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Akademska 2014/2015



Mia Konar

Dejan Dubaji

Prijedor, Novembar 2014

Carla was a young woman who had held responsible secretarial positions in
a large organization in Brazil and West Germany. In each country she picked up the local
language with extraordinary success, mostly outside the classroom. After her return

to the United States, she took oral interview tests in Portuguese and German. Not
surprisingly, the tests showed that she made certain grammatical errors, and that
there were some subjects on which she could not talk at all. She was, however, able
to communicate fully and comfortably on matters related to everyday life. What was
even more impressive, the people who tested her reported that they felt almost as if
they were talking to a member of their own culture.
Because she was planning to return to Germany, Carla was placed in a class with
five people whose overall proficiency level was about the same as hers. Unlike her,
however, the other students had learned their German during the training program.
Also unlike Carla, they were officers or executives, or their wives.
3.1 Sources of encouragement
As I had expected on the basis of her high tested proficiency in both German and
Portuguese, Carla had many things going for her.
3.1.1 Openness and risk-taking: two qualities of a successful
informal learner
- Two qualities of a good acquirer.
- The classroom as a frightening place.
Carla says she just throws herself into the country where she is living. By this she
apparently means that she spends her time with local people and participates in
whatever activities they are engaged in. These are, of course, the conditions that
small children find themselves in. We will not be surprised, then, to find that Carlas
command of German is much more the acquired kind than the learned kind (see
1.1.2). Many theorists these days have been exploring the possibilities for acquisition
by adults. They have also emphasized its great value for anyone who is approaching
a new language. (In my comment at the end of this segment, I was using learned in
the more general, everyday sense to mean gained control of.)
Carla, from all reports, has been exceedingly good at acquiring two different
languages in this way. In order to succeed at this, an adult must have certain
qualities that we have already seen in Ann. Such a person must make free and
uncritical use of intuition. She or he must also have a certain kind of fearlessness
about making errors. This second quality is implied by what Carla says about just
throwing herself in.
I was therefore surprised to hear her use a word like frightening to describe her
classroom experience. She confirmed my guess that what was frightening was not the
language, but some aspect of the task of learning in the narrow sense.
Working with the ideas
1. Do you find Carlas description of her approach to German and Portuguese
congenial, or do you have misgivings about it? Explain your answer.
2. What might Carla find frightening in her German course? Verify your guess
or guesses as you read the remaining segments of the interview.
3.1.2 Looking good in the eyes of ones teachers
n Conflicts between what had been learned and what
had been acquired.
n Differential reactions of native speakers to various aspects of learners speech.
The supervisor of Carlas course, who was listening to the conversation, seemed
surprised. That isnt the way it seems to the teachers, he said. They all say youre
doing marvelously. And you do remember, he added, that I warned you the first

week or two might be a little uncomfortable.

Yes, Carla replied, but Im groping. And all the other students know exactly
which endings to put on the words, and I have no idea. If I am to pursue this course,
I need to be given the ground rules: why do this and why not do that, so that when I
get into class. . .
Even though the teachers say youre doing beautifully, still theres something
almost terrifying about this. . . I observed.
Oh, yes! Carla replied. Me, Ive never memorized things. For example, the
dialog were working on now. There are certain words that the other students now
know, and they can say those words, But I have other words or phrases that I would
ordinarily use to say the same things. There are so many differences of this kind that
I find it really difficult to memorize that particular dialog, and to repeat it.
Im getting a picture of a bird that can naturally fly, that is suddenly brought in
and is put into an experimental psychologists machine, and told to peck here to get
this, and peck there to get that, I suggested.
No, I dont feel that way, Carla explained, because I know I speak incorrectly,
and theres got to be a way of changing my way of speaking. Maybe what I need is a
chance to go back and study the basic grammar, and all those charts with the ms
and the ns and the other endings on the words. She paused. Well, she said
resolutely, if Im going to go through the rest of this course, I think I really need a
basis. Because I dont know why I do the things I do.An Informal Learner: Carla 43
At the end of this segment of the interview, I said something about Carla learning
Portuguese and German. I was of course using the word in its everyday, general
sense, rather than in the narrower technical sense of 1.1.2.
When Carla talks about the ms and ns, she is referring to the fact that the
German counterpart for English the consists of a list of six forms including dem and
den. Speakers of German use one or another of these forms depending on the
grammatical circumstances.
Carlas view of her German, and of how she was doing, was quite different from
her teachers view. They were responding to her overall good pronunciation, accent
and body language, and to her use of lots of little words and phrases that hold
sentences and conversations together. All this, together with her knowledge of what
to say, and of when, how and why to say it, are components of a general interactive
competence in the language. This is to be distinguished from mere linguistic
competence: the ability to produce correct sentences. Carlas teachers must have
found Carlas interactive competence in German refreshing. Carlas type of control
was a typical result of acquisition. She contrasted sharply with the students that the
teachers were accustomed to. Their students would come to those features of
German very late, if ever, because they were learning - concentrating on one word
or one point of grammar at a time.
Carlas impressive achievements in Portuguese and German would have been
impossible without her remarkable approach to language. My suggestion about the
caged bird implied that she felt good about that approach even though she was not
now in a position to use it. She, however, rejected my metaphor. Clearly the
approach itself had felt good while she was using it. But apparently she did not feel
good about having used it.
Carla je bila mlada ena koja je odgovoran tajnike pozicije u velikom
organizacije u Brazilu i Zapadnoj Njemakoj. U svakoj zemlji je pokupila lokalne
jezik izuzetan uspjeh, uglavnom izvan uionice. Nakon povratka

u Sjedinjenim Dravama, uzela je usmeni intervju testova na portugalskom i njemaki jezik.

Iznenaujue, testovi li Pokazao je ona napravila Odreene gramatikim grekama, i uinio
therewere nekih predmeta na kojima nije mogla govoriti uopte. Bila je, meutim, u modi
da u potpunosti i udobno komunicirati o pitanjima koje se odnose na svakodnevni ivot. Ono to
je bilo
jo impresivnije, ljudi koji su testirani joj prijavili thatthey osjetio gotovo kao da
Bili su govorili da lan njihove vlastite kulture.
Zato to je ono to planiranja da se vrati u Njemaku, Carla ono postavljeno u klasu sa
pet osoba iji je ukupni nivo znanja ta je isti kao i njen. Za razliku od prije
Meutim, de drugih uenika nauio njemaki Njihov tokom programa obuke.
Dakle, za razliku od Carla, Bili su slubenici ili rukovodioci, ili njihove ene.
3.1 Izvori ohrabrenja
Kao to sam i oekivao, na osnovu njene visoke strunosti testirana u oba njemakom i
Portugalski, Carla je imala mnoge stvari ide za nju.
3.1.1 Otvorenost i preuzimanja rizika: dvije osobine uspjenog
neformalni uenika
- Dvije osobine dobrog 'sticaoca.'
- Uionica kao 'zastraujue' mjesto.
Carla kae da je 'samo baci u' zemlji u kojoj ona ivi. Ovom je
Sredstva oito zar ne provodi svoje vrijeme sa lokalnim ljudima i uestvuje u
god djelatnosti kojima se bavi se nalazite. Ovi, naravno, uvjeti uinio
mala djeca nau Neemo biti iznenaeni in., a zatim, nai uinio Karlin
komanda njemakih je mnogo vie od 'steena' dijete od 'nauila' dijete (pogledajte
1.1.2). Mnogi Teoretiari ovih dana su istrauju mogunosti za sticanje
odrasli. Dakle, oni su naglasili svoju veliku vrijednost za svakoga ko se pribliava
novi jezik. (U mom komentar na kraju ovog segmenta, ja sam bio koristei 'nauio' u
vie general, svakodnevnom smislu da znai 'preuzele kontrolu.')
Carla, od svih izvjetaja, bio je izuzetno dobar u '' sticanje dva razliita
jezika na ovaj nain. Da bi uspjeli u ovom, za odrasle musthave Certain
kvaliteti uinio to smo ve vidjeli u Ann. Takva osoba mora izraditi slobodan i
nekritiko koritenje intuicije. Ona ili on stoga mora imati odreenu vrstu neustraivost
o pravljenju greaka. Ovaj drugi kvalitet se podrazumijeva pod ono Carla kae o 'samo
bacanje sama u. '
Bio sam iznenaen da uje joj STOGA koristi rije poput 'zastraujue' da joj opie
uionici iskustvo. Ona je potvrdila moja pretpostavka uradio ono to ono ne zastraujue je
jezik, ali neki aspekt zadatak 'uenja' u uem smislu.
Rad sa idejama
1. Smatrate li Carla opis njenog pristupa njemaki i portugalski
prijatan, ili imate sumnje o tome? Objasnite svoj odgovor.
2. Ono to bi moglo nai Carla 'zastraujue' u svom kurs njemakog? Provjerite yourGuess
ili pretpostavlja dok itate preostali segment intervjua.
3.1.2 Gledajui dobro u oima nastavnika neijeg
n Sukobi izmeu onoga to je bila 'nauio' i ta
imali su 'steena'.
n diferencijal reakcije izvorni govornici na razliite
aspekti govora uenika.

Supervizor Karline naravno, ko to sluanje na razgovor, Izgledalo

iznenaen. 'To nije nain na koji se ini da nastavnici, "rekao je on. "Svi kau da si
radi udesno. A ti se, "dodao je on," da sam upozorio prvi
tjedan ili dva mogao biti malo neugodno. "
"Da", odgovorio je Carla, "ali ja pipkaju. I svi drugi studenti znam tano
Koji zavretke da stavi na rijeima, a ja nemam pojma. Ako sam da nastavi ovaj kurs,
Moram biti givenName osnovna pravila: zato to rade i zato ne radim, pa kad jesam
ui u razred. , . '
'Iako su nastavnici rei neto to radite lijepo, i dalje postoji
gotovo zastraujue o tome. , . "I-potovati.
'Oh, da! ", Odgovorio je Carla. 'Ja, ja nikad nisam zapamtio stvari. Na primjer,
dijalog radimo sada. Postoje odreene rijei da li su drugi studenti sada
Znam, i mogu rei te rijei, ali imam druge rijei ili fraze uinio bih
obino koriste rei iste stvari. Postoji toliko mnogo razlika ove vrste jeste
Mislim da je stvarno teko zapamtiti uinio Posebni dijaloga, i da ga je ponoviti. "
'Idem sliku ptice se moe prirodno da li lete, da li Odjednom brought` u
i koji se postavljaju u mainu eksperimentalni psihologa o, i rekao ovde da Peck dobiti
ovo i Peck tu da se to ", predloio sam.
"Ne, ne osjeam taj nain 'Carla Objasnio': jer znam da govorim pogreno,
i tu ima da postoji nain mijenjanja moj nain govornog podruja. Moda ono to je potrebno je
priliku da se vrati i prouavaju osnovne gramatike, i sve one grafikone s m-a
a n i druge zavretke na rijei. "Zastala je. "Pa", rekla je ona
odluno, "ako u proi kroz ostatak ovog naravno, mislim da stvarno treba
osnovi. Jer ja ne znam zato to radim stvari koje sam do.'An Neformalna Learner: Carla 43
Na kraju ovog segmenta intervjua, rekao sam neto o Carla 'uenja'
Portugalski i njemaki. Bio sam, naravno, koristi rije u svom svakodnevnom, ope
smislu, nego u uem tehnikom smislu 1.1.2.
Kada je Carla govori o "m i n a," Ona je Pozivajui se na factthat se
Njemakim kolegom za engleski besteht liste od est oblika Ukljuujui i
u. Govornici njemakog koritenje jednog ili drugog sinteze oblika u zavisnosti od
gramatike okolnosti.
Carla je pogled na njene njemaki, i kako ona radi ono, bio je sasvim drugaije od
Pogled joj nastavnika. Bili su odgovarajui na njen ukupni dobar izgovor, naglasak
i govor tijela, i da je upotreba mnogo malih rijei i fraza da li drite
kazne i razgovora zajedno. Sve to, zajedno sa svojim znanjem o tome ta
rei, i kada, kako i zato da to kaem, su komponente ope interaktivne
nadlenosti na jeziku. Ovo je da treba razlikovati od puke lingvistike
kompetencija: sposobnost da proizvedu ispravne reenice. Carla nastavnici moraju imati
osvjeavajue nai interaktivni nadlenosti Carla u njemakom. Carla je vrsta kontrole
ono to je tipino rezultat 'akvizicije. "otro je u suprotnosti sa studentima, dass die
nastavnici su navikli. Njihova studenti e doi do Oni karakteristike
German vrlo kasno, ako se ikada,: jer Bili su 'uenja' - napadi na jednom rijei
ili jednom trenutku gramatike odjednom.
Carla je impresivna dostignua u portugalskom i njemakom bi havebeen
nemogue bez nje znaajan pristup jeziku. Moj prijedlog o
u kavezu ptica podrazumijeva i ona je bilo dobro o tome pristupu, iako je ono to ne
sada u poziciji da ga koriste. Ona je, meutim, odbacio moju metaforu. Jasno je da je
prii Itself je bilo dobro dok je ona ono to ga koristite. Ali, po svemu sudei ona se ne osjea
dobro da ga koristili.

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