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Fellowship Status Report

Code for America

is partnering

with Salt Lake County to build technology solutions to improve services and strengthen the relationship between the county and its citizens,
with an aim to lower the rate at which citizens fail to appear in court, for supervision and treatment appointments in addition to lowering the recidivism rate. To
accomplish these objectives, we pursue three workstreams - build, measure, learn - to iterate quickly and ensure our decisions are data-driven and user-focused.

Phase VIII - ClientComm Delivery (10/15/2016 - 11/17/2016)


Goals during this phase

agile development

Documentation associated with final delivery of product to Salt Lake County

Specifically documentation regarding deploying and maintain the tool


Dive into ClientComm utilization and performance impact against case management
database data extractions

user centered

Document learnings in final report package, to be passed off along with technical

Week ending 11/18/2016

This weekly report represents our final weekly report from our team. It also is intended as a partner piece to our Year-end
Fellowship Report, available here as a slideshow document and here as a PDF with the Weekly Reports Collection . The
purpose of this report documents our process in a more formal manner and is intended as a reference manual with links to
other content we have produced over the year, from our blog and our research and process websites. At the end of the
Fellowship report is also an index with all key resources and content that were produced through this fellowship over the
year. We will also be publishing it on the Scribd collection with all the other weekly reports we have been archiving so it will
be publicly accessible into the future. Also archived will be our Tumblr blog. We put our last post up on it last week and will
likely be retiring it at this time. One final post will be put up to direct interested parties to all the resources we have created
this year, much in the same way as the last page of the Year-end Fellowship Report.
Looking beyond the final report, we will be maintaining ClientComm over the next year. This effort will involve the
deployment and expansion of ClientComm to other counties (Multnomah County in Oregon) as well as continued work on
understanding impact in Salt Lake County. In addition, we will work to maintain service structure as it presently exists in Salt
Lake County at Criminal Justice Services. For example, we will be keeping Crisp up - this is the tool that allows case
managers to easily chat with support on the team working on ClientComm. By keeping these lines of communication open,
we hope to continue to receive feedback and provide quality support to the case managers using the tool. A primary drive of
the data and research aspect of ClientComm moving forward will be to better understand what - if any - difference there was
in performance with case managers that use ClientComm and case managers that did not, both in comparison to each other
as well as to themselves from their performance the year prior.
Personal Note from Kuan
Well, this is definitely not a fun report to write. Its really been an amazing year - I recognize that may sound canned but I
really believe that our team was uniquely fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with so much talent over the year.
Salt Lake County - especially Beth, Kele, and Fraser - made this year and what we accomplished possible. So, thank you
again and I hope to see you all sooner, rather than later! Also a thank you is due to Mayor Ben McAdams. Without his support
early on to both champion bringing Code for America into the County and also make sure it was set up for success with the
leadership that weve had the opportunity to work with over the year; we would not have formed the amazing relationships
and enjoyed the same experiences and growth that we did. I sincerely hope that Salt Lake County feels that it has gained as
much from year as I have from it. Thank you again.
Personal Note from Ben
It has been an incredibly rewarding year, and Im honored to have collaborated with dedicated government employees and
staff on the front lines of helping people get the services they need to improve their lives. To Beth, Fraser, Kele and all the
CJS staff thank you all for your support, ideas and openness to testing new practicesClientComm would not exist without
you! Your work and dedication inspires me to stay involved in civic design, and as I move on to other projects I look forward
to seeing ClientComm improve and evolve to meet citizen needs in Salt Lake County and beyond.

This weeks accomplishments

Create and deliver a final presentation

for the Salt Lake County Criminal
Justice Advisory Council
Complete fellowship final report


Retrieve Ctracks data from Dave in

Criminal Justice Services IS


Learn more about use cases for

different departmental use of

Next weeks objectives

The Fellowship is over; no further objectives!

Thanks and please keep in touch, its truly been such an incredible year!
Ben Peterson and Kuan Butts, Code for America, Team Salt Lake County

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