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1 A. It could have been.

2 Q. Okay. Now let's go to Government Exhibit 3-B, look at

3 that, that's another contract.

4 A. Okay.

5 Q. And do you recognize that contract?

6 A. Correct.

7 Q. And what is that contract?

8 A. It's dated May the 7th, 2002.

9 Q. And is that a contract between whom and whom?

10 A. It's between eScripts and Dr. Smith.

11 Q. And it's starting May 2nd --

12 A. May 7th, 2002.

13 Q. And who signed it? Do you recognize the signature?

14 A. Chris Stoufflet, the CEO, signed it.

15 Q. Do you recognize his signature?

16 A. Yes, I do.

17 Q. Did you get a copy of this?

18 A. Yes.

19 MR. CHARTASH: Your Honor, the Government moves

20 Government Exhibit 3-B into evidence.

21 MR. FLOYD: No objection to 3-B.

22 THE COURT: Admitted without objection.

23 Q. (By Mr. Chartash) How much was he paid? Was this an

24 increase in pay here?

25 A. It says it still remains at the 50,000.

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