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Name Nathan Evans

Date 4/2/2015
Bluefield State College
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject English Language Arts

Grade 1st

Topic Reading
Length of Lesson 50 minutes

Introduction/Essential Question:
Standard: English Language Arts
A. General: ELA.1.R.C1.2 retell stories, including key details and demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson in literary texts. (CCSS RL.1.2)
B. Specific: When presented with a story, students will be able to summarize the story, list key details that
support the main idea, and determine the main idea with an 85% success rate.

Methods: Modeling, Story Telling, Class Discussion Conducted by Teacher, Lecture

Materials: A copy of Strega Nona by Tomie de Paola, graphic organizer (attached), The Tortoise and the Hare
(attached), The Little Red Hen (attached), blackboard or a dry erase board, precut supporting details and main idea
for The Hare and the Tortoise, Graphic Organizer Assessment Rubric (attached)
Direct Instruction (I do):
Begin by asking the students to think about their favorite story book. Have a few students share their
favorite story book. Explain to the students that stories have a central message. A central message is the main idea
or a lesson within the story.
Give an example with a familiar story, The Boy Who Cried Wolf. Make 3 boxes on the board and label
them Supporting Detail and link them to a box labelled Main Idea.
The boy was bored so to amuse himself he yelled wolf! This caused all of the villagers to help the boy. In
the first box, put, the boy cried wolf to amuse himself and the villagers told him not to cry wolf when there isnt
The boy continued to cry wolf, even though they told him not to. The villagers kept coming to help him. In
the second box put, The boy continued to cry wolf for his amusement and the villagers kept coming to help.
Finally the boy cried wolf when a real wolf actually came. The villagers did not come because they thought
he was lying again. In the last box put, The villagers did not come when a real wolf appeared and the boy cried
Relate the 3 boxes to each other. The boy cried wolf to amuse himself and the villagers told him not to cry
wolf. He continued to cry wolf to amuse himself. When the boy finally saw a real wolf and cried for help, the
villagers did not come. So, the main idea of the story is to not lie, or others will not believe you when you are
telling the truth. Put this in the main idea box.

Name Nathan Evans

Date 4/2/2015
Bluefield State College
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject English Language Arts

Grade 1st

Topic Reading
Length of Lesson 50 minutes

Guided Practice (We do):

Pass out copies of the graphic organizer. Tell them we are going to read the story Strega Nona by Tomie
de Paola. Together, we are going to analyze the story, list key moments in the story, and discover the main idea.
Read the story Strega Nona to the students. Stop when the story reaches the point where Strega Nona tells Big
Anthony not to touch the pot. Ask the students what Strega Nona asked Big Anthony to do, list it under the first
supporting detail.
Continue reading the story and stop after Big Anthony watches Strega Nona fix pasta. Ask the students
what was Big Anthony doing and what may he do after watching her make the pasta? What did Big Anthony not
see Strega Nona do? List Big Anthony watching Strega Nona fix pasta in the magic pot but did not see how see
how she made it stop making pasta in the second supporting detail box.
Continue reading the story and stop after Big Anthony does not blow three kisses into the pot to make it
stop making pasta. Ask the children what did Big Anthony forget to do? What might happen since Big Anthony
did not blow the three kisses? List in the last supporting detail box Big Anthony forgot to blow the three kisses to
stop the pot from making pasta and it filled the village.
Finish the story and analysis the supporting details. 1. Strega Nona told Big Anthony not to touch the pot.
2. Big Anthony saw what the pot could do, but did not see how to make it stop making pasta. 3. Big Anthony used
the pot but did not blow three kisses into the pot to stop it from making pasta and it filled the village. Ask the
students how could this have been prevented? So the main idea of the story was for Big Anthony to listen. This
would have prevented the pasta from filling the village.

Tier 1: Hand students graphic organizers with the key details and main idea precut. Have them glue
them in order.

Tier 2: Have students read the story and fill out the graphic organizer with the story the Tortoise and
the Hare.
Tier 3: Have these students do the same thing as the Tier 2 students. But also hand them another
graphic organizer. Have them write down the supporting details and the main idea of their favorite
story in the graphic organizer.

Closure: Once again review the details that lead to Big Anthony flooding the town with pasta. If he had listened
to Strega Nona, this would not have happened. We looked at the main details of the story to determine the main
idea of the story; listening is important. If we look at what happens in a story, we can understand the main idea of
a story.

Name Nathan Evans

Date 4/2/2015
Bluefield State College
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject English Language Arts

Grade 1st

Topic Reading
Length of Lesson 50 minutes

Independent Practice (You do):

Hand out the students a copy of The Hare and the Tortoise and another copy of the graphic organizer.
Have the students practice filling in the key details and finding the main idea of the story.
Hand out the students a copy of The Little Red Hen and a copy of the graphic organizer. Have them fill in
the graphic organizer, providing the key details and the main idea of the story. Use the attached rubric to grade.

Name Nathan Evans

Date 4/2/2015
Bluefield State College
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject English Language Arts

Grade 1st

Topic Reading
Length of Lesson 50 minutes

The Hare and the Tortoise

By Aesop

The Hare was once boasting of his speed before the other animals. "I have never yet
been beaten," said he, "when I put forth my full speed. I challenge any one here to
race with me."
The Tortoise said quietly, "I accept your challenge."
"That is a good joke," said the Hare; "I could dance round you all the way."
"Keep your boasting till you've beaten," answered the Tortoise. "Shall we race?"
So a course was fixed and a start was made. The Hare darted almost out of sight at
once, but soon stopped and, believing that the Tortoise could never catch him, lay
down by the wayside to have a nap. The Tortoise never for a moment stopped, but
went on with a slow but steady pace straight to the end of the course.
When the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post.
The Hare ran as fast as he could, but it was too late. He saw the Tortoise had reached
the goal. Then said the Tortoise:
"Slow and steady wins the race."

Name Nathan Evans

Date 4/2/2015
Bluefield State College
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject English Language Arts

Grade 1st

Topic Reading
Length of Lesson 50 minutes

The Little Red Hen

Russian Folk Tale

The little Red Hen was in the farmyard with her chickens, when she found a grain of wheat.
"Who will plant this wheat?" she said.
"Not I," said the Goose.
"Not I," said the Duck.
"I will, then," said the little Red Hen, and she planted the grain of wheat.
When the wheat was ripe she said, "Who will take this wheat to the mill?"
"Not I," said the Goose.
"Not I," said the Duck.
"I will, then," said the little Red Hen, and she took the wheat to the mill.
When she brought the flour home she said, "Who will make some bread with this flour?"
"Not I," said the Goose.
"Not I," said the Duck.
"I will, then," said the little Red Hen.
When the bread was baked, she said, "Who will eat this bread?"
"I will," said the Goose
"I will," said the Duck
"No, you won't," said the little Red Hen. "I shall eat it myself. Cluck! Cluck!" And she called her
chickens to help her.

Name Nathan Evans

Date 4/2/2015
Bluefield State College
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject English Language Arts

Grade 1st
Book: ______________________

Key Detail 1

Topic Reading
Length of Lesson 50 minutes

Main Idea
Key Detail 2

Main Idea/ Central Message

Key Detail 3

Name Nathan Evans

Date 4/2/2015
Bluefield State College
Daily Lesson Plan

Subject English Language Arts

Grade 1st

Topic Reading
Length of Lesson 50 minutes

Graphic Organizer Assessment Rubric



Student can determine all
Key Details.
Student can determine the
Main Idea of the story using
the Key details.

Partial Mastery
Student determines 1-2 of
the Key Details.
Student can determine the
Main Idea of the story but
with lack of Key Details.

Student cannot determine
the key details of the story.
Student cannot determine
the main idea of the story.

Grading Scale A: 20 B: 15-10 C: D: 5 F: 0

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