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Readers and Writers Workshop/Social Studies

11/9- Middle school
Information Forum @ CDA
5pm auditorium
11/11 No School-Veterans
11/14- make up picture day
11/16 Family Math Game
Night 5pm auditorium
11/16, 11/17, 11/18Minimum days for Family
Conferences 8:15-12:35
11/21-25- Thanksgiving Break
12/15-Winter program
Spelling bee the beginning
of 2017. Study your words.
They were sent in an email
from Mr. Jenkins.

Our balanced curriculum is in full swing as we begin a unit of

study on non fiction texts. We will read and practice our
high level comprehension skills using mentor texts related to
the presidential election, the US government, reasons and
rules for laws, the US Constitution significance, what it
means to be a good citizen, and consequences for people
who violate the rules. We will also learn about being virtuous
and responsible in our civic duties. We will hold a class
election for President and Vice President, an office the
student will campaign for with a speech, and hold office for
the entire school year. This unit of study will continue until
after winter break. We will also begin a unit of writing
informational pieces. This week the students will think
about and explore their ideas and topics of interest. They
will decide which ones will be good for researching, and
teaching the learned knowledge to others.

Over the next 2 weeks we will be working on
geometry, understanding shapes in different
categories, and their shared attributes. We will also
learn how to determine the area and perimeter of
shapes, and we will begin to explore how to partition
shapes into parts with equal areas, as well as how
these arts relate to fractions of the whole.

Book Buddies
This week we shared our
narratives, and practiced
taking pictures for our
digital portfolios using the
chrome books.

Thanks you all for making an effort to be at our

morning exercise on time, ready to learn. Lets keep
trying to be at school by 8:10 and ready to go at
8:15. Thanks.

Parent Tips
Go on a trip to a museum.
Read a book together.
Write a story together.
Pick a theme and talk about it, such as
kindness, or friendship.
Write a letter to a Veteran.

Social Studies
You may have heard that we are
having a class election this week
for a Room 7 President and Vice
President . (There is also a school
wide election for a student
council) We have discussed the
c h a ra c te r t ra i t s t h e s e p e o p l e
m i g h t h a v e a n d s h o w. T h e
candidates that are running should
come prepared tomorrow with a
speech about why and how they
would make Room 7 a better place
for students. There will also be
o t h e r c o u n c i l m e m b e r s ( l i ke
s e c re t a r y, b u t t h e y w i l l b e
appointed) with a meeting every
week at recess.

Upcoming and Reminders

Make sure to sign up for a family
conference. The students have been working
diligently preparing their third grade
Weekly homework:
1 math word problem a day with a written explanation explaining why the strategy used
to solve the problem works. (due Friday or before)
Read 30 minutes.
Respond in journal in library bag. (3 or 4 times per week.)

Have a great week!

If you need to reach me please email me directly at
Please do not reply to this email, as I will
you. Susan

not receive it.


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