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[1] Tugas WAJIB DITULIS TANGAN di kertas Folio Bergaris dan dikumpulkan
bersamaan dengan QUIZ pada hari Rabu/Kamis, tanggal 10 Mei 2016.
[2] Sebelum dikumpulkan, disarankan untuk mem-fotocopy tugas terlebih dahulu sebagai
materi untuk belajar.
[3] Bobot Tugas #2: 7.5% & bobot nilai QUIZ: 7.5% dari Nilai Akhir.
[4] Tidak ada keterlambatan dalam pengumpulan, jika tidak mengumpulkan tugas maka
tidak akan diperbolehkan mengikuti QUIZ.
Tugasnya saya berikan 5 nomor dulu yach, sisanya nanti menyusul.
Ivan Prasetya

Nomor #1:[a] Gambarkan diagram/model dari perilaku konsumen, lengkap denganblack

Black box model[edit]
The black box model shows the interaction of stimuli, consumer characteristics, decision
process and consumer responses.[5] It can be distinguished between interpersonal stimuli
(between people) or intrapersonal stimuli (within people).[6] The black box model is
related to the black box theory of behaviorism, where the focus is not set on the processes
inside a consumer, but the relation between the stimuli and the response of the consumer.
The marketing stimuli are planned and processed by the companies, whereas the
environmental stimulus are given by social factors, based on the economical, political and
cultural circumstances of a society. The buyer's black box contains the buyer
characteristics and the decision process, which determines the buyer's responses.

Environmental factors
Marketing Stimuli Environmental Stimuli

Buyer's black box

Buyer Characteristics
Decision Process
Problem recognition
Information search
Alternative evaluation
Purchase decision

Buyer's r

Product ch
Brand choi
Dealer cho
Purchase ti



Post-purchase behaviour

The black box model considers the buyer's response as a result of a conscious, rational
decision process, in which it is assumed that the buyer has recognized the problem.
However, in reality many decisions are not made in awareness of a determined problem
by the consumer.

[b] Sebutkan faktor-faktor apa saja yang dapat mempengaruhi perilaku konsumen

[c] Jelaskan apa saja 5 tahapan dalam proses keputusan pembelian konsumen!
The Consumer Buying Decision Process
This article is the second in a series of articles about the factors and variables that
influence the behavior of consumers.
The purchase is only the visible part of a more complex decision process created by the
consumer for each buying decision he makes. But what happens before and after this
purchase? What are the factors influencing the choice of product purchased by the

Today, lets focus on the Consumer Buying Decision Process and the stages that lead a
shopper to purchase a new product.
Engel, Blackwell and Kollat have developed in 1968 a model of consumer buying
decision process in five steps: Problem/need recognition, information search, evaluation
of alternatives to meet this need, purchase decision and post-purchase behavior.
I. Need recognition / Problem recognition :
The need recognition is the first and most important step in the buying process. If there is
no need, there is no purchase. This recognition happens when there is a lag between the
consumers actual situation and the ideal and desired one.
However, not all the needs end up as a buying behavior. It requires that the lag between

Purchase a

the two situations is quite important. But the way (product price, ease of acquisition,
etc.) to obtain this ideal situation has to be perceived as acceptable by the consumer
based on the level of importance he attributes to the need.
For example, you have a pool and you would like someone to take care of regularly
cleaning it instead of you (ideal situation) because it annoys you to do it yourself (actual
situation). But you dont judge the way to reach this ideal situation (pay $250 / month
for a specialized company) as acceptable because its price to obtain it seems too high.
Especially compared to the relatively low level of importance you attach to it. So you
wont have a purchase behavior in this situation.
On the other hand, the ability to be able to go to your work by car in 20 minutes every
morning (ideal situation) rather than lose three hours in transit because you do not have a
car and you live in the countryside (actual situation) is something that means a lot to you.
So you will have a buying behavior to purchase a car. Even if the price is important.
In addition to a need resulting from a new element, the gap between the actual situation
and the ideal situation may be due to three cases. The current situation has not changed,
but the ideal situation has (a neighbor told you about the possibility that you did not
know to clean the pool by a specialized company). Or, the ideal situation is still the
same but its the actual situation has changed (youre tired of cleaning your pool by
yourself). Or finally, the two situations have changed.
The recognition of a need by a consumer can be caused in different ways. Different
classifications are used:
Internal stimuli (physiological need felt by the individual as hunger or thirst)
which opposes the external stimuli such as exposure to an advertisement, the sight of
a pretty dress in a shop window or the mouth-watering smell of a french pain au
chocolat when passing by a bakery.
Classification by type of needs:
1 Functional need: the need is related to a feature or specific functions of the
product or happens to be the answer to a functional problem. Like a computer
with a more powerful video card to be able to play the latest video games or a
washing machine that responds to the need to have clean clothes while
avoiding having to do it by hand or go to the laundromat.
2 Social need: the need comes from a desire for integration and
belongingness in the social environment or for social recognition. Like buying
a new fashionable bag to look good at school or choose a luxury car to show
that you are successful in life.
3 Need for change: the need has its origin in a desire from the consumer to
change. This may result in the purchase of a new coat or new furniture to
change the decoration of your apartment.
The Maslows hierarchy of needs: Developed by the eponymous psychologist, this
is one the best known and widely used classifications and representations for
hierarchy of needs. It specifies that an individual is guided by certain needs that he

wants to achieve before seeking to focus on the following ones:

1 1. Physiological needs
2 2. Safety needs
3 3. Need of love and belonging
4 4. Need of esteem (for oneself and from the others)
5 5. Need of self-actualization
II. Information search
Once the need is identified, its time for the consumer to seek information about possible
solutions to the problem. He will search more or less information depending on the
complexity of the choices to be made but also his level of involvement. (Buying pasta
requires little information and involves fewer consumers than buying a car.)
Then the consumer will seek to make his opinion to guide his choice and his decisionmaking process with:
Internal information: this information is already present in the consumers
memory. It comes from previous experiences he had with a product or brand and the
opinion he may have of the brand.
Internal information is sufficient for the purchasing of everyday products that the
consumer knows including Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) or Consumer
Packaged Goods (CPG). But when it comes to a major purchase with a level of
uncertainty or stronger involvement and the consumer does not have enough information,
he must turns to another source:
External information: This is information on a product or brand received from and
obtained by friends or family, by reviews from other consumers or from the press.
Not to mention, of course, official business sources such as an advertising or a sellers
During his decision-making process and his Consumer Buying Decision Process, the
consumer will pay more attention to his internal information and the information from
friends, family or other consumers. It will be judged more objective than these from an
advertising, a sellers speech or a commercial brochure of the product.
III. Alternative evaluation
Once the information collected, the consumer will be able to evaluate the different
alternatives that offer to him, evaluate the most suitable to his needs and choose the one
he think its best for him.
In order to do so, he will evaluate their attributes on two aspects. The objective
characteristics (such as the features and functionality of the product) but also subjective
(perception and perceived value of the brand by the consumer or its reputation).

Each consumer does not attribute the same importance to each attribute for his decision
and his Consumer Buying Decision Process. And it varies from one shopper to another.
Mr. Smith may prefer a product for the reputation of the brand X rather than a little more
powerful but less known product. While Mrs. Johnson has a very bad perception of that
same brand.
The consumer will then use the information previously collected and his perception or
image of a brand to establish a set of evaluation criteria, desirable or wanted features,
classify the different products available and evaluate which alternative has the most
chance to satisfy him.
The process will then lead to what is called evoked set. The evoked set (aka
consideration set) is the set of brands or products with a probability of being purchased
by the consumer (because he has a good image of it or the information collected is
On the other hand, inept set is the set of brands or products that have no chance of
being purchased by the shopper (because he has a negative perception or has had a
negative buying experience with the product in the past). While inert set is the set of
brands or products for which the consumer has no specific opinion.
The higher the level of involvement of the consumer and the importance of the purchase
are stronger, the higher the number of solutions the consumer will consider will be
important. On the opposite, the number of considered solutions will be much smaller for
an everyday product or a regular purchase.
IV. Purchase decision
Now that the consumer has evaluated the different solutions and products available for
respond to his need, he will be able to choose the product or brand that seems most
appropriate to his needs. Then proceed to the actual purchase itself.
His decision will depend on the information and the selection made in the previous step
based on the perceived value, products features and capabilities that are important to
But his Consumer Buying Decision Process and his decision process may also depend or
be affected by such things as the quality of his shopping experience or of the store (or
online shopping website), the availability of a promotion, a return policy or good terms
and conditions for the sale.
For example, a consumer committed to the idea of buying a stereo of a well-known brand
could change his decision if he has an unpleasant experience with sellers in the store.
While a promotion in a supermarket for a yogurt brand could tip the scale for this brand
in the consumers mind who was hesitating between three brands of his evoked set.

V. Post-purchase behavior
Once the product is purchased and used, the consumer will evaluate the adequacy with
his original needs (those who caused the buying behavior). And whether he has made the
right choice in buying this product or not. He will feel either a sense of satisfaction for
the product (and the choice). Or, on the contrary, a disappointment if the product has
fallen far short of expectations.
An opinion that will influence his future decisions and buying behavior. If the product has
brought satisfaction to the consumer, he will then minimize stages of information search
and alternative evaluation for his next purchases in order to buy the same brand. Which
will produce customer loyalty.
On the other hand, if the experience with the product was average or disappointing, the
consumer is going to repeat the 5 stages of the Consumer Buying Decision Process
during his next purchase but by excluding the brand from his evoked set.
The post-purchase evaluation may have important consequences for a brand. A satisfied
customer is very likely to become a loyal and regular customer. Especially for everyday
purchases with low level of involvement such as Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
(FMCG) or Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG). A loyalty which is a major source of
revenue for the brand when you combine all purchases made by customer throughout his
entire life (called lifetime customer value). The Holy Grail that all brands in the
industry are trying to achieve.
Positive or negative, consumers will also be able to share their opinion on the brand.
Whether in their family or by word-of-mouth. Or on a much broader scale now with
social networks or on consumer product review websites. A tendency not to be
overlooked because now with the Internet, an unhappy customer can have a strong power
to harm for a brand.
Thats why thats important for companies to have awareness of that matter. In addition to
optimizing the customer experience, a guarantee (for example, for a washing machine),
an efficient customer service and a specific call center are some of the assets that can be
developed to improve post-purchase behavior if there is any trouble with the product.

[d] Ada 5 peran dalam proses keputusan pembelian, yaitu: [1] initiator, [2]influencer, [3]
decider, [4] buyer, dan [5] user. Jelaskan apa saja perbedaannya! Berikan contoh!

Thus we can distinguish five roles people might play in a buying decision:

i. Initiator:
A person who first suggests the idea of buying the particular product or service.
ii. Influencer:
A person whose view or advice influences the decision.
iii. Decider:
A person who decides on any component of a buying decision; whether to buy, what to
buy, how to buy, or where to buy
iv. Buyer:
The person who makes the actual purchase.
v. User:
A person who consumes or uses the product or service.
A company needs to identify these roles because they have implications for designing the
product, determining messages, arid allocating the promotional budget. If the husband
decides on the car make then the auto company will direct advertising to reach husbands.
The auto company might design certain car features to please the wife. Knowing the main
participants and their roles helps the marketer fine-tune the marketing program.

[e] Jelaskan bagaimana tahapan keputusan pembelian konsumen untuk produk baru!
Whether conscious or unconscious buying is a process, which consumers go through
when acquiring products. The process has different stages that allow the buyer to make

the final decision. It is important to note that the length of the process largely depends on
the nature of the product in question. In other words, different goods may have unique
stages for consumers. The process is much shorter for consumables like foodstuffs but it
could be complex when making high involvement purchases. Moreover, the decision to
buy a product depends on several factors. For example, the people around you may have
impact on your busying behavior. When the cost of the item is high, you are likely to
involve many people in making a buying decision as compared to when you want to
acquire something cheap.

When buying a new a product you also go through the buying process. Potential buyers
often see new products as unfamiliar. The process of buying new products is also called
production adoption process. The process allows customers to accept the new product in
the market after undergoing a series of steps. This process mainly focuses on how buyers
get to know about a new product and make a decision to acquire it. Importantly, the
decision by consumers to choose a new product is always psychological. It takes place in
the following steps:

The first step of adoption is awareness. Here, the consumer is aware of the new product
but does not have sufficient information about it. This is crucial because they cannot
make a buying decision of the product if they do not know its existence. Consumers learn
about new products through various channels of communication. They include but not
limited to advertising, word of mouth and in-store visibility.

The second step is interest. A consumer has interest in a new product when they take a
step of seeking more information about it. If this information exists, the consumer will
start collecting it from various sources.

The third step is evaluation. This is where the consumer makes decision on whether
trying the new product makes sense or not. However, this stage only takes place if the
consumer has gathered information about the new product for analysis. They base their
evaluation on the quality of the products, the advantages they have over existing ones in
the market and the expiry date. From this, one goes ahead to make a buying decision.

Nomor #2:Jelaskan mengapa perilaku pasar bisnis lebih rumit daripada pasar konsumen

[a] perbedaan karakteristik antara pasar bisnis dan pasar konsumen

[b] black box pasar bisnis (jelaskan juga mengenai buying center)

A buying center brings together "all those members of an organization who become
involved in the buying process for a particular product or service".[1] Buying centers are
also sometimes known as 'decision-making units' (DMUs).[2] The concept of a buying
centre (as a focus of business-to-business marketing, and as a core fundamental in
creating customer value and influencer in organisational efficiency and effectiveness)
formalises the understanding of purchasing decision-making in complex environments.
[c] tahapan dalam proses pembelian

Proses Pembelian

Proses Pembelian
Dalam proses pembelian, konsumen akan melalui sebuah proses, yaitu :

Menganalisa keinginan dan kebutuhan


Menilai beberapa sumber


Menetapkan tujuan pembelian


Mengidentifikasi alternative pembelian


Mengambil keputusan untuk membeli


Perilaku sesudah pembelian

Berikut adalah tahapan-tahapan pembelian sebagai berikut :

Tahap pertama adalah Kesadaran akan kebutuhan suatu dan ketersediaannya.
Seorang konsumen harus tahu bahwa ada kebutuhan atau ada kesempatan yang dapat

dilakukan bila dia membeli barang tertentu dan barang tertentu tersebut tersedia di
Tahap kedua, seorang Konsumen akan mencari informasi sebanyak-banyaknya
tentang produk yang akan dibelinya. Konsumen akan mencari informasi suatu produk
tentang fitur-fiturnya, harganya, penjualannya, dan juga jaminan dari perusahaan.
Tahap ketiga, maka seorang Konsumen akan merasa suka dan butuh terhadap
produk itu secara umum.
Tahap keempat adalah preferensi. Kenapa saya harus membeli produk merk A,
bukan merk B. Kenapa saya harus membeli tipe yang seharga ini bukan seharga itu.
Ini adalah preferensi. Konsumen akan mencocokkan produknya disesuaikan dengan
kesukaannya, seleranya, budgetnya dan lainnya. Di tahapan ini konsumen sudah
mulai mengerucutkan pada apa yang lebih disukai dibandingkan yang lain.
Tahap kelima adalah membuat keyakinan atau konfirmasi. Setelah konsumen
mengerucutkan pada beberapa pilihan, dia akan tambah mantap setelah mendengar
penjelasan yang baik dari penjual /salesman dan memutuskan untuk membeli.
Tahapan yang terakhir, keenam, akhirnya konsumen tersebut akan merasa puas
atas hasil pembelian yang telah dilakukannya, dan setiap konsumen akan berbeda.
Jadi, sebenarnya dalam tahapan ketika seseorang ingin membeli sesuatu apakah itu
laptop, mobil, makanan, baju dan lainnya akan melewati 6 tahapan ini. Kesadaran akan
kebutuhan produk, lalu mendorongnya mencari informasi lebih banyak. Setelah itu dia
yakin akan kebutuhannya membeli produk itu. Setelah proses ini dia akan mencari
preferensi mana yang dia sukai. Lalu akhirnya dia meyakinkan diri, OK, kalau begini
saya beli. Setelah yakin, seorang konsumen akhirnya membeli.
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pembelian :
Pengalaman : 1) sikap dan kepercayaan
2) Konsep diri
Kebudayaan : 1) Kelas Sosial
2) Kelompok referensi
KKonsep AIDA+S
AIDA+S merupakan singkatan dari attention (perhatian), interest (tertarik),
desire(keinginan), action (tindakan), dan satisfaction (kepuasan). AIDA+S merupakan
salah satu konsep strategi pemasaran yang bisa diimplementasikan dalam dunia bisnis
yang bertujuan untuk memberi kepuasan pada konsumen dan memberi keuntungan pada

perusahaan. Konsep ini berlaku untuk setiap kegiatan bisnis yang dapat menarik hati
konsumen. Konsep AIDA+S terdiri atas lima komponen yaitu sebagai berikut.

AttentionPertamakali kosumen dihubungi atau ditawari oleh perusahaan tertentu

sehingga muncul perhatian (attention) pada diri konsumen (Galaksi, 2009:1). Pada tahap
perhatian (attention) perusahaan berusaha agar calon konsumen memperhatikan
penawaran yang dilakukannya. Untuk mendapatkan perhatian dari calon konsumen
wirausaha harus memperlihatkan sikap yang baik, tutur kata dan cara berpakaian yang
menarik yang akan memberikan penilaian yang positif dari calon konsumen yang akan
berpengaruh terhadap terjadinya jual beli. Namun, Khani menyebut huruf A dalam
konsep AIDA+S sebagai aware. Menurut Khani (2009:1) langkah pertama dalam strategi
pemasaran adalah konsumen harus menyadari atau tahu (aware) akan keberadaan sebuah

2. Interest
Interest adalah timbulnya minat konsumen terhadap barang yang sudah dia perhatikan
(Galaksi, 2009:1). Sejalan dengan pendapat Galaksi, Khani juga berpendapat yang sama
tentang interest(2009:1), yaitu setelah mengetahui segala sesuatu tentang produk itu akan
timbul rasa tertarik (interest) pada diri konsumen. Pada tahap ini perusahaan berusaha
meningkatkan perhatian calon konsumen menjadi minat dengan cara menciptakan
suasana yang menyenangkan, mendengarkan, dan memahami kebutuhan konsumen.
3. Desire
Menurut Khani (2009:1) adanya ketertarikan tersebut akan menimbulkan hasrat,
keinginan (desire)konsumen untuk membeli dan menggunakan produk yang ditawarkan
oleh perusahaan tersebut. Pada tahap ini perusahaan harus dapat meyakinkan calon
konsumen dengan menjelaskan keuntungan yang akan didapat calon konsumen apabila
membeli produk yang ditawarkan serta kerugiannya jika tidak membeli produk tersebut.
Hal-hal yang mempengaruhi keinginan membeli dari calon konsumen adalah faktor
pendapatan, pendidikan, status sosial, jenis kelamin dan lain lain.
4. Action
Pada tahap tindakan (action) perusahaan harus dapat mewujudkan kebutuhan dan harapan
konsumen dan memberikan keyakinan bahwa barang, jasa, dan ide yang dibeli
merupakan langkah yang tepat yang dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi konsumen.


Pada tahap kepuasan (satisfaction) perusahaan harus dapat memastikan bahwa kualitas
barang, jasa dan ide yang dibeli sesuai denga harapan konsumen.
Impulse buying
Adalah perilaku konsumen yang melakukan pembelian secara spontan, tanpa perncanaan
terlebih dahulu.
Ada beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan orang membeli sesuatu diluar rencana, yaitu :
1. Hasrat untuk mencoba barang atau merk baru.
2. Pengaruh dari iklan yang ditonton sebelumnya.
3. Display dan kemasan produk yang menarik.
4. Bujukan Salesman atau Sales Promotion Girl.
Strategi produsen dalam menjaring impulse buying diantaranya adalah sebagai berikut :

1. Komunikasi atau promosi harus mind catching, misalnya : menggunakan publik figur
sebagai bintang iklan.
2. Distribusi : produk harus semudah mungkin diakses oleh konsumen, misalnya :
meletakkan produk (permen,coklat,batu battery, dan produk low involvement lainnya) di
kasir swalayan atau toko.
3. Display produk yang menarik. Sebagian besar konsumen yangmelakukan impulse
buying adalah wanita dan anak-anak. Dan mereka biasanya tertarik dengan kemasan
produk yang menarik. Mengapa fokus pada anak anak ? Walaupun mereka bukan yang
pegang uang, dan tidak memiliki purchasing power yang independen, namun anaka-anak
merupakan influencer yang tinggi dalam memilih barang. Bayangkan bila si kecil tibatiba mogok didepan barang yang diinginkannya, tentu orang tua tidak punya pilihan lain
selain mengabulkan permintaannya.
4. Produk yang inovatif : konsumen cenderung mencoba produk produk baru. Dan,
bisanya produk yang hanya rata rata, memiliki potensi yang rendah dalam menarik
impulse buying. Usahakan produk Anda seinovatif mungkin, baik dari kualitas maupun

Nomor #3:
[a] Sebutkan dan jelaskan bagaimana karakteristik dari setiap tipe perilaku pembelian

Pasar konsumen (4)
Pasar bisnis (3)

[b] Jelaskan bagaimana karakteristik untuk setiap tipe perilaku pembelian tersebut terkait
dengan tahapan dalam proses keputusan pembelian untuk pasar konsumen dan pasar
Nomor #4:[a] Apa perbedaan antara Segmenting dan Targeting dalam STP? Jelaskan dan
beri contoh!
Pemasaran sasaran memerlukan 3 langkah utama :
Segnenting pasar ( Segmenting )
Yaitu tindakan membagi suatu pasar menjadi kelompok kelompok pembeli yang
berbeda beda yang mungkin membutuhkan produk produk dan atau kombinasi
pemasaran yang terpisah.
Perusahan mengidentifikasi cara cara yang berbeda untuk memilah milah pasar dan
untuk mengembangkan gambaran dari segmen pasar yang di hasilkan
Penentuan pasar sasaran ( Targeting )
Yaitu suatu tindakan mengevaluasi keaktifan daya tarik setiap segmen pasar dan memilih
salah satu atau lebih dari segmen pasar tersebut untuk dimasuki.
Penempatan produk ( Positioning )
Yaitu tindakan untuk menempatkan posisi bersaing produk dan bauran pemasaran yang
tepat pada setiap pasar sasaran.

[b] Apa saja variabel yang biasanya digunakan dalam proses Segmenting? Uraikan!



Segmentasi pasar adalah membagi pasar menjadi pembeli yang kebutuhan, karakteristik
atau perilakunya berbeda dan mungkin membutuhkan produk atau bauran pemasaran

Berdasarkan pengertian diatas dapat disimpulkan bahwa segmentasi memiliki peran
penting dalam sebuah perusahaan karena beberapa alasan, Pertama, segmentasi
memungkin perusahaan untuk lebih fokus dalam mengalokasikan sumber daya. Dengan
membagi pasar menjadi segmen-segmen akan memberikan gambaran bagi perusahaan
untuk menetapkan segmen mana yang akan dilayani. Selain itu segmentasi memungkin
perusahaan mendapatkan gambaran yang lebih jelas mengenai peta kompetisi serta
menentukan posisi pasar perusahaan. Kedua, segmentasi merupakan dasar untuk
menentukan komponen-komponen strategi. Segmentasi yang disertai dengan pemilihan
target market akan memberikan acuan dalam penentuan positioning. Ketiga, segmentasi
merupakan faktor kunci untuk mengalahkan pesaing, dengan memandang pasar dari
sudut yang unik dan cara yang berbeda dari yang dilakukan pesaing.
Dasar dasar untuk Mensegmentasikan Pasar Konsumen
Segmentasi Geografik
Segmentasi geografik adalah membagi pasar menjadi beberapa unit secara geografik
seperti negara, regional, negara bagian, kota atau komplek perumahan. Sebuah
perusahaan mungkin memutuskan untuk beroperasi dalam satu atau beberapa wilayah
geografik ini atau beroperasi disemua wilayah tetapi lebih memperhatikan perbedaan
kebutuhan dan keinginan yang dijumpai. Banyak perusahaan dewasa ini meregionalkan
progam pemasaran mereka, melokalkan produk, iklan, promosi, dan usaha penjualan agar
sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing masing wilayah.
Segmentasi Demografik
Segmetasi demografik adalah suatu proses yang membagi bagi pasar menjadi kelompok
kelompok berdasarkan variabel variabel demografi seperti umur, jenis kelamin,
ukuran keluarga, siklus hidup keluarga, pendapatan,pekerjaan, pendidikan, tempat
tinggal, agama, ras dan kebangsaan.
Variabel variabel demografis merupakan dasar yang paling populer untuk menentukan
kelompok kelompok pelanggan, karena keinginan kebutuhan, dan tingkat pemakaian
konsumen seringkali berkaitan sangat erat dengan variabel demografis dan juga variabel
demografis lebih mudah diukur dari pada kebanyakan variabel lain.
Bahkan kalaupun segmen pasar ditetapkan dengan dasar yang lain (non demografis )
karakteristik demografis mereka harus diketahui pula untuk menaksir besarnya pasar
sasaran dan memenuhi kebutuhan mereka secara efisien.
Segmentasi Psikikografis

Dalam segmentasi psikikografis maka pembeli dibagi menjadi kelompok yang berbeda
berdasarkan kelas sosial, gaya hidup, dan kepribadian.
Mensegmentasi Pasar Industri
Pembeli di pasar industri dapat disegmentasikan secara geografis atau menurut manfaat
yang dicari, status pengguna, tingkat penggunaan, dan status loyalitas. Dalam industri
terpilih sebuah perusahaan dapat mensegmentasi lebih lanjut berdasarkan ukuran
pelanggan atau lokasi geografik.

[c] Ada 5 kriteria yang biasa digunakan untuk menentukan segmentasi yang efektif, yaitu:
Measurable, Accessible, Substantial, Differentiable, danActionable, atau biasa disingkat
menjadi MASDA. Jelaskan apa perbedaannya dan berikan contoh!
[d] Hal-hal apa sajakah yang perlu dipertimbangkan ketika melakukan pemilihan target

[e] Menurut Anda, mengapa penentuan Segmenting, Targeting, danPositioning ini

menjadi sangat penting dalam proses penyusunan strategi pemasaran? Jelaskan!
Nomor #5:[a] Gambarkan dan jelaskan tentang VALS Framework! Ikutilah tes pada link
berikut: Termasuk tipe
yang manakah Anda?

[b] Sebutkan dan jelaskan tentang jenis loyalty status!

Pengertian Loyalitas Konsumen
Pengertian Loyalitas Konsumen - Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa tujuan dari suatu bisnis
adalah untuk menciptakan para pelanggan merasa puas. Terciptanya kepuasaan dapat
memberikan beberapa manfaat, diantaranya hubungan antara perusahaan dengan
pelanggannya menjadi harmonis sehingga memberikan dasar yang baik bagi pembelian
ulang dan terciptanya kesetiaan terhadap merek serta membuat suatu rekomendasi dari
mulut ke mulut (word of mouth) yang menguntungkan bagi perusahaan (Tjiptono, 2000 :
Menurut Tjiptono (2000 : 110) loyalitas konsumen adalah komitmen pelanggan terhadap
suatu merek, toko atau pemasok berdasarkan sifat yang sangat positif dalam pembelian
jangka panjang. Dari pengertian ini dapat diartikan bahwa kesetiaan terhadap merek
diperoleh karena adanya kombinasi dari kepuasan dan keluhan. Sedangkan kepuasan
pelanggan tersebut hadir dari seberapa besar kinerja perusahaan untuk menimbulkan

kepuasan tersebut dengan meminimalkan keluhan sehingga diperoleh pembelian jangka

panjang yang dilakukan oleh konsumen.
Loyalitas pelanggan sangat penting artinya bagi perusahaan yang menjaga kelangsungan
usahanya maupun kelangsungan kegiatan usahanya. Pelanggan yang setia adalah mereka
yang sangat puas dengan produk dan pelayanan tertentu, sehingga mempunyai
antusiasme untuk memperkenalkannya kepada siapapun yang mereka kenal. Selanjutnya
pada tahap berikutnya pelanggan yang loyal
tersebut akan memperluas kesetiaan mereka pada produk-produk lain buatan produsen
yang sama. Dan pada akhirnya mereka adalah konsumen yang setia pada produsen atau
perusahaan tertentu untuk selamanya. Philip Kotler (2001) menyatakan bahwa loyalitas
tinggi adalah pelanggan yang melakukan pembelian dengan prosentasi makin meningkat
pada perusahaan tertentu daripada perusahaan lain.
Dalam upaya untuk mempertahankan pelanggan harus mendapatkan prioritas yang lebih
besar dibandingkan untuk mendapatkan pelanggan baru. Oleh karena itu, loyalitas
pelanggan berdasarkan kepuasan murni dan terus-menerus merupakan salah satu aset
terbesar yang mungkin didapat oleh perusahaan.

[c] Jelaskan secara lengkap mengenai target market strategies! Bagaimana perusahaan
dapat menentukan target market-nya?
Six steps to defining your target market
Whether you sell washing lines or wiper blades, you need to understand your customer if
you want to maximise your sales. Who are you selling to? Why should they buy your
product? What do they stand to gain? Grant Leboff , principal of Sticky Marketing Club
explains how you can identify your target customer
1. Understand the problems that you solve
The starting point in defining the target market for your proposition is to understand the
problems that you solve. Once you have a good idea what these are, you can start to work
out who is most likely to suffer from these problems.
2. Paint a picture of the customer
Start to list all the different types of customers that suffer from the problems you solve.
Once done, you can start to build up a picture of these customers. Group them by location
- for example, high net worth individuals tend to live in certain postcodes. Group them by

market sector - are they manufacturers, recruitment agents, and so on.

Ask yourself other types of relevant questions about these people. Are they married? Are
they male or female? Do they play golf? Define them in as many relevant ways as
3. Who will gain from the value in your offer?
Ask yourself:
To whom will these problems be most troublesome?
Who will have the most to lose by not dealing with these issues?
If you can demonstrate that the cost of NOT sorting out the problems is GREATER than
the cost of dealing with them, then your case becomes compelling.
Remember to take into account aspects like emotional upheaval, stress and the risk to
reputation when implementing your solution, as well as a bottom line cost. It is all these
factors that make up the value in your offering.
4. Think about your market
Today we live in the world of niche. For example, we are no longer prisoners of
television schedules. We can watch what we want at our convenience from almost
anywhere in the world; meaning every person can enjoy a unique viewing experience.
The web is fantastic at delivering personalised products and services, cutting out many of
the distribution challenges that previously existed.
It is these factors that mean it is a more effective strategy to be a big fish in a small pond
rather than the other way round. It will be easier to build your reputation and gain
referrals. You will also find you get more from your marketing endeavours.
Therefore, with the previous knowledge gained, start to segment your market. Do you
want to work:
with particular types of people - high net worth individuals, men, women, golfers,

and so on?
in certain geographical locations - Peterborough, The North West, and so on?
around tight market sectors - manufacturers or accountants, and so on?
5. Look internally at your company
One way of deciding on the right markets to pursue is to think about your company and
your business.
Do you have particular areas of expertise?
For example, have you a lot of experience in particular markets, such as working with
Do you have unique knowledge of a specific geographical area?
Are you better at getting on with certain types of people?
All these factors could help you establish a particularly attractive offering.
Take an accountant working alone in Manchester, for example. For a start, working all
over the country is probably not practical. They may therefore decide to only work with
clients in the North West.
It may be that before going alone they worked in-house for a couple of different
entrepreneurial businesses. Therefore, the accountant may decide to make their
marketplace 'Entrepreneurs in the North West'.
Suddenly, if you are an entrepreneur in the North West, this is an accountant probably
worth knowing. By solely working in this area they are more likely to introduce you to
the right people and have more market knowledge of schemes and funding available to
Meanwhile, by concentrating in this marketplace, the accountant knows which websites
to look at and belong to, which publications to read and possibly write for, and which
networks to attend. Within this market it will be quite easy for the accountant to become
known. Without limiting their market it would almost be impossible to know where to
6. What else is available?

Once you have decided the answers to some of these questions you must look at the
market to see what else is available. The question you must have an answer to is:
Why am I uniquely placed to solve the problem?
It may be that for some marketplaces there is no answer. However, in certain sectors or
geographical locations there may be a compelling response to that question.
If you are unable to answer the question, you either have the wrong target market or the
wrong offering. In this case, more work will need to be done before you start targeting
your potential customers.

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