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The Debunkers


Global Warming: Fact or Faked?

Climate Change is a Scam
Global warming isnt real; the
sun is just giving off more heat.
If global warming is real and
the Earth is getting hotter, then
why is Antarctica gaining ice?
The carbon dioxide we add into
the atmosphere is a very small
amount, so how big can the
impact be?
Water vapor is the most
powerful greenhouse gas, so
humans are not responsible for
global warming; its natural.
Carbon dioxide is used by plants
to undergo photosynthesis and
establish a food source;
therefore, carbon dioxide is
Global warming cant be real
because sea level decreased in
Temperature models are
Medieval warming period was
Renewable energy is too
expensive and will cut back on

Global warming is attributed to the oceans since they are

releasing carbon dioxide.
Ocean acidification is not a serious matter.
Humans and other species can adapt; weve been through
several climate changes.
A limit on carbon dioxide emissions wont cool the planet.
Global warming did not exist during the time of the
Industrial Revolution.
There is no consensus among scientists that climate change
is real.

"The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to
make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive."
President Elect Donald J. Trump
Editors: Ernesto Gomez & Brian Campillo

Posted: Novermber 21, 2016

The Truth
Climate reacts to whatever is
forcing it to change; humans have
become the dominant force
Global warming, the sun, and
climate have been going in
opposite directions
Negative impacts of global
warming heavily outweigh any of
the positive ones
Most climate experts coincide that
humans are the main cause of
global warming
The last decade was the hottest
one recorded yet
The warming trend measured by
thermometers and satellites is
equivalent in rural and urban
Global warming will result in a
mass extinction of species that
cannot adapt to the hot conditions
on a short time scale
Every part of the Earths climate
system has increased in
temperature while reaching its
highest point in 2015
Satellites have identified that
Antarctica and other polar regions
have continued to lose land ice at
an accelerating rate
The majority of past climate papers
have predicted the Earth to
continue warming
Carbon dioxide did not initiate
warming but has amplified it

Global warming impacts will occur in the next

ten 100 years while an ice age is not likely to
occur in the next 10,000 years
Ocean acidification is a serious threat to entire
food chains in marine communities
Recent global temperatures are
unprecedented in the last 1000 years
Evidence proves that hurricanes are becoming
stronger due to the effects of global warming
Most glaciers are retreating which creates a
serious problem for those who rely on glaciers
as their main water source
Short periods of cold weather does not reflect
the long-term trend of increasing global
Extreme weather events have become more
frequent and worse by global warming

Global Warming
Global warming is the warming of the Earth which includes its surface, atmosphere, and oceans, and is
attributed to the greenhouse gasses released because of the burning of fossil fuels. According to NASA, the
global average temperature rose 1.1 to 1.6 Fahrenheit between the 1906 and 2005; and the rate of
temperature increase has doubled in the last fifty years. In addition, NASA estimates that as much as only
thirty percent of the incoming sunlight is reflected back into space, with ice being the biggest reflector. The
seventy percent that is not reflected is absorbed by land, rocks, and the ocean; the sunlight absorbed
eventually becomes heat and is radiated into the atmosphere. Once the heat is in the atmosphere it is
absorbed by greenhouse gasses and dispersed back into Earth, thus heating the planet. The greenhouse
effect is a natural process that is beneficial to life on Earth, but the more fossil fuels we burn, the more carbon
dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere. The excess carbon exacerbates the greenhouse effect and heats the
globe more than it is intended to.

Causes/Effects of Global Waming

One of the main concerns affecting the warming of the Earth are
carbon dioxide emissions from power plants burning fossil fuels. Due to the
increasing demand of electricity from coal burning power plants, large
amounts of carbon dioxide is being released into the atmosphere. About
forty-percent of carbon dioxide emissions comoe from electricity production.
Energy production continues to increase yet our alternative energy sources
remain the same creating high dependency on burning coal for electrical
supply. Not only fossil fuels, but emissions from burning gasoline are a main
contributor of global warming. With a modern society dependent on car
transportation is responsible for thirty-three percent of emissions. Populations
continue to increase along with the demand for cars, therefore increasing the
use of fossil fuels for transportation as well as manufacturing.
Methane emissions from animals and agriculture is another harmful
greenhouse gas following carbon dioxide. With the increase of concentrated
livestock production the amount of methane being released into the
atmosphere is also increasing. Along with methane, deforestation also
contributes to the increasing warming of the earth. Humans have increasingly
deforestated lands for consumption of wood and paper products. Forests help
remove and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and as a result of
deforestation large amounts of carbon dioxide are being released into the
atmosphere and reducing the amount of carbon capture occuring on Earth.

The increase in global

warming is resulting in several
harmful effects worldwide. One
of the most alarming effects is
the rise in sea level that is
occuring throughout the world
oceans. The warming of the
Earth is melting the ice sheets in
Antartica and Greenland that is
resulting in the rise of sea level.
The rise in sea level could
displace millions of people forcing
them to find shelter elsewhere.
Global warming is also likely to
produce killer storms. With the
increase of heat, the intensity of
hurricanes and cyclones is likely
to increase.
Another harmful effect of
global warming is the massive
failure of crops. As a result of
climate change, water supplies
are expected to have the most
severe impact. This will create
furture shortages that harm food
production, sanitation,
ecosytems, and economic
development. Floods and
droughts will become more
violent resluting in thousands of
deaths. Not only humans, but
animals will suffer widespread
extinction of species. Rising
temperatures are likely to lead
to the extinction of millions of
species which humans rely on for
survival. Global waming will
create serious threats for life on

Fight Against Global Warming

As a human inhabiting planet Earth, there are several steps you can take to fight global warming and protect the
world we all share and live in:
Plant a tree; trees absorb carbon dioxide
and give off oxygen
Encourage friends and neighbors to
conserve by sharing information about
recycling and energy conservation
Save electricity and use the off switch by
turning off lights, TV, computers, etc.
While they are not being used

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

Use less heat and air conditioning
Replace light bulbs with LED bulbs
Drive less; reduce emissions by walking, riding
a bike, or riding the bus to work
Purchase energy-efficient products such as a
car that offers good gas mileage
Reduce the use of hot water

This material is for educational purposes only, and was created under fair use, for EPSS 15 at UCLA. It is not created for commercial gain.

By Larry West Environmental Issues Expert. "10 Things You Can Do to Slow Climate Change." News &

Issues. 2016. Accessed November 17, 2016.
Cook, John. Arguments from Global Warming Skeptics and What the Science Really Says. 2016. Accessed
November 18, 2016.
LLC, Raymond Forbes and Stocksy. How You Can Stop Global Warming. November 8, 2016. Accessed November
18, 2016.
Markham, Derek. Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List. June 7, 2009. Accessed November 18, 2016.
"What Is Global Warming? LiveScience. Accessed Novermber 17, 2016.

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