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Project 2 Section D Paper

Juan Pickett, jr
September 17, 2016
As I researched technology to support blended learning, I came across some
meaningful articles. In this paper, I will discuss these articles. More specifically, I first inform
my reader on the article I read. Next, I will inform my reader on the object being observed.
Lastly, I will inform my reader on the benefits and disadvantages the object had on learning.
By doing so I hope to help my reader become more aware of technology to help support
blended learning.
Article 1
Amongst these articles was Gulnoza Yakubovas and Teresa Taber-Doughtys article,
titled Brief Report: Learning Via the Electronic Interactive Whiteboard for Two Students
with Autism and a Student with Moderate Intellectual Disability. The interactive whiteboard
is similar to the traditional whiteboards; however, it uses technology to project internet
programs onto a hands on board. In this article, three students are being observed to see
how interactive smartboard effect students with disabilities ability to learn. More specifically,
the researchers wanted to see if interactive whiteboards benefit students with disabilities on
becoming independent learners. According to the article, results highlight the use of this
technology as a self-operated and interactive device to enhance students active
participation in learning (Yakubova, G. & Taber-Doughty, T. J, 2013 43: 1465). The
negative aspect of interactive whiteboards is it only works if your internet is working well. In
the future, I would expect to see more interactive whiteboards being installed in schools due
to the direct, positive effect it has on active learning.

Article 2
The second article was William Ferriters article titled, Cell Phones as Teaching
Tools. In this article, Ferriter explores the benefits and disadvantage of cellphones being
used for teaching. He did his research through online databased articles and personal
observation of his class. One, well known, disadvantage of cellphones in the classroom is
that it causes distractions. However, according to Ferriter, teachers can eliminate these
distractions by having students place their phone on the desk (Ferriter, October 2010 p1).
The benefit of using cellphone as a tool for teaching includes: decreases school supplies
need, lower money spent on school supplies, and help student actively engage in learning. I
do not see cellphones being a useful tool for learning in the future, because it is hard to
monitor every students cellphone. In fact, I think allowing cellphone usage for learning will
open up more opportunity for student to become off task.
Article 3
The third article was Robert Sterners titled, 4 Things Youll Miss by Banning Cell
Phones in Your Classroom. Similar to article 2, this article discusses the disadvantages and
advantages of cell phone being a useful tool for education. Sterner did her research by
personal observations and online data. Sterner explains that a disadvantage of cellphones in
the classroom are the obvious: texting, tweeting, and internet exploring (Sterner 2015).
However, with guided instructions these can be limited. Also, according to Sterner, the cell
phone is a tangible symbol of teens independence (Sterner 2015 page 1). Thus by allowing
students to use cellphones as a tool for learning you are encouraging self-control,
responsibility, and independent learning. I still do not see cellphones being an effective tool
for learning in the future. I do agree it can be useful in the classroom as a tool however I r
Article 4
The fourth article was Teaching with Cell Phones by Lisa Nielsen, and Willyn

Webb. The authors provide research from outside sources to help support their arguments
for cell phone usage to teach. The authors acknowledge that cell phone can encourage
students to be off task if used in the classroom. However, the authors studies did not focus
solely on using cell phones in the classroom. In fact, the authors noted that cell phones are
useful outside the classroom, because it helps student retain and review information.
According to a Project Tomorrow survey (2013), 78 percent of middle school students say
they use their cell phone to check grades; 47 percent say it helps them learn about school
activities, explained Lisa Nielsen, and Willyn Webb (2015, pg 4). Also, cell phone can be
used to show progress in a subject area thus provide parents with easy access to their
children needs of study. In the future, I do see how cell phone will be used to support
studying and reviewing classroom material.

Article 5
The fifth article was Transforming Education with Technology by Marge Scherer, and
Karen Cator. The authors observe a lesson with and without interactive smartboards. The
noted that technology helped enhance student learning. On negative aspect that they stated
is that not every teacher is technologically intelligent enough to use interactive smart board;
thus collaboration with media specialist may also be beneficial. In the future I can see more
tech support staff being hired into school systems to help aid teacher. This will have a
directly positive relationship to student learning.
Article 6
The sixth article was Teaching for scientific literacy with an interactive whiteboard,
by Karen Murcia. Interactive whiteboards are used to project web based material onto
smartboards. The boards are hands on and displays the same material teacher access on
their laptops. As such, interactive smartboards are effective because it allows student to
engage in online learning material. The negative aspects suggested in the article is that
sometimes the board freezes with lack of internet service. The author concludes that

interactive smartboards are excellent sources to help student with scientific literacy. I can
definitely see every class room in the future using an interactive whiteboard.
Article 7
The seventh article was Teaching and learning with mobile technology: a qualitative
explorative study about the introduction of tablet devices in secondary education. In this
article, the authors explore the use of tablets as learning aids. Tablets are referred to as
mini laptop that are touch screen. The fact that tablets can travel with students and teacher
and give them access learning apps everywhere is very beneficial. However, tablet do pose
the difficulties of accessing applications without adequate Wi-Fi connection. Also, tablet do
not come with specific training to that aid teaching or learning. Some teacher explained that
their student has more knowledge about tablets than they do, which help teachers further
learn the device. Nevertheless, I do not believe a teacher can properly plan a lesson using a
tablet without adequate training. I do not see tablets being heavily use in the future to aid

Article 8
The eighth article was, effects of a strategic intervention with iPad practice on the
multiplication fact performance of fifth-grade students with learning disabilities. In this
article, the author explains an intervention that the performed which show how ipad had a
positive effect on four students with learning disabilities. More specifically, the author
explains how the students multiplication knowledge double during the intervention. The
author did not demonstrate and negative aspect of ipads in their intervention. I can predict
more use of this tool for teaching multiplication fact to students with learning disabilities in
the future.
Article 9
The ninth article was, Giving learning a helping hand: finger tracing of temperature
graphs on an iPad. The authors explain how ipads where beneficial to students as they

attempt to learn temperature graph. The authors explain that using a ipad as tool to trace
graphs help students learn and master temperature graphs. The authors did not explain any
negative aspect in their intervention. This tool will be used more for teaching students in the
future. I think it is easy to use and supports learning in a variety of ways.

Article 10
The tenth article was, teaching schedule use on an iPad to children with
developmental disabilities. This article, similar to article 9, explores ipad and a tool for
education. More specifically, there authors observer 3 student with developmental
disabilities as they learn skills using ipads. All three students increased knowledge in areas
taught during intervention; 2 of the three students master the content taught. Again I do
foresee a high usage of ipad in the future as a tool for learning.
Article 11
The eleventh article was, Using technology to support balanced literacy for students
with significant disabilities. This article is similar to article 6, because the focus is student
literacy relationship to technology. Unlike article 6, however the authors focused on students
with disabilities. Technology device proved to have the same positive effect on students with
disabilities literacy. Using thing such as interactive smartboards and IPads helps student
with disabilities learn and stay engaged with lesson. The negative aspect of using these
technology aids is they can become very expensive. Nevertheless, I do foresee a lot more
technological usage for students with disabilities in the near future.
Article 12
The twelfth article was An exploration of iPad-based teaching and learning: how
middle-grades teachers and students are realizing the potential. This article explores the
usage of IPads to teach student. IPads are audio devices that play a variety of sound and
music that are installed by the operator. The authors explain that a negative aspect of iPad
is the malfunctioning of the device. Often time the device will freeze or skip, similar to the

internet. In these cases, it is imperative that the instructor have back up plans. Similar to
research found in article 12, the authors concluded that IPad had a direct positive effect on
students literacy and engagement to lessons. I see this device being used more in the
future to aid with students literacy.
Article 13
The thirteen article was, Problem-solving intervention using ipads to improve
transition-related task performance of students with autism spectrum disorder. This article
is similar to article 12 because it is exploring the use of ipads for learning tools. The author
explained that ipads can be very beneficial in aiding student with autism transition from one
task to another. Similar to bell in schools, the ipad helps students with autism to realize that
a change is happening. The reason teachers are trying to avoid bells for student with autism
is due to the fact that it hurt most of their ear or scare them. One negative aspect is that if
the student become dependent solely one the ipad to tell them to transition, it will become
almost impossible to transition students with autism without the ipad. I would like to see
more usage of the Ipad for transitioning in the future, however Im sure some other audio
device will take the place of the ipads first.

Article 14
The fourteenth article was, The effects of an ipads multimedia shared story
intervention on vocabulary acquisition for an English language learner. Similar to article 12
and 13, this article explores ipads for as a tool for learning. More specifically, the authors
conclude that ipads, and audio devices similar to it, have a direct positive effect on students
learning English and Spanish. Student learn language more effectively through audio
learning, having the ipad to as a tool to aid this learning is very imperative. One negative
aspect is in do not necessary aid student writing ability. Also, it can some time pronounce
word in a different dialect than preferred. Nevertheless, ipad have more positive impact on

language than negative. I do not foresee this tool as being used a lot in the future because
there are already better language supporting tools for student.
Article 15
The final article was, Effects of video prompting techniques on teaching daily living
skills to children with autism spectrum disorders: A Review. The tool to aid learning is this
article was video prompts. Video prompts are basically video that are displayed as directions
of study lessons. One negative aspect of video prompts is that the student will not always
understand the vocabulary being used in the video. It is imperative that the teacher take
the time out to first make sure the vocabulary is using word that their student can
understand. It is also imperative that the video prompt is providing a visual model a person
performing the task. Most student with autism are visual learners; thus being able to see
instructions being perform will help them in completing task. I do hope to see more video
prompts in the future however, the teach must be careful in the selection of what prompt is

In conclusion, after researching articles that support blended learning I came across
some useful information. I have provided 15 of these article and a brief description of the
main information that I observed. More specifically, I have told you positive and negative
benefits that certain technological devices have on learning.

Agostinho, S., Tindall-Ford, S., Ginns, P., Howard, S., Leahy, W., & Paas, F. (2015). Giving
Learning a Helping Hand: Finger Tracing of Temperature Graphs on an iPad.
Educational Psychology Review, 27(3), 427-443.
Retrieve September 16, 2016
Carnahan, C. R., Williamson, P. S., Hollingshead, A., & Israel, M. (2012). Using Technology
to Support Balanced Literacy for Students With Significant Disabilities. Teaching
Exceptional Children, 45(1), 20-29. Retrieved September 16, 2016.
Domire, S. C., & Wolfe, P. (2014). Effects of Video Prompting Techniques on Teaching Daily
Living Skills to Children With Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Review. Research &
Practice For Persons With Severe Disabilities, 39(3), 211. Retrieved September 16,
2016. From database doi:10.1177/1540796914555578
Ferriter, W. (October, 2010). Cell Phones as Teaching Tools. Educational Leadership, 68
(2),2. Retrieved September 12, 2016.
Min Wook, O., & Bryant, D. P. (2016). Effects of a Strategic Intervention With iPad Practice
on the Multiplication Fact Performance of Fifth-Grade Students With Learning
Disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 39(3), 146-158. Retrieved September 16,
Montrieux, H., Vanderlinde, R., Schellens, T., & De Marez, L. (2015). Teaching and Learning
with Mobile Technology: A Qualitative Explorative Study about the Introduction of
Tablet Devices in Secondary Education. Plos ONE, 10(12), 1-17. Retrieved on
September 15, 2016. From database doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0144008
Murcia, K. (2008). Teaching for scientific literacy with an interactive whiteboard. Teaching
Science: The Journal Of The Australian Science Teachers Association, 54(4), 17-21.
Retrieved September 14, 2016.
Nielsen, L., & Webb, W. (2015). Teaching with Cell Phones. Educational Leadership, 72(8),
70. Retrieved September 14, 2016.
Rivera, C. r., Mason, L., Moser, J., & Ahlgrim-Delzell, L. (2014). The Effects of an iPad
Multimedia Shared Story Intervention on Vocabulary Acquisition for an English
Language Learner. Journal Of Special Education Technology, 29(4), 31-48. Retrieved
September 16, 2016.
Scherer, M., & Cator, K. (2011). Transforming Education with Technology. Educational
Leadership, 68(5), 17-21. Retrieved September 14, 2016.
Smith, C. A., & Santori, D. (2015). An Exploration of iPad-Based Teaching and Learning:
How Middle-Grades Teachers and Students Are Realizing the Potential. Journal Of
Research On Technology In Education (Routledge), 47(3), 173-185. Retrieved
September 16, 2016.
Stephenson, J. (2015). Teaching Schedule Use on an iPad to Children With Developmental
Disabilities. Journal Of Special Education Technology, 30(4), 207-212. Retrieve
September 16, 2016
Sterner, R. (October 2015). 4 Things Youll Miss by Banning Cell Phones in Your Classroom.
Education Digest, 81 (2),3. Retrieved September 13, 2016.
Yakubova, G. & Taber-Doughty, T. (June 2013). Brief Report: Learning Via the Electronic
Interactive Whiteboard for Two Students with Autism and a Student with Moderate
Intellectual Disability. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 43(6),8.
Retrieved September 12, 2016. From database .
Yakubova, G., & Zeleke, W. A. (2016). A Problem-Solving Intervention Using iPads to
Improve Transition-Related Task Performance of Students With Autism Spectrum
Disorder. Journal Of Special Education Technology, 31(2), 77-86. Retrieved
September 16, 2016

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