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Retrograde Pluto gives a pronounced inner intensity, along with a sense of

aloofness. These people are usually very secretive, and very few if any get to
know them on a personal level. There can be cases of extreme repression and
emotional extremes, along with compulsions and feelings of isolation. This is
the "either "or" "do or die" type of individual. They either love something or
they hate it, there is no grey area or in-between. They are all or nothing. If
other placements and aspect in the chart support this, the individual can be
an introvert and loner. As with the other outer retrograde planets, one must
look to the position in the chart to determine the strength of the retrograde
influence. The house that contains Pluto, along with the house where Scorpio
is on cusp can experience delays or other problems.

According to many astrologers, planets which were retrograde at the time of our
birth indicate karmic lessons weve brought into this life. Some say theyre an
indication of latent genius in areas pertaining to the planet and sign in which the
retrograde occurs, and which manifests later in life; still others, that those with
retrograde planets are here to increase consciousness and create change on a
global scale.
Others claim that those with retrograde planets in their natal charts are seldom
seen as they actually are. In other words, their full and true potential is hidden,
and that there is often much more to an individual with planets in retrograde than
can be readily seen. Because they are karmic in nature, this is an indication of
a past life influence.
Astrologer/visionary Barbara Hand Clow , states that retrograde planets allow us
to bring gifts/talents, skills, knowledge and abilities from past lives, with us into
the current incarnation. Astrologer Martin Schulman , says that retrograde planets
are absorbers, causing us to absorb or draw energy from others. While those
with direct motion planets (those planets not in retrograde) are radiators: they
tend to radiate their energy outward to others. Schulman also believes that
through the retrograding planets, one is constantly attempting to resolve past-life issues, which in the
current incarnation, seem to be unfinished.
The energy of a retrograde planet is expressed more on an inner level. Retrograde planets cause you to
stop and reconsider consequences. Viewed in karmic terms, retrograde planets indicate areas it would be
beneficial to review and perhaps re-do. They can indicate internal struggles regarding unachieved
goals or unfinished life lessons. Generally, natal planets in retrograde tend to internalize their influences,
allowing you to work on your character.
I was born with not just Mercury retrograde, but also Venus, Mars, Saturn and Neptune, so you can say I
have a lot to work on :)
Below are some interpretations for retrograde planets found in the natal chart. Use these ideas as a basis
for figuring out how to best use the retrograde energy in helpful ways.
Natal Mercury Retrograde
* reconsiders before speaking
* lots of inner conversation and thoughts
* expresses self better in writing
* may feel misunderstood
Mercury involves mental processes and communication, exploring ideas, seeking knowledge, writing,
public speaking, making contacts, short trips and commerce. Mercury is retrograde at least three times
each year, and is our most frequently retrograde planet. During this usually three week timeframe, weve
learned to look for misunderstandings to increase, mail to get lost, messages delayed, misdirection and
frustration with miscommunications of all kinds.
For a few, this retrograde has the opposite effect. I feel this is true for anyone born with the retrograde
in their natal chart, its a powerful time for us. New ideas, new speaking or writing abilities are often
revealed in folks whose natal Mercury is retrograde. Are you normally hesitant or afraid to speak out? Do
you find yourself very concerned with how others will take your words or what will happen if you speak
your mind? You may tend to get improvements in both your usual internal and external dialogue.

In karmic terms, natal Mercury retrograde suggests you may be dealing with old lessons about the
consequences of uninhibited speech. Motives mean a lot to you. You could find yourself attracting
criticism or opposition to your ideas. You can learn to overcome your fears. Apply your curiosity and take
an active interest in the welfare or interests of people around you. Half of your ability comes from
listening. If speaking to groups of people makes you nervous, let your thoughts escape into the outside
world by writing. Make small talk wherever possible about any topics of interest, while you boost your
self confidence and begin to overcome your hesitance of expounding your personal views in public.
Natal Venus Retrograde
* reconsiders before expressing love or affection
* relates awkwardly to others
* doubts the love others offer
* can become obsessed in relationships
* feels let down by the commitment level of others
Venus involves pleasure, love, romance, relaxation, aesthetics, peaceful feelings, harmony, money, and
values. Venus tends to work by attraction. Approximately every eighteen months or so, Venus slips into
retrograde for about six weeks. While Venus is retrograde, you are may find yourself much more
concerned with achieving or maintaining external beauty, your flow of ready cash, questioning your ideas
of pleasure, aesthetics, or even revaluating your feelings about romantic relationships.
Do you find yourself inhibited about seeking what you really want from your romantic partner? Does your
ability to attract the money and attention you feel that you need seem to cause you problems? Is your
natal Venus retrograde?
A natal Venus retrograde can cause you difficulty achieving fulfillment or finding your right romantic
partner. You may be more in love with your ideas about love than you are with any real person you know.
In karmic terms, you need to complete a life lesson about giving and receiving love and affection. You are
here to determine what is truly of value to you and learn about creating a balance of give and take in
your romantic life. You will have to be willing to experience loving and being loved in order to attract
what you desire into your life and create the feelings of security you need.
Natal Mars Retrograde
* reconsiders before expressing anger
* finds competitive situations hard to handle
* tends to repress and so ....
* can become depressed
Mars represents direct energy, physical expression, individual action and assertiveness, as well as anger,
desire, sexuality, competitiveness and motivation for self interest. Mars energies tend to burst forward,
with short duration. Every two years Mars goes retrograde for two to two-and-a-half months. What often
results are frustrations in daily life as emotions become internalized.
If you have natal Mars retrograde, you may find that you are waging an internal battle. This causes you
difficulty in asserting yourself because you are afraid of the consequences of releasing your anger. You
may tend to overthink before you act. You may find that you have a tendency to hold back. In karmic
terms, you are likely to be attempting to make up for some past misdeeds you now regret. You are
learning about yourself, defining who you are by what actions you take. You will need to let go of timidity
or a lack of direction in order work out how you can initiate actions without creating the chaos of
needless destruction.
Natal retrograde Mars are prone to be uncoordinated mentally and physically and experience sexual
difficulties. Theyre also more likely to be more full of guilt and blame than most others. Grounding
through meditation will help to regulate the various bodily systems to reduce adverse affects.

Jupiter represents the principles of expansion, gambling, speculation, luck, opportunities, optimism,
abundance, travel, higher education, teaching, religion and philosophy. Approximately four months a
year, this planet slips into retrograde. When it does, you are likely to see its influence roll through your
life and society around you. Plans have a tendency to implode. Jupiter retrograde influences us internally
to look within to seek new meanings. You may find you can best use these opportunities to revaluate your
life and reach new levels of awareness and understanding.
Abundance is felt within as you search the world looking to discover truth and develop a broader
philosophy of life and living. At the same time, you may feel hesitant about involving yourself too deeply
in others affairs or sharing your views out of a concern for being thought so different that you may be
cast out by public opinion. Speculations may not bring you all the external rewards you seek, but each

time you take a chance, your adventures allow you to gain from a wide variety of experiences. You must
remain open and honest with yourself in order to expand your spirituality and allow your inner voice to
guide you.
Natal Retrograde Jupiter can cause you to encounter one impediment after another in your search for
understanding and positive experiences, especially in early life. Positive abilities, talents, attributes and
skills tend to come later in life. Higher education is prone to be delayed, if it comes at all. One of the
beneficial aspects of this placement, is that you are more likely to be introspective, which assists in the
development of higher spiritual ideals.
Natal Saturn Retrograde
* feels inside that they're never good enough
* indulgent outward behavior may mask inner feelings of inadequacy
* hides fears
* over-disciplines self to keep from getting out of control
Saturn deals with karma, limits, responsibility, tradition, conservatives, authorities, long term goals and
accomplishments patiently created, taking responsibility, creating structure, and setting boundaries.
Once a year the planet Saturn goes retrograde for about four-and-a-half months. During this influence,
you will probably find it unwise to attempt sudden changes or to rush through things. Take practical steps
and accept limitations while you take serious steps toward your long term goals. Saturn retrograde can
cause you to become your own hardest taskmaster, limit your actions or leave you feeling blocked and
Saturn retrograde indicates that you are likely to have been abused by those with power over you. You
may need to declare personal boundaries in order to work out conflicts with authority on a karmic scale.
You could feel that fate conspires against your desires but its really you putting the brakes on through
feelings of persecution or inhibition in the house where it is placed until you work out how to face
whatever it is that threatens you. Your lesson is one of patience and steady application of hard work as
you overcome the impatient urge to cut corners. Everything you gain will be hard won but you will
eventually succeed, win the respect of others and actually can shine where you faced difficulties before.
Natal retrograde Saturn individuals are extremely introspective, conservative, frugal and serious. They
are teachers who have brought much knowledge with them from past incarnations and are happy to share
that knowledge with others. They are minimalists and overly disciplined, oftentimes to an extreme.
Saturn direct is restrictive, but Saturn retrograde often causes you to feel even more restricted.
Consequently, you become frustrated when unable to bring to fruition, plans on which youve spent years
developing. Yet Saturn also provides the tenacity and meticulousness required to bring those plans to
culmination. However, allowing yourself to go with the flow, and not resist lessons, you will ultimately
experience the peace you seek.
Natal Uranus Retrograde
* reconsiders outward expressions of rebelliousness
* feels inside that they are different
* outward conformist behavior masks inner feelings of non-conformity or ...
* goes out of their way to upset others apple carts
* has a difficult time finding their niche in society
Planet of change, independence and risk, Uranus is retrograde for about five months out of every year.
While it is, you can expect the unexpected. The situation is not secure. Things are subject to sudden
fluctuation and you may be feeling a bit stubborn, rebellious, your emotions explosive and uncooperative
toward anyone or anything that represents the status quo. Internally, you may feel like you are so ready
to take a risk and just blow off conventional wisdom or prescribed ways of doing things.
If your natal Uranus is retrograde, you are ready to try something new and likely to experience wide
fluxuations in circumstances. You have a tendency to push things to extremes. You are a catalyst for
positive energies if you channel your rebelliousness into originality as you move toward independence and
personal freedom. Karma indicates that you are here to learn about individuality, opening up to an
attitude that change is very good.
Natal retrograde Uranus denotes an extremely unique individual who may be seen as rather odd, and
whose genius may not be appreciated until later in life, generally seen as revolutionaries who change
society for the better.
Natal Neptune Retrograde
* feels guilty inside and so ....
* tends to blame themselves when things go wrong
* super sensitive inside and so .....
* puts on a tough skinned mask

Neptune goes retrograde five months out of every year, a time when a lack of boundaries, imagination,
creativity and a desire to experience the pleasures of the moment can get the best of you as logic is set
aside, replaced by feelings and intuition. There is a tremendous amount of creative potential for you to
achieve your dreams if you focus your activities and compassion outward as well as inward.
Neptune retrograde indicates that you could feel inhibited by the harsh realities of the physical world,
choosing to spend a lot of time in your own imagination. Daydreams could replace active participation in
life, inhibiting your ability to realize your potentials in the areas of life represented by the house where
Neptune is placed. Substance abuse can be triggered by a need to escape and you can fall prey to your
own illusions if you dont accept people as they are and use your sensitivity to let go of limitations as you
stay connected to others.
Retrograde Neptune Individuals are enigmatic and not easily understood. They may be extremely
sensitive, and an old soul. They are capable of seeing realities to which most of us are blinded, including
our own illusions. However, like the rest of us, they have their shadow side, and often chase unrealistic
fantasies of their own. Because they are so highly intuitive, they can see the outcome of a situation
without having to experience it.
Natal Pluto Retrograde
* keeps their chin up during crisis because .....
* they want to keep inner upheavals private
* they get what they want by acting like they don't care
Pluto is the planet of transformation, upheaval, reversals, and beginnings. It spends on average, five
months out of the year in retrograde. This is a time of rebuilding when intense situations and outside
forces intervene. Be willing to go to extremes and prepared to cut away the useless in those areas of life
represented by the house your Pluto is in, releasing what no longer serves you in order to regenerate your
Natal Pluto retrograde indicates that you are here to learn karmic lessons about intensity, control, and
struggles for dominance. While you are wrestling with your own inner conflicts, outside forces are likely
to upset your life. You are likely to find public opinion can be fickle. The people who make up your world
may revere you one moment and revile you the next. Part of your lesson is to refuse to get locked in a
battle of egos. Penetrate to the essence of the situation uncovering hidden truth. Trust your instincts,
being completely honest with yourself. Forgive yourself and others. You may not always be able to control
what you face nor what is done, but you are in sole control of how you choose to respond and react.
Natal Retrograde Pluto is the epitome of the deepest form of transformation. Those born with this
placement feel the worlds ills on a personal level, and feel compelled to change themselves in an
attempt to transform societys inadequacies and idiosyncrasies.
Natal Chiron Retrograde
* initiates us to discover unrecognized abilities
* looks within first to heal itself
* magnetizes healing from the outside
Chiron is the planet of the wounded healer. Natal Chiron retrograde indicates that this is a time to
discover previously unrecognized abilities. Often, the most beaten down parts of ourselves are actually
our greatest strengths. However, they've never been developed or cultivated and remain in that wounded,
beaten down state. This lack of growth somewhere in our lives is now holding us back. It's time to let
these wounds heal, to let go of old grudges, to wake up to how powerful we can be if we cease being a
"victim". Chiron is an initiator, helping us break through to possibilities undreamed of. However, we must
be willing to take the initiative, consciously stepping out of life-as-usual.
Natal Retrograde Chiron
There hasnt been too much written about Chiron up to this point, other than what Barbara Hand
Clow , Zane Stein (also at ) andMartin Lass and a few others have touched on. ###
Use the above as a basis for figuring out how to best use the retrograde energy in your natal chart. There
are many websites that will give you a free chart to see where your retrogrades are, just Google free
astrological birth natal chart. It took me about 10 years of researching different astrology software
programs to find one whose interpretations had the focus and text I wanted for personal growth and
spiritual transformation. I make no excuses for using a computerized program. I've never had one so
helpful. If you want, Im glad to do a chart and report for you for just $22. I can email it to you within a
few hours.
Discover your retrogrades and see what houses they fall in your natal chart. Let me know the lessons are
and how you moved through them.

Have you ever wondered about the meaning of retrograde planets on your birth
chart? To find out how many planets are retrograde on your birthchart, click the link
below,, then read on!

Basic instructions: Go to and click on Page 2 and

select " Short Report - Forecast". From there, click the link that says " Please click
here to go to the data entry page." and enter your birth date. Once you submit that,
go back to the homepage and select page 2 and select " Short Report - Forecast"

by Nic Gaudette

A planet is said to be retrograde when it appears to be moving backwards from our

vantage point here on Earth. Its not actually moving backwards and just appears
that way, but the energy of a retrograde planet versus one in forward motion is
different, not only with transits, but in your natal chart as well. If you have any
planets in your natal chart that are retrograde,
that planets energy is expressed differently for
you. Note that the Sun and Moon never turn

If you were born with Pluto retrograde, you tend

to keep quiet about the major problems youre
going through, and seem like youre such a
trooper on the outside even if youre completely
falling apart on the inside. You try to hide the way things impact you so people dont
really see how much youre hurting. To use a retrograde Pluto positively, you want to
be open to transformation whenever its necessary, especially in the areas of life
ruled by the house Pluto is located in and rules.

With Neptune retrograde in your natal chart, you tend to think that youre
responsible for the things that go wrong, no matter how much that isnt the case.
Youre easily wounded, but you try to hide it, acting tough with others. You look for
an escape anywhere you can get it, especially when youre running from dealing with
issues related to the areas of life ruled by the houses your natal Neptune is in and
rules. Positively, you can use your retrograde
Neptune creatively and to have greater
compassion for others.

If Uranus was retrograde when you were born,

you can hold yourself back from being
unconventional and different, but feel quite
different yourself and keep that inside. The areas
of life ruled by the house Uranus is in and rules in

your chart tend to experience constant change or extreme shifts that can happen
suddenly. Used positively, you can become someone who is unique and a true
individual who can lead the way to positive change and growth.

Saturn retrograde in your natal chart can show that you dont feel like youre
worthy of anything, and that insecurity leads you to act badly. You also keep your
fears to yourself, wanting to appear strong, perhaps because someone in authority
had too much power over you. You have to be patient and work hard to get what you
want, but you may not be willing to dedicate yourself, especially in theareas of life
ruled by the houses your Saturn is in and rules. You
restrict yourself by being lazy and indulgent, which is
the dark side of Jupiter, the planetary opposite
of Saturn.

With Jupiter retrograde, you can be too pessimistic

and lack imagination, the dark side of Saturn. Usually,
if you have both Saturn and Jupiter retrograde in your
chart, the effects sort of cancel each other out. You
generally feel them most when you only have one of
these two planets retrograde.

The personal planets in retrograde tend to have more of an influence on your


With Mars retrograde in your natal chart, you have a hard time showing anger and
repress, and lack the drive you need when you want to act on something. Youll need
to learn to be assertive and realize that your actions show who you are.

With Venus retrograde, you have a hard time expressing love and affection
towards others, and usually feel dissatisfied in your love relationships because of
that. You need to learn to share equally with your loved ones and be open with them.

With Mercury retrograde, you have a hard time expressing your thoughts properly,
so you feel misunderstood by others. You need to do a better job listening to others
and build up some confidence so youre not so afraid to speak up.

In5D addendum:

Just a side note on the Jupiter retrograde: Jupiter, or "Jew Peter" as Santos
Bonocci calls it, is all about religion and spirituality, so chances are, you've been on a
quest to find the spiritual truths within

According to the research of John McCormick, it is relatively rare to have zero, six or
seven planets retrograde on your birth chart. McCormick studied retrograde planets

during a period of 100 years and then applied his research finding to famous
personalities. These are his results:



Born with 7 retrograde


0.005 percent






I personally don't have any but for those who do, use them as a positive learning
tool about finding out what obstacles you'll be facing (or have faced) and how to
grow from those experiences.



When a planet is retrograde, its energies are turned inward and

becomes more subjective. The energy is slower manifesting in the external
world, partly because the individual with retrograde planets tends to think more
deeply about the energies involved. Many geniuses and leaders have retrograde
According to Martin Schulman, in his Karmic Astrology: Retrogrades &
Reincarnation, Vol. II, retrograde planets tend to break the time barrier. The
individual brings memories of prior lifetimes into the present incarnation. There
may be feelings of a blending of lifetimes characterized by the person
attempting to resolve issues that still appear to be unfinished. The
memories can be so vivid that the person does not recognize them as
memories. In Schulmans words: He is living in a dulled phase of another time
zone whose irresistible magnetism seems even more important than his current
life. The individual keeps re-living the experiences that relate to the particular
retrograde planet.
Retrogrades operate through multiple dimensions at the same time. Thus,
the person may be either behind or ahead of himself in this life while still another

part of self is not yet in this life at all. In addition to this lack of synchronization with
chronological time, which in itself would be enough to upset most individuals, he
also experiences on still another plane, a rather unique orientation in space.
Schulmans definition of a Retrograde individual refers to having either:
1) 3 or more retrogrades in the natal chart, 2) any one of the personal planets
Retrograde, or 3) even one single Retrograde planet near the Ascendant or
Midheaven (the 10th house cusp is called the Midheaven).
Again quoting Schulman: The Retrograde planet, with its powerful karmic
lessons being brought forward in this life tends to emphasize the matter or form
side of life, throwing man into the more primitive parts of himself where his struggle
for survival amidst the conditions and people around him becomes predominant
over the fulfillment of his Soul. This becomes even more heightened in the case of
the inner [personal] Retrogrades (Mercury, Venus, & Mars) through which man deals
with the very same intimate, personal, and private parts of himself which he has
been struggling with since his beginning in time.
It is comforting and encouraging to know that soul and spirit are
above the laws of karma and all difficulties can be resolved. Much
spiritual growth can take place through the overcoming of the difficulties
involved with Retrograde planets.


ASSIGNMENT: Go over your Natal Chart to determine whether or not you have
planets that are retrograde. We are talking of planets only here; there are other
factors that can express in a retrograde manner as well. List your retrograde
planets. Do you meet the requirements for being a Retrograde
individual? See Schulmans definition above. The planets that are Retrograde will
have the retrograde sign included in the degree/sign indication. Confused? Refer
to the Sample Chart Venus is Retrograde in the 2nd house.

The SUN and MOON do not go retrograde.

MERCURY RETROGRADE turns the mind inward, giving a tendency to repeatedly

go back over prior events and lessons. The thought process is based in the
subconscious rather than the conscious mind. This means the learning process
is more Right Brain than Left Brain; you absorb the essence rather than the
details. For this reason, you are likely to score lower on standardized and/or factsoriented tests than those students not having MERCURY RETROGRADE.

PARENTS, BE ALERT The child with MERCURY RETROGRADE is likely to be

made to feel and told that he/she is less intelligent than he/she really is. This
childs learning process is different, not less intelligent.
The MERCURY RETROGRADE individual is capable of tapping into the
collective unconscious and of perceiving knowledge from prior times. This process
is unconscious. Because you know more than you can consciously communicate,
frustration may set in. You may become preoccupied with the form of your ideas,
creating barriers to the essence of your knowledge.
Creative outlets that require non-verbal communication, such as
music and painting, are an excellent means of expression for MERCURY
RETROGRADE. Many of our musical geniuses have MERCURY RETROGRADE.
History is also a natural outlet.
MERCURY RETROGRADE KARMA: Relationships with a tendency to
react to others as if they symbolize persons from the past.

VENUS RETROGRADE indicates difficulty in expressing freely your love and

affection for others. You may feel that you lack emotional fulfillment and tend to
interpret lifes events through the lens of how much am I loved or deprived of
love? Emotionally based relationships can be difficult because you tend to
internalize and thereby exaggerate hurts.
VENUS RETROGRADE KARMA: Relationships reveals that your soul
carries memories of past life painful relationships and a great misunderstanding
about the nature of love. The prior life intense emotional pain may result in a
present tendency to cut yourself off from fully experiencing the richness of love
out of fear of being hurt once more. You will tend to react to the present as if it is
the past, thereby pre-programming your present love relationships. You tend to
block yourself from happiness by trying too hard to achieve it.
PARENTS: Encourage your VENUS RETROGRADE child to engage in all
activities that add beauty, art, and love to his/her daily life. VENUS is the planet of
beauty; teach your child to think and create in terms that focus on enhancing lifes
situations. Loving an animal may be helpful; just make sure the child is also
learning to love people freely and within the present context.

MARS RETROGRADE shifts the outward thrust of energy characteristic of MARS

and directs it inward. You will tend to expend a lot of energy reliving internally your
past experiences. Because you are constantly to the past, you may inflict past life
roles upon the persons in your present lifes environment. There is a strong
tendency to place priority upon fulfilling your spiritual desires, resulting in
neglect of the physical bodys needs. An intentional focus on holistic
growth is needed. Sexual experiences can be less fulfilling because your energy
is turned inward. However, sex that is deeply rooted in love between two partners
and that strives for a mutual spiritual orgasm can be a much more natural
expression for MARS RETROGRADE.

MARS RETROGRADE KARMA indicates your actions tend to be an

effort to recreate situations from your prior lifetimes. You may expend
energy in attempting to find people in the present who can symbolize those who
fulfilled you in the past. You may try to act out all that you could not express in
prior lifetimes. You may over-react when your efforts fail to produce your desired
results. This over-reaction can result in coming on too strongly, only to have
people pull back.
PARENTS: Assist your MARS RETROGRADE child to form a daily routine of
plenty of sleep, a nutritious diet, lots of outdoor exercise. Since MARS RETROGRADE
tends to be more interested in spiritual desires, help the child to understand the
physical body is the Temple of God and must be cared for accordingly.
With both VENUS & MARS RETROGRADE children, parents can be
helpful by discussing with the child the difference between past life memories and
present experiences. Help your child to discern when he/she is over-reacting.
WARNING, PARENTS: If you choose to assist your Venus Retrograde
or your Mars Retrograde child to discern past life memories from present
experiences, DO NOT DENY PAST LIVES. To do so would simply create more
confusion. Instead, recognize the past life memories as real, then guide your child
in discerning whether or not the events he/she remembers happened in the present
PARENTS: I know this is hard to understand if you have not
experienced it, so let me give an example from my life. Although my Venus or Mars
are not retrograde, I have memories of having lived in Egypt for several lifetimes.
When I entered my private counseling practice, I barely managed to hold things
together financially. This went on for years. Finally, one day I was sitting at my
computer and I heard myself think, If I had plenty of money, I would not complete
my souls mission for this incarnation. Shocked, I realized that I had been telling
myself that for years. I asked in meditation to understand this thought pattern and
was shown a lifetime in which I had been very wealthy. Instead of using my talents
in that past life, I used my money to play. It wasin Soul termsa lifetime in which
I did not complete my souls purpose. Completing my souls purpose and mission
for this incarnation has been uppermost in my mind since a small child. I realized
that, heretofore, I had not experienced financial abundance in this incarnation
because that past life memory remained in my semi-conscious awareness. As a
result of separating past life experiences from those of this incarnation, my needs
are abundantly met as I continue to fulfill my mission for this lifetime.

Rules the Eternal Self, the Planet of Wisdom
Jupiter is a source of enthusiasm, optimism, and the urge to seize the opportunities
offered to you in life.

JUPITER RETROGRADE turns its energy of expansion inward, so that much inner
growth takes place, often through spiritually oriented studies. JUPITER
RETROGRADE tends to procrastinate and to plan, then re-plan, to the point of
failing to get anywhere with the thoroughly planned project. JUPITER
RETROGRADE offers the opportunity for a highly spiritual incarnation. You
must seek your own Truth; for, the mundane and status quo is likely to leave you
feeling discontent. You are a free-spirit and cannot follow happily in the footsteps
of others. Great wisdom and prophetic ability can be present, especially as you
attain spiritual maturity. JUPITER RETROGRADE can bring many dj-vu
experiences; you can feel at home anywhere on the planet.
PARENTS, your JUPITER RETROGRADE child will likely find little value or
meaning in much that our society regards as cherished traditions. Your child
incarnated to live out the richness in life, both outwardly and inwardly. Too strict an
environment can result in inner restlessness and discontent that the child may be
unable to verbalize or define. Know that your child needs to explore a variety of
places, activities, philosophies, and to determine for self the lasting significance of
each. Enjoy the versatility and unique insights that your JUPITER RETROGRADE
child can offer you.


The planet of self-discipline, SATURNs goal for you is perfection.

SATURN helps us bear our karma and successfully pass our tests. Until we
willingly accept self-discipline, we experience SATURN as feelings of
limitation, deprivation, delay, and disappointment. SATURNs true desire is to
grant us wisdom and compassion.

SATURN RETROGRADE is your signal that you are re-doing a lifetime. This
incarnation is your 2nd chance; thus, you will feel the burden of dealing with two
lifetimes at once. You can, therefore, experience inner doubts about your self-worth
and your ability to overcome difficulties. The good news is that your soul knows you
have achieved the spiritual maturity required to re-do successfully a lifetime. You
have in prior lifetimes advanced through great personal struggles and sacrifices.
Now, as you learn to flow with SATURNs discipline, you will be rewarded with
enormous wisdom. SATURN is comfortable in RETROGRADE motion, and as you flow
with it, you develop the capacity to tap into all of your past life wisdom and
talents. SATURN RETROGRADE is a sign of an old Soul who has advanced
far on the spiritual path. Now, you have incarnated to perfect what you
have learned.
PARENTS: your SATURN RETROGRADE child is likely to possess a serious
nature and to feel overly responsible. You can assist your child by incorporating
regular periods of play into the daily schedule. You might need to reassure this child
that until he/she grows into adulthood, you will be the parent while he/she enjoys

being the child. Self-discipline learned through play can be effective. Competitive
sports may overload the child with the need to be responsible and do well for
his/her team. Individual sports, such as swimming, track, and tennis may be more
helpful. Observe your child and follow your intuitive guidance. Sculpture, sewing,
and woodworking can be playful ways to satisfy the SATURN need to build
SATURN RETROGRADE KARMA the re-doing of a lifetime, with the
extra weight that entails. SATURN RETROGRADE will be serious about getting it
right this time.


URANUS RETROGRADE creates difficulty in being aware of and expressing your

inner individuality. There can be a rediscovery of ideas from previous lifetimes.
URANUS RETROGRADE gives you a compelling sense of responsibility toward
personal growth because you sense that human progress as a whole is enhanced as
well. You are a forerunner of the future, very tapped into the richness of
life. You must be original; you must explore the new; you must share your ideas
with others. You are a free spirit and cannot be bound by seeking to have others
understand what you are about. Your path may be long and crooked, but you can
know extreme happiness while traveling it.
URANUS RETROGRADE KARMA relates to karmic family and societal
difficulties. In your efforts to both relate to others and to reform, your unconscious
mind can be transformed. URANUS RETROGRADE can play havoc with relationships
because of your changeability, which can make you appear hypocritical. Your
mental and emotional bodies may struggle with each other, as you know you need
to do one thing while feeling that you need to do another. URANUS RETROGRADE
would have you lift your consciousness above the emotional/mental bodies and
focus on the intuitive body.
PARENTS appreciate your free spirited child. Encourage his/her
originality and inventiveness. Do not try to possess this
child; URANUS RETROGRADE is his/her own unique self and will rebel against all
attempts to chain him/her.

NEPTUNE RETROGRADE gives the desire to unveil mysteries and to expose

religious shams. You will have an intuitive awareness of your subconscious mind,
but may have difficulty making conscious attunement. NEPTUNE RETROGRADE
attunes much easier to the subconscious/unconscious when the focus is diverted by
the use of a tool, such as astrology, or while the conscious mind is occupied with the
task at hand. It is, therefore, important to listen to and heed insights that
appear to come to you from out of the blue.

NEPTUNE RETROGRADE indicates the urge to view the material world in

terms of its significance to the Soul and its growth. Thus, NEPTUNE RETROGRADE
offers you the opportunity to achieve a very advanced stage of spiritual evolution
during this incarnation. NEPTUNE RETROGRADE requires that you live in the
material world while remaining separate from it. To others, you will seem to
lack the common sense that motivates the behavior of
others. Instead, you vibrate to a higher music, possessing a direct
attunement with your Soul. You are much more in touch with the cosmos than
the material world and know far more than you can express in words.
NEPTUNE RETROGRADE KARMA You are living through a karma of
learning how to distinguish between the dreams that will bring true fulfillment
and those that simply appear to do so. This learning process can mean that you
attempt living one dream after the other. Because NEPTUNE RETROGRADE,
functioning on the personality-centered level, can be confusing, you may tend not
to trust your intuitioneven though you are highly intuitive.
PARENTS your NEPTUNE RETROGRADE child may appear impractical in
comparison to societys status quo. You may be tempted to stifle your childs
dreams or to dismiss them as off the wall. Know that your child lives in two
worlds simultaneously. Simply be supportive and allow his/her uniqueness to
manifest. This child will enjoy serving others, even at a young age. Artistic
and musical activities are satisfying.

PLUTO RETROGRADE turns its transformative energy even more deeply

into the superconsciousness, bringing about an inner illumination long
before you are able to give it expression in the outer world. PLUTO
RETROGRADE indicates a carry-over of psychic powers from previous
lifetimes. These powers are to be used in constructive ways only. You will feel the
struggle humanity is going through within yourselfhumanitys struggle is your
struggle. You are aware of and feel responsible for lifting your conscious
awareness so that the consciousness of humanity can be thereby lifted.
PLUTO RETROGRADE KARMA A karmic debt is owned to humanity
stemming from the age indicated by the sign in which PLUTO is located.
This debt is to be paid through selfless service to humanity. Tremendous spiritual
growth is possible; you have the opportunity to rise above the karma of the
human race and step off the wheel of rebirth. PLUTO RETROGRADE joins NEPTUNE
RETROGRADE in asking that you live in the world, while remaining separate from it.
PARENTS you will need to understand the psychic powers your child
may naturally demonstrate and strive not to stifle them. Instead, help your
child use them for constructive purposes while making no big deal over them. They
are natural for your child; treat your child as you would any other child.
(PRECESSION OF AGES found in Lesson 4 will reveal the time of the Age
indicated by the sign location of your PLUTO RETROGRADE.)


As you move deeper into your Natal Chart Interpretation, you will find that
some configurations appear to contradict others.
You are a product of your eternal past. You have developed some aspects of
self more so than others. Since energy is permanent, the ways in which you have
qualified that energy remains with you.
As I stated earlier, it is best to focus on those qualities and talents that are
repeatedly mentioned in your Natal Chart. The lesser mentioned ones are weaker
and need not be focused on, unless you sense intuitively that they represent karmic
residual characteristics or issues that have not been completely transmuted and
transformed into the positive expression.
Focusing on developing your positive characteristics and talents usually
allows the negative ones to fall away.


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