, en the l'iear of l'hSi gas plfStoft U propSl"ily Q'r;iented I rJl 'the 9121,5 cylilnder" '1:1Mie. 9'91:8. pi'S'ron may be' p'!.!!'Shed [parti~lliy eut of U~€'l IF~~W Q,f U1~ ¢')' I iind~lf" whe~ th~· i'n e i1i~ pi!!!tle' ~:s pull led re~nv,a r'd,

lilt. gas reg ul~a'l'Olr :i~~ then scr'~wed ~ mit 0 the, ~'mnt of the !&lias cyHndeif'. H rnust b~ wry :S!r;c!Jfeiy t1lgtlt'ened wUh Uill~!i ¥o'ft.ncinl"

lhe C:IJ~t~~;n blu~s and Sl:! ppomt' rai:ls ar.a rrelPt~etl next The pnJ,~ectin9 sectl',on O'f 1€'1ch ,a.ction b~r Is, ofl!ret',!.J ny p1,aced ~ ~ i1'S; ,corir_po,ndifilgl slot tilCi th~ 'O()!t berfore thle ho.l!e in r.t5 forward ie~(ild :~s ,placed over the: sh.Ij,dl on tn~ ~n@jl1,u~ pi~c~_ It m~if be If:"l eeessa ry' to, pull the lneri~,a p'veee s;li~g~'lHy' ream~td to eng,age' ~he Bct50tn balr'Sb, 'The su ppo r~, ,r.aUs ,are 1:hiefll iw.staUed,

R.- as'" E'iiII'bI: r is oom -:--Ieled b,: I'Qck~

- e se_ - -1,.1' '!f . _ ~ _ p _ _ _ _ y __

ing the bolt :j:n i:is: o~en po<,s-vUo r1 ,3Jn ell rep~aJciing the f:o ~lS:,arm.. IEh!i' ~sry 'C:€IIref.u I,~ ~iill ce it: can Il:)e~ s:plH i'~' 'rorced

-lil'!ii...... 1f'i-j"j,~,~ti.,."il'I, -I n"",""lril!'lnt"~,CI(J I ~ ".II!' 'rl!l'

~ ~ ioV' II"'v ... ,!~ _ .... ,'.. I ""'~ .......... ru,l". _,~ ~,! 1 .... :-

tairu~d 'by repi!tlI0~'l11g tne 'front $Il ng ,eyelelt. Fu rther d~stIJssem bly is, ll'Ilot: r~q u!irl~(ij tot ,ordir~iiify' cle~ niiIl9:. A, b1;l ner lP~al'e ,3Wi1(jl maija.zi n eo I atBh ,sp'ring plu ~g8r willi be fiC1iI!,Jlnd (~fQ'ly' on lI"itles ,of ,ealrl~ prod'i.J ctiQn.

'To i'iem'O'lle the bolt assemlti lry li3Jnd t~ liilr!l'~ m-ech'~nN:sr:n I ~ake oFf' tne flQ~e-' :arm; $UlPIPOI1 rai'I:S! am d actio'fl bar,s as !pr-e'i!'~o U5~y de.s~,~~ bed,. GI:ese 'the IbO!t, Tlhl~~ f,e m~lje '(he' bu tlpl@ta. ~'ft 0) and lU,rllSCfJ'&W' 'tln €' :stoo'~ 'bo!t (71) t,o ta,ke IOn I,he butt steck, (,:~),

SCriSW the stock bo~t i nJ~o the ~n:ocl( bol'i. p~ate (7'3). USI fJtg 'the :!Jil'oc:k bolt a~, a h:alndile, slliide UU~!" c~ bQ~l p,1 alte tiip 'Qu t lof 'e n,gagemen1, wi ttl the tr~,g ger g~a rd. ltiu~n tin ttj;l~~, p~a!te up into'- th~ r,~o~:i:'\I"'e'r ,and PUll II ii lout rearwam. TIh~ til"ig'9 e r gUaJrd ;jjjIss~mbly wm th~n sU tde Qu1: $,HaJ~g~'i'l to Uile re~,r.

PtIlU the oper~tilnig ha,n.d~e,rNQ un111 ~ the boH locking' IIutQ,S awe' ~i:s1:bleSlid~ the ~ ol~ cover (6) fo,rward' ur:lUI it' ,cove Irs the marmos:t hJckr nQJ iii.) g. Ho~'dilf"il91 ~h[e, boU essembliy ~ nJ pla'Ce. pu~ ~ 'th(ii Q~ el!'-!lI.t,i ng hancHe' I ocR (5~,) OUtW81~d,. 'Then ;s,llide th e~ Ol~e\i',a:~~ng hand:le hu'wa iid ,!3JrI ell pun it el,JI through 'U1S' s~ol In th@i bo~t OD'M'~!'" The b!l)~t aJs;~~·mnb~lly B$! then IrehlllQ1J,!ed by :sliding 'it to, I:'he rear 01' the r~c~i\re'r-,! '~h~n dQ'Wnw~rd- 'The boa, cover,' i~ r'e moved by s~hji,n'9 it t.o 'the fJ'~' 'i:n e! ,~$$~ITfbIY aJnd II ~mn'Ql the sid'e o~: the CO.vUf In,a,\fij,[:'tg the slot 'f.or tJrne 0iP e[~,a:~:~fig ;rHui die.

FlU nt'ie'F' d~'~~ssernlb~y I'S not !!',eco m-

m~ IfoHjled_ .1



L [Bolt 2. 3", 4.,

5. 6. r. B.

Firing: pin s.pd ngI~)d:i",actor spr~ ng, E:xtr,actof' p Illll ns)er E:dr,actor

F:i'r~'ng' ph'

Re,aJ r s:iight sssem blly B~rre'l

BOI~ t cover pl ;3,[e:!i

Bcdt a ctua i ng' pin Fij;lring pin retaining pin Ejector

~3. E]ect,o" s,~iring' 14. Act ion se r,BW




11. 1.2'.


]5. Magazine' tlUJbe Ili"leta;'~ril:llng scre.'\Ii 116. Rec,e'~\lell"

1 , a ;F'ro rrt ,sJght

18. Magalz~ne ,a'sse:mbly

1. 9. Outer maga2 i ne tube

20. :F area rm

21. Forea rm balli1,c1 p ~ n 22· F'oreaJrm be nd

,2,3", IMuzz ~Ie c lam p

24. MUZ21€ clamp screw

25. Bill ttpl ate' scrlew (;2:) 26,. Buttpl"lltii'

2'7',. [8 u t tstock

28. Stock bo I,t

29,. stoc k bol t lock " iash er ,30,. S toe k be I t ,,~a:s~er

31. ,H,t=Jlm mer and

mainspring guide 3,,2~ Mainspri'ng'

33,., Mal i nspri ng fo I ~awe r 34., Call't~'er spacer

3. 5~ Calrri er ,pi n

36" Cal rrier 5:prn'ng'

3'1. Calrrh!,r gu i die: pi n 38. Carrier

3,9+ Lee ~d rlg' block,

40,. Coclki ng ~:ever ~ i nk 41. F'ra me i nsert pi r!I

42. Sear link

43. Tr~'gg,er'

44" Seai!r I"n'k spring 4·5,. li ri gger S !plrl ng 46., Fra.'me.·

47,. Sear spring 48,. Sea'r

4·9,. Ha rnmer pi n 50. Seslr p~n

.51~ Cocking levier pin

5:2, Cocking leve'f I niilk p~'n .5.3. COt kJng: ie1Ul!e'F

54-. Sear I i~k pin

S5. T igge r pi n

B IiOrWN1:[NG ,Arms ce, added ~he '8JLc-22 meyer-action ~22 caliber re ...

~ .~ .' '1-'" f .

pea'tu-mg nW,Le to tts me 0 spa, 'E1D.,g arms,

i n 1. 9'69~ General I 'Y s;hnUar ~n appearanCe. to Wj nehester lever-action repeaters developed by John :M. B,r,ownwng in ~be late 1800' s, tb~s, sm all-game and

~. 'k m ,", Ii!!! '. ,dl.;ll f' 'lIB' •

p~,U:l" Ha,g' n', ie ]:9, ,pro LL ueee ',OF.' " ,:rownul,g

] n Japan. It we~ghs only about five lbs, ~

, d"'::: 1,:;:0: ""1'-" I ,- , .' 'jir ,',tijj" 11: I ',. o!!J 'n ~ sb .... 1 ~

an , .ureil! +..4~ ,0,1].= r,lue~ ,uong,; a~I,1idi snorr

regular ,and £dgh speed c(l,rtlildges w'o:~er.., changeably widl(nl~ adjustment Capacit'Y 0,[ Us tubAU,i ar under-bar rel ma,ga,z i De is 1 5 ~,ong rifles, ~ l' longs" and: 22, sbor ts,

An outstanding featu re [of th is compact repeater is ]t~s: short: lever ~hro'w' of only 3..3 ~ which makes for easy, rapid


, ,

" ....

'} ,After :remolVing magazine ;;,ssemb~y

(1 a,~ Ii n d check i ng to se e thait no ca:rt:r~dges, a Ire: in r iU2'. beg:! n d i sasse ~ bly oif 'the BL~2,2 over al clean, 'w,el.lli ight:ed be n c h., Open cock i ng ~ e'er {.S,3} ,811:10 remove action screw (14,).. Turn rlfle ups ide down ~ and. 'PIJ ~ i but tstock (2';) and action assembly straig:h·t back out of rece iv'er (1. 51"

2 'W'ork i ng t h ro ugh the eject lo n po n

, with a tweezers" lift ejec 'or n,2)

f'rom its f~x!9d liE!lce,i ve,r P~:ll:l~ a 111 d ,If~;move. Thleo'ji d[raw_!,jec.tolr'irilg 1(]3) s~tajght CNJ it: '~rf: iils lrec'e IIv'er s,e;a t ..

o perat ion ~ ,Ano'tbel'" excel ent feature is :nmat file t~l,gBe:f is mounted 0 . the lever, and moves -with it, This ~fev\~nb the

'I~, fe, '11:...". ,r, '. h~ ..ill b

user 51 anger rrom 6elng pme ,,',eu, ne-

tween the lever and the tr~gger..

IOI,f, exposed type~ ~'be liam:mer ha;s a ha]f~co"Ck notch de1BtgJled to catch the hammer If it slips from the, ,gr,as,:p when

.... 1Ji,.. ~·',iil.. :'",' b " [ " tb ,-'" 'b" --' ,:~"""-'d- '-Th-:C "'-

Uj.e n,.I.e :tS ,- eU:1g "urn, I, 'COC.L'J.,~ ,.' '" .Ie.

h~l,f~co ck is not ln rende _", as a pos ltion of rest 'whi le handl ing or stor~ ng the rUle~ - be manufacture ~' suggests tihat the hammer be '-~hlloed ~:n fired po s.i.ti 0]],

'h 'IL... .'. ~ ~ d

'W' en, tbe rt !t ]8 earned 0" stored,

Canrid,ge eases are, ejected through a small port ~il t e r~:ght of the receiver., Thls permits law mo un.twn,g of a t[e~e-

3 The fra me .~ I sart ph' (41) m'ay' come

" CfilJ t wa h ira me. (,46) or st le kin its

ho[h~ Ijin the receiil- er. ~'~ lcuJ.5iell re·m,ove the, p iTil so' '~h9it j't is not ~ est, (:.Iose cockl ~g lever, Then nn, rear 0" belt Cl) sllifl'htly and push 1orl-'falro untl I IllLIg II A' I emerges from 'fron:t 'rf' frame, IIU ft o'ff bo ~ t, and rerneve locklirng' block (39} 'from cocking' I Ie vie r I a' n k ~40}., Push f'~nt end o:f ea rrls r (38} sh,gh'ly to the Ire' • and sUow it to. swing up IOn its ,s.pril~g. AU ~~orkJng parts are now exosed :"br cleaning and ~ubri·, cation. Do no lower hammer {a 1) whi'le act [,on il S ou t o'fl rece,iver. D lsasse m b le further on Iy for repair, Drift olui solid pi ns ,"01 tha t t h'e,)! eme:rge serrated ends fi'rst.

4- Begin reassemb~y.' by saarUng "'~~,a . end o'~ fraime ins;ert pin i:iI1 ;rts. frame :socke't" Ph',ot ,carr"le![1i" down'w,a,rd into. 'firamli" a nd mOVie, 'tto thJe: riglht, ,calt:ch i mg ca rrle,r ,gufd[e, p:iri (37,) benea'~h t:dl of co.c~dng lever Hnk., -

~c.o,~e s:[!t1:~~ end '~he receiver t[o,p is groov,~d for attacb~ng' a clamp-en telescope sight mount, Open sights 0.0 'the bar e~ consist of a ,folding U -notcb rear :si,glUi~!, adjiusta.b].e for elevation and i3J bead frent slght,

M'ost expose ,: 'metal parts lof tbws handsome dfte have a h'igh. .. luster blue fi:rdsh tbat contrasts mce[y w,m~h t e g;toss-ftn ws,he.d w,alDut buttstock and forearm 'The black pla,sdc bur~,pla.te bears

. "h 'lDR"O-"WNING' "

: £,n,;ams Eli,··,' " , "r," '" •

'There alee two grade"! of th~s riR,e. 'Grade I: lacks engravlng or checkering, and G ]tide: I I h as han OJ engra vrung' CHTh the

, -

receiver gold-plated tr~ggef',. and check-

ered buttstoc k and fereann,

5'-1 Turn right side' of frame down! (I!nd p ~ac e II oeik ~ IilJ~:- bl 0 ck ove,~ s t,~d 0 n e,ack"ng: ~'evle.~ link. loc.aUng' s.m1aU trla,ngu,r section (JF b lock I 18,'~1 down and toward hammer, ~nstaIU' bolt OV1e.r l'ockJng block, guidin~ block lnto its welll w'fJth~n be ~t., Stain be It lug into lts fr,a,m e groove I and slide bolt. to HH2 rear untll it clears era rrier hco,k Bind ca n be brO'lIeht 'flush 'wr hi frame, lbe:n, open rCoc~Jmg '[ever 1'1111 ~y,.

6 I n:sert: e~~ctDr' SiPlrhlg sind ejectot I n r@ce.:i've.rl pol$itioliullllg '~hem as s:li1own j'n mnu:s:trat~on 2. !Place, :ac~ion a:ssembly :~n rear o[f rece:Tver~ sHdin,g :itt 'f'orwarrdl on th 13, bo ~t ~ n a $,~r.a '~ght ~ i ne.. Ti ~I 10. t ejecta~' :S prj~,ng 1m U s;f be-a r sq uta re lyon s ide~ crf ej~ctot. I'f.'ry' po;s.ition .sp,ring wi'ttl a :5 rna III ,screwdriver!~ wOlrk i rug through If!:ll;ec.tion port. 'When a:ct~on is 'f'ul ~y lhome~l ~elP'l,ace' ,act iOin SIC Irlf:W.,


Earb~ Model 1(1,'ba,v,e) ,and 1:a'te :mode~. (b e~ow) 13,rowwru~Dg eal, .12 at!l,~'()mi~ti>c :E"jj~~s

D,'iIJ." Th-i ern '''''''S~: E' W'.:!!JJ:."?-'fi;,'lf':J.1

I;J 1- _. - - - ~ ~!I! •• ~~~ ~

IN' '] :9' E 4 "the, Ih=lgian firm 0,' Pabrique 'N',ati.ormale began pr-od.uctio']J of a eel, ,.22, :mifle designed m, 19'1.3 by John

M B . T- -h'·";Ii:Ii "

" ~lrofWn ~ng'., ". -~:JS rme 'was semi-

autematic w~th :strsight blowbaeklOP erated breech, 'all hammerless constructien ~ :~t, had. a tubular wtlagazlne, ~~D the buttstock, T'o,p and sides of' th,t,

., 'm' . '~I '[ d

recei vet were com.pj,e!t-e~,y ene oss = ~

Eje(;~]on Oi~' fired cases WM f,w:om bottom,

ill., Barrel

2.., FrooJt sil~jf; ~ .

l. Bat'te~ nng: 4\,. Barrel _lock 'ritlg

,51.. 'B:ar~]. leek

,61. B;arrel lock. :sp(I,'ing

'Co iBaueiru ]oct;, :5!p'(['mng' 'pluIIS,er

:~t Cartrid;g,e; ,g;uiCle: ~ ._' ,


U)',. M',a8,a~lDe ,spring: :11" Forearm

12;" Inner' D'lalgaii:ne to be I:t M:i!1gazill,~ :fuandJ"e, pin 1-4. MasaJzi:~e £'oUow,e:r 1$, M;~gnzbme handle,

1.6, M'a,gmne fiQUQ:wer ~P'I';TI!S 17'., M3g~zi~~ fo~.llowe~' :st,op 18., ,Fofie'a:r:m J.ettaioing: stud 19; 'Fo:rea:rID, lescllar~lCbeon,

2;0" Forearm screw

2,:~ .• , :R"ear s]ght

22. :Firi,~8: 'p,iJl s,ming

23. :FiriW1g 'p,in sprm~ ,~uwde, 2;4., Breeehbloek

25. :Ex.tT'aJcto([' SP([Lo,,!: n:t~ild:[i\8, 'p~n

16. ,W!-Xtla!C~,o,r.· .

21 i' Ex~l'acto;r s,p,dng; _

2:8:" E·xtrac~or. :s:pdng: re®arume:r 29:1• '~,fdD~ 'pl~,.

:3 O. Recoil.l :s-prIng:

,3,1,. R:ecoil S,[2,f'lltS' lu;M~e 32~ 'T:ri_gs,e;r ph:a

,3 ~l., S~~~ty~, cross .. bolt 3 4~ Trmulit gu3JTrd l,,:t 'Trigger

',6,,, Sa'f~ty ~,pfwDg'

3 7 ~ S:il;1!et:t spdng'. piwnger' 31" D,j;sCQlnIDect,Ol 1'1:0

3'9'~ Se_ar :s.plrlng

,401• cDj:soon·['

,4, l ,. 1[:ri8g~! spru:mg

4'2" Sea;r

4'!!l~ r"...-i''''''·d.1 ::A----~'

'. ,)'. ~ia;r~, rn g;e ,1!~We Splli'l:ijg

44. Ca:rtridge sto:P

4:)'. Sear ,$rpd:gg ,pin

46. Se~r.' pta,

4 'i'., SHl-ck. SC]ie,lW'

4$, Outer' mll(gaim;e, tu:be 4,9. I1uup],:~;oo:

so, E,~t~,p,];a:re s.ct'ew (2)

,S 1., Ma~g[me .st-o,~ ,p,~ate sCrew 1(4) 52", M;a,su]m~ st:op' pla!it~

orf the, receiver It 'was readily' taken down, for C:[e'~nlng' er storage

m 1922. Remington Arrns ,C'O,,~ I] WQ,[1,',1., Y ':~ 'began production o,i a s~:m lID,aT dA,e u:r.u:lle;r W ieense i!r.r,fIl,[J];!,e:m.if'fEl:[ 'w'ith FN,. Desi.g]l,ated Model ,24~ U bad a ~i()ad:i ng port in the f]gb~, side e,f the, buttstock, but. 'was otherwise mechenrn(;j::aJ]ly aimilar 'flo the FN rU~~e<. The Model 24, ha!d a, 1'9// barrel and w,as

chambered for both cal, ~2.2 short and long rifle cart !Iddg'fS, and was offel~.d in several grades, a nd a sp ecial version was made fa,]" use ] n eornmere i 11 shoot:1 fill' ,g,IU,e!ldecs. ..

The Model :24 was discontinued in :193.5 to be replaced that 'Y,ear b:y the Model 24 ru '" The M'od.d, 24 IT had a larger forearm a-Old but1tts~oc'k, 'which ,made~ it more suitable fo,[ adult us-e.

~'ir.lii"U"ifliil' ~11'u~A

Barrel Ie;ng,~h 'W~S increased. to 24" ~o

~II '-;10 -, .j,- ereve - t :'" '-b '["" " TIIk,

_',~, an ,unpro, emem m aatance, ._. ne

acti ofn wars adal:pited: for 'lib o~h standard and high-velocity cal. ,.22 short and _]lO'U,g :dille cartridges, and like the M'odel 24 was a;'Va~],a.b'[e in several grades as

Wn11'1 !dI,e 'Eli eallerv ":-'.i"itod' ~I P' :p--'d'-' I 't·O" . ,lit. '-, ~III, ,~;,!!, u ,t;;,"~ .. ",",-..L,J Il!.Cb .... ,~iI., ..... '0 UC" u),[] QIJL

the Mo(le[ 241 ceased In. i 9)' W •

In ~h, Ie interim th 'i!i, F'N':-::' "C;::,~--,: -, 'it,,- d

_ _ _ _ ilju:....". L, '"",, =' u.r.m ua _.

maintained almost con[j ['lUOUS pr'ClHiucdon 0:[ ~be' basic t 914 mndel, In 1956· an improved model was, :i ntroduced 'by' ,P ,,',' which bears a s~rOJl1g resemblance to the Reml ngton Medel .24· '[, m The m agazi ne load lng port Is in the side of :the' bunszock, a nd both forearm and bun:UlOc:k are la ~ge enoug'h fOir adult use" Barrel terig:fh is, 1 ,9 ~ 1\ and it. is ava i ~,a ble ln both. ~21 sh,or~ and .,2~2 Jong :dftlle cham beri ngs, Several ,grade~s are offere d, ,i mc~'Udrullg a la~ lery model,

1 'Tol rersove barrel (!i r.tIAI # "',a'"l'I': .- C as-

~ _ '" ~ ,""JI,~!1.iL ,J! Jl '¥af,m aJa

_ _ s~m,b]y ,bom, r,~~iv'e:r'!; _ ho,~d. 'r.tHe '~pside diown and pU8t~ barrel lock (5) .for:.: 'ward, Then dJ'fI,W b.~eec'bb~ock (24) back ~~ 11 or- more by the fi,llle:r piece ,iilmd hold 'w,hh thumb ,of one hand. 'Gi~e barrel a :!A -tUT]), d,'Q;c:k wise and _ ~e:pa:r~te ~~e 2 assemb] ies, To, a,cocutilp~::ish further dlsas~embl)' ?,f BrowftL[ng;. ~2,2, ,au;loma'!ic rJfh~~ remove j Inter m;agaz~n,e tube (,:12) and assembly b~y '~u:rnh'~g ,ma,ga~[i;i:~ Diln,d:le n,5) ~, turn and w.[~hd.ra'w,i'ng :a;g~emb[y to rear until it catches a,ga.irnst miagazi!IJe ~top ~ia:te (:52). Give assembly l,A, -turn aJ_g;:d~ ill nd withdraw ~:t from, stock, N'ex:[~1 ',

trJf.i'I[1P,,(, '6'i'i/l!i,:t;"d '('''4' tr:..,.----:w,"-' ,,":1 '!:I,'~:: ~~f ~L,,~ ("A. ,),

_ - ~I;;;I""'!!' b,!,.l fii!:!I: - -;) - I- ,lIIv[ _ - ~fr.A 1E'II,IUlOUJ'b V"1!" ""

['\e:l:I!'2tct bT®ecfu:blQ-ck {24) 'w~th iO'Jr,einger. ~nd ~o]dr ill ~~:s: :re~:r-w.ilJrd p osidon~, ~lte:fi Pu.U teat ,end of tll",ig~iei ,guam, out. of ':reee.~ve:f' (B,) aboill~'t; :rn, N' i3J'Ildi. d.ra;w :meCbatD'lsm,

out. Sti.d ;:1'lw,:ay

•~ D ,oft - - '[ - ~ - t . ~ '. •

I" I' I' " .' . '_'. I" •. _", l ( 1'1 '"

, ,.n __ ou _ ex rae Or ~'pn~~~, _,~~Jn.~,~_g

p.~~ (25). ~nd, remove extractor (216),

" ',-- -t'l - serin - - r:%1'~ and u ., .il- -, . --" "., -- -"

exrraeror :sp_, ,g ~; _ '. h anc lex racter spung

retaiaer (28J -

5_,-' ~ex:t" _.QrHl out s~a[' sp,['i~g p~n (4.5) ;- , , from left '~o ir.[gh~ 8'1j,d, r,e:m1o¥''{!: s-ear ~,I\l(f:iDg (39). D:dft, I(>ul ~~r 'P~~ (4i6)~, als~() from left to, rig'b.t,i an.dl ,sUds -:s--ea:r (42) .out of ,]t5; housiog' 'to ,[r-.ont, D:r.ift, 100trt tt,wgg.e-J' :pin C3,2) :[r'CrI]J ~e;fl tOI rig;h~t ,8._md_ r,emove nigg,er and, d.isiCouec:to:r (40) t~lirou\gflJ ·~O,iP

'f; '!' '~. Ifl: -nard D-:" !·ft-' _..:~! ... - - --, •

0" ~]',~gg _ r. g._, !.,_ ,,:n,. '.d~OO£UI,lect'o:r .pJ!Il

(,38) {ro,m, :Ie:ft '~Ol r,[~ht OillU ;of tri:gl~f'


., .. 1,

W· n. 'LIA-' M'" I' ''--W':---;' 'R"" -1'C'--:'cHA- R" D'-S'

,.ilL', . ,. ~ ,'_ ,·.1 ,< ~ .... 1 .... ",.,.· .11:, .s.

'W'-, ILL~ ~1\1i '\Vc~ST~.'EY.'. R.J~11~~ RID:S

, ' \~j~ S lk fi'rn r;:i:;, ~I ,f,,", t'rii'll '1 'U 0,11: ~'i 11'~ ·"'r

' . " Iy.!t:~" 11lJl~, .r: u1, 61l LIJ.(-_~olllL,ll~' 'J' :.~ ;.D.,iI.I~"\" .'_

C'lF'Ii1i ,~',t~i" (" <!lIn ",1 m ereha 'I'll iI:',~ ~n-:l ] earn ed

~ IInltll],l ~.II.Ji !!JI ~lll.U. ,Ii!~.,~, ~,_ ~~ _ [II~ '~~,~ ~_ ~,!!! til ' __ Q,_ ~,!!!, _ u

eaJrly hO\i!f' to org,auuize production and to merehandi SIC h is wares. I Jil 1 g 1.2 ~

at +-1" : I., :1:1:' J'~ ] 1'_ 1:'-:'" . ,...1 ·ll.. .', £:; st

3, ~. u e ~ge (]!1. ,_ ,.,~ ne opence ru S ,u rst

shop at 82 Ii(g'h S,L in the' ,city o'f Birmingham, a th,r~lJ,'ing gunsmithing community. (\t that time such gun.s as were pro\'cd, in, Birmingham were tested l]'r('gu.l~lTCh· in private establishmcnts. Richards opposed this praet.ic~ an d quickly became ac t i\'"C l:vitll eth er gU]'l,Sl1L1 i th s :i n pe t itioni ng Parl,i~ullcn1 ~,or the e,s!~1.b]-]~$hrn ent 'of an offi;ci al proof'll ouse ~l't Birmingham '. 'T11JC petitioners were successful. A,n om:c,l~ l' .B inn ingh ~]1.] proof bouse was es ta'b'~ is'hcd, 10 1 ,g 1 3 ;an,d <!~h3-lc,g,~~1 ,pral ·l'[i,g ,\;VSLS figo rously suppressed,

. 'R'.' ~-'~'. (,'nl _t ,t::- ,. _, - ~"- - ~ ",' ']'-1" '-;,

,,:.]C~,HI!r.dLS nrst proaucts were arge-

nl ] ,. -] '-] • t - ,0 • .nl k Ii: l • -

,~y ]llg, i-q ua r ,y n 1'D :u(J,C, ~ r a ,'V ~ 1. n g

pieces. Richards \\11.5 enough 'o:f a merchant to realize be needed n London 0 u tl ct if 'he were ~o tap the best market ~Q:[ such gu.ns. ,A6cord.-~ :i:ng)y in lSI 5 hie epencd a sto rc :~j't: 170 'Bond. St.", '~u1.dc[" the SUpCf.'\-:i.s:~Oio. o~f Bisliop, which 'soon be'C~J1le the fash [on 9J b le specting he~d .. q,1il~t[e'rs for H~e c~.p ['tm 1.

:Rj'cha,r.d~ l:Jj:~.d l,n,ucl'li in retest ,~nd , ]'[1 hl t'he de,,·elopim,,?El'~~~: side ,of' :lir,(mnns engi'nec:rin:g" He nra,s Oir.i:e o:f t'11 e'6 to obta:in a, ] ]ccnse: ,t.o man u:f'~c,[~:J [c th e' F,o]",s;y th .] ael:., fIe in l,·e n red In.d, p~:tej] teCla, 'pH] lccl of

'b."' .. ,,;'1" '·'1' '~Id'l~ ·.'Ird'- ''',-c'd- _' ,',,- ,-'-1 J!.~ IS O~\ n ] [I 1IJ, O,~ ~,~, an., n,u", ,e ,5)el 'era,

· - - - t - . d . -] ]

']1 .. -'[ . t-. --" , ,. . I ." . "'-'. --,- .... 'I'"

1 mpfO\ enl,en . s ] ill I. ,eton:a.t] ng pl p-,Sj

tb d . He,

,---' "I" --,.' ]" ,'''-- "',,-< '-,,'--:

U .. es ,a~, _ pe rcllJr$$,~,c'n c~,ps. , . C \V3S

011,(,; o:f: [h,c fin:t' to use tin foil hu.ide: ,the' '~a:p to protec't the' deltolJl.~ it ~ng

C'~],"\[iI'~, •. : ..;II '~',: .,' :- . 'd' C'~ - t- ,',-. ,d +~: ."~,,,

~ _ i r ~eJ' ,ii!l:ll WI, 1.1 e ~,en. a. .'\, 1£:1' ,ISC., ~ II ~,IL.

O,fIe of h i:i @:,uns could be: :fired undet 'watet vIlth :~ speciaHy .sle~l~d p'firncr", A'mong: oC'hoC]" UiL "e-n'tions \V'~ s ,~ ail'''' u ~ 'ta:flI.i3-ent sig·'h '~' 'W h [ell. '\:'ilas :~ dop'ted

l~' - - " , - - --l!~W ~ - - - - 1 - ~ J.', . ~

'by _thif;"tl'lish ,~tnny,. _

R,~c b:Ards 'reFl:JJain.ed, 3,S €IJ,cth,re he~d o:f. h:ws' :t5rtll until I 8'5 5' \V'hew he ~!J~$ ;su:cceeded, bv 'his: ~on, "V,es't']ey ,R]cll'~

'-'-d~'-' -·'HI1',··, ... 'L' p"" ,.' .',-',- ",.:

a·[, $,,_. ARO LD ~ ri, ",ETERSQN1.,


r __

Brou: min >-~ •. D·" · .... ·.IO······U· ble A·:." u toma tic Shotgun

'[V'I .. ·.· ' ::_ _. /:1,.,_,: : :: .' =- _/., I_:_., _.' <_ ' ~,f" .. ·tl.'- 1.,,;,' '.

. . .

I., ':. .::. :'.' .• >

IS'y'" Theme '1ICt.

1"'.. l·'~l.·,' ".~

;; W'esse'l

Ibs, 1 m 10;2:$.. and ,13l :Hgh,ter T'welvette:

model weigh lng 6 ~bs, 14 oz. The weight .savwng· in the Twelvette model was obtai ned iLh.w:ough. use o.f an al urn ~-,

'.- ~''ii -. = .... ~' A.''IU' r'ii!l!' ·.mol .. '!t~'I1'·

nl!!,llU~, 1IlI.~. llU'~~ " .... .IL~

A new version 'with aluminum ,a,]oy receive ~ designated T'wen~yvle:i lit was fi:nt afier,ed wn 1956 .. ,Us name ls deri ved from the fact: that its ncminal weight

f 'I ,£'1 L...... • 'b- "'tI'6 ].A fJI' 'Ii. b ~I •

o orny u l'~. wIt, ze 'I'~ pwaHl I,a:r.r-e~ I·,

ecru parable to tt.. a:t of 'the ord ~n ary 20~ g~.. sbotgun,

A.nod lzed aluminum reeeivers of the Twelvette and. TVI'e.Dtyw,elgbt models can be 'bad. [n several color eembinatlons, nd:aU mode s ha;ve decorative hand .. engra ved! panels 0':11 sides, o,.f the receivers,

'T~' :~ns B;wo·wn i.flg I 2,-g,3J. :C.ouble .Auto, marie shotgun, introd.uced. early .in

19505'1 was designed by Va~ : I .• Brown:~I].g,. son of ·m'ealm.s m:v'eJJftO([ J,Qlhn M. B row n:i n g'.. M anufa,ctture.d by' Fabrlque ". at ionale in JBelgium . ibis gun is

designated Double ,Aut,onl,a~ic because It: 'wi i] hold on ly 2 shells and ~s self-

1 dl ( .. . 11 U- . l 11l~ :

oa I.n.g rsem t-automancj. '. D 'ocril,.m.g

f h· b b· I"~ 'h- d b

,0' ~ ~e . reec ., IS: aC1comp ,:i . e' , .y

.. · b1 'L.. b ....'II. . b

an merna '. ,1.10(::11\, ~-~ OUstIU. '1 n a tu ~ e

Wlill the 'buJt stock, Rearward movement al tile, barrel i·e r·ecoru] is, only about li iN .' An types o,f :2 ~ ~l factc : : .. Dliilcludio:l 2·% fJ M agnum, Can be fire)d wi~bout adjustment.

mni~:ian.y the Double Autematlc 'WiS, of(en=d in Standard model w·eigbmg 7


'11 Com menee d i'sassembl,' o'f Brow ning

Deu h~e. Automa 'Ie: by first ~:nsu,d"1 that b''Feecb~~ock (33, ) Js retained ill. rearward. posilio'D. P~~'I forearm latch I( 42) reerward ~E!ld press fo:r~arm t( ~~) com,1~wWy down. 'WUhdir'aw barrel (23}.". ext ; while; h:o;Jd:mg' oper-a~wg: handle (24)" plUIsh IOlfw,ard on carder I:ii:lf~)~b (8)" 'Ibe:o. allow

'breech,b].Qcit to move gently :fOE'waird,


Po rts 'Il.}elge nd

I. ltecei·v.~ir

2;, P:ri(;:~~olTIl. brake, bronze buffer

3. R"ecod spnng

4. P,oreanD piv'Oit. pin. S·.OIP' s. C,a:r-,rjeilf ~.Eli!t~h, sp:rwDg

6,. Carri-ex lateh stabil i.zer·, 7.. Carr· er '1 ateh stabUizer - 8. Carrier ]a~:cn.

!)'. Link :~Qok. ~iPdllg

:1 o. Li~k. ho o,k. s.pdng· ~[~n~r ] :[.. Link. hook pin

"2, Link boo·t;

13, ID~rtiat bleek core

1~. ]hller'l~a ·~,~,oci~ cere .s:pdng ] 5 ,. 1'1] erba. blo,t!_k

] 6. Action. ,sped'Q·I-, ~'lIs]de 17.. Stoct bon

'J. 8·.[,on spring- O'lJl~.side

1. 9.. S'WO'.ct bolt lock washer 20,. St,oc'k bel t washer

21.. Act[on sp:ri:n.,g tube ca,p 22. Action s.!Pri n G mbe

2l . Bar:re~ _ -

24. Ove-rating ba.nd:le 25., F in~l, :I?'.I n

26~ F]rilln, pi~,. st~p plate 2.7 m Loc.k]:rng: bl,oek [:a:t,th 28: .. Fw]"~~g -p~n ,spring

2'St Sight bead

30 L- '"_.it1.

" ','~ [ 1.Mhfil.

J 1 ,. .E.lltr,a!C'~,or .pin

:3 2;". E'xl~r,ae'E,or spd~g gu rude 3.1. Br _ echb~oc'k

34\. E'xt:ra.c,t,o.r spri ng' 3."" Extractor .

36. L~nk :pj'll.

31'. '~ockln,g block

:38:. F,or~a][m esc tcheon (2) '3,9.. S~gb'l 'base*

40 .• B, 1ook.

4"t '. B,~:rre'~ :~ock g'lll.ide

2 .~e.i~a~e. ·lb'UU:~11.t':i' ,~s~R.w5, .. (5! ), I. b~11:

pl ate ( .'5 0) . ~tc ek bolt (17) ,. Re

move stock rea.rward and. aw~y from reeelver «1). Insert a .smaU ser,ewd l'ver into rear of receiver and en,g~g·· lilotcJb at rear inside of ,ea.,c:h tdllg.e~ guard, fltstenlng .!iufde (,8:1) and (88). gt ~des: ill, short d is 'U1L'n(i e with :screw.diriver a,' :'UU1on, hook aISlQ setV'~ weJl 'fOJL'" t~ills) so tilley' m~.y be ,p.uned comprue.~ely' a~t w'ltb p'rnjer:5,. Remove trig§er guard (,1'2) from receiver. III reassembling, C8!.r,_ should be. exercised 10 replace short f.ast,eni:n,g iy:~de on right

ide and long: one 'Oil left, w~tb. notc'~,es of each f'QC lng In l' "ard

42. Forearm 4,]. Forearm 44· Forearm 'IS. Bjoc:torlji'

41.6,. Forearm

41. Barrel exrensio [~ 48. B,reet'hblo~'k lb:~fter

49;. B,'~ee'h'brnoc·k. 'bui:er pin

{fo].]nd, en ,earl'y' P'1"o.Q~;c.:Ii,O'Ii, ,~~:S, ,Qlillii:y}

50., ,Btllupla~e ~.

. '1.. BlJuplate ,S'C '·'·W (2)

, -. F·' t" brak "

_+. ,'. ]'~,~~'Io'nla~e, :nng

51 Fr~ction brate h:ronl)~ pO'S~'edor' 5·4,. F':rrneti,on hrak'e washer (2 )

t5:,. ~'r~ction ~~~'ke bronze, anterier .16 Barre 1 gu .• ~h~;

57.: Ori.'~ni:bl'·' r]ng'

S 8. Adj~s:tin,g ~3J,'

591., Ferearm phllot pill, 60. Disconnector

6 r. Trigg~.f

[62. D~iConne(:tor p~m

,~i' ,. seonneeter s,p:ring

,64. Db;coJl:Q.,ect'o,r :spdng lP~tlDgeI" 65., S'a'fef;:l' '~etaiL1.ioli pin

'6,~t :5l3:fe!ty nIDiiJger piece

67. Sale~y s;primg

68. 'l'~igger pL~

6~9,. Sear spdn,g gu.~d" "0. se ar spr,b.l!,g

71. S,e.a:r

1'2,. Trigger' g,u8'['d 13, Himm,e:r - 'pin

~~. .sea~ P'~~t 15. M3'I.'Q.sprU'iI,g 76., 'M'slmJspdng 77.. Ma[n~p'r-ing 7,8 .. :H.a;mmer "9.. [Carrier'

S ~J, 'Car-de.!' dcg

81.. 'Carrier dog ,piu 8,2. Carder do,g :splin~' 83 . Ca~de.r pIrn1,

8.~t. C~[,rjcJ' '([,o,g IPf:i.ll~ ,i§:uwdle ,8S~ C8J]"w.[~1:" spring: guide.

86. 'Carrier Spri'D,g:

87. Tri, gUiIJ:rd fa$.~)~n'cn.g gu[de:

88. T.rj,gger guard f,asite' guide,

89. '({,eeoU .$pring, '~ . ,'b,e 90., C:n:T~e:r latcb guide pin

9. ,~~ R,ecoil S.plt.L~g ~u:be. pin 92,,, llock:i"111 'block Iatc'b -:rhre;t


1 atch s,pr.mmg (2) plate

!!!I' F,ae 'o.ry ~mbled, to, 'llI'Ii~ttlr' :p'iUi~,. .Do li'IIot d:~~a:s£em'blt.

3.··· .. '. Turn ,gun over a~d UD.h,OO·[k LilJen:;:iaJ black {'~:5) fnJm, 1fc,t; (lIOI)1 and ·push. ~merUa blcek rearward ,and retat _. wit ,B.Iigbt.~

illy., It wU] '·hook'" ,~,o receiver

6 To[. d)s. m,C;lJJn:. Jt ~co.i1 l.Jl,ec'~~nism., dJd€t, ,OUI, 'fo([ea.l',., PIvot :IPW (S 9') Mlld :re,=' move :tfOJ1\eann., Unscrew a.dNtlIS;UnS c.ap 1(5'S)j 'il!JSlmg ca[le '~b'ajt canl·T latcb, sprhill (5) aDd fOile-ar:m, pivQl~ ""hID stOlP' (4) do not fti:p ,;ay 'wbn c~ is tlIi~!Cr,ewed., A~ this 'pO,lf~t. , ather- db;au.em·bly is inlOl,ed;iately obvious., Re;il5s.~hte tbe ,gum iu l"e'VItDe

d Wh ~ JI" .t,_".. 'b ..... 1 ..

c!,'_,e:['.. . "m ,r.e.-:m:s:tawDg ~,~ctlon "_([De

brOttm, an.te.rior (55') :~ms; ~har~ ~m,a;UIJ" manl,ete~i.' ponion j's faciDg uo.~t I.

l' ,Q,/U :Oil~~g £n,"EI'SeaS far a I:on',' per'lod andl I-1l'lUS.'! store ~n.v ,c.~!U!'$,. H'()'W cl!.Iln ,/ J)'NJlee: I thenl j'N.')J11 I'I~'/U dl'l:r-i:l1g this peri'od?

:AJH.i~Weri T first S'CJi)S ]JIJ preparing a . un tor long-term sto .a"s;,e are to unload J'~ and ,!i::ive 'j t a 'I no:r:ou;h elea n i n,g" AI ~ fou]" n,~ shQ'llI,]d be rern oved from tine b ere i:lJild eha mber ~ and :ftIUIJgerpl~:n ts '\1!i! i ped from exrerior $:{J rfaces,

'The emount of protectlon needed w'iU ary 'W~dll the climate btu to 'be taf the gml:n should be pre p.a red 'so tha[, U will not run du'r~lIlJg lon,g pc rlods 'Otf high. temperauire and humidiLty. Even in no'r-ma]y d:ry climates, ,pt'}::r,iods of high bu:midity can sometimes nceur.

Severa 1 'st.'or.a~e m nhods . an be e mployed, The cles m~d. metal parts of ;3 n 'lim 01,2,\1' be coated with a ru '[,·inhib:i~tin,g. grease or ,a paste wax as used on flo(ms, and auto bodies, '\i-Vhen. wax is a:p,p]ied.~ m,[. 'hOILil,~d 110'( be buffed ,. ut left 10 dryas: lS ,( paste wax. lS, easH~,-" re,m,Q,\",ed w[t h m aID:)" cermnon solvents J' n

C he m i.c..a,[ rust in,hi lbi'Eors, and sil ica gem 1(\ :h'ic~ ,abso,cbs ~~:mlosp.'lIErl'ic; meistu re) glve good preteerlon i:r,om F'US, , without the nece:isl'l; 0:[ app I y in '?' eithe r tOri I. ,or grease ~.o metal parts,

Che'mical vapor eorrosion inhibit,on re'lie ase a v;ap'O r surround S IiItle:ta'~ parts 'to ~xc.ll!1d~ mO'lst,l) re·,b,ule:U'Il al r, These v ap o.r [nl:dbhow:s~ sold unde r such names ,3,' V'P'T and: vel, a~ ~ l'I!ppU~:d in the form o'f treated paper crystals <Crt -n s:pra,y appli,ea' Or'S. However these chemicals have a hs.rm'fu] effect on so 'me, :S'E,ock woods ,and stock rn n ishes, Thus, h, may be desh'ab]e to remove sroeks iiIlnd. st,ore them se:p:a,rn.te]y '[f'lO rn metal parts,

G UHS stored in a closed gun ea bi net can be protected l\i'i "b a special electric heater or \ .. ~'i'(: a, 2S·aw r'U, elect i ~igtn bulb placed ~ ~ I du/e' beuo m '0'1 the gun cab]:net These ht,~ at-p rodu ci fII g. de·'. ices 'k,ee:p ~ he. aUnosp,ta,e re ~1Ii11 'I he. cmb:inet, warmer 1,hiVIJ t he surroundi ng air, arnd d1US. the dew poirl't;, 'to pre''ll,e'n,[ eendensauon of moistu re on gll n S"

G urns: may a so be stored ill rn roy wood '" e- corrugaied . ape r 'b o.x'es. \11'000. is ~ reIerred if' the ,gijlHS are to be moved :1 - au t while am storage, In .~ ither case, gums: hould be bllocked place '[0 prevent movernent 'I.~:lhe:rn the box, is moved, amd the boxes S:hO'ii~d be sealed t igb~h~'. 'T]g,ht ;s,ea.l.rnAS helps prevent entrance of damp air and the e seape of' t he cer ~os.iorn inn i Di t i'og v',ap'o.r~. Efficient S(l:a'i ~~g ta n be obtai ne ., by ta,p i n,g aU '0;( j~oirnts. \vi~ It. m,a '.'k'ing l.e"pc,

G'nrols 'should, :no"t 'b ' stored in unHeated s:be~pS\k'in c'r fabric, gu 11 c,ases for ]ong p~ri,lods. olf t~ me~ iiIlS :such e3;~e$ m aiy aU ract, rnoistu we :a:nd c au se rust.i rti,g,;

Box,edl gun' ,hem ld 'b~[ s~.'oir"ed in whe:r.,e they a . h~'as", U'ke~:. 'EO be s1i.1i'bje~ted to extremes ,in tem,peF..aUlrr,e ,and numi,di~,Y· .. .A c~odu::s ,doset of[en .n!l!~~U~ d:l]S req.u i r~~ mrenL AU~:C$ are 'llsu,aUy s:ub.]ec'l CO '~xtr-emes of lemp~:r.ahn re and h Il:m'id h.)' and are. a. ,poor :snJ.:r~:B:e areiiIJ,.-·E. W. H,.


-- ---

-----=----"._ -- . -


________,......- .

--- - ~ .-

._-_._ .

B'-···::·· O'W: ...... N··\··\··'··· ·N<··~'G·····,

- ,- ••..••.. : ... - •.• "". I'", .___:___ ••.•.••.... - ....•


SH-' 0··· T- G·_····'

I .r .... ., -' ·1,·· ...

J __ ,<. I ,




."iIi;. f' ill.. .. '11 •

Or.' '1;I.bJ.ltr 0.' ~Ulem IS· a s:wD.I~e tngger,

Bv,en:tuaHy a srun-g~!e n~igger' was SUl[;i.d.ard lzed In which $(:,1 eet ion ,of the barrel to be is m,ade by' m,ovw ng the safet . slide to one side or the other ..

The gun. has ,alw.ays, been. m ,ad e with

_!il Ii'.

automaue oli-·a ... tO· 'Fe

Il;,U ~ .: lulll.!EII.!l.~,._', "" j """",. J' ,!I • .oj .•

. .

The B rown i ling Su perposed is offered

b.y the Browning Arms Co., _·j·or.garrn Utah, in ] 2~'j 20-", and 2~~l··g;a. and ,41 o~ bore ~flt ,a. variety of styles, weigh[s,~ a 1d

d' trh .

gra .. es WI~.i. accessories.

1 ~'U~. ,,'~II. bottQ~ s~i,de ~p.. press tnBI,c,t and bft 'U._p.! tlk.ech:>.w:n .~ever latch (60). TUID gun rigbt side up and .,usb, fo ward, 0,11 for,e-arm. (,3'1 'then. unlock gun 'by ,pLi:snin8 top-lever (S)I rilln. .Lowe:r 'b~U~h:~ck alfitd .reIDQv·.: barrels (,I:) 'f1Fom recelver { 1. 4).. ·Relmlo,y. - front and rear tlr.i~Rell" gua t:dl S,C!,@.'W51 (:31}'i lnwu"la't~ ~crews ("6,) r and bUUplaiue 1('1 S ) . U:si ns, lcng screwdriver, remo,yt} s,1ocik bolt (31')1 ~Io,g~tbe]' wi:~h lo~k.'\\I'as.he!li (36) ,~:nd welsher (35) ., J.te:nul'Ve st1ock,. 'CoI:ndnue ibv turnlmig t rilge.r ItIl2rd (,3 m)'ilIJ:U'~ I'll II rn

_ lfi[glbt. I($e~ ;arrow)!" ] jlf~ u\p and. awsy

21 With rec~.v~ p,laced ,SQ,li:dLy (Dru

'b~D~b, .[,e-a'ch :thf,o~.1h KtitlD,- 'with, ,scr.e:wd:river miO! DlJarnspr '0.1 (4. ... ') Olll, faJF' sidle; mail(tS;prm[ll1 out of. Us soct,¢,t. in hfUDmer (4:8, or ,4'9), using near male,spriD·,1 as fulcrum. Push ,din-dl\y d,QW OD, mairlrnisp'l'hll' 1i!:.ruD[[de ("43,) and stide Wit Ioff. I dge of bailiimer., 'Ti'd11l'llJ aetien over ,8, 1 dJ repeat for corus.P'O,ntting paJds ~'Xlcept use

locldol 'oolt (:1 J) as :fu'b:ru:m,

4-i, 'Cood~iUe b:f :reMOv;lilt top ud ba~, .. 'tom 'lII:D .. g-·p'lece se-re:ws (116 and, 1'i, see ifi"O'W) :aiEWd~ ru.llsilllg a pl]'asUe bamm 'r.~

ddv\~ O'U't ·t,al/I p(iece .fr·om. ·rue~~. Or.' right

~ '" iBiat,lie~4i,

1. B. .... 'lIo d. .:i i"al:. '.'

- ~ ~ Q_o.l;I!II.

J. F O,f,ea rm

4. FQH"t~aJ'ffi SCJe~I'

5. 8.rurreI: pl!~ji,e 'wood ~ .f:~ght;

16,. Bau~] rilat~' wood~

IDelt -

11.. .Ra r~til pl':ii!!Jte scrl!W (2)

,Sw Ejec'~of extel:li~i@m1 .rigilin.'r

9+ Ej',eci[or~, 'rilh'~

: 0., Ejector. U:[~f:l(S[o.f:i, ~l'Op SC1"eW (2)

1. ] ~ 'Ejector s:m.'o~' SlCI7W (2) 2... Ej~a!c~.o~i' extell:f Illf,l,


- 'lI' 'iC'~( "'I~O'" '-1' ·r-'l

,.;).1 DJ( Imll •. lIlili ' __ ' t

.~ 4;,\i'~f

~I II:: 'T"o'p . '1""''''''1"

IWJ.ri' .", ,,~. ~'!I"~~

UlL "Jop~:Jeve.,1" s,prinR 'E'1.. 'lop .]e'Yer spr..if,lg

:ri!t3J~njllg :scfie·'Ii!. ... l8. sprjn:&l: ret a~' flJ ar

:W 9.,;g pin s,pdngl

'1!Hl(l .. er

".n, F" ~ 0'1i Iii' 'in;. ~ " ..!II

_ .. "",. . I.n~ll\~ !-'U111 U'JiL'li.!!er

,,! p.. -

..... ~,. . '~I['~ng p~!Il i oVer

22, To p~·Je:Ve.1i dog

""11) T'· I, ...:I!

.& ',. "" IO~·l!e'!fer "'-.tog; s(::.rew·

24. Sre~.eC(O!l"'i! safety

_So S~I,e,ctof' blo' ~'k

26. T3Ilg·"pjlCce set'e.;w~ t~p

21'" T.;iliJllil,,g:-:pieee screw~,


18,., T'dger sp:U'iDil~: 29., Selec'f.of :!,P!£WIlS 30.... Tri!'I~w pJ:~

::U, Trifilll\LlI'elr !I.1'U'BI;rd

- ti ~ ~~ •. ~ D _. 'I


J2~, Triner gu~~d ~re!W


33 .. Loc:k;ti{l:g: boh

");,;11 T~~~ - .. _

.JI"It,;. . al~~& iP.1e'Q.e·

'!i' r Ill:" I"'" ... 1. i.. ...... ·_[ljj ,~'tM-'" Iii.. ~ .~,,;J. ,,:) ";''''''I'i;;. UiI.,r, ~ "",'~J.LI,ell'"

36. Stoc.k. 'bolt .lock-


31. Stock boll!

3ft T,riH,e.r % :r-ea'r .39, 1"ri'gger.·;t;on


,40. Tdgg,er pisto'lI!

41. Tfiqer pi:s;tmiIJ .P~Il. 42.. Ma~bspt.inz (,1)

43. M'ai fllSprlrl(U gu id,e 2)

• 'Ii"

44. ,lliteflt.~ 'block

4.5., IIi1.ertia b~.'oc·k sp!lT'ing, 46,. Inertia b~·oc.'k Spm-ifll.


47. COlll:l!ec ~!Or

·4'8 'H'.amT.fl!iilf"",·_ ""iD-'hi<

_. EI " _ • ,;II~~ ... !!! ~ ~~ [ 'Ir.

,49'.. 'Ham m,t;!ii:'" lefl S'ID. Se-ar" dshl

S',~ '" Sear!, left

~2. Se'iBfl" :spring (1) 53. Sear pin

:9.4..~ .f":UJiL1g pjlii r'· ing jli~ (2")

;5;5 .• B.a.mer pin

56. B;j£c~o.~U' 'LII;ffip' lIi''Od~, ript

:S'1'~ Blet:wr 'U~ip. l.od,


S8. Cocking lever'

~n 't,.. •. I!1, ... 1 .

~7. COIC~~ .~!V:er pjn

60., Tfikedown 1il'v'ef


6] ,. T,aQdown lever

'm'.~. h ,0

,~tc ... siprIlJQ8 .

62,. lCoo'k;illl' meyer lifter' 6j~ Cock.img. me:~er' ,Itlef.'


64. 1r'a'k,edo:~ n leveili p1m 6S. El setor nammer, -1!!flt 66., Ei.~~nf' bcsmme:U'J


67., Ei ~ClOf' E1ammef pin 68.. Er,edol[' hemmer sear (2)

10.. Ej',ectof. bamm~' ~:lIi:Jj pJQ (2)

10.. Ejector hammer se-ar s\prilnl (2,)

'1':1; P·o'.r,earm 'bwalcl,et ,2:. Ta:kiedow,l;IJ .. Iever

'~ 1i". , •

.l:au:·~~ PI n.

1]. :E;~~or ~,am:mcr SP;f~: •. uwdc 1(1) "4., Elector. hemmer

s.prl:rg(g: (2) is. :B'Il~1p.late

'1'6·; B~,u.,p~!ialte. S~,rew (2,) 17. Ta:ik:cd@,wn ~eve.r

6 :Rem.IDv,e top;;"h~'veir ~priDg re~awTIios ..' screw (:1 7) j t01.3-tveif' s;prwng reta~Ber { 18) i" and top. .. ,lf~Jy,e:r s.Pll'"i:ng _ ( m,l6,; see In-tlw ),. DrIft !QUI '~kilJg ,~e,"'er p,j:n (59) fF"OM left to! :rj·ht. S~ouWd. 'this pin have been reversed, it 'wilrn lcd·le twgbter. w:hen 'l~p.ped~ i~ ~h,al case d" V'e 1t ,o~~ 'the ether way,.¥e co.ckI~8' t,ev,err (5.S)~ ,W~fl, top ... I'~ver (].S ,) dIrecd,y UPt and grasp· rear !a,f locki"1] ,g' bo,lt (33, J and dra,w' it r,earwardl cut of' r eej'~l!'r Drift fJO,p·~.rnever O;wJ I. by p~a!Ci:ri' _ drd~_ 010_ either s~l1e of ~Iop .. l~ver dog (22.) . 'To~·lle;v,er dog wwn :wta.te 0,11 to,p~.We"~ilr d~,o,~ 8.c~ew (23), aDd c~e3lr h.oJ:e W~ .r,~c· '~~'e:r.. R"emove top ~ever. Rea;ssemJbJ..e g;UTI :"'ml fe'V~, cse ord;,cr •


I I'N"T" L

,. .. ... 1

- - --'-


.... : ...

__ 1_, . I,

B S·············I\

o c M


t. Biaiirf\e'I'~

2:. F ofes,ig'ht .s·~oo,1

3,. $,too I 'fi:dlng sere,lN' (9:) 4 IB'ody

,5. F'om~'n:dJ s,u'pport* 16., GUi;ud ~eeper scns.wl' '7., Srock. bo'~t

,0 C't·-- l,. 110. - Int - -'lii,~·b9'" b., ~. oc", IlJOi~. Wg:;;,;u.;.~:

'9., Stock belt !~ ut 1,0., IP'hfot pln t

1 m.; IB;arre:~ 'n)(~Ubg screws, (2·]1i;.·

12., 'B.;alc.ks,~~ght Ipla1!t·e serew (;2;) 13~ 'Sa c.lks~ght: ,a'tta eh ment p,l,at,e' '14., Ba.'clks~'.ght tube stool -

1510 Rea r 'tte~ escape So toel

16~, ;Fr'@int: t~ i,esoo poe: stoo,l

11',. Le'f~: fu:~"end ~!ri P'

18. R ight fo:re~nd ,gr:~ p

19.. F or'e.~e,nd gr~ p scr,e;w U:;,~j ,20. F QrE~~;n.dls'C r1~W bush (.6.) 21. Handstep , ·SiC,f,eW' 22.. HSlnd s'~;op

23:. S:whre II assernb hi 24.. B'Uit,tp:~ate spacer 25,., IButtptatre

2·6·., IButtp late screw' (:2) 2'1., 'l,ri:~r 'frn~me

2tt coc~:~ ng ~:ev,e:r'

2:9., Ax:is· pin, large (3,:) t:

3:ll, 'Tulmtl,l,er -

3,1", Std1ke,r r,etta ln i ng' ~rC,l'iew' 32',. Str'i ker sprl ne'

33,. Std kef - -

34.. B reec h b lock

3.!i Tw>igger'

36,. Axi s p] rw_, sma,111 '~4) 3,1',.. 'Tr:igger sprl ng'




.38. Tlrlgg:e~r adjl!J:$t~ ,~g ·$ic·mw ,39, l'ri,~w stop sc,ri!w'

40. lock'~ ng :~!C r~w (2.)

4l., :Hamrru~r

4,2., Harn ITM!T bush t

.~ ,~, IILJ i!i;m ft'!i ~ Ii" if!"I1'\'r:~; I:"1ig'-

"'f,.;I<., IWl'11oI _I 1_ u • Iii":;; ~ ... ,~ ~III~!"

44~, 'Eje1etof 'sp,ri:ni[:t:

45~ E]EH:;oor ,~ever- sprl rug' 46~, Ejecta r Ire ~'ecl$!e h~.ver 4 =t. Ejecto,r I ever axls p~' UI

48,. 'E·ffiector

49.. Sea r spaci ng Co 1IIIalw (2) ,set Sear

.51.~ 81lJU.

'i'F,a.eto,ry ,a:S:9!embled 'to' i fII$!IJ re pre,~'is:i~on . iace;~ra~.!f'., DQ lfilo,t d fls-

:1lSS@i~ b~ ifl'. -

t~e'rma~e~t '~adoll' aissem b~',ed, ::tOiIJ!:i9! eaen 'fUrmic.tiolf;iHi: ~S' ,a::d's frof' bre~hblgc'k:, iCo~k'~l!'!!g I~V'ei!"1 ,alnd

ejl!;C:t'(JII".,· -

D, , 'T'IU'IO r- ···M-A: S:=· E W'E~·S·: ·S·'lE"l

DY I n_.", '.' .. ' ~ ~ "~ ~ .

. . HE: B S,A Martini- 'D~e.rD,I,ti.o]lal Mk III mateh lifLe was first made a:VI.~~,= able for gener I,m. sale ill. , .19160' .. Cham bered for the ell. ,.22 long ['"file carrh'"jdgej the Mk ]1 die Is the latest of ,a IOlThg series of' Martini-acrion preci,sjoll target ,r,ifijes made by tile' EngUsh. firm Q,f BSA. Guns Ltd .. The; Mk. I~l rifte replaced tb~ BS,A Mlc. ,II m,od,e~ inrrodueed after 'W'o'rid W'ar II:.,

The baslc action design of' this rtfle is very o,,~d and stems fn)nl 'U t· .s. Pab~~Dt· No., 3 ,S ~947 gran~e-d. in i 8,62 to II., L. Peabody of Boston, ,Mas.s,. The Peabody' patent fe,I tured a, ,fan~n,g breecbblcek hinged at the rear end, Tbe pate.n.t co,v ... et'le.d. beth hammerless an.d exposed hammer .wsni-.1,on, systems, but the ,]:aUer.· st)'~.e was selected. fer production here The Peabody rlfle was tested roy u ~ s., Ord .. naace beards, but :f:2IlUed of adoption However, a considerable ,qua~l'tfuty of Peabody :mjnt~~y I'·Oes were ,maDufa,c,.. t~u~ed 'bty true Providence To 01 ICO.· for various forejgn countries, bjjjc.~luding:

Canada and Turkey.

n 1. 8 67 tbe Swiss Re{pubUc adopted '~he Peabody -if(,e, and during '~he, trials, ,i s.w~ss, Jnventor, Pr~edr.i.'ch :Martin l, developed a ham merless mod!mcaJtiolJ]; of the :r:ifiem, or imp,[ovemen~. of the action in w:bi.cb the striker was driven 'by an intemal eoll spfIID,8~

The ,ED&Usb ,Io~m'm.e]lt subsequently ado, ted a. service rifle with 'the Peabo dyM,art ini aetion, and 't~,e barrel 'W,a$, rifled according to the plan of ,AJexarmd,et I 'eery .. T.he d.fte was '~beD 8:fib:itnlI'I[y ClUed the .:. artini-Henry, the name of the odg]n~d inventor bel'ng: ignor-ed.

The Peabcdy-Martini action is, par .. · t~c1l1aJdy suI~abb~ foF.' target rlfies as '~]).e. eompaet des~gn prevides saUd support of tbe cartridge and wry fast. loCk time., In the current Mk III model the entire action mechanism 'can. 'be easwl:y wi'tbdra,w,Dl from ~,e, receiver ,f'or routine inspection or cl,ea['l~m\g •. The fullfloated. barrel has, a strikingly long 3" bearing ,wn ~he receiver 'wbicb e:nba.nces :rigidity ,of the b~e:~~:[,ece~N'e1: ~emb~y. The und,efsl,~fver loading p,:rruo,ciple and feed groove in (be breec.bbloct: permit eonvenlent loacH" gOlf' the c.hambe,[ ,~]jl 'e.M prone :posrn.ti.on witbout tatic,g 'the dfle. from ·the shoulder;. The ttlgger is iuUy adjiustable for 'w,eigbt of 'puU and overtravel, The. !~,oc't al,Sstunbl:y of ,F[eltu:h wah~~'U't~ 1]S ,of ,Monte Carlo pattern and ls based on., the d.esl,gn of ,A] Freeland, Jl l,eadw,g American s,maUbore rit1emac. The fdk. nt is, o.pttiollaUy availabl.e in both left..:hand a'Qd nlb;n~handl Iction styme.s;,

1 'D,ws;asseMlbIe BM M \"

P'-~';:;·' .;QP ii"\l"!iii"'~I~~n!i:'li" liD· - - ( ') II]! " '..... f··-_o,. '.

~..,~\1!D~, ""~,w'"'"'O _'EOV1f!:E: ' .. ~o 1 iii .. "", 'm.t.

e jecuo:n ,po.-S~tiO'fi and Uliil$.CI'eWi.Cg ,p~.fd k'~per S(;t'"IeW r{6), •. IT'rJgger ~'f81Jllie' ,(27') cafFfi~g I(omptete mKll~lI~!m. m:e,y be re,moved. by e"e . -fag do, -. :ow:ard pressure on ttlile£ :pard,. P'lace' a 1 ,'" len,ph ,of ,S 11.6·J~ ,drill ,rod. a:,lai n:f'i! e,jKfor' SPIting ( "4) and a.p'ply' , c],armp! ai$ shown US~:D,g bloc-k of .soft ""'ood apiDS't bottom sll.1lrf;a;O€' of tr.,iggeiir f':!!'attI,e .. This, MieUe·ve,s tens.·oiD. IOJ] e J e'AC~o:r ( 4~n and ,ejeCtoI' ,leverE: ~is, p~ Dl t( 4.-:: ). Dt.~k cu:t tm:rus: ,pill. and ej.ea,ol axls p!n (.29') !u~d rem:move; ejecto\l"j '. jectOf' s,pril'l&, e:j:,@ctor' .m:'eh;}';fI;.s·e lever ( 46) ~ 'ilmd e jec~o,1' ,h~'V,et. ,'· og ( 4:5 ) be:! Dig cBre~ftd not 'It)O lose ibe m.a.tter'

2') ,DIlife oot ~eec'bblock a~ ,piu (29)1 anGl. w:~'d.1 br.eoc'[bbkJck (,34) ,salffi in .:jection p()57irio~. ,P'W} br_cb"b~, fiirmly f:o~dlJ! '1I!m·~'SnL, ;iI!tilld. a:Wii!Y'~ This IequD1!S; ,Sc'me 'ui:cky m~wpu1ado~ to' ,re~ the leel ,~n o,tde.t 111:,0, l',~eas'e 'bt,eec.h.block: f,[;om, 'rom .. bl~r r( 30) a'od. ClOCkmfig' lever

3'-:1 Next---.carefuU.y' d.rift lOut· nwnmer axi·s.: ,pin (3.6J, UtlOW') and mm !ilU'[ ha001 mert' (41) w~~h ha"Ci:·er 'bum. (,4'2) amd bfu:mmer ,f,,Prin,g' f43,) ':armclletil,

4_, Drifi ClLl't rCoc1a~tal'8 .l,e'Ver axis, pia (29) altrud lift IOllt 'ttJ. bier ( 30 ) 3.lItlIJd eemO\'\1! co.<."kiuS;' level' 'thJ:o!ul'h top; of uq}·· get' frame, C'ockiO:8 !eVR must: 00 ·--:·~ned ,5idew~,y8 w'he,D, 'brim.'IlS' :hanid1e pO.r1V.ic;D

IE'hr.oll,rb, ti'"1gge'c fl'9JIBe ~

5 Drift ,out seae His, pim, (~6.) :SJndl ~

_ piQ,. s.mall (36.:~ U,pper ;Uf.C,Wi) aDd

E,emg;:,nf~: S@itr r( ,;,1)) ~!ld, Sl~' ~Ipa~:itml ,1:011'"

an, ( 49 ).. D:rifc cut' trjgger axis plll (3.;6,i ]1ow,el!' ar"it"ow') :and lift 'hwgpr If ';IS ) !tJ\U:: ,fro,m ·top, ·0£ rram,e; 'b·tilDS· ,c;,ueful not t>o ,mm~ ,trigge~' is,pring' (3'1) wh~dl 'iiriU dro,p out whe- :f1~m1l! is turaed !Upside! dCfW,D,


. M~ AR" l;ill' , .t- he semi-aut .... m atlc - . ti - - -~. ...." 'II'~oi:i;d

n~_';'=~' ~s I",~J.., ~.:: .:11.-0 .0. ~L I"", some_:~m~~ [~G,U"';.

'~'ClvHlan3ij _, version of the U', S" :mUit~r'y ,M 1.6 .rifle of file same caliber. It differs from the :M16 in. that. it is ma,n.u~I.etll.fed with-D. t provision for a .tH-,automatic sear [and w~tb a 'I.WQ p·osid.'on seleetor (fire and safe), rathet than 'lh,e 'M ~ 61 threepositlon selector (safe. seml ,arnd auto). The later M.:~6Aru U,S" Serviee :dHe is eq w·pp'e.d whh a forward as~dst p,[un.g.e:r on the rig;ht side of' the ·r"eo.elver j but t~is. is lacking, in the M l 16 and the AR-: S ..

'Tlb.e. AR,·lS'j, then I, is a ,SJemi-:au:toml.t.I,c gas~ofpe[[aJ.ted:Jl:m IJ$,~,'-' zine..;fed dille" suitable for military ma,tcll-t}fp~. sm!ootmg: and popu.lar as a. s:maU game bunting rifle,. u l as in.troduced. b)r Colt in 1961. and at this wr~ting oyer a 1. OO~IOOO ha ve been made and

ld I dd"·j , '" II.. A'R 1111:: 'IL., • AlII:..]

SO ra n a'_,. men to Its sportlng use tne . '. ':"-.!IJ J IL~I,S eonsreerae e

appeal as a police or. g~ald rLne,~ where fuU-a;utom;a tile c:a.:p.ab~Ut.:y

. . d

]S not require '

The AR- 1.5 is made u.p of ,m.'Of,e: than, 15l~1 pa rts, bu~. ma,my of these pa is arrr pre-assembled ~,y the faetery into component groups, A . simple appe'8IJ:rrng handguard, for instance. is I.ct.uaUy a two-part riveted, ass'em'b]y comprised o'f:2~ separa teo if simple pieces, Thee buffe:r assembly (over a dozen parts) mu~y be: removed asUy from the. bunstock as a unit but ,s]",olJldd n,o~ 'b. e broken dJro\-v!O, to its eomponen .. parts,

There also a[[~ varieus screws with thread-locking rna: erial lnstalled and. a number o,f rcllpins and rivets the removal of' any'

f 'h·:· ... 't... 11 . ..:11' d I ,. flf ." .. [~II'

01 'W ~-J,Qi ·WCU.lit,J. leill, . 0 . essen ns e tecnveness 'Dn re I nsta ~a ~efGw

1i' '. ,. IJ... 'b ~. ,

In some cases, rt mli~m'!, 'e' 'lleJcttssary ~IOI repiace pins, nvets or

1 Dep.,F>e$.s. t e, Ii1i1lagarz1hr:l,e' catch b Llrlian[ 1(61,) aln,d wmlLhd ""w 'Ih~e, O'I:ag' zlne 1001, '[(,1 ),. [DeplN!ss ~he ihar",d~e latc~h~ (8:0) amdl Ire~)rac~: '·.be' ch'~'rg'i[ng [hal,una· '(~77~~ [EXI'm1 ',e ,chaM", ber 1,01 .I[ke 511 ~e, ilt ~s etasl!" iO'!' a cartridge.,

'el'ea:se, I . e ,clhal',gl~li\Ig lIiI;amd!l,e.,

2., W Itl!ll tlftie, '1'1 _ [of ,81 c. -'nridg·e, . _ush 'Ihe 1aJkador"WnJ [prn (S16). [10. el1le-d ,I bove the !$;afely (,ewe,r ttirou: Ii1 rhi; fiece:lver '1:lflO 1'1": to. r:lght ,he ba:nel IU'III't: mia, IiiIO'W be "'b o!ken 0 enm

,from the' 5,toek lim tille, lSJlmle war~' 'IJh:8.t a d.oub1Ie- - Elfife1 .sh[otgun Is, b IOkeO lopeli'fl~

3. lillie !blfler baldI" (31:)1 and all Its ,at~lld Brit. pSlft.s. 'life e8:sUr w~lhdl8WIiiI by pre.ssl·ng Idowm 'fhe bl!lf~er re·ta mer ~2&\, he [buffer ;19semb~iI ~s.! 0'1: Ic.O'urse, iU~d,~r some '1:1111-' ;sh,n ,and care· Ihcrul~d b;& exercised hrl ~ts., remo¥.sll, I't hi n'ot fiKom mllnded[ that tbe trIgger Of' hammer parts. be Nm,Q"ed, but. till ,Iir placement Is, e,d ··en;· wlith 'Ihe .aeUoll opan~

[4.~ WUbdr8W' ttrle bol.t' Cllr -! er' 1(~161) fram Ute upper' ~ecel"er' (1-).., 'This, wll[1 Jequh'e, th:e mllrac.lihlJ(n lof the ehartflng iharr'U~n;e' 'wh' clb,

springs af~e[ removal.andfcr this reason it is recommended Chat: [the A'R-l S 'be fleld-s~r~plped oDl,-,. 'with fwrtbe:r disasSiem.b~y left in the haads of a comperent g,unsmitb or armorer witb access to replacement par!:!:, .

S"iI"II,1\..;· Adi j'._ .

]~jt .~ .... ~ JusI~:'~te_Ll~:

The A,R= 1 S is equipped whb an a perture rear ,sight and. p OS~, fr'Oln~ m,gbt The.ty are adjusm.b]e i:n 1. M OIA. ,gradJ:uaJ,tLc,ns. for

wJnd:age and elevation res·pectively., -

'TI·rj;!o I]l;I.!!!I"r ,~';a'I,.~· has '~"_;jjli .... , fi!!J.~_p. i!'hn- ures o· - "lI. 'r .... 11 d' !"jil'Iig' L'·I1.0.", "d' ',' .-,-

,it U... ....lI;!!._ .... ,"'Il:;j<HIL. "GO!! IO'!I'I' V ,i!;Ii._ """" I ,,",.~ ~ n. 'Ill: ,; II;;!lJl _ .~~:II .'~ _ -SIIIISlpe. ,aJ.rm.

The short range aperter is used for ,lOO-yd. rang s, The: [0,:0..1 ran,ge aperture, ld,en.dfied by tbe ],eUer. "L," is. used for .300t..,500- :"'I'~_.,. ranges.

The loll indage adj ustm nt ]5, ~o cared on the right sidle of the ,cal"Iy~m.g· halldJe at the 'rear ,:!jl,gbt. Adj'Us.tme:llu to' the: wind.age drum (86) ar-e made by l s:':[1tin,' the soint of a cartridge ]nto,~~s rnowe~t s nlaJ.U hole, Depress ehe detent {S 5) and rotate thJ: d rU'm, clockwise to mJQ'Ve point ,of impact to the ri illt - counterclockwise fo,!;: movernent to the ~eft,

For elevation adjustmem depress the front sigln detent (1.01) at the base o.f·~be ~~(. ht post (106) and turn the POIst doek'\Y~se to move the point of' impact up" .'


.' .1

aHe'l' tJn[e,· .. olt c8Irirle"'s remova~!, IC~ In b.

taken out c:ompJe'~e'ly!, f required.,

5~ The bolt :llSie f (,6.91), CC11'~lrlll'ng el 'Ira ctOlI1'I' eJector. t'ilrln,gJ p:lrn' ,amd[ a SS'D cl1a.te _: [pa:r1s',j Is Ifle~mo'¥'Ied t'r,~mt;he canifer by 'tllt:~1 [pusliUng [l)l!!It' thle 'flrlln,' .iln 1re.~81'ner' ('e3:JI and P'u Inng 'Ihe' ex posed fl flag Iplll (II~) to tllite ,re' r .tull

[Ji!'liiU[ ,I w Ijlll

16'. . Iu:s[h '~tie bD~t tm! tl!ile· retu a "lei tum, the Hlii: ICBm pin 1(164,) u[n~lil[ ~t ts ffH' ,0,' the boU ean~e\r' ke, ~'S) amid cln b. e nHed 'Dut;, 'w'lth tbbl a'CCD .; ; l;s,hed.1 tfiile [bg_t Imll,y-:" w'lth .. ,

!drawn i8ft1d the lextr[lcl:or' ;Dnd ejeeto'r 1I'8la'l'nling p~nt, !D,x;poled., 'Theilr remotlal: ilQ, not eeo- I Mended nGr mo, lite, remov'al of the, three bon; ng:sl (,.li)l~he(5e bon Irlln11s sh,ouWd l1'a.,e tll!lel;r o.p eli1~fI,g s :atag·gelreld 101 [best D(pS'f,atf.oA o,t :the 1~ltl)e..

H,8In,dl Lfs'r1d remO'va.1 II acc'O'm;pUshfKIl sJlfR[pl:y ~,. piU'IIIh,II bac . Ion '.be''d:gI1!l8 f\d :sUp' lr~ng f12G) and' sepa,flaUng lite, two li!Iand,guaR.i1 ill aflwes. (''I " 1 fli)~ F~e'I-. strIp .. ' p:lng I's now eo •. llei:e·~, ,and reaS$em[blly Ifs ,a;ccgm[pll'~ ih.ed 10, N!¥er:s'lng '~he IPltocedIUIr:e,.

ISS., 'SMner ,lCrvwI (2) •• , ~ , CBJiI." My

. s,~ Ut,~~'

ea. BJ!t ri~ ,[9:) ft."

711l~ IEXtn:. ,_.

7!!1,. :~lo.r,~ 72. e~~r'~ 7& Eject r sprml1tg "4..I:j~r

li. QwDl:or ~IO 71. h.if.B1Cr pfu ' 71,. ih¥Qi I ~ 8 7'1. _ ' dl8 I~ r(m

3- ,-



'T'HB ,Fi :N .. self-I,ol,ad,"ng, (seIDru, .. auto-

,_:_ c_, matic) military rifle produeed m, serngl:UJ:m, by F,abrhlue 'N fttiona~e. rep'W,a;ced boU-,a,ctio,n M,fj,U5er-s, used 'by lB,Edgium aIDldl various ether natiens, Developed in the, 19l,0'~s, by Di.eudonne. Sali ~e a noted F., N., arms des~gn,ierj this gas,ope~taCled, shoulder ,at,m, w,as, not intro .. , dueed 'until af~er WO(f:~d W,ar Il, It was olle:Md in calibers 7 m.:m. :M':iluier~

':o.··~'t'O,&.,_ 1'tiS mm MI,\, au,' ser and s", mm,

• ., . \J~ "~ '_" lili , ~,_~~ '. '. [ •

Mause.l1". The S elgi an, Mod,e'm 194'9 verSiODI and, those ad.o,pt'edl by Luxem .. bourg, Bcazi~~J Colombia, Argentina

',' etherlands Bast Indies, and Itt'be Bel.!],an Congo were in, ealirb er '. 3.(~\.. '0.6'., A Y~fs~o:n, 'ad'llpted by 'Venezuela was in ca]iber 7 mm, " auser, andl the Esy-pthtn model was ,cham'btm;ed, for tbe 18 mm, , ,ea~tridg.e:.

This rifile is kno'WiU by va.:riolus designaUom3~ and is of'ten call d, the SAFN (Se.mi-Automati,c F,' ',.) or AB,L I( Armee BeIge, Leger) df!e. Armee '8elp Leger stands lQt' Belgian Army _, Freneh and F~,emish the ~wo IanI!llges used In Belgium.,

'The chiielf ~bar,ac:rerjstics., 0'.1: 1(h:i!s arm

are II :nx"ed barrel 'wit'WI tie las meehanism above it, tU:tmg b~~ec'bJboU that. el1ga,ges, a locll::ing shoulder in t'be reeeiver IO"'round sem~-fbred, 'box ma8:a .. ,zineji and a one-piece walnut :stocik,. Most of' the ,giS ,m.ecllao,wsrm is rCOD-

.o!'".61::J1~iSlj~ 'Ik'v ''!Ii 'w,·,~:iII'F!fU'iI' h~:n''''...;:!!'I!J',u' oJ:!il~.d

;~Ik;r.[~!IJ~\r.U: lll)lJr [~, . __ W;I:IL _,l ~ _[U~ ~IL !tJj .•

Durin;g' fir:in,s a portion 'of' the 'powdef' g:D!'s, enters the gas CJ~b:mdl£r tlmrough 8. :PO'r( in the berrel and, impmges on 'the gas ,p\is~CO>ll. The rearward 'mavin,g p~slon, aetu ates the., 'boU carrier 'which unlocks, 'the. bolt :a.nd carries it to 'the rear .. As the .r,ecoiUng pans move bac'k; the piston spriD;l and recoil spri.ngs are compressed and the llamm.eilL' WS cocked_.

-, , W10 five-round M,auser s~:ripr C:-lps, are used to ,oaJd the; m agazine, The operating 'handle: ]s then pu11eG! rear .. wa:[d, :11 ighUy ,2lm1dl :mlea:sed tD cils;m'ber '~' ae ~op round. A bolt carrier ,ca'~c'h on ~lhe upper Ie'; 0'( the I,eoewVelT cover ms used to ho d the ,I,ct~oo, open 'when loading Iiounds in, ,I, parti,aU)r, .. tUJed magazine, Whe.D, the maga~ine is em,I,-"ty- th_e 'bolt, catch holds the action open,

A, manual SiilJfety is p,i'Vlo~,ed, Ion '~be 'right ol'f the tri.g8,er guarrd,. When the

harame " is cocked, 'l'he dp o,f tl'm,e ham, .. , mer s,,:[,img' ,guide projects from ,tbe bottom of the tdgg,er guard and ' erves as

iJ!...' • ,..:ill"' ,

a ICOCri,J,,ng m~lI,ca.tor,.

Fasteaed to rhe receiver cOlver 18 a tafilem;t,-type aperture [iea~' s~,lh.t :adjun. .. able. for e'~ev,at1on and. windage The: blade froGt si;gjht has sidegua.'~ds: and, '~s, mounted 'o-n the ,gas. c;yUnder bracket, ,A ba'y,onet lUI' ~8 fi.t~,ed, to ~he ~oUc)<m of the barrel, Some 'mod,ems of this rUfle are equip'ped with, a muzzl .. e 'brake, w'h~~te others lac'}: this feature, The various models also d~ff;er in several ot:ber details,

'U'ntjke mm~f :smal~ arms, ex,:,os~d m,e'hd parts of tbl-:ij rifle have a b~lck

1i • ~ re h TIl" ,. h

lera,amell 0:[ pamt nms J,. . I' S !rl"Y'es .- .,~,

appearanee of cheapness, but the rifle., :ls iBct,ua:ruly 'v'e[}f well, made,

'Wen designed ,and reliable this sturdy dil,e is among, tbe better semia,u~'omath: :m,Uitary shoulder arms, U, \V,as, d lseontinued ,m, the late, 195'O's when a number of' nat (ODi adopte-d the F, >]'~ ~ight automatic 'W'wfie! 'aJnld many.' .F, N. ;s..emi,-aut'O:mJil ties were :80,ld, a'S surplus.

1 '1'. 18. 19. 20. 21.. '2:2,. ,23. 24.,

[P~R1S _ 'EISEl', 101 ' ~~ ..... _

1. Rece~'ver CO'l'f!:f ,a,5semb'ly

2. B:o~.t carrier catcf stop :~t Bo ~t ca!n'lier "~(rtc't]1 s[piri na 4,. Rea r' s:vght

0;, R',ealr S'~iht spiring 130 It caai e'r catch

~nner rec.oU sp:ri'ng guide:

Otlte-r recc i r sprv ng Inner !'ieeo] I s,pr'~ng (,2) F i ri. ng: pl fi1 e.~tlens'~Qn S.Udinlg dust cover !F~'ri n,g p'u n

Fi',rinlG p'lirn sp'ring F:i:ring, pin saf,ety step [R eCfihi,e "



E:dJracolr s,pri' ng,

Bo'~t carrler

p'i'S~(l!rill sp.ring


[Rear hand,guard Barrel

Ga,5, 'cyl i'nd,err






g" io.


'}2. 23. 14.

1- ~5:

"_ . .:.... ~


!{.J! .•

1 =::m~e[:~'!t ~a~a~~~le n~:e u~

eha rilJne I ,ai~, .rear 'Q,'~' Im_~z:hliJe OOX ([E)'5,)~ ~r1 back magazhte catch 1[~19} a n.d remo~e mlga,z'h~e., ,P'~ess 'ftro~l't era d of fJo II~owet {53) d!ow'lra'w8ird ulf:1ti I i:t5, rear hook d~is'"' len~ae:es 'f,rc:m the mala1J~iN! box'. Then, ei8IS@: (HJr~ ro,I'lower lCi'Ilnd fed Illowe!'1!' sp:ri'llili '(66;)"

.2 it~: '~{:t~~s t~~nd!~a~~lt r~!=:

to oo-ck ri"fl~,. Y'liUlrrm WDdk~ng l~eY" at wear orr: mcewver' cover asse!mbly (:1) IUpWaJrdJ ,ij,nd lPlJsh co,ver forw.a,~d IUJ nr~,'i!: i'~ s~r'i kes lts, 8,00'1. llft r,ear le,~td of CO!J'E!r' ,t,-~]i dw:s~'

" I' "~' - -~ -

engagE! I'~, 'i~ rom recerver I~ 1 !!J,~II' lind - ease !Orft

to tile, rear, Reoolj I~ ,sp:ri ngs (,8~ '9') ,COMe oN' w:!th tl~je ,ewer,.

3 Pull! o~emti~lrlg l1an:d I e back, u:mt:i' I bo I~' , C8r!ri:er Iguides a m:~:n wmth d lsmeu nt: cuts, i'n receii'ife'r'., L i'tft arm iClrw'h3jr sWid bolt ~,'16]~ and se:parar~e by ~,ul~Ung boUt rear .. , walrtl out, ;of' ,car:rh!'r'.,

4 li:ft~' 't1M~--rt --'~fiII sa~ce,,'h~-:-::"-'''F'=:I 1''Ij,4'\ out A.-f -- - -- Nn-5, Ir:]L - - v :::lh.JYI~ u:. -,~ ..... ~ ~-

.' . ~ b@,I't. iUsi'n;g ,ta! e.artdd~'i Ipc'irnti' flex

extractor s~;rhlg tI,t),) out ·of: ex,tr.acror (11); alnd rotate t!he, sprinf], %, tum dowrl!w\ard~ Rem,ave extr:a,ct:or~ IPress fir1il11l:g IPin e:d~n~ s;iom (::U)I) ·f"d ~'y f:@!~,~fd :~'fiII~D bQW't ~ n,d pI!! I ~ iQ'Ui~: e:ldra tto'r slprm'ng" :R'emov~ 8M! ng pi n me,ns,itHlul flri'lng' pln [l2) , and, fl~r1hTII ,piln ,sprri Rg' (13)~

5 IPmss m n the: detent 'o,f gals ,cyl' ~ rnde:r , I pl,ue' (2'7'~ wi'~'h 3: ,cartri,d~:e (:Ioi:,nt~! and rotate '~lhle pili ug V4, tu~nUl cilloc'kw'i:se~ IU$'~ rug fl~rst 'the 1l0Sle~ ~hen the Ir. m o:f: the carr", tr~idg~" Fb~mo¥e '~tN~: pJ ug: al~d depress ntU1u:~:e 'tOI ,a~lk~w' plston (21l and ,p~i$ton S(pding t2:0) to s~1 i,de 'cn~t Rea:(6;semb!:e r:]f:~e, 'j n re¥eiil':.sem On re,p!llaici ng gas cyHl1ch~~w

I ·I~ !iI+,~ ,U ti"j, ~,~ fll b'· ~ '" t- '"

r.U.Wi,,- ~e'll,,~~r M ~r:ai~C, mfillsc'rl~d:'Dn on

IEQ'pfian modeU mllmS~: ~:ace up" When o;p.'

PAiI!""I'''a sld eo 'Af nlua jl;g~Oi,~ U-IP '!I-'i...e, ,D'::llIIC' iFiii"Ii' .... ~iIiJ J L!~, ,a I. lG ~, ~ . ~ ~~~J~;a' . . ~~ "i~ ~r~1 bWl~ l~·~l~ L

ws, b locked sal 'thSlt, ri'~le ca n Ie e: USl'!d $'o'r hJ uncil i'n~ e!renades~

6". :.', 'To ad~ust ga:sl cJUnder~ I~emov\e stock,

~F!i;cd c- 'on s"'·reUIfl 1'11:'..,:\ e1,R '~do £'-t-' 11"1 "",~I,r OJI1I..:iI ~II~U . g~ .~~.\. i"~ ~1~~JlIl :~~[ •. :_I_~ .~ :Wl~~t\ ~ fU

C aiP (54:) fC:I'W.a rd alnd rEfmJo've it, li:tt f'o,r;. 'W,iU'id] ,ellild of ·front hand ,gua,rd (25) alnd s I i de fonya'rd out of h,wer' band (.5(}I).. Tu rn :Ias adj'u!s'tJi 111 $,Iieeve: {2)6] r'iglht '001 lnereese ,ga.lS ,pressure~ teft ttl, decrealse'. !Cases ,m:uls't I!:~e(;t $Imart ~,Yi~ 'but nD'~: vl,o,l'e:n'ttbf.

7 Ou:taWBlY' shows Fe~lat~:i,onsh;~,p betweelnl ,ass~rm'blled pa:r1:s,. .~.. . IR:iif1~~ ils lo;;uied lind cocked,~ bo.i't. Ci;I mm~ dow~ aDIWIf11!S'~, r'eoe~iver h~~c~dmg ,showlder~ P,arttts are n.umber ~eyed to p.arts; legend.

2!k Fro,n~: l'IDanrdguard

26" G:ss, mdjlu~,ti'tnl' ;s~leeve 27',., Gas, ,c:yl iinJder ,p~lug 28., Fr!Q\nrt ,si'ght

2ii"iii I.;I! 11"''''-1 e cae

~'!!ll ,I{rt .• ~~_,.: ~'.~'

30., :SIIlJUlPh:.t'Q ,SC 1'1111 (;2:) ,31., B uft~pllitrie,

,32., B'urtt :s,~,"iV\e'l scr~w ('2) 33., B Ul~,t ,sw~\re~

,341; Twigger s~aird

. 3 5,. AtI~m III i,ary se~lr s,pr'll4ig' 3:6\. ,AJUiXi I j:airy sear s:pruilng


37',. ,Auxi' I ialty' ~8\arr 3;81. 'Triigge~

a9',. 'Bol~t S'~op' reta i ner ~O(. 'Eh)~it s-blipi ir@t:ai~;~r@:r

p,llJlr:1ger 15,:pr:i"1

41. T,ri',gger s,:prrn'nle p:1 ung':er'

Ai 2 '9ni il [i

~ • '. !~ IIfUjger ~:pnng

,43,. lIB ~~t ,s~op aJssemb'~y

,44" 'Outer ha mlm~r sp:rwrrilg ,45". fh)~:t ,st,:oPi reta hillBil'

,pl~ Ull1ler

,46., E]ec;toW!"

47.f I nlllllejl!" Ih,jlim'm:er ,s,prl~ ng: 48;. H's'mlme:II'" ,8 fiIld ihalmmel!"

s~h,g ,g!U ide,

,4'9',. towei!"' b~lnd ,swhle:l, ,50,. lower band

,51... Stock

52'., Stock lend ca'p !ie'raw' 53,., ,MIga2fi me 'f'O ~ h:wrer

II:: J,lf ,~&"", .... il_.; lell1l d Ij!"O~ p~.IIJI '~I~[~~l~ _' _ .1 _ ~.I"#II _ .

55., RJ!aJ' ,Stluud ,~crew

liiii: c, ~ ~"l""fh.,

~ U1IIJ I~,~ II'~ ':J'

!$'7., C!ll11te;n' giu811rd ,5lCiri~W

sa '0 M,ag;1'z:'j ne catch s(JD'i ng 59,. M\agalzlne c~atch

61."'1. TlrU(lIer IP'i n

181 t. IMam'mer ,piirn

62" GiU3'f,d semeew S'~~)P

~s;eir-ew 1(,3.:)

63" firont, :gU8 r,d] screw 64;. Miag;lii Me c~a-tcMl p,i n 615., Ma:gaz'i ne box

6S., M"s,az:ine 'fo,~lio,wer :~~!lri'nB:

- _.

-- __ . - - - _---

FO· .. ····-·····X-··· .» - M"': O·:····D··E' -"L B- .. ' S':' "H- O":'T- G···· "'<'Ui-N' r-

, .'.: . /_ _..;.', ,_ - '. _.- . .J _I - .:' '. :~'" 1.: .. ·. _ _,':_ "~. _ ." •..

bE :Fo~ M[od)~:W B ~s ,I, moderatelyp teed slde-by .. side double-barrel sho~,gU:1l '\v.i!h concealed hammers, Intro .. d.uc.ed in ill 939 by Savage .. Arms ICOrp ,.~,

L' 'L' f the f

t(]IS gila nears the name 0" " the tamous

Fox Sh!otgUDS which. were produced .for many years by £'he ,A,. F.L Fox Guu Co, ll1. ·P'bilade~phial. In l 930,. ·Sava~e boug;h't out the Fox Co ~~ and the Model 8, is 'che only s hotgun that is st.i ll in preduetion under the name '~ox.~:~,.

There are a number of ve-:rsic'llS ,of the Model B~ The M:,ode~ ,8 has 2 tr.i.g,gers, and the Mod.e~ 'B~ has a gold ·p~ated

-1- • •. '1-· ...! 'b

non-sa ect L'Ve S~tn\g e trigger ane - ea ver-

tail fore-end i Both " ersions have ,I, ventilated rib, and ar·e· off.;eredl in 12· .. ·,. ,- 6 .. and 2[)-,giJ,~, and .4,1!O·-b[ore" They fe··aw.:r.e a 'box-type fr.ame which is easehardened in colors automatic push.·, ~uUon saf-e~y O'D upp er receiver taug~11.d black. w,aiw.ut s~ock a:nd fore-end, The stock is of,ip ·type w.rn~.h. es,p" and gdp and f:O'I'HDd are: checke ed, Barrel lengths range ,ft',om 26'" ·~O' 30P', and chokes [from improved cyUlld'~r ·~o fuU .. The Model H, De Luxe Is $ullila~!' to the B-sT, but w.ith. a. chrome-finish frame aDd g.u.alld1, and cll(:-eketing on the stock .. panels,

In ear' ier versions of 'this gUlli' the fere-ead iron .. [8 held 10 the fere-end by .2. wood screws .. In, some l~'ter spec.wmen-s, 2. machine screws Ute, used ie, .l~e:u, oif 'wood. screws, a' d lm. 'itJle newest Mod.el B, ·th,'e real' fore-end screw ·epgage.s :a; threaded hole in a fl,at s~eel fore-end insert, The la:t~,t type is i ustrated,

ReM(fY'e trigger guard :SC.~lvr· (:37') and unserew trlg#r g1Jard. (36)1 fro·m fmme· (1.1) ,. ~' .. " ,~mov,e,~ sc·re:w'S (59!) ~;m!d b\l.Up':~fl!e (S'8 ) '. 'TheI] remO've stock halt (4$ j ~ s~DCk 'bolt washer (22) ~ a.rna; stoel. R.·emo:ve. ·fo.I,e;·:·:~d (46, ) "by puU~ng down fit! n'm fro nit end, (lpeO a:clioiIll. '!by pushing 'to' ::r..(gbt on top snap ( 12:)1 ~ and. remove "biBlfrel 8ss-emhly' (" 1)1 ircom, frame;



2 iteroove trigg "IS (2S & '2'6) afte'[ drdt~.mlg OU~ trffigpr pb~ f21") from . ~lbt. t,o .~e:ft I(A) Drive o;ut. SM·· ty leve.r .pin (2]1)" IDem. remove tF.[gger s,pn'llgs· (23 " :24) and sai1e.t:y ~everr (20). fa) ·P.iFY' out safety spring (17), (e) remove sa£e:tJ'

plunger (19).t amd aafet..y Dutboo, (:18)

3 (A.) O'.riv.e out sear ,pln (:28.), :aad re. 1 move sears (:3 Or & .31").. Remcnre, sear spiring (32 ) from, under coeki og lever sprl:ng (:3 3 )., (B) Dd.'ft 'out 'Cloc'ki mg ever. and. hammer p'J~ ('2,9) (lud '~a[<:~ OU~. hammers (:3 S .& 19)1.. :mru.nspri ng (4·], )Il mllll,spri'og :pbl:ng~rs (40), and coo.k~Pg lever (35 '), Tum. out 'oonl .p~n. i1etaining' SCll"'il!!·W·S· [(4 I) and willt&dmw fi[r~'_~1 pins 1(~2.) and

:irioi pm S.p.rings !(44), .

Parts; Legend

1., B,a rrel assembl 'IJ 2.. F:(I"Qn,t ~\igh.t ' "

,J. R.~aJir .si',gh~,

4,. E~~,t racter

5" CiQek~:~g: plu

retai ni ~'lg, screw

6. Co!(,;:k.~ng pln ng~'r S,pirj'ng

7. C<o;c:k.i ng pl u n,gil1::r g,. Bxtractor screw 9. Top sn~:p ~,r,i:p

] 0,. T,o:p' sn~p [r.i:p' ~ 'I.. Frame

:12. Top, snap

1'3. Tops na.,p screw 14,.. Top sn~p p!,ummger ] 5, Top, sna; p]u:nge r


E 6. Y:op :s.n,ap' p,:I:ullge:r


~ 1. S~Je~,y' $.~p:D"i'n,g:

] g, S~Je~,y' buu.'on '~9,. S~d~~ Y' [\):~ unger

20. Sa'fe1fy lever

2: l, Safety lever :p,j n

22., S'!:ock. bah w:a;s'lier '23., 'T.rigger $pri n,!i:' I eift ,l,4t 1r:y~,'tg'e:r s"p,~~:ng~ llTl!E:~J'l, '25" l':r[:~u~\etill le~~

26m 'ir:r,itti,le:rj i1fi,gb~

2';01'., 'l":ri,gger [;)[n

2 8:,. Sear pin

2. 9. Gack,hlg h~;'i • .l'e'r and,

h am:melll P~'111 ,3 O. Sear, '~:e:fi

3 r. Sear, ,rjilgh t 3,2. Sear .s~:r~imJJg

,3]. Coc:k ~'~g lever :s,r~:ng, :34,. Cod~ i ~g :h~~'er.' spdng

pi~ _

.3 S,. Coc:k.i fig lever

,36,. Td~~er guam,

3"1. Tri,gg,er guard SC:r~fW :38. Ham mer, :Ien.

:39. :~:~:rrlmier ~ :rw~~ht

40~ M'a.i~,$;p,.r~ng 'p'~~nger. (1)' 4..1 ~ Pi ri ng p~.~ :r,e:taffti:[alg

screw ,(1)

42,., Fi:ll'i:ihlI\ig pin (2) 43. M:~t:insmj~hmllg: ('2,']1

44,. :Fi r.i D,g ,pifllJ spwi ng: fa ')1 ,4S. StJOGk bolt

~,6. Fore-e nd

~,1.. Fore~ielld ~crew~, foo(n:t 4.reL Pore-end insert

49'. P:iSI,'o,l gdp cap

SO, Pi stcl ,8r~~ ~:ap serew 5 'I ~ Fere-end l~:romru

52,. Fore-end l$prh:II~; pa:WDJ S 1.. Ejlec~:,o:r S:C'f'eW _ -

54". Fo![,e",e:mlJdj s'tlr.,ew,~ rear 5:5,. Feee-end ,spd:ng

513, FOire-endl spring spri ng' 51,. Eje~l,or'

::; 8,. 'B,u,Up]~,t~

s 9" B lJUp~aJe $C:~W (2.)

4 I)"'pr~S's t ..... n c-- e,iii'jj tii""'ii'!i t,n)' ot> .... iO,iI!..f~,'i' ,!' .... ii;"i;

, .; .. ,~" _' ,- __ '~y~ . ~~'~~ ~:i,,~~. _ '~ ~I '" ~,~. 1~,m~'~,~'V~

slJ:iI,ap (] 1. ) ean. move ~o w:ts ce~tra.l.

1 .• esitlcn. T'~'£j- _/ ·1 ~-" Jw,d ',~-" f-,',' ': .. -, '·':,·"C·

,po _ _ _ 0; __ e !;.J ... _ !l1IJ] ~ sere ,_,r,~, e.r., oree !LOp

;,_q na,p ,plUlhll,:ger' s,pd ng 1(' :16) for'INaJrd and to

len ou ~ 01 f [u,~ :i n tiop ta ng of fr!anle~ Re-, move itiOP' snap p~ 11Lli:~;g£:r' { 14 .l ~ '~OPI s~~!P ~l~~ ~ge:[" col la r ('I j' ') l and itO,PI snap pI u:l);Ilg,e:Ir' ~pri[ng. Hs,i~\~ i8J'D1 o:Wse:1 sC'rnwdrlI!V'e,r',~ :r~move; t,op s nap screw ('] 1) and Hft 01lll~ t:o:p snap

~ I ,', ~I 1\.1 ' ., it<., ,r'n.~, '" d i" . ,', ',,', ,-,,_.' _.

~ - J', ~,op sn,ap !l.i'I,p ",-:s" han", .. ,ep :S,Ilia!,p U-~,p.

spring (] -0 ). Reasse rnbl e in reverse, 'Wben replae ~ ng U):p snap p:~ u n,C'e-r spri [l,g,. w'[ :~s'

necessary to 'Use a d.i'v:uded:-:bt~d.e push 1[001 s i ml ~f-IJ r [J!:) a 'b~~~ sc:r,ewd:r~ve][" wi Ih rsp~~it, blade to fa,C~im'[a:IDe compressien 'of :spif,rng

5"1''''., . Remove coek hil:,g plu ng,er ~tai.nj'ng

- :screw ( 5'-1J IPp:e r ~:il' FOCW ') ~ Icock.i ir:!Jg

tpb'u'rlg1l1':r (7')., ,and coddlilg IPhJl[fJJ,~,eili' $!u~'mg (6,) '. ~{Iem ave !';~U,r.;B;C (or screw (:8;-, ,ruawer

a, '(I'lr.0 \',Y' ) .. ,~nd \\1' ilhd.tra w lex~:r:ac'~or (4,)

6 W hen :r~pl~c hu\~ ,ham ~;I!il~~r;S1' ,a., ~pec'u;i1lil '~oo]1 (,I\. ') is requ~ red. n is a 'pi,e-ce O'f stee~ ,or butss % ",x,~, ;"x6,n 'long. atIJd bent 9'~l[) Oll app:roxhnately ',~ I~' of' .its :Ie,ngth.

'hg: :s,'fNlo:rt, end is ~h~pe'd i[Q s~'me ,a'utl i fie :as b~lCk of h,a'mrrHtr'1j land ~,owe;r' point is s'ha:p~dl, [,'Q en~:,e.'r. se~rli' fltO'h:t:b o'f ~1:3Jni'm,e:r. C[a'm,p' f'r,a m,e in ''''~ s.e 'Willl~:h [pa.dde-d Jaws $/01 that rea,r 'Glf: fra:m,if.' is u p~ a,nd p ];a,ce mla'~'E1spr~ ngs, - ,I d : -U!,j, ':-:-~s.'P"-;~ :- 'I'J -c.~.IIJL~~e::rS, ~'n'~:o fr,'a:m'ei:, Pos~,,a,1J'1t n __ , _1FiI" n ni~ p, _ ::;., _ _ , __ ,_ _, __ _ _ _ _

!..i:om. i3l. h amnle':r SlQ ~ Ita~, 'i [S ,projec,[ UCrJl :a~ h""le:U" ft,oru' e'fM!ga,~e~ fH)tch !'ItiiJ m!:l~m)pring pili n s~'r ~ l'1 nd P'l'l sll 11 a:m m,e'I" L,OiWaJ rd: f'rtn1Jt of frame ''I,li iIlh 'too:~ [0, ~! ru~,r.i ho:le i.'fij h,ammer whh hoh! ,in ~'r~:m,e. Tnse:lLl punch t:hrO~!I,g]l fltame hol,e and. hri:UiJ:'ifme:"(', p~~.

" ~

h - I!." 'I!.., 'I.'· I .. .. ..,1'

PUifiI:C: ',: ~ ~ rOIL1:g~ ~ ~\o'C ~,~I'rlig e,y,~:r! plUl I ifiI: s.eCQi!i'I:~

ha nil mer. !pfie::sS :~'[ fO'fwa,rd with ~!O!oi.!, ,andi hl= ~~ f~ iPuW1;c;h through ho'~e-.s ! n seco~d h amrii'ilJer ~ nd ot:helu sr~de of 'f'F,aJite:. 'Then. drlve . n ha mll'tEH' i"Ili [[J - 'n [I:5~~'I1i:~' 'C1iU't 'nUl c:h. D ra w-

I , .. II?"" ,,~, ,1:"'_ , ---~ _ - - ,17'" ,!I!1L -, ,

'I n 0' ~1i:,;,.riI"",f' r',iii:~1 '!Ii it ·I'V- ,m, I"i ,",,'f'i;!Ii,~'nll"il n'~ '1F!i-tiJ'II"'~'f!'

, I~ ~~jlUu ~ ~ ~, lL1ll.!I. ''_' r--U-.:allJl~.".UII !Il Ulil. ~G..,.r.,~.a

'D-i"'A'" N": [~l '~'I-

. -." '_ ., £." ,.01.

'W" .•. E-'S.'S·,·',IO" '·,N':

'_' '-- '. -' _' . _'

A~'~,~'ci.'a;,te"d 1"uit',h t h,e ,t:,(J;,J·'t'n~,d' g",e' re,\Vo,l l)',e,p'

.B'o,rll-'\'V'o:r'Ce~~ er ~ .J\1l ass. I' ,l'v,l,ay ,t 8" 182 5'

n i~~d~S'f;t:i, ~:gf1:e,~'d'~ ,1"I,oss',,~ Aug'. 4'~, 1906

DAN []R't,. ',,\f iES510N'~, tne f'ou:u~ II of .~, n

I chi] dren ~ .f.onow'cd 'the 1 end of

~1 n older brot her a nd cn:rhf decided to be ~ g 1.],[,1 smi [11 . 'Upon com P 1 ction of h is seho 0] iug a t the' ,r:Lg~c- 0 f R, 8,~ he I became au apprentice t',o 'his; brother ,~:nd served as s uch tI ill. t m 1841 6. Th ereafter he worked as ~ iournc,~'1:n:i,n gunsmith for his, brorhcr and a manuluctuter in I Iartfnrd until his brother died in 1850.. Wesson took over the business in partnership '~'vltll another .g,un~nl]ith~, but when ~hc latter retired he gave '1U,p the business and erntC'fc,d tho Cl:Ulp'Ic~}f o~' ,AnC~:l ~ Brown &

,.' ~.thC:f o:f ,\ orccster, a hrfl!l special-

I'Z -I ~Il a 'I ~Il !i;1'IJ'~ 'II'1i ba ,£'11", ..... 1 ...

~" il ~, ,II ,e. "')~ w~, . ' ... ~ "~'" .;t'.

n \:\::1,5, wh :~'I e \\ ·or ling f:or A,'~ 'I C'I1l~, ,Bro\\-u ,& LuUThI(~'f that \Vfc$~s,on ]Oct ll o m ee S~~ 1] th ~ ,~~ 11ld th c ,aSSOC]~l 't:i On Q f Sin i:t]!l & Wesson began, ~n hi.s 'Sp\ilJ"'C tirne 'Vc~s.O'n devoted bimsel f. to- the imp rovcmcn t, ():[ t he ~ uctall te cartr id gc' a nd wit'h t]I'~ c hc:1 p 0:£ SIl!1 .. H'ffi, '~O

U ]{;', dC', -c1 0l~n CflJ t .of a repeat i ~1 g :~i$.~o]1

.m n d r,~ flh:~. ","he hvo fonl'H.'d m pi1lrhl'C'l~ s.h ip :i n ru 8 5 3 a ntl [Ill (] n u fat ~u [cd ,the c~~rtddgc_ ,n:nd ,gun~ un~.n ,] 85'5., \\-"llen 'the}' ,sold out I~,O UU~ \1'ok~.n~:c AXTHS I Co. ,Aftc'l' fli'IK~ 5.alc o:f' the bus..i'!lrc~$~ S.UlI i fh fcl:~ [cd., ])'~l t '\\ ~'CSS~OJJ1, iC n~ :ai~:l cd ~s su peritll ~cn,d{'l] t 0 f t~ 1 C . COln patl\!

I ,il n d. con 'Hn ned :t Q ',"'0 rrk o'n the nuctrn,l- 1 ic {':~l rt [' i,dgc' .~],'n d (] n t:]l c' ~ ~,n ~:no\"cr. n1cnt ,of ,~ bor:cd"'~h:[oug]l cylin<lC'J:'

:ii.,c\,·oh'(:'r. pa:h:::nt' 'he hrh:;] pUTch:nscd, :h-OlH Rofl in, '\ V]l i:te.

Il] 18 5'" "\"cSSt'nl pcn,u,~,dc d Sill i ~ h to. :fOn1il a. 'll'C'~',\.' pilr~~ilc['shi'l) \\·i,th h.,in] fot ,t'he' 'l,nanU~'~1.cturc of' tlj'lc nc'\'.v c~r~ t,ri,dgc ,iJrnd ,[co,,'c:h-cr-., Both ~l:'C:r.,c ,~ hUlge suCC'C,S:::L :find tbe lJ.~lrtnc:r.s; b,[''Ooght, ou,'t 'h"'CqUC~,l't rnodc'~.5 ~l,nd ,,'~r'i'~Hons :I'm. ,~,:n ~,l:UC'mn[~yt 'h) h:llpro\"c the] r prod. nets ,s,tiU ,f t1 ["fl,ll.[~ r •

S.~n i t h :r,c,t:i reel ti,g~ in in 1 8,7') ~ 'bou t ''V''''cssou, F,cnr.;ll i lled~ c,a.'[~r)U i: ng: 1[)Jl1 ,the

b' - 'C" ~ 'it'ii .... IIi',~ a1 0 -'lj, IC" ,,'1 'i'!i,!I':'"'II '~l 8' 0 'ji' n "~I'iI "" ii"ii '116. "", II

U.;;;;'h~~ .... ~,_ '-,l~i",," "",,,!,wid,1 ,W,. 0< ]<~",llil,~B,,1 iII],~ ,

b;)ok, lu!s ~(rI]S :into' 3 p;a,f:hlCn;hi.p l:\fit'-b : I 'h i:m, .,~H.I\ ~O·:tj) L" P iT~~SQN', •



- .

a- -,

. .

I . '



THE Fr[anclIDi Slemi..;I,Ulw,omati:c, S'ho,i~p:n is made, m,l [ . B,resc~;a:l!' _ ],taJ,J', by 'tffillf:; mm, (~[f Luigi Franchi, The ~t~o\rn, d'ssigru is 'bHoo upoa 'dte 'Ume='®es~,ed, BrD~g: loq-reooD 8y'S,te([D. Datil. :s~!~l and li;gh.twlefgbt,~aiTIoy :rooei,ve!' models, are ~uedl ln 1.2 .... , ~ml:d 20-p~ g,taod,ud and magnnm M~:b~[[':inls, are opUorna1. in e;~her' ,ga,n,te;. Barrels c"luome,~p1a~d 'bores and, are :v,aU ~]Ib[l[:, ~ ,2,4'" :216/~', :27"- 28"'- 3:W,- ianJI 32j1,t leTIIl'i!Ii\I(m..s-

-, '- - a _3 e ,m, . ",,~, :!' :!" ~I., _ _ --- .Y(e~ ,!,

:m i,iblesst. maUted, rib~, and veD,tiIat1ed rlb ,s,lyles ..

vrhen '~'his, ,gun is new, or W:b~D, Ught m,oaas are sho~, 'tbe ,ins;~de bevel [o,i 'the friicticn nng: sbo1lJld be 'towud the IelCoiU ,sp.m'.ml" W]J,en heavy loadS are ,shot. tne :u,i,ctJo(rn, nne: should

b' dl ;li,iL."" ::;..1 'Ii..,"", 'il '"r -..:fij ,j,'L £'..'" '",

e<· ~ 'WLi;~t ~" tns:..~e ~1iel is to"WE,u, me D,~,et[OiJl

,je'Ge~ V1J;Iea, magnum g~!~le m,ooeh :Me wed 'wifm, mJI~gnum :load$" the msid:e 'OOYIl of A,8 u,iieuon ,rin,1 dJould 'be 'tow~dl the ,friction, p,jece.,

The ,manmac1t!lHef SlJ,gests, 'tha:t 'tbe 'tee aD, 8pr,., of tb~ ,g}Lm, 'be rep:lttced after' fi:ri_Qg fr-onl ,3000 'to «)001 iDmnds~


1'11:1 "


11 DisasS!em:ble, um, by Btu ¢oc:kilo.g 'b~'boit reo) 'ael. 'a~jjD:lc f~e.. ,endl ca:P' (:31) '" R.emov,e' fow.-@oa ('94..); 'bar:rTel ,( 1') ,; ftimon p~ (',29!), ,f:t.i:m;Cn, Jiug' i( 28)1)) amd Jf.oooil spang (,2,' ').. &.ilQg "b~bibo,lt :fo)rwatd~ PJless:" Quit "~tr:~~ pi:ms (,35,) :fmm, left of ~1;y.' (2,41,,) using a. wO:OO, dQw~1.. Kemm,e: ,tds~ gel" ,pard, (:5t,) 'bT ~gl ~t j~ 'and tDen, dawn.,

P,I rts Le,I' sn d

1, IB,a rrel

,2. ISane!i rl ng *

3. Front sight and base'*'

4. Sa rrt'l,1 ex~ernsilon '*

5. EJec.~or· .

IS. 18 re)echbo I'~ 1. Exfnu:.tor

8. Extracto.(i' plu mgelfl" 91,. Extr,actor sIP,ri:ng

]Q~ Fh"i'ng ,ph1 limit stop 1, ]" Opelra;U ng ha Fa d !19 12., Fi ri ng p,i n $.priij rig [.3., Fi' rl ng' pm 1!1

14., llock,i I1\g' bl~oe!k 15., IU'nlk pin

16,., u nil<

1.7'. Lot'lld PiI~~~ bl oek I eveili pill 18. lO~lk;i[ng bi Cle1k ~,ev,e r

19,. LocJki~ng b leek !~ev\e'r s;prl~ ng 20. Rll!a:r n)do:n rij:lli1g

21,. Re~ f' nY~ 011 rii,ng s pr]i~8: 22" Front' nY'I(~:n rwng

23,. F'oll'1~,~nd cap reta[ni:ng' sp,ring' 24,. Reo! lver

2.5. Magazi ne '~ube

26,. M;ag,9z.i ne '~ube, b·I,()ck~!tJ1g sp,ri ng' 2"1'" RecoH sp,ri'ngr

28\0 Frkth:Hfll rU"ng

291~ IFr:~cti,o nil p ]~c)e.

3 fl. IFr1~ctkln ,sprhlg

3,1., IFore-end Ci.i!P -

1,2" Maptll n e sp rl rig' (leta "nf ng ri ng J 3., ,Mapz'i-rn,e sitmini:

:3 4., IMaga;z'i'ril'e., to III DWell'

35., Trilger ,guard pin 1(2) 36., ,Act ion spdne' fo II ow,e·r- 37., Acfion spdng' bJ be

38. Actiion ,sp,ri'ng tu be fastener

39. Eeeentrlc washer

40. E I ;!u~t:i e 'w,as!lhe r

,41,. ,::a,oo k reta i'n i n,g' ,sc·rle-w ·42'. Act~'on S~lr[ns: -

,43\. [ea r~~ er lat,ch butm:orn ,44,. Ca rr i er ,~artc.h

4.f5i. Ca rni:er latch s:p,,:i:ng

46. Pin c:n (feu' pains, 44 41~ & 491) -4, AU[ldi I i!alli)' s.he~ I latch

48. Malgaz i nile sJle~1 ~I latch &, ,a uxi ~ la ry she,~ i I'e tch sp:ri ng

2 Hc,l.;l, tile' shot'pnm an Ilmpr,lgh,t posi~ , dOD. lind d1.eplr~ ,- -; '. actio~ s,pr,illt foUlow,e,,· (316) in ,oJ'<dle[ tDi release dm~' .lllD.k 1(' m!6) 'w'hmC:lii, 9-,in rs:wiIiS' 'O~ft by ,s.Jighd, j:tu:UDi~g the' s.h_otpn~ Pusb, the bfeech·· bolt: forward 011'£ D,f the receiver. The o.,pet~ting hUl,~' (' r 1) w,ill. dxo,p ,3i,way ~ rM b~hho~t .P~ dirrou,h fotwi!:£d

se-ctio.o. of the .:rec:yei,¥i@l'., -

4'9.. IMagliz[lne shelr I I'a'~ch

EO., Detent (:,2) C'f:o.r 'pia lis 44~ 4' &; ,49) 51 l; 'Tri,gger guard

S2. Auto. safet.y s,-rin,1 pll:!Unger 5,3. Auto sa;n~~ty spr'ilng

54. ,Auto sid,ety s.pring ,~u:ide 5-5. Ha nd saf'ety spriin-g -'~o 1IIIow@:r :516. Hland s,debt sprl ng'

51. Ha nd s8'fety

58. Trigger g)Uilm phl, ialrge (2] 69'", Trieg,e,r' Iua!rd p!in, de;,~e~Eillt, (2) '60" Tr~gler piin

61., Au'to saety piln 152., Sea r p. in

63. Hammer I~,in

64.. Ham mer sp rl ",.'1 'tube 65. Ha m m,e:r :s,pr'j nl

6'5. [Ham mer sprl ng ~o I ~owle r

67. Hammer

68. Hand sirf'ety re~ailml'ng pln (2·).

69. l'rig:er - -

10. T'rigg:er I~e've:r I'i~tal'irn'~ng IP,in

11. Trrigger ~ev)e'f' Si,p~"irmg'

72 .. Trigger Ilmmir sprins: ball~1 73\, T·[rig'i!'r'I.ever

14" Twigg\e~r' I,e.ver Il:i R i.5,. S ealw sprl ng

76 . .se.alill"

7"1'.. Ca rrier sprl ng s·rell phlro,t IPO i nr~:

'78,. Canie. sprl nl "

79m Calrri:e' s.pring stem

SCt Carri er :S'pr~li1g reta i1l1ll j'ns: washer &.


81., l.eft ca r ler p,l,ate

82., Carwh~'r deg :5 .. pr~liI· . ifOUO'We,f ,83. Ca rrle r do)! sprm ng

,84.. Ca rrl 8 r dog

85., Carilri er

,S·'6. ~:ilght carrier :p~\a' e

,f17. Ca rrle r dog s;'lrui ng g:u i de piirn

,B8. Auto safeW' .

,89. E! U1ttp III ate

'90. B ufttp~lai~e SC'!!W (2) '9 i.,~ ,gri~ P stock 192'. Ph~t'Ol~ ,SJrip 'CiI!p

'93,.. p~ sto~ ,gr:i p IcaP' selie"_ '94. F,o.r[e~nd

oJ:, Pellrmanent mlct(HY as:semlb{v' '~O o~tler ma ·'cu· pain. Do no'~ d isassemb~ e.

3 Re.ov.e bluttp-1'a~i! ~ew;s; (9(11) aimd _ 'bDlUp late (,89')., I" 1'I.iC;te.,W dock .rt_Yin·, iiDB :Sae.w (41).1 usjn;g' lo,l1iiig,.JsbJlIlked scr,e.:w",· ,ch:l\r,!!'r aa:rud temiOYe, elastic ''WSlSbeli' 1i"'I"rn),

__ •• __ , 1 __ - _. . _ 1 - _"_. I.U, '1

,ooa:'eDuic . a.dl(ll'f' (39)~, ,~d ,stock (:91) '. G,~as.p ;:u:ltiOD SF' .. 'mbe (37,)1 mUiJ.y' and '~D5C1':ew aca(u~, SP[:~' g wbe~ mnen.e'Z: [( ~8;)

" ."' ~"d :slt,OO,tt'y' ,m.WU·. ,piite85.:wme ,to

pre:V1eml action sprmg ( 42: ') f£ln.. ,I, "~(;' 011 ,t. Re.O'Vl€:: Sipti'll\g anti ,sp..nD .' ,fo]]1oWll!t' ..

4'. C~.;[~fuUy :PQ 01.1 It: :$pr.imlg. te~ taioin! :ring (,32,) and . ,'e'mo"Ye mal;ga ztaie spf'l~g ,( 33,) 1.:I1~ :f.:oUow,e~ (34;)1.,

5· ...... 1 Di~s ·.JbI.e fI.r,,'" ng,memllImlJs •. 'b:y tlbst Q!dfling OID;I: Rj;P,pe:r. haud safety' ,f!~ wlD.i:liilg :p,i -, ( 68:) '. sMe,lY spri,q gujd.e ( ;.4 ) , SpftiOlit ( 53 ) i aDdl plulmlg~.t. (;2) ~ 'T,hen dr:,~fi: ou:C au;~o safety· pia, (('),:m) a:md Uft, Out arw:to, saf@ity' (,88), .' DI-ift. cue tl"gger. pm:Q (<i<JI) lro(l11 lei: re right and E,em~YV@' :;ear. ~:p,fiD' ("'51) ~ RemOIY,e f'Q(f'w,I!,dl u:i,GB!et gua:[o ,p,in deteDlf: {59) and slid@ lain',' ~', uiigget' guard .pio ( 58) 'OUlt ,io',rw,ar,d.. Lif.t ,3;: ':a,y ,e8:ttier (85, ') ·arJJd. ,:aJ,tta.ched parts, D,~~ft.. cut ~r p~n

(6,2)1 and ,r,emo,v~ lear' 1(:7,6) '" Uft o~,t t:r1g, g,@'r 1(69). Drift our ha.m_er pio, 1(63,) :17-d i1emoY'f' ,namm,er 1(' 67) '. F'wrtber disassell1~ 'b.~y 'of ,firi~1 Ili!e.Chao:i'sm. ls lobvitous, R.e.. :assem:ble in -,:r.ev~De.

6 D,mS'assemjb,f.e bJr .eclibott. 'by pus' ing

. 'OiDlt fi.f,i:fl8 phm Ihmit stop, rm.o) " 'Wi'd1,· 6rimJg pin, < m 3,) an,d .6;tl~g ph~. sp';fiD(g' ( 12, ')1., Push, 'omf l'ockiO(g 'block lever' pin ( l7'), and. R'JIliO've ~!OCldng, block le¥e~!f ('18)! aad spideg (19') ~ R_,O;tam l,ocmg

'h1O!C.k ,~' ,4:) ~d r;ti'mO'Y'C' .i:t lIi,oseth~ wit'b, Ii Ik fr'Om b~drubo,h:~ ,Im~.rt' ,S'mall Kf!ew~ <Hiy," betw~o. ~tf,;aaor (7') andl, ptUPlIK ( 8:);, ,d)epittiS~Dg p.bmqH· u.d uahookmng' !~'" Rel~e pres_" ,am, ,~ewd.river

sl,owl, :ailild : ,eJ]l'Ov., piuger' a:l'1dl, exttacto.1" :s;p .ins [(9',),.'le at·, -, in n:!V,us.e. •


".',' A_,',-"_" ",Ioo,-··'M:,P ~,T_':-A,E'6,D_,"",,~ by France in 193,6~ the' fi y y~~ ru, 91;3,,6 cal, "l,5 mm, bolt-

action :dfle: W:~S' introduced ~O' replace the series of cal, I ,mm. Lebel and

'D ,!,1!."'",, be 'i'lii' ,- - ,t'-" , ~'t.le-

ne:rl~m[if:tr - CIILIIl.-aC,~liln .r. ~,_,c s~

T~be. :ModeJ t, 9 316 I Hle was dJ~ivte~oped and manufaetured by :~~'~-ulu:facture:

D,'.A"rm,ies St, E~ieiDrll,e,~ a Fr, 00'11'ernmient Arsenal ~:n St. E'~ ienue, 'The i m ltials of the manu f,~ct.udn,1 ~ rsea 8J.I.

'i".i[\I9I' ij:'"~'''ZOm' eed '-',iffi '~'Ir,e receivers ;n 4f "~",,,:..;JIoi!I!:!

a· .~. .I{IIIloH", IF-I:ir.·, ~,I,;~ !l.11~~1 l ~ !i:r.'~l I '!t' ~",!~~, Vl~ IlIf:~ulJ\r.\lL

19.36 rifles adjacent to the model desig .. , nation. Thus, the u:noflic,i;~J but com,mo,ni'y' accepted designation for' t,]; is arm is MAS M:ode 1 1. '913 6,. A .fo~d]n,g :s[ock version made for use by ,~] rbome t reops ls designated Model 1 Sf36 'CR ~ 3,9 ~

The, :rh:m less cal. 1. S mm, M',ode:~ 19'29 C ba,n cartridge is assembled w idl a

1- ']: 1n._,~IfI"_ -P;r'jj,'"I'ii;'ii ted bullet <Gi'~-iI :iit~, ilfli"ilil1i 'W:-"7'I,@:

,~~ ~aJ. III U, ILIi.I,L~·. - .. _, W~, ![]lilLliU ~,~ 1Il1i1l _ l~ ,._~.

ve~!oei~y :i n a" :19 ,,6,'~' barrel is .2,690 f.p.s, The Mode[ ',936 rifie (,;:,3-0, be loaded through 'l he ~o.ip of the re~c~'i;vle:[' 'wifh 5, .. round st r~p,pe.r clips. The striker meeh-

Pa'rts, !Leg}end 1... IHl1ndg;u,ia'm 2, :Fo re-end

,3, ,EJ,ay'Onet:

,4" !R:e<Blr ~;Jlght 19,1E!1f

S. ~:eair s;~gtrt p~rn 6,. 'R:e;a'~ s:~~~'t -

sJPlr~ng -

7'" Rea;r !i'igjht, sl ide

S, Sa rrel a n d action

9. 'Fro'nt ba nd 10" FronJ't: band

] 1., M idd ~e ~[H[' nidi ] 2" M idd lh~ ba fi],d :S'Ci~W

t~t, Hlandg.uard 'SLlllp:pon'


19. 2:0.,


If I corp I ate latch

Sear' ~Iin

:2 9'" F iring 'p~;ln 3>Ct IF'i rl n.i;; iili rrn,

's;pring 3'1" Bol't, head

,32:" Tlriggef' S)wlllwd 33." Glui19'rd ,SCI'ie-W 34 18 ur:ttts'lbo ck

3,5" Buttp I,~t~

,5(;,.,e,,,, (:2)

:3 6; Buttp'l,at~

2 .. · . To d1~sas:sgmb~ e tbe belt, push . n cn . . ," .. th~ Jbo~:~ head] I( j 1) and rotate it; 'crnocik= wise ii:Jln~U the letter ~)Di<1i on the bon. bead llnes up, 'with the U~~ on 'the 'bah (21). '00 this ca.[efull" sinee the bolt head is II:Jl:lllldcr sp r,ing teasion, 'Wh!h t be 'bo]t he',;iid out, the 'lidng pln spring (:10) and firing pin (29') cain be removed,

3 T,he extractor (28) does not rotate - around the bolt. It is, m.ilchined to. til ~:~~O' a dovetail ,S:hlt in 'the bo.]:~, To emove the extractor ~ push ,~E. Q1J]t as. shown until dle sma:i rn boss IOn th ~ exl~ racter ws clear ,of the hole '~n t;he bolt Then p:ry the extrecror iIJl,P and ou;t of Us slot, To re.p],a>oe, tbe: e':x~

. ih... rji it ,. ·tt.. 'b- -, .,'

~:r'ai.c~'.r, IL,a_p n ,~~. W]',Jl1. a '.r,BIS, or, IbM:~lC

~Iam'me'r u ntil .i~ ,stops,. 'The~ pus'h the boss clear of' the. bolt face and drive. it down. until w'~ :slla,p:s, in:to .p],ace .•

4- "'lj'" fu I 'Ii.., d' . IJ:..~I -'L., ".Ell 0- '"

. IIQ -, rt !~!IIl:r .' ]sas-;:semJuJie t,ue rme, 1'1. is

- necessary to , a;c,ial tool te remove ~h~t screws, Od:nd a ~c::wdrivel[" as shown wn the insert. The 2. p["o~nls. mtU'st fit the rn~oi,c~!~s in the sc.(:',e·w head. Then (be, 5lG,r,~:WS can be removed in the S8!me manner as a normal slorted-head screw, '!Push in small tatch to remove the barone~; (,) ) frorn Ies socte.t I.,


T· :HE.'- ,m. I OS'f si[Jic;c~f.til o,:f ~n,~jraJ, '~rman lemi.-aut:omaltl~ :rriHes, irn,t],!Dd,d)ced, d:llr~ng 'Wo~"'Kd. 'W,aif' 11 'W,IS, the, Mod\el 4.3, eal, S mm, ,Mauser deve:~oped 'by the 'W'alitber Arms Co. Initruall~l desig;n3'ted G~~br 43: (RiA,€, 43) and later Ka'rabme[ ·4,3 ('Csrr,'bine 431); dl~S, dfl\e w,u used ,prblJcl.p,2IJUy' for snwp,~ng," :U :~s we-U ,suw'ted, lor ~bis, as, w't :ws, wry' ,ICCUfa;t,ej, is, ti!Jda:pb~d 'to, ~ detachable ~,X secpe, and. shares the ad.v~nt~~~

with "1'(t'h,4.iij" semi-automatic ~.Q16!l'i.- t·'L..Q~: 'i'r I. ' !U L. """Ill, 3''''-., 1 u IV ~d,'!;,;o ,!II, .1111111''''''-;:1' u!~,~

'tbere 1s no 'bod~,. motion fie q'tli:ared, fOr operation af'the actiol]) thatmight bett'ary the m,er'~'s, ,osid~Il,.

The simp~[e~j ef.f:e-etiv,e. gas, system, '0'[ this ::r'U'e ,is; l1ke tham, 11):£ the So'viet Tokarev se.mi,-\~.u~p,madc df:te~ l~ Js

above dl.e ba![,l',el" 'can be Isasi,} disss-

"I b III d- 'W'~ ";L., - . ,>t' '~\'. 'Ill and ~', '"", 1

Seim :.Jl.le, ':. _ .J.tuOl!.h, ILiOO.IL~; an , lS UDII!l'sI!];2i

in 'thal '~he, "is:t'CDIJ) :~s :Hxecl, and Uj,'~ cylm,der movable. The 1 O-,rou~d m!i1IJ,gmne is detachable and cam, be 101adJecl fJ~ngly

ur .. '1..,' ,'i!t~ .... ,1"· TL

or 'W~'rn two ~"'-r-OU!ii1iUJJ Ql:pS~ ne :f]JOIn,-

I,Ota:ry' 1b olt 'w,wth farw,arCJ, dual Icc'king

'~ . d' 'f' l'h O·c

I' . _ ~ J. _ I I .. . .-t' 'II .'~ I I I [ ',- -',I'j , .' I '.. ..' .' I' I

'_ ug;s wa;s co~ne "rom, . ,e ' .. erm,3]jI,

M,odel 4:1 (W) :ritle., :U',ade se[]ia.n~:~le

" t~

,f:r,am, ~lhe boU~ the lU'~1 are eammed in ...

vo' arnl.d Oru],t of locked positlon by the firLng: :prn housing which is aetuated by the bolt carrier, "This is a rather complex 'sys'te;mlji but it wCi!r.'[k), 'wen.

. There .ws, :m.O P,['QiV,i;S~,Cin, for attac'!h_ig a ba.yoll.e~ te ij]ffis :r.wfte~ and the fete-

. ~I ....1 I .l 1 _

end ,lS, :r.ela'Uv,eJ:y short ,bke: a sporter.

:D'e..sp.ite' tb,e ~ho.r.~, :fofe~nd~, the, r.Ule is

:f'alrly' :bea:yY becaJ!1l]:se; cd its mami[Ui~OO 'bee.cilw,ood. stoek. Th~ 'we~s'li.t~, however, ,feels, '1!e5S than :it, i$I,'ciuaUy 1S because ,,)of' the favorable wlei!h~, d:is'tr,ffirbilU:io,n~

M'ade Itrictly ,f)()t:' uUii:t.y~i au' e.x'oeip~:

- '~::':,:-C' :,,o!;'fc]U 'M··.·. , .cA]?: ,~,Qlo!i_~, ..... p: "p"ii!i;~r'

,Bi, l:f:W ei!1l_ 'J ~. _ '4,iIu:"",lJ, 9Ii., ,iL ~1,lh,.OlI q., .... a.

mry crude, and show e;y,iidenee 10'[ has~y ,m:I:Dufacltu![:e. It h. obvious that '~h~s, rif.l,e was de-sig]],ed. for eheap, e,~sJ' .manufacmre I,t ,em,p'~fJy~ ,many' sheet stee~ pa;ms" ' ..... () a'~Jt,,~pl: W,i8HS madle:, '~O smooth. :8e,v'er,ail of' the exterior metal parts, bu~ a ,£aldy' ,Iood 'J]:n~~;h was em:ploye:d wbere required f:O!E. proper' f'ul"ruct[onil1g', Des,pite tl~]S, ~'8Jek of 00- :i6.lle,men't~ this [f~tle is :seTviceab,le: and eftl.c.ffie!IiJJlti and weU suited f.'OI' the job :i~, was, im:temd:ed ~,o perform,

'I. P;r.,es:.s, ma~azw~e, eatch (40) :forw,~u"(l

II aJfid 'remoin, m~,g~~wne, (3:9)., In, ir~pJJt}~

,wns maS::lli:ziJi1e~ inse:n U.p'pe-r fro,nt pOd~O~ alr the w.ay Into openJns: 'in stock, :aDd. 'thelll ,S/wi:ng rear W"wa rd 'iIlJjn,~H. :1,3i®c:iu;:d~ 'Pull

1Il;...,.-: ]-... "':"'l, '. <-, : {"1 .... ::'11 t'''i''L '-.a ..... :-r ,o'!II'~e far i:l!C ~:l' 'win itr. .... !I!)OIl. ... ,a.Huer 'IJ..-'"9t} 11."" ["I;,,<g., ~~ .Ii. ~_. ~_4' ,I. _ ,~""

and press i~w,af\Jl on 11gbt s~:de: ,af bolt CMfi¢T ~ak,b (10) flo ,en,~'Ile; I ib:;n 'witl) shcnl~der on, bolt hO:!ls:itlltl. (2i6:)~ R,o;Late: :sa~elty' (2:8;) au. ,the, w~y 'F~gn.t til' enlaled nesiti on Press :['o["W3:rdl on rear: recoil

p. .. l. .1... . '.. _ _ _. __ _ . _. _

sp~i:~"g: ,~i~e. ,( 1'1)_ 'w,itb. 't~~~b. as, shewn, ~im:ulta.noou:sly' :rn:l:rt rear ,O'f 'balt a~se'mbh~' ,!l]lldi ,~emov,e :from receiver, :iR;~ft,e.j iIl,f later :mafJ1l1.Wf:a,~"tll!]:f'e do not :b,~,~\f:~ 'IMle bolt ca],f.~e:r la:~(h. 1':0 d~i;sa.s~em,IJJ}ej ,re:m:OV'ei maga'li Wl~~ 1--0' k '=~"fl,e 'b!l:·'iDuimi:n.o; boru~, C:i3Jr.r]€f to :~eilr'

C c ,111,1 .. """'1 ~. --~~>tli _ .. - --~~. .

and :rnettln,g it g,o 'forwaJ:rd, ,erngage saJretty aindffi wbil~ ho:~d]wng 'bo:[~ CaJrrier. ,ab out ,.,.;tn' t,o rea:r 1 '$, f.o([w,a~d ian. re~r r"eeodl

, ~',' 11· f '-I ,:, ~ ]

sp:r:i.ll,g gUi;~te!,~J' ~ 'UPWI1'till ,O,D rea]" ,ro,iIl.: ILiiO'!t

~, .... - ro·· .c-_ .- ,o!;,' . d - - - '.r. - - iii, .... m· ',fiCa.-~V6ii'i!' mu'L~'

,11{Jl,,,-,,Usm;g: iIliU ]"C{mo'v'c J[,[v.' I' 1Ii' ... c ..... L""IIl,. Jf.'" ~ IL

(hJe' 'boEt cai1.rielr tio ~he rearl r.e:mo¥e ~he Ibolt Ic:a-rrie:[' ~[Id bornt :fr,om, tb.~ r,~-eiv~~, a~dJ

,]~ft the e.r:rie.w. off bi@':~t



'2· ,'.. G'ceat care must, be t:aike~ In- d[sa.'s,=,

, :SembI, aJ.nd l;ss~mbl:r' o;f' boU 'CQ'm;po:r:tents 'or :r.i:Oe;s wIt.h 'bolt carrt~I' Iateh, as '[!he parts are under '~,e'a_vy. sp.ri~8 pressure, 'H.o1d b ott ;a:ss~I]'iI;b'~r' in '~e:lI't lJJ31ld, as shown w~th rear o,f belt hOUiShlg a"g1l~[j)st palm of h and and leU i ndex :fi og,e.r ru(ulp.~d :ru;o.ulIld b,a~d.~e lQ.,f bolt earrter, PuU 'bTO,]t carrier ,smrugbdy to rear and I,t, same 'l~me d€p.ress; top of bo]t carrDe!n" l:a~C:h wit:h dgh.'t. ,thillmm h. (id,Pi 'b oU: camle;t it. :nght ha,n,d,j and eaSle: ,c3.ITlet ~ctl:,'Wa]'d to :se,par,are ,it· 'IL..·'I jIo, t.., ,'~ -. . 'L'~'fi, '1.'1io. 'Iio.o~~'a rl· - 'ff

!Il.:rom go. ,II. ,1,i,OU:s.~Ii[Jj_g. , ,I 11., ,,~ Ie: !!J, _'!!', 'cr_, _er 10=_

'L.. - .'~'~' _ .... I'-.:ii, C iii 'Ii 'I '1- iP'l.ji!i! '~'i2'!r'ii!ilii"i"lo:b,ll!ld, ,,f'lI'onr[ iBiii'!'ltd! 'fe3JiIi 'Ii.!!O~,I1i. "",",y ,P'II.!!! ., ILU"... Q ... ..:!!"....u.~. __ ._ ~~, _ ~ __ .'lL<I'_

"I ,. . 1Ii., . h ' .;a ji! ~.:II .

[:",e(:Q~., slPr~ ngs WU~JJ ~ ,~. ;glU,u,~$ '~O:r.W,:ih ~ aut

of ~he b-ol~ h..ouslng

3 pll!Jj]1 fir'i [I,g pi:fi h();uswng (1]); rea;rw,a:r.d, , out of bolt, remove l'ock[n,g' ~1llg1 (6 &. 7).lj drift i[',illg ,[P[H 'w,&ta:ine.r i( 12)$;r, ,ciQ:mp]~t,eLy. Oijj~ 0.'1' 1lring !P~:~ J'ii!O'II]'s:in'S;ll and remoVE)·!nJJg 'P~,n, (], 3) ~:I1.d fir]ug pin extJellsiolr1lJ (:ru ,4,). :Rrufffies 'af brCer m;:!ulu.[ have a, sp.r,iti,fl;g' :llr.:!l1,g ptin,,, r,~~~in.~', !3Lnd to ,remO',,'e, 'n,rUll!: mnll, no.,usu11 :f:rom,

b .... 'I~' "'110 ,'!to c;-: ~\I!i;!l"~:a:FV Ito deeress retai o,er

.... ~~ ,l>I" ](11 iIm: .... ""'",.__"',;I' - - -.1;""- _ _ ---. ~

f:rom left side., 'Ill! r.ep]3Jc:i D,S l,ockblg '~tllgs,~ 'fight 'rno~ki:n.g lug: (,6) b as ~, small '[[totem. as sbown to dear a pr.ojettic~ill, (l(ll .baH. 'Talis pr,eV,eints im;pt'OJPe:r a$~6 mb.l]t of lu\gs. m ~ l,e:~e:mlb~y '''be: - cS:Pf'e '~o :r~,plac~, ~ock h~\~' l'~~'r as :11 ring: dfi1e l-:wU:hout 'lhertll1 wou'~!Jl 'be d:an,~;eroug" To reJI'I.'Oi'Ve eXlfac;tof' (3)" use scm am screw(h:-i:ver' to de,pfiess, e~uac;to]; :ret;a,i.m11;er ('[ 0) an;d rotate j~, iCO'tln~\e.T=clock,= w~:s.e, iAIJ '~lIJIjm, U[ilJi l W'~ :re~:ea;s;e:s., 'Thewru sUde

,e;xtra,'c:~o[ !out. of bolt

6 'U:BlID~~~, ,mo~t :~~~~' ~iD~",. 'the :M,o~e~ - ,41,3, ,llilaJS ,il'ilim ad,]I~$isble 'U:Jgg'er jl!):1l~l, W,fu~n the· 'boU a;sS'em"bl:r ,~s remo:ve:d" a.lriglPl!' adju.sring. ,S'Cr~w ($'4) :i:a, 'tb~ sear (491 €:aD, be turnedl, to ,minj:1J:ijze *e :'UmlIiO_t of

'cree:pl ,in, tbe, :iDa], $lq~ cf 'the ,pull!

pllarts 'Leg'en cI

l,1 ~ Eme~t'ol:' ~ . _

:3l~ EIDoo10,~' ~priILg' hOUlHg' ,33". EIDeolo,~

- A -. AI ~

:3,~ .... AiC1:JIiJIICUr :"OYi s;p~g

:15'., ActUal,tor rod

]'6~ Com}/ec:tm,!: r.,od

3/1'-, G:as C'~"illD1d§'

s :~: Gu pl~,t~Q~·=

3,9., M'a.gan~,~ .

40., M'a\sa 7ti''D,~ 'ea:itur;~

4,~. Ma~~e'~, s,r.,t~l: 4'1., Mag.liJDe: 'ca~h p:m, 43,. Hamm~i' sFing ~

,44. Ha,mmer 'pm

4!L Hamm®ir w.asher,s (2). 46,. HImmel"

41,. .a:r pin _

'~:I" ~ar splicers ,(Z) ,~'9',. Se;B

,:SiO~ Seat: ~pring;

S t. T]"i~Itl[' spa~rs (2) ,51" Trig,ger

j'j.,. 'Trigger pm

,:54\0 Tl'jQ,~ ;adjlls~@ sGlew 55.. Ba:nern, and. :![iecewv-er'

,:516'0 IO]~~jnl red

,S7 .. larre:~, 'b~nd

51,A. Band :re;taw,e,m

,5:8~ St!o~k

:59 TrinK l!lillaJlt1

6'0: 'Trluet ,~~iu~' S.CRW$ Q)

German Model 98/40 Ri-Ie

The Germans aJda~p':~ed this rift,e, because 'they needed a large supp,J.]{ IQf ri,t1e's ie a hurry. T~hey' udHzed existing production faeil m't1[~s w'bere:ver chest were a va.i~,able.

The :98/40 is 'stij.m'dy an.d ~,elrna'ble:, butt .~Its ,[olward"po.dti.o.nled bon: haoo~~ makes it :i:D:f.e:r.j,.ar to the M'a,'l]ise:r 9:8 for rapid-fire she ot ing,

Eldy 91~V 40 specimens show excel-

'~'~n- t·, w-, 'orkm an e'''' , •• p- '~'m; _..l oS n ~i~ L 'L~ '!'iI!i,li" !i!'iP"O,,"' ~,_. __ . . ._' Vi. ~~~'~'~-~_F.IlIt~,_,· I~ ~,~,y, .. tLtl!.: .• ~~J]_~'1!l ' ·_~iU'lI..~l. ~ ~ .,I!ir.~-

lmens of the: :9'8/40 a Fe; [UJt as, 'wen Hn~s,hed,~ burt the.y are serviceable.

Parts: ILe,gelnd 16. IFh3ceh/l!:r

17., Se;a r spri Ing

] g. 8'ealf :s,afety' pi n

l'i!"ii '$'" B'9 r 11"'I·I'u,~t p·~1111i1

~IiiJ '. ·.~roiiI ~! t'ty! .IIJ

2,0., 'Jrtgget W)li n 21., S~,r

2'2. l'ri ggeir-

23., Magaziln,e box 2,4., 8:a rrel~ tI,s'semblv

"'):4:-.1i.., l~rln.'I'II:~, >r!"i![]jr* n1;,ru3,;r

~ M. If " "'" p. ~ I~ 0;.0 "!bI!III!. ""'"..'I;ii.

:2:0\0 Ha fIldgua,rd 2:'6. IB,ayonle~, stlud 2:7., IFront ba'I"n,d] 2B., R:ea r ba~di

2,9. IR'~~1i1f bend (SIC rew' 3,0,. Fro,nt band ,$iCreW

1 . .s:a~~ty

lA. S,a1f;e'ty :SHlWi n,g 2:. ,Fii r~:lng, p:~,n; ,[luf

,~ Iff"f!'i;'""k" ·III"iICil' n~6 ... ,I!!i;,

~l,! v.!i#~.. ~I 10 ~I~~V~'

,~, Ba It (str~'IPp~dl) ,5. F [fl]'fag p~iln s prlil~g lb. F'~ rlhlg Ipi'n -

7", Ejec:tolr Screw

S. EJee~or

s SoU. head

lO. IExb,:a,c:~Of Si~H'1~ng '1.1 • IE'l(~ falctor -.

1.:2~ Bo I ~ bl:ssembl red) 13. lE.k>I~: s~op,

l4. IB,oit stop' p'in

'1. 5,.. IB 01 t. :!j,'to,,p s,pr'i ng

3l. C-I ean i ng' red 32., Stock,

3,3., Conn ecter 3,4. BluU-stock 3.5~, Stock bo I't, 36. Bldt,p~a:~,e

~l/'., 8Iut~:ph~,~e screw {2)1 3,~1, Trigge'r' guard

391, Rea r g,uaird se'feW ,~O,. Frol'!llt: ,gua rei ~C'few 41. If'l oo:rp~la:te

4:2. M, ns ,sp:r'i ng

43. M'agzfldtn[~ 'mil'ower

44. M,aea:zi ne cartc:h

45,. Maj~ti ne esteh spri I1.g ,4l6,. M,iii:zi na catch [ph ..


, I

Ari n~le.x,ple·n . s, '.1 v'e:

R'i:f'le: Casse

'T- H [S W100 dl W:~'"e: case caa be

cas i'~ y assembled rn n ;a:E1, ,eve:nlillg

aJter aU pieces are cu~ to size, Dim e ns i: ens g:i ·v·~· rn ,~CiC'O ffl mo d a ,t e iIi'~ Ii es w·hh 24·"" barrels,

Assernbl e "(lOP ;~ID.d bottom Oif the. case separately, ~,hl"r~:~ng whh sides a nd ends, A:pp:1 y glue I i.betJaJI.f to' jornr[I.U; and seeu re \~~,~iIh, [~i'ji brads,.

'Pl~~ woo d ~Q:p and blOUCHll are I~ued a nd rna'~ I ed ·wi.~h %, 1-, nails 1 ~ ~'f

- ~'T ".~," b" ·1· 'I..

a pa,:rl. trse s: 'I~ msn mg na LS Hi tne

ends, Roun d 8J I ~ corners ,iiUil d cd a m.p' the contpleted top a nd bet tom sec~.Iiloms, tlogethe'[ for saJ.l[ld i 1111:. r'iJI a,my

- t. . IL., 'n] . 'W .A d resand

rn C,f;.:S VI n.~-!. ,r' _ :a.S'l.I:c_ -OQy, a,,01.::_. resa nu.

Joi n tep and bottom w:i'l.b. brass h,:h~Jjges" ~nd glue ru./16i~~x,~. .•• felt

~-"e~:.uh,e:r strlpp i ng to the cQI[)J'uacting, ,ed,g!6s of eaeh section.

Sup'p!)rf~n,g-block s;iz'e and place .. ,

2 '~'~~Q~'ereiec®~_r~c_r~:"',.'(7 ? _ _8:nd ,_ej~c~~F

,_ (,8., )" Then ~.mQrVi~ ~X.[ faCU)T I[ 11)1 by

,piU:shhiS ext racter Spri'ftllg: I~ '10) En until i:t is 'b,e~: of nerch a ill ilJndJe't;;s~de of ext ra~·~()t, 'PtIS~, Ie,;ttt raeter to 'Feat :and remove :frClm 1001'1 head I( 9') " 'lffi'ft out extracter sprJlrn\~ .•

3:-,i .After. ho:l:~. .he;a,d h:as 'bfl:~lrn: remeved, :fi.ri~1S pin (6)1 '~~d spri:n\g' (S') ,ca~. be re;~Qv·~.d, ~Y hcl,~ i~~,~, _fi,lllhru,g:_ .p~n .~o~n:~ ,a,~aj_ns~ a wood block, ~w.iitS;plng born~ 'flrmmy ~ 'push~:[ig do,w~ on ~a~e1Y with 'lllliIllWb" unscrew~:ng nri:n~: ,~~n. mJ\ll~. (2) ~ ,arll_d, _ 'If.",em'~,v,[illg: cock _, :i:ng piece:. Be eareful ~as '~rhl,~ pw:n is, u~~le;r s,P,d'og tension, :fb)ld bo'~~ t[ght :a,YliIDd ea:s~ it ofif' lI]iri:ra,g ,(in. :w rJJ. fie:assem:b]y i' ail ~;gn :113:[, on :ti ring pin. 'with flat, i:1l coe'khlg piece,

I . ~I

11: I,


HINGE.-/' _1'VL~'

.' .'

. , . .,


\ ... "

v: ,

3J4"' iF: '_,

]_I~~ PLYW000-1 _. ~

I 8i ..... j!1.:t.'- 11 .'1 I' •• ".' t: i" J?;~"''''I.",.if''II.'l.lI. 'iEliill"!rl~!I!'II.·I:I·· ill 11":'1'.11 , .#

1 ,', '~'I' ~~, L'I···~: _-'_'i .... I.··~.- ... -!~ .. ·ij

3.Jr· ,~' ~I~, __ ~~_~~ 1.2'li,Si5 W~DlE. x 4,6,Jl~,,;·tOtINl ._ ............... -~=-=~--;

1I!.1i!l1i!ii tile:r '~'Olii" 'T'iDP::

2 pes, ~,N' ,x 1~~N' x ,i\l7~'- 2 pc:&. ¥.{'; :1(, l~~' x 12lB,1.' :2 pes. .~..,. :;(' l~'" ~ ,46~"'-' ~ p.~~. ~,'" x l.~," :x: 1.(i~1!!i'.!'

1, pe, 1P'~if'N:{:igd I' 1I~" :)l: ! Cf~'a"'t.' x ,4,5~,"ii

1..l,!!imb~;r !Wo..r lehD~:tolml~

2' pes. ~". x ~~h'~_' x ,!!i·lW'

Qitl!lIiIll'f IM'a ~~!ji'il!i .. I$';

Blnuj:~! %'" >common naiiJ~ s, 2'.1 ~i i!1li:shj:lI1g' n:m i Is", ,i~IU,e,~, :2 blr,a:s.s. h:ii1ii'il\l:E!S i, ,:2 bll'a:ss !'il!i1Im' I~ ge f~Si'~:'en!!1i'r.S'i 1, I U;Bliea,ge rJl:lllnd lei :21 ft. o:f l.l16~" x :%'~ 'feU wea thiell' s;t1ri'pp ull'1i.g~ :[ sQ •. U'. O'f' '~'@It .1 Sq. 'ft. of '!!AI;1\!' "'oa'liin Iru[Clbe,!" ...

5 'To· tem,Qf\i'e buttstock (34)1 ~ bike, off' . btJ1Upla:te I{ ],6)_., Use ~otng :screwdrrtv'eil"' ~:~ :r~,~o~'~ ,sto(;'k _bolt. l( 3$ J:., C(mttec:~or (33) cam be remeved !olll.,' 'when tec.e~Vef' ;~mrud t:rw~l~,er. .g~arrd, (3 8.) are ~epQ'[";atedJi since 'w~ [s. held by rear ,gll:a:rd. ~iCrew' (,391)"

Tbe 1-' . 't; .•. 'a a 1;a/,>-,n/~'>-

,-'-. r.J "',_ t~ .' / ,~'

.. ' ··,III'~~'n",,· ... ·-.:'o/-/, R'~ _ _"t- - -le-'

. I' 1,1141, . " .. ~ ,,' _ ,,~

raries, the ICar-cmo is ,om a pOOJ[' ,iPlD,. ~, 'boU: d~i,p" wiDt sollid. :heaJd, Mid, bed. ,ex:tr,aemr~ lSi eMlrm1e.~,y s:im,I'e., 'There Is no 'third, ~Dc:tmg lUI~, 'but, 'the 'ibo.rnJt :banclle loeb, focwam o:f' ,the, I-e .. , ce:~.Y'er :ri.m,g ad, ,a,em as ,8, la€ety lu.g.

,IUsp(l'Babk c~!i,p 7tequi:red:

,A, l~pO$~hle clll:p, ,i$ a ,ne~~M1f' :It'im, IOf th,e, :feed, sy,stem. .1\, 6....shot<apa,c;i-t~f' s.t'eel 0'1' 'br,MS dEip, is l~tamed, bY' a" liBrte:b.

., .,t.. . I ':FiFiI." .' 11

lD 1008: maguroe 'Wit .' '.I!,De Spnn,g-lOllulei.J,

,t;ollo!wer. forces the ,ciu1rldges u,P mito

bers, (j,.,S mm, 8'od 7,,3,5 mm, In the. la·t1t,19130I's the 61.5 mm. cartridge case \i,i,S, revised t:o hiUldillle I, ICaW. 7.,35 mm, bullet, .Alithou,glh '(_be cal. '7..]$ mm. car ... tridge W,aJS a better mn~t'ary round, '~he,

'talia:nl 'wenl back to the 6.S 'mm. b efore the end 'o,f 'W,orid War ]l.

- Ij
I i 'I
, I
, ,~ l
)0; ~-'
I , ~ !
, r
I~ I
- I
- " ,
10.:. . EXUacl,or' 5i, D~ld DOl, be, :remiOV',ed, un .. ,~. ~ess a!bsO:~utel;y. necessary,., Tail of CX:"" tr,l\ctor. II ~~j.ed Of hammered te the 'oo,lE, to bel,p re!llin". it., :If ,peme~, ~ 'too, ~~,Slbt'rny,t ,it may snap, 011 ,If a, :&IItre '~!,:d made '~O pry

; •. ;i1'II,,.,... ''!Iici' ,p .... · ... /II".Tii D ii'ioiifin.,l 'L·ft e ~n ib. ..... 1l .. ' 'i!liilll'!!rd

JIJ~ ~~l~, ~j 1i.?--'uu"n,;I.II_iI n~l~_.;yU, [UfW~ 'I ~iI..i, IlIlJ.JlIl~. [~

s.:aD sllot bCJoeaitb extractor ,ue 00]1" outlets: prrovided fOr sas, ,escape. -

Italian CarCaJlJJ rHfes 'usuaUy s.·ho,w a grea'~, de,a;m, o(f lioiIJgb balul finisbmg. The .safe~y ea,teh is, ,awkward aDd trig-

'Ill' ~'.t' ml h d C",·:III ,t:. S

,g~f' '-,-u UDulur .'.':)7' iare ~ l-W, UI.-~ mm,

ICa:r.,canos, are :riled, with a pro,II'eSSilll: twist but eal, '1.3$ mm, na:Ye a eonstant , itfli~g: twist.,

2 Th,e lCa'rea.1J!Q ,bas ,a, smple bolt s~O;P

(m!6) .. 'Tro' reJDove bo~it,. pJIlll it '~O rear and, ,at, same time pull 'mgler .. To, d~susemble bo;Wt- :rotate ,OO(;;~j'- p]ece (5) 'tCI tRd .poo~tiion as ~bO\Vfi. TJriI, ,l\eJ\ieves teD,~

BI\(1lq em firl:ng piD spriDg if')

-I II TO _'_E: ,E BE

BOtn~,Lo;! ui,on, E ngl,d'u (1"- 1 :-66 ,Die'd Lo Ild,o.:~ ~, ,Ell.g,((lnd, .183. 5'

JOSEP[I 1\ LJ-\N"l"ON nnd 'lis: elder brother John 'we rc two ,of the most famous London guns mi thsof' their time. B~th made fcnvling pieces and lsrge-ca ibc[ viRes. but [oseph '1;,\ as especia 1 y noted fo[ h is. [ty ca S'ed p,~sto'b,. W ohn set up his sh 0 p first ~"t 6 Dover S t., LOll don, J osepb set up his sh,op separately ~t 27' Dorer St. .Bc rkcl!cy Square, a few years later

in .1': '9 ) ., "

-8- • ", :I!.." ~: f

",,'eS]G~es 11!J.'cl,ng: a nne ern: tsmau,

[osep Man _011- was devoted to the :inlprO\~etnCll't of l!i!FC~nl1.S,. and, he m ade ]];1 any contri b u tions to, tl:'H::

b ettenaent - . .f If!: '."-- /,' d'-' "-"'., A,"

..... ' _I ..... I.~ .• ,,,,,,n,,, 10'[ ,lI.ilIfc;anns: . es]gn.,·

nil m b er of t11 ese im provernents met ~vitl:w little' fa,·or desp tc their , .. irtues, s_nd ;;J_ :f.c'\V led to Ht.lg,~tion and considerable eon ttoversy, I)'Cdl~lPS the most 'vidc'~}1 accepted of :',: Ianton's designs was the elet ';u'ted. 'r~b "o'r S l,gb t .. ,~ng double-be rrel ann S' ;SI1D d seecnd was: his patent breech eemplete ,,·it'll drain ho'~!c, ,,~,r']l'kl mac c [t possible '~OI" dou b 1 e-barrel guns to Ile consttueted in ;;ru n .. o Fe streamlined form, Less, pop UhlI were h is 'V -shaped 'l~r,~ Ining' pan ,~11.d his gravitationul s;ru'rety' stop ~]es' to prevent t'he aceid.efrjrCiJ discharge ,of: a gun, '~,ddl,e' a c'h~l'rgc was being rammed horne.

Mos, , CO'n bCl ·'E'f'sial of ,2 n were Manton's eon tribu tions to the development ,0'£ the ·pe.['Cl1SS~O:n. ign:iti'on :syst~;m., 'In. 1 ,s,1,6 he p~b~n ted a perCUSSion pel~et 110ck which f'oI'sy'tb elaimed wes an in'f'dngen~e.nt on '11.], paten t, and :Wn. the suit whieh followed l ~ orsyth won, "I heres Her Manton tumed to the' tube 10 ek and .0 b'taJ~ne',"_ a patent on it in 181,~t Ag~in :~OIS;ytlru sued hut his p~:[e]]rt: was ab au t to expire, a,nd Il'thougll, the court f:ound ~n h i$ :£3.v'O[,., '~,fa'n. to(n was soon able to put: 'Ius Io ek into pro due-

~ F~ 'nil' :Ii f'-

bOrn,. J rtna,1l wy -" a.n to.nsl '. rieads also

advanced ~li"w:n, as havil1g. de,relop ed ,'i:lli,e 'b:1Ule 'pe'r,cuss\ion CIPI., :1 f' he did SO\;I he fa il,ed, . to paten t itt- and tThl€ ,c~aim, :~~ gener~IDIyd is r. e g, a r ell ed today ~ ,8" R'OLD L. F'ETEBSON ~


B;y E~ J,. Hloffschmld-t

L h M- d' I 3'" 7' , ~ h-- u h. S' 'h'

_ tnaca s: oae .si , earner "g't >'Jotgun

THE Ithaca, Gun ", '0'• IOf' Ithaca, -"',. Y'~!, _ started m,anwfl.ctur] eg gu IlS ~n ,8, small wood bui[oing en UU~: bank: of F all Creek in 188.0. The:j r :first model

r ", .[-. 2-' ,', 'Il...' .. . . . :" ," d 'f' "/'

WI.S a .,' -ga. na m mer gun ~ an". rill m

this they evolved a series of'11e=, and double .. barrel sho~guns. .A 1 Ul.lough th!ey h ave m a'll'U fact ured M 19 ~ 'I A 'I. automatte pistols, M6 survival weapons, and :',: ,3·A·1 sub-machine guns under 'Wo:d d War J: I gOiV'ern:rnent contracts,

. .,III ",. - I ---. ntl ,_",.:1", .. C J'. ,]- "',

ailill~ are eurren c.J proauci AI, ,a, ca .. ;, "_"-"

rifle, tb "ir reputatlon has been buUt on. their tr.a~.:p guns 'their' double-barrel guns and the Modtd 37 F1ea.ther] j,;ght ! ,1- ~d'-I, ,·i ., ,- . , .,,_IL..'Q~ rilu ....

s , e-ac ",.,1 0.111 ,SIJj.I. "il:.5 M,.

The F ea therl.mght was first offered in ]9'37~ It won immediate acclaim since ~t was a gocd pound li ghter tban its nearest ecmpetitor, Thla wei ~bt 'redill1.'c~ :~:ion was accompl ]s:hed by' clever des i gn ra ther dl aJ.I1J by the use 0 Iight alloys, T'h~. number: of o~eraJifiljo' parts was tAp' t

¥ -- f _ _ _ IF l ~ ,~:I ~ 1!r4~ ~ "

to ,I m,'" nimum and. they we're 'J igh~[en.ed where po:ssib le,

As '\lllitb. most sHdl~~a,cti'().i]l shotguns, ~be bOIU, bas no ~oc]dng 11' or s.ep:ar:a. e lockl ng block i The slide the' end of the bo~'t up as ~t ls pulled forward ~ Wh.en the end of tbe bolt is ~,ocked into rhe top [of the recel ver, the s~!ide sup= pO'[~S ,i~ from be~o'" so Pi unlock-

. ,


A notber good design .fea.tur," is the bottom ejection s.yst.enTh wbweb prev,ents lawn from g:e.,ltiW11 into the gun 'when

.1 Bef~':re, .aue~p[jf:l~ to ,_~~mo'~: ba,, un-

~,~~d :m,~g;~!m'lJe ·~u]d c_h;a,wbe[. T,e t~rop'ly

magaz~ine·. J;Hl,t~h in. $,p]",i!il.;g ~h :n. ~l~.O,p (3) [om ,iniide ,of' roceiver ,as ShOWlt. Ease :roumds, out by. IO[')ii:. .Po~l, ba,c.t 0:11 sHde r.e.;]e>E!Jse. O'[IJ fOf,wa:rd] sid' 0-(' 'Uilg.e:r guard i!ind puLL back

:5Ud. hancUc It,C ~:mpl,y d"lambe["


hand1 ed 'Dorm ally ., This ,sys.'_tn1 a1;S1o provides a g,ood sa:f:ety' factor smee it protects ~he face fir-om brass particles or powder burns rn'es:LJ~ t in,g from, defet~veshell bursts, S~nce ej ectkm :i s d.ow,Il'l!i:vard I' the eatherllght .ws· a great favorite w'.hh left-handed shooters, l~jhaca makes a left-hand S' .![ety that C'aJU ~ ~ leasHy' ill-

staUed. irnl place 'o-f the normal ' -hand satiety.

M'[odeW 37 Fea thatl WgJIDi~. '~ho~IIU ns are made ~n 2,0-, 16=.~, and 12-g.a,. B arrel '1'" ''I+'L ra -__ f -,. '"nfl' ,r'n" th '-~ 'I-

eng!," I ill is· _ ;a.lng.e . rorn ,.;..v' ,...;.r t. : e ,n,Oil

, -

gun to' J,O .. t for trap or duck hunters.

The S'~sh-ot Imag~;;d ne is easil y p] ugged

- - -

, f- "i1l..·...:1 ~'11

[,0 C10l1 orm w'l.b~~, ecerai raw ~

Pe io- 'Lo -'~liI"Iid

ar~IS' _~'g'~I[ III:'

30. : •. Hc~e s~op ~p'rr ill1:F: (bcr! lom ) 3,1. T:f."i:e;gc f ~'pr.:~llg,

3,2.. 'Til' igge r

33. c'. :~.ide; pi'!1i

)_ 51 id.~ ,piru spr'ing )!L Slid[e

36,.. SlidJI'Z' pin cheek pin lJ. :. am mer bar

J S. ' , i:fUn ~r bar. pin 39.. 'H a.;mm :' r

40. 5!~ide SlOP

4' '" S~rde ~u'op ;re·I"- ase sprilng Uop) 42,. Carrier

4],_ Bouam, extractor

44. Bo'Uom extractcr .spri Ilig

,i4 If: !Ill •• ii

:,;,:;.;.. r,'o:uuv.e 'exU',ii3ic'~,o¥ $.P1lilill,(;: c~p

46. P@.sjt,ive e;:urac·t,or s.prj[,'i~,

41~ PQsiti~e e:x~.nJ.CI(U· (top)

J],Sj. ej(,· hing~ pi:cru (b euorn) 4·9',. Fi~fhiJJl pin cheek P~'E1l

.5 O. F m:rin.g pi 11 sprin.g,

s 'I. F~r[ng, pin

$2. Breechbl[ock

.:5 j", Sock.

54", B,uup~l~ue and s;\'js 55. Carrier ~crew (1) ~

$[6. C.b3t!lri:e'r scr;g\jr leek screw (2)

.~" Ihlrrei

2. M~318zi'iile 'nu~, ,pin-

3. M:, ,gal lae J.n

4. M ~ . iil"z:i rII!e .III,LIJ( phi check sc:rew· 5.. M ~gazi.n·e nut p. in catch :splfi!~i!;

6., M~g;azi~Re 'mtillt .. pill ci,ect ~pr:~l'Ig (:':!ip.' 'l. Yoke s-c:r~w

8. 'Yo;k[e.

19l. Ma. -·~.l~ne .s,riu,g

'10. M ine;~ cup

] 'I. Reeelver ;;;.nd m3gazi~ile tube 1..;,. s:~ ~de: haad Ie 3ssemb], '

13.. S:plFiifl:@ sheU stop (I.eft)

,I, , Sp.r,~ni!l .shel~ sto,p :!j,j)r:ing.

m 5 .. , Sp ii"fti(g sheU :s~o.' screw

l s, P,os itive shell stCt,p (r.ight) :~1. Tdcg,e.ii plate serew

]·8. H'amr:rrer pin

] 9.. Tr. pi fIJ

..;0. S'af:eC.y-

'B' ],' SaJi lY lealch S.Pli.ilI: 22. .. Sa'fet~y ..:a:[,C~,

2::t'in~ eup

24,+ ifv~ a i'rn$.pf,i~g

:2 5.. h~'ai"UiJ!sp';iii;ffiL~ cap 2.6. boh

_ "1. St(llc'k washers 28:. M';aJnspr!ng :S'!~IO~I 29. 1"ri'gg\f;;f,' pbue

2 TtO r'e;mo,,,·e berrel (i) i :puU ba'Cit Oil, .$U~e

re~e:aJs,e' ·on f(!l;rw,!iJ~d s~,de of 't.r:llM~u guard. aDd puU sJlid~ handle. assem'!5,ly 02) to ream[0' op [t, breech,; PuU ~,P :magalj:l:R! mn p[n (2)

:llliliiLd IIJ.aise it. as., a h:: V'i;!: It.' to rOit9.'l,!t ml.:~~hlLe.

IlU~ r(3 ) unt iI. p:roj,ec.tio,n ,On i"n ~ ('nee 'of b~!b.rel Wug. (,Magaz.:i.lle" 'ilJI:U 'Plio ·f'l.n m.i shed, o't:Jily 0\!1!J, g.U:D1l'S, 'b:J!l,iillt pdo·Jl" 'l~, 1[9l5.S" On ~3[ bu i~1t gUml1S ba"~nl m.O .. ,ill, simp']y To[a'te: .a:g,a%tllte.

.n~t, i:1!iiJ dU:fieol;[on sho'Yin)

3- ' B~r -:1 is j olrned. liQ_.,.. ,~e:tver by ~['i, iD= le~tPplie:d ~'hfe~d. When m,8Jrg8zim'bJe nu l is "ltee of bar'rel ruu,g~ gi:'lIe blf:Jurre'l Mil. 'lU rn :i~ dJf'e!;;:hO'n s'how,1'!i and 'pu~[ h it'ee af r,eceiv·ef' .• Mag;~zme t~'be and. s~:~de ha.ndh~ :8ssenr:tb~y .re- attflJe.hed to! rnee~"e:r

,I Sto.~:k (S3 ) m1i,!St: 'b0J ,r.,~mo'Ve!.i, b. ~fQltel d,is ...

I ,~ssem,b,~ lllgctlon. ,F]"rst remeve buu.,. plate 'screws ,bd, bIlU,pillarte;. Stock i5 :E!llt'taclied to r, by' a lCirl' , ~ bolt (.:.6) wbich n,as a, ~q;ua['~ head w.i~:h S:1@t so that it; can be removed Wilh :eJ 101lB: scre.\V,dlrhr,er' or soC:k:~t


5, '~~ih :s~OCk rem~li\e~l. re~o".e b:j~~:r pla~~e , ~c:rew (17). and ]lui t.~rr ,PI :ate. ,group ~lO :rear mel OIIJ't O't :l"teclGjv~r. J..e.,0'~ 2. Qarrj~r scr.ew lock scr,Lt'iNs. (56.) and, carrier SC:feM (S,S) from receiver, Hold .f$.(:eiver' bOUolDl up ~ ... :ith ,m:3l~adil!a,e 'I,o! left, !l1lld, willi PDIliCh or tEi~gem~U ,1P!lJlU slicl ,pin CU) 'to.ward, body '1lJl11 tlill, 'S:ljd~ ber can b pulled fu!rw,~rd frem reD 'a~ement, with slide (35)., Pull $1idrej ]br~ecbblack ($2). a.nd ~arder (42.), 'logethe[f to rear,

rout of ireOO1Vft


61 P,o:w[:iv@ ~,X[r'~~O~ ,(4') !.~ ~~,~t~iI:U~d_ 'b! - 8. :powen1Jd sp:r,log'; 1'0 remove n., ~ie a tb"n, punch. ropn:Sb ,spring prnu~ger back:: ,at.

. b ii' '.

:$:llm,reJ t~{;):, p'H_ ~~.'tlr:a.c~:or ,out: or Its, :l~8it:

as ShOWB. :Bottom ex,'tra,c,ID1" (43) call 'be: if'aJ.:sily rent.oved by dJlrivJDg out [its ,~'iilllge pmfIJ (-41f To reJaO'\I',8 :fhi'm1g pilli1 f.r,om breec'hbJoct~ tr,slt ~lrhl'.'e cut fjjrin18, pm c:hcGcl:: pill, (4,9). Then

iriog pilll1 aBd sp.rm;g (51 and, - SO) CaJD, ~aJs:!ly

be tetmo1l\"ed" Re~~emible ~n. !!'e.'V~rSe -



'I'N rsn UU~~ Ithaca [Gun, ICO •. of'ltb~ca,~ , ' ::., y ~, :in'troduced the:im" first SWD\g)elo. barrel sho~gu!n 'e,5:pec.ia'U,y desigDled fOE 'f.rrapshit)tl<ti:tilg. This Wal known Iroumd. 'he. maca. plml as the F~Jues :modJel after its designer Emil F~~le.S, En m[922 ':'he FIUJe3., model was disoontruDued w-neo the curren .. model was intrcduced, AIm gu.ns, [or the earlier' Flues mode1 !la,ve serlal aumbers under 400~OOO., The m [922, ver8~oD 'W,II, dles;~gm~d. by Frank. Knick,er'bocke.r aDd ,ws clUed the :Knick OJ,ode, by l bfllca. em,~llo!yees"

'1 Tro take dOIWll. guo; Ii.ft fore-end Ia ch (62,) and puU 6ore~~O!d " ( 43.) do.wn and back, free[ng it fr[orm. 'balrn7eI, ,!lilld frame, Move, ~[op,...~ev'e~' [( '[ :5) to rlg'bt and 'Ii t barrel down. L~ft. barrel (4'0) up, ow.

frlme assem"bJ:y' (313 )1. Reessemble ~n reverse crdJer

2 To d,i$ass~mbrn.e forle.-end. assembb'" remove fo{re-end 13l~'kb. . ~ &~utc'heofi. miiu=hi:~,e serew (58 ) and shert fore-end machlne screw (5[9") 'f1om ~op o:f fD.~e!IiiJJd iron (46), Rrem OV~ lon~ fOlfe.;..e~d macW:~e 5cr. w (45')[ f:rom fr'Ont end of foane~Ddl. (4.3"). Pore-end ~rOG ma.y be 'Lwft,ed out of fow .,-:rnd" fore,-e~d fastenee belt assembly (:):3) and spriQ! (5'4) :m,ay !be :r-em.[ov'ed. by lUusc,rewi [g ~ore-{:,n.d, fastener bol t screw (S6l ~ Kic.k'er so,ri g (48) may be rem,olv~d. .afl,ef' dri:fotinl' Olilllt pin (S S ) e- K~cker re!taiiine:il" t(.4,9) and ti,~'ker' sear (SO), ,and. spri ",gs: (5 l) may' be. remc1v.ed by Id:ri~img [out lPitm (52). ~

Rem eve fore:-emlild hu,cb esc1lJl~C;b[eO'Il, flat-head weed screw I( 6, 1'[., R,·· move ·fo:re-e.nd ] a('Cn. e8c.;u,tcheo.~ ( 60). trcm bortom of fore-end by' klWtoc,khlg. lout ,gc:nd,;Y with a pulliitc~b or srn a~] screwdriver from 'EOp tJh:r.'ollgti for: -end latch escutcheon m ac:hiimt~ screw hole, 'La:t'Cb (62.) ,and spr.imrug i( 64.) m,·ay be :remo'Vled by dri.fdng iO'U't .P.i,fILS (63, ) .

'Relssem ble iJl reverse order

3' .!Btre;ec,h, e~d .... [ barrel ,~'c shown ~'6ii;'e'

..,. IV ,_,1,111_ _ ~,.... .... , .... , _ n iIlJI!; •• 1IJ

I '-"11 ~ T -" - ,- -

- II:JI!pStge,..g'OWcfi. -, .c dl;18ass~:mib.I,t1, '~XU·a.iC='

tor rneehanisrn, remove ex:tr:~lCOOir cheek screw [ocki n,g' screw (6·$) 3j,nd, unscrew extrsctor eheek serew (i5,1,). Puli. ex,lr,ao:tQ,r {66) I[HIL rear 10([ :ibar:re]. Re~emlb]e III

re'VelcS~, order

T"'-,' dlsasse .. 'b-,~I- ,'I. -- - '" 'I,_,A' 'Ii ,'~'~-, ' ,1.._

'..... ,IJQ~ ........ m '_ ee srame aJ!r:I:l!.JI. JiQCII'i;.. m.e(:ii,!,~'

3,ni sm, take down gU'f), as deseribed h":IJ Fig., 1., To re:m;ol"e :S~QC;I(. (,,3 4.) moll"~ top~]~ve[ (.1..5] to side ~Jid. unscrew tang wood SCTe-W (9). 'Uns~re.w 1 I rjg_~e:r gu am wood SCfeW;S, '_ 'I ]}. S-pir.i:E]~ OllJlt rear ,e;nid, of ~,riggrer guard I( ] 0) s]ighUy' and unscrew t:L'igger ,g,~a:rd frorn ~ri;~get pl,ale (2,). 'Wlt'h u'!gge:r g!1ll3rr.d removed rear ~a.n,g screw (8) ~an. be re:mO,"\fed foo',m, uf1d,e,r~ide ,of' n:ig~er p]a:~e" ,Re ITIo\l'e: 3, [r1l;g.,;;,:,r plate screws (.4.),. :Ra,l),p,in,g' stock ~e'n'lly w:iU~ heel of hand wJu Ioosen tri:ga~r :pl,I'a;b~ so it can 'be removed f rem bouomll 100:f frame I[ 1 ),' :010' not ~Uelm]l~ to pry 'l rigg,er. 'p~aile out. of. f~~am,e" Sto~~ can be drawn off: frame to rear, Tri,gg.ell (5) c~n 'be removed f rum, ~,r,igge~r 'p~~~,e --by' driftfn s: (jut '[d,g'ge:r ph~, (6)1.

-R .,. t"'l!"l) d a, i""1j'9!'ij,

-.emo'Ye '[t 1r,1 ,PI s,prl'l'i\g' \".;11.. :aJI!-, '~lrlpl '!..i'''"i

from und,ersiale ,o.f fr,ame" :O:rift out cock-

'. .. t ~i 4) A' 1.,'-

n1Jg C:8I,m [pUll \,,~ - - aIDu l\,~miOV~ ~;,.;]:"g 'cam

(lJ) ;and c1oeti:ng red l~l2.] 'f[nOlm f'['-on'l, end 'of' fr.arne., Drillf'!, 01!llJt, sear phi (2,:9) and, re'm,(jlv·e: sear (1.:$,}. Remo'l,¥'¢: bai],1'1l1,e;r ,pi.n set screw (30) from llndewside tif frame and d rift Oli:II!t. hammer :pi:[a (32)" Remove bammer (3,1 t, m:a&niJSlu'in; (24)1 and m;arnrns,p,:r:iing, cap (25) from 'frmne.. Compl're~s action bOlh~ spdng (:I a,) l"h:h end of screwdriver and

.,,~ ~ In il!'>ll:'IilF' 'I FN P' ,,., ... -fI e "",I!Iii' (~ A\ I""i.]'~· ..... ife. ,,,,,,,,,,,,~. ~''''''

,iJi~ "J.!L~' o.r-IIJ •• \~J InIJI,U· . Or JL ,~ll ~!I,; ,I!. ~, ~~G!1j. III lLi11,l.

action b o~.~ :s,:pri n,g sto,p' (:10)., U'nscrew aeHen. b elt :s,,Pdng SroPI from underside of to,p 'ta:ng'" lJe"m,Q'ViC top=mever. screw (2 E) :f'11lit\11:1lJ underside of frame and ]in, tiQP~]evet O~~'

'-"- '- 'f' ,t, - ' -"" ~'-'" lb., '-] e. f'I":::"Ii "'"'I''L., ,-'

top 0', rrame, ,nC[.Ion !l:;l!O:n:. Ii,." UJ WI,U-I, c:tll.m

(]'1) elm] be ,s;'lid out ,o:f.' frame to rear,

Pa rts Lege'nd,

r. Frarne

,2. Tihg!~;r plate

'} S ,,,

s '.' : ',- ~a r sP:U'!ftI,g

,tt Tri,~ger plate screw (3) 5'., '1'1 "'iT'~-'ini!i"tiii'r-

61: T;m~;;;~ pii:n

'7. 'ft~:g,§e:r 'i:i:pr:L:~g

B, R,e'a:r- ~~ng screw

n T~Ii'fI'1i'r ~iiJ!\i"i;;"i;...:I "';"'"11:","",'1'11"

~'!!i l 1!t-LlIlllliaJ "!I'T ~ylfJll ~i'b.J! ~.~~

I O. Tt~g_g.e:r guard.

[L Tr,~gS,er gu am, 'Wood

~c,rew (2)

12. CO'C,ld~g :rod I j,. Cocddng earn

,~o4. Co cld:D1g, Cia m pill'll ] 5,. T,o:p m'leve..r

,115,. A~'(ion 'IDa I L

11'" A£t~Olil bolt ,e il[illiIJ 1:8., Act~o[;L bo~li[, spring

19, ,Ac~,i on, bo]:~, s'lu~:~g cap 2,0" Ac~,io.n bolt spri.lI1g ,SlOP ,2;,L TOI:p·:le¥ter SC:rew

'12-' 'T·

.:. ',+ '£:UPI

2: 3 ~ Trip ~pr~:n.g 24. M~'i ns,:~;r.dmg

2.5. rvF;a.i'l]sp:d:~g ~1l,P 26,. Firjng pin.

21. F.i ring piD1 (;h~~k sc~w -'0, co.

,.;; 0 • ,."eHl,r

")!lfI; S" -'''"'r' P'I-'''' ,;;; ~'.. . eG._,:. ~,~,

,J 0;, H8,m mer prnm set screw .3~. Hammer

31 2" Ham mer p[n

33, Frame and Jock meeh-

~iJ1:11J1Sm,- comp]et~, ,a$~


3~". S'uGc:k,-

3,S'" Reco:i[ pad

36, :RecoU pad s~re,ws tl) (not. ~d'H)'wn)

31. Oo~d oval {or :5,h ile~dJ'


.1 :8·" (l:r]p ca:p

.39'. G':rfp ca"p ~re:W' 40. BaJ-rliel

4_1 [. ID' 'h 'iEii' 'Il.. 1~,ro:_"'".'-,IIi!'

_ ='L _:aca JI;,-ay'ua,r :II. ,~.~ 'l


4'2;," R£a-r :s,igb.t (i.¥OlfY' be'ltld) 4,3. F'ctfj,e .. eirlLd

44" F or,e-end ,long I[iJjJa,cb~IUle SlG,r~w ClOnal' -

4:5 F'or~·efid .~c~lmme

sc r,~~',! ]OJrllg 4,,6,- f;,o:re..;end iron

4-1.. Kic~er

,4 8,- K~:ckre r ~pri,n.s' 49'. K~ick:er' ,reta~:lm~r 5,0. Kic~k,er S~'ai["

:) :1;, Kicker :sear alldi :r~,m ta~i~fI.'e:r s:pdng 1(2),

,:)1" ,K,i:,c,ker' sear and, rerainer 'PIn,

,:))" Fore-end fias;t~nl~~r bo~t


:5'4" F ore"'~'Jld, bah, spIring' .5 j. ,K:lck'er fletlaJiner -,pin

j'6,," F'o:re;~cJnd :f'asteneF 'lbo1'~ S!C\re:w

S1., F o]'t·end bo:~:[: guide, 5,8:., ,If o[1el-end esc;u'[th~ eon Ituic;hi'ne, s:c,rew

59'. P,ore-eilld machin,e, ,SIC:fiie,W'1l' S,hOiF'I,

6'01• FlQre..end :h3JJt,C'h e:$-cu[,cJui:on

!6 1.. :~'or-e~en.d rn~l'ch ~sC'ut(;:h~ eOil], ,flat",l1efIJd wood


6,:2,,, :f ore,~e:n.d hltti:n

,63, Fo~e:n,d, latch !.'e,v,e;r and. ~:i3lI,i;"'b- cnir"--:-!I!!1

- - -- - - - - .... ~ .;]111:;",1] Ilob

p-.Ln, (2) '- '

64. F o:~e~el[:JJd :s:~;rr.~i!ijg 6 S'., F o:li'ie,~end fI'ilJialchrune

screw' round 1fiI;t1J~ 66., liE: ~t''tor

61. Ex,'[r~,Ct'Qr I~h~~'k 68". ExtD",a.cW'.f,' ,ell~c,k

,I,()c ktDilg :screw

~,r~w' :5.(;:rew' t.

c __ --,. M,,~, S--'-",'P.··lilPNII iC~,Il,,:::-

" • l I,~ •• ~ .• Il

In-v,e'n,tea tJ{J'fJ~d'a'r' Civil' Wa,'r

T,epe'a,ti~n8' 'i";:fle'

,B'o:!,,'I1;-,M'(lRiCheJte'TJ ,C,o,!rnl.UJ 1 $l,~e ,2()1Ji ,1'8'3.J ,D ied-B'Qrt/~'Td(j ICIOt~"t:~~, ,J,~'!,I. , 4., 1921

C,~r:rU5TrCH'ft.ii.~}l" :M,. Sp:r!':~n:::~It C'On."" I t- :r,"~b- "ut,<i!JI'.A] imuortant inventions

,-:&:,,~I ,- ... u ;&I 'r uJ. ~.~. ,II" :&:.L'~ 'WJ.III,I~.~""" :&:.L;1I'

to :m~n~oy fields, From earlv yo,ulh. he was associated 'lfi'th maj'nul~cb:l.Jrrun:g," HIe quit school at the ;~g'e' 0:£ 14 and

:itr:etll,tl~I!~~e~~:~em,;h:8~) $~!

went '00 Rochester and worked :i.11 a '[oolbllHdin,g' and loc(Hnot~l,.,e' shop to broaden - hi, experience; then t,o the Colt armory at Hartford, and :Ij,na,'ny back to the CmU~lH!j" ~.nwUs., Here he obtained his; ,first patent, f.OF. an automatic ~i~k-nrind~ng mechine,

Ever sinee bovhood Spencer ba,d had :e, passion £0;[ firle~rn~ s an!cl, he worked 'n'''"'''n-':§_ an J 1Il-];'!I;rd',1 ,b,n p-c erfect ';'ii:

''1'''' "h,\.,I··_ ,~,'lJ:_'~_"' r~",I~. 1I.,1(.l __ ,y l.:·--,~!I;i.:. r~

'fepe~t,lng: die'. He succeeded in this endeavor, and em. 'f\.~!3Jr-~ 6., 18.60J obta ined a pa rent f.·or. a 1'~S'llil ot repeati'ng arm '\\":i:t11, a tubular ln~g;a;zine in the stock, During the 'C,[ vil \\! a,[ 20 (1 J'O 00 Spence r rifles and carb ines are believed to have been used ~rl :tll,le' :ffi,eld~, and the soldiers who used, til-em, caned it the fin,lest gun in Ul€ service,

A:t the close (wr tbe '1' ar, Spencea went to i'\n1lJ herst, Mass .'. and. '\\ as assoeiated with c:muldesi E,i l Hngs in the'

R,· Ap- er Jj, nns C <,n V-," nsueeessful ~,1iI'i ",l!"l"~ _ "_U .~. ,n~· ,_~~ . v~ 'Jill~ . .....,.'~'!..r.:-~[~, ~~J. 1~tn1 ~l

venture, Spencer rc tnmcd to :Ha,:rt-

Ii! _..l d f' .'::1..:11' - m 'D '"'II'nl" e;

~aro an, rounuee tne ,~];.lHU1~, ,~

Spenceii.' Co. for tllJe lUi] fnrufaiC'ture ,of d:eop f,orgl'llgs.. fIe' retu:ub,ed brru,eHy t:Oi the n.'),~n ufactuJ're 'o:f guns in m 8SZ \vhe'll he (lFgan izcd a :l1nl1lJ to 'nil anu- .. , a 'shotgun he had de, 'e'loped~ bu,t once a §~,[n f.a ned,.

IOiutside the :lirea,I1f],l.$ 'field SlPl~n.celT l1:HlJde a ,great ]i1:alrri.IC, :fc,1t h wn~se!~f l'r~ Ind"ustriml de,s~gn~ lle l'l1'\·cnh!d a

- - 11., • lL.. + ,J!' t '.

screwm,a~:lng' lina:C~Hne II:CU' ,unn.g an

~'ub:nm.~ ~~c turret la fb;c i ffi1 [ 81'''" and

his 'work :i.n d[op :forgi~,g is S~].d 'to lla "r'e' done iU(U:-e liQr Hie ill r. t tb ~n t ha t of anyone: ,elS'e1 p~,ri[iC'lW 1 ~:d'y' i,n repid to tlfte' ,~cc1ll'r~.ty ,a,n d ~PIJHcat ~(Ml of d1,e prooess,. ,H ]'s: :n~a.'cl']j inc sC:n.:-:\V 9pe'fa 'l~olrn,s and 11li ~s aJu,ih)nUllic' lmU'[(: 'business :[?ir05,p,e:red :~n d cons1ll1ned :bds entir.e ~\nen:t-ion, UlIlt:il 'h'[s de~l'th.

H'I' A. n,nL'1F'i; 'L p' 'E"1I'F'1I'1!'ilI~n,"~'

~ I 1~-iIAlv '-._~ ." .... ,' L. ,I;·.~J:\~~~i.'!ii

J c "I'G··········G··········N'· IIS·······

~ .1:: ••• , . .. 1/- 1- ~,i,

. O···········O·····E 3°·::-:···'3·~········', 'R"" LE

. . . ',' .. ,'.'/ '

• '. .: • • • ;" • ,-". ," f •

_: .' .. , _.... ~~. . ._> . '.' .'. " .,. I.

. I" -'-Ho 0-" MIA co'

B,Y 0 ••• I ( I.M;~


12., ~.~aJlr. s[,ght eJ!eYarolf 13, M:,a~ali ne SLl Pl~ort

14.. M',agazi ne SUIPPOJt' p:i 11! 1,5, Ma~al'i'ne tube

lie;:,. Rece iWir shea

11'.. Rece,~,er:s hoe screw '181" l~.n,si:de mtagaz:'i na tube: 'm9., Mc'ga1zm 1i11i! cap

20., 'Ma\Pl~i. ne, CSlp 'pwrn :2:]., M al,a Zh:1B sp ri ng' :2'2" M ag,a'zi'ne fOil ~ owet :23., Ac;tWon bat

2.4.. Ac.thln bar stud * 2,5. F'o,~earm s'b.ld

THE, J" c, H~~g~ns, Modi~l 33.0 ,:s'~_id,~

11'-" :;a: f_ . du - - d ~lln 1'~~'~ 'I'll!fJi.C!l.l.o,n [iIlJJ.e:t, l!rl.'uAJ .1!lJ,ICie '" ,II: 0 , ,~'.).)I, .In,

_- '"'od.uced bv 'the H'['~1h Standard Mfg".'

p,,JI.'_ .. ,, ,;} .. , .. " ~ .. , , .

Corp., : amden, Conn., f'or sale by SeaI,8j Roebuek ,&, ce, 'Of' hammerless, tubular magazine construetloa, It shoots .2'2 1,00uI .ri~le" Jong, and, :sh,ort :rimfire .... ;0';, rtrid !Dr';;;; ~ i n terch an lITe Q b:~"U" ~ n both

~~." ,Il _ 1~,~'iIiI _, - _ ,_~, ,_,-.!_,Wl· ~ _ M - - ,J' . _ . _

stand ~rd and :bi,gb-ve~ocru.tY' lloa,diliJJl~~ M~atgaZine ca:p(acj~y'- j~ 25 sho(['t.jj 20 1.1~1ng~,

':11 7 'III. ::a ..... '·d

or .l!!.'~' ;!)'ong nne ca;f!;,i] :_,Ie.s~

The :Made'~, 3,3, weig'b;s S Ibs, 2 OD • and has an over-all ~,enB)th 0:1' ,~I % #' ..

'reI _ '~I ~II .. "J." ., - ''''!I, 311;':' i!'JI

~arI-e~ ~mgt.tlli, IS ,;:;.,.'. "14, .'

T"',~, receiver a nd >C!i 'i'eJ~~ ¢.'~'[!emb~~:l are

] 19b:;ei,g,~~llicYy~.-T,b,;;;~;]_~;; ~ ,1F.:~o~ecl

fior Up"O'LH' scope mounts" .s~oC:k and fore-end are Amedc:~n, walnut,

:26.. F'o,liea rrn sere'w'

'"'fI<7: 'iE:i, ..... ,I't

~ .• aJ lJ·u~

- - - _-

:2;8., Ext ractor, 1'8,ft,

29. IEK~lra:cto:r mrta in i ng' pmin

30. IExtlr'a,(;:bo''f' reta i nl fillS "I'rOII:~ pln

- -. ell OIl :.J 01,", ,Ii

,sa. Fin ng I~H n rei~,a'~ n I nl5l' P:i Ill!

,3:2. EXtrr,iH~~.tO!r~ ri,ghrt

,33, F i rW:lilg p:i nJ

34. .Fw r~:ng p,i 11 ,sp rrng

''::l'S-=c ~ .... tractor ~irPi,-rij'IRIID!

~'.J;I ~l'l I'·_·_.~M_ ~~.~~'Ib

316., BuUp,hate, :S!clrew [,2) 37 ~ But~IPllate

3,8, \IVh i te p lsstlc buttp late sipaf~:ew :3 g" 'fry:,gge:r gllla:ro:

4f}., 'fr~,gger e:[;JalWd reta~'~ r ng ~:i ru :$,pr:i f],g. 41. ,Aet]ion bar I oe~h,g: l~eV\tu'

42, Ac.tij:on b~ r ~'oc:'k'~ ng I ever ~.tud ~ ,43. AiCt~'OMl ba r I o c~'dlli1i: '!Ieve:r' :~plr'i nig 44" S\a~'e.ty b !WIUon

45" Safetv ib;uUon pi uWiger

46" :S~re~l button ~II umger $,,prhng

1117' U .,.

i~ i.: ,. n'la mlme:f ~,pnlng 1;)',1 n

48,. Ha mme r s'pniJ []g

49!~ H a'm'me r s prli rug gu'tde ,50~, Hamme r $,'hlut pi n

51.~ Ham mie r

.52., IlHalm'linl~ir ,pi n ,53~ Tr~lggelr

,54., Tri,gg!1r 'Pin 55., In'i,gger ,sp:ri n\g 5>6., 5:e:alr pin

0.7,. ,S'ear ,spIring !sB . .$·®alU'

519. [)i,SCOMlDn;~C~olr'

t£::'n 11"""- +,..... !I:...' ,. ,rft;,

~U'o; u! ISCOllneC:Luil1" m I ~ II1ge pin '

61., ID~soo n neetor sp rl ng

6,2., ID~:sOQ'Fil nector spri ni reta i n1 rng

W· 0 !SIi£IIl;o'e!J r ~ ~~)Iil

6,3. ID~:~ccnnector s-pr]:ng ,lletaJ'ir11ing pln * 6~. 'Cartri"dJ~e, Uftt'fr' :sp:ring:

6S. ICartridl~e, ,~ifter s~,ri:ng re~ai:ning' p'in (516. ea rtridge i ~ftet

6:? 1F-'i3l-+rDid-lrna r~r min

- II! ¥_ V ~_ _ 1151~ _ II N.~._ ~

68,. Magazin.!, throa .. t, retaining 'phil 6fl. M:a(gSiZ,i ne ttl reet, dglht

70" Mapz:i ne th roat, i en:

11~ BUUS;~DC k:

'"]2" Pi,s'~o;~ S,t:'i P CfllP ,a n d screw 73.. ,Fo,.e~~nd

,~ Fac~ory aSSie'mb~'ed to other m~.jor fP19lrt. [lo, not d ~ sassem b Ie.,

'11 Disassen~;ble Modlel 3,3 'by t~J:~nh'l,G' guB

i_;g' . .JI ~.. 'm - '6,

i!JpsJoe~uow(JJ, ,an)g,,~1 'rlimS~Iiil,g ::31, PCl:'fii~..IIi~ V~$IIilli,

'Ollt tr.igger guard reainrmg phi, (;), f~o,m, m£ft 'to :m:;ig'ht. 'G,!l'as:p t:t.:i\gg,e-E' gu~ (39 > :and, pull U',p 'aJn.d 'C)ow:aJrd 'bu,tts~ck. f 7' 1 ) Ii E:o:n:l''e' t.f:i~gge~' ,gu;a~d, assem.bly 'w,~l1 lc,ome~ oue as: ta u]],h:. 'WhlUe ,p.D. ~Sl sciU '~.p$ide·

i~''''''WA nill~n.:. 1I!'~~ill','iI!..,,.., 'lLia::n,.;!I' ,0!il~,",:P' iL,-ry~'m , .... .r

~~ _ !I:II~I .P"'~1~/~ [llil l_I,iiEJlDl'lil WJl!E"li.,~ U ~ r-.... liIY'!Ii,!L.U. ~ ~ I ~iII

Jre:C!ei,~ei ( 4· ) ,'w.,om w~er.e· u'ig'g:er' g1!!i!l~a:[d ~~em])1:y 'W~ ,f'~OjU)'Jloo. TU:[',[l. ,gu.nru ov,e£,. 'Wim. [e:£t :b~:nd~ pu:n. ~'ore·e[lld (7 ~) slowly I\ear-wa:rd, ~_ndJ. 'bolri, (,"1."1) wun d1'op lO,,"u't

inc'o ['.igh,f balnd. -

2 ~~~:d::~~~::':~:~::!,~er:U;:. ~'lt~i'

a;nd slide m;a3azin:e ,tldJ,e (:[;, ) :E'O'l'ward. Quit, of m~i've~' 'and .maga;z!.ne :~alp'POn"ft ( '1,; ) ~ F,or.>e~end, (7'3) w~d" ~.cdoi] bilr (23,) artach.'~d. 'wiU tlJO'w' be f~,e;e' of ~n

3 .. ', ..• · .. ·.1 D,~~:semb,w 'bollli: '&y' ,d]rJ€uo,g OU;I: 6;[,.., r itilg' ,p.iQr.,e£:~,dDl~g ,p~[I. (:3 '1) I:r.o'in 110- det\$~dJe of bollt' as I!bOV~.. W:ithd]I\aW .fix:itil(g P~:fi (5;3) ;~:gJd !irj"Dg' ,pi:n ~,p.ri:Dg (,34)" 'D,dft out eX~I'!l!a:o'f - ,feta~fli~g' ,fOU P~'i! ( 30) and remol'\€' left ,extf!St(:lC(lIf' ,( :is:) . D,:f"i it o~t~ eXi[fi'CfO;,r :reUii~fI]\g' .pj'g (,2;9 ')I ~:Il!d rrem.ov,e ,rig'blt: extt:aa':Of' (3,2) ~and e:nr,a,<;itO'l' .sPf,~:O!g (3S) '.' R~easS€;m'b'le bel:J!t: ,m R~,!

~ ~'

I; -

5 COIJTcinu.e 'by' dr..i.£ti Dig Oiilll.t bam m.e['

, sp,m;t:Dg' p~ g I~' 41') 'O'vef' cOl1JEOm. 'W'aSt~ ,t'O

pi['e'N~tnt m.oss 1!D\f naJilillme'.r sp(film!~ 't 413:) a~d b~mm~ :sp(tillg pMe 1(49) i, This :r~fie.y~ 1t;e1ijj)$[o:Q. 10'.0 ha~~[' (S; l)1

61 '~~~)(~~~~!~O~~ !!'~~'~~£D,·:~if:~· ~ 5;~, ,~')

. .&lIJiIOU.ii. ""'~~.110~.~.'!i;i; ,!I!iII;l':l.!I~~!!I.I ... r," ,!rJJ-!I" 'O'IlI!l.: seal'

,~n ('6~, H,) 'an,d ,f@.o,v,e S~:f (58,) and sear splfi~g (:)"1) ~ D!t'i €t 'OU!t 'ulgger.' plD (54;~i C) ~nd, :t1emo:ve: tr1ggu ( ;,) .> a'DJi ,t~,~g~i!r sp.riog (;,,5 ,)1., De ,!lot: ,[,emave ,1iIi_ooOliliiJn,oc~ol :s<p,r'l[lJJ.g ,[i![3,wlDimg pJ:o ( 6'], ) 'unl~: a'ib~~ lill1l:ooIy iDeOO§l£"y as dWSC'O~iu~cto.r s,pri!08 :r'eta~ruDg' W3$' ('62:)1 ,~'s 'p'I~S :6t~ed. ·~o ,p,im and, ,ma., :b~,m,e ,~.00&e i( ile'peated:t" ,[",ed .. R,~em'ble tt,irgpi£' guard sod ,pn :w:n ,m:Y''er:se' •


P ill,ea' ,~~te' of' tke (iu~:rtieiS't m u~'e' (:'O"d,r,tlcls iift Ai'Jn,er;'cQ:

,Jj"O"'i:-,L()ch 1~'i'i';l()ell~ Scotl(N~:td'~ J Oil. ,2'~, ,11 J s

,Di(ul:~,B rid,:f-,e'lt'J.'llt.e,r, Mass;;", Dee: 6J .1'79'8

HUGH OIRR. was a fine mechanic with a naturalk '~n,:e.n.ti\"e turn of mind. cBy [be' tifne he carne to America ~n m"1 4:0' 'he \\F,~S: a'~i read v a gunsmith . Iockmaker :ll1.d an accomp'] ished forg,er of oedged ,too ls, A, ~·eaI after hi s arriv 'al, he moved 'w Eas~t B'r:id;ge'\lHllrrer" . ,{ass." and went to lilror.:k f,QI' a. manufacturer of scythes, ,'V'll,e:n. his employer retired a ,fe~:v years la ~e:r", Orr became owner o.r the s'ho1f and C~ rried out experiments :1:0 He\\I' "",~y8 of' mannfaeturi n;g edged blob, wh ich brought h i rn CiO:D sidera ble fa.n1,~ and f'oir.[ une,

I n ,~dd ~tion to his work w'iHl to O'~Sf' Orr also m a;,de good use o:f.: 'h'is e~'fly i!j;urrumrl ith ~ s t rain ] 'l1,g '. In l74·8l, he made .5 (] fJ '[uus:l.:iets for file Province o:E' Massachusetts, '~hus C~l'n.lpJe~~n,g one ,of the :6:r.$~ large contracts for ]11 ruli~a:[y a rm s undertakea "ill 'th~rs country, 'T1.~e8e' guns were stored in I Castle "J\r~n ~~ 1U in :8 oston Harbor, and Ul0St. of them are bel ieved to have been '~3};en ~l\va};r when the ,B,dt .. ish evacuated the cHy in 1176,. \V H'lDJ the oOl1ll1:ing: 0,1 the R .. evoln tion, Orr

13g-aln produced muskets in. qU3Jl'tit.r rot the C ommittee of Sarf'et~r~ and 'he I 3'~S'O undertook "the casting of both iron and brass eaanon. In so doin;g 'he pioneered in the' 'D€\Y method of c~,sting' the guns solid and ' Hle~rn to the pmpe:~ caliber m

At: "the' close 0,1 the Revolution, Orr

~1 riIf!' f '~ "

retnmed "to more pe'~oe'· tl:D pursurts,

He resumed t:h.e manufacture o~: edged [00']8, and 'Y~<f:~~n'"lous:~,y' pur.sued: ia more recent in terest in, sp~:nning. and 1i>veat\~:ing, :ma,.c'hin,ery and the ~os· 'tering; of the "texHl.e' industry' w:n 1\Ia.~

sa.chusetilt:s:., HL"\.'ltOl[':D L, P.ET,ERSQ'N·

J"Ai,·"""'-P,-I·'··'A"·-"'-"',',,',',, '-f" ·S-'£' .. : ' ,'RIS-I ' J'(A M-O- 'DIEL-

t" _: '. ,I I"' r " .~ ..... ~.', _: I'" ~':" _ l I - ~ 1_. I . - ~

"9"'''' 0'-" 5' 6'" 5- - M'" M' C-" A- RB' I" "

.' ". ,. I " "'" '"," ,,',, """" , ' '~,', r "', ,,", ,,' ',., "'- ,,'.:', ";1 ,,' ,", '

, ,,:,',<./ ',,_/ ., _" _ ',: _ ',/ ,II. "" "" ""'" ','; ,.',". I

f' - - d" a.

I - i'_ : '.' '. , I -~'"l -". ;' ,; " I l' ". .~ ~ .... . ~.".' ... ' ...' I',~" 1 I . . ' .• ": ',' I I

gases lrom 8.\ rupture ease o'r p:nm,el:.,

There are 2, gas e-s,cape holes i~, the '~o"p,

f ... '1... ,; d I 'iL""

-0 'UIt: reoomftf anc a ai,g,e oom:OU118J,tio:n

saff!lty 'Cf9Dtc'll and gas shield "[10 dive,rt

, --,', '" .. ,-, ',d' '1;," - ,',' ': ' , .-.~;·,:,n!" ,', " l ':. f~' " "~:L,

gases an" , '- (1\8.SS par liol,CWe.-S, aWI,y 'rom I~U,e

shooter's faee, The :b-Q:~t :h18 large, ~o-m:id,

£'I!' ....... ffi'~ 'J ........ ,~l..].'iI!'ii ii::r 'J' 'I 'II'IIlii~ "5i n A ;ii.'I...i:i; bolt :l. oi'!j; -~liIIl .c. ,L~,''!o;l!',''~~' _I~~!I!i;; JJi .. ~ ,_,w~~, ~!!!J!!llIi 'IWV 1Ii)~1~, :g~IIJl~l!,;r

etIDga,ges a cut, in the :rec-eiv@f and ibJI!lS aets M a third OJ:' ~~:f~ty lug, The: bDlt '10;18, aDlorther. lwg about ~ iJ 'beiIHncl the I,ef.t front loc:k1ng: lug 'wbk~h per:fo!ll'n~s, a, nlum'be:r' Q1f jOllSc. It sen'€! as, a guwde lib to preyen~: the 'bolt from ]iammmg, 'when '~l:u:~: m,ockmg l~gs, P;2CSS throu,g;b. die section of the receiver [C'UJ~ :8i,W,~y ][o:r' ,cUp lo:a:dlms' .. U, alse acts as, a bo~t :s~ap", Its most irnport~nt fUD(;;tioil]j is to cam the ejeetor ~~Jto the path iof

c'he bolt, 'U:r:fl UCle most 'M,au~us~ ths eje:c~o\F' is not spring-operated, but filJd1le,' it 1>'~VO[ts 10(0 a sepua:te screw; w:h.eDl, '~be 'bolt, is (~[pell,edl and puUed back, tbe 'bolt lug :suUkes the :m9JI M the lejec.~Qr~ caroming .wt jDl~'OI the 'boU cut bJ the receiver.

The smck eenstruetlon is Ulillll!]SUa'rn., The butt Js made :in :2 pieces dovetaUed together, This oo!etffilocl allows the use: of :smaHe,f 'lJlanits and a. s!tr-O.n1pr' ,gr,flin, d~r~cj~.~O[Dj throug'h the p':is~o~ gripl area ,. The '2 ste~d taJD,gS e'xmeadwDl,g back from the a'c~j;c,n, ~t[,e.n,ltbe\n the 1111s®ol ,grIp area even more,

Altheugh tbe J apanss,e em" i6 . .5 mm,

.;\11;. 'I"'~~~'~l..''.II' '1Il'::'~ii3i, t~ !G<~[ a ..... ;iI"'8Inl~"r",., iii'Mli ·.'ll'·,IIf .... FU

n,.l ]r.liuIf!i.Q ,1II"U!!1,.... ,10 ~. "",~ ..... "", W~'!!e ,:!!~!!!1~11!j.1!;J!,,;,.,;!'

arm, n has a [);liunbeT.' ,of fatuUs f'[Dmt

I '. Saif~m:¥ catch:

2" Piling pimru s,tp.ring .:;~ Pidn\gJ: pirnru

4. B!oJt

.;'" Bxtt'K,ta~

6" IComJ.p~elte.1Y' assembled, 'bolt: 7" :Bolt. $:to:p :SPr..wl

,8" Bo~t s't,op

9., BoU~ ,stJQ,p aoo. eiector screws :1 0" EJeetoI'

':- :t, Carbtue receiver and, 'ba~rliel

12., U~pef' tang'

~,3,. T~g ,S!cr~!W

,4., Seat:

1 :S'" Trig!e,Ji

ID.'6i., THgs~r' pm. :W,'j',. Sear pm

'III';:; ~, ... , ... - 'iH'JI'Ii"i,nlC!i'

~~Iii ~ ~;r.iljjl~~~ __

m:!l MaJpzjue :fcUQwl}t 20. Magazi"oie spring

2.'1 '.' Mag_twu~, 'bO,K

~~. Tr..l@Jpr' guard

21 FWIi't gmlrdl ·s~ 24: R'~:' glutard, S~",~' -

~S~ flOOTp~a,te

.2610 Fl ,eO:IJ.'.~a,te release

,21., :Pl[oorprnate: c3J_t~b, ~

28" ,F, ca~, sJf..g 29~ P,W,QoqdI1te ,l',el~ pm ']10 .. wlw,er tAg

3,'m,. ICa;[njn,e s,took

:3,2" Upper hal_ndgNm~d,

'l3~ :iBmel se·~it,

"!jiolll 1f 'C " ,'Le,-, d'

,;;J!9i'~ ,II,,;,O,''iV'[e'l II!)fiIL.

3[S. FT.Qn~ b_d 3,ft Cf,e~g' 100,

1 'Torem,cll1,f,e; Is&tm.bI"e(I, bolt 1~16l, :f[FU

pull ~t all th,~ 'W,a,',}!" to rear" 'Then. pun bolt ,stoep' (8,) cm~, ~o de:arr. :stop :10;1, 0:0, tio~t, 'U~I,m'k:e other M',a~J}e'r 'ri'tiiesj! W'[ w;s. not neees,Sii1~ to ,et;a\glle :saJf~~y in erder ~Q' d~s;a:s$eflDl~

- ~'[e bolt. ,o~~!jde: r,~~~v'ie:;['

2 To d,i~;i3f$s;~mb~le, hold ,~il ,M show,OJ - ' ;ii!md 'lP~fs'tal :s:3;' cateh (:0 in ,~8 far IS wt, ean go. R.!O'tat~ 'bo~.t Wl ,·'t~]7W and. ~a:s~ Ol]lt satf;e1,y - catch, 'D.dng pin (.J)~ I,ndl 'fi:[wng pln s;prhl\g' (2)1" W,ben ,:re~se~'bli1i\g'F sear :lu),l!ch m:ust be seat~d Hit s:1]'aJll:owelr notch in, bolt, '50' that fit;[~g' ,p,w~ dices not plootmd.le:,

TbembJ, PUS'll, iiil :Sal:fety eateh

'3." Ntlr,a.ct~tt (5) is atteched to, bolt 1'11. ,- ' " I,YP~Cii!] :Mau s:er: ~~,y'leJ. T:~ f@miOIV1~ ~t~

:ro'tate e tOf' '~Dtn ~1lliJi3!TI, g1;dde lib w'bich 'W'i,des, in grooive j,n 'f,run~ Ie::n,d, of Ibo'rut ~s: :free c,f g["OO,y,e. :P'ilSh eli~r,a,ct,or :f.:or~itu;d.

'U n'ti:! i:t s.naps flree; 'of ext:rt!Jc;~)Q1f' co,:llaJr

fin i,shed as t'h,e ,aver,age :spaf.m~r"

Shortly before 'Ole be,gbD.n~n,~ ,of Wodd War. 11~ th,e eal, 16.,5 mm, rifle wag, 5\1'" pen~ed!e_d by ~he; Type: '991 (19391)1 cal, 1.7

rom". rifle,

W,b me H~,e Type' 99 bas baswcaUy the

- • '11 T' J'S 11 . .JII .'

- - - . . .. .. .. ..~ .' ,. - e lIilleSI· n

same acnoa a's t_1 e , YiPif'.: .1'·iiJ [_:~ _'J _c: ,g u

, -, ,-. c', C .J - ~I· 6:'6(1' 'o!I;:..fI1 'r' be 'm' "li1';'O"!<r'llifv ~,e 'n!!ilrr-t'"" was Sl,mpw L ,'.... ,iIli.l'lu ,u" ;;;!j,l!r.... "I~,1 !!;,!!,IL, !r'!I;!!~ w

" '", ,-,.' ,- -.,-'11.. .. -- , ., '11;..,]" , "., ,1:.., "b c' ,-, .- 'f"

are ,EllOlt mterenangeame wnm t· ese 10

the "1""I,lI'na, '~iQ rifle

t-It~ . ,iJ. 11- r ~ [;;J O. ' ,W_I.· Ii!

5 T'o remove bo~;t stO'll s,'C:rew' (9',)1 aetion ! c. 'mu~t. be, r,e,Dl,IQved = 'from, steck, To

'r,~mOVle bOi]:t ~lIOPI~, S1!(rinl f7)~i ~ot~te. it. 9Q9 as shown and :plllil ]t. Q:i, b()~'l :stOPI (S,)I

N']'CH'OLAS N BO'-' 'U'- '-'YET- -

" .•.. _ .1· " _,:-." 'r:·.. .' 1 •••• ·:.1 .' .. - Ji'.

M,a.dle fine firearms ,for' L,O'u1.:s: :X"r ,I and N'a,po],e1on

Bonj-P'{l.r~~~ i?J .. Fr('u~o~" 1"76 j' D'ied-P{~fi8~ F rti'ut-e '-, ,1813

N I CI10L.\\,S N oiit, Bourar was a .L . hcr.cdihlry gunsnlit'hli 'r.dintcd to SQ~U:C of the finest gunsmiths if! France, :H'1s' ,f~thcr.J' Noi:H Boutet,

'iI\.. ..ill b- 'to, • ..'1' i.,

W:lt'tiil;,J, I .: cen drqu,~'o:t'S',I~lr Oi~~ ,e'.r~~~,'r~.du~

,l'els:rs du lloi,j' and his 'f:~th.'CI-,[n.~ ];~lW',~

D·."~'" .",1.-, " .. 1~'·""'·'·]'-'.1 .il,· "

'_ . csamtcs, was ~1.CKI,l ow C(,g'C<l~ a:rqtu~·,

lJiUSler ,or-ai ~la'~'r' d~J, Roi., Bo Hl lor

these titl es l~I$:sod on to :roung, '. He'ball,s,

Bo u tc~ H,,-cd d u:ri'n.g one of the l n OKt turbulent pc~-iods. of French his .. tory J but h is skin" not on 1,)· as a gun, .. smith ~b IJ [ alse as a" gOk];fUll~H'W and

I att~s t, k.C[D!t h im n:t the head ,of ~l is Jl:I~pf'c~;$;[Q[~, despite the' rapidly clID~lng:ing p,o~itic~l s:i,hl;]UOm,s. _As' a "yOlll.~g

UrlW!l1 Boutot '\VaS glulr~n~].;:c:r. to Louis, ,XVIi' but fhc French Rcvolutiou ,mnd the CX(~CU.t~(Hil of the King ~ll l 7''9 3,

t . '~] " ,

emu nilt,C(~, t ~ Hl.t appo,ultrnnCl.lIJ t The

D,C\W IU:l(~tS of Fr~u1iJcc'~ however, also t'ct:o,gn izcd Bou tc t' s ability and f~l at

~ t]; ru"

';wI I'. - . . - -", ',. .' -; • . . ',-, ". 'II I . I _.

~~ me yem,f ue was ;~H~· ~'O:rJZ'CCJ, ~o rc-

cruit guns:~nitbs from Li cgc} req uisition uccesSilij' cqaipment, and assume the dircci[,ruoFl !'Jf' a, ,g,lUlIl ru annfac:~otv' at Versailles '\V~:t]l, :aru s])ecwsl: 'M,oikshQP for j:~ an]'IJes' d~ lux,e ~ j • :r n

,1 ?99'~ N',~p,o],con :~,e to m)Q'n!{~l" a~ Fl.f'st Con su], ,mIl d h .. e was ;5,0 nnpressed with Bo llref S \v(Dltk, tb,~t in I SOO he g,rantcd h~n.UJ an I 8-yc~r ICQ([}'-' cession at Versa Hics '\~nlll ;s:pif.!ci:fic 'in~' structiens to make bi:gh]y oma te :pl"csc~n:t~j'Hon pieces, as 'we]ll as :rcgUru~l'" 'Uan, and to ti.'ain artists to 'preserve the g~7C~:[ traditions a,f.' F'I'Cn~-b gUl'nl1;!!k~ng~ :&:n:d:e~ was not destined to ~'cmP' - ·th,c fun 'bC'D .. C'6ts frl0111 . ~b:is app oi~ tment, however ~ for

,.' - I 9 i ~ •... ~II; - t-';s.. 'iL ~Jj..l"" I' ,;If '\'" CI,I;;, .-

in '- Q )'~ ~h,IlC::Il tne Il!)a,I~,I~_C, Ch: ~'!jI' '

10Q~, the '~~~ic'roEwOUS AI~ ~C.8, sacked his \v\or'~sll'op and carried 0,1 11 ig: lnod,els ~ nd C~ll.~p~,'iiJ,cnj't as' ,;v~n as aU OOl"iI,p'~cted, 'arms. FoUo~v,~ng ,tb,e dcstruc'tiortl olf b'[s Jll~ulllf'a,eto:ry ~ B au tet 'mOl~cd, 'b) Paris, set UP' shop ,a't 87 RJ1U;: ale Richie] ICtI~ rinul 'rev~,l~ed, his' old 'ti'tIDe o£ iarquebu8i€f ,()'rd'J~ltdT (l'u:

Roi IGi' d~ ,P'ri.nces~, far the French 'm,Q' 'had 'once: ~ga;i:n 'been. re~lof,ed... ',H'~'RO L]) :L., :P'i::,T EI. SON'




P,a:ris lilgen d'

,1 ~ e~~nrel' ,a nd eel I~.r'

.t) _ 1~,~F\G'·D~.iGi,i"

,~" 11J1I;, ... v .... ~ '~ .... ,.

3., lRleilir 'i;~:ght le~lev~j~or' 4., R,~alr s,igjh~' 'Gls-'s,emb Iy 5., Bo It' stop pl'ate' and

'pl~ru I1,g'er


13,. R"et~lm ,sp,ri'ng p:II'uil1grst 1,4,. B~u~E:d l'ietUl~n ~'prlfll' 1..5. Lalltchi hmlnge ~hfl

1.6. Dermmt I'\€:ta'i ner p,i n 17 .. lDe:t~'rnj[

l,e f"llQitt~i')Irt si~r,'i r1Ig'

C\o !.J!'!-. _""'" Ii -1~" .. ,

]'9~ cross piu,rt. front 20~ C.r05S, !philJ rear :21... Bo~lt catch

22',. Boillt'

,23\. Bon'

2,4,. IFw,rhng pl,n s,prl~,nl

'.-:,,~ E';~'i'~in,~ ~ "1- n - l~~ll! r~11 ~l~.ffil r' I~II

26. OIPe:rratl ng: Ihallll,d Ie ,2:1,., Eld~cto'r'

,28. LO'c~ldng_,calmi u n,mt' ,291,~ Fii_rm~~g pin ,s,t,o!,P 30. HlIJ nge, p,"j n

,31. Lirnk

,32., M~a i,Wi~"prm,rrilg f''Oi~ IlOwer ,33:,., Hlamm~r s,pr;~ing

,34,", ~arn1lmell!' :sbilt, -

g,Ei. ITtllammer ~trn't· pij:n ,S6., ~almmi9:r

,37,. S,eaW"

38. Tr'igg'er p:i rm ,I rnm k plj n ,3,9,., f:r[~~er spri n\ii'

40.., S~ruing :P~1lU nger'

,41., S,~)'~:ety cat<tlli1' cam,

42., rru~gger

43., 'Jrmgge, p'"i~

"., Sea r sbJp, Ipi'ln _

45., IHalm'me~r hlrmge' pln ,46,., Sear hQUlsi.n@·

,4.1'j Maga:z:'i ne ,cover

1h.~lnge ,;pi In

48., ,Mapz i ne '~O'V\(H'

4',91.. Magaz:j ne coy,e'r s:l=mil,n;g

50,. 'Mag,a:z:i ne aMi s -

5,1. Mapz:i ne sr~.rffing 5\2~. Magaz:'i ne :('0,1 :~owe:r 5:3\0 Maga'z:'i ne housl ntl' 54. F'Q~e.~e[ndl

5.S. ~ero!~, ,~~op screw 56~ R~c;o;~ I ,stop,

:~;::1., IR:e'coU ,stop $!c!re-w 58" Fo~el'iJld $CIIr~W ,5:9., Wals,her

I~O., r8:uttst,o-ek

61" U'~p~'r_ bW'I:tp.,I:ate, :sc:reW' '62~ Butitpi,at,e

63" IButtp:l:ate ,~CfleW

64,. Mia i nspniilng 1I!ui[J e: ,~~g, ,and ~buffer IlSisiemnb~fY

65. M'a'irls~pF1iJrng ,

616. Trigg'8t :f!:lUja n~ 'wood SCI'\'e;W

611,. Trrigg:er ,gu2Ilrd SiCJeW 68. Tlri_!~r ,~~2I'~d, and

_ ,sal.. 'i,ss~mbly ra9., IR:e,eoi'! SW~I ~'c:rew '11[)'., 'RielCoi: I st.o~

'7]" R:e,coi I sto~ sere;w 7,2~ Stock, 51clrew

za 'Waisher

T'H:~ Johnson Ir·otary· .. malazine seml. ,au~oma:tic [,eco':ii-op: .ra'bed, dfl .. e was Invented ,~fl!lst pdor' ItO Wodd W,a.r 1- by M e:ID:v in. :M~ ,·OhllSO.n •.

.be NI""'~"',e.rla:nd~ ~,aveJ'!Elm·· - ent ordered

______ l rv[IJ..!JJJ.._, IQ. ti ~ ~ ~ Yr~. 1~.II.~

and ,obta.~ned 50,000 J ObCSlOD. rlfi!l!s chambered for th ~30': 106 c· :r.~ridg,e. Releti vel~l small q,ruJlntiUes o.f Johnson

'"n d 'J" '. h* .... , .... , . '~1

nnes an," .:rg' '.n., macnme guns were arso

made and fssu!ed '~O the U.S. :Mar:j ne

,if"'ii~F-- S a- A A '-mv S··I·ne·c~~·1 'S' iI!I.'!i'.u· .... rIlii ~'- . ......".;g,;ei vu .... ,p- ,iO~. ,'J-Y· 'lIiG~:..'-;"'.I.''t]~I"", r-orc .... i.J,.

The role of Johnson r,ifles dm:irng 'World. Warr ]1. W,al:E, ave!}" mwno£ one 'by com", parisen with 'the. M"] rUle. which esulb~ Iished an unparalleled record ...

A few' y,ears afler the ' no lof Wor~d War It, thJ~, N'etb;arl i3lnds ,8'ov'efnm,e~l't disposed ,of a qUflll,'ti~y' of J obnson, .r:i'Ales and 'they became 1''YaUabm,e tbr.ough. Winc=

1 ~:r,r!~~:~eb ~:te~:r.,mt: 1') d.i~;~'~:!:rt:~

'bullet •. nd 0:£ cartrtdge in 8re bole. in ~'ffite io]",e.end ,as, shown". 'White 't~,e deteat ~s dep'ress' . dl." :psh. the 'bar rei, bac'lt s]:igbtly which permits the b.arrel lat.cb. to. drop rdownwm:d ·OD .wa hin,gew 1f tbe !,atm does :not .fall.;; a8smst .~t to tbiJ ~so by' '~msenili,g bullet:

f" :11.. .;I'" i!:i., L' 1 • 1Ii'l.. d

[0 ,aJnot~e:r rO,ilJlinu UI tne ,!Y;o~e m tne um er-

side [of 'aue :~atc"" ,( r 2) '. Then press ba·ct,ward on m:be opej"8Jt~~g "a ·dm.e (2 .. 6,,) 'wi~b 'the ,f,ight forefinger to, 'La:iIlJ!~oclt tbe. bolt :if-rom. t&e ba'rf,e.l~ and wUhdr:a:W' barte'~ fr'lom, receiver.

2 ~~m,?ve 'the, bomt $_t,op :p~ate ,i( ~)~ by ~~~~~ , Ulg nl OmJ be p,lnnsu 'which ,e.xt.e.:nd:s

'thrclllgh :rjg:bit re:8ll' s.~dle 01 rece:iv,er. Use: 'the rim of anutber cartrid~le to lift ~he bolf. ~t'op :,~te. omt of' its slot j'n the r.e~iY'~~rr i Then, tile lbo'll s,top (23) Cd b~ I·emoved fr.·om 'the. ,il~ar olf me receiv,U" .•

ne,ld Arms. Corp, at Los A[Jgeles~ Calif. In. ,ad~d:iuon '~O' the standard. Cia]]. ",] O-'~06 m Hilary model, the 'Winti,eld fj lim. offered sporterized J,011' son rifles wb~cb, had b een resto eked: along s.pol.F.'t.:ng: HrJies~ CaUbe~rs o(fi:ered were .27'.0 Wincheste:r ~ 7 mm, ,M·~.Ulser'![ ,a,od ~'3o.:!'06.

'Tile s;tllronll points of tne 1 ah~l'Slan semi-automatic dfte were perhaps 'best summed 'up' by tbe. Army 'bO\ifidl. whic'b, ·~es.l;ed thi~ .r:~:tle in. 1'940. 'Thew! fi - dings::

( 1) .As, a, machine its ,periolmiil.ID;ce ~s, s.arli~sfa,c~ory ~ (2,) M~ ~s a~ .~eli~n ;[easo(rnalhlly aeeura . e. (3) n; can eas~ly and qu i:c1dy be dlsassembled wUhcut speeial 'tools~ ( 4) T, I e 'barrel call be removed in, a. le,w

d' e ill· 1

sec. 0:0 $ ror c~eaullllg o,r rep aeement,

l( 5J W.wth ,a, emtri$!.s\e wn the: chamber,

dd· ~ j - '·d bId -

a . I.J UO:IlI:a caJrtIr, ,g,es.. can e 013 _:_,e.d.

3 !i'e,fore the bon as.sembJ.y Cil1l11. be re .. mov'ed~ 'the .runk ('3 ~ ,) m'U8~ b~ dlseenDeleted from the. macinsp,ring fol,Wo,wer (32,)., Depress the :foE:I.,ower' 'with. a, emm"id,g:e or :serewdlriver and ~i: t up iOD th~ Iink, 'Tlhen p'11 'tbe bolt asse;m.bly-bac,k about 2n'~

4- \Vh'en tbe bon ~s b:a.c:t :2,", grasp 'ithe -' link te ho.ldJ bol ~OU'PI in pl.ace aDd at tile same ti,m,e ,purnl :u;pr on ~e ope:r:-atwliil haJ~dWe· spindle and .pusb ,ope;fa;l~nl :blDdle fOMard. U nUl U eleaes ~e slbou.'Wde:r i, the extrBc~or~ then lilt. out. LU't Ctll~ [be extrae~or (27];; 'I,' ,cxit.t ,pull ,arward 'o,n lmnk 00 ,r,·l]lo\!'e. DCU STOU.P itom receiver,.

'. ,m;it.. ., 1.. b- ... , t..'. it

,m~OI tne matg,azul.¢~ '~iIll,ere ~:y m~!,ng' ]"

possj:b~e 110 ,k,eepi ~he magazine always fll~~ I ti me: between shots pe..w.mitdo.s·" ( 6) With a , in ~he chamiber', cartridges, m,ay be w,i.t&dr.a'wfi, from the m,lgazi:lle, tber-e'by m;lking convenient the. substitution Df a few rounds of a difier,ent kind ,o,f an1MUnitlon, (7) It can endure eonslderable ,s.and and dust wi~iuJu£ failure ~,O fire and tbeu, Iie10ad ,a:utQmat~cally,.

On the critic a] side dte board. commen~ed On the, 10' Jbs, we~lh'~ of the ,filie.;,WiaJ:b~Ji~Y' of the, '-:-, agazlne to. d.en'ting~ and i~:lllille-staae tt,wgg,er pull, AmSlO~ it 'W~M no~, well ~suw~ed for use with a" ba:Ji0n,et;. saf'e'!y was not f:ooW,pr.cof; and .m:ig:h~. be d~c.ult to ,h)ad under dusty or sa ndv fj,eJd- co nd itions

W 0 _. ~ . I.] .~"_. ~ . lull. .l. ~~.LW~l;1I

5' When. reass :mb~inl the g1J~.~ assemble , belt tt2} and fid ng pi]] asse,mb~y before inserting tbem '"11 the receiver (2.]. i, Be sure cams and roilllers lWID,e up ilS bolt ,s'l ~d,e;s, :illlill,. To, get bo.~t fOl'w,ud., depress iboU ,c,!ltch

( 2 11') b hi'··· ., (' .;II Q. )

.~'~. .~'ij' ,pus C mt;S: m mag~tne 'OOY,eJ," .' ~'O '.

6- LThe rbu:ttstock. (,60) and. trigger assem ... I bll' are retained by' 'th,e· rear cross -pin, (20)1,. T;o. .~i!IDl .. eve 'libe Cro51S p11]~ .piIilIls'b in ·c,n th'e .spd:ng eimJ!d 'amel rotatl~ ,'"t abour -45 Iii 1'0 the. ",ell, seetlon 00. the ,r.ece.:tver· and ,pry ~t out ,of tb,e recern'Vtrr,. Slwd.~EIlg b'uUs(lOCk ,iIi.nd ~rigl;er' ,asstmbh;r be); :r-ear exposes. m.agazi:mmc ass. 'mbly ,~taiDiDg pruns., .1

L C" S" ith

_" .••.. • .••.•• < m 1'--, .-.

ouble-Barrel Shotgun



1 'W'h~ ,S,iI;lIJm ,cl(lsedJ~ :~e:m,Q'V'~ fore-end 1rrry po [Uti,g .fr.-oro;! end a,wa;y from, barrels, P,r,'ess: top-lever to rilght!j Jowe!r' buttstock,

AI PoIZ"lI' b ' 'I' - - Zit ' - )1," .... '... 'r' ,1!i;,i"ji'\i'iIII. 'iI.. o'Jimm' ~r~

a:n/l;;l I.l.Jl1ba:n",e,iS On ;!atC ~~u~i~" ,b!l;"o~' '.... 11"" I ,_ , ..... ~ ....

eecked, Remove; 'trl!gle:r guard. screw 1(49) a.!!1IDd1!,]fn~c:r¢w trmgg,~:r g_1tWi3J:rdl (48) c,oUl1ter·-


2',' With h),p-~evef' {$i) moved to ~iJ1~~"t" re-

,~"i, , v' ,t -'"'' , 'L I~" ,- W , ..... "'iI'V T'Il-

mlo, ,e_:ngg,er III :,a,!.\e scr-e,__ \~ t.l' _ rn

,g~!1 over flJndl remove ~rJg,ger p~::M,e retai nlfig: screws (55 a.nd 16:ru ]!. R,'emov~ top-iever :S~,ir~W (S6)1:j :a~d __ ,emt~~n~ tdgg~r meehamsm ,m;a.y ,mow be lifted ,aw,ay',. Do ,~ot. per-

f()!rr,m any turtlfut~r dJ~~~~,em.blJ 'OIn. ~h is 'lIi,eeWJJ:a:nism as It ,["I~qui:reSl rather d'~~1 leate


hf~!eucd pa,'[n~y :i n '{'be ac;dor:l body' a nd pafrtly- W n the stock. The oO'm'P~Jly early ,~dO'P~edl the Baker top-'bo~:~, :fOi' holding 'the: gun closed, This tN)~tj later used

,,-'1 " iii.. " F""" ""(1:- Iths wasa : "~ ,+': "

a so' IIW'J ox a n " "II:,I::;;UC~ ~I '" as ,ill, OOL,;8i ,,~,:n\g

ICY.~ ~:nde,r. ,smo~'Eed, i~O ,e:UlgaJge; I. heavy extension ol,f the '~Oip [ib between ~he bat= rels, ~:h.,e engagi ng surfaces bedng sloped so, ,~S, '1)0 ~ ightein IUi~om,a,t:~ca] [y"

'LI, C': '_. I~, '·'r' t, r~1 I b '[ , _,' " ',,', 1";-' -" ---', ,..:11.- II, ,- ,d'

, " ',-. " !L)mill.l!IJ. ~ou _ M ~:vell'-e pro~uce",

~"n >;oj; W'!I--flI;i!i, r~' ;n"mra (;~' erade '~'-I'" # 'If'iIl-..UI, ,I'll, ,·llJlJ.... '"Us .... ' IJ! ~)r.I!J!,1iJ ,,-$'1' ,ifl:ll, ali!! I~~le

same basic, des:ijg'l1 but ttl imler] [li~ iin accessory features (single n~lg\ger.', bea,v;e['~, ~, ';~ :f; I: end ',I ~ ,'-'11111""'1" 'f,' 'd' rib) ,.' d,'

~.:a,~,:II. ,1L,Oli&em !WI , 3_iIi1 u ve.rnr",J al!,e ' I'm,IUI, a In

In IqrlJa~i:ty ,0\[ wood and worsm I'nsh ~p~

3 n, j,1 ' .... ] ".,.

,~,~'mQ-ve LII0C.~'p' :~le ,~~,2I!~n[lm!,g: SC!r~WS:

(38) from !['i'gh~ aJnd left sides ,O'f gun (see AJ and :hlC:kld ate ecnnectcr screw (3,9) .frnm ri,g,iu side of g,u:n ( ,B):,. Rig!u, and left locks :m'~'y' ]lOW be removed, 'Wffi~:h ~] ight '~aJ,pphl! of U 0) ]"",,1 In. heoel of' 'baia,d :i f required to loooen them, B:~ care-

luI no,t '1.01 '~.ri'p' sears (44 and S'l)

4 U:p -ead frr~me ~:a~d :f.irill", pins , (26,1

wiU, d:il"iop out, f1.ace :5u~,ai~l steel rod ag,~ i nst exposed :~:O~lg end tQ(f bolt s:p-rw'[ljg: (24) and :p.radd.~d ~,teel bar aga i'~s'[ fra:me:

Olll O'p~ esiie side, App~J a C clrtm,p and take ~Ip tension on be] t. Sp.dfig;. - 'Wit~l c]am:p' in :p]:iiN:e'i ll",e:move t'ioulP~h~r .sc!r'le"l;~ (8) and coup]e![' (1,), ~:nJdl 'tfuen t01p .. lever. (91)., 'RemeaJse; '~,e[ji:S iIGI:"; o:!1 ~o'[t :sP~~:~I~~r but do, irnlQt i'e.~o~'e, tt as :ut ]s impossible '!;Oi r'f!pJ iil-Cie: 'w~t'hou.'t a specia1 jh~,. Bo,l:t, (6,)~ t~[.p (5), ~ndJ

~:r.i,1P, ,Sprllrn;l: (2.3 J m iiI:{ DO,'\~I be r,e:~no.{v,oo,

5 To, dhlll,}jsem,b]e e'i't'iler' leek a:sse.m,'blyI

1 '~ • • ," - C. _ a,

, , ap'p~y.' m!arlnsprrU:lg V~i!H! (such as r ,I,VU

'W'~:r m,ype} be:tweie'n sear and mali,nS]llti iliiJJg (42) and u!,ke 1],1' all slack, ReMove: :b:tidle screws .(46) . a~ It, a'~d B" ~'(J IUJI' d!:r:Ul. out sear pJjJilJ C Or.' ~,rBgge:r p,l,rn 0., ,R,~mov~ bdcl];e:,' mai Ilspri ncfh a [ltd - se SUr :8JS a III nit

(wJ t:h v,i~e)j and h~ mmet

6 UJr:Ms;crew extracter .sc]",e:w (4) and 'with. d:raJw extractor, Reassemble gun. :u:n reverse order, A f:lt!er to'IP'~':~~v,e r has been connected to, its Si:P]'~:'rIlg. a raid ~:S [rigge:r ,pl~te :is being dr'OP!Ped into, itsl recess, in ['[,a,me" ~, pie:ce 0:( taperad and hardeaed $Itlee1 rod must be inserted i n ~QiP'~]ev~l'" screw fuc]e t:fut]',ol] (~J:rl elea ranee hole ln :pl:at!c:! and boUcu;[[t 'of top~~:eve:r fO[lced OVe-r 'U'fit[:~ it drops :u:n~,o :bole, :i n. u';[.gg~]" pbk~~ !.

'N@i1'j:§!iW1tilti!! :s:1'Iill!&tIti

1" Bar;reJs

2. :F:root. sjg;M: 3" :~t;r.;ac[,o.:!"

,4. ,EXt:f.8lCtt'Q:if ~r.ew

,5" 'T~~p'

6 B ]- , ·OcJt.

"'l ,C' - .... N'~n'~'"'ii"

If.!, .' !~!U,IIo'I,~.~I;

:Et Cou:p~!~r :SC[IGW !). i"o"p-lcill2lr

m Frame

1_] F'i ,--. ,~I.-·, i' ",A ("

• 1,;. ... ,,(lIiCAU:l\g ,00iu, .' _I

1'2. 'P'@'ie-eLm.d, Iren

n ~" ;F'o.r~-e~ spTi'ag 'pli~

:[ .. 4. Extf,:8!C:IQ:f' :alCiH.unOl' bar U5. Exe,raetoll :al,C;1:ua:tor

~6. Ext raetcr Q,C't iU i,3it 0 1" :t;Jin

] 1. 'Extractor ~elu;~tor sprmg t ;j 'VIi - ,-, 'f- .' . AI . . w {?;\ ~'£l!,. ~(,l:U ,00['I2:~~flJUi OSC[,€:_ _ !I;F;I

],9. F'o.r,e~~]td 's;p,rmg

2~1 Fore=end, ,~,pl',mg :r-etr,~cdllg


"'iI'I' '~-, _- -, -,~ : - --,. I~>;~I ,':;',1,., JF'o:rel"eirtl!.!!, ,sc,re,\,'\i !l.--4,,!1

2~, Ifo.r-e-Md.

'11,") T'· ,.

:,i.;,1l. . ]"]P' ,S,P.r:~ll[l;

24. lBo1'l s,pirJ'fclle; '25. 'Ripi' ]~'fler

'j c.' 'e" "' M)' "':t!'..t",I.rJ'~g PUll ~,

'27',. 1" .riligge;r plSJ te ~crew 28. Left ]~te;r.'

l'9',. Sa~~,n~ 'buuolJ and pin, 3,0,. s-~r'ety .s;P,f~:ng

31, SMety sprmg s~w

32. r1rjg~f' p]ate screw :bu:sffiulng 3:;. Gffijp Ci'Jp

34.. Gr.~p ~p ~re·w 35,. BU!L'~p;late

:3 6. Bo!trt{lj),I:a!be, ~crew' (2) 3,7 •. LockpJate" :r~.'[

:38. .Lock,~lSite re-ta:illliing S-CRIW' (2)

'lj,,. _ ·L ....... "~jI"i!1.."t.. ~-'?" ... IIi"'.:> ... ;j,Q- .... ' ,t;" ... ~ .... ,,,-, -

,~J?, ."-iI~~,r· _1Qi ~ ~'II#~U';.IUIfl._'~'I Jilo. a'Ir.JI,!!W'!f.lI!'

,40. 'M'ains,p:rin:g: Tlet:ai.DiQg screw (2,) 4:lL. Seft" p~

;II? M· " ,.,...,1\ "11',:,,,, .'~, ,aJmp:rI]J~ ,.i::i.J'

43. Hatml!me:r:~ ri;ght ,44., S~a!r.! ,[iight

,45~ E\rwd]~~ r~~:~

,416. Br]d'ie ,~rew (4) 47'. H~'UiJfn'ner fJ~iFi, [,2) 4,8,. T,r~er ,~~at-d,

49'. T'rie;~,eJ" .g,'Wlar:d ~C.f'e',"" SCt Lock;p~!a.~e't left

:H,. S~~, le:f'[

:51,. ,Bdd:lii!JJ ~~1'~

,53,. H'a;I!Ittm.'e:r'~ le.ft

,5'4. Tri;gg.u :p-~a;~e

,:5,S", l':ri~e([ :I,.[ailie ,r'et;at~niorg, $C~~W'~ f,ro.llIn :5'16. T:~,iP'~me,¥er serew

,5"t T'r.ill.ggie-.l :pm,

ss, SeleclOiI'

,59. Sarfre:ty ,$tlld s:er.G.W ,60. S;a~eIY sred

'1., 'T:r.iuer' p,la:te :reMlining a:crew i '~~. 62. Se~eccta!' s]),l"mg

6\3., Se~,eCjt'l;)F s;prIn~ screW' 64,'0 Sear :p,13t~

65., IfijjiFi~; 1P,I;a-te

,6'6,. S,[JI~r .s~pri;ng ~Cg,e'W 6". '\weighlt SPF'.i[[li: 68~. Recoil. 'Wlei'fiw~ pm

69. .Re-coil w,emibt

70. ~P!!l:f,' s~;rl'i~g 7. 1., S-P\u: li:n'k

12~ Sp~r.' ,Li'llk ~im (2)1 '~3., Splllr

"'4,. S,~~f '~]]. 1'$~ T.riiu,e~

"16. ,Oocftin.g p~,iilfJtie ~c:rew 11. C@e'kmg p]a~e,

~'_~~:; :Ldt lo~, shown ,~a:r.d~' ;~mJb1ed, i\~ c.~ar:i~f"



B'OTll'-- 'Wi'''l:dJ''O,~ L(u:;,/csl C ann_Ii! ,Ma:y 6~, 1'836

John Mallin 'wa:s, hOlm in th~, heart of' a gUlD,]d~g ,ar:e~j aad an interest ,h1Jj, fhf,ear,ms seeeas to' heve b een bOFiD in, h.i.m", Hj~ :fh:s~ fo,rm,al t:ralnrung eame at t~e Ool~ i'a.'~tOIY ~D flea r'b-y' Hartford 'W]lel:'e he 'ibec.amJe ,8 ~\oo~macker and ,~,IiillD,-' s;mith" 'wl~lr:kin\g throo:g'h. UU~ d:a;ys~ ,of'

'II"~ ~, .. ,;k to ..... "",+., .. '!lj, .... 1i\;ro, oI!j'"d h i!'I '!I "'.'\¥' n"" .... AI.[.I ... iIi,ii 11";; ... , '[I,\i"i!

JJ I~~I, ~Y~~U,g~r~ ~-JUj." ,~{I:A.:~,,~. ~,~,'VlIJLt~~I~~~~, 'g~

mleet t~e nee. as' ,Ai:.r the 0' \ .. '-"1 '!f_'i.~- _.--

_ _ _ """,.Jl" _ ,,,,", .. . W In' 2!J;r~

WbUe worli:i"l'tg: :fcl' leolt~, M,a:rUo. alslOi spe'.J1'& time ,to' pia nfit~ng' fer' an 1:r:ld,ep~II(i,,,,, I e~~ f'u;tltr~ a;nd in. s~~dly~ng means 'f,oc !Prod!~cjllg, hJ~v-pr,;;ccd :stur,iJy 'cartrial'e pistols", H~ W~S' ,SOOn, ~e{~dy_" tIDII start O'U'! en WS ~)WU. He moved. to 'N,e'!;\!!'

Hai''i1,e:n and ~ei" 1l!1,'fti1 ~'II:.. .... " ""'" c ,0· .. -' -,-, c A A···v.-~

_ _ ii:! _ II!, -If oLlL!! .. .!'.P ,U'.n .. :ralnu ,_ e.,

l\. 'fir,e :rc'lced: hi:m to move '~O', the t"O·--~;i!i;""

_ __ _II;.!' .... ~,_ ,11.1..,. ""'. ,rn,,,",-Jl,

of D[DUis and 'W'a,terr Sts .. , a'~d then ,a ':final move t,ook 'b[m, eo H;:a,[lrrU~'o:m and .s~;~~e S~.s;. 'wb~r,~ ~\1;t~al .pl'oduc:don o-f: [piSiDOb belling 'ids name apip'Eu'e!ltLy Ibe .. ~,aillil:. '1[[ -the 'yJe:arr :], :110 be obtai ned h]s first ,palen!, on, ,~, sbn,ple ~jeetor.. En .[8 S I tb,e :ijl'm, was r,eoi[gi!m.~zed aad the ~a:me ~va:s; c!nJ:arJJ8Ied. ff.1O\m, l. ,M" .M'a!uliD to ifue, M:t~:rUil}, :F.wre A:rtr:as !Cc\.,. U ~d~r 'wb.feb, title ~'t ~-o,nH[rJ:ued to lorp erate 'for the :femali[IJdler of' Mall":U:Il'~: life,

"Th:rcu,gbout .J tCn[ill Mar1i~;~ :wife itb~ com,p:aD'J produoed. :~u·]m airUy' h.~Iu.1\guns. B:aUa:~d :rlfles Were ,ail:$'01 m,~Jl;uf~!C'~~~~d~~1 but file d:~s;Hn,gui;sheod, line of dHes :001,[' ,:ylti:ich. it: is ,kne,wll toda:y' came Iater, 'First 'Ill/eire wer.,e small si,ng!e-iSboit: pistob of tbe: vest :pocket ,0,]1: de:ring,e:r. va'r.iet.y i'n, caUhers ,irl:ntdng f:fom .22, 'h) .;4,,1,. Then revolvers w~:re addled:;. :alld, .~, t~e 'ea::r.'illy m 8 8'~"s M,iF.,ID:i:n 'boIil\!ht 1i')\1!l.'~ the S~~nd,i±lrd 'Revolve];' ICO. to join ~ts, nn~ , '[0 bis ,awn hllJtU~ Joker" a']]d, 'i;{O'K,j(i

~e:vollvels. At, about '~h~s dme alSlQ the

'I a.r,~: d!OIu.'b:[~.,ae~[,o[il M~r:HIl '!r,~'Vol'vei[' was deV"eiopOO. and mannfactnred 'und]

I&.. A'·' f- 111,., .~I iI~

bJl~ p.f.Q~~CUaD, ,~- ~J~:~~gun:s, wars; d,~~

eeminued a'bout the turn of tbe oell:Ul:IFY'.,

,A'~l~r M~f~:i:n:~:S death 'libJe, cO'wtr'o~ I~d 'tmJ.e, :tllimt passed to the ,Ma'rli~n .... R.QC:!kw~] I C-o~p., in :[,9:16., :Oll]r,i:ng Wodd, 'W,a[" :m h, man.u:fl.Cu[wed :BrrowD1_flg automatic ti:O,e~ and maeblne ,gluns at N'I®w Haven and ,B\lf~O'w bamibs; at anether 'p'] iiUEt~ in ,pn:ilailel:~hi:a,. ]iIliii, 1:9'20 :Lt 'went :in~\ol re'@~iv~;rsllruipJ 'W',!:lS sold and, r~o:[_~,af!ijiz~d ~ll 1 :9:26 a_s, the :Mail ffin, Firearms !Oo\. on,ce, agaJiJl.,-HA!EU]ll.'D L., PI,ETERSON


B I"HO-'M" A"'S-' 1Il:"_,. W' :·:ES'····.··,S,·· I,E_,'l.

"1 II I .. ' .;: II!;;. '.

'-L"-':'" E-J ",,~, ' .... f'··I-;-···:···,·····I·d---iR t .... ~f-;-'l- : .... 'N·······'·· .. ' '1'" M' .':: -' ... --' 'k I'I'I

-,' - . '. -, _I -'. - I I' . :". '.' . "'" ". .: .'. ". ". ,'::" .". ," r- '" .' ,:"

,-- -ee .. ' ,ll- .Ie _ ~ -,1=-=-.e ""0,., ,_ " _~,_, "ar,_, , __ ,_-=,- _. -

[PI,slts Lli~I-I-d

. - - - ,61', ..... IiII _.

·m., [Bane:1

,2., F'oreslghrt: b lade ,3" lin ner band

4~ II' - ifi' ~: f' fi:.t.1!:j; -,-:-4: :S;;i"',ifi ~ fiml'

,_ _ nll~'" ib.!Il!O'Illlly _ ... , e~

.5,. :Ba.c!ks~ight ,assembly 6. Sa c,ks~lght ~,ro:tecto r 7,. Sa e ksmght

1~:N·artee.tor' screw B, !Fo:re"erlld OOI~ '~a:1Ii' '9., P'rotec,to:r nut 1'~);, Acfion ~od~t

LL Ser1li,sty C9ltch 12" lQc~'in\i bcd't.

l3~ Scrf~ catch 'w,asherr

1 ~ Saife~y s ~lrl1ing

15,. Saif:'8:ty spr~'lIflg: $ICreW 1_1: 6.._"',: galcl~ t'f'~ITa-C- !':~,i'A~

. _ _ .!!'I!; ,_ ~,EiiB, .... 1r gl!JQ I! II;.I!


17., Stoc~k, I[]O It IPi a1te' lSi .swhJ.e!~ SCIr@W (J,)

1'9. IB[JIrtt :swi've~ b,mc:~e!t

20. 's'wiv,e:I' [orach,t

:SCln"eW (tn!

2,'[. Sill h"g' sWlll~~~! 1~2'} 2:2. s,t,o ck bo It wCI:shet 2'3. S·~o.c~ bolt

24, S:~'o ck bo~t w,ad ( h~at~heI~>

:2 S. Magal'i ne catch p,j n 26,. Reita ln i'ng: s,pr:i ng'

T ~ '~'n'~ B .. , ':I!..,~, M' m

. _ i~~~;'~fi~r: ~~'~s~~~~;~~il',:!::z::

proved fD~[, the 'Bdtish. Serv,i<ce Ion J~nl, 26~, m901., :It was an evo'rnu~.iaf.i MY devel .. opment of tb~, .sbon ,M~gaziDe LeeBDfleld, Rj.fle~ Mait I, w'hic'h was ad~p;te4 on Dec" :23~ m:902L,

'The :Ma'rt I]] vetsion is dimensionaU.y similar tOI tile earlier Madt I burt is heavier, It we~gb-s ,8 lbs, l Ol'~ OD. U :~gaJJl~t 8 ~bs., 2Jh crzs .. for 'the 'Marl~,: I" (Tbe 'wreig:bis, ,gi~'eD dOl ]Jot. inc~ud,e ~h,e bay,on~M',,)

The Ma:r.Ik III 'is HUed. with, a :maga= zin.e C1l]jt,,~,ff so that contents lof the :1 01.. shot. detachable box magazine could be heldin reserve wbUe the :iI!'ifie was 'used. as a s~ng·rue.--b~\,:r',. The :l['f.ooi.ver or' body ~s fitted. 'w'i~h a, rfD\r.~d,ge-'type, charger ,guildle w,wth S~Olts sloped to the fr\):nt 'so that the empty charger is 8Jue,omat.icIUy· ejeoted f:W:cm ·th,e cha:rg~r g,u~de. as tb,e' bolt is closed.

Th,e U-nctch rear sight is fuUy ,9!djustab1le far 'w,mdage ~Dd elevatlon, The front 8:igb;1: Is IO£' ~iq]llarn_le ... b.hlJcle 'Pa:t]"id,sre~ "ype~ ,A'fi a,ddi'tiliotud, d,ial sight arrangement . is provided ,£o,r long-range Dxing. This ~s' a, carry-over from fbe :M~urlk:: 1[.

Th-- it., d .

ere were, :many t!lli,, mace ]'[1

~stabUshing specij!fiea)t~o;ns for "the: :Mm.:t llr rille~, and those interested :[0 3. debuled, bi~b.),ry of t.bis, and other JBd~'is;b

11 ,....... ''0, .G: 1- ~ C!I " • IIilIII · .... ~..:!II

,~-,&:n.lllJe!~ ~erVH~.e IIUJes; are rererrea

to the bc·o't; entitled ,T/~l~' Lee,-,E:n.:/i'e·ld Rift'e.' by, M~j" E., 'G ~ B,., :Rey,Do]Jl~.,

In ,Ma;~r I92.6,~ B,:d.tls'h, 8:e"nlce, rUles. 'we:r.,e' re-desi,g[u;~jted by number, and '~[h,e Short :M8;gazine l0eftO·1En8e1d :Rif:le~ M~lUk. Ill., became the :Rifte No,. m .• , M:ll"k [II..

27, M',agaz:'i ne catch 2,8. ~h!:tari ni nlg

spril'11i ~Ci"'eW' 29~ Sea r sp:r'I.r'l\g· ~O···. S-alB"

.;;;; _ _ e __

3l.. 'T'M~ge)e,r 'pi'n 32'. Tr'igg,er

3,3,. Fro,~it t~igg)fU'

rgua rd :Screw ,34. frtgger gua!rd 3,6~ Malga:2irtte

JI~ Frlont tr'iggrSJ ,gua r,d

SCNW' bush i ng' ,3,7, Buttpi~ate twa p

311", BuUp late '~rap, pin 39. B lj,[,t:ph13't'e! scre·w (,2:)

40~ Bwtlplaba

41. Bu'U~~'a'~,e:

traipi sprl MIS' 42" Suttp late tra p

S~:rl ng' ;screw 43., nd

,44,., IF'or-e .. ~,n ~ s,tud s ]:mTlfJ1g ,45. IF'of~~.nd s.tlLJd

4!e},. BaJek: nose ca p :SlCteW 4'7" IP~I~ng ,5wi:v,ei'

48. lfi\los)e~ cap

,4,9. Nos@, ,cap, nut

50. FrOf1lft: nose ea p :S(;Jrew ,51~ ] nner band scre·W' sprl n.g

52.,~ scre,w 53.. Str:i ker screw 54,. Cot:k'i ng place 5,5" B reeeh bolt ,56" Ma'il;s,plring: .51',. :S'~lr'j ker

,58\0 B,reechboU heed ,59., Ext:rac~,or scr&w 6D~ Extr,ac~or

6 i,,r ,sp,r-i ng' 162~ OI[J~off

e,J,. ICutoff SiClrew

If:'ill B~lr"eb..,Ii"'"'k

U~i .. ~rilllll~'W~ .

1$,5. F ere-ene

56_ '._ Rea r ha tJ1d :~ u it} rei

_ _ .. _ ... _,gUl_. _

61'.. Firont hillndglUi'M

1· 'CiOm:~e:~~. di~as:s.enlb~,y _ 'by, . ~~~..,.];~m' movi Ill]; :nlilgarzi ~e (1:5}1 ~Dd then rorar-

hl1\g breeehbcl [ It S5) coun:terdockw:~se and w:id;udrawi:ng; .reaMaffd as :['tiIJ:r as i!E w~,~] 10., Dbrengag"e; b]",e>ecbbo~~ be~dl, (,:S:SJ from 00- tmn:mng s:p:rr,[mg; f16) 'by' ,I,O'tati'og' it ,aJS sih,orwm .. n wwH dJ~Sie(ngJtge wttb, ,a~ audible cuck. W']t~dJriJ:,w 'bolt, flU']]l :~t~O;D'] bod:y (~O)

4 '1Irii" .... 'l4.11. ,- . .;ii ,fj . -iii, ,;1; •. ,i' -' , '. ,., d

~emo'V,e::~a,c~, a,,,!:o,, ,W.f.~~I~, ~r~~€:~ _ ~U"_

:s:cr,~:"vs (rn 6 and 11 3~ ~nghl and ,~eft ar .. '

• "Ii L·'.ii.' ,. ~I

rows r,e~,pec;t~vel:y J '" '·~,i·~ ~,wa,:lI' tir'l~~r' ,guaru

(3,4 ), ~ Remove back and :f.ront nJO\S·~ c~p' screws (46, and j 0 respe:cdvely) ,~lL'iIid P'l1rnU no~~ tap (,~'S) :f'Qllrwar~ off rifle, EJ~m,ove: inner bairito serew (4)j' tariJd swlv,el st1''eW ( 1.:8,) f~am outer band <4-3),. o.pen 3~d, un ~wa:y Qu:mer baLfidL Front ba'lld,&ua:n:l (67) til fClre,",,€[],d, f 65) ~ and r.earu.' bat'U;dg,u.a~d (th::n m a;1 :1l0W' be re moved rnrnilJ, itbalt, o:rd;u

2 Djsa~semb~,e breec'bboJ.t by l'emo~l:llg . ~tr,[ik'e:r S~~,W (j',3:):Ii and tffil~n unserew,i:n,g :breech,bolt, head from, '~h~' 'end lOll' 'the b.[i~c'blbo]tt,

5· .' RemiO,V'e f:ettailli1:"B\g, :s-;p,:dng :scre'W' (23~ ......... left errow) and lift away f.1et~inlQ,~,,[~g, (,:2,6,) ~ sear (30)" ,~~d. sear S,pritl~: (29], ~- DE.Wit out :m,taJguine 1C; pin f2.S~, l'w~h,'! Rrr,ow) ,I RmiO,'~!!e ,ma,guiilIDr; ,cat.c'liil. (27')

3 T "'b' (,r.?) "_,,

. _ '0, :~emO'Vi~ SUl~~~' \,.,j , r: '~'. ,~t, is ,m,e~ss~

to' ,iba:'V~ M ,EllJield bOh. $tn,p,\p~1)~ Wr.'~D,Cb, ar- ,rn.or.O,*,]_s~ ,one ,M rsb.ctw,n ·ru.]S~~~

l.t" itI

o!I; ~.j!' 0''- D·' brass ,h'i,L_ .... , ""'pfJ"II ........... ,;,iI"i"ii, .... ,iio...;.mu ,if'iI

Gl 711$ ".' '"I! v-s , ,,~ II1.Yl~ ~ - ~:J.J.I!!Ji~~-.!.~;.B~WiJ. ro

,~Qng., F~w~,e, 2: op.pooing kevs ij(t D![)tC:Iie:s: ,W~ OmJC ~nd, ,ol rube ,~dl aIlx woode1l, baU ,O~ o:th.e1' end, to' serve as b_d'le~ Drill 'dl.ro1Ilgb bmdle ;a:nd hlhe with :~'" ,*il and :wmsel:'it :p.LD t,o .pl[',evemt sUp,p8ige" :1'ns~l:1, tDO'~ foo]IDt. e.rid, ,of b:r,oocrnrnboh until :n,otc:~es, eD," ,(;age ,oon,e$;p'o'ndl~rng io ,5;kilt~ co]!~

'~i 'U .. "it., ~_ iL.~: .'

,1M';. ':.'C['ew :S:tr,llii:eT ,:U umt ICOCMIiIIJ,g ple~

(,5'·4) :.airD1ta[nw~g ste~~t iri,ww:dl presS<lll:f,e '~O pre:v~D~, ,m;ai~spr.ii.!g (561) :fro'm~ ,expeUlng stdker wben it b~~Qmes fuU, UIlJS{irew,ed, ~rQm, ooekiDg; ptooe

6 g,bcru'id :~e'm,o{w,m;~, c,f' b~UlStoet f!M) be. eeme neoo5:.SarJ, (J!P,efllJ, 'bu:ttp.liai,te t[,~P ,(3,7), ~jnCW 'wwtba piece of' 'rbCllt 'wire' :fish QU~ . leather :St:ocJt -!bolt wad. (24)., Iti;s~e:J.i; m,oroiUa; sq;u,are S:b~Dtled S'Q;lewdri,v(!:r' ,aJnd lengage $1ot in s~~k boU C:l3,)I'i Wffiule .a!Jlply-, :i:[il,g: do,w,o''Wardl p'msure~ prli,ce ,atD ;a:ppro",' pda.ttdy s~~d. o:pe:t1 . ...eud w~~ncJh aJp.i1l5:t, sCI[,ewdlrriver sbamlt and tlllWm ,out siFlook bo:rn~ .. A, smaiJJ, q,U31ltruty of. pemiJl~tratmDg ,on rna.]t ,ilmd tbis ,o:per,atilOJ], as; the 'bcU:s ar~ ,Q,f'mezn,

, .... ..:11 ~ D Ikll ~II "

fU,sm~, tn." IKeal:S:S~.U~e. ,f.I) e ,m ,[ •

11'0 I Ell . E ~B



,M,d,i e ;t he: fi Ts't' Un;i:t e'i/.' StlJ.te'$ m(t'f{;tial :iJi$,tols

.Io':r~.-,I'e:t'l'in:; Cj!J1,j1,l'i'~ 176 5 ,Di{u'~M'id'dte,t!o1~~~~ C'01-~1t~, 18;,2'

U NLn::!E ']11.0s1 of America's other . famons g,rn [I,Sllf1 i~'h $1 'who seem to have started OUJ~' :fn:nn the: ·beginWl.,I,ng' to fo'1m:o\v their trade, Simeon 'N'ort']l, \V,~S prim ~'f~ny 'i nterested in ~gric ul-

I '~U re, i-Hs first '30 vea rs, were devoted I to f';3J~:J;nJhlg. 3,~~" ,wl:H.~n 'he d~d pm::r~ ch ase land s u eta ble for a pol!;Y1er mill on Spruce _ Creek ,9Jd:~oin ~ug 'hi is farm, :~:t was lvit'h ehe express in tent o,:f' man ufacturing scv thes,

'. ".~ orth had a, 'gunsn-~ft'h neighbor

named ::1:1:'] ~as: B,e;c'k:ITey:" however j' snd it is pro bable that 1le lea,med _ some .. th i:ng: of 't'he:: nUltnuJ,].:re of ;gu n s from 'h:i 1Il1" ,A.'[ a ny rate, "rvlhe:n the ,g:O\ ernm ent evinced an h:w terest in ob taining pistcls f,of: the A:(l1:1y. ill ], 799., N OF.~Il sought, and o'bta ined the :!in~t eon h~,IC't" These guns he :i,n~.]lLW" factured 'V]'n11 the 's'id o\f his brotherin-l aw, Elish;a Cheney, :1 cloekma ker, who suppl ~ed the SlCr,eXM$ and phlS: for

the p'isto'ls~ ,

From that '~·in.lle on, Simeon North was im the g~unnl~'kiu~ business. The v\htf Depa rtmeat was SOl pleased 'wif~] 'his ~,Lnl s that eontracts ~'ono\ve;d, closelv :~dh~:r eaeh other. ""it',h t'ffile

_-J; .-. _ .-

'W ar of m 812 the orders grew' 50 '],!1;T;g,e' that he ,]1Jl,OI,,~ed t() :lvI:i.dcnetol\~"n and bunt ,ill ] ~:F@;,e' new '(H,C tory there" In the m eant i:nrl:l} ( 1 $, Ll J he h ~d been ' elected L'j'leute:il31nt Colonel of the Sixth Conneeticut Regi1~il'~n~. 'This posi tion so plea sed lDrinfl, HTI.~"t' he deWig1hted "to _b_e called Col. :N'orth :for the 1(;:$,[' ,o.f his l~,f~'.,

N orth's ear'],. work '~1 ad ;3I~1 'been

. 'I' - iii ~ 11' d ~ 1;

'WIt.~, p,ws:lowS", U1C,~U. [n~' very tiline' ·P,F.e$-'

en ti,r~~Cin, pieces, 'brul,t in: - 1821 he undertook the: manu fa,et ure of' dIes", Eventus Uv he de\ loted his entire ef .. fort.' to ruong arms, pa.rti.c~da,r.ID}1 :H,lljU breeeh-loading 'limes :a:nd, carbines, on wh k:h he inven ted and pal.~efited an imp':rOi~red lell.;re:r for lopen~ng tllil,e b:r-eecl1" I:Wl. 9'~1] _ :Sirn,e(~n :N'()dh l1.1 i3J11 u ... lac hlre~, at lleas,[ ,,(),"~)O [) [fJ:rua:rti~:~ pis.~,ols ,arm,d, a,bout t.h,e: n:~!.11Thlber.,' o:f ruo~\g ,~'n,ns for 'bhe U'nited StaJ te;s Gav .. em iD:N::n t .-,H~AltOLD ,Li' P',ET1Ut.SON"


L' E 'E' N': F- 'I'E'Ln 'N' '-I'

I.-I. <_, ,,- h:1 _'_ .1,.', ".ILI' 1_> O.

1,. S,tt"j ker ~sc:rew :2~ Cock,i ng pmece,

3" B fEU!eh bol'i (strl] pped)

AI -M'-'~ ·1 i"'ille~'n i"~"iiI'ia ~ _.~ _p ~ fP'~~llf~l~r!~J

,n. :S:~[ri k:er -

6.. 'Eh'eech bOII"t: head r. Extr:alctorr

'0' il!:""'-~~ii"'+'''''1F ~ ..... ~ e, ~~~ ·1g.1~ ~U~ ~~~"~H

9.. Extractor sprl filS

'm 0.. Bo~t I[,a:ss~mb IlecO '1.1.. LJ~c~i fll: bo It, ,5;C.f!ew 'm 2'.. :Lccki ng: 'bel t sprl nl 13\, L,~ckhi1g: boilit

'1- 4 c:_;., " N - Ii:. ,t..

,_' ",., ~a:IP e~i1 Ql'!II;C!~1

15~; IRi~ar iI~,uu'cl scr@w

1 is. M',a~azi ne cat,c,h: screw 17. IEjector SCF,ew

1,0 M'L.. -11111 IF;- - -- s" --h-' t Q. _ ,I!Ii!L", I ~ Illear' Jig -', '

l'Q., Sif"1iSte,r -

- - [frP. - .

20., IR',ealr 's~i,ght hinge' pln

2; i., S'ight- dJFa'OOnt Ipl Urn1g~r 22., De!te,nt, sll:miiInS:

23,. H mnge pmln1 :Ioek: p,:i 11 2,~ Bo~f ~e-~ ease stO~1 ,2S.. Bomt ,reh~ase

26,. Bornt release :sprn-ing'

Parm le!glend

2'7. S,ear' h i'nle p:i n 28. M1a!plzi'IfJ'Hi ,ca,t'cih p 2'9., Stair s~,ri'ng

3(1" Soo,r

3 i. :B'ody,! No.. 4 Mlk. ~I ~r,'eeei,ver) 32~ 'Tr1lger'

a.3~ TrlliH;e:r p,i n 34., TrWggeir gllJailid a,5~, ,Mia\gaz'i ne

36~ IFroi'lll~: ,gu1,a f\d screw

3,"~ GtJaJlrd screw 1,00c~ 'Wi's,tUEH" 38. F,or,e~if1d

S9'~ Handgualiid~ f'wnrt 40" SwbJe:1 band

,41,. Swi'~lel' band ;SIC fl@'W'

42" ;5 ~ i ne' $,wi¥e I

,43. U,ppe:r !bErndi scre:w

44" UIPper ba nd

45. Halndgm.a:a rdi, rea r

45. F oresigl1lrt p,m~ecto;r sc:rte,w 4'7 f oresi,ghtit pwo:~,ecto;~ (M'k. i'~)

48. Stoc'k' bol't .

4'9,. Stoc:k bQ~'t I~Qck, wa!sher

5Q]~ 'Butt~tate:

51, 'B:utt~tate $,crew (2) 52'" lower band


:N omenclarure c'han,ged,

As a l,esUlt: lof servioe :~ W,orld W,~ I the sbQnc:i1ml:Dp, of ~b~, Mk., III'*' we-r.~ :~e~lO,p~d IDcl~, in. the, 19:1()fts~" ~Jhe, SMLE M:t,., 'VI. was, designed b) replace :it The Bir.his'h ehanged t'hewr ,sys~em ,oi rile nomenclature aad ,the, SMLB Mi:~ V',J became lknawll as Wfte~ 'N,o., ,4 1ft., I,

"'If!!'t.. R;~.tII 'N' 4 ':f!.,A"Iu. I f' t

.II.,D,e ','m,e ,:',0.,_ .iLir,lrl.. ,I teatures an

aperture rear ~~dgb'~~ 1" heav,~er barrel, :a si mpHned. stock.t and an, im,p,[oV'ed, 'bolt-r,eit~dn~ng s,y'Ste,m" As. W'odd, 'W ar ,II progressed, 'the: R~fte' No, ,4 M:t,. "Was ,furth~, simpl:Hfi,ed, by ,eHmirna~]ng the SI!,p~taJ:te bolt release, The s11in:pUfied gUI1)l, Is kn{)wn as the ,R.ile No~ -4 'Mk. [.',.

,~nl1ce E'nilandls small :Irm:s produe .. · dOlo, was g1.\9,a;dy strained by wartime dlem,amds~ ithe S!e,'Yens Arms Co., divlslon of' Sa'valle Arms Corp., ChIcopee Falls, M,ass"." ,maoui;Jc,tu:red the 'No!" -4 dfte under the: Lend Lease, Act The-se rifles ,are the ones 'n'hat are found wifh the ,markru:ng "U, ,s" pr!openy" ..

V'ar.i.e1:y of 'nnisbe,s!

Like other ,m'iHt,8Jty' 'ri'6~~ the N',o. ,~

',-:"fl"'~, "ijij. ~Il' it-;.:"": ''" ..... 1: .. ''':''...,11 l"n ~ Y\~ rietv of

,n e w.t~ ,~ ,III.U'IioU,lII,lIiJII, u, Q ~- = .... -;} - -

fin lshes, nn:rugru:ng: from the us.uat]y 'fi~,ety' made CanaJ.drnan Long' Branch: A;r,se:rna:m gm ns co the orude[' Lee-Enfields turned, cut j D EJ1\g;'lam d r.i..gbt ,8):fte;r. Dunk i r"k., ,A, ,m(}~Uled, N'o;; 4 r,ifb~:~ s'ho:r~,e-Died and ,~:i:gb,ten,ed, :£o.r. jungme fig'h:tin..g'" was desig-

~·lJe·2I1 'D·a 'N':''''"'' ,;:" '-M", 'L" -I' ~t;, 'lIka:e exaetlv

na~--.u ,~I,W.lle, .:_:', ._'~lil ~I " . ~.!i' 11 ~iL ,lI;l~_:~' ¥~J~~_ 'J/

the same mectranism, as, ,the 'N'o" ,4 'but is far handier, T,he 'Rif]~ 'N'(j. 4- ~in[. r m'~ deslg,lilfed '£O'f snipi flg~, ViM :fiul~d. wruth, a ~he~'t:pjl~ce and the No!.3,:Z m'm~ope s~ght

In, an ,efE:ort to i:rl1,proV'le, the trigger'

arrangernent the Rifles No, 4 Mk. 1/2 and Mk. 1/3 had the trigger pivoted to [ti;e body (receiver) instea . of to the tri,gger. guard,

From a m Hw:blry POltJlt ot 'v,j' w the

1. _..:I" ,. f' i

ee ue'slglDl W,aJS SU,pi:f]Or ~o ml~uily 0 ' rts

bolt-act ion contempcraries, It has a, ] o~[:]o~ magazine am"d a 20'% shorter' bol t stroke than the Ma,u51 ' 01' Mann- 1 ieher, plus about 20 % less bol j rota-

tion ·T--h-ot>·~· _ f-' eat " ...... m-!l..· j'- d ; - "*,iij...

Iii, . ,IIU. ,~e., eal Ure3.;J' CV., [UJ ~ne . W 1.1.1111, I,

smoot'ffi1]"v- wort i in 0' b_.r"!o] ~- mate the Lee-

~'-' .' - - IJ .', , , -~'tlfiIi . y~. -J. l. I - .'

Ellfieid excetlent for rl'p:id~jlm:e. From

1 There, a;r:~ ~ '~1! ~es o:f~o~ ~:, ,:[e:~~a_~~ !;~I , No, 4: :f.! fires. To oper-ate ~h : tYI:H~: In. '[~U~; No. 4 _. -~:k: r fiRe!, the :remr' sig'ht f 1 8) is U'fled ,first ~nd ~h:e;[i, dite "bo.t~ern, sse U.s)1 b~ ,dlep,r.essed. Pull tbe bolt aU ·tll· W,IY back. and release th.e bolt release, Rof:at:e br,eedlb~lt head,_ (16) . up in line \V,rum rIb

on be] t :and pun ]1. 'free of gun.

3 To. re:,m,o~~ ' (_~~I. unscrew bre€c!l-. boillt. head and]k@[1'· s.~rew (.1. ) ~l~ coeki ng p.iet~ (2) ~ Unscrew striker Vl.~UJ a s~'im:p]e eoot made for 'lhe lPu~p ese ~;as sh awn ,(do mo[ atternn t, to remove striker 'with pW~.~)I~ This tool engag~ in the notches, o~ striker shoulder. S~.riker- C;)lfI] Omi:l'y be re-

moved from 'front of bolt

5 To, :remo·l!'e. b~us~,ock, cllamp' :rifle ~ n I :padde.d lI'[sel open. tra:p.' j n bu ttlP~ate (!UJ)li' ~ermov.e :f.e~~ 'wfIJd~ ,and: unscrew' ,stoc~,

bo~;~ (48], 'with liOng scre.w,ctr.iv,e'

aDotber' point 'of Vil6W c, the' Lee..ELL1field has: a, few dra wbacks, Fi rst, ,the' rear Jock i DB:' arrangern en. - is IU)r quite SC' fa vorable fGf a!cc uracy as the front loc:khl£: tYJPe. Second the 2 .. piece stock ad'ver,se]y Q'f.fIf!-lCts accuracy, ,L8,s~ btl t m,o!, least the ,.303 British cartridge is

~ d 'I",:::,_~: d'I' . .. .... -~ 'I ';1

smme '! .m a.l'YlJlg reee ~ng' cnttcal 2),-

b gh . . ~';!~ ,t... 'l.., _ d

tom: '" it Slmp'UDe8, tne neanspaee prob-

lem, These shorteomings, whether rea or imaginary cann .. ot detrac:t from 'tile' Lee-Enfiel d's enviable reput at ien for rel la bil it y and rapidity of fire,

2:: The boh, release ~:n th ". N'OI. 4 ltl.k. J* '~ rJ~e: Js far simp~~r and eUr.n"i:n aJfJS :l par'ts~. S]:m p,:ly ope~ 'I:oe boll and ease it baek Until b-n~ee:hbo~:~, head rides out o,f its gu ide gli'OQ'V@ i nte the m:i I J ed .. ,a.wBY port ion ~ It back from the end o.:f the receiver dng a,

:~~~a'~heit~~':1 tbf='~:fl~~b~n. Ullf:~:p. ~~J~

rear sight if' :oecnss'ry .

4- "":file ]CCli.~ig bolt.. 0 3) has a ~.ulti:p']e [ , thread tOI mov'f; the. SM'e;:~y ca;tell (14,)1 . i G ;iii.llltd out of ~ggal~jmJej}t _ T!OI o~[pe:rate, p,roIPerl:!t the pieces .ost r" e \1,1'. w:ibell!Dl iigb~lened together as ShO'WD ~m insert.. To .align 'the p'leoes" 'be sure, fliat OD, sal:ety C2 '~Ich is 'fo,ugb I,y paral lel to 'fla,~ OJI. lock:ing

bo1~: p~~ b _. {cr,e e nga .. glDg t h reads

6 T:o, remla,ve 'miagazine fo,Unwer and

_ S·ll,f.ffi -R, ,pu~ib. '~eaf of lolorwe:r dlo'WD

faw:' eiiou\a' 10[' '!the. fr'Om~ eiIDLd to ~'~ear 'I;~'IJ>, Ute projectioll.s OIn ithe, :mlgazjiIle'ili tJ.h.en '~a$e lout· :fou.o,w,e.r H'od .sPr.~:DI . 1-'


__ -- I. .' :_,: •..

H·· ;I; _Jr --

If ,'1J'lIen ~ le,(Ji, ,iI-

sC'rel1Vl,e S'! enc,IOled


B(J'rn~174 J'

D',red -Lo'Mdoln'j ,N,o.¥.. 1,804

H :~l'nt:lf N'oc : was a maker Qf b i,gb, .. qualit,Y 'perso(naW gUDS who ftever.., theless devoted muc~h time ~Q '~ .. , liilD,-' p,rovem~.'t of standard m:ift.a:r_y· arms, His; fin~ defi mite~y recorded :s.nOlP was hill S1'. AWl.d e.w's , ' 'a~i:S'b : Lo,md!on'i in m. 'r11 'I and t'~:I!Ii!:;r,'e: he: piiU~lJ:tedl hl$. '6,irSt. ,enc]osed !Joe;:k 'which, s~ljbsd:I,U'led pimls a.:nd books f;'or !the USUI] ,$.C1"eWS.

The outbreak of the, ,Amer,[,c8![i R.',yo,., l~tio,D bl~oul'h~ . "Click ;[i,~IOi close eontact with th~ Board of' [Or,d:lDanc.e.~ and l:a~lI.c;b.ed hi IB, OD, ~he p~015U'fnll [O(t" improvl WilJg ml'Ut"arr arms 'wb.wc;]i1] :m;arkoo U"IDe :W"e5~ !o.,f ~is n~e" ,At. ·fllli:r.,s-~ bit een .. trac~,ed ,(m'l'~' '£'O!f ,stainiildlaro weapons and parts" Tben~ in 1. 1"79 and. 11'80. he m:anwf,ilctur-ed ~~hc:!ous 7- .. barnd YO,J ... ~.... guns used . ~-y the Bdtish Na,vy., Th.e end o,f ho.s~,U'i ties in 11:8] brou -'ht, an e[jJj(jjJ '~:o the :heavy demand foir. 'lir:,.BJrms)J and trusin,less: ded i~ed until the D'u.k:e ,of RJch mond became ,M aster IQ,el1le;ra.m o;f the Ordn9[B,ce WiD, l7S2 .. R:ich-m,cmd was vlst[y ~'D,tereslted run Qbta[n:Lll,g U,gllliuer and more - Iffi,c~e:nt aems, aiDdi duarillg :his time Nock obtarill1ed many '!CiIi)IU racts 'fof' new J ~!h1:er muske.t and some carbines usiti\@ 'b..~s enclosed screwless b:ick wh~cb 'W;U bot~. ,$.,WOlli'ills'et and :sifi)iP~er d],au the sta.rndlard model] .

'N oct to':nUnu~d -_his work ~,hr,ou,gh the l'"Os; while ,ex:len:dv,e ~,rJal:s, 'Were m:ade but ~be miUtary autborlries ·did not take '~dnd]y' to the,. As I~:he. be,giru;dng of'th.e N·ipo.~eo'ni.c Wars; made it necessa.ry to Q bttd ~ stand aJld weapons in gf,eat 'q u~.'rntili~; as iIl"apidl:~!" as, ,poIssible, ,one o'f ·N ock"s :llst COD'" tracts} sfuo.rd:y' b1ef,o.rl" '~iliis d!eatb cal e·d fo,r- the con'v,er-s;ion of' a :mli!.!lftfl,'ber of IllS,<W0d ,II1!lEDS to ~be; ~t;an.dal'diPa:t ern .. ,

hllJ addit i,on to his 'wol'k iO'n (be.: :mt]!~

1Il.. -. 'NiI"!i"''t.- """fl'nt-'I"n ~'~'''''dl f. ... , nrn-il n 11'1\'" 111..'1' e

~'-~'~Jil ·-·.~lir.l ~-¥L" '__:=~_!!ll~~ ~ ,",v, jf." IN#U~~'¥ WJ .~1

fi Iml.e pe]",somJIJaI aDJd s,porniif:ii! ~inns" s~p;;;' pUed gJun8 '1'0 'ya;ri.:o~s mi Uda 'IlI:lIW~S, 3.od 'dey~~~ped among o,ther ~hi~s:s. I.. new catb'i ue:! a H,eiW' lP~su)l~ ,and a, Imlne:, l!Ilud. Imadie .p.~U .. FIlS, for :IlJeW ~a:ndl :Sif::rvioc [p:·, 3i:Dd ,;), lDCnnJlbh:l 'f,orge... ~.n 1.8.02 he \1.'a.s made the Mast, .]' o,f tbe Gun:ma.kI£n~ Com P'8 1J.y." a:[I. ~o,n.'or which cr·o,w.ned a: ,~~f:eEllliUJe.. of t:i.1l1g: workm;awsjbtw,!P,,,,.........· H:",:e;OlD' :L. Pe TIE.S(Hi,~,


or tbe fren sighe, wbi cill is be' narrow blade type .. The: rea I~ sight.

~ 'h r- .J ...:III '-I. ..... i· b·t ' d' .

liS tt Ie hoo.' arperhm:te }rj m.o.a, a~J.~st:a.', e VI!::['Sl'On. an" :1;5,

marksd l M:. The tr~gg~r' is, tuned to 4'Yi tbs., and th .. e gas system, I,S unitized tlemderi,ng ,- he spi nd Ie valve immovable. The o per a tlug 'f,od spring ,gu~d,e. is round and COrlloen't ric and the flash seppresscr is reamed oversize, The Super. 'M:ateb is the same :I,S ~he .• ational '>: arch except that ~~ has a, bal,re~ ,,~, ~ bs, heavier than. standard,

The 'flCt'OIY suggests tha t drusa:Sise}mb~y be dane.' only If abso]ut'ely necessary, F'requer:JJ! d.wsRS:5emblY contributes to wear of the parts and leads to ea!l!"]Y unserviceabifity and inaccuracy •.•

rlal'm Ow' rhre hand on the com b of the stock 'wi II SI9!p'a rate it: firom 'the barreled aetlon,

2, WUh the mlli.J~:~e to the ha'ft:fi g!rasp the' opemU nl'gJ rod·ng ('3S} with '~~le [I,eft hand SlJlId plUl~ to'-wan:l the mu~le [easing tension O~' the. opeli'afm'91 roe SF) ri n QI g ti~de (35)·,,, Wi'th the ri ght fo·r'~·~!illi1~gJ9rl pull I the co mI neetor loo:~ (18)1 'toward yiou., If the operatin,g rod spring guii'de ls aUro'wed to slip a:t 'th~s poi nt it willi bel p r(~,~',ected 'wirth 'enoug1h fO:li'ce to C8U[Sie i1nj Ufy.. 'C·alre~1l] Ily II urt me op'eraI~h~lgl rod sp,ri ng [glu'~de Inial sp ri ng ;Inc withd raw' them to the rear ..

Pulll th,s' lopera~:ing rod (,37) '~O t.'~e· rear II!.lI nti I it~ iQlul:de i ugl is in the disass'e.lmbly n:otcnl in the l!i"eceilver! thEl!" pUi~ I the o'pe.(,ati ng rod hand Ie outW,IJro; ,alfHll to! the r:&SIIf arnd remove_

3 .. Gr,aslP' th"e' ro~~~er 9l1li'de on '~.h€! bolt (3) and mCi'\f8 'Itt 'rorwa.rd~. si rnu ~mneolu:s.~y turniIIrn81 'U~e bo!t upw,ardl and ourtwards 'WiUl ;9), sng hit !o;~ock,-w~se nl1tat11.O:Iil. Tne rnotlon requ IIMd is, ·~rick.y' but q U1~ c kJy.' learned and dOine prop,81"Iy reqUl~r"'eS no force.

With the oomb imiltion t'oo,~ or a. %.~' wren C'~I f'S mOVIe tbe: 9~ilS cyl'inde,r' p,I'U:QI (:29}. Ti It the ri'fllle mllJAiZZ: e downl andl allow thle gas p~sron (27) t:o· s,~'~de· eut illl'i,tO' 'y'OUIfJ" hand, UnscreW' ~llh e ,gas ,cyH I'D der lock (28;) and sUde 'it. Ulei gascyl~inder (23) and the frolnt b.and !(2:2) 'JOllI'Ward ~ 'e;x!poo.i'irn Q '~~.e 9:0. port, ,51 id e· the handgluard' (59}, '~O'waJlidi tllm,!· 1m Il.!l,zz.le ulllitH it rs; ·free· of the 51 r'oows in the le·ar-r,st.

'TJI;.;. . ~M'~11 A-" '.,. ·c -·w' ,ill 1'-1 ' ,I' ·Id·· st ,'''- .. ~ "'d f" , II

~'Ie.' . .1 , '. ,I,S no·· i~U y ~ile . :s;~nIPlpe· or ,a

II • •

norma,[~ mal.1 . an.anee reqjurremenllS;.

4., The bolt (3) i';S) best: pad by' US! ng

ID:i,s:15sem,bly Plrocedulres

P'rS9S the magali 1i1'€: catch ,(58) and lremlove. 'the! maga:z:i nl@[ (6.0)., D:li'aJ,w the boU to, the! rea,r and i nspeet thiS chamber to mak,e, eu re! ·that it~ is emlpty' end a'llllow' the !bo~·t te 9'0 fo,rward.

'1_ Eng~ge. the safety (53,) and p!I'ace '~)ne: rifle~, s.~gh.ts do,wn" 'on a 1~:H~nch 'with :ii b ~ock under the' (;:at1ddglE!i c!~iilp' gUids: 1{'13.) te kee,p ~he sl,ghts Qlff 'thie bench. ru,si ng a Ic;lieam img rod secUon or ether tool inl the 'uig;ger ,guard note 'for Ilsv.e.nlg:e'j pwy. '~IIh,e 9 lHliltd' (54) bac ~ lind up. IP;ivQ·ti nIlg the triglger Igulrd f'orw,artd f ees the trig,ger as'semb~y (45 e 56)., p ~'II ,stra~g hl't end to remove It

To lremOIVe the stook. (,44] rno!~d n"e

r"l'iIoii"< -1"II'.<!ii1i" d· w·F'iI ~I""' ... I a oIi. ... !t .. ~ ,:jlII'!lI'\m staos w··iI!·16. ""be,

_ :.- ' ~,,~II~ .Q.I!I~·U._ 1'C!'n IU III [ _ ;;;;;11._ !i-'"·rai·· I !1L'n I~n.'!i!"

11·1i!'t _:.'~

PlarY Leg;end L BSrilfel

2. [AooJ:t hl:e.r

31. [Bolt. br~b ,f. Pljfit. '~i'!I!ln9' ",. E_'tt.~r.

I I.. fl~ung,er. extmroor


7. E]C'_r', w:J;Jl1rino

,8. A;p~rmu~ fUr ,s' 91l~ a. Base. rear' .·,gtilt

'1 f)~ OO¥8r,. rear s<~111: '~1. :Pt~nien UMmb~,.

'SI8'it~Ut III

12. Knob assem bly,. 'Wim:late 13" G uldQ! call1rhll~e eUp'

1l~ ~~nl eJr1Irid'!iD,e ellf,f,J g-u \de 15., I~[nl bQl~ I~

16c hti'. ~""I~'

--~ F~I! ~IIII

17., Sptiltil;'i bOh I'~

18. Loo'k~ anf1l8eJ(Jr

'1'1i. PIA., omnn.lOr ~ ,21l Gluld€iA, JJ~1"8tiltiilg f'Ot

II. Pin., ,Qpeni.1iing ![oo[ g(ulCle 22 Band., front'

-23" ~Iindefc', gas

2~. ~in~ sf),in(l.le va I V81 25,,, Spind~ \I'.H1lwa

16. ,prllfll'$. _Iv,

21' ~iStOn~ _ cy.lbrnder '

~a,. 11..J.1c. If_ cyUnder " I. ", '.

29. Plu.,- gp cY~ln.·. .~ ~ . , .

~eeu:lH,'h1Ji'1 sialiilt ',', > ." • ,

•. St,II~;~' I,r~m :401'

§,. S:etsQIiBW , .. ', . I ,~- .......... ~~

$I; Supprpssor naS~

g.. GiuldllJ, ~per8.lng

IiiiQd spring

,m, Spli~ng, operatJi'ng . ad ,3f~ ~dd. ,~~ting

_, flaM aaem bly'. 1J1!Jl1,


I •• ,SoMWi weedl

,4; .: SsJaw. mach ~ne ,41~ Swive'l, butt SEock 42'. SCr~WS"~ $t~k, ~IFler 43. Une ;, atooJil

I~' SEook

I 45. Ttllgger . ',Sa ~b~r 'f6.. HOU$flngN, hB:mm~r s~rilii!9

4'1~ ~r~Agi' he'llc8J GomRres,:s~on •. PQ'~D,ger; blJ.P1mer sp~milig

4it Ham_c ar

ift Housing, tri"er ,S1. S,ringl satsty' sa Plln, ~fi!lg, • r

sa. Safe",

54 'Guard· it~lggef'

5.S Pin. stl(;:lig~ft ru..aded , .. 1Latch, magazine

5.7'. SprU'R;g, !fml~mne ~atch H~ Pln. rmrgati 11i19l ra!tCn 9. Hand~uairdl; fi~WI'iBiS

S;taHdiaf~ M~gazlne'

'th,e comibin\fj,bon tool. ~Ins.erl the Ci()mbln:lit~on tool into the faoel ,of tile bolt with 'tlh,e bled,! belween tne '~n ner edge o~: the ex,tractor (5)1 isndl the iug Ion '~Itu~ bo~l~ face'i' 'IUlfllrn the, comlbifiJ;a,tJi'cll tool Ic,llookvlil,s'G'" pry'ing thl e ex t rae t CHI" U,p ;fjJnd out ~;a~j ng care to' re1l:Blli'n the' ex~'r,a,c~lor p~u~:ger ,and spiring (IS.). R.emov.e 'the lextnloior piunger 'with spring en d tfrn 8' eil;EH~t'or 'withl spring (7). 'The fi ri nlg pi,n can now be withd raWilil to tine rear.

ReasSie'mb~y ipS dons :~n r-eVfl!rte order except 8S: IFloted bei,Qw,;

B'o~t; i nsert nrmln,gl ,pi fill, e,[eotor ,a"nd spr; ng. extr'llct,or- p,llu n:ger a iii d ,sp:lI"i'Ii!l'91., W ithl 'Ul e cClmlbmna~ion roo II ag,anns,t a solllhjl ~n,Hl,atoe'~ pres;s the Iljs'cto:r minto placi9: and at 'title same UmJe press, the e.~tra,c:ta r down I~nto Us iP'lao'e.

Gas: IPlston; m u:st be 1)00 itione,d w~'~ro the fiatt on the tal r1~1 toward the ban'e~1 to sl ide' i~n'o. p~Iace.



means, The verslen o.f. dkus rifle. :sold, in the IU .S. as Sl1 rpl'u.s 'was 'p'w'oduc)ed for the, Celembian N'a'vy :itn 'cal .,3()--~)6~ and it, 'bears a p'~,a te 'wiUl, 'm,e Celombian coat eif arms 011 '; h~ left lof the stock. '\VhUe. eom manly called a 'Da,n~sh para trc op carbine, i;~, 'W',aS, never used by D,en~mar'k,.

'Th.'e bo'[{ is oif on,e",p:i,ece design w~tb d,'Il,a'm-op'posed :~o.c'twPg' lugs that ef.l,gage sbotdder.s, behind the ie,jectioD port, Its tu ned-down, handle f~'ard

'B' ",' Q,'-',LT, -aetion 'j!'li~A~ are ebselete ~(J',r'

.' I •• _ • ~. ,!II! _ ~-I J. , ,llll~ ~". y. .t!u[~ . l~\r.. ~! '_

_ I,;. military use because they are hand operated, and many have, 'been s,omd as :.l'lrplus,.·he. MilJdsen, lodet 1958 rUle . s an example, Named, a titer a, Danish war minlster, ,thb, rUI,ll.bolt rlfl!e, was developed ,i:Uld, :mu·od:uee:d, 'by the Dan'st Indus.~ri S~:wjlkat~ C()pellha,geB:~, Den'Mirdt and it: was, intended chi,ei1,y ,flOf Da~ions 'with liDl'wtedl :fimaJRcial


o'f the receiver b' serves ,IS, a safety lug. 'Wh He, tbe handle ~s [,00' far

f d #. "# 'Ill.. '"till

'0 war ", ror easy operanen OJ!. ~IUe. r 'I,lje

from ~he sho,ulde r, the bolt 1], as a long guide rib that fan OWl a, slot ru'm, 'the

'" II!.. ·'d ,- 't... ]- .,.

recerver IIi),n,- ge, and ~Q, t operat 10'[1 J~,

smooh .

Tuming the bolt open cocks ~'h.e firing; meehanism - and the extractor withdraws the c~:u·,tddg,e case, Rear'w,lro, motion ,of thle 'bo'mt is stopped

iI!.. am'k'· ;j4.~O- 'II:.. ~t ;f;- - 1(I!'Ii'II..:II lector

II).(Y ,~ Ie:L' dUll a,'Ii.W· n IUO~'.. SdJl'P ;~ n:Q '~J ..... et .,~, ~I

an arrangement shmw,l~r ~,O thar of the h.aJ i ~ n C~] reano ,di,t1 e AJ :iOI :i,i m;] la r to the Cia rcane is the' one-piece :A,rhlg pi:n. with detachable cccking piece and f1ri,n"g pi fill nut. There i ~ no! bel t: sleeve,

The safety ,on r he: ~eft rear of the bolt :us engaged on safe when turned U pw,atd" This ~ ocks both ~he tl ring ,mech Q,1n i sm ~ I1d ID o'~ r, A spr~n,g~~,o,~ded. catch on ~ he S~ ff,ry must ]j e depressed bef ore: tm e saJety ca Dl. be engaged +.

0" s'laggeted-c)o]u:rn'f[ ~:ype~, the .5'rou fIId fixed box 'm t1J,ga,:d me ea n be loaded si ng] y or by usi ng it ·U',.S., ,M:], 903 Spr~~g:fi,~dd clip, '00'1"1 C'atl''s with 'poru nted bul lets Wit}ed properly.

M,ou nted ,0 n the rear .0 (" the 2. J ~ ~~, b,af'-' rel is 'a tangent type aperture rear sight, l~ has ,bJ hrrg,~. w~,:n.d~g,~' 'knob 'with micromerer click ,~d j US'l ments, a rid elevatlen ~'~ ~djll~s'~a,ble j n I OO-:fnet~'r :i ncremen ts by ,1110'''] ng' the e'l evation sl tde a I on g the ~e'n.:f. A I :t.ha:ugh rnech an icall y satisfactory, th[s si'ght is ~'OOI far forward for an aperture sigh t. 'The well-designed r ro nt s~gh~: h as ~ ~q uare-top b:1 nde iP'.ro~ teceed by a metal heed.

One '0 f the special ,fe~tu res of t~ is ri ~e 'is a. small m uzzle brake w:i th iJj EUJ m be r 0 f round gas pOJ ~:S~ Another special ]-~ah.J lie is a t h i,cJi :ru bber recoil pad 'AJ I ted to th e one-piece waln ur stock. ,A. 1: 'the :fran t' of the fore-end 15 ,8jJ eombination noseeap and bayon,et. lug, Above h is, a, ha'lf .. ~:elt!g~h \vo,od ~lUUIld.,g,1lI a rd.

The M edse n :ri!~ e i ~ w,e:]l made, tel:~ i ab le, and 'r;~[] r~:y accura te, Since, i'~ i 50 not as com rnon as. m,3,ny other mill =a ,t a ry ri H~s~ :I~: ls b ~:gblY' des,i ra ble f,o:r a

collect ion.", '

1 'To fieild~5tr'ip the Mads€'m rUil'e·~ Hft -' b-o'l t he! nd ~ e, pu II bo I't, tl.3) 'wu Illy' to th e rear, ;13 fIi!,d rem ave: .a oy ca,rtri'.djge:s;" :[)e'''', press tr~ggjErr (56) and :51 :Dde !bo ~t assemb~y from receiver,

2. ~~~~PI:ree ca':l:a{~:; ~~~ t1:~~~~~k~

'e:t:ed b ul I et cr a pu nch i' ,~t the 'Sa!lllU~ ti me: push i ng r,eamalird on mag:a~;dne noor-

, '

plate [57), L'i'n out noor~.lIatei ma~a 2Jn~

spri n.g (61} ~ and to I ~ower (162,).., Further d i S~ sS!emb~,y' i 5, not req ul red -for norma I cleaning.

2'3" $,'rgl1t: I ea~

2'4;, ,AIP~;rtu:t.'"€ set 2,5;, A~ert:L1re

:26;, Wi Iii dlag:e :screw Ua nge ,27" fl,8!lnge pin.

:2iSt. 'Wi n,dage ,sc:re:w 2'9., LeesJ bu:s:h i ng 10 ck

sc 'lie w

30" W ~ n.dage seal e

31" 'W ~ ~dla~e; knob [pin 32 W.Lra,oJage, inde:x: 1br.a1~1' 33 W- 'i ~,f'II'5I Ci,a knob

_ ~IIU~~I~ ~ _ v. _

34", I nd:~,x, spri n\l!

:3.5, I ndex SPIt:'hil',8~ ,phj~' ,3,6., Ha:ndg)IJJ€llIrd c l,all'il1:fj' 37, iH:81:ndle:u anj

3,e,. 8,a,rre I

3,9' F'ro'n't t. hOOd, 4Ct Slg:ht pos't

~ 1., S:jg:lrrt po,sf. loc:k sc r,ew 42. !U ppe',' ba rud

4(3. 1I p[~N~r ba n dl ,spr'i rn~: ,44,. ,stock,

P,A:R,"'S: Il,E G Ii: N D

:1" As'semb'l,ed be I t :;2', F'~ring pin nU.l't 3. N"UJt retainer

41" IN ut Ireta' ~ ill ~ r '~pr ~ ng: 5, Nut retai'ner pin

6" Oocki:ng' piece

7. S[de.ty cateh ,pi'n

8. S.afety

'9,. Saf:et,Y catch $pr'~ ~g: ] 0" S ar1et,y' catch

'1I1~ F· . . .

..Ii. '" _ Inlllg 1P'~n sp:nng

1,2., L~n lccking 'seat ]3., Bolt

1. 4" E)!t r.aiclo,r





1 ,,' l.a.. 'l,n

, ~Il



. .. !i'

21.. 22"

,~- ..

,r\ ~c@:~ ~i!!·r

F i I'i Uilg: IP,i n

fb~12l111r :5,ig:ht Ile~rf spri ng S igh't s I ~ de car~Jch leaf sp ri'r:1/2 'ke~ p ~r

,E'" '·I;CJI '1>0. ,II- e' III • ..iI 0, t""!n i'.' n ,Cjil

~ Q Ii IlL. ~~ l'Ul~ ~i:J~11J' ~ '!i 16

S :~ght :s,lid e

8l~\h't I'elad blu.shi'ng

4~. low,e r ba ndl sprl ng 46". !Lowe r' be n d

.a'l" fright ~oC'k i'n,g seat

48. Llo ci~dll'l~ seat se r-ew (,2)

49. so,

51.. 5,2. 53. 54. 5,5,

56,. 51. 58,. 5,9.,

f'ron't guard scr!ew Sea! r :S;~:H·~' ng' EjlecbJ r J bOI~ t stop Sea,r

Seat pin

IEj ector spri IiIg '1 r~,gg:er p:~ n T'~'lge:er

'Maga!:l::ii n'El noo rp'~a;~e iF'! o~o.[f:p~ ate ca,tcl1

F loorp I,ate: caJ'tch s,prin\g

f'I,oor~])illa te c:atch ~:u ~ de b lLI:sn hl~,

'l.iil,!!!,,,,,!!! "J",-:.-r; I!l; e'p""I· ii'ril~ ,~VUae,a~;:L11 ~ I:"'" a. . I, 1111f:j.

M aga,z:i me '~'O I ,~awe r' 'R:~la:r ,gua rd st!ie-W 'lr~:eger gU,l;lu·d


~: .... 04 ..

63. 164-.

3 '1'0 strl pi Ibo~ t assemb ~Y'~, pu ~ I: rea ma rd ,.! on fi'ri'ng pin nut 1[2l. and rotate 'fk~ng

mschs n i sm ~ tu rn t'OI the I,!:ft Th is hJwers the fkhl1g: pin n,fl) and IreHwes mo,st of ttl e 'tens ion ern 'fiir i ng: pi fl spri ng: (11 J, D,ep!r,e$;s firh~g: pin nut retainer (3)~, and unscrew 'f ~ri ng pin Ii1I ut, IR,emov,e cneki II1.g !p i ISH';@' 1[6,) 'to, re'alr,.

4 G'raJsp s,alfe~y (8] f~'rmh~' :81nd rotate

'~h tu 1f'1l1 to a ,II lgn tt w'i'th bo It r'i'b.. 1.1 fie ca,uUon~ as s2l~'e"~y '~:s' under s ~)irmng tenslen, lEase s~lfety lout to the. - rear, 311i1d re move' nr'~ ng p. i n (16) and 'fi.ri ng p:~in ,$,pr,lIttg',

5 'fo renl)QVe ,ex~t~,cto'r' :f14~~ p'ialoe. :a '- sma ~ I sc r.e.wdr~ ver b 8neath lextract-Oir C,li81W ,ana sp,d ng the:,or outwalrd umt'~ I H$ ~,~g, is fr:ee, of r~taj n i I"Ilg hc h!, :~ n roo ~t, TI'iu~'n pw;t e'xtractof' forwa rd out: IO'~ bo ~t, 'R~e;91ssE!'m bill!! 'I n reveiffle. I In do'~:ng SOl" st: r!EW Oif:l' '~irrri ng' pi riI In lilt a,s 'f,a r as, it w'i III !Ga, a nd 'then b'H:~~ off' 5 I mghtt)' 'tn @ngag~' one of ~ltS: notches wUh ffr:ilng, pin nut: Ireta 1:lIln~!r. •

MAN .. " N'LI'C-"-HEIR

_\ '- ..' ...• .•.. .._: . . .. .__/ " .... ·····..1 II, _ -

·S·.· •• ·.··-C·· .. ·.····,'H'·iIO· ... ,EI:N,;-cA······.····U r ·E\-!R:' -:'

.. c. __ . ",', >' ,-- - ,--' - .. '. _-" , I _- . I.. _." , . '.... .,," "" '''"

RI-F -~'L-' E"

, 1'_", .. ,:_, _ I ;.':



.~~~ - ~I

. .


I NI 900 tile A~~allA.rJll!l ,FacWry of S,teyr.!I .Austrull,jl ,~nlyoduc:ed a, Mann-

, "

']-"-L -, b ], .~; ._- . '·~I ,.~'IL., .. 1 ·tv - '.

rener .:Q ;t...;~el!l;!!!J);U nne W.~!I.!u S'pOO\L'-I~'J ,P e

:ro:~a[y' m~;\I9lziiD.~ perfeeted by' ,Quo

_~ .... ,'l-i"'" i5ii"" -:!i1"'lii!Ii,if'!'_ d' ,i',iIi",ii!i; .... ~';i"i;r of tb,a'if.· ~r' m-' ,- 'I'D

~\L~u wWJ.j[lU,~~iI:" _ _,_J..IIl ~\r.Lfu", U,·~. lCAlil.! I:~- - 'Il __

:190~ Greece adoptled a :miHt:a;ry :dfl.e ,O\f 'tlhis, pa,tter.D in, cal. ,6~S' mm, In tbat same year Ol,e, Stey,r firm. !offered, a ~.p-flrti:Dg ca:r'bine, eham bered for.' the same cart- 1I!'~,,A,a,Il!!i.~lDrI!!'l' :1JIIii'i!!i'+a~ e:.~ ,S,~·~,~, m-:- m ,- .M··,: I ann-

.~"~yl=~tJi y~{ = ..... }~Ia.~U ~J.t.!t. liA.~l ~ _ ~ _

Hcl1,er:,.,Sc'h,oenaooi['" (This ca:rtr·ldlge: 'was

.~ '1- = I 'k.-' : '~~- '0 -- '~!. ~'~L,iCio t:;. ,"' ..... oC"3:' 'm'-- ,'----:--, M':"" S·:' iI3,;:;, a~so ,~, DOwn as I~~¥ v. l ~ .:_ .:_m" !:'_ ..• ' A '!Ii!j,;;li

1t was Austrian p([i~,eU,ce. to denote calibe:[' by bu:net dlameter rather than bore

d- ~ am eter ).. T~'~ if" -'J ~.c mm "M'if'Ii,..:II~l

.w~ ' ..... ~,'".. "I!!A'!§o' I"",-,a" U'.,.,jI' .~.LII! u ." ,,' "",11..1'1;.,'\1.

1903 cerbine -iW,aJS lle,· furnishedl.

'.,i.-.1.. "17 1" ba . . '1- '~h'~ - '-h' ' de ·'h·' , ' '.

Wluil). ", ,.,:I,i[i."e_11 W .. IC~, ,m:rl!_e IL e ar,m

'bath. mi;g'ht and. ,tom,}:utot The mODg cal,

,1;, M£ ~'II'1II'!i, :b: fi'~;UIlil;,t~, penetrated well !Ji'TJI:d- "~~~ {D.J .uu.LU~ .. Iy $\.r'. _~ ," ~,u,~. _ ~IJ5iUJ __ ~ ~u· ... j]~

Parts Leg1e'nd, I. ~J~c:tor- serew 2., E]ec,t,o~'

s, B,o~~ .~ead. ,4., Extractor' j',., Fi,r.tng 'ph~l:

6 F,,·~,- c ¥.~'~ ~. ,Iii .' ,I nIl.b' 1"'(IU .... ,~, .. --;lIIb·

"}'., Bo~~~ ,~t:i;jpIr'ed -

8;. Safe,ty c~reli ,sluimg ~. SaJfety ,cal~h .

"iIIlll'llj 1 ........... t'!"I .. '·L'1I'!i p' ,"1·I'i~"'~

J, UtI! ~u'Wt.~ "11'1= r' ,~~~

Ii,. r.wnlDg :~wn 'I]IIU 12. :Bo:~m:, 3;5~e.mib~~d :13., :Bon stlOpI

14,. 'Bo"rnt ~~Q'PI s<pdng ts, :BoU ~to:p phI 16, 1te~r si~g)ht~

11 co 'Ba:r'J",eil, and reeelver '1 S,., Front ,sight

~:9", iCa;rtridg~e SbJ'p ~crew' 20~ Cartn.~:e: s:~o'p ~~(nng 2.1", CaJr.tF.~dgle stop

21,. B{);lt t:ensa:on sp:rirng'

;2,:1. Sear -

2/4,. Se~.f s-prrnmg

25m S'tar ,cluTier

2.6. Sear pi:~liJSj (l)

2:1.. T:r]l~er connectien 2~1. M a~;iZ;lnle fono--we[ 29. M:~gttzine; box

'3,CL ~loo[pla:tle: ~:pdng :r·~;~ain,e,i' 3.1., Rear m Ig:azUle· 'bell1mlg' 3:2., :Mra,guI~e s,prill,g'

;; 31,. Front mill!iaz;i"'fl.'~ bea'lr[ '34. Carbine ,sto(;:k

,3,5., f'of;'e;...:end. C~.p

'~6., F,are,. end cap serew 31'.. F'iU'liUin:t. ~wwvel Slc;re'\1! 3,8., Fr,ItlIl,'I. :swi.WI~l

39. F:ro:_n:t I'elCe:~1I'"J~r ,$ClIl\e,W 40.. F~O(HPh~lit,e: sprilU1

4 L :f']OtJ.rp~~,~~ .

4,2.. Set irrnl!'C,T' ,m;8Jill~pr;'[I\g :scr-ew ,43., Set tligg,er ,mai~ nspri Hg

,44~, S~,t t:r~:~ge:l' 'tH)u:~d'Hg

4::1. Se~ tr.i:gger sear spri"li,g

,4.,6~. Trigg@:r p:i nil' [D"'Cl:,a'lr

,4,'7 ~ T.rigg,e:r pin,]! frornl

,4~. Y:r:igger 8 ea i1t'

49', 'Front tr~ger

!n:t Rear t:rigger

5: W, Adjusti'rn:iJ,g screw 52. 'Yrl!g:ef guard

5'3. 'Tdgg,er gll~]ld. SC·rew 54. R"e'at' r.,ecew\i'e,r :screw'

UUle ModeW, 1903 [carbIne W&S ,at one ~:~me used. by I£x.p.e.rilenrced. :bunten, fur la,'ti:llg th~,c.k-$ki'DJm,ed Mrw, game UPI COr and. in,eluding elephant,

n :19'.05 the Sterf' nr,m offefied, 'the M'odeW, 190.5 'MamnUcl]l,er .. Scnoeoa,uer [iHe in cal. 9'x5,6 mm, M·,. S.

The Mod"el m 908 Man'D.licher~choe=, nauer rinJe, in cal, ~!b;:SI6 mm. M~ S., (or ,Et2~5 6 mm, . S.) was Introduced in 1908" 'i-he M'[od~l 1910 chambered. for the 9. 5xS7 mDl~ :M~S~ 'cartridge 'WQ the ina,~. ,moddl offer,e.d prior t,o Wormd Waf' ]~

Following 'Wo,rld 'War' I the Ma'Dll,,~ither'-Schroerna;uer ,~ifte and rcaFbim'; were cffered in several IlJJdd~tional calibers I ~p.,cluding: ,.30-506;" 7x.5i mm, Mauser ~ ?x64 mJIl,. Brenneke, 8\x!60 mm, M,ESluser ~l St3x62 mm, Mauser f. and 1. O. 7 Sxl(i,g mm, MatlSer,..he M;anm1ic'her~choenauer actlens were also pnrehased by ether Buropean ;Iud :EnglWsh a:[ms makers for Use m buildiq; sporting' l"iJles,

1~· _ Mi;:nlIlUchcr .. Scboenl,uer .maga:ii:lles can _ be 'U nloaded by ,op'enlng the bolt ,( 12)[ ~JLnd, them rde,p:r,e$8i~lilg, ~be ,.artdds,e stop (2 '[) ~, or ~ y r~mo,ving the magazine assernbly. To r<emoVe the :magazffine assentb~y~! insert a eartr:id,ge point into the fro:ohole 'I n the 8.oolJlPrna:te. (41), '" Depress 'the t1oQlPis.te .sp"d»g (40). aud rotate th platUDtU it ~s :free of ehe undercuts in the receive.r ~I ~:'~e.;11 lift cut 'the, ,~.ssemlb~y





4 To rem ove the, bolt (' 2)! 'p~:d:~ H, to 'J Ute rear and depress, lh .. e bott s~op (,] 3 ) '.

-Tc d[sassem'b~e ~,h,e !bo~t<i first i,ota't- 'tlbe coc'k:i'"ng p·;iece ( 10) unttl it SDBpS aU. the way fo,rwa:rd and, iir.[i,~: phi iPJ.'tot:rude:s, ir,om the bol~: 'face,. Then deJJ)Jles :safiety [ca,tt:h (91) IS show,n, :Bind turD _ tb"e fi[r.LIl,g 'pin 1l'1J't (':~ 1) cQun.t,erclrOck·w~e 90'" DIIU~. E'I 't]Jn][Q(;ks. , ·ase rO'O:' (h,e 'fii[~!; :p[n :D~lJ.t and rCIOCkii[Jlg p.:"ece w.~fh ithe :Si:fet.y caleB

In l'929' the Stey, __ - firm mer,gled with Daunler-Pueh, a Isrge automobile :ma:o"" ufacturer, he firm mime, 'tben became S~eyr-D[a:lmlet:=Puch~1 A, G.,

F,l'.[r{ldu,ctioD 0:1 these r.Ul's's. 'WiS dIs = rCO([lftinued dU[~.fi8 'Wo.rld 'W'8'f [1 and W,2S, not resumed until 19 SO. ];n that 'ye,u S~ey,r-D·,aim~er'-·P'uc'bl A~ 0" resumed m:im:'[~ed pliO duc'tj,rOD of sport lng rifles. There. were 00 e. design changes

in '''1111.. Il!io po," ,t-W"!il" rift·, Q~ '""'0 ad ditiona l

(~-~ 1l:..!L!IJ~ ,"' - ',' m ,,' !W'. ,n._ 1;;aJ·. 1L!Il. ",11..1. _;

pivoted side ,saf[ety was ~dd.[ed, and boJ·t, ~l andle was altered to pJov'idle clearance under lew-mounted scope sig'hts" Also, a flat surface was :milled on :Weft side. ,of reeei ver to' accept scope. 01,0.0.01 'bases, A d.u.m-my· side' plate was, furnished to fin th is cut when stope mount base was not ,8. nached, Callbel's ·ofIe.n=d. Dim :1.9150 illc~lIl1ded 6, .. ,5. x5'4L mm, M:~ 81.], ,,257 Roberts I .,;- ~O 'Win c:bestef , 'and .3,~'06 ..

In succeed ing yean ether ca.UlDer,s, have been, offered i:nciudiIJS: 6,.,5')[,6[8 mm., !8,x.6·8.S~ ,.243, 'Wfu'u:;'hres~,er~, • .308

2 Tbe ,magazin; asse-m,bly should! 'be , a,od. j igiu.~y oned - 'from ,to ~ i me, Te remo,v'e.' the. foUtnveir' I( 28),~ use I, t hln punch 'to dlep:re-as. the rear magazine. b{2[i.og (:31) O~' f'ro:nt mag,a:Z;~De bearing f]13 )'., When b ~adng b~ de a rn"' o:~ its seat. lif~ out the fQ~~ow,er~ At I~'h~s :pol~.t the foUo'We~r still 'OO;(i,'[ ins th·' front and re3L'F." bearings a dl tile,e ;8' ;,ring f5l)

5 Aft~r' the coc~kio~ p!~e~e ,~e;mib~, has been r ,may~dl~ tbe. finng ',wn (S)' and pin .sp:rwog (6) can be n . moved., Rememiber tbe lrin~: pin is under be-IVY spr.i:pg prdSUre." ·tb,e]'\~fQre :holdl, the ibt91t head. tig'bl 'WWmell tum'ing It filS shown.. A.~igD 'tn€, ej'ecllto,r (.2) with. the :rib 0:11 d:r lbo~~ mid ease· '01: ttire: bolt be'ad (3)

Wi'Ocbest~r ... 1i64 Wio[chest'er Mapum, .2 S 7' 'W'eatberi1b1y MaIDUm~ ,,:33 B WiD .. chester M'- ',~[ enum and ·,458 W<c::m·:. eb ester

_ ¥~ '"'~ I ~~ ~, _,_ •• '¥ v ,I!¥ ,

M·;ag;O'tl'm., The bolt b.andle 0'11 current models is bent 'back to plaee rend, Io'f b olt hand Ie as close ras, p08,s,nJle to[ dIe tr~B'I~r., The stock, has, been ex~e]ltsw,vet· modlemi!ed from the origin aJ], 8ty:1'e~

Through, ~h~. y'ea:irs. '~o:tb roll and halfstock models have, been offered, and 'the ,pU'~chuer has had a" choice of' ;!d:n.gme :tr[gg,er er dou.'ble,,.,set" Some models have been, available 'W lfh '~ake .. , down feature, ] t ,E s important to mote ,- hat the ear -;idg~e pbrtfoim. I( mal~lne follower) ,m the S'Cho~aUrer' lota:ry mag,azine ,ws 'mIDed to, ,ac~o,JDmcdate a speelfie ca:[, CO[lvlef,siOD of these :r~fi[es to another [cartridge almosit alw,2!l'y.s requires su'bst~t'Yltio~ of the proper cartridge platfo'rm.. 1"11 'Ems f!espeot the Sehoenauer magazine 5j,yst,e,m is not neady as t1exiblie, as tllat of' the ,Ma1'dsel!'

"Ii b '.

,$ aJ,iJ;geIed-COw'umll ox magazme ..

3.' ;', [, "T' ,o;,'L, .. '. d

,0 rem,c'·" ' UJ': m,a~az~ne sp(["l[Ig _.~

:mrua:gazi:oeo foUo'Weltt' '~elrimgs~J use the 'magaztmi,e 'b Q'X (19)1 as a 'WI· ach, IlSlL1:rt the '[I,pe ledl :magazJue. be.ari.~s: (~33) :im.rt;gl the Dowh ,aBLd 'Wm the foUower as :5IiIO,W,11[t a'nd tJJe, bearing 'WiU ulJ'loek U'OID the i·ol,~. lower IDd can !be pulledl c,ut with 'the magazimLe sprinS' and. rear heft "DS

6 To 'ire~lace. 'too :fiI~]l[8 :P~II, Ms>e:mbl:,', - Wnse:rt the :pw. (S) and. sprimg ,( is) mto.! the bolt, P~n (h,e bo~~, held. (l) ove:li.' the ,6rilln~' :p:i [OJ ;a~d push, the '~o~t head m,to ~:be ll()'rn~:~ nil~Dg up the eieetor ('2;) 'w:itb, tb~. rib Oli 't!be boU. Then 'tl1m the, ejeetorr.' ru.80o,

, " ,,-,., Ii .... - b- .1,t ,.1.. ~I- , .. " 1[',~·~.. . " .,',

opposu~ l!..l.~,e IOl~ ,!['l.0[. ]l,lJ,e 'OOCLLmlg P', ce

,can b ~ reassembled !by :revening ,step ,4, 1.1


71 ~1- j [8···· ····1 4 .r ··

_ _i.' [-1-





,PSIIri:S Lel.lel d! 1.; Ejectc:r'

2~ Boi:t hea1dl .;3,. EXtmle,to~f 4.. Fiil ru'ng pi~ n

.$,. F~ rhlg ph~1 spdn~: !6 Bo,~'t. bod~'

'1', R,letaine~r' pln 8 Bolt sto~,

9. Be I'~:;p SC:f\9'W' 10.. Cocki:ng piece 11. fir'if1g pin nut 12., Saiezy catc!1h

:1.3., Si!lrfeity cab;h sprl ng. '14~ Rta r g~1lI r1cl screw

15., CUlJwff sprl n,g' ,SCf,ew :16., C'ut()ff spri ng

:m ]',. Ctlt'off ~ieifer

IS. Qillrtrildige ~'i'fiter de 00 n ,t, ] g,. Detent il1~ita i:ner SCirew ,2.0. Ca rtr'idlge stop pi n

,2 L cairtt:~dge stQ~

2,2.. Balir-tl! I and W1ricewver :2'3. M;ag:a,:c:i'lne tube,

2.4. [Map zi;,rHe $,pnhlg 25. IMaga zi ne' fbi ~~er' 2~6., Ca rtrh:1gle I ~:fte,r

:27'., Ca rtr~:d8,e I ]fte~r hi "ge 28~ H ~ ~ge ~'ock SCf~W'

,29" Slea f' hi nge pin

30., Olldorff tam.


-> ,~

.. ..


. .

'.'" :Ial



. -, I

1 ... , I

T··HB; name of Mauser has laID\g' been

'-['11 ~ !!II ",.1 . _",1 j ." .; •. -.' : .. '. .' .': . II • ~'l I: I 'I' _. _ I. 'J

. Ide:lJlltmed W,ltb. German flrearms, It

- L '~'... 1 '07 - L, ," .,

:~~a;[lted. l!!,;.!'ac.~ fn : 0.,·1 w.u,6:n the Pmssian

A· rmv -:!i1~Of'iip'iI'.GI'A the cal '1" 'iI 'lI"'ri'I'fi'lI' M::· 'od'~]

1~.1 u 'rJ Ii;ljUrV lJl!iil'UI Dw 'W~-~, , L ~~.:.LJlIIl .' _.'¥_,

7'1 ,si:fi:gle~sho[ rUil'e., It was. ,ID immediate

,. . d 'm.. .,

success smee It use' ,I. !Ura8S, ODe in

lieu of. tt.,e eld pa,e-r"co:v!el'ed. 'D1eed!ru,egun Ic:a'~~ridlem

- Wbe,D '~rre need UOO~ for a, m,arpz.1rn.e~ed w~apon,~ M~ll!e.r Sftru 'bmwUed his de-

• 'L ~ 1:." bi A L 'M AI '1 l' '1 b 'lt

fUgn. eomnmea '~~~ ,"".Io~e" T. ,._co._~

8y,~~,~n'). and the 'Wlll,cb.e~ter,-'[y~e tube £.' ",' d T-L.- tube ~[~Id,', ,8 'i'i'''','I'II1 - ...11~~ ~i'f ene

l.1e.e ,,. . ,ue '!l,.U e: l!1J,e.!!" .. J!!. II,,;! ~nu~~.~ lUI i!o;o

round was placed in the chamber and another en ~lle cart[iage ,]:rufmr~, 'the dfle tben became a 1 O-.s'il:ot fe,peata'~

Wh\f;rL the M,ode:~, 71/8~ was accepted by ~he, German armed. forces, producticn \V~ instituted on a :rc,yalty basis

th ls Amb

. l "~', . ",: .' -. - I . I . II" . "1 ,. _:_ I' I. - I " ,', -- ( __::. _. -'::' "

,at _ e goYi5:nment ~r:~na ,~t ,,' , .. erg"

S:pacda:u,,, a:rid ErfUlr~. The M:3:use:r firm, manufactured 'very f,ew rifles .of this me del. :By 1887 the ennre German Army had been armed 'with 'the repeati l1~, rifle, lB,'ll.t the success ,o,r the, big-

t.., ..... ii"'a, ,j!!j\UIf'Io -W· . ,,!.lIe- short lived T 11,.., oI!!ii, mvention

Uv,W,v ~1!i.lJL11 .. ~~l ~ .. gllJ.. ,~-~'I.P.'_'W . ,l~~ .t_~.I,Y.~lL_~ lUJl1~1

j)f smokeless powder made it ebsolete, and the gu.n was e,vemt!l!].a'Uy replaced 'b:y

,.,iib..'1!!> ':""'0' ~,,"!:~I ~ (;I, " - -"" '1- 'iQ, -'.'-

ILia ..... ,ILYA" YII::,i,II:, '0'0 111 C,Ei ,. '!O' mm ..

I!'1FL J!:I, M:- -liffl; ~ ~;t' "'iIi'~: /·',°'4' '1Il',~IJl'l~a]tID~d ~1ii Serv-

~,LILlfkil ~ ,IYlUCJ :J lL._ Do ~~_ ~ __ . _ .!I.£J.1 __ ~

,. ~ "1.., '. 'iL" B

~cle ~ong enougn '['0 see use ]'1] tne :. oxer

. -

Rebe]HolJ l'DJ 1900"'-190[., W.ll!en World

War I broke out, ;SQm~ u,mruts~ o'f Jaeger 'tt(N)~$ aJ.S:, 'weU as Colonial t[OOPS, in 'Bast Af~wCl;a; were still armed! with the old weapon S-om,€,;: even turned 'Up in ~~!e bands. of' the Vel kssturm dur~illg 'W orld Wal"' II.,

The Model? 1/[84 .ws, 'I simple, :rn:.l,gged arm, The massive lo,pera.'t~nig parts. were designed for hard 'use, and iOing: service, 'To, 'load the ,glWfi~ open the, bolt, and 'push, the cU.tC.dI to the rear. The eartridge lifter can then ~e depressed and

~, • ...:I! fd'· '!Il,.. ~

t UJe ,can:n,uges e~ mto tne magaz]'Il1;e

tube. The bolt does nor have, the forward Roc'tin,g lugs; that. made later Man ..

- -" '-L. 'Ii:.., •

sers so fAmous.. Ims,teld~ tne Ivj'O~:t is

,locked by the massive rib '00 whic'b, the bolt. handle il:j atraehed. 'The 'saf:e~.]{ catch arrangemeet us-ed, 010 this gulll w,~s. earried down ''Ww'tlh ]j~Ue change to all l~t'er

M· '-W" Ilk it i t;" " '1 *-'11;. ifb

,9i;U;Slen.\,wlJ,e,n 1'. JJ ~,~c.m,g Jert, t e ,gull

is :reaJdy' to fire., 'Wbe;rn, I~JUF.fled to the :dg'h'lJ l't locks tb~ ftdng ,mee'b;amsm and rth-e bolt, The gun Js equipp ed with iaJ. cOl,toft which allawg, tbe full magazine

.t..... ''11...- 'h ··;,iiI[1 ,'".. ,", ." - 'i('i'.,L .''110. ''';:''.0 01 'Ii'i'rjl ~'IZI' L'!U 1!U·e " ew. ,m. teSe:liVe: ''ff ~:dl'" ~U'".., ,~iULlI: .~..:!I'

operated 8.S a. !ED,gIMh,Ot 'weapo(i'l.

1', The first S1epi in the ",.moviJ!l O'f t1Jlu:e ,Mauger "~ /84 boW,t' s to, IDooren the boll Sl.~,p sc[ew: (9)1~ Th]S w:[rurn. ,amiQW the :roQd wuhe1'·:llte bom~ ,strop! (5:)1 no, move 'UJ,:;,wBll'd .. and c~.ear the receiver bridge .. DQ' lI.ot 'try to. r move tbe ·bo'~t. sto,p SCl· :V/'., ~ eannot 'be: removed 'i1Jwdess. 't~e retainer pin. (1) 1s, kmocked OIUt and, 'this, is, [,aiel'y' ll,e~ es'Sa1"Y ~ TheiJ. push the. Icutoff lev-err' f 17)1 all the w,ay forw'8,rdL

2 Thm. 'the \V·e.a~oD. on its: s~de te :keep - tbe bolt g,top I( 8. ) f.y,tlm :fallmg iback ,0.11 the lbok and prev,e.l1tling :~ts· 'lfrunovll. Push 'the lever (: 11) bBlCk about va ~Y' 01' ~noil;!ligh 'to cam 'the CU~O:' S',Pring 'taWll. (US) out o~fthe .paJtllIQdI the: bo~t. FuJI bolt to rENU7 and. OU~ of goa. ))0' ~ot,~ or elese the bolt vi.oWen:t1y wJle'n the lYtlJshm'~ 'ire bolt s~op . s ~o.oS'e as the '~Becro\[ will baUer Ith·e p o,I1.[,on (lIf tDe IC'UEa:jf splJimg that. proitl:udes tm'ou,gh the. teceilv·er ..

3 !~I WSUI.:· embJ.e m.e ~olt.~, '~e ~ect,or (1 )1 must b e. :n:roDved~ Th~s C~. be l£i'ted Q,ff c,.Mdly dooe it b anim., held on 'rb, a, ibJalf=.Mo·on s:p,rimg,,, N~xf. ~U.[1'i, the Ic:ook" . g lliece· (l 0) :a;ssem:bly iUnti~ the. ccc·ki.q ,lPl~e C3:m. drops i[IIto :its. cam ,8!1oove 0.]) the bolt (01)., Th~ll plusb do,w.o, the. s atetf catch (:m, 2) as .sh'OWWl uDtil it is, fT.'~~ of the 'n,otoo j:q dle firin,~' :piDl nu.t. ( 1 )"' S'(~.rew' Uu: 'fub'ug pm 'DitJj~ of: !the ih':LiW1g :pln and. :remo'li/e 'the !oocti.rng piece",

4 0'" .f..1-.' ': ',.... b" bee "} '. red

: I1C~ LU.e leJec~,?r . M .: ,ee.~ .. rem~., :-

I tffille hOI I head (2) , be d[s.usemb~ed,

: .' gam ess ,of w])rd ;Ler: the firing pIml nut i~:

OJi1il or 'off. The :·ol~ :bead is i,e;tahle(i, by a lug' at e~gag~ in 'tbe. rib ,OIl '[the bolt, ~iO remove the bO~1 "ea~~ sim,P~Y turn it rCruock=· \ltifsle wttm. the :W!lIJI is f~ee, ·[[hen pun t!be holt head out Ii the 'Iring, ~.. nul (' m 1 ) has been rem.ovedi! the bOllt ~eaJd. must IDe pumed toward 'the bO:: w'bjle 'tUf,niD,g I since tb,e. mead wiU 'be under ,~e.a'V~y sprim.g pres sure as SlOO']1, as 't~e 1'0\ " clean 'tmare holt rib,

5 The.: ~~mldsr, must be ~mO!Jed. f!Ol, ,~[S~ _ usemb]e tile gun. The f 'Oat baud (:~6) ~s r,etamed.~y a Ctn"Q;SS kJ'~Y (37)1" llu; kJ~y Is [~, itllm retained by a, look sCwew [(38:)., Therefore, rem.OVl~ the lock SCie'tl," ;and OJ ~'ve rbe ke:y out. The m,ii,IBzme., tlube can ' - e puUed. IOU~ when th~ :k~y is ];"eIDoved"

6: ·.·.'1 DUliculy will ,SOime.:times be encouatered wh.en, Ie:plaein.g the :m~ga.iin,

tube, ,If SO~ ithe cartriGlge :Wnle~' (26) and. push the fenUo-wer fOFW,ud w,e:U'uto the magaelne tube mltlJ dle., ntde finger. At tbe same lI:i:me push 'tho magaJ.z~~~ tube intc ,~ts: seat i:~ Ute rec.em.'Vltt or 'tie: a stdllg 'to fll :!piece ,of lal and stuff it :liIiiIJ tb·e tuibe 'tD ,bol]d. he. ,magaz; ne; fo.]]owe:r (,25) a:nd. ,spring a.sSlOOIbly a short d'i~an'c~ do'Wll the tu!be" -The iinag·il~ine ~ube, can then. be, ea.s[[y :reassembmed .m~o ~b sea;t :~1Iill (h~ .il~~,ve;r and ~,he rag puUe.d o~tfn!em~: the .!magazine foUow,a,", [

If2'Ziftnte'd ,the' Ch'll,sJf':iJorJ need l:eg:Ii:1:1

1J'or.n:-M ul:;.,lg~, .F I'{Nic.,e" 18.93' Dfed~P;(I:r,i:s,. 1'9'0'5

)\, N'1'OlN'JE;\LPH'IO.NSE ,CU.i\SS:EPOIT n \~ as, 'bC?IU and reared as ,n gUi'~1.-' maker, His father was an armorer mt' l\'~'[J.tzig" and the :yo~g:ell Chassepot [~rly. _ d~c.!ded_ to, :foUo\V' his .. fa !-he~ 's p.rof;e,ss]on. At 23 ]1J.e. was s.uffic]em.t~v

sk:~] led. to ob tain work in ;It-h,e gO!\ ;e"n1~~~e:n t arms fa:CbJry at 'M tl'tzi'g,~, where he made sU'cb an outstanding record tha't· he was fran sfe rI'OO to ti1,e' central ~·~fl]S. :pla,nf' illn Paris lldt1tin 2 years,

Thii!!Mr"~ 1 ., . kl b . direct

t.,l \.- re quie ;·,l,V '. eeame rrec nr

of the fa.c.roll"}' and Controller ,of • ··'01ilS :fa~ file nation,

iii' h"'] 'ilL. 'L+"

. ..w.,. lW5 W _ 'l e ne was \:v0,g· m

P~:r.~s. .nH~r ,~:Cba.,ss~ot.. be~g9ln. h~s s:

eenm 'en+-t:llon, ~I~ ''''~,e' desizn m.ii"ir 18 .. 6 ...

,r-!hiP -_ . [tAli. ~:. ~!LL ~.lll .~ J.~J . ~~ 'b~1.1J'1! 1IL,~..... "'!'!if

be inven ted ~h ~s 6rst b:reech~ lu~d lng'

• 'J:lIj I -

percussion nY:~,. rr was a good arm,

but llC.\"I~I became popular, pit(jba'bly because the percussion 'SYs' 'CUt, was (lin the: 'lVIY out, Three J'C~:rS later ~11 1866 be develcped 11 is f~U1_lIOJLtS b eeeh- ioadim.g bolt-ection necdlegun whi,ch took a center-primed paper I cartridge, TIle new 'rifi,e' was an im-

:me~ia te .sUC~:S~1_ ·~.e~rJJ~,~d?pted ~Y the

r.eWlch Army as the 'b, ~oa.ei II 866. It

W·~S th e first breech-loader used by the French AImy~ and the Sys:b~ll1 'was: a.d!opte.d .{'OI' caibi:lles. and, 'D;lru;te'toons as well as for ri£i,es .. In 1,874 it 'was modi 6_ed by Gras 'tOI 'take is! 'lll>e'taUic cartr.~dge: and continued. in use until St1:ppj1a nted by the Lebel :hw 18.86,. The SalXOil1 jf\ nny also adopted the 5:1'sten. :~n _ 187~' (cap;tured arms f'lrlonl Franee-Frassian W,ar con verted to handle ill 1. mID..:Jlanser cartridge J ..

ilL'" 'i11. .' ~ • C!1L '

l!r'.or J(;,1']S Ull',en.ho.m. '.'. "iI1.i35:sepot re-

ceived the C10,$ o.f ,the Legion of

'H_:.' . 'j·i",·i'i~· 'III 'B' " 6:· 6" . ' .. ,.-... ',- .' id .1'" 'L,: '.

.. <OJ!.IlV~ ]D .J:. _ ..... , " e :re:In~1L~:me. ll, rwJ S!

'[db in the arm 8 ,b,ctO(ty 'ibut seems to 'ill". db' i' ~i "II~ ul\ e eeaser " .I_~S ~P:'enm,entalL '\M,or~

ilUcl. gr.,adtrua:Uy d rifte.d in to obsc UTley 1JlJjjJ'tU - h.i$ dealth at: ,the ag,e of 12, .. ~




'. _. F'-' E:

II .

I:N 1 ,8 86 Prance establ ished a prece~· die n.r ,'~I m ,f;"io'lj'llli'l!' '''''k~ '''''',''II il itarv ili10iWe rs 'b· 'ijJ!

_ - - - Ill! ~ I~ iU I UJLIiJ,C II. I ~ - t~!t - - _1L. - J:l J ,[f"" - _- - - . J'

bei ng: the fi rst to ad O;P' [ a smoke lesspowder magazlne rlfle This rifle was

'8" 'h - llesr llb · "-1"

... - I I -.' [-.' -, ". . .. 1'-- - ,- - . . [. •

, rn itl.Th " , t ,e· sma ", est C,~ I. elf tn mil ,~=

k.·· "

~nili'y use at tnat ti me i 'The tn [10V3:=

tions n rom 'lI"I,itl(.i;;,;I 0'1;;~. her r:1 .... 1I·:~011f11'~ 'In strive

_. _ iF""['v.', 11P., .... u ~'~II _, IUIJr[-J.~IIlV~!!!1!Ji V _l~ _

for ffi,mp:rov1ed armament, ::Ui]c! IG'~.r.n:1 ~ny

i' d - ,ii"f:I",m, '''''l' ('Jo ,"'. _. ··.r or" ., ," H' . • .. ,I

,[,LJOp,- lUI a L~' mm, ,rn.a.,g~.:znle nr e ail:l(n,

carbine in :1888"

D1eve:l(lped by the' German Rifle -, esting Cornmlssion :ril~I. Spandnu, near Ber-

-I"' - h 0 C·"'· "M 'I'~

'I ",' ~. . '. ',-' . ~ , ,~.. . I I . ",,'

Ul'~1 t, e . e flt.1l1J:an, '- om,m ~ 58,101111 ,,: O(l,e,

1 :8 Bng t u rn:b om t ltne and ea rn-b:i ne :A:,red th e '1'f;) mm ~ (' also called ,8, mm.) ,Mode:ru 1.888 w~i:n1 less cart W":~dg£, ,loaded whh smokeless power ~uldl ,m, 227~ gr, ['IQU nd .. · nose jacketed bullet, In des~;gm1ng the M:,ode;~ '~, 88:3! i~:ble Conl nd5s,i,;o:n 'u~ed the sep~r[ia'~e. rt(rrn-l'O~ Olry bol,~ h~'a.d :1[ld sC',,!-, era,~ o[be:r' .feat u:res, of I he M ilu:ser M.od-· e:i, ~ 871 :all,d ] 87 :1/84· 0 erma.ri. ,Se,fv ice: r~nes ,[!IjS, weJI. U::;, th·e M,lnnJi,cher iOojl(. m,~gat'~['Jje. ~rl1d. C~ltlri,d,ge C'llp. T:he rvmode'!, :~. 88 B j:s thus. on'~:n ,c,aJ I"ed ~] M ~,Ujse r 8,S.!,

M aJ~ In ~I i""'·ib.,;;;,'Ii'" Q;O. 1 .... 1'· 'M- -:; ... -l'jC;i'!i,Ii\" "M····, [- - ~,~ "",,1L.."e '

• ", __ 11,,1 ,:.."""u .... "~ 0 0:, 'lw!'. ,,~!,~01i"".~ ,_ ,'. {fl,nWl i ,~'!;;oU, r ..

~I"'~h "h' tit·, C'" ." 'M' d ~'

. ," . J . - -\. 1, I . 'I - .~ . ' - -: :-: -. - - -, I .:. '.' -. ,-

a, t. , (] ug_, , tie te :rm " Onll'l1fUSS.IOn ~O e

8' '8 • "M' d c· ~

-.',' '~r:; I 1-:'" ,_ . - -, -:.. .' .. : t.I 'I - . - 1'1' • . -' I

. ' .IS mo fie ,ilC,c~af ,.;l,~[e" _' "ltlSe.r. ~Hl' , M ~ IJn,~

I ~che r 'we·r,€: no t nU;::liIi1be:rs 0 f t he Com,~, nli~'sioni ~:[D,d ,M ~uset Yll~$, dl's~,p,po,j IJJj led that G\erma:m~had ;adop~'ed the' Mode~l :~. 8:8'8 wi~houtt. oonsu'l min 01 ~ ~m

- DI~'m I'~o,pposed ' ~,o~k.i ~g~ I~"f~~.~ ,~t fhe

f'n:Hl't ,o,f "~'he Mod e] ~ gg 8 bo,I~: ~ng,n!,e locki (jig 'shOll i.der:s wn :the [",eee bile m' '['~;ng •.,~ ,gi,ves strong sy,urbm,iet:ri,cai, :Iiae:~ding. A. S:i'l!il'i I ill r a,lrlli,a]l,g'~'m;IS,I],~ i~ used :i n French Lebel: ~ nd B~'n'h jler rin,~'S and ~ mok[e.]Ets;:-t~ powder M·~.use:rr.s. 'T~e Lebel p'r[ecedei(;~ the: M:odel II 888 b~ 'h:vo y[e~u~s a.nd 'was 'l1u:~ 'f] rs'~ s,moke:less=:p o wde. If' d He 'wi t h ,'hig, '[,clC''k:i ng sy~:tt~l1;,

'The, s~ :ngleI.Qo]lJ m fl nOJil=de t ~chab~,e magazi ne Ws. I[o;aded fro 1]1 fh,e 'top 'V:~ th a

CommifsskJIn Mod~'1 1888 earblne, cal. 7' mm" M,iilIlUSi~r'j ,produc1ed in 1.'901 by C. G" Haenel, SuhL, German,Y.,

sheet-steel ell. i,p' oon~arn'lt~ fJlg fi,v,e re u nds,

S' m '~.' d - "[I ter rl

-."'. ._ '. -..:" '. ,iii I" . _ ...... I :. - ., -I -',."

0[11, C I,P ~lrL ' C~U'U''I, "ge~ enter [ 1e, rnaga-

zine, and :[~e e'm,pit.y clip :f.~d ls 'I hrough a hole i:fi rhe :m,!PIiga::d ne :b cnom as the last rou od ]s. 'fed" The: cUp is revers i ble [10 Ineilitate loading, a ,g!li'e€llt ,~ld.vantWge over the. non-revers i ble c~ip~, used In A I!;J.S t: ria 'Ill, :Ma n 1]] i eher st ra ight-pull r[:Re~\.

.A. hea v,'Y eoeki rng, piece that ho Id s the half-turn ,sa:([e~)~ is retal ned on m:he (NlC,-

- ~ .. . '~~j ... " ~,- 'I!.,! ~:. " jj" . '

p]e,oe. ~i,a rLo:g' 'p,~ n IIIJI}, a. JIIJ r Ull.6 pl n, in U r,

Coc k:u fJJ,g oceu rs on u etur n of t he, 'Do I m:

''t.., (li1i _ d "I... • iii '~, ., _:Ii • '~' I

~I.~ln ~,we:~, anc ll]-e· receiver c;;lI:r,j'!!.iI!g,e :IS SIO~l:e('

tor p\ass;a,~e of '[he bolt hand le, The;

heavv ""'.n. .... 1[.. '1 n n In "1 ,1!!1.,...;;;j;, w' ·-··I,fh, ""'1 'f' lib ""'li" "II ,iii,

[ .... ~ l~· ~ I~V~I:r.·I~ til II~ ~'_ ~I'!r~ '" • '_'If. I ~rII 1 .!i.,.~, j' ~_II11~.;-

'[ ached F,es,U1Us :i iIil slow lock time. Also, rhe f,o,rw:~rd posltlon of the bel t handle

· - duci f' • "11

- - -'. .. r ---- . .-. - -.-', I.' I >~ ' .. -. " . - I .' - . I [

~s not. COrL uc~,v'e to ,as;~ uperanon wu

,i;:b, ~ _ • ,0 - ". -,It,. - .ik. I nld ~ , _,

l ne ru ie on. bl,e 5,n'O:IlI.I~, er ,

~I 'I,~ 'II ~'e< I [II'~. ~. fea tl~ III!'~

1!4J,~! ~~II,;l!,y~. ,'~.. ~ II ~

Oln~ cd the mThO [if: ~J l1!luslJlj~,1 fea.[.IL'i ["1e.S o'f the :Mode 1 ] 8,B,8 i:s, a ~hee t· ,~f~te:[ tube h".n.dglll'l.ard ~:hi~t extends fu'll leill1,g;t'h ,of t:ru~ b.a:r,re~l. A:fiI. a i"r :S~~:NlJjOe 'ber[W'ieen, tube ,~U:ld b ~tn~:~ gW've~ a,n :1 nsu'l a:IJ.t hri,g e1iec~ t'O h s'I:p[ ]tllrotect the '~Jse(:s ,hand. :f':r'o m. ba r:re I beat. Th i s n'lJe l ~l h ~ndgu.a:rd :~~ e,asH y de:n.itied and g,en~:r. aJ I y I,'ess, fJffic:ient rn:h~n a w,oo em ,bandg~umrd .

'R m'A.e: ,~,md Ca[[b,IIii1e. ve rSlons :~l're the Sll:n1::IJC' i:~l, action de$,il~ e'x,ce:_p'[ th a~ ~he: r~JI e ], as a hClr~im!nt~ 1 bo'l:~ hand:le wh Ue fh,e ca:rb:i nil' h~s a llll::r,ned:-dow'll '(matt ha[l-' d h~' :fo:]j" m,cn,Ji,ml.t[ed lIse. :le:n,gth ,Q·f d1"e r:i He' ID arre:~ ~s 29' .. 1 '''" The ca[b.i ne. btl'rn~'ru l~ only n '1 JS," I;on.g~ ,and. [.he ,fon~=e nd e~,= tends '~;O t:he Iml'~~zI]e., A ~I~:n.:g rn~, ~u;]ched ~Q t:h,e bo'Uom. of fhe ri tie; ~n d on '~he h~:fr of the c'arhine'.

The n;: i:~ a~so ,~l Mode1 :1 ,B9"~ ~ho:rt r]mc: v,ers~:(nl of Ule :M'odel '1888. In~, h~]1de:dl f~)lr' spec[a] 't roO (l.s it, ,is esse.nt.i.~ I [:y fhe sa:me, a~ Ul~: ,~rodel m S.Sg c~rbin~' blU h a!j, ~l ~,t ~:li1.,g rod on the bot h:nn (If fhs f,o re~=en.d ne a,r £he mUlZ] e,.

'The M:ode~: :I 8 S 8, was plod uced In.

I arge q natndty by Genna n g,ove'f!l Bl,en.~ il rs en i1J ls at Sp'3J:rnd au ~ E rfu rt, Danzig, and ,1\ mbe rgJ by Ludw i g Loewe & ,Co. J

o 'I" ·c ~ H-' = ~ ...iI[ V c[ e' Ill.. ~ 'I ~ ~ .

Del U1, . ,. U'. , ,f;Jje'ne;~, :rwn!;.!1 '. . .' ~Cw I~: ~,:n:1g

:~ I'm Suh I, Oes re rre lchisehe Wa lieu fab rikso esellseh a ft {A.ust [ian ,A.~rn.1S, ICO.J ~ Steyr, Aust ria and also by :Iltm ~ ] n Bel ghlill"ll iam.~ Ch ina, L ud'w:~g :l.oe\¥\e & Co, W1~S, La principal prod ucer, ;;1 mel. 'l urned OI~.:I.t ,4-.2 5 .. 000 _ '(H' dle C e rman gover nme nt .

Although :r,e(:dt];ced as a 'fDrs~-~ine Ger- 11.11,.[111 ,tD, rm in] 89'8 b)r the M ause r Model 1: ,89:8 ri fle,~ ehe Model 18 88 'W',~S, U'Sie:d. exte nsivelY by Ge rmany u'n~j 1 '~:be e nd ef 'Wordd "W ar I, ch i:e:ft y in ~l s ubst it Ulr~,e-, s t and a rd role, AustriH'~ H[~m r:llga,:['y, ·Y'II.'i,gO~ slavin. ,Efh'io.IPj~~'~1 China, uno various Sour h A merican 11 atlo ns also used the ~4Iode1 :1,888., The oflic:i~d Austre-Hunga rian designation for ~hls rw He, Wa'S S mm, Repetiergeweh r M: [ ,;. M af'ly Mod.,lei, I, .888 ~d'll~g: '~'~~ed by C'hi~n,a w,ere; ,eql'ii,pped w:i~:h ~1 woode:n h~l'nd.guaJfd ~nd '~:a,:nge'n t ~ea r s~ gh t T:he M 0 (j,e I :1 888 was ,no~ iexJenslv,e~:~t us~d in Soufh A:me'r[criJ, ,Ac'Co·.rd 1 ng: to :reco:rds o.f the,

A. 'r'liii1<i1.' C' '0-' '~IL.~I"" ~1P'm C' ..... ~'d" I' 4' t'hOt)1 M·· ' .... ..:aii!li'~1

nil [ 1..:iI, I. . "11 ~ ~ ~I~I~ ;Ill ~ , - l' .J.U~J._· ,I I'" _. ~U._ .' ~ =.'.: IU\.JJ,I~,

~. 8,8 8's b'l 'Pe:ru a n:d ,], ~400 :~o :B r:ruzi ~.

S~).me. l\4'[oded :~: ,88 8 s~ 'part i,lcu'huly those ~J sed ltD, Soutth A:n1e:r1cil'l' w'e:re ch,2L:mbe red :[or It"t~e '7' :l1nm,~ M ~u~e r c'!l:rt'r[dge~

P[IOIP u I:a r 5lJ fp'l US

The Mode~!, 18 8,;8 ]~ nOl uncorn :mOfi in ['he' 'U' .S~ s:i l]iCe' thOlt'IS~ull.d:s 'werle ht'[01!9.'~h'l


back b:)~ ue·t urn,i D,g ,soil d ie:rs ,~11 '~:h,~ C]OSle

of W,)'rEd 'W,ar I. ,AJ:$o~ mnn y 'we,re ~old mi, sur., .rv~,ost :s;pec:u 11L1e:ns ,~]r'e: ~ n. :8 OIl rn .. M au~er ca i ibe f., 'Th,o~c· m ~ dc, 'f(~r Ci e'f'fin;ZJJ'ni U s:e b~ti.[' (Ij n ,,~S'.jl on the lieC1e]Vc r

ri':ng. Th,is denotes that the nrnl was nlodi,ne:d 10 ri,:re the 'pohued~bunet S 'V'er~don of ithe' 8 Jrnnl" M·3.'Li1Se'i[' C,~lrlrh.h!.c


~.dopted by Ge:rn.llu'u,), ~~bou'~ 119.0.5.,

D,@s,i'l\e ~b ~s; fiI1Jod,i:t5,c9r~ ~ iiil<:IIDi[, iit l'~ lIiilot 'ad, ..

·V. 5able· t. :be the S I _'~ tib"ldge :in .3 r • ' ·,de·~ 1I18:88·;! as this r.ound, ,gives eonsld- 0.rably high~r.' pressure than the Model 188.8 cartridge with round-nose bullet, Alse tbe bu'Uet of ~he S c artrwdge is; .• 3:2.3~'" d ameter, s.n.ghUy ~arg,e.:r bai:ll the groo'V'e diamete.r of ib.e Me del 18'88 barrel, The proper' ammunition :flor an. S mm.· Madel UJ.8;S is, the 1:888, load with .318z" diameter round-nose bul et, S.po,[trnng versions. of this cartridge were produced ~n Europe un.ti~ recently but

loader, This change was accomplished by 'cuui:o,.g chargee slots in the, receiver and fitting a s,p,ring-lo;], cartridge :r,e .. , 'f.,,c'iill'li'h~'i!tr- 'rib wTIi. the up· 'per p,;a:~~ ,of' the

il.ig,_'~::l: ~ ll~ I [.' ~~ ", •• ~_., _.. • I _ _. •

are no· general! unavailable,

l\ti,IDY , German ModleJ m :88g.-·~ used

during 'World Wa:r. 1. 'v·ere fitted' .' itb a sheet s.te~e.] dust cover lover the. hole in the ·boUo'm. of the magazine A pb.lD,ger and coil SpI in! I Ion. the. inner side [of this cover' eject the' emp~y cUp, throu ab the t,QIP ,o.,f. the magazine ,. ben the clip Iatch ts depressed, A:m,otMr somewhat sbnib.i' mculifj,ca:tio([}, also used a dust cover over

he magazine bottom, but changed the, arm, from, a el in-loader to :a, charger-

:m Igaz~nre ..

'W'e]! designed for its time the ,Model 1 t8 8:·8' won nlaJDY friends because of l~ smooth-working action .. 1 served as the bas'is, ,fbr sev~ia] models 101f, 'Mann'l~che1r tumbolt rifles." the "annUcbe.r-H,ae.neJ s.p.clrt:~ rng rifle, lml,d the MannlicherSchoenauer rifle- and carbine,

4fJ. Fti~ k~weJ' sprl ng


41 ~ C. ~ i'p' latch SC,f:S.w 4.2, M agaii ne fr~)~ lower 43~'S.t coveli'

44. Realr gua rrd :screw 4·5~ lell i p la ';en

45~ Cf i P lateh spwi ng' .41.. B U'Up!1 ate

,,!:it 18 IJlltt~p~late~ ~cr6W (2) 49.. ,As'Semb lied bo~ t

i 1. IFi ri rThg p p'[] 2. Bo~t

1 . .3,,,, R!ear slght ~~:nge

P,A R,TS; lEG E N IlJ 1.. Firing .P~iWl nut ,2,. R·ec-e h/~il!"

3~ Bo It stop pi n 4., So I t, stop

5,· Ek~ ~ t stop sprl ng 6. Sidety

7" S,~deb :s,prmn~' ,~t Cartrid,ge cl~ip '9. Cockiing ,,,Ij'ece

1.0". F i r'i f1g P II n s,prjlng

is, E~tractor 20., BoU head 21. Ejector

2:2\ Barre~ ~acRet 2~ ., Frro·n;t, s'igt1t 2.4.. Ba rrell,

2>5. U1p;~ e'lf' ba nd

25., Up;per [band ,5JC~W 21', :Low~~n' band sprl n.'

,2' c,:". S' ·' .... ck

10_ -: .. !L:v. .. 1 ,

29. lawE:f' be nd

30', 3'1., 3,2m 33~ 34., 3-,., 3,6 ..

37 ..


. iii

lIi:ri~gge~r' g)uard. Se·a_ pin

Sea:1r s[Jri 118 Se.ta

Trigg,e,r pln T'rigger

Fronr[ .gUla rd SC-f'eW D'llS.t cover ;screw F·(j,llow\e.r ax lie SC:flew



S.~',ghrt sprl ng

S'h~ht sprl 1]1 screw If'i.xled ~a,tJlg~ leaf Fixed :ralln,ge II!eaf

16,. :1 i ..


s., Adj u sta b ~e m.:ngle ~:eaf ian d s!~ i'de


'-1 re load the: Mode,~ 18fU3} open :00 I'~:

,I I[ 1 ,2)1 and insert a '~oadeldj' c~rtr:ii~'g:e

c'I:~,pl (oS) in rec:~h/er clip guldss. ,P'f'E!$S ca'r~itJ'i dge,s, d!olw.ra with ttl umo until ,(;:111 i p latch es :~ ~ pll,ace, 'To pr rou lirdl is fed aJlf:1d c'h,,2jnmbe:red as, bol't ls closed, Elilg:age sarr~t" (6], b,Y njltaUnrg :~t a hal i'i hun to t h ~ riilglht. 'To un load, open 100 It a nd catch

d ,'"" I ~ - ~

rOllllrll_ uJ p1lat:Ul,g hand ever reeetver

open ~ ng. Press i rillg the ell p latch 1(45) reIlease's, c I mlP 'Whi'~ch is ej~ct~d u,pwal~·d.

H'Qi'm-' - 0-'''0 i:.. F,; I,:j:;, 11:.,\1 ..lie. nre ssl ~!l:I!' ........ '1 t ,e""-", n 14~ Ii\,~.- :":.-"l~ IU~I,~ lUi- tljJl~,~. ass II;Ps Lj~ _J _: step \1" 1~1

and sl i ding bolt out QT receiver (2}"

4- U rl:scre'W f'ront a nd rea r ,gUla I'd screws '(35j (4.4) ,8 nd remo~e trTgger .g~u'a rd (.3 0:) m Remo~e c:] i p latch screw [4r I,:) '00 fr,ee !C I ~Ip ~Iar~ch 1'-4-0) talnd sp:ri'n~r (.416).. 'Depress maga~~d'ne ~Ql! lowe~r ('42) 'nush w'i'th ,top aT tr'igg~r :g!IilSlrd, ,a mid i nsert ~ wmlre bra d ·thm'UJgllfl_ :ho h~ ~i[n '00 I ~.ower s!p',r~;mg gill i:de '['40),. IR e~mav.·e d ust cove r screw (,3,7) •. I~ lace mooQ·en b~.oek ,ag,a ~'m'U;,t r'!iU' of: d ust eever (43,) anid 5tlri~e shalrj~I~:,li' wi,th ha:m .. mer ~o 1tJ(~a k cWler ~ioolSe.,

2 l'05~~i.p11 ~o It~c.,ho Id ~~ f~r~ I~ _ a ~d Ir~o~

- tate: co c,1k ~ ng ~N 8CIf:!: (9) I! CljIUalrtJelli" tUF1I11

't'C) I eft, Pu III bo I't trilead (20) f;~:rl'\¥aird 10 u~ of bo!1 t. Remo,v\! e;xb~,etor (] 9:) b;y s I i:d hi'lgj't: mma rei and outWilrd from bGlt head~ EJec;~or [2J~' ls reta hled by !~ee:f1lli rAg '~he 00 It heaJd an,d sh(rU ~ d be' n3movi{~d om ~y for repa i r,

3 P lace nose of nrh'n\g pln (1 n alga lnst , a wood, bk~ek il]lnd he ~d dowl1lwa rd on btl I t, [D~press sa'f'e:tJ wi th t:humib! and unsc:re,w 'fmr'i ng: ,pi n nu t ('1.). Elise pressure 10:" ~ol't· and I:lift o,ff s"afei,YI saJfet,Y s~'rilng~ en and co'c~[mg :pi ~jO~~ (9)., Filri nli pin a nd '~jlr~ ~,li1g p:m,n 5jpr:~ ng ,( Hl). come OUit: ·th ro'U\gh front: o,~ :00 lt,

N~Jite:' It Is possible 't,OI Ute this gun wUlhout Une' bolt 'head ~:In~.tal'~,ed" and this would be! dani:er(HJS. Ttl us, Ibe su~e tJhart boilit head :~s hi ,gun dw~i'ng fUri l1,g. CalrtJi]dge IcJ i p 03) 1'S fiI,art ,a part of: the gun, bu~ II'S 'rl€ql~~ili"ed to US!3: m',8\giElI'Dill '!'.

5- - R'@m.ol!Je. 'fE'~ lawfi:'r ax le :5C r~w' [38) a r1I d ,~!I pull 'fol~O'w,eir 'OU~. 'through bottom O'fi ,guan:1.. P·I,ace w'ide ~sc:re,wd river- 1),lad,e Ib e .. tWleen head of 'fo:~hJ,wer ,spring- gtJi'd,e .and web of 'trl:gge;r ~~!Lu.\1wdl' and Hit: ,~:u~'de lelr:lough to Ir('l~mO''iJie brad, Ea,se press L!I re: 0111

,.!I'" d .. "AI d'ef" anc re·n'i('ive: j$prll~g: ,gu~l~e ar~~'.

'r:,o I :~owe'r spri n,g (39:)~

6 R,leimov,e, up:per ba 11 d ~cre:w {2,6), a:fI'H~

s,i 'ide off~ :U pper ba rr-md 1(2.51). 'Depress lower band spr'j l'1l\1~; ('.27" and. re:mOl\fe lo-wer ba n,dI r(29),. L i'v't ~\8J!r,rl~ I a n d !r1ece'iv1e.r assembly UpWi r,d Olut' of s,tJock (28),. Drhre be I'~' stop pin f3) downw,ani: bj, f.l'1ee be lt step ,91"'01 siP.rhlg {6:)~ D rfft out: Sieler p~ m1 (3 '1] to [f'lemOVie sealW 1[,33,) and sea r spri'ng '~3.2). 'fri,gg:er {35} I'S ,d!etaei1edfrom sear by' drhii ng OIUt. tr~g"5~€~r- pir fi1 (3,4 )., R:ea s'$,ermb Ily' ls aCCQ,m,p11 i shed :, fiI, f'E!PJ!3:r·$!e ·0 rder., ~ n assembi ~:Iilg' ~he bo It! the: ftait Ol~ ~he 'firi'ng pin :sir-an k 1m u st a I i~n w'i'Ul a slrn i ~alr fhd in cot:king piece, SCf~W on fi:ri'ng' pin nut ,unlUII ut is flush w~th, Uriiilg pin and Icc~ed by 'the: safe~lI ~

7' e.urta\Yay ShICtW,s, re I atlensh lp of ~:fi1te:rlor parts, ClHMb~ ne ls 'shown cloc!k!ed wi't h si.\lfe~y di.isenga,ged., 'One: ea rU~dge has bee n c h a wh i Je two more rernal ~ ln maga,z~;lnle;, Pa:ns i8lrre n umber keyed to parts ~eg~nd on piaige ';,4 .•

issi M U AT


THE ,At,ge,Dtin,l~; :M:odel '18~;n, :M:auser ,rn,U:i:ta:ry rlele was adopted i:n 'that :yiear ~ and the, initia~, .p,[odFU!ction c~).n~lf:a,ct caUimg for W.,80~OOO- rif]tes and 3,O,~,OOO earbi nes WU ,gr,~:rnjtoo ~o Lud.w~g Loewe & lCD" of' Berl run" A.cidHlonal arms of ,t'hws' patt-ern wer-e, made late.F.' .fi~)r ArigeD.tma by Deursehe Wa:f.fen und M:~n:ri~lo:nsi"f. Ii!.. !'1l., - '(D"'W" 'M- 1'\'- '13"" '1-'" D" W-~"ciM' h - ,d ,';'iaUnk,en, ,_' - -' -"" lU!_. ,- iet m;[l,. - ': I ", ,:.:, ,a '

it 1\", - : - ,f.. --1 ,',,:& T .... ,. - "", -I Iii 89i(lj", co.n L_ro Oi~ ,LrUew'e U]J, l!!,:.: ~ '_ I,

'Tbese arms were chambered fOl die

1... B.alrre:~

2'~ ,Frolilit 's~;ght 3", R~at sigrnl~:

,4~ Rear- sl~ih'~, ~:pr]-~g ~crew' 5.. Rea r s,igh~, s~ r~'ni:

61" Rea r s.i,ghrt, p:~ nI,

"1., Receh~elli

a. Bo~lt stop sp:ri ng screw 91,. Bai~t stop spri III

m O~ ,Ejecto lr'

m i, 'B:o~:t stop'

m 2., IBo~ t ,s·~op p:i rll

~3., Sear --

m4~ Sear spr]rng 15, S,ea r p:~ n l6., Trigge:r' ~'i Ii 1.'\, "rlrigg,er-

18" Rea,r ,Sl~a[M; strew


]9!.. T,o',p buttp late $cr:erW :20~ B~it~[~I,ab!:

:21.., ,Rea,r b:Il.l'U!P~ irbe~ sC,f1ew :22~ Trillgg@lr gl!.ali rd

:23~ Rel'r ,g,uaro sc,rew' ,24" Ma,~,a~,i ne latch ph" :25,' .• ~ M~!:i;O')a:ll- ej la, t .... ii:..

- . - ---!!;;I\!:iI;- -- n'!;,i ,'I;,oU, I

:26 .. , :Ma~ga:zmlri e latch ,Splf~'lIi'Ig: :27.. Ma,gaz'i ne ,c2Iftch

,28,. F'rOl'lllt' [g)l!.tanrd !$cr:,'j3:w'

29-' F--:-:.,....~' -1""']iIi~ar 'i2rl .... citU

. '13 : ~~ "1'-"" ~ 1~~¥lIJ ~'I'r

30'0 Ma,g;azJ ne

:31.. FIIIOQrlllate' ~ i ~ :32~, ,F~,o()rplate -

33.. F!~oo'rp late sprl ng 34. F'o~ lower pln

3,5. F,oll,~owe~r ,arm

3e,~ IFo IllloweJ sprl rng 3!7~ Magaz'ine: 'ftoUowe:r 38\0 Re-a r 'swmvEi~1

39~ Rear s,i~vel~ ,sc~~w (;2) -40, f"lmnt 5iw:~ye ~

,41.. Front ~w'ive'~ ,:ser,ew 42., lower balnd

,43" F'lwnt s'wirve~~ In'IJ.!II~'~ ,44.. Lower band spru'ng ,4,:i. U:pper' [blalnd' -


There is no' atJ:x,irnia;ry bolt saf'e~y lug: as

.. ,ji,II!... Iate - ~Afa I' " '-Mi ~I '-l 1 iQ'Ii"II,Q ri .. ' ·t" .

~i[l IIi.1IJJ.le !li,a ,e,r l'!f,iII.~ JLJS'er J" Chi.iI:e'. , O;il'iQ ,ac, lon,

The s['eppeiffi barrel contour of the Turk ... ish :Model :E. g,90 dfte, 'was retained in the, A:rg,e:rnt.i ne M:ode] 18'91 'Vlers:~on., I'nle~tinl: cuts in the stock fore-end ior 'the, 'barrie].

- L -, To -I'd' -- --- ... , - - - ---,i!iJ:1 "iI!iI~,"'.f!Iid' 'iioil'!o firllr,~'Il"1i!i 'i'II t, 1!..;' Iii'i; d ins :S:~~IOti. ,Je:r.s are re ,]!;..,. ".""" _' eo 'if.' ,"".,;,' ..... .ufl', 111:J'_[~.I!U: --I~~~;

. '~'iIo,ii.'". . b '-1 isltelo . - .. ;ft-- ,~- . -- he-'tin-'

(},I[ me :arr,e', ;;18, ] .. eiongates rrom neaung

'n 'if"'''i ,-: " d' fl"- 'iii"ii!ii T- -.i...!,;:!' ,~;a;~ ~"all!" '~Q, Q'*~I'I lPn, 'W", -:!j,C'

iu J, ~Pl' '- ,1Ii, .... ,.. l!11.Ir.::J,u!!;';r.;IIL,5u 1, ... ,a~I""'iIl"" __ 'i5II!o!1'

carried O'VI€::r t,o, ~am;ef MiJmer' bolt-aetlon ,mU haIr :tjfies.,


--"". ~. __ a.:4a~".'-

. . ....

" __ . 'I.

"." '.

. . ..-

. --'-,47

"'~' '-.;.""






l;&i ~~~

4e~ U PIPetI'" balnd ,Sl;ui ng' 4-1:. Fr!Nlrt: pi'a'~e

48,. :fftN'l~: p late SCrew 1(2) 4·gi,. C:I esn ~'n8: rod

5[)'~, C lea-n'j rng ~rod ~5,ro:p

,5 L Ex~ractc'r :52. [Boht

53" 8:01 t: sl~ee,ve

54-- S-:: i:lr:a:n",

,. . _IU""'~J

.5S., Sa f'eb" detent

,56. Sa;fe'ty detent sp rh1l1i ,5i" S~:fe'~ detent SCfe:w 58" Mia i nsprl ng'

59~ Fiiri'ng: pln

SCt Cae k~ n,g p:~ec~

61 . .s'~ock

621, Handguard

* Perm:a ne!n:~'ly assem:b led to ot~ e:1i" pert ..


R,e.nJ ave bolt ~s$,ef.l! from receiver :by rotaJ.lhlg both sa f~l ''/ (5'4) and then bolt ($2,) eounrercl oek wise .arnd ·w.i lfud]':t1Jw~:T'lJg: rearward as :f'arr' as' asse rnb ly wi U .go., 'Pill! 0011'[ stop (1::1) 101 the, le,n an d remove bo~t.

2 EIm,gage no~~' err 'C:'(H::~d:ntg piece (601 . on edge of bench and pu U bo~'~. aw,ay' '~~'D1ti ~ ,a ClO~'lI'ili ca:fIj be inser ted between cockf:UIlg plece a r.:J. d. bo,l[ sleeva ~53~, tH~,er ar'!low). Ur1i:'SCffi"-e.~v· :lidng meehaeism from bah:., B:e; rnOSE careful not to drns:L.od @;,e: eoln, Hold mri'iIi1,g: mechanism vertical ~V point of :fi'r]'ng; P~:fil en a hardwocd block. and press dcwltiL on 's:rt'fety ~v~th t:hn mb nntl [ bO[lt sleeve de;a;'D':,Si eeeki og piece, Unscrew coc'k:~'I1g piece, frem :11 ring pi'~'i! allow' bOrniL S~,~)!:l:'V~ to' I!llOV~ U,P gr,adu aUy under

MBJ ln sp:r.i rrn.~ ,(H·eSS1!:~'re1' and re:if;Ji10\le bolt

~I ..i~ '" ," f' .n:: ." ~

sJ,t'le:v,e; ~nil;,.l ma,~,iI:]'!lj,pn ng ,. rom Jj ~'rg iIfiI,g pitL

R~m.o'V~ sa:~~.ny dete ~'~ screw (51) and carefuU.y Ia.p' out safety det,e:~.t (55 ') and !Hrfet:y detent spri Il,g' «:56) "' 11'1 reassembly take

II!.·]· 1 ,;;:

eare to screw 'on. eecs: fig :p:~eoe so til~~,t. ]'[8

rear' Sllll'rf.a.c;e. is ,W[u::s'h 'w[Hu 'the alUe:r rear 'edg~ [o,f :~ he lI],.rI[1,g :~:i n.

3 Tu rn rUle ov~r., 'G i've ma~~line ca:[cb '","- (2,7, ~Bl:r~O;\~,., 1I,pJ;lier :ri' ~h'l) :at ~:al~~tu rll. c!Qm:[II~:~r~[ock'w,i~e., :Depr<esiS ma.gazi~,~ [~,'t,eih {:2 S',-=;iiI;rn:nv ~ ]o,we:r' :Ie'fl ') ~1 rid ,re·i,'Uly,e. the: m ~gaz]:D]e (3·0),.

4 Re'm.ove f:o:U .. o'wer screw (2'9') ,and

, swing :H..o-orp~ate (32) do-wn. Us:!'ng a S~1~ II. p'icJi" .p ~'ish :(,O'J I o~~r arm (1.5') :pivoti rig leg up' i'llhlJhJ :m ag~z~me.. If oUt)we-r ,a!.sSle m· b~y 'may mow be removed from :m:ag~zb'l.e.,

5 'U ~ 'I· A .'ruSlCJ~W ana rJem.cwv,e: c. ean U11 g, [If,Qu.

, 1 (01:9). Depress llJlPpe:r band s,Pdng (.~·6J w[ut ~ thn rnb and ~I id,e '!JJ,p~per band (4.5') o~ front end o'~ barrel (:1 1", Loosen front '~,!ii~[v'e'l screw I( 4 ~, ) , depress lowe:IF' :O~ud sp t'iu'ng (44)" a Hid remove ~oweJr baitii,d (4-2).

n;:;;~,ni'ii'V';:>. rear '!li,'P."iA' front ,ou:a ... d c~CIlt,ili;W~' ("",~

lli'i. ... llIlllll'U . '\or. ",.~!tJi, alililIJU !J _ ~ • ~ ,~; y ~ _iii ~ Iii) .. ""- ~

and] 2:3 'r,espe;ctuv'€ly) ~.nd,.1 i ft :away trrn:g;g.e.r

. - -AI 1i'?'"iI '11, -E ,.~.. 'b" - ~ .. - oil - - =, ., ..

~,!JJIa ru ~. ~~ s ~ _. n u:re' :a.r,re~ :a,flu, receaver ialS'-

sembly MaiY f.1i.'O,\V be $e,pa:ra:IDed. fnJm, sif('of;:k (61 )1 • '[}\O not remove h oafiJd!.gluarrl " !IS:2 )

I ,. " h l..i a, I

un ess ~nJ~CeSis~'ry as ~ t ~.S -.if ...... , in :p ace

wlth il:'·a:v'~-f.u'~ I'y' 'tw:~stedl co,p,e:r '\II/,~,re,;

6 D'ri:ft [(l,ut 'sear ,pin, (15)< a'nd r.~!lilQV~

~' s;ea_'i.' (] 3 ) 'W~t~ '[ r:~gg,e:r as:S~fnbty at ..

tached;. Sea U" s:pri~ S' ([_,~) wiU d rop aJ~a,y a.'[ th rns ,(;I 01 nt R.e:mo,e tbe tr[ggern: ,:p~i:n, (. 16) iilJmd I ~::rl OU~ the '[ r[gge.r (]"1 >. :R,~,a,$s~~mb~e r~'ne' run :feve~se., •

'M·· . 'A· '·R· · •. ···I:N:· t,E BO· .•• 'U.· R"G·.·R10.··;'yS

I j' ' ,. . . . . _~. .

Bo r.n-Li$ieur,.. F'w,anC6 abou:t 1,5'50 ,D'ied~Lis,i~'€'u,X, 1: 63-4

MARl N 'I.E, ]3HJ 0' J;,G EO Y:S: 'iV,~S desecnded from a fam U, of '] ocksmiths, clcckmakers, gunsnfl.iths" and. a rmorers, From his talented ances .. tors he inherited the abtl ['t]es aJ nd inclinations which made 'him the allarou n.d. genius: that he \\1J:S a noted gunsm ~tl:ru - clockma ke r~ pai nter, seulptor, rna ker of musical instrum en ts, planeta F.'[ut:ns:;;a.nd other meeh anical I iu, entions, Prior to the de velopmen t of the :Bint'].ock 'he made cross- 1 bows, '\'vh eel ] ocks, snaph a u aces, and even. one' au gun ~

Le Bourgeoys' t~ lents e,a.r"]y gaJIned r,eClo,gnihoi~" aad be received honors and sppoinnnents from hig;h ,o:ffic:ials., In. :1 589' he was appointed painter to the Governor of No rmand y; in 159 g he was made valet dIe ehambre to Henry ~·V of France. I n. 1608 he, was given 3. wa rm nt 'Of lodg;i,ng in the C.ra;nd Ca]jery O'£' tbe Lou vre as "painter ~'D d. va 1 et de cham bre, '~~ofk[et In moving ~lo bes, sculptor, and mechanical - inventor" to the

Kin.g,. Nevertheless he' continued. to make 1,Js; residence at Lisieux, traveliug new and the n to Paris to, take a

I gun or one 01 h is other prod net ions to the l(,llJJg.

The true fI mtlock d iR,ers rron), i ts predecessors h:u 'ha)ving a. battery a ad pan cover formed in. one 'piece so th!:l t the blow from the: co dk opens the pan at the same time that it produ.c~s a ~pra,r k from the ba;tb~:ry" ~t 'was 'R :sInlp]ihc,ati,on and improvement of th,e Dutch snaphaunee system,

It ,!S im possible to prove conclusi;veIDy tfu a~t Le Bourgeoys was the nlan re~p'I~J:Il:s,!ble 'fot th!s 'In'\tenti.(ln'f' but. t'he - I1!rl~SS of CitC~lftLl sb;lnJ'!t:~a.IT [e'vi~ den[ce 'is o"en~iheh.n ing: ,~nd '[ s,tu~ dents harve been content ,at least to I arU'ribute: t'he step to 'bi'm :n"Jd ,to p]:ace I its: date beh~!leen 16ill.O a:md '1615'.H.A.J.D lJJ' L,. .PET.EltSON




iii;~ B· _IE, rr }~n'~~ that 1 I;~: F';a,~] ,"~~ruJ'~~i'~ . ,. .. a sub ~,ec~, of th e E In pewr o f

Gle:nn,~'nY'~' r.,eSi:d:ing: at O'bernd,orfl' Ger~ m:an:YJ ~:n. the Cerman _ Empi're,p have

,1'H''i oil!!'Fi; ted - ;JfI. . ...:ll .. f'!"I] firearm ~,;!o

mvenren a new :anu, use 'il,.._ . .reat ,I,JU,.

Whenever Hli~, preamble a:ppealfec1 (H~, 'a patent the gun 'woidd sat 'Up and too::~ n,otioe~ ~bu,t - of -~lj "fa~]' "M~1]S~r.~',5

ma:~;y :~~ tents and desig:ll$, the one ,tr11aJ:t IID1:a,de nam .. e renowned ,\V;ilU; the 1 89 8: f:~:mel' l¥llil idll has been manufae'~IJ:red . ,s~noe tl1,~,t, da te t\Ol 'the: present,

T:u..:·I'~ '~'~.r.i' noted :f.4""(iI" ,~,t~ c.~iIi;.r'6-iniq,"'~ sim-

~ W.l !il' ,:I: .i,n .... , .. , U'I,.,:!' ~' __ ' iJl:U!!J, !Ii .;:!! ~I!.'_ ...... iI: .. jb'~.U" .... .

pl ic~,ty~, and ease of manufacture, 'beCi~UU e t1H~: standard 'by 'w]u:ich aU crt.]h,er bolt-action rUles 'we're :m!eas:u::reit Ma,us~r' aetions have 'beeWl 'ma:n.'U:f'~.cttt1 red in ].n~n:-:r countries 'hl v,arying degrees 0 ~ q'l!l!alliity. As good i3J~' these 'we.apons are,

f~'~', 'i'f'~ a:~,:r" _ c~n. ~.urpa.,ss ,'t~e :~'~~~"~(_n~l~, War II P rod acts o"f.' the Oberadorf

''ii'll r 0·· 'Il'~;f1' ~ilfl.~. ~"lt\s.~Il!l

Pre-war 010 c rnd,o:rf actions were manufac tIn~d in three basic .~engt'bs : the short, the stands rd~! 'and, the n:uagnu[i_'JJ length, The receivers themselves 'we're! machined ,fat' some I '4 speci 6e eartridg,c'-5:" Th,ey fa ng,~d from the ,'6-

~,ctl;()1~!, I(]lcsig;rH:a. £or: t'he: 6. '5' X 54 ~ to rhe #':2 0 action, designed b) hsndle [b{~ .416 R,igby. The: -# 20 ,3.C tioa was used bY' B,ri-tt:is'~: ,gu,]1s,:mit:'\h.s bJI buil d. _even heavier ,ca,ID:£ber i'iffi1e.s,. Ac Hens. bu ilt 'to, handle: ttl e Cerman 8 x 5 i mm, service ca.rtiridge ate by f~J:r' the most common

The pre-war Obem.doff military rifJj,cs were as - ~~e~l] U~:iI:dC' :and ,fiu ished as the commerc ial '~J a USlC'[S" bu t t'hey ] ec ked the refiaement fcun d. in, tfu e :sporHng: gun.s" The: sport hl,g . i\ .. Iausers were it .... ~, \r,a:ria'bly ~q,u.i:pped with one o( '[WO' ,~I~)rpcs of 'CJ,uicll:;, ... release nrl~g~,zine Hoorpl't\,tcs,., These are ~l g,:rea,tt improvement O\"ei the 'type' :f'Clll nd 0'1]] 'mB i ~a,ry' Msusers. To :remuve the 'fiool'p'1:a-te on a. military 'Ii"~'H"e~· I'"t '~'~ ne ""~Ji'E:~'dlIV' 'tn p.:~!l~h the lDO:l'nt

1~.Il, !I! 'I ~~ ~.h~ .~~~~~l 1 - .,y. . I~!J.!__ - - l - - -

of a, j!:':H:keted lIbuUet into the catcl1, hole, p,uS:h'~tlg; th,e, l~;~~,t,e to the rear ~'~, t'h'e, same time,

The: Mauser 189'8 ac tion had so 'n13,nyimprevements that it rendered ,th,e', emf:" lier ,~1ode'1 '9 5' ~ctio,ns virtuallv obsolete, TU1:e best of: t:bese was t be I:dd i"tion ,o:f a -thi.'[d~ or. s~fefty,~ }oc'Jd'ng In,g ,at the rea~ 'of fhe bolt. ,t.\notb,e:r sa,:feh" 'feahlre is the la,]'"g:e; g;a,s S:h ie'ld 1 oc~ 'ted at l:he fE'on't of ~he b 0'] t: ,slee\-e('see ,ii]'[Ls'tI;RHon).

In the et,~ent o:f ,.a: pU.nctu l1\ed, 'prrimie1" or e, ruptured, cartddg1e case ,the 'hot:

I, 1m! J 'HI D m-, -_I~d, •. '. 'iI._' .

. ,' li:l!!"_ ~I '. nDn-,le III _ IIJ


1,~! t\j~e' Id'own 't~a, ,MaUlfl.e'f ,b~II~' 1['1' 'I ').. Ult: '~~lfii b'G~lt Ih'i:i'fiildll'.,~ PIW!U it, ibiClc'1c to! be :!iIiU''C! fh,~ '~~~IIlM.!iIII!{II" i~ rl!m;p~.. Cl~o:s~ itt,;., ,and hJ Fin' ~~1I1 ~~Je;ty ~~t!lilfrl (2) t~1 t!!1,~ '!I!\emt~cCilII ,Glliltio,n,. O'p~'nl ,the' tbQlir ClI:~iJm.~, limlrnid "ruU :it 'Ill ~!c,k unt:nl it, '1i1~"5., !NI!i!I~t,~, 'p~~,hl ,th D' '~G<rwl!:!l!fd' ,eln,dI ~f ~'h., 'bcmt ~5'f,Q" (~:tn Qliijit !iii:; 'I !!iI ia" '!lilli, it !ealn g<;i\. 1'10[l1li' ~Gall!l! Iji,O-W IPiUU fh'e IbQ~ff' II;Ills.'mlill,I',

i~"'t O'f~ '"hI; ii!iA~,

'~I fJem'i:liY,iI, 'the' il!j\Xiwa,;:to:1i' [,1101" ~iioIlii'~ flill!e' 'ext"'t:ii~:I~!Ii" aWiilIiil" 'Fl'lom 'th" bollt ~'~A~I. ~ II fl@ r ~:~ it wUI '9~.' Th. n~ ':!lsi 11119 I!:!ll SClll'illiwd' r1IiY!!ili~'i' pif1 't'lil;l!; Fi'1r:::t'ilii~' 'eiil'i'~ ,.,f ,tho ,el.dl'aldo:~· lUiP allnd o'!!d of, n$, ',i'l!iill~I~ hlil '~fjlifl! .,~,I~'~ 1.~ol1ij'e iit !'ii' b,i~' fUlrther ~n~\il ;'t i'~~ ih~1 btl .. , '.\Illi!!~ ~(f,,~i IlciiI:lilllGI h!J:!ls", 'iJ!!l:Ip thlll !!I'nd 'D'f 'til., .!!i:tr,~~.t~!f ~,rI th,e' e,diSil Cf' fh e &'.e!ir!ic\h ,iiilli, 'I III le,w 1lII., 1h.' 'lJ:!!!;tf(id~r. 'wrnlffi ~iiril!a,p f'r"i!i!i~;~, e.~xpo,s;'iln~1 ~,~ 'iI!lI~:" t l'Ia dO' 1"' 'Iil:O~ I'~r ~,",). ID i;! -n,~t.' ... om,~'If'e 'rh:o' _ eo.diil'!iiic:lo~'

'iCiCiniCiIlli" i!;IInlt~:UI ~~(!5i~IDl!ilti!!'I, f,l1!!!,~e'~~G ''t'

• I' I I~~e

1"0 l ... mQ~~ 'thiil' IbQli~' 'ideii!'.l/v"i (lIndl ilill!'iiltg ,i~, 'iCi"" ~1t!'ml&!I'y [l .. "'~,. '1iil5~ '~~el ~'iJl't lite.v. 'fiiop' t:Sl~ inl IC! ~ '[I:!\tiOWIlIi. Wfr.,U!i '~bil' ilifOP plin i"1i pu:s!/h'flidl mn ili:ilfl" C! i'II,iO~gl'h.;., 'l'iIlI u wiiltl b iBi !i:i'bi1ifi! 1'0 :lcro!W ,~~" ,a'[l:sOlmilll, ~111.!I't. A_I: ~'O!U :i:tC!!llit' tio tU'fnl ~f,:" :i~' 'wm ibtel, necon allY '~O p ... e!S~ _'~I1i., :I't'Op' p,illi'l ~~g~ in '"0 I'~t' iit ,aii-~l!ilIltid

. 'mt.i!:ll ., ol:t I!Jl~ln:d,le;


1:0 di~IC!I'IS"iWiblili 'tbe' li,ol't de-II!¥I!'i' 'Alrs~' Ire'i~' 't"'e poi'liIItr ,H tihiB 'AirinSI pi'ln (7] iil:!IllGlin~t a bWocik; taif !liOlf't 'Wolod, '~a ,Plli&~\l:im~' ~t f\r\l;llilill I!!IIc!'tti'n,g d1amag'!i!!!d. IN BIl(J" 9liitl! lip thll' 'bQj~~, ~l:liliii!l'Ve ,ICU !lihowffi! Gl"n}d Pll!"i~!ii [~PWlIdl :h allid Il!l~~; I ~D!we '~Qc,k~Pi8' Ipi'~~e (~) Ill, ,~I\t!Iif:I r ,gf~ ,t.~~ Ibolt irl'",IjJv.",. T'!.iJIrl'ill th,. ,co~kii~g p:,&~e' o~~, '1itI1~,~rtitil'r' !!".U,f\IIJ C!!'I: ~lhQwnl, Q II d I~'ft, i!~[ ,jl~ IE I!l!I !JI!i!i' l,\iI,pi ~'n' ,,,Eitel p:lT-oiiiJu reol '!;I!n,id !lj\e m~liIi\~ 'm~., Ib~. i' ShlltlVO [3] tl!liffid; filirilii81 pi,", liipli'ljn,1 [,is),,, ,\~Ff,G!i\m '~hri' Qp~~'" ,tioln IIIWa" 'f'lII'of;lli ya U f' fa.Cia", 'foill" ~" 'ffi'jlri:1li9 piin

,. ~ II' -II

'lpr.1lmg' 1:1 'li!\ilill', pGW.r'1Il"1!Ii


'l"h lin ilittHy~,tYf!ie m'Cilglil:(I'II'ji;' f,toal'~'pla~e. It'elh~~;I~lS~el b lby 'fGli" ~h a; CIO\!!J'lllm;Oi1 ~Y1p'e\~ ib.'!ld '9IIBlIiIU'Urne M,gV5.EHr ~';PQ~~er!, Ir'CUle~:y U!le n. ''fhel)'' MI(l!rm(lllll,' &u:id,,'CIi 1e.'M'E!'1I" er ,pljl,s,h~ICiit(;~m ,.,c:~eas.e.

Two, 'Of I'hle: '~:eQ'h.JIl'e5 'ni(ff' InCillke ~heMaii.lisli!.li.. 98 :SQ POI\'!'i!JhlHr witlnl ,$hOQ,t ;r.l Gir 'I tf",~, th:Jirg,e 9!jl~ $ibfi ~Id 'arn,d th·e' th,ilrd In!Jc:'Kj'i!i!8.i II~g n'I':iiQir ,,[he! ,rear enid ,of Un e' ~ ~It


I (!.m; I ill 1Il]'!!Iii 2 S..I,f,iil!y ,,. "+i!'h.

:i; &;ptt, !!iIi"".

'!iii Br:d~ :~l"'I"'iI 1Iit.!:!:J!! !Ii~ 'in'Sl ,5 ~L14b' iIo!J!lI!i"'1I! IIE!iip

6 F;'nn'ii P~' ~I!i

:7 f!'~ p:j"

. l!lo1., 11: i1i,~,,·dll !fi1 ~,;I!C'~iW c;4!iIi!i' 'l:Q &.iT'ii~',aJ' , 'III ~e.tIi, t':O"",~11"'i'l 1:2 18~1j' 'f o,p "'~'

~31 1..;..11 i:'hap, I;i'!r:! ~,i!'Fl'!iIi ~>II IE:t!ili:~~p

~~, IF!fWII~m' ~:rt!Fi"Fi;:lJ .,6, [B'~I'J"II

17 $i~k

118 !Ii,h'!l.llt I' r.;I~""" 1'9. il!ppi III

~ :5.,*1'

:2!1 hn .. ' Ii '1f~g!!lIi' :pi i'I1I!, 2:2, fr,-;!J~III'

::I!3l Li~'¢.'h !ilil!IIAH 1:<1111 , ~. Mil," l' .• ' lind! iIii\i~g~P 'gll'.jrd lIS. I!..oe1 '~P'

:2;5, ~~ '!JY' .. "d' ~Ili""

:tt ~t'!i~IIi"iII r.p.l~"""ill' Ii!' "n" .:2ili h4t~I~"~ BIiiWp!;!i,'hi

;!t M;i".-",. I,.,. dri II< ""'SI~

li!! McI>!Jilidi'l'l li!!~'h

~,I lFIIiIi!!!!I' '!I~uillll.'!:irJ!j1iil'

J~ B~+p4!!'i1!!1


The Swed·s-


". "- .:.' a'-'I-"" 'uS"- :.--e··/···· r' '-: I

> \_ - 1_, I, .. < -I I _' '. -

B-,· E' J tJO:·-·F~·S--I·C·-;~IH·M·· II-C'T'

_ y __:____ ,~, ,_-~, IFIP' ilF" -:'~'I_; ·1_, I -

T-- "'8 Swe'dhdtt 6 5' 'nun Maru~e:r- rffifle' :was,[~ne, '~!f t:h~' ,~,~:~'y' dJ~:~,~~,pm'Eul~~S'

of Paul M'~u.ser~ the German arms de-

, .'.-, 1- '. I' It, .', ~. .' 'd, - -lif':_ - ~L. I~' 5",·c~' ..

~~gne[,. rn ma. e ,IILQ,r I~lle 'D •. ' -x,;,,.} ,mm.;,

cartridge, aJnd was pro dueed .~n several models, the 1894· ca rbi,]l)~ and ~,8.9 6 ] Ilfa,n't ry rifle bel ng most cornmon. This

·-a - d d' S" d! 'b th

" .• ' _'I I,' , '. ' [I "'. :":". II l.·.

:r.L ,e WalS .pro - u.ce - , U1 !w-e'c"e\~. J [. .' e

Carl G ustafs Government R.ifi[f; 'Factory ,a nd the Husqvarna Arm s Co., Inc, olf the earlier specimens were produced in Geamany by the Mauser

Arms [Co,. . -

This rifle is a sl ~ght. ~ mprcvement ~)'yei' the .M:o del ] 8'9,;3 S~l~l[l:ish. rlfle,

b- . b h 6- 'M -- h

~ ,-' ,. I '", r - .'_ -_.. . . I I r. - .- -J " -,- - -

VII ,-le 0" was L: t:: ._Rot. .~_ aJ1Lls~tr to[ , 8..

staggered-column box-· fLu~b. w.i~h the stock, Im.p.r.oveme:nts inelude a. .gurnde rib Ion the bolt deep rounded C:U'l i n. le~f~ t,~ce~\1~[' waU toOl facilitate

'. m Ai' ~ ,~i

111agazl De .wJoau:l_mg~, aDlIUJ an upW· pl'~

[ection on the coekins niece -wh.i[~h -e-

. . - - - - -- - '@' r - - - - -- -- _,C - P r

• '1))., .G' •• 'a... d-f} (1-

.m.I.1tS tne ~.!.r.]ng· P,Ht to :~e ease ; ~ torward

'w.i~h the thumib.. A~thou.,g'b. it bas no sa.f:e~.y' lug, and its coek-cn-closlng featruJ,[[e ].~ unpopular wldl mlny U. s. shooters, ~hls. :wiBle ~s :swm,ph~~ Ie] lable, .llidgbly aeeurate, and f'ftmQw~ ,for its 'firwe-q uality workman s'l:d.p and ,fi,no~~sb"

.mn addition t,o .WJts; lon.g w~e 'by S\v~de-n,



pia rts Le g endl

1, BoJl l),ii~[h leJtt!rllCitlor ~(iJJar

""rI, ·C"-"i'r""""'j . ...,,' ... ,~! ,~~~~ 11f.II~'~~'~'

~ ~.... . .

. J., .,r.1 n.[l!g P,I~

4, Fbfiq s.prlng: 5.. :Ioh sIG~.v'G:; - -

,6. Cocikbt~ :pieo~

'7" ,Scety'

8;. .HirEldguard s, Slock

10., H I]jllLdg:ul:rd, iban.(JJ. E. t. IC]e:aQ]Q]~: rod

l:t W\V~lf' band

t3., 'U p.peT. b~]1Cd

~,~t Ihu·,re~ :alilQ ,rec~,v~r rs, Bo.i!~ [Sto'p

~ s, .1Ebjiecto:t

ru.';'-,. 18ol't :SiOP SC1ie'W

.~ S., .SoH glO,p ,Q1lld e,ij'ectOf. spda,e:: rs, FoiUCII"'~G],

In. ,M:a:g8iMS s.pri'1U(g :u •. Tr,igg;e.r :&'1I;MiH'!~

23.. F:wll~ .:guaJrd serew :n;.. 'f']o6fP~ate

24~. .Fll0 or-, ~ilte calf ~' ...

_____ p___ _ _ G!~

'25. Ca.~c:h- Sj,U':Mlii:

'26·; It·t!a:r BiJ;~.a.rd rSC;r,~w ")'7 'T'

'ij,... . ,lrJg,e([

:28, Se~'u'

29;, 'T]'ig~I:' pm 30' a, Sear' PUt

:3 t, Sear 'spr]q;

32,. AS!€m!b[ed. 'bon


,A fter, C - e.ckJ 1:1\8: tel", make sure that chamb er and :magaZl,ne are- uliirnoaded cock rIde by f!O't~tlmg 'bolt to open posit[Oln.~1 puUi'ng,' back, several in.c!bes;~, ~:nd. then c.ruos iO,g. ~l. Turn ,s.afety (") 'to vertical middle positwon pull eutward OD bO'lt st-o·p (~,5) 'W j1~ itb:u mb, and. ,femC'V'e !bah ftom :il"e~iver., In I'~p[acWng 'bo] t, it is un~ec~S:!ill,TY 1:0 p.lDJU cut bolt stOlP ,I wlb~c'h 'wwl1 be auto·m,adcaUy .fofced aide as bolt. is :puiSbed in-to receive~. Poll owe r' (19) must b, pushed tlown eo allew 00[1 to gOI for.wl.U'd

2,'_", I 'Wi't[1 sa'f:r:ly In middle ,~itilo~~ gJasp 'boW", ,sle-e,Y,£; (,5) lild UrIrI:SCft!W fidn.,g m,echanism frern bo1:[

3 '[Ie:s'[ lidnl pill pO~lrt .aplillst a wooden : ' IG:ra:sp. b(.d~ :slreev,e and s:~Ii'~~ly (7) ttg-hUy!" and ~sh ~own O~ safi~ty 'with :Ihu:mb U Ilt.U cCFC1(i1ng_ p.~i eee ,( ~) is '~l'ear o,:f bo] t sleeve, RO"[I,te cocking p~ ece a quarter ~urmittJ. in either direction,! and hfl ~l_ olEf :fi.ll'i:nJg pin (3 ), ~ ,Sl,o\.'\il y a:n~J'W 'iri.n,!: ,iPJn spr~iEll (4), to ,e.xpand and r:_m,Q¥·e bo:lt ,\fe ,aned 'fh;,~ng pi.1rnl ,S,lPri '11 I. fm~ 'I_T']!!! 1"lO,. TUifO sa:f1ety' a]1 'the wa,y to' the, .lrj,gbU~

flJndl ir,e; it. from bo&t s]'eelll·'e. ~


l.otaJ~e. extrsetor (2,) unti' its bJ.Dgue

I runs Q ,t Q,f ttu~: extraeter groOte on bo.U: head, :P'l.Ish '~tr-aC'EC)r fo,rwa;rd wi'h, H':liI.!Jjn],b to free it frem e:dractot CQ~ '3'1." 0' i bolt Do not remo.·ve ·ex't.r,lc,tGr ,cnUar., ' .'0 replace ext~i!ctar' e Igs,.ge undercuts om Its ~o;"~,e.r sutace w,~th lup of ,e7ttr:act,or. COna'f., Push extractor to rear, mi ft ~ts t'Or!l.gue. olver' fflout ed.!ll, lof bo,l~'., and. ro,t~Jt'e extraeter

':111 • ~ iI.-. ~.

untn 'b'J1JJ,J,Ut _I ~!lW, ,exttacl0f'8TO()'\!'C. en uOI[

6'· 1l) remeve Sloe't, amrn.d haudguMd~ it ,[S '. ':: necessary to remove U~h,~, :Iowe'!; band

( 1..2') ,and upper bamd (1.3) ,. Use a SC["Iewdriver I['Q de;lu;ies:s _bi3iDd~\F'etaj n i Ilg sl.p/rings .• :and pu:sh bands' fi~rwatd~ Oeaolng :r:od ( ~ m) must be 'U m:CI1ewedJ and removed before auempiti:ng to dep'i~ss u:pper band, $$)whillg:. Raise rear ~dgJbt 'Le,a:[ to vertical p(Iisim,i:,on~ and btt ,o'ff .s:ndguafld, (.8). t)insewle'w. 'f:ro:ooJ~ ,a~d. 'fefilr gtu1.rd :S.C:fteW9 (2.2 and 26 J, a,rrd separate bar.rd and ,r'ficewv~:r ( 1,4·) ,and ,g'Ua.:rd (21:> ·from. svook •

- -~ - , , - II

A Man 0 RememLer


l'n,~ed d ,fWti~e,~ical .ft.r,e.,~h'"

,~miRg' ,fl"irU~aclt. 'rifle in 1"1:6'

B J' 7--:4:i1 om-"T

D··,~ ,1'"'\ i 1 '-8~ fN _ l!e·a,~et. ',:~,_,:~ ,:_-ul

'B' OM' _ .9], I P,'1~!Out,~ _. c~t~~'lnd, 'fro~, :2, _ ' , v,e'ry ear~y.· age flus BOrn ,of :1,

SCOrtt[sllt '~uris,t s:h!o'tlv.ed an interest

d tOiL de f '1"·~. 1~ "J!: -';'IIlrL.

an a.p ~.'~UJ" .. ,:!lr mJ,d~~d:ry nre, Vy. nen

on],~ 191 he obtained a com mission. in [h,e 'Roya~ :Nlortb British Dragoons

..JI ~'. -. or h ..JII hi 'Jf'·

:an~, 100D '~J r ~st]·,e~ I-l:m,e,. In

h '. ith th s-:' . h 111"

0' ~ I: e serv~ce WIt., : 1@:::C()rtt1Sll~ min-

tia and 'witt., the exp'edl:t.~OIoo'ry £0 rc es :ag,ain;st the Carih~ in the West 'ndies,

A :Effir,ean:ns; en thu:S:las:t and an eseellent marksman Ferguson developed an impreved b:reec:h~~lcnld'lng riD,e before lie W,iS 2,2, He W,~S: grn,nt,ed a. patent 00 lids gun ~n r:-_-'6

b" .,. £.h'M

erore a comrmssron oi t, e. . aster

Ceneral ,of the Qlrdnance This new

'·n t, ·'.oJ1 b . ]-

nne 'was eharaeterized '~··Y 3, vertical

breech plug 'whu;;h. could, be. 'lowered 'with. one n~;yoluti,on 01,[ the trigg,er gna,rd! thus Olp'en Ing a hole '~n, the top '~'f· the 1~ }-.a:.h 'O~ll (t1ll.. ] ~ ~ "h the rtlUi'ril 0' _ n : UlalT'~1 r r I.6.0H W lie' ,-', '_ t). :.,~,

could 'be. J'O"illded.. S:imple~ swift~, ~rnd accurate, the 'D,e,\lI' gu'll'l ~,s years ,aihle-ad of. Ht$ time" Sbll, F'ergus)on was abl,e to persuade the ;gorve~m'mlen'~ to ,equIp a:~ one, eempany _ lof ligllt in:EaIDJ'tty with ~~"t., Thus, it became the 1iI,S~ breech-loader used by

. d ,. t

IOI,gan Jze tm ops ,~'n ,an., eoun 11.,

'F' ~ .,. :li.bA .

,ei'gL1~,ons serviee m ;~ ie 'c .menean

Re'vQ~u:bQi[i_ '~",as, brief and .. 'trngic~ He came to A'm,:en,ca 'walth his r~:II,en'l,en as part of t~e 2nd B\;t.t:! HOD, 71 st

R iii. (. "'!I H' I '. bl" d ) ,

.egll.. ,"-'ram,eT s: ; i :~ ~ J~J.n ers j ~Ul

1. ,:-_- - " •. IOn Sept, 11 of Eha t year he

led, them in action art the BraJt:tle of

Brandywine, There 'h~~ r:igbt elbow was ,sha.tte(ed, lea:v,~ng that arm p"m.c~ .. ticaUy useless, 'U'Ddaunted~, Fergu-

.! t" .},.iJj, 'J1l...! .1ili: ·"·-te fe -,;CiI,

SCl,D ~.UB,t~ IlL IILl,1m s:e1 ilL· 0 W,iII'~." 'I' renee,

and shoot left handed and returned to combat command, He led troops in. actien s t Stony Point and 'Lltt~e 'Egg' Harbor. Then, be 'was made a brevet lie~:tena:n·t colonel and sen t w~·th Sll 'Henry C,nnb'Jin~S ex" edition ,SJIi),'nst the: southern states, There, at the battrue' of King,S 'Mountain~, an, Am.e.~rica:n ri9:f ball ended his. .life at ,the, 3;ge O(f' ;Iei.-'HAB.OL:D L, P'ET,E:R


P'ar~.s lege.n.d

56. 'Trj~~e[" ispdJlg S'1', Trigger s;pring p", J·8. T, ig,~l" pm

S9.. 'friU~l'

60. Finget ~ev'er 6,:[; ,Butitp~ate:

'2. :lutm;plal\B: SCI',e"w 1(2) 6·),. gear swivGl

IN ~::~~ ~ff ~: ~a!~b~~

a nnounced production of tb.e~f first. cal. ,.22, .rimfire side .. ellectio(D~, lever-action 'tubular ma_-azim.,e .repea.ting rifle, desig~ nated :M,od,e~. mS91., Tids, 'rlfLe had a solid fr,ame and was ,oftered w.tdl short 'OT' ~on,g m.aJ,I:s;zlDe$" the .fOlD},. 'holding 1. 0 ,sh,ort or " :~o[lg title and the latter 19 short [or 1.4 lao,g rlOe clrtri.dg'~$. The cartridges wa,l!: m.oaded into the ma,pLLne. mr'ough :a spring CQ,Vet 'OD the r.ight side: of' the .reoeiVer .. The reeelver'plate was, d.e~a.chab~e to' f,lci~W:i.1I!ate. inspeetien and ,cl~a_n~nl' 0'-' ~.he bere from 'the br-eech end,

Sho,rtly after mns, '. ntroductlon . the

M,odlel .IS91l was .mQcUfi·ed so ~ba'~' i~. coUIDd 'be lo-aded 'thr:,olugh toe front ,wnd


MO·····-:··ID_···IE_·· ''L' 3'-"9"': A

'.' .: .. ' ' .. :' '.~-,' .... , ._' :: •. ',

',: ...... • ••• ~ •••••• _ • •••• • ••• r ••••••••• ,'..:_ , __

L Ba.r:m1.

2. 'Pto:mt ;sig'ht insert

3- Front siJr.:1iIrt ram n serew C")

"e I' •• --8 e- '_ .-'_ F ~l. "-,

4.. 'Fr:on'l s.i'I~.'I. ram[p lM:~Od. :!L .FrOII'· si'gbil :ra:nnp

'~R "!II.

""., '~f SJS~t

1., RAlaJr s~glb't ,e.~e·v,aJ1i@:r

S.. . : 1'~Razi'ne tube band pin. 9. M:aJgarim.e tu~ e b.ond -

HJ. F:·· . "..., "-

. ".. _ iljwe~rm, t.~p tenon

1 L F,ou,a~Jn 'tip tenon ~r·ew (2)

J- ""II F "·"L.· -] ",. . ore;3Jif:im up Wlhu $WlIV.e,.

']. 3.. M3gazi_f:Il~ ~~be. [outside; 14. 'Millazi;l1i~ uJ'be p' ug

:t~. ~'., a.gazin,e tube ,p~ug ,pin :[ i6. M'aJ~a~ine :~uJhrl:" ~side

l1C;- 'M .[-~." '.' ~"Ilb' : .. Le-

.• ". :aJga~lIr.1e ",Ill .' . :s'pn[![g

1 I. Mt\g9iZ!00 tube ·!oUo.w"e;[ 1'9; 'Pi"rimg

::0. :a:reech bO'~ll

1~.. El<.!ractcir

22~ R£C~IVE!'r-i l,efi side.

2'3. Caru[dge eu!t'otf s.p,~ce:r 14. Ca rn'.i'dp !::1!ucl

],5. Ejeetor spr,illli 26.~]e:ctot base.

27, C~H·;g,e: gu:ude :ii(ji).rinfll 28. EJector

~2:9. Ej',[ lock. rivet 30,.. Eje:eIO(f pi:UiL .

. 3:[. Adap~ er 'base dummy :5CTel\! (2)

'iI''''i' C· .. "'..;i[ "d' •

.J!.&. 'ann\.il,g· BlUr e SPTi11t:i.g ,s~re'W'

j J. .E:je~"wJ!' base screw {2}

,:304. Carh'.id,ge ell off iC~re~y

3 S'. am mer

) 6. H am:m,er scre'W'

3 ". H'am:me rod ,p(in J 8. H.mlmmer rod

39,,, Ma.i·~.~p:r,i'ira8

40". M ai[t$,p:rl!rflg 'adhIDning plate 4'1.. CaJ1rj'dg.e ~t,oip

42. f·:mg·er ,lever' S,P:Jf,i'iIlIt

4·J,. F']llger Ileve', :spira ng scrl!w ·44. Cart1t,id,ge !niOpl p.iiJrn-

,4-5. F~';iiii\ger Iever :s:cr.~w

,46. [Ca:rri,-f'SCn:=w

41. Y'alilg screw

A,ii!' 1if.ij'.-..,;., .• j.. !'. hi"' .".~~ , "I! Q. ~_e]¥:er I' JjJiQ 10. ,SJiI!.!!e:

4.9.. IC2I:rner

.SO\,. C'arr.i" ,Ii roe '. er

s i, C)ti'f.1Fje,r reeker .spr~rr.lil .52. Carrje:i root: r screw 5:3,. Tin.mbS'Cr.e.w

54.. Rooeive.r 'pe"p si':gh'tt d ~.mmy .s;:;·re;"~ ('2) 5,:5:. 'CsJ'rlr.idg.e stOlP spr~ng

i!!i P,1!!l;rm~Fi!ent :s,ub.~:j'jj$51i1,l!nlblr of ¢Jec~oJlF !ti:!a'~ (26,)

[of the magazine ·~.ujbe .and. tbe m,agazin!e was increased III :~en.gth to hold 2.5 short 2.0 long] or 18 'Wo~g rifle carerldges. Optional barrel II'engths were :2.4H ~ 2.Sf and ,2,6,'r.r i ~ roun d I .hal:f~octa.go n, or fuU~ octago[n stylesi.

The M[ode:l :m..891 rifle was aWso ofiered ~ 11 (Hll ~ . 32~~ convenible :Mcnr either centar-fire or r:[;m'A:re cartridges by substi .. tutlon of :6Jrin .. g p[[D:ScO

The cal. ..2.'2 Modet. m [!;91 r,~fte 'was replaced by ~he: :MiJ.cdel m ;fl92 ' 'W8,1) alse [o,f soUd-,iramJe, cGm:str"o~:Ofl. M:[ech.flrnlca~ dit.f:erenoe-s, between the 2 models were' rni ner, ,Seat' and 'tm'mgg-e.:E' 0':( the Model ! 892, were int'egr~a~" and not separate as in 'tbe M:,odel. I. 891 '1. Tbere were :iidd,[t],onal changes in die fir~ng pi OJ breech bolt and nigger .spd Ill;. Standard bafE,~d Jength ,fCJf the . 'odet ] ,8 '2 was 24;1 but. longer barrets could be fUFO'i shed at extra cost. Barr-els, were ron [l.d~ ha] f..,.octagom", and full ~Dcta.gon,

.A takedown V'erf,SmOll" desi,g:na~,ed

:Model 1.89'7;, was .~Dtrod.ueed. in, that 'Year, It was otherwise made ~DI the ssme general specificatwo'ns as ~lbe Model 1892 'nd 'was a'vanabiie :in :reg:um:ar and

d~'~"lII!'M: e a;r-=-ade,co A' om i!li<1f" I' "'"1~ .~ 60iJi _.!I.:- I ' [ .!

~ - .0. ~ .I!;i1. J., ,.;,.. " oJ!lf"'''''''''' ~ .J.. uar,rt.'h

'~:Jl,;.'l· cvcle m ,,",,!.,J'~'l~ . with -d'~'i, ... e· .... ' , ....... na .... ;;'jj.''IiJ!'. '

InJ 'W.J ~.. [IW ~~ , ,lE], ,lIJ l'i.r.' ll..l.~ . lUI II.r.l~~'. '-[II!L.1

magazine was aka ofi'ered,.P',ro dueticn of botb M'[odel l,8:92 aad ",-ode] ,[ 89'7 .JIBes ·W·U discomdnu.'ed. ~D 191..5 when the: :nrm was Sto:~.dl 'by tbe Marlin fanriffiy to ~he,kwen Carp'. Diuring

·W' .-, 'Id' W' I' MIl' .' , . '

.·<·Olf . '> ;,ar . ~.-::__.a:rdn-R.[oc.k.wen m3J'Iili'u-'

factu red machlae guns ,a,nd other IOrrd .. nance item,s, far Amtj,ed, governments .. After "the war an uasuccessful aUe~m.lP:t 'was made to, :reorg;aR~ze the company (,0 produce 8.IHl111 lng arms, F'oUo'W,WDlI baLluuptcy asserset the :flrm were purchased at a sher.ffiirs, sale 'byia'n k Kenna, a New' .- . laven .wnd:us:t;rw:aiUst Some former Ma:dim. eoon.p,loyees Uvin.g In the 'N ew Haven area subseq.uen~·i:1 came '[0 'K: ,IEIi'i"li,"" Or ~''''''d'' '~'rA~ A him ,j;,'~,i'Ii'. ..key.

.... ,,,",J,~:IU.IiII, ~,I,.II "u\l,II.lI, j 1Il.ll . UJ,1i>!l)1I, U,L. .

cctdd assem ble ,~ grear m a filly ,r" :Hle:s :from parts, rem i Lnwng fr,om pre"w'a'r preducjOml!, 3n.d that ,It be-st onrn.-y ,I, few small parts, 'w,ou;~d ha Vie ,to be made, Com~idering noris to be good ady.~ce~ Kenna reorganwzed the Marl"n Firearms CO"lJ and shortl y thereafter the ModeE 18:9.1 dfme was, redesignated Model 3:9, iaiil,tbough dJ .. .lD~tial ,['fIDes 'with. this model number we e actually HS€mble.d f'tom, Model 189r1 p!ans., '

The M;odem 3'9 Wras, offered in .p.wstolgrip style ,o,nll:y an: ~ a l~ ,~' oc.tagO'D b'.arfieW was standard, In m9.391 an -~im.pmv,ed

versien of ,['b',IlJj; M··· ",!,,-,1Ie· "1'· J,ii,. d·' esi . ~'i:'!Ii'o'!iI !te··.::!1

• I [j • _ 1. .,., • J W~'" ' '7' ~l ! '~\ 1 IJ&l~ :-U

:Model 3'9 A! was lntn)duQed. n, feaJturedl a :shotgum-ty.p[e p'i,stcl·eg[f~ip buUstoc.k a nd ~e.rnl:i-bel,ve.rtaU A, 2411 t~pe-red. rou ndbarfie ' was slaDdar-d~ ~', 'ainspriD,g ,arlld tr1,gge.r' sp:r+D:i' were of coil 't,ype ~nd, the~ :h.aJm:mer Wi!l~,oved"


:I'm 1954· a 2.0~ earbine ven~on known as the J"I-A ", ~l'U of ie 'was :;nwoduced i This m,odei has" str,alght-grwp' uo(lt and a redueed m.a,glzine capacity o(f '20 shatt~ 15 long, or.' 1. 4 .~ong rifle car-

uwdges" -

The Golden M[odleW 39-:A witih, lo~[d= 'p,:;:la'~~d 'uitlni::r~'[ was '!'Il'Iii!fr'i"llduc.oo ,;;'ti'!I ·l,ns:",,·

r ~~~, . ~\, A4! l~lll:li~'_·U. _. _. __ . JJ~a.lj .::;J\ '!!i

fii·n. [ 'II ,(TI;6. ·0 . ...:Ii;..'ffi' ..... me-el ated ~ arved '_C"·''l"'''· .. 11 ..

JIi .IL ;" .... ~ .... ,~::b; 'y, ,'!;,o' It"" ,""".... !IJ ~!I!!<'" 'I' "'"' !odIiL!U~

presentation 'VerSti,011:!1IS iof tbe regular M' 39\-A riflJe and 3$~'-A. 'MournUe were 'pla,ced in. li mJ.i, bed :p'f,,on."

'T<o d~8a.$.!5emb:le :M,a;rilbl :19·'ili\ fir.S'l dQ&e acro'lIl. then'y cock hamm~r (3;5) iiI,nd. unscrew t~humilbsc:Jj"'e'W' (S 31)

2 'b~ 2: porti,o,[1s of' the :recei'fe![" (22) :a'n~ (48) WWW'~, OOQle .ap~n. ~t 'cb". j~:j~llts by :f.ore:Ulla: ~be lbu-ttsl11o.ct:, (:ngb~ s~d~) :pO:r1I~on

- to '(be right

3· Breech boll [(20) 'Call 'be :RmON~, by '. ." slidiug ~~ re.arf.'WfilJ"td as fa'l:" IS ffit ·w.iU I.~O :aiiITiid then ~;ifting it a:wa:y,. Depress wwng o~' [~j,~\tc.tnr GU1) ~~Il'o eieeter base (26,) aqd. rotate ej'~rol[' ~oct rivet (2'9) to, retain e ector wn d.e.prressed, p.c,sffi~~on. DHMser.rnb~y

~ib. s,~,,r,. f'«!j,,,,, ''limJ' "I'l rt!~I'Ii-'G ..... f-r .... illea·n ~1"I'II!Ilr ""'n""l O~1·'lll~' ifIr -Illvl~~!i) ~-'! "n,.I. &;alwlIU~·I"ir.-~ :_", !l!.rUl,· _ U Ji.I!'bl ~_ UJ I. _ W" J. l,i5oi1

To fea:ssem:b~e· :'rs~ ,W~Sll.[ie: thathammer is ooct1ed. 'Ne_x'(~ tnm lejec,~r :mook t.ivet fIg) t,o f'fi e, ej:~~,or wwng5, re_p!a,ce 'br-eec:h bo.lit,~, a'od s'lid~ it ~nrward. Open. fi~g~:r ~e''I;i'\eir (60) s~~ghd:y I(appl"ox~ ma.'f.e·~y :~ ~l 'to ~ N)t pbtee, bu.'ttstoc.k (-"igh't slde) pOf1t~on of r.ece"'V\er hrute' ~ ~:ft s;id~ so ilh:a~ th~ Up. on 'Ihe fi ,onr. end 'fi~$ ~mn;o recess :rt I,dt srude. Sc:r'e'w down

the, thumbscrew ·a.s, fiu!' .as, it wwll 1'0

_ FurU,er dis~~embl"f : s accom.p,'lis.hedi by' ~e m"ov[nl: the firw:fiig: pi,milI (f. 9)~. 'W trich s,i mply may be ~inect, 'way Iro.m the bolt

5 To remove the. blJl.Ust.(u:~m' u:n~crew til e . .... ~.ang SC'feJW (41)1 and. Hit It'b,e stock away

to the r.ear

", ·ext , unscrew :fi n~r'r lever screw (4:5- :1 ,oW' C l'" arf.lO/w) aJhd nf:t away finger lever, ,:~:, ~ha.[t~ unsc ew carrier screw (4·6-1l,p'peili 'a,rro,wj and 1i,~1 CllW~ carrler (49'),

',I '!he may be lFiemoved by u~scr[erwwfil 'th~ 2; ·for,ea.rm tip ·tle"fiOTll sc;~w;s' ('~ t) - :ai.'":d :diclil1l :fo~;(iu·,m tip, (12) :fo.rw3l rd, 'Tb~ fore.3l'fm, m.ay flOW' be U:fted a w a;y,. ,R'e'Bss,embWe, :in reverse order •

M " 1""·

" ,\..... 'ar ... 1.n

M· .: .. :.: _.. '0· .. · xl ., - el 9········'··10·· .. ·;··········, SJIT' . S· ••• r :

.1. '.,' I~i - '_ . I., .. >

-'0' ·t·'g --0

'. . '.' ." ,'. . :." -'1' ,':

·'i .. :.U I

I'NT .1.9,37~, MarlbJ, ir·earms, C:O'''~ N'e:w' Haven_t 'CO,l[tD'. ~ began. .p.rodtJlll)c~ilo,n of the :M,odel 90 double tr~gg~r ever .. undeE shotgun, n.ot,eW1orthy .f:or :its, clean, slmp.~e design and moderate pf.ite~. Ea:rl~l production g,UM bfUJ]. a, ],'OW .fo~emd :i~ro!B. vlblcb did ,not, rise up even with front 'of frame side; members as :iln later ,1005" ,PI~W'ar pmduC!Uo(r:it WQ in l2-'g;a .. on ,~, m,~rg~ :fi",a:fiti.ej! with ~omlj!ew:ba't smaller frame used on ], 'l')- and :20",ga, :m!lOde,IDs,. A, :smaH Iq]Jlarodt.y ,DiE •. 4 ~ O-bore. Mode'~ 90~'s Welf: made 'llP QIl a .mjnbDi,tnre frame. Also ]\1 ade 'Wefie ill few dft,e=siho,t= gun clQmb~na;t~.Qmi bw ~310 'W:w[lcffi:u~~s~er= 20".ga. and alse ;,~ I O-boir,e: eembinations widi m:iliOJe: barrel chambered iar,' .22 :dm!fire~, ~2'2, H;om!e~'" lor .2J.8 Bee, Sp:e~ cw~rn. hardened OOCQru~, p])a,t~ were fit~ed to s~~ul.dIfI;! breeches fOf ce:lltef",:[[i:re rifle cartn'id.g·,e-s, and smaU""'dia;me~er :6t~n;g pins were .~Dsta'l]ed to ,prevemt pune .. ·,g· of' pr1mer~ ..

. Em. 19$.1. the fore-end ,wrun usenlJbly

was ,modi:ffied "by j nstallation of a, pulldawn. plvoted t'·a;'tCh in ·;.ie:u o:f :th,e fla~

" _.'L., d .

spnn,g ,ca~w:w usee OICHl p[eViOiUS guns.

In m g;S'4l a ver.,sion 'was i!ur,od~eed

,. - ~I· ,. 11.""·' '1:..." 'L

wUh :DiOJ1·"'Se~echve· SU1\g~. tr,~gleir' 'Wul'C~l

i:rled the ],ower barrel,[m'olre opeaboE1~) :irst., Designated ·M·odel90 ST" It bad an a nti .. do [dJ1 mug meehanism operated by an Inertia w~~ght~ I'D event of a recoil~ndUiOed ~:nvDluDtary trigger release and involiUJ~.'ta.ry seoond pull .a.fteJr' fb:1n~: the b,arfeJ,~, countee :recom~ moves the enti re ,gun, wi~h reference te tb,e inertia 'we~gh:!: SIO :lhl.t m:t s:wi:llgs under the ~ner-

,.!'. , .....•.. _ ... L·,~ ... A' .;IL.,...... .. ,.,'., .....

ua srJOp' m tne lrame.;-·,!t tne same um,e

. 'L_ 'L'· .aI '" c..:I • ~ •

tne sear $,lue moves rorwam ~n .1P00s~t:l.nfbl

to engJ,ge~ th.e ~ppet sear, thus, :~,OSl'rn:J' OODlttU:~t with the lower sear, If the. 'tidgger is ~n.v;oJ:ruJn~aIl1y' .puUed at thws,

'iI'·~·m-··1fj; t i'l'i~·"':'~~Ii"; . .,....,ii'"i;+,~",.rrjii ~ii!j blocked bv .'L ..

I!.~. __ . """ ,!!!..~g~ .... ~. .'!'~.~!i;;,I',~.l'l!;,J'',!h!, .rnolli· _.~ y:r;.rJi;,. .... uy ,~.IJI:e

j nertia 'we~gb:t so tba:t a. deliberate re:~.ea8e and seeoed _pun of ·rtlUit trlggee is; necess aJry to me '~Ihe upf.eI' b~rr,e~ . The

JI. ~O""'II~·'I ,If'IIO" !~I' 'U:~~ oP .JIJ·IC!""o - ~.;;_- 'Ii ted !'H 1 Cii 6t'i11 l'!f.')!!,'U"",lI, ~. 'i;; .,Il,'h~.... i~'_,",,~ ,fOlw,dli,~ .... < .w~~ ;r.',!JI.

1. To,;a$S~I[Dib:~@ M:e(le'~ .90 sr, :fiFs,t coek tbe arm to oo;mrp~, firjng :pffiOOl ~P([.ru~8S (S?)~ ~et ;n:f~~y 'button aSl' .. ~o .,~ (Safe},! :a;ud, remove fO'I~·a~r.m (5) ;i±l~d Ib~rm',~l (1) .. N'e'M,t) remeve :reooU .pad. s!O~ws ~(2) and :wecoffil pad (61). U'si~nl, ,i lOD:g·..si1:a:Med .~lCr.ewclr~.ver~ remove .'biUUsto~k .. :i~oo.V' . {.3~,)1:,. billJjUs~o(;k, 'w:um]:' ,(37)." and ~u:U:sif:ock .Wocl-, w.ame:r (36).. Pu,m s;t:nck. aJ,W,i!'Y' fro •. f:ram.~ (3,4.).. Place a 'fe'm't"piaddled machinists 'clam,p, be!t.w,eell oo.cikwng arms en the :llrjlJ,~' pins Cl4lf ;a~d 5.:5) aJlld, :reI! ,S'u:rfaJC<e· ,orf sel~' box I( 4·5)1. 'Re:m.crve sear box ,sti~W 1(:; n and .m·fl

~.w~y e;llth"~ sear 'oo,x as;semh~y to rll@lht

~. Sl-iQW~ 5TOel(

2 ,M;~nu~J11:~ 'I]'a:.P'"se~a,~;s.- (4,1" and '4:~) '~:'~;~

, ,:;1.0\\1' I 'Y open c,lamp [0 release tens 1;0,.01

on firhiLg ]J]]1J spr,i ngs" 'U s~ng ,I"o,ng~;nos~d, p]'ieJfs.~ ca:reflu] Iy 'unheok' Sear' s;p:rr~:Im,[!gs [4 '[)I frem rea f' n otc~ of each ~eaJ'D" ;u:uj, Hft spri ng~, a w,as,. D:rU~ eu t sear pins "48) and rerneve sears, sea r ],ink (.44)~, f r~ng: ':pin g~Jd e (46)1. fa rl iI'iI\g, pim:ts! [POLS i:dome'f (,j:3)., ,~md.

,p osi'[[one:r' ,:s"p!ac)e'U. (:5] A)

3 R_em,ov~, ~~dr['e'ty ouUion ,~p~~n,g Sb:~ew

, .(40). 9 no ,I ~,f~ a way sarfety button splrl n.g

i(2,~') and ,.sa:fe~y tHJ'~t~m r,~d, (5 Il)~ Ne):.t- (A] d n ft 'Out ~:;[telrt I a, we]gh! P[l] (30) ,a,imd. remove inertia w,e'igll'[ (21)j'- inertia ~;ught plunger spri rig (2 & j, ,a~,d ]nerHa w~~Jgfut, plu IIITl;g;et (29) 'bein~: careful not to tose the ~a;n:e~' :2 parts, Then (B a rid C) d ri ft ou~ :shlgl,~ 't,dgger p~~'n; rea r [,3 ~l~ amd si:ngJ]c' u'-jgger ph~J" frcnt (':2: 3). Remove ~lng:~e ~ r.-jgge~ $1 ~d-,e (Ut) :!ndJ :S,ifl~'le' tri,,~g!ilr (9). {OJ 'Driftt out

cock hlg h:ver pi n (2.1)"

i. B,arrcll

2" Front si~hl 3. Ext r~cEor

d,. E--Xtf~ct©:r rc'[ a h'a i:liilg screw (2) 5. Fore'm'm,

,6. Fore-f'mld i:n:n~,

'"J'. F OJ'~\t1-rlfn S~rCW (2)

8. F e re-ead i.r,on t~~;llclll

9. Fore-end iro':ihl catch pi'nl ~'O. F ere-end ~'u\O[1 caJ~ch s"prjn~

'I. 'I. F ere-end ilion eateh sc rew leek w,asih~f '11_ 'F 'u-~·el'1,d ~ r,On eareh sc.r.,~W

13. E~,t:r.:]JG ~'IlJIi' 'Iev~:~ (2)

~ 4. Ex~, f''-iC~,olf J~Y~r pi a

I s. L@c1kill'l\~ bcdt

16. '1 op-lever ~ i rrtk

I 1'. Top-lever i n!k_ p\R~ I. g_ S\~~ll'i~~,~~ l sWid.e i 9_ :s iWJg!c' t I'~'gg,elf

:W. Co~::'1k i n,g levew

:2 ~,. CQck.i n~ ~el,\'-e'r pin

:22. Cockin~ ~.'e-l,i'er- spnr.i']l,g 2). Shllg:lc' '~,~-ji~,ef pj,n!;, f,rom 14_ Tti~g,-e[" ,gilard pi,n1I

:2S. S;;'1:.rre[y !biWI nOIl1

2~. S ~~ reay ~,u'U.'OJ1l S',plt iJn~ 1 ". J n,e.iI'~ i<:t. \1;,~ei!l;t.1t

~,8", ] ne rt ITa, we ~~ht pI ~;U'i~~ if S!prirng

2'9'. .l'ne.n kt ''''V~'i~ht pI ~itl_g!j,H; -

30", rn nt litl!l \!'~e,~ghl, p iifiil

,31. T rug"e'r giLl~ rd

l:2:. S ifilidc .; liig~er D~n I' re~lr 3-31,. Ti,l,g:g,e r gu ~'I!'d sc,re.w

34,. Frame

3.5. Btl,Uslo(:'k S'Cf'~W

j6. ,BuU'stack loCk.w,a;shcr 3'1. Ih.llU,!!;[Q;c].:, washer

]: B, lnen i~ 'wd~h~ ste p r]~'le

""0 'I' -- ,,..;;<i' \,. "'''"~ i!D'hii' il<1';flI no nl3.'~ eo nin

.1iJ},1;. lJJJtI'iii:ilfIll~l ~~~ I" ~IH~F· r----!.l- ~" .. _

,~O~ :Sa,f,I!I"Y butte 1.1, :sop r"i'n,g s;cre.w 4.-~'., Sear' Sp ri fIlg f2.)1

4:~,. Sear, bono:m

/'I,~ ,e~","" 11" '~Ji"I;tn,

III! ~lll ~'ir~1 'II I~ W"!F'

,~4" Sear Unk

,;11 _, ,f," 'Iio"

'9i,~~ sear eo ~

46. :Ffrfng; pln ,gu,;'d~ ,~r7. Sear bo,x phil ,~8.,' p:~n 1f2,J

49 _ C'i;)ck! ng rod

50. Safet,Y bU['[o:n r,od S ~,. Stla,[" 'be.x scrc:w

0::,. 'IE;,' _ " , - . .- - --, ' t'''')

,;,iI_. ~,- ,U r,nl:g P',H], !S pw II I!l is, 'I;,,_

,I;' -::. rni"ll~ '[ ;#'i'n "''.;) ,Jl.::, ~:IV~'IJ 1J"'r!11l11~~'I:

:- 3A. ,Posit ioner ~Sp;].'Ge iI 14,. F':~r,~n!:, P;~r!, bot m,o'Dlii. 55. Pfr~ng;' ,pint- ~op

5,~,.. Top-Ie've'r

~., "iii" - - 'I "'Ii -, - , ~ ;;ji ,~I., ,W OP~" !Iii \ri2 r :sri1,~ ~iilC'

,5S. 'c:oddng caml

,59.. C~.iud~~n~ rod J'em[ll'~[i~ ::2tC,f',ew 60- Top·,!elf~e'j;" ~'I.;iI,i·n,i r:ug scrc'w

6 ,I., R~coB pad

6~,. R~coi I p:~d S'Cr~w ('2)

63. $ Hde' "ptiln:Q

64. $1 r.(h~: S:,pfJ n:g t!'O i(.~:e

65. S~t~j'i '1Iin];:, pi n

.1'1t.fu,en,tle'd t»e Bed'l '~,4\~tlblne an.J'

.... ,,;i'!;J9'-'!i"~-';',.1 6''''",_'!llM'"~',~'it'';'''''', to' _."., ..... :Ir_~_.# H't ~'~II!· L- II' ,~r~,a ~ 'Oll~ lEI· ~~'~"'~'~I l'~~~~ ,Q."rIr. ,,~!§;r.

Bor:ril-i'IO'yJ$,t.'(li~jo M(j:ss.~, M:~y '1~ 1'835 DJ,M~CI:.of:erfl:O'.!'.t;'j ,N:. H "J ro.. 7,!, 1.' 92 '1'

A .L.'s= ItT B',ALL "1;[1,;5 a mechanical fi genius with a great dh,Fersity .caf interests, ,A fter cOiwp,le'tlng one

",_,- :r;it 1I!~"'h "''1.-,,,] '~, bessn ,.'-il

term C,II! rug ' ,OC~100,.[O ne -' e.g,a n an

a.'PP]'fcu,[kesllili:p in H~u: machinist's trade in, ~V.orces[~I'l- Mass., ptt tth'~' iD time ,'viU1J several companies ~n that citv, ,A"t the '[ast ol:f these, L". "~, ~ Pond, he was pl aced ~n chargl~' of

f.. It" 1 "~I] "1 t]

· -' I" I [ ',' _. ,-, ._ . I" -.. .:- . - . ", . I'" . I .'J - - '", -.

manu ~():U,iii,i,ng p 3,new.,s..:, n e nere

he perfec ted a m aehine foOr P olishin,g tEbt t, surfaces and mvented, in, .I 861i ~ a I conl).bi:ncd le~oenHng and single-load-. ing, rifle,

it 'V.lS the in vention o:f '[he r:i:f.I .. e tha t b:1"~ugh,t Ball :In:~o the :a:[jl1,~'ma,'~,,., -,,- ,~, 'ld I!' 'C' "-' L' -, - , ,,!C' '1:1[/, ..:li

] ng ne · -e ""'" a mSO:E].. or w ~n-I!J,~

,~, -, "',',.l'-t ; , 'I ' " :,:"11 ~.., ,-. ,'L,t-, the '-I 't'-- ,- t-

sor, "J! prO~:BpilL~ poug:~:iIJ, _In€; patent

and persuaded Ban to become super .. ' i n.tcndcll't ,or. his ,g~n :f;~cto:ry'., B~,U sra '\ -cd v~,,·!th LB.'m,:~oD 1 ess ,th~Jn , \ -ea,rs" 'b~]'t: du f,ing dl~i;t: Urns he. Id,el'·,elop~d and ps'rented], "fht=IJ:[ is smid '~O have been th e ,lin~:~ ca,rif::ddg,e,gre~si]]g ]113- ell] ne to come imto general 'L]Se ,~n.

A· d 'E' 1

,-0 ... , '-1" . 'I . '.. '.- ~.[ - ,- .-. J _-, . " •. ' - . - .', -:- ,. I

, Ul n an. . lJ],,n ar~en~ _ S"

-r I be ttl use lof Ball' s dep,aI, rture :f [10]11, Lamson was ll.i~: wandering ~n retest, ,;vhich Ied 'him, ~'[), 1 8.68.. into the ~Iu;a:rr~r [ng and, lin ~nin.O' :iields. I]'1 tha t

~. ~ ~ l~

yenr 'he palen'ted, a d iamoad drill and,

moved to Claremont, N. H; to man-

uf~cbuc' l.'[~ ,~.oT ,the next: 50 rears

']- 'k d ']'" b - dd" 1

.. -. J" 1 _". ", ,- ,.' ",I' _. .. ',-. - ',.,';"

,we \:\. o,r,;C! ,_ at t-1HS .' u.s,[n,~ss an __ , · e,~,-e_ .. ,

cped 11 is most s:lgnHican t i [1,'\ -ent~ons:o

· - -]~" di ] d "11 di

i, . 1 I I I . . - _ .. ,j' . ',' . .'. -, -. " • -'. - ,- ".,-

Ule ,IJ~( I,ng _ J3.fJllOU,(. c(}re~ ,n ,So; • ,l,irec t~

,aJcfcrnn.o steel .eh m n neTh i n'~' 'rna,c'h ]-ne~,

-- - - -- -,~ ,_ '- -" - - - - ,,~, ,- _ - -" , .

, -, - w~ "~" :"]11' "~, d" ~ '-.' -, - 1 -~' 1,,' " -, ,

. ,r-DC~ (ll n:u S ,al£·_ .rf\'-cn ,com, PU:;h.,[l1g

'cl'IIJ foes,. a;n,d leo/nth, nOll S ,~:nl't lhlg~c'hain coa]=m i Ding m,i'chru Iles;. A~ a '€'lJr':h~r

· a"'· f-' h" ] '. '] ",

, "1'" '-1"'- -.. • :'1' 'I ,',0; , '. ",-' ", .,' ", - ••••• -.. '-...' - - :.;

],[1 . _ ,I,C~ t]on o. _ Uli n.1CC:Ii an ~~a,_ g~n,l.tlS~,

B,~n _ ,a'lso :pe'dected a c] oth Jru;',asu-r:i:ng, n]!l~:,~, ~~ood.'.pu 1 p gr.i,nd'[ng :nfl,ilIl,;!'"'h [ne~ _ "':t'ii Irt'i,- '\ Icr,fi<c1~,ert;'l~, .~ ryldC, ii"':ri'~"~ln:;&ei;:r~:.

¥ _ " _ ~'11 ~,v. ~ '~r~ _ ,1'\ _ ~ ~ ~i~ !!!I·!!I,. Iir ~.J.I_ ~~.!!J~ ~

presses, ~Qr na~ king aspb,~lt bloc:~s" :and, lnale'h inle:ry for 'produ,ci n.g' _ 1ll.1l'[q ~le, pat _, t.e'~n:s ]n~ ,v~od'r ~btl lin" aU-~nr.a U SCI[]],e

]"'-' f" ·p ... tilllil['Il'I:,;i', 'H Jj, ~'QLD-' L P' 'Ir!"T'F."'lI'Ilel"il"i;.'1I

:J JI . .' a" -~, .Jlj !J.~~---' .. BIA' .... I. ... . _'. _ ,~-," J.1 .. ,~~~p~!,!l'~

I ~e::~: ~~~9tb:~ :1 M::~finb~i[!

'£U'Tnl~ Co,mpaJ:iy in trodueed the: fi rst sue-

ful ".;W •• 'iI!;..'] ,.

Cf'-$cS: U_, .~l,ule·~l~Cb~~, t~I~UJlr~l:na,~;z~ne

lever-action 'II"~:'O om. 'iiIHMtill.., 't1'O~I'I""d- T\iCi\f'!OIill!'[-'"":1iJII' T1J1!' e

l~ . ~t~J' Ql~. I!../tI._1Ij .Ill III L,~~ n [II. ·lILL ~ . .: ,llL J' ,1,~!\or'IW., . "'.~.!. __ ,JI .

ba$~c: design has b een im:pro!ti'ed, several 't.~EU}~S ,t~.'roil]gth. .-t]]Je years, -,wI th the 1 ~~:,t sJg~ufic~nt change made in 19'418 'wrth the ~n trod.!Il.1ctio,n. of the :Mcdel '33-6

series ,of' 'FUles: ,BJ:nd. ca,l'bwft,es" O~' mSl.~ar interest is. tn:~d' all g,u:ns O[ tb'h;, modern series 11 ave round barrels and ,;1, round, breech bo'~"[ of all 0,' ,s~,eel. This in eont(.~s"t ww t b. the ~square~ breech bolt of previous I\'1l1 'lever-action ri flIes,.

The ,fact 'tb:at: the M:odel 3,:~i$ ejects sp:eD[: eartridg~s itoO the side rafher than OIlJ't the top of the receiver is of importanee ro the she eter who lM,aJn,[.s ~ to mouat a scope sigh t d~n~ctl'y over Ute: bore 'of his fia!e. TO'ls is not ~eas:ibrue lvifh top-e i',ectlol[j, anus, wh ich must be ,fitted. ' 'a, rel ~live]y' ~;'ll¥k\~illfrd, o,ifse.t. :side

I ,. lil!l!oiC,iv!e,r'

2;, Ree:e!i'yer ,d iii IMUlny :!;¢r'~W$ I~' 6]

l:~ I're e el~ 'bolt .,

,4,~ btfIIG~'Qr'

!5" R,ealr' ,f,'i'r;'1ii!9 p,i,ii'j f~h~ i~n:,,~, pi1iili [10;11,9: J ,. Sal.' ~lri'lng P,ilnJ ref,alg'ni'09 p'-ilrl II,-siliOri)

L' r§' 'iir".' •

~. IFrQ~,t' 'i!f. r! iii 9 !PI! III

'1. 1R;,(ht u fllriil19 pi:1i!1 I,. IF1~ri'l!W,g p'anl '~pri In 9 ';1I"IMla,mm,e'r'

,I 0" H'i!IIli!1lmt~r jf,~d.

II., H'anmm,(!lIT' ,rod p:!,n

I "".j; ".~I ~ .,

z, M'o!!!l~ll1!l$pi'! n g'

I, '''':II iii, jl ~ ~. JI ., J[~ I' Ii

,,~,., M,~ ~iir$:pll"~,Ili,g, ,!ii,g,j ijI $lJ;~,rr.'~ Pc 1ii''fEl'

itJr4,., H~mm,er' '$C:re'W II S,. 'T i!.'il l1'li g, :5iC!Il'\!IlIW

,~ 6., 'Tri is g,e;r .gllliJl~lrd ,pl,ilfre:

~ 7'., T'ti g 9 ew '9~~I~d Ipl'ir~el $'~feW

~ g:. T'lI"i'9 9 iI!I', !3,!1i.I i1II il"d pll iilrhi' :lili.l p'p. Qir~' 'IiC'lJieW I '~., C\Ll.liill' ]ei" roc:~e:1i

2:0., C~fi'i'eF I'Q~lb~'r ~p'f"ilng' 21 rn rCiIlIlrr'1'8!1I" !roelke'," r'ivet

"'Ji<"Jo C'" '.

zs, .••.• II n liiit.i'"

,,,,~, """ .,

k;iJ;.. ~,j,Iilft.,~,f' $!(i:!"E!rw

'24". LocU!il'g bQU

:~,S'. lEi'e·c,t~'Ii' ,a!:I!W,d .~Xee·~or' 'splin g '26, LQ'i!iidl~i'l!lgl '$p'ri'~ g

.. L ..lI1';" - '. -

:2' .,IQ~gliliIl"1l9! :5ilprll!ll'g '5c:reW

h~ [p.r\op 'f 11'"1. 1C!I~l\of!l'" dl ip cf Clil ~ :Pcr! Irts wit·1, ~ '~M1 ·1·I!n,e 1I"e>r:::e'i"!l!bll1' wi'th. f .e g~' min cl~os·i!i·d·, ~oi,i'lke d~ D lfiI,d P'iI';p·p~'lr,~y


iihe ifinSlfe,Il" ~'e .... \e:r hg,S1 bICi;,n opieoed ;1 ag h d 't Q If!! d 1h e ~1~·tloWl

1':5' 111-:-·.... 1 ...... ,iI'lI, II" I~ .. ;~-· d lU,ot""· ·1!~'EI't

.:. • ~ J!I;;;!'!.I~. I W'P.l .. •. III I~ _.'W _ __

Il.. ,li1li... 'II L.~ il... - I (.'i'ri..ll'!;"

W~,II~n~,1iI III ,~oC' ... ~.n.g l~i!~n .,;!:;~.,j! 1:5.

not· in fUln engl(;l19[e mlliH'lIt wHh. th:e· blfeecm bfJ,h (3:~,. d!Je "to ·th,e' flng @jj!" iT :Y'.lilr bei 119.1 IP.~ !r _ b;;; In)' I~H' f"IiD.IJ~' Q.plene·d~ ·I'~ e :rre.'@,r. ~:Itd fllro,n ~ £i t!ng p$fIi:S (1' ~nd 6.) OIl':e .iFtI,ot 'fn Cl!ltglr.iim nt ,C!!ndi CI blow of th.e hCii mm 'r clCInnc1' b Ell ~r!l;'H1I';5.~ Imi tte,d ~o . h· ·f cn"t 'f\rilfig p~'IiII_

Io:n' . !I.' -i d"'"'' ..... ;t..

lI"~olte ~ 'al" lin 'C!I!l;,il.' [I ~jl'il:i'Ji1I.,. '~In·en

. i!.. I . _J II II' L.ii!11

'l\mHi:!! .. "I'fi'iI" 1:51· o~~!le'Jl!Je'i;!I iIOIIO~ y ~ .19 n'~llll"',.

'i'I:ilO t·Il"~~H~e.'r $(Jfe'ty blQt (3,·1 ) dr,aps. and the· ·.,rr:r9g e,r· e~rn"'Q~

b III1 d[ II!Io 1'. 'Ib..c·

e p'U.I,e c.. !!OleI'!TQ,~'e.· ·,rlle g'!,;I1nl ~II"II

be filii". dO' du, trig ge'r b IClld.. mU:5;t be r-\Qli·$.l~dl by th~ ftdly [d~~ed ~'~v!g!" Ci!ld 11'~·ti;'!l ~\ear 'f~lI"i·~'91 ptn M~I$1' bi!· rurly e!l\evG ,~d iiiliro Cii Ij"SlInrn efi't wiU'1 ~ihe h(HiI~· fiirifl'91 p;~n by' t~ ~ ihJ~'I., SS'Cl'tir!lld IOoC~dng!



- - - - -

For ·ol'.rnal CI'etJ~in'g·

Per normal ele a,min,iJ of the bore from '[he breech" and ru:nspecl ion lof th e bore. it is on] y. necessary to open 'the fi nger lever (3 4) ~'jra[fw ay! remove fin ge:r lever screw ( ]8 J]I and. pu 11 f nger 'I ever dow n nd out of aet len, 'Th ereafter I' pull breech 001 t (:3)1 aU the '\~a.y out of ~ he receiver and removIe the cjec..[OI (2.5 ) from its slot ill] Ie.n sidle of ooc.ei'v,e~

Com poletll Dli sasse r" b b~

:P[nler llever p[unger (3S) and sprlng (36) may be remov d by dri jn.g out the :plumlle-r .pil:n (31 )1,.,e ",ang SCiFe·w (] .5 ) arnd , uU off bn ['[stock (5 S ). 'I he' m~dnsiOri;ng I(] 2 ) and ·m a:i ns:prin& adljusd:n,g pl.a Ie ( .] .3) c~ n be: removed by low,ering fua, H~ )1 ca:r" ~ :fuly to its fo,r'emJ(~I.U :p otS.itk)f,l 3ind.· artier li pipi ng: . hie • top of the nil aiifllspr "il.Jjg adD ust i.1l8 p],ate.. fOfwo,ard alnd s:~deWla.rd$ ,ff'om '1J'lld"e:[" [(bIP '~~'U:tg,.

Rern()\re 'h~ hamm,er ~lC.rew 1( 1. 4·) and p:re:ss~lIlg 'U'm,gg,e:r s~ i;~1u]y.1 .re ll'iI.cnte; th ~ ham,· n·u~::_.' (91) upwa:rd,. Dr~v~ OlH. hammt rod pin ( - .. W) and. remoy,e; hammer r,orj ([ 0).

.' ~

Rem.ove [.h e b·iggetL" gU;[] rd .r.dat~ s;cn"\ew

( 11 J a __ .d ~be tr~gger ;g;ua:rd phr : supipO["1 sO feW (]!.)," Drc'p uri:gger ,gu;~ rd lil aJle ('] 6:) O~~ In)t~o·m of rec~iver., Trigg~r ("2S) ,ilIDld ~e:a!li' (310 ) ma~' be :r.emoved from the 'I:r.igg,e;r. gUEII.rd. ,Wate; by d ri V,i'[l~ .out 'the, trigge:r ·p~n (2. S')I , Th.· U[ggt sa f' 'ry 'block (31) and. sJ,rrin,g. (32.)1 ms.y 'be r:emolV,ed by d:rilll'j ng 'o~.u ·~he ~I['Jgger s:af1et:v block: pi n :(13 )1"


:R.em,ov"e· IC,alli'tler screw (13) on r[gh . side of receiver ,lI.m.d' ro:p carrier (2.2 ) and leeki ng bo~'E {24 ) CUI 'bottom o:f re eei ve]" . Remove ~oad.i'Hg .spring screw (2,7. and loading .s:Pltioi (26) frcm right side ol:f :rece['!!i le.:.r .

Remove. magaz:iJ]· tube p~'Ilg Screw (49) and dra w magazine till b e pi.:ug (48 ~I cu t [Olf magazin tube. 'Magazime nsbe SiPr~:niQ" (47) and f·oUowe.r (46) m~y be whbcl'r;~u,"'n. from mag.a:dinJ~ ttl b e (,4.5 I. Remove front bend screw (4·)1 and slide ofi front band (4,3 ) . Remo V~ rear band screw (5:1) and Ioosen rea:r ba md I( S 1 )1. 5.1 [de forearm (50) P on barr J :sli~thtl" and w[thdra:\,v m ,ga:zlin· t ube from recc'i'vet' ~ Foeearm ,ma:y be removed by-]iding '011 r ,ar band.

Rea:ssem.ble in .revel se, 'Oi,rder.. · .rle)·ios,t Hing 'breech bohl be sure'haJt ejec[r()r ms p,].a.ce(l, 'b:acJt. :)~ :ts ,slot 'in ~be. f[eceiver and ['11,31 l.he s~ u.d: O:iil lhe: ej'lt!ctor is wn .place In. its h:o~.e I,n thlc· ll'eceiver W!l~ l. br,e.e(:h 'bolt haUw~y i,n~ot.beLce~ver :arnd insert ~ h e fi ngle.r lever· ID:~o its slo·~ wn, dle trWg,gf:'r guard :pl.fll't. :S,O 't:h.a~ ~:1· end eng;:itg,es t.he :dot i.1Il UH~ bre€.c:h bolt.

I f :~r~:rmpp]n8r of ithe hreecb. Ibo t (3 )1 ls ]"II . cessa,r:y J f'fO~U and re'ar 'Wr~:n,g; pins (.6 and 1) ~nd fi:li~ng p,in. spr~ng . 8) may b.~ remcv,ed. by' driving ,10 u.t; fhe f front: :ftring pin pllin (shQr~,) (5:3.) and . :r~a;r irrung pwn. retarn.wng pin (lOWl.g) (S: )1. The ~xtj'ac'rQr :(4) ma, b~ ,pd(!:d ~\nUy fro.m. ~ts s110t w.ilb a, smaJ11 $c.rewdirive,l'. Care should be.. tai e:mJi iiLilOt. ·ito m~J th~ b.rle~c!b born~ ,or ~o· ·lbem.d. 'th,e extr:a"ctor ex.cessi've~y· lflll this 0,p1a: jOin.

Ri,f/:emttke.:r., :m'i/[enio" '.11' ,~'nd· l1atr.i(J"·

May 1.9.· 172,9

W· - - - '. U .. ilU M Ii!NRY was a. .mI3,n lof many talenes and ~:Im ierests. He was both a. rilem,iaK.e:r fjJ'nd ~ st udent 0 1iUl{[u:ral ph Uoso pfuy W:hol cOrJl~r:i b'LIr~ed 10 the Tr.o;,r,IStU;.t'ions of the Amerj~a'_. Pili 0. .. ,

ii,.,' IS" .-

S.OP.u]C.3. , ,. oc~e~y . He expenmented

wjde]YI~ :pan~cu.lady with steam. and was the firs'! man in ·tb =- United States '[0 re..l(perimern lyhh 9. stearn-driven bQ~t+

, Hls experiment was unsuccessful. bull; It eeabled him I.O! impart considerable kDO' eo Robert Fulton, who visitled him :frequent]y.. H~ invented an

"I"· h ~ t:

i;Il.p·par,ab.n::, uti III n:g rne expan S·I ve terce

of beat. d. ,i1d,. '[0 ope[fi, a nd cl ose [he dampers i;~ a Iurn ace, a screw auger, ~ 8~.e,a,m=:heal.irn.g synem. nlsny laborsaving machi es for IUnrrrl.ald:~g and

, .... '[ ·I~·, ·pi· . '.-.-1; .11' II..

\~:a! :Ell..!i., (!11m a ' , .. earn w' :~!e' . w~ .. ~iI2:n

h died.

In civic affair.$; Henry f!l so held rn a ny

~ H'''·' II..

~ mportan I .lpO.s.IS~ . e W'·B.S a, ~ust rce of tne

peace, assistaat bUf.gC:SS of Lancas .er ass~stant justice of thl1: Cou:rrt.y· courts, me mber of the State e ana I com m:iSS~O:Ii1. delegate '[0 the State Assem b: y., :m ember lot the: Council olf SafelY'1 Treasurer 0[' Lencaster COUnty, and member ~Jif the COllJ'tine.rHa I Congress. Th rough out th e . R~lolln~on I'UJ; was assistant eomrniss ry

J f 'Il.. D'··· .f; L

genera ..IJ1' tne _I~ .• net cr u.ancaster,

liIl:nd be supervised the manufacture 0 f cIotbi ng ,ilfitd ordnance :[0',[" the Contbilemlta'f A.:iimy.

In. tbe ~Jearm:s, fieJd,~, Henry· ,is 'b :. st kDOW1J for his :~n~ :rjn~s., H,e.: ie3 rn@!d the [.rade :ffloln .M'a,:thew Rcesslii:t. be:~, g.illn~ng at th.e age· of LS. In :11';5'0 he :fur m.e.d ~. pa.rtne:rsh'ip 'i.:v:Uh J,ruepn

S" d 'Il... h 'I" I: Ii..'

~'m'O!rnL" 3:n· ,La! CI use ~ C It 'Q ua uy !O~ fll s·

~Qrk tleated co:mddJo·bl.e: de:rU1!8nd.,. he s~ow'l1 a:cqlldr.ed a com [or! ab~e, fonune. From 'I. ~,'5 5 III ~ 76 OJ he .""tH"'Ve· -. as Ute pri'nc,iparn ,ar.morer f,or the PerJl,. _sylvania t.iI!',Qo[p,s ea Ued up 'f.or tfu fleo~h :and Incl]an '\V,ar·.. UPOEli his re.tunl from ser v~c.e ne bough~: 01J.n his. (Hlr~ fle,r and cOndUiQt'f:d. the blkine:s.s iiLh:)ifH~~ uf.'uH jo,i ned by his SOIU;S'1 I'n a.dcli ~ior:il: hl h i:s riDes h.e eJ(panded his· operfliUon dUl'i ng tb. R,vo"lutiom [0 illilch:.wde m'Uskec ,and hal"0illiLet :m.;)nu'iactt1It'e. ~nd 'tbe r.eped.r IOlf aili.niS ~-HA ROW' L. P E.T.B!ltSON

IN' spite .. {J:f l!S, ,a~~~, ~h[) harn~~a]!, rifle rs still 'In use rn RUSSUl and her satellites, It has outlived at ][eats[ ttl fee Russ ian sem i3.uto,ma~ic rin es,

Adopted In m 8:9'] by' the Imperial Russian Army, the M.osin~.~' aga![l~. was Russja' s first modem smoketess powder' rifle. It was designed by Co] .. onel Serge I, Mos~n of the Imperial Russian Army

. 'I~ i: b ,. · h E' "] "

m COI"Ij:il. c oranon W .. I ~,m ue ,a,gal.n,t .

fa m.OUS, ',:. elglaa arms designer :and man ... ufacturer, It :mlght be p nlnted out thlt: :~o:srnn".s name is, also encou n te ired In

.E J.. HOFfSCH'MIDT is! ,t11,! a:r.tis;t • ..t'lIt,I',",~I'·ator ..

4 T,a i$ftdp Ibolt (6l. ,orC!! 5p ,as :S.l1n,O'W·f:'i,. [Pu~1

1 I lback (iO~ 1li:;'Wl9 pie.·~e' (~" far [(lJnOfiW,sh ~'QI

,d~:!uu'iI,gag<9 'h 'fr·o~ end of bol't. ~oh:iI't'e' 'it 't:i$ :s:lho.wn, aUlowh'!1 U· t'g go f.,orW'Qrd .. 1c.·W' :d~;de. 'bo~~· h,e,adl '(6} l~n,~1· ;)I1)lq:~,edor (lInd 'Iuld,e

bar (5) eft b(ill~ b,(Jdy (;2']

S' ...

arms ~ite'raU;Ul'e [as " ossln, Mou zln,

" oisin, M ossine etc., depending u.pon n ational it 'Y of the wr.J tiel'. The term. . 3 -line" o,ften used in describ in g; this r]f]le b'i dicates fh, nominal cal lber 0, ~ 3 0 0 inch, b ased ru p on. ,aL Russian unit 0;[ measurement equal to ,0 J Inch.

.Mos in- N:agan~ rifles have b ~e:1J. w·l:rnul,acEured ln 'Russia Sw:i:tzerlarlld, France, a cd ID, the U. S, by Rem i:n.,~on Arms ICQi~ and N'e'w Englaad Wesingb.ouse~

The U ~ S~"·m Ide M,os,I:.n rifles were

'L, ... · ·;~~;r ~ n lsh '.e ~ rhan +b~ 10: "'12'~ IrI"N;f lmilree,""!'n"-

Uw ~"-r ~j;l, !LillI, ",.U "t[I.(iI4._ l~. =ee. .. ~¥ y,. r ~¥ l~

day Soviet manufaeture, The' Dl rector 'Of Ch~n ian :M.I.rksmil:lls,bIp disposed o:f rt Iq:llIi~'u1.:t·i·y of these 'riO,es to NRA, mem .. ,

2.' 1ihiis ~liTfJe' h(u c· :sii'mp'!& m,clga:z:i·IlI.1D Aii#'Q,r~ plene II:" I O$,E!i_ lJi:s.ingi ell <eQlrtr~!f5r lor i~h'll .. ge'r, piU~1 b,ock fh~H~rplr.t1I· !C!t<!l:ih r(:30).. 'Thi;l;JfI 5,W~'Jlg

m'l;:1!!gcl!:I;ljin.e· liI:I'clI"lPllc!I~Ii1i' ~29.) ''l'i!

5 .s!iilrn~ iIl1lrli'~,g~ ~~n L(·4.) i:s. Iicr~wQd ~1liJ~O~ cOE'ck~

~i"!J11 .pie~e' I" 1 Jet ,t 111 &J' SCi,mli!llti'm i:!I~i b·~I'IIII~II. ~'nQ o,f be'I~' ~!i)r1ilJ K~Q1f ··Ill"d gl!ll'~d 0 ba F' (,,5) ~Qin be l.F~ed al~ a w't Ilu:h t'Ol S:Cllfi "'IN' OU! 1'n'1~ng ,I;ilUill ( . .4.).,. Wi~'ei1 i!l'reJi:j~;!5ie_brning !bohr. b· '. :I.IL!IM m ~l!ilb Q.1!1

fiii"~!'iI,g pliffi altd (OcJi:;irn!g Fi,ice" ~i'lne JC.(IIp'

bers after W'odell We~' I,.

Onginal Model ] 8911 EiRes had ceta .. · gon -shaped reeei vers W hereas subsequent versions have round receivers, Numerous. models exist, including both ca rbj nes and rifles, (Spec[:men In phor'[,o ]8 Mode~l ] S:9':m 130.') Telescope-sighted ri.ij,es were furn ished io.r use by snipers,

ThIs r.··fle is, not '~O[O suwtabh~ for CO.l1- version to sporring type because Oil the spllt receiver bri.dge which ,cQmp~ lcstes the mou Iltim.g elf receiver and scope ~dg-hts,. From. ,I desigrn; stalld:po~nt. the bolt handle is. 'too far.' forward and the sa f,et,y mechan ru~un .ms, slUff and .s:w·kw~u:d to ,o,per.~~ue ..

'1I1'g, re r.'i'i ;:lV-lei M(!Itgazi.rn,o illO(H\p~\Ii:ii~e (29) (lind m~9 a::d ne' jf,aUoW',er (2..:11l :squIBez·e ·:FIOCH'· ... pilate· and f-g,!lQ.iwer f,Qg: '''''l.elhli· ,(1:5 't!l.nown.. ·:.1hi$ "wiU op'e:n hl~'imge' ,:;a~' end of fio'orpl,a'i'rl! '~li'iId ~IIQW i't ~o be· [pull Ie d f,~e of hli~.Ele' pi fa. riYle ted

rhll'ouglh !iIii(:l}g(lz~ !n,e·

6 T" ,m1bl" hall ~~·Ii'eW 'filiring pi'ni (,,,,.)~

. ·fiwiing phi :s prill!1'91 ~.3:)t b ~M (:::n.j· Gin d c;c,ck,~

;'11'1'9 p,ieee' (1) ~o:g ·thtlB·.jl"., Une' up open end of 'gu'~de· ball'" witlli1 lugl on ,~Q. c.ldnSl ~'p.i' "c.e,;' tli1JJi!Hi1 r,o~'O;te' ~,o.h· head urdn U U~.e$, tJp' a 5 shewn. Pll.1I'sh .:~ i~dll 'to'9th'li and fO·tO·t,- (~djn91 ,proD.

lbiC!H::k: ·to 'Il;C elltred Pr0$,il~~C'~1

The bolt re;ease: is, sUn,b~: ill tha.t j·t is ,only nece~s;lry to, bold 'back en the tr.w.g,gem:' to Iiem,OVe. '~he 'ba~,t, fr,o'm the :recmver',. :B'o,lt takedow·ft is, sJ!,e. ,iod can be do'ne ·w,wthoo.t tools" FI'oorp1a,te aDd magazlne fellower ean be removed .ie. an :ims~a·Dt. f'O,t c]eaD·~nil. The magazwne feed system is clever in that on:W,y one cMtridge cam. enter the ieedway ;~.t a time, A cartridge :feed in .. erfUpt:er :is actuated by the pressure of '~he bolt iU it rides Ov·(!;r. ·t~ht. eiecter, Tille :Wrnl~er.:· 'ropier separates. the i'lloo'm~ng, rOtUlnd .fRlm otb,er ci.r~rid,g€,s in the ma!azl~.le; I1eUe~~i,D,1 it of the pressure of' the f"olunds 'be·Jlow .. thus p,reveliltrung, rwm lover [ams, ._

ii,Ii •••• : •• 1II1I _1l ••• 1II_1I •• ,1l ••• I1_ ••• 1. _ •• III.rll ••• ;III ••• I1 •• II-II.!i!ii:iliii.j;jI!·~!!!!!!'1j.!!Ji!iI!!Ii!! ~!!I.illlI •• II •• II.I •• !II.'Ii!.!iii II iii! iii " ~!!iili!! 1· ••• 11 •• ' •••••••• 11 •• 0:;

• •

· ~

• •

Ii PfI[rts IlegleJ'nid i

~ II


:: 1 Ci)~1e11l1~g ~ie ~e ~ I' llrig:gerr :=

!i 2 B~IDt,· 1'9 Tr·h;'gB'" :hl~,ge pi~ i

:: :3, Fi~ili~li [,.~.~ ~JU'i]~ 9 m Trig ge.:r- ,lipring and. bellt :J't·op :;

,., .4 Fi'dlil(n.:-' [ni'g ;~r [Bolt .d-O,n. re't,a~.llIiilljl9 s,;r'l!i!iW Ii

• ~ F r =

:5 B SiOIDm' w:n!'ft e~tQr !i:l,Illld grllliide' batJ· ,22~ MggQt~i'iUflle Glnd 'tr;ig!ge,r glu~rd =

:: ,6, l(li~~' he:,(i~ ,2,3., 'Fr,o~~ IUCilI~d screw =

~ .

;: '7 iX;~l'\ac:~c; U M.filgazi'I:I;· "oJ lowe" =

,i iii B~~~~' «i.t!lImb~\ d} :25 MI~gl!l3:zimj,I' ,10.\ I!ower .~pwhjtg C!IllSllllembl, =

[I '9' R:eii:llli" gl~Clfd S!l:lTiI!:'W :2,6, 'FoUoWl!ll!r' Mng;e p,il'll i

= 10, E:ied:Q,'r :5pr.i:Ii!IQ rehl~ljii;il!il!g .5~rew 21 Low'r ma·gQ~IIil'~ .,!~nOW\i1 ilpr:inSI :

'i 'll U lEi' emr sp,r:ing 'iiu,d f,ee.d ~nte.rr~p'h~ili' :2:61 '~Pll'illillg r.,ehdnhil9 ~4ll.l'\eW 5

! 1[ 2. IEi~~t~r .29 Mag'[C!~i'l1!,e ft~Ql)rpr atlt ;

: , 3 l;e~~e;iye'r ,3,'0 F 'Oo[p~!~fle llin~hl

E '1,4, I~rj'\eru '!I:iIlj;em'blry :n F~\o+o.rpm~'f,e ~,fjh;hl sere-w'

E liS; Ii'lCiillilld'gIUClf'd 32 P(!ljll~.w~,r '~~Iinsre' pilII'll (up",.~'r)

; 16 flli!i3'liIIft' en,d reQf' b ~fi',eW .b{i nidi, 3:S: S'm(udc

= ~ '1' [FlIT'O(lil't ~i9ht 34, Bytt.p,l~itrri .,

· ~

· ~

~ .

:=" •• III iii'lJ iii iii Ii !!'~iI.liliiilliii I,ll. 1I1I1I1I.1.!I!!i jij'iii!iiili,!!'~iiili ~~i!iIJi'ii Iiliilii ••• I •••• IIII'I!III!'I·!I!'!I!Iiii!.'j ~ii 'I, •••• ill.i.IIIIII'II~!!!! -Iii iil.!i!!1!! -'jiii._ ••• I.,1I1I -.I •• I.IiI!.I.rl!!!!!!I-!!ll!lI!i!I!I~


Moss,berg Model 144~S .22 Rille

Bv. J es M T'! --~- ~

~,;,', I,a m, ,', , ,iI .' ~gg.s

It., h ' · 'k d

·open~ wnen t e acnon IS eecsen an

" di .. lit... th f •. t..

rn :_ Jc.a~Oir projects ,Ut om tr e rear O~, 'we

bolt. Dual extractors are plolvided and. the :sa£etY' at 'tbe, rear of' 'die: medon align s ~th red 3.1]/, green buttcns on the stock tOI :md.icate fire and. safe 'p0$~3' tions. The m ag:~l'l~ ne is of detachable bee t-type a d bolds 7 rounds,

A medium-weigh t barrel is used, and the: target-type walilut stcek ']}8_$ ,I. bwgh eemb, fuU 'pistol grip andl a beavertatl

fare-end.' Swive~s, or a 1:!4 tl sUng art

m"If, .... '!I ~.!!..;:JliI!id ;:!I,'TrI'd- • .'''''ii!!ii~ ]' <C ~1'1'!i1 ~,..:II·'i ffilfo* ..... bl-

,If" ,,,,,", du,.., , i:iILu! lll,,l)!:~,~.... ..-;j; ,~, aU]y!;;iiI!J,~1 Ie

'band stop beEUnd the front sili ng- sw,~vel..

S,~ghtmg equipmem is the .Lym~n 17A, target front sight with :·n~,e.rchaD,geable inserts, and a ,M'Qssber'B aperture rear wh h quarter-minute click ad] nstments for windage and elevation. Wbe:n mtrod ueed the rear ,sight was ~h~ Lyman ~ 71'vl S\ and. the "I ,~~ ~ in ,tb;;s r::.[" R,g;, ,121, des

.I " ,1!..;j;;JI _ _. _.Ii ' U"';;;;II!U., Si-

.ign:adott stands for LynrJ a'D ~8:nts,.


I· . i(;; ' .. ' .1

~ "', . ,,,..J

I . ;':. ",

T c,..' , .', 'I,


..(1 ~ I. - UA


I I I ~ I ,


l ,1

.iIf" I




1 To rern eve belt ,bo,m reee ive'f.! cpe~r.n,

boll ::1 nd be $1] re .dfl e Is ijj'f;iJ]oaded.

Press magazine lateh (:2 g ) re:'iitrwiiI:rd and remeve magazine as'Sem'b]~' (,4 :1 ,) from

rif ,;:> Loosen 'I"'''''"'''~''Ii'''''' "';;'g'I..'ii l ..... .,.'1,. '''''''''''''''''1J,U

'_ • ~{. l' r' .~~a;,. _' JJ .~~~ _ [~~ ~~, 1.1.", .~~",~l ~~~,I~··:-lf

([8) i::nj S~ghl a$;$€ ('7 ). l.Jfi receiver peep ~:~ght assembly (6) up eut of base, Pull back tlf[gge,[' and sl [de ''boh out ef receiver to re ar " Unscrew takedown serew (~O) and forearm :sw~ ve:~ screw ( 46,) i' tifnd remove

~C'~ ~,O~ al ndl ba rrel assem bl y from stock

P'c:rts [Legend

~ '. RClC~'i1\1~:r 2." B:a rrel

J,_ B:a rrel band

4,. 1'; IJ'O,~[ $,ight ;;;:J;sse:r:n,bI,1 ~ 1:""

~. Qj;~(::~ ,0 It

i6~, R~ceiv~i ]l~(l!P ~igh[, al$s.e:Ill1'bl,!{ 'j., Rece'i'v,ci s;igh~, bare

~'" ~~ece'i ver si~h~ lock ScJ",ew

9, R,ece lver sl:gh t base ·m01!.i-(j[ ing ~~~ws, (2)

:1 0[.. Bo,:~'~ ·bod.~' -

'1 ] '" .E~:[,factor'" left,

:12.. E1Ii:'~ racror, 'rJg'b~

:11" Fill' ,in,g: p,in

14". Boll lever

:I,S,. M' ••. hlsp.:riir:lg phUl!1,Je:r 1'6,. M'a,i!ns,p:rriif1~

:1"'. M'i),i~.PTi:ril;! c;iiP' :18:. Ta'k~doW'][ SUJd

)- ,n, :ti:ii r'<io, ... ~lo~I' l~'1! lUI 'Q'b~~i.

ao, Saf!~[y

21 '. S~~et,Y" ;s(:,r.e-w 22 .• Tr:ug~,ei!'

l:t Tr,ij~e.~'r .p~n

24., 'Tw,igg,If'i" pull, ,ad~ ast I lite: screw :25.. Tdg~ef' ,pu]~ ~dJ~sl~n~ :5:pr~n:e: 2·6. 'T~igg_elr purul: ,adjuM:i':mng p,l,tM!lg,e:r 2"',. Angle b~:ii .& adj:~sling 2,8. ,M;~saziiliile 'I:~~ch

29. Br,acke1t sc~ew


3 ~:. ~l~U,p-~~He ,:5C:l'\e,~'J'S {2;)

3:2;, ~li!liln. sw,ivel, i9ss.~:fi!'ii:bl"y l2A. BIUU ,~wiYd ,sc:rew~ ~ 2,) 3.3, Tri~8er sprilng: :P~,lHlM;r

l4f.~ T,ri!t~J~r ~:pring -

l.S. Stock

l[6" Trigge,r gu.ard

),7. R.ea r trig:ger' ,gt!l:9:l'idl ,Scr,e1ili ::Ut Front ~ ri~g\el[ guar,d s:cr.ew )'9, Mag;~z;ine, 8['OC''k, ,p~:ab!:

40. T~,kodiOW,[jJ $CTeiW

41, M~~a:z;h:le ,aJs~~m,bb'

41., ,A.djuSI::d)!'e fo;rea!!!'",m pi ai~

~,,:t .Adju:sudl~'~\ .ro~~'m, Slop n~,'l 44-", ACljllJslabl ~ fo,·re'a:r.nm stOI~

04,,5,. .Adjrustabl~, irO,.rea:rm, SlOp sc ii~""~' ,~,~" Fore~nn SW~'!i'~~ 'SC'riew

'~7; FOfe'anm, S"~iJw:~,

~nk Adj Ii,1st:~b]e :ror,~i),rm p'~~:3![e s-erew

2 ToO dlsassembl e beh, c~ am:p rnai n-

. seri n'Il"Ji' ... " n ( '~i "j '... -I n nilii A' ded - vi ~\I!i ;aol2"

i.)~I._ Jl _~ ~ ~~ lIJ ,11- I '_' . ~ ~~;!U, . _.~ ,_~,

shewn, Use bol~ ~ellle]"" f 1.4) :r;~r handle and UJf]iS'C,reW bo~"~: bod.y if ] 0) frcm cap and remove boJ.t bod'y~, :m:rdl,s,pri:n~ (] 6)" IPhm;g,e!r (.1 ,j]" :11;F'ing !phil, I~ ·1.3}! and bolt lever ,( 14 )'" N(r~:e; l.baJt le:f'~ and r,igh[ extraeters (],~, .& 12.) aee retalned in. the bolt body by permanent [t:;'mps :pu:nched ~iIiiI bolt body. 'R'~'moivil] of nll:e extractors is'

not. recom men d .. ed

3 TUrn i 11: trLI;gerr PI(] ~] ad] iJstwrniUg screw . (241 ) for a :tra,roer _t_rila1e:r pu ll and iu rn. out, fOlt ,8, i ffig;bte:r :pu I m as shown. ,Adj ust lin~ for' a puml U!;hteir tb:a:iIi1Il '~~I:Ji"~e; ,ol1:nd~, s h01Ui Id. 'nIOi[ be itiIU.em'pt,e(I. Rem,O'lI,e; t f"i,e;g,er ~~d sa:f\~t1 assembly 'by unserewi lil,g :iaJ_'f:ety

.. {-"!Ii] 'rL ~, .."jl 'L_ ,- -ll. -Ii" if''''~W IZ·t!i;'Ii :I.e:

:screw '~ '" 'l ';a: rII !!JI, 1]1 a.CJ:li.e[L ~;"",r ... '· __ . \ .. _~ J,>;' < = ~

mO'v'~ effie)c'[(lir (j ') from :insfd.e of receiver ( 'm l', and dlwop Ib~,ack.e't ,,19[) 'f:rom bort~)o[,m, '~Jlf receiver wrnth :e;ng]e 'bar (21) and mal'~' azine rntnch C 2,8) '. Tti,gS,~m' (22:) 'can be removed b~' d~~f"lw'n:g out trrlgge:r '!pi:~ (2,3) ", t~t WIDlg eare no:[ te lQS'et d,~geiD'" :s,p~rb.l: ilillld

pluJi"jj,g~~ (]'4 &: 3,3.)

4 'Th:is d:f:aJwi'lt:iItg, ~ho~, th~ Pf.10fp~]" ar'~ , ra;nle:mle-:'_I}'[, 01[' lock :mi~i!:fuaJ'f1ris~ 'pa,rl:s when they 3:re ~Slsem.b]ed •

,B"ii,nd .. ,BD.X' 'M',a gazi' lnel

What iiil a .blhu:1-ba.x nr,{jitlllzhtt!?

Al1Iswe,r~ A hi i:]'JJd~bO!;(, or' enelesed ,mfig~,~ ziil1il.e Irs not Ctwt [c;n,tire1y' t~~,]'O~:,g]l the stock, There is no, :HoQrp] ate, and the m,~g:azi ne eensists ,of a, s; mortise j n the, w'Oud ~ In ~ he ,1;,eimingIOr.l) 7-00 ADt. ri ~~·e~, Ut;lI]S, ls Hned, om sf:de~s, ~nd ends ~whh ~J~!(l:~t met at but, ,;a l,i nes Ic'E thls [.ype~ on custom ritles m,ay be un I lned. The f:'ron:t. gu ard screw i s usually in~e:r~,ed [.lir(HJgh: ,I metal eseutcheon h:lila.i.d i mil the iU!~d:en,ide of the, forearm,

A~i"[a ~e:s: of the b1 i rid-box magazl ril,e are COS[ savi [1,SJ a ,s~:~:gh t Wie' [ s;a,v]ng;~, neater ap~pe~:lrit!J'nce~ iii. [Jjd] no' d;~ n,ser 0 f [ice e· die nta ~ ~i:Y ope.rri ng tbe ,m~lg~l,iJ:lfIle' and spiJ I ~ hl'~ ca ,A, d,isaJ[hnll!:n'l~~e is I h rL't u r,uk~,~.d,~ in~: the; m,~,g;Th~~:lTILe~ :m,U51 be done by' work i n,g:

Hl€: ea rtr idges '1,n:r'Ongn the r.~,:~~ act 10 n, There Is also g,u,eatt':'.r ]iJkeUhood of fe,edi'n,s m alfu me tions d ue to improper :sba,pilng i©lf l~¢ magf1Ll~::~e~ box. This laue r ]5 1~ nUke1:1 with enclosed m:~ga1.i:r:iu~-:.s, whi'c~, il~,v',e: a ~~lH!'I,a:1 I,i'ner sb~,p.oo, by tine fmcto"ry.--J.,H,D"

B I ~:lfi1d· bOlit' Iliila;gaz i ne as see n from the top of ai RelITI i ne~orn M(~de I '700' AOl rl ~Ie stock r~'miO,ved fllo\m: ri'~le,


·- - . - - ~

. . ---

T n,~ N ~,vY" ~,["m~, ,~od.~1 ~o.6, ~ en o~~boy w~~: '~Cl,de }'~ '~ = p[it~~ of one 'of the most $]grlJ:lfi:can:[, firearms rn American histor

- ~.he W mebester 66~ C't:uim,be'red :i n ,,:22 :~ong rifle, [,:he M,odcl 66- Ye'II,(n:yboy W'8,.8 made :r:o,r N:avy Arms, by U[be:111 of [[;irljjl,y',! ~lI:Thd 'w.~1(.j, fl rst :P F,od ueed i III :~ '966 .. 'I he' ,oe:[lIltt'eirn'l:~a [ or 'I he I~"ri,gi,n~,~ 'W incheste F .. This l~eve,r 81Ct ion rim fire feat ured a 19i"" bl ued :ba:nd SlC tin, !!~ polished brass frame and was available in three SI~,V~,C£, 01'

e:ngr.a ving, .~

The gun was ']a:~,er made in ,.38, Sp'~" a nd ,.M'/4~ as we] I, ,~S it hie .12" ~ .. nd ~here wBl'Si ,~, 'l'F$pp er's Model 'wbie:h: s:p erted 81, l6"" barre 1. 'W i:1e.n 1'4 a "!l~~ Arms saw the prod uetien COISU, cl imb [00 ill igh i the 66, was set aside and. Uberti stopped Itlf'Cd:uctm,on.. ,A;p'!p,r'u~"irl~!~~u!ly 2-0,,000 gun s were made' run aJ,U~ with the last (Nile b'e:i.~g prod ueed i,n [978. I.


:1 F.JiOJIlli· 'Band 2. ISfllGI1 Q .JeW ,3. Barrel

,4 Rear~i~~

s, 'Ma.,gHine; 'T'~be.'

-6 ... Mag,R~n, Tulle' "Bult>0i1i 1., BWon "e:ta~li1i g,a~w e. M<B14zj e foHavmr

s, F9Mnd IBa:n.tH

10. Bttlnd :S~Uilew

~'1 F,'r1(!:lmJ

, 2. &'tr,~_;etc.;1"

1 a" ~ractnl!' Pi~ '4~ IB_

1 ~" LEft, F.~t!!iI1!t tin'" 16_ PJin 17. A ~ght fJlonl u nit '1 B. Lirn'k· pi IiiII

19\., ~~gn~' Rear ~I~t ao~ left. R_-Jli,~k 21. ,ink Pin

22. Fi~iil nra Pin Sp' ing 23 RiMfm;g P11f11r

2,4" F~ ~hill Pin, ~tefisJ0n zs, RI~ht Side, Pilate

~~ Li~ ~ H~ r:'lga; PirJIl

2:1. :HalillmST

:2~ H'ammu~, h,lt· _ 2:9: lang ScreW

3D. H!BII.iIi1'm§_r Sprl'ng 31. B'WIlU sior#t

S!. Butt Pi~ateSc 'IW 33J Butt Rame'

~\I RI~eJ"er

fi. 1-tmg '$artw

36. Hammer Slpr~ 9 SGrew 3:1~ SQ~r' "pring

a~" ,('; tiP Safe~v

391 ~~aty . ]ng,e' ~11in '4;0., Ses:1"

41. Trigget

42. 'Jrigg~li'~ Pin

43. HJ!lli!lnner SCfElW

,4~,. SrN~ng' lRe:htini'lm;g Str:ew ~~ 45 'Camid;E!r Uner SpEir 'g

• ll!..e,v~r 9*,1'~n.g

47 LQmr

~8. L ri'tlk O'I'-EH'Ming Pin 41. Fe~ D~O~k L~el" ,so,. Reed 1~1®.1(

:51., eEU1rid~~ Str.!,~ s.r1i,. Stoll'll .s~lifew

.. '~ I!"'" .

53. Ui~·~ Sidle, P~a~a 5,A:. Le)te, (S'cre~y

5·5. :Side Pl!a't~ S-¢r_ "5~" lin!k Pi"



3 T,o dWSfUs~~~mb]~ fi,_ri'~,~;: ,'p,ln "mechs,n:isl11, i rotate s ;;!Jem,y ~ock ( 2: O} to "Ready"

posi:t [onm Then iP~:;~ce' ecck i Ilg: knob of 'fi r in" :pi'~ :rod (2,~.) ~g:a j,if.lIIS[, bencf t,()ip,and p~,~ I strikee sleeve I~ 1'1 }.1 [0 rear lu~d.1 striker ( :rn ($, ) can be: p~ 1:1 ed a \i,J',ay trem ead of

1ili-r:i D,I :p,i n rod

,4, ~IOi, '~:m;~lv,~' }~;xt~a~tor- {1 ,~) _ ~r~~_ bolt (13.)." U~fia ~ E D,O nght,~, fo,.r:cw.n:g ns ~ongu!e ,out Q,:f: Its groove In 'f:ront ef '~oH. 'Then force eX:I ractor ,f.Q'rW'~ rd and ('j;ff:' bel it,

I '" R,ece,hfe,~'

2.. IH,alfi,di'gu,ard ri'fi!liQ :3;, Bcu'll"ie,1

4"" Ff',o:nt slg h+ b~~!i;e 5,!, Flt\o:'1'f 'sig ~1IT

,6\,. f,olnt :5;iighl~' J',frn

7,!. fi~o:fi,t :sw9'h~' h,e,se' pIn:

I., f,r,o:nlt sw~g'ht _b,tl:s,:e, tey

v. Up pe1r banld _

~ IOI~ 'U p'per b\alnd 'screw'

I ~ ",Sf,a'ciki n,g sw~ y'e,1 ,aSlerm b _iv' _ 2~ U p:perr' :swiY,e,1 a,sSiemllb I'y' - - 3,~ B!o~f~'

[14",. Exwra'ct\@,r- 'cc,!ll,a:r

It! Il:': '~~r' ~,~t' :~ r: l~ I;:) Ii; I: ~ 1- a 'Pw." I!WI

~ ,6i~ $ilr:j k:e!r,'

111." Sit'i ker sl!eeiye

IlIiliIi Ii. j ,,. '"'

II ~'" WI a I rns[p"tl 1'iIl9



I: 'I,., Ii o:lt ~;II'e!!e'V'e

201" ,S,af,ety I!olck ,a sse m b~ly' 2: l, 1910'1, ,~I,ee've ~Iocl s,pr:i:n'9 2,:2;", 19 Q It :~!I'EM~!¥',e ~Ioc~

2 3:~ m,o~lt, :~I,e,ev\e I CHi~k IP,i~

24\, ~:i rhl1lg pin I'lo,dl .

25" A p,eil'ture s,p,riim,g $(:,I'iBW' 2"6,,, A:pelr~hj!re sprt'n,g

'27'~ A'pelliur,e' - _

:2 8,. W1h'aid,a'9'e' )"10 k..e'

2",. 'W]n-d,al'g'e' yolke, :s,prh'ig1 ]:ID,. Wi n,cJ alg'~ y~le, pll!IMC; er 3: ~III' _R~'ilm" :s'i'ghlt ibars)€) ,SICill'e'W

~"~I W' ',~ .. JM--6 ""in JI~'!oi' 1l_'II'!i,_L, If!' ;r,o~'w'

.:!I,"". ',., . l~ I YIChi~I'g c' h YIClI~;o." _ K,II~ .... IIl' :::i! II~"

33,~ WTnd,!3Nge' l'ndecx ~ln,ob

'=Ii'AI Wi ,JI ' ",J ~ 'b ~

;Ji"ti~::,_: Illl'Hl!alg e 'I!l"HJ e·l Ji1!~!L~ 5;pli~n g

'3:,5;~ Ilea r s.'i"gl hit b~a:se

'36~ 'Wiln,d'age y;cl~e ,screw

!7,~ E~',ecm'Or' _







'N ] 8:32 Charles P'a.rker of Meri den~ Conn." .. org anlzed the Parker CO'i to

, "

nt.. ~' in] d b "1

011 axe C·O.l-~ ee :i!1.1 w, Sin. - su :~Slequent Y'

bench. 'V 15Jes. .. In m 860 the firm W2!:S reorganized to become Parker, S:no'w'2' :B:rooks, i& Co, IOn" 28.~, ] 863, I tile: firrl1l signed a coruraet 'with the governrnent to rna:ke ] $,000 M'odei ] ,861 r;:fl.led rnu skets at $; ,! '9 leach ~ This contract 'was fu·16l~ed. Upon t·errnwnat.iion of

!,.II)._~, 'C' ;"", "1 W"" .,' " Ch '-I'" Pa -i;;-, bee , .. .ue· . ~V,I ',,_ 3J· 2', u,a:r .es·, ,eca.m.e

presh ant. ot' 'the Meriden M:(g,. 'COl ... w:b,lch positlon he held um.tU 18168 when.

the firm .0.&' Parke ']B' rot .... .;t;~ W':;,o;Yi,C!' FIi:rg§I .... '~

I., .¥ I~j,_ I 1V.~1 [011 I .' , " ~,11U~.,Q I~..JI V ,:...,:~!"IJ

," d

~lle-, '"

Their first shotgu 11 'W3JS m ade j n ] ,868' and was k newn as the 'Parker Brothers '. Of bammer tY,PSj .i:t featured a ~:i:ft'et bot ing de·vi,ce', and thle foreend was, Ii ttached tlo the ba rrels with, ~, eross-xey. In I 8'19 an Improved ereend ,assem.bll~ ba sed on the. Deeley &, Edge system was made. stanc ard, A ham merless lock was adopted, :i n ~,:8 8,9, with automadc ejectors n rst offered j [J

1,902. Th Parker single trigger' 'W(l,S in-

" d' ...:II '" - u~12-'

~ l'() UIC e:u U1 ,~, ;; ... , •

On ,J ne 1; 19'34, the' assets ,0 ~ the Par ke r :fi :nn were pu rchased by Re m lngton Arms Co. Inc. but with the advent of Wed d 'Wa.OO'· 'I pro duet len of Pa,rker shotgu ns was. dlsconti nued and. was not resumed witih the couling of peace,

The' P arker shergu n was essentiall "I machine made, a'I'thougb much hand". filling 'was run.v,ohr1ed. in Its prcduetion, Forgings, we're machined s~!i,gbtly oversize and '[ hen ha I1d 'fiUed by 'H'I] Ilg ,and scraping, Reputation of the' Parker shotgun was founded on un~',o:rJinl' exeel 1 ent q (],aill it y a nd dur,ab.i ~I i.ty as we] I, as n!n·e balance and harndl:illig qualities, Pail!',~~F.'s were ,off:e.r:ed in several grades and. a I ~ buu 'the cheapest Tro] ilJ'1:JJ grlJde eoul d be ordered bGU [~t to customers

,oft· R' .,,11] f· "h

specs 'cattO]1s. . ',e,gar'liJJ, less 0' price .. t 'C

Parker s~ crtgu.n jllitly earned its tide, of O~d ,-: eliable',

1- Commence di::SMs'~.mb[v '~y 'r"ml,'ovwg

- fOli~ .. end' :a.nd b~l'r,@b: OJ.

R.,emov,~ gua.rd bow sC!n1ew (61') and 'rear tang screw (65)' 'U;: screw guard, how (66,) amd. remove 3 L i:gge:r p:1 ~~,e screws (57'h arfOW~) .' TU1"n gun ~i,h~ side u.,p _a1ld push tep-lever (116).1 to. right Remove fro'n~, '

screw (30)

4· Nex'[ . remove hammer i·as.tening: screws ·(21) and h ammer $C rews {13 )1., ffitm.mers (49 &. 50)11 hammer stfr.r·Yps (5 1)~; ph1fn8,ers. (48). ,and. ma~:r.tJsp!'.ingSi, (41) 'W,iH drop ou~,. U is best (101 bOi1d a large· c·lodl at Feat o·f' ree lver while dO'ir:a,1 this 'EO, p:re:ven:t, :110$8 o,f parts

w'hi.cfI . _n~ under :s.pdng tension

2• " Ta,p, our p~ate (,58) an It~ '[ached a:ss~m,bly'. Use a ~man wood dowel inse rted into ·f:orwa:oo. part of receiver (2,8) and jil1[;lst in f.r'OD~ of coctiIDlg, crank 1(:1.1 J where a portiQn of ehe fOi,e>= most surface 0,[, trwggerf plate may be seen" Vift tnner plate ctS:&e:m,bl, IW,l'Y, 'wbile ~:;mft~ng out eoekine slide (4'6" e. 'T:r":p (41) and lts Dn'le:r..nal a®s,em~~y \V~n :a1.MlI drop. out. T:d,p sears 1(4- '& 4.:5), drj~': out sesr 'p[n (40), and remove sears, This w[~l ·,,'r~

m j,t removal of ~uQ;Ck.

5 ,'(!:lll0\1'e (,A) 'I.ufhool:k:ilig s~ide screw

, {56) and withd.lrilW unbook'"ng dide

I( 62) and assem b1y ii'.r.oa:w1J flIiont efld. of trig,ge:r plate, (B.) .1Re.m,·ove ~.rruller :s:p.1f~~g screw o,!) aJ,~ trigger sprin,g (601).. _'Drift ICHl'l tdSJ,~:r p·in (:S$) and remove tdgprs

(54,&' 5:)

6 R.le:mov,~ extractor ~cn~:w (9) and slide; '. . '. xtra,c.lOJ.". QU~, iU](!, ~wa:r re3i;rw,ard, Remove c)o-ek~mg ] inlk scr'~'W (6) a'nd eeekif.ll'.g llnk (l.);, link sprl:nl: P'l'll (4), and llnk splIl'h'D,g. (5).. RiQn1ova] of extrac '0'1' lor cockh:~S, li lIiruk 'is net depen,den( on PILOI.r remeval of one lor t he other, Reassemlble in re..: verse sequence .,

-_ ---- -

- - - - _.


Piarts L.egl'e'nd :2 7. U ll.hook in! ~J'r;m,

l,S. :~ecei:veilf

29. Top lever re,ta.i.Wilti:n.l· screw .30, Tarns serew 1> :bo[l't

3 I. Safety slide" phI

J·2, Safety sUde

.ll Sa,f: ty 5;'1 ide ~~ri,ng 3-4 .. Sa:fety evrr ja;ckeJt 3 S i Sidell' m~ver. :pi:n 36", Safety lever

3,'. Safeity pin

".Q ·ID,·- ~I'i' - -

~1[~1111 -uOW'1I.

3,9',,, SeafpdBg 40. Sear pin ~·'I. Trip'

42,. Trip ,sprrifll

43. Tdp. s:pr[r:lil ,p].'llli,ger

44. Self 'I feft.

45., Seaw'-, f~:S;h~

416., Coc:'k:ing s:'ide 47., M,a.[nS,pr-iIl' (l)

.-8. M.a:cnsprin.,g plunger (2) 4..9. Hammer, l,ef't

.:5 O. Hammer, dg.llu,

.:5 r, Hammer sdn'up {2)

~·2. .M ah!lls-p1rJ og 'pi m;U, 1[2) 53. Tr,i,gge'r pi n.

5-4·, Trigger~. ~e.ft

5.5. Trigg,:r. :r,ight

56. U~:hooking s.lid·~ S~.f'ew 51. I 'r~gge:r 'pllate screw (31) .S:8,~ Trwgger.· plak

5'9 '"" .. 'n,g screw sleeve 60, Tl'ilge.r s,pr.i:ng

·6:1" sprin.g rscrre:w 6;2,. U n.'hoo.,ld rig s~jdJe

63. U nh.;oo:king sUd,e sprrinG 64.. U :r.Dhook i nJ sl id,~ plunger 65,. T:I'Ilg screw ~I rear

,66+ Gu;a·rdJ bOiW

€/j'" ,Guard bow screw 6,8" Fore-end

6'9. FOIf'~~le'[JJd iron

1'.0. plullmge be -pin ~ll. Fore-end screw (2)

12-~ f' ere-end plu Illt,r bo~

73., 1F ore-end. p~.Dnge:r s.:p,:rhlg 'T~t f 0]'[:': -end p~t~rnger.

7:5 .• Fore-end p~u'n~'r r,oU 7'6. Fore-end p1luR!,e :ro~] :plin,

Re'" m' .' .. '·CO: l~n··- 'c' rg"'::" . to" ;'" n::: lI'ITO-·Je· :. ls

- 1'-,','. ',',~ ." '.~.:. ' _. 1 r.1t·u~.·/.'.·-·.:

"" .. /.

s Gr'" 8"'-'1' A"'- . t; d"" R···ifl-·;'·····'

_.;I~/, '. "utooa.lng. / utes



,~ V"tJiI

~.I!;l.~ir-· - .... .-:. -', " " ". ~.;;; ... ~ .. , D'c·"r·s' Larlan- d·-

Ii'-[:_·d~· ~l'. _J~~~r' I~

ll" Da_l",~e~ Lock ,spl'mJI' 21. Mag_me, lndlica:'o

2~lL .Malaz~ jliiiAicatoll' spring.

2$. Ma!azme :hadicato,t thia_;mb,[J~~C:-" 26. Salety

'2.1. SMety reeker

':18. S'llWetJ' rocket stop Sc'C:rie~'t (N'eILe: perm,a-

... , • ~,~·~·i .... A '. • AI' -

nen lUll" ,ms'L.tiw~ ,mSll11idte. ~eJ!ve:r""""'Te.mO'\I'al,

is not ;[iec~ .nded)

19, Bauel

30. Bar. rem. jae:k~t

:ll. Barrtd. jacke[ :~'1M,,~

32. Bu~], jlsclcM phllg serew 3.3.. Ff'Om'l!1! si'gilt ~~b:ll"

34. Buffe.r ,sp:r.:m.!I

35'. R,ecQi sprmt case:

J 6. Reo(dl sPlrwg:

3"7'· IhvJ'lel :rltl't wubel

'J"D 'D.o!J."' ........ l ~u ... ' [.JIG. na!L!I[~ III:IJ [.1

39. Bar..nJl jack,et ibu.sJrn~ 4:0. :Bar :ili:ght ;assem'b.~y

41~ 16:a_;r sight mounting screws (:2) 4:2., 'Trigger p:~am

T ~ D ~'m~ln,ojO"'TfI' M': 0- d- ~:ji 8"11 'W: ....... ds

g=~ ~I- JiI~~!4o'M J ,: •••• :)CI, .-' JL .- ;l~y :~~,.

, mastf![' atoloadio.! rifle was produced from 1936 untu 1950 .. Ex.cept

'$ .• d:'~' ,.. . hani .... '1'1

:.LOr' mmor ~ urerenees, Jlt ]S' mee 8UICwY

identical tlO the Remmgt·o.rn :M·o·del 8 5-shot ,au~Qotoaclin~ rffi,e p,r.oduc.ed from. ] ~lO 6 until 193 6., D\es~,n OlE the . ode! 8 r. ·He was based. 010. U·,. S.. Patent. No.

6Sn 1S"'/'! ,D'" It.- d O· ·· ... 't· 16 19"01"\ t .... J 'L.

:! 'j. . g ~ran,e, . !,... -e . :" illJ! .,;.... OllllD

:M. :Bf-ownmg'~ It was the i1rst successful h ~gh power. ,ilJ,uJtoioadlru:ng ri:fte produeed in America, Manufa,eturinE' and sales rigbts. were sold to Remington,

·T.he . T ode] ,8' rifle bas, a locked, 'breech long-recoil ~l1ctiolJl wherein the barrel bolt, and bah carrier assem bl,y recoil several in ch es 'hJg,etber SiO that the 'bullet has; cleared the ·baJrFe<~. before unloeking begins, The 'bolt. bas t\Vin locking : :Ugs 'which e:n.gge locking recesses ithia tbe barrel :exbans:io.iIil. - The barrel, suspended in guide bushings; Is surrounded

b 2''1. ilofo ". ~

"1' ,: Jl.!!,'eavy ocr ~;~.ype, sprm,gs m turn

cO'v:ered by at sheea-meta I jacket, These

~ A

Spfllngs are c.o,m.~ir!l! on. rearward

mev ·ment ,of the barrel bolt and bolt 'carder assembly,

A~, the lend o.f reeoil ,tbe bolt carrier

" 'ii' k d- .. .. f~- f'L. i E

1$ ,lO'C teu mto r-ear. 0 ,-IIJJ.lE3: receiver ~ sn-

er,gy' of 'w,e compressed recoil SpdDg '~'hen ,dr'~V;lS the, baJ.fiie;) fonv8Id", 'whica earn s the bolt open :10 unlock :~t, ,fOOD] 'the barre~ extension, 'When the barrel extension reaches lts fOrlvard positien,

if trips, barrel ru.ock .aUOW1.Wlg: the bolt

I : . -

.<!Ii!> 'T~" _+. .-

"1',),. . .nger .sprm~g

.AI AI . '",,~II"hl~'n""--

~'.. '~D._r'·

45., M8lEml;p.ring ·screw 46. Tang ~cr'eow

4·'., 'T:rigge:r.-

·48. T,jge;r pm ,49'~ Hanun~

50.. Hammer wsbJlIilg .51. Hammer roU - 52:. . H)lm.m·er rol~ .p·ja,

,II:'''''M'' , [

~,j '.' ~EI:l:e: mem.: Y

54, MQum~, $i'e· spring, :r.iglhi.'[ 'S. 1\ agazine. :s.i.dle spring. ]e.~ft 56·., 'FoL,e-endJ

57;, FOifl:mendJ Bcrew

58. Pore end escutcheon ~9. Ta.k,edO'\'1.n .s-'(::re,w

60. Take.dow.n ,scn~~w w.asbers :6'~ ,. 1'alieidlown lever pin

6,2. Tatedown, lever -

63,. Bu;~lf].a~e.

64. Butl];:l' ~·tl! screws f2.,., 6''"7. BUU.stock :(:fUrf: s,]1.0·'1VD)


a:nd 'bo' 't carrier a_emilIy' t,o meve for~ war.-d, u,ndlef' :~mpetu5 'g,t' tb,e cQlmp,resed action s,pdng w'bicb :iln '~UDl, strips a cutdd,gle. fDom the magazffi-:- e and, ~ee.ds ,~t :n~ol the ebamber. WhelJil 'the Dom,t car .. rier is ,fuUy' fo:rward, the bolt is Icammed around to ~o ck mto, the 'lbarr!e'~ ext'lulsmom,. The dfte WE, ihen ,ready' ~o :iir:e.

The ac:t'io'D, 'r.,~malms, open aile!' 'the

lsst shot :It is Ic'mosed 'by IGiepfecHm.g the,

m' , - azln e m~ -- ,"'I~ .... ,~,t""'111'" ,;;'1!,.'lillft'IIbp- il~\tlIi agJ~ _ .,' r Ulr~Dc v.~ !1JJ1~ .. · ,:.: ~¥~.

The, Mndel 8 .rille W,D :mgubtJ.y eba,m.ber-ed f:or the ~2S:, ~,30:J .],2.; and ~:3S' 'Rlemimpoilll dndess cart,fid,g~e"s, ,and, 'was, de.-~dgD,edl, for cl]ip' lOilid~ng.. The Mode~, 8,~ rifle 'VIIS chambered, for ~he same series of :Remm,g~oD ,canrld,e..5, and was, ialso o,liel\td in cal. ,.3,00 ,SII,Y-

age, Prod,'Ilcu.on, of the Model'8l '~n OM, .. 2S ]leming L,On. was. 've'ry mim~,ted:i aDd ~~ was not cataloged in ,this, cal~l'ler,.

The :Models a and :81 :sportmg "ifte-swer-e never .re~l,tdj~rl'y fW',nws'il,ed w,ith I~ tac'h;;)h.1e, ,maJlazines\. The . Modem 8 I

Pol-~""'D 'S:,:,'nI:!i'C, ':"iIo1 [.'iif'i' cals, ~3,:,iO <e,D,d" 3' ~ Rem ..

_ ~~., Jr~' .~1iII& [r_W .... _ .. W~~. !II u" '. ,~I ~, ,

:~p.o.g was iole.'red wlth m 5 ... round d~"," ~,ac,haJble. 'Ib:ox .. m IgAzme.

in,g :fID. iba.R,e.l jacket 'w:ith 8, '" ,e~ ww:'IiJlc;b, tam,), eare ~,ot :tol a'low' com.PIDes!ed I~Oi[,Sp'ling 1(8,6)1 to escape, forcibIDy., lR,e.illllove reeoil sprmg, baJ1lel Dut wulm 'f' (31) ", recoil S.Pril1Jl case (3,S); a'od bulfer spdlng (34' from barrel jacket., Re,.., :mc.wal of p:l1jo. (31) is n,m feoo'mm,ende.d.

!I! ~

1"01 remo,v,e 'mgler ;liIild Iooa:mmer .=h~

:mism" 1"'e:moyt tug ,s'C,re:w ('46) ,iiIldi :p:uiIIDl, oB bu,US10C:k 'to J£ear. R m.oVe mise r .p~ate screw' 1(7'.) and drive 10'U,t Im'WIIle- pin (18, I, :PWlI rear i ~d of mgg,er pll~te (4.2) dow1llw~d and. Ou.f of :reooiver. :PllJS"ll ,lUag;3Z!m: ,us~mbly (53) UPI ~orUgb triu~r ,'1a'®~! re],eas·DI1,et~ lfid-,;'ght side ,q;niDgsi (54 & 55). U:mcod.: bammer 1(491) and I~'" mOVe by ,'-'l>refW]),y drifUng Clut ':liamIRler' bUibfng (SO). :Remo,\re: mamspring SCil~W' (4t5;)' and ~jft out DUliusJ)ri:mg (,44) and trigger. sprmg (4,')1, Drivll: out trigler pm (-48) ito.d1 re-mo:ve t:dg;gef 1(4,7)., 'R,'eflIsslmlde

To taile down r:ifie-· press 58£,.1.y (26,) down and f~1Iact 10'll rltrn~, 'lui'lIi1dl'e (:12) loctrung bolt IC8' -d·-r .3nembly to rear .. ·Un.-' sere·w :f:o:r.e,-emd SCI"ew' (57) and [['Ietn;ov'" fere-end (56 ).iby' plilling dow.llwatd and forwar.,d. Swing takedown '~e,'er' 1(1621' sideways. and. unscrew ·ta'k,e.dowim ~'Cf,e:W (59)., PuU 'bar.r,sl j'acket, (30') and bane! (29) assembly :fo1"w~w.d ou~ of :receivlet (,:~,) .,

T,o dislssemble b.a;rreJ] jacke~ :3; s,peC'ia~

'i... ('R" lLili' d.'1' s'

spWlner 'w:re~lCJ,w :. ,'em[!lgt,o,O ~"ll'O, eJ 0'

palrt N'ci. 101') WS r"eq,ui 00,. Use SPJi!'Dmile wrencb '0.') ~Dscr.e;w barrel liillilllt (,18), piI'e~ Y,ent:iI'ilg 'br.-ee(i;b. end of barrel tUF.n:[ng: 'b 'to. :ldi 1 . .:1' .' • '~I .e, f

:iy .liiO'.m,':1 nl a ai,I~' s.·Cr.,e,Wuilrver,' m S~O~, 10-,

breech end, cf b:uTe~. Pull b.a[m;'f}i ~,o rear Ollt lO,t barrel Jacket and, 'hold so that :Ul[IJZr ,de e,ndi, of berrel ~s cl,ar IQf f;ro'~n £a;oo of barrel jiaJc'k¢.t, 'busllhll I( 3,9)., Uu!c;rew bmb-

1 When &ale~y (26) ~ :sUp a :p;i' ee of paper or- cardboard 'bet"~,_ee'll ,s;afeilrY lWld receiver as shown at ~A'!'

2 After removing fore-end swing, taJre, ." •.. , down, levl~.;r' {62) ~idewa,ys and, run,-

:S(;ll'ew ta'kJ~down screw (.s:9r) as sllow.,. pun h:a: ,rel jfackJe~ ; barrel a;ssem·bly

out o,f r _ Of:lv·e'f 't,o fro,nt


jill, reverse orn'e:i""

To dis9!$s~m,b~e :~e.cehl"eI' components, turn reoe.iv.,er 'u,ps[de. d,OIW,D~ De.'press, frQg,t e!'i~, of holt carn,e.£ ~ateh ,s-pri:ng (191') :from, under stud. lllSide i'1i!ce:[y.;r and dide rear ,ell,d of Ipruilg off its rear :;,tlud., Slide belt c.w:rier lat~h (21~H' oft;t~ c~U'rie~r la,tell screw (:9.') !., I 'rnef.t: leoohre'l' wa)l., Slide ba,rr '1 1,oet (21) loff barrel :rnoe:k. screw ICUl) in :teft ;[ieaeiv,er. 'walL It is, :I:l!M n.eoeuary to r;WD,ij]\I\e~Crews; (19, & 1011 from f-eceiive-t i Remo,v,e m81lftme. ~m,dlllic~jtor aaembly (23) from its, :"ivo.~, ~,t~d in :l,~eiver :dde, wall. Lift U!fe~y' (26) away' :from 'l'~ive:r and slipl a p~eoo ,of caw.dboud, 01 beavy Pi;ililu~:'r '~elwt·m :safetY' and re.e~iv,er W, ptO$e.c.t tm·, :is,h. Swing, satetJ do,w.1l 'bwo'w :~ec:e.i'!fer I.U show.a ~ll, FII. ,4.tdve OUif safety :pm\P'Ot: from Wef~t~ to ii~I'!t and, rem,ove safe.ty from, rlgbt., Drop allt safety W1ooker. (21). Reassem,bl,e tn. reverse oltler.

BQIIf.' ,As;sQlm,bl!y Plarts.


3 Se~;io~ ,~h~IWin,g' as~~~b~ ~ ~ns_ide ba~,~elj;a'~kf:~., ',.,:ke care: ~Io. ,re~mblle parts ,~~ poo,per order .. Whe)Ji1 rep]aClD;1

barrel Dl]'[, washer (3") over mUtZile· Ilne 'up to'mp~ iJU 'w8Jsher "'iUru, 'K,eyWiBJ,Y IOiD barrel before :5~~,ewjn,g on barrel nut (38)

"f'o remove 'bo~~ can~er'm:boll, aHem!hIDy, reooiv,e,[;" pl!Jsb,

_ d,iQrWl1 f,r-OC:i1!t. end, of barrel 1~:k (2 ill) ~'D release bolt carri,er

(A 1 which 'w,j ~irn, 'tbem s®op I~n ~a\la.ziQe :~~ld:[Oa~Ot (2.3,). Lwft opereJio,g :hl.odle phlD,pr' (13) ~mdl sruj~e <!per,a:ti~g: halid,~e ,¥se~·b:rn.y ('12) f'o,["wa'['d and[' out of lbO:~t carrier, Pusb down, ma,I,lz~lle indlt.atlo:r dl~mbp.j_. ce (25') 1011, left side 10;1 're~eiye,r II lele.asi~g 0(01[: carrier wfuich W]U s,pd~1 QUit ffont end. O'f r,e~h!'eiL". ' 'Ilte. caI;~ '10 ,ca:tc!A holt carl[er .. bomt a~embly lOR :rele.ase, To d1sassembne Ibo~t cS'fJ'[er ,alla 'hoJt al$Sem bly ~'r'jft C:Jlil~ Uiik JP]!I (C) a;u.d r.e~ mo've 'Ii m~ (16). Drr"ve out Drio,,! p~n ~tajD'i'n~. 'pi (B }l ~nd, re,. m,(lI,Ve tiring, plio, (8) ,and firing pJn, b~fier spn~g (J)_ fWIQm, reat laf boU car-rier.., Remove 2, ,cam, phu. (,D) ad, _'pll~;~ bon, (P) '\vith e:xtrac:hlF' (L) forward ,out _ of bolt (ar.r:ier. Remove. :Ilr;m~g 'pin spring (K), ,Dr~:ft 01J1[ 'bolt ]ock (F)I aJDd :[iefD,Iove bolt lock (E) md sp.ring, ( G )., Dr]'ft. out ejector _ pm (10) and _ Je'mo\'le'jreeto'l (M.) and spring (. ) from 'bolE. Wbe~ r~assemblinl Do]t. carder ,and bo'l~ meclla[J&~nl .m!lll receiv,er, be sur~ tbtu f,!l;!'ar end o,f Un'k :is Ie " d. to. acfo1'1, s,p:rml 'foUo'w-eJ' (3) at :re,ar 0 re-' oei'ver. R,easse.m bI,e, 'i.' R!,1jJe:rse ,orne]"

A Bolt C-arliij,ier

B. Filt':~Dg: 'pilIl ]'Ie-

taimti:~ pin

C. l:imk pij~,

D. lOam, ~iM (2) E., 810]1, lOGk,

'F., BQI loek pin G',. 's on [~c-;k ~p.r.i'Dg H. FiriItg p~~,

J~ Fir~g :pill,

buftic!r spring

K"" F'~ing, 'pi'n s-prlni L. ~t r.a.ctor

M,. Ejector

"!.,_j E'" ,- ... .,. ,. ,

.II,'" ,. ··llee!!-iiJJJ a:prm,:g,

O. Ejector pin

P' .. Bolt

R E~I:=N n:;::e:dl;~~ ~:~:l~~~

llI'oj; '~Iii'ii~~,."",~ ... '~' '.JH·,i!Ii p".m.'II"':il'7-~.JI li!-.u' 'iIk'~'n ~;f!~;;"Iim- ,- II:!;, a,U!1 ,~~~i¥",!L~~ ~!(I!~ ~/~~~ ~~V~ lUI!: ,~j]~~JJ,.,L'U~~ __ I l\r!.t

lines and several w'ole:restWng ife"l\tlJres., This ta,kedorwn Sh.O'~gUD, wm.tb :iv,what tubular magazine was p.roduced. ueder the pate:n:Q of Jobn D,. Pedersen, ,I, wen~

t" d'· A 'II.. L.

xnown arms, esigner, ,aJDu ,IJJ.I!3iS a nam-

merless 8,(:tW.OD, ww~h solid. breech, The :[&0' eeiver :is elesed ion, except for ,aJ, loadirng and ejection :p ad at the bottom. 'Thi~ non onl y provides s a:fe:ty to the use[' but minimizes e-ntry 'of ~~d~ dillrt" Sino,w'~ 'IF,MDI_ ;anrd, ""'i"'i'!--'~iIi" fl n;'I!"~;~'0T:I1 m --, atter. TL..IE:i

t!I __ =!ll __ -~~ . 1y'1~ .. WJ}~i.~J Y,I& '!iii't!!e~!cIi Q.( _ ._ ~ _ I UL

graceful Jy-:slQped. up_per rear portion D'i the receiver and, §enerally clean. lines w11hou.t p(["{)je~;tiiroos ate :r.-espo'mmb'~e for the handsome appearance of the gun

Arnong several Oicbier :£eaiUl'fies G\f this std~er~tfljredl repeater iSi a" recaU lock which ~tf.,even~s, o~eDillg lof the action by a. jJlea~a:[!~jl. puu. OD. the fore-end until the, latter is released by' 'the, recoil of 'firl ng. This ~s, des:i,go,ed, to :P,['ffV;efi!~ aceidenrs from naW:i,IHres",

A button, en ~he, r,~g'ht side lof ~he. receiver is ,([lessed. iaward 'to, release the: action [b'a:r and :per.m~;t op em ing of tbe. gun. vihe:n cocked, Tills 'button.,'j1eclts. sUg'htly when file ,gtl:m. i$: coeked, and thereby also ~e-fves as, a cocking indi~ eater,

Other ~n;te[ies~ing: features o!:[ this, shot- 11I·£w are the shart 1/l '6'~ tr~vei~ io,f 'the fi:rill:ng' p,:i n which resul ts ~]l. fast lock time:, and the :slide safety ,in ~he fOl~ward. part of the tiigge~' ,guard" Since this safe~y' is moved fore and. af~, iastead <Q([ ,s~dewa'Ysi ,ru:l ]8; well. su~ted. fo,[' both dght .. , and. leftnamdedl 'use rs , 'The, botm,om ejec~i:on. also makes the gun weU ;snited [Or both [,igll.t:= an.d :~.en .. handed 'IlSe,FSj, and, the fired Ibe~rns do! not 5!trite, dur-

~ l.~.

,rnn,g' eJe-O~.l.on"

Wh,elll fin:t :~ntrQd[l,cedi '~h~s, gun was ~esi;gD~too ,Me-del ] :908, 'bu:t this was la~er cbang\ed to! 'Model t9l 0,., S~vtr,~, grades w:Uh choice of viaJrio,us baJrr,'~d leD8Ut~ Q,nd, 'c:b.o\ke.s, 'w,e:re offered,. ,Ac-

~;,(H·d.ill:g: to, 'tbe :Remimgtoll W, ~9 m g .. :~ 91 ca"tl,k),gt the, ','·0;, lOA ,S~anda:[d. Grade. is; a plaiD. ,g.un wwth,oil!l£ c'heckenng and, engw.avrung'" Other grades arIe ~he 'N'o," 1. 0:8 Spec.ial cbec't~!i,\ed pi5tto,n 8fl,,1 and f;O~ID,d, No, lOS Trap Specwal 'w.itb. s~;raffighi~,~,gri,p stock, Ne .. lnC Trap, N'o" 110D Touma:m.eLllt~, No," l'~lE Bxpe:rt~ and 'N o, 1 OF :Premm~'m There :rns also :1. No" U)iR :R]ot Grade' 'with 20,Pj' barrel, ,&Dd. ~ version 'Of '~'hils pIl. :fitted, with. a hafid,~ gUla~d and bayoaet atta!Chment wm, Ipr,o- 1..:3ll-', ....... '~' (1--[" ~:D..,;Ei; ·U· 'C'i' "'rm" "l1 'd, - ~I'I [i'n a ""w= ~.n""1~d lL!IIil!h,.~ ~1I,iI\i!r. llio~l..... :__, ,.r;;Ii~ ,fl. ,. ',J ' 'Y, .. i~''''D . .... ... Woo'

WaJr. CheC']'OO:frung~, e~ng:ravmg'j and selected 'w,all1u.t are s.p'~c:illl features o'f the 'b~g'll,e'[ grades, 'The, hwgrlu~s~. sw:,adle :rus, tile 'N·I~),. :n1oP li;stedl at $'183,50 iI}, the 1.,9'18.., ~. 9 Ite:m,ingoo1il eataleg,

The, MradeW, .1'910 If;M :p'-rod.u~tdJ. ~ten.\ .. , si v,~'ruy and 'ffil,ri)'\\I'ed gene[a'~,y .sl!ll\~'Sfut It 1eft s,o.m,e'thru:ri\S· to be deslred m" design deta~ls~, ho'we:ve:r':Ij ,al!!!d: 'was :s~:pe.Deded. in l'92~'91 by the R.emmnp,Q,n ~dlodlel 29 shot-

•1 glum.

'1 Remolve' a ny shel~ hi from ~ag,a":dne

and'I!"., Press magali'n,e: I,e,\iler detent ClEO ffi'Dlwalrd lllllJO:n m:agazl~,n;@, lever (:28)., Ma.!aZ:~flle ~ev,em- is, tite!n urn lock~d and can be tuwUi1ed crossrWal'J,S, so rut !p,:mtru d~~:5, :~'n)ml r'ight !i~de of ma,gaZHl'riI:e ~Jllibe: ,~36).

2 IR:ot:art,@) ,mag:a:z:i'ne 'Ieve'f do'w~nwar:cJ..

" 'fhi:s 'w~i I ~I tum m~g:alz~'n@ tube, o'n.'e'

q'Uarte~i' 'tlU m tllio Lin hJc[< tlJbe Tf\O,ml r'B'" Clehlf,er (,37).,

3··! Wi',m ~agall~ine h~wr ~:m dOWIn. posl'tJion'i s,Hde· ma,giZffillfH:i!: '~tube: f:o:rward so' :Ula!t ~Ie\ile.r slot ln f'm~n:t I~f tlltl:€! movies 'fotw:a'rd ,over :IUI on ba"rr,!:1 O~H;, IRreeir of ma~IZrlVle wrn I'~ tltern: be ftee c,f' r,eoe:i'y;eu·. S I md'e 'for.e'nid (20) 'fonva rei ~n't]i I le:nd (if alttactrued aetlon bar 1(1) ls 'free ,of bn!schlbo I'~: ([B)I and r!€Oe'i'v;(!ir'";

, -,

'¥fJ~'-' ",


-. '

4, H~O~d,fo~e~~~ ,~~d,- maga~i1~[~, 'tube

mlu'wf9lrd. l,u,rn ban[el~, roreEHld" 'BInd

mae:al~:ne ,tube as a CO'n4,p!~~~e un m one ~ '-:- ~Irn: - turn elc ckw.i Sii:li: 'a!s v~ewed fr:om

qU!:;h'~~r __ Iii! ¥' ' , "" \i- ..

rea r} 'tD d i s~:npp: ba f1\e·~ thread s from th reads ij;n rece~i\l'eir,; ~Pu 1:1 ban'€) I I' tulbe~, '~fn~endl" 81ld ac.tkn111 bar fo:rwerd. aiw,a,Y' 'r'rom ,~"Etcel!j,jl\e[r., This ls s'ufiliicieln'~. dili:$a:~semb~!y' 'ro;r routine e I,'i ng' arnd luibrr[,c.aUO'rii,., 'BeIfblre! re,slsse m bm~ o,f baRe~ '~O reCle'hl!'er" IOlWer 'ii'ring [pin 1~17}1 by pul:'ling' tr~',gger,.

J .. ~

5 Usie: sima II screW\dJriwir. '~O p,re. $S ma;g,a.= '- zi me 1~!e~H~.r de'~elil!t ihnward II POri maga .. zine I ewr ~ a nd tur,n I ever fn~e from i8'li1d laf,: mag~i2JU11le '~U ~~H~. Hold lev.e'r 'fo~IFd ,and ,sUd!!: 'b:Jbe l!"ea,rrwarr:d unt~i 1S'~\If'iiBJm~Eld 'f'r~;m


balrrel~ 'I Ylg. 'Tl1e'rQ 'pu'l ~ Gomb i l1I!ed 'tube Sind.

roreo;ei!J,d 'roma rd 't:o fli-SJengage aCitt:icn bar fr~m y'OiI<e ,aj~ I'\e:a r lof ban]e I ~


I" "'_.-

, . I

6 PrE.SS, ,mJag:ati n!€ ~wer det,e nt ;i nw,a:rd~ ,8 nld tIIU'r1!1 ,~ever ,to r1e-engage fu I ,I; i I1IW ,@nd of tlJbe~ F;o(r1e~nd mruJS[ be ttuned u ntJU lIl'ug'S on: tube ma,tch sJots ln aetion bar hie!: A)~ P',Bj~, I aetlen ba r ,i nd fom-e.nd 'fJ:ofWard off maga:ziil ne 'ttlu'b-e,.

7~' re re:move It~\ard C23} alrnd stock (~6)1 'frrom recemver~ utlsc:r'eW ,gu1tairld :SCI"€:W cheek scr'/!:w t25':):il III!.IilIlm ,scn~w (;24)1 ta ng: !i-crew check .$,Clre;W 1(50) i' and, mlng sc(r'~w ('49)~ P u _II ,e,uardr ,and stoc:k, realMfllFd aw,a~' fro'ml recemver"

18", •• -,.".,~:se, ~~~ III ,5~reWdriv.~r to ,pry ,lea ~rie'v

,- ;e"l'lIiI"i; ~1"~' fr .... rn bottem o,f i\I:io""AI~,reill'

~~'-!IIr-r- ~l JI~J ~I ~ .~.J~~, > ~~~I~'_'~ ... ~~!!

W,h ~ i'e. dep;re~s,i ng' ~c.twonl bar II:oek 'button [S4)~, Uft bteecbooll"~ (8:) Glut- of engagement wi U-a fe-'Com'l ,shoui~de~1I" I and mC)VEl~ breech 00 It rel'3IM8:rd until I it ;3llild Uae C:alll"rielr (1])1 are out !Orf rec-e:~:veJ ~ llnecck 1ir.,

., ., b ~- ,. (42)'" ~

I~ •. J ".. .' j 1 '-:-," .," . l '--",-- -r:- -::: - '. ," ,-:".-;

~ 'Iilg p~ n ~t'y: e:pre:s·s ~ fiI(g seali ,.. ~ ,an, ~

• ,~A~:~ ~

r,emove seer slp:rnlg' SCirew ~;~~ ano seer

~$pr'i ng (43}., R'ewu)v,e sea r I' ~iri WiS' pln ~ and ex:tractar (15) wi'~!h sprl nl em 6) aJfter drhi'~' IJlIi1g 'OiUf~, ~'i 11$ "Which ;~e-ti~I~[n these perts, Reass'i!mbJe: hi ifev\erSe. I n so do'i ng, e:rii-~'

·..iI1 f ,.., "d

g;age rear !emU ill, Ice rnei!f m tJ1I recess O~I :81, .. e'

o'f; JOre:ec hb('Jt~rt 18'nd hO,I,d ·the,se pa:rt5 to,Iethieir 'wh i Ille sl id1ng ·the ml :~ n:~o rece]ver ~ A.lso!, :press forward on rear 101m earrier Wh m le :~ 1'l51~rti'ng earrler s~op.

........ . . - .... ..,_.._. ....... _._.

--:11 - ar.. .... - ..

_ •• ~. -- III ~r"'IL~-'I""""'J'~-"""'_ • -W'Iooi,- ~;;o.._

IPA.IT:S, L'E,O'I'ND i, ,Ac;~i~on bar

2m Acti:on bar ~,oeki oom,ph:te 3~ Ac.t~:on bar leek ~irlil

4,. Barrel ~JdjUs:tifiil' bush'ing 5 .. Barlrel~

I~.. Bam'lfe I ,ad I ust'i fig bush i mg leek

1" lE:lalmfe I SJd]jus'~'i nlg bUfshl~lng lock. :s'crew ,SI. 18,r,ee;ch~olllt

9',. 1~:U'ttIJJllal~e

t 01,. B-uttp'iaie screws (,2J 'm 1... Ca mier~~ cOlmlp~l~te 12,. C-arrrner ,sibop

'm 3,. GOt Id nl head

·m 4. Coclk~i1lilg head ,pi n is, Extractor'

1_16., iExtraciof' .s;prm rig




. "",


9- I·f barn~!'~ beoomes !:oose in recehrer~ 'rI@'mov,@~ barre; I ;and map::!mlli1_,e- assernb Iy' ,a rill d lI!.I:n,scre.w 'Dar:tr'le'I aldjlJs~'~ I'lII blJs'lilihng Iloc:k Slcrew f1} 'OOtir '~JILI,miS, S'~~de bai Ne 'I edjusting bush~n-g lock 05) out of engage", ment: wlith ba rr:e:~1 adjll!tstlng- buslillilng 1[4-)1 ,iEir.d ,tlllJ rn bus!Ming :sm igih;~!ly in d irectien 'Df: a rr,QIW unt~1 ha,rr,e,l wi ~II t~~ghteln 'i n IrletQe~iVle r. IQua I Ui~a:t;ion 'madcs Oru' bottQ;m o,f ,lUll shou ~ d a I ~gn,. SJ i,de biushl~:ng ~od( a~'8:~ln st COf1I!'U'@-alt JOIn:$. 'j iii bushl n\li' alnd U,gi1lt:e1'l1l ~oc k SCf\ew",

'~'l~' ~ s,

ra 'mg.

20. .... 1-

,~ '_,!




"l· . .!'I1 ,~~~,

2'5., 216., 27.,

219~ 3'O\. 311~

3,2" 33

. 3410




~.,. ~/"i


~ei ~'Ji


_':" .'


,i! ? 9""'~II!'


,«.~ as, 4fL 4!'7~ 48~ 4('9'" so,

51... 52.

~~, '~~'!il

541. ss. 5,6,

Iflr~i nt! Iph,

Fi'rh'a,g' phli' lbushi~lng F~'ri'ng p'i n b ush h:lC piln Fom-s'rnd

FOrE!:=end nlut

Frc:nt~ :slln~·


(~!Jam sc,r"e,'i.I'jt

'SusKi sc:r''ew cheek ·SC!r'Ii!W' Mainspri~

Ma\gaziln e, fiorn-iowe-r'

M'ag,az,i n€: I~verr'

M!aga:z:'i ne I e:ve~r- d@'tent M',ag~'zi ne I ~'Vte r d,emnt lpin

lUI "i "

~,1f~,ag:(;tZ:l ne ~ eve.r pi IIi1

M,aga;zJne Ile~er- .s,;pr'illl1'g IMi'aga'zi ne p[11 ug' Mlag:azJn,e ~ I lAg: s crew Magaz~;WI,e 'sprhlg· M'agaz:i ne tube, R,eee[ver

Sarf'e~,' ~,I rude

:Sarf'ety :sUd~e balill Sa'fe~y' sl mde piln Sa!fet~l ;si m:O'e spri ng Self

S €2i!r spri nl

.s~~a:r s'pr-'~ng screw .se~lr 1P(~n


S'~'o,c:1lc bel t

Stoclt Ibo'it W'asjtH~r 'Tan,g screw'

'linll! SCJl9W eheck ,screw 'iliri;gs:e:f

T.ri[gger P~:n

'f:ri:gg:er sp:ri n\g

AcH01i1 ba!r hlCk ib'll'ltlon

ActJ,OFl bair leek bl!Jt~on ,spr'i:l1g,ac:tof' p:ii.n

1. - Push. ~3J~1 (.1)1 ~Ughtl!·1 rearward intc reeeivert ,') to .r,e:Ii@"'~I\~, p'r,~stlre· on 'tl1il,e: f:QN,oimd (1 ) ~ and ~ilS1!reW JDHagaziiue Ca!P Il 84 )'., :tlte~~ISie baae~ ,~~d remove ~oll~e~dl. and banrel from, ,maguUiD;t. ~ube (1'1) '. i[~de .frj.cti'Q~ ring' (80) II fnc,tID~lllJj, P;lOO~ (,82)., :a~d rlec(.lffi~ s.pring' (8 Ul.1 :fonflatr-d 'of£ .ma,glzimJe tube" liem,'O\',e tau,g: ,sCr,ew IDooking ~~w tSO) amid ~alll .SCtr.'eiW (S' 1) :&0 •. low~r ·ta;mg: • . PUl' 1 :s~().!Ck 0:1 ~~rw,a;![d., Remove the. trig'Iet pl~te ,S(::Iie'W ,( m .. 9'; rig'b~ arrow). Ib~:m,Qv~ n:ig .. , ,~~,[ pla~e pill rn,Qckmg' ,serew (:~ 8) ;a~d d'rift eut thei td~ :[p]at~ pm, (li'i' left :fm:o,m, :right ee left. DLlfl o.lll~, 'triMer' pl~t~ ( 48, ) '. It .~8 b~~ 'tCCI label ea,oh. ,of the smaU

l;ook~iIT'ii!fJ !lV'!i"~W'ID, '''!iI'~: ,~.t..""'iiJ' i''ii',,!,j!Ii; ,~~, ...... !U'~~I ';if'F" .... -m··

_____ ~~j ~~'~ __ rIJ. ~ Wf'!i.l.,3 a~,~;I. Iliru.W~IJ~ ')' ~-~, U.-~i

. the [tun ®o aivotd ;m[xlng' 'lbem .

. 2.·.· 'Dock the bammel ('6Il)'i' d~s: sal~W , sear s,p,ring. ~o:Ua,wer (.:~r2) 2LS s'ibowll!l~; and ~Hde sde:ty sear f54) ,oft: Wj~ :s;tud '~& w,aJti the len s:[d~ '~f Ul~ tdg_g,e:r pID_~.te •. R'erGov,e safety .sear spr:hrug f'OUofWe[i'~ aGid ~afe:tysear 8primmg" (';53) ~'blom -h'ole' in toP :rJgbt s]de; O'l'~rig~e:r' p,lam,e •. 'U'~c~!Ot, ,[hammer'

ll~titr~g, it :f~["W,ard ,stowly

'1- 1

:! j

an, I~~

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