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Ingls II

mg. Nancy Len Pereyra

There was There were

Estas expresiones se utilizan para hablar del pasado simple. Su significado es Hubo o Haba.
1. There was a concert last night. (Hubo un concierto anoche)
2. There were too many apples that night. (Haba demasiadas manzanas esa noche)
-There was se utiliza para sustantivos singulares como concert (concierto) en el primer ejemplo.
-There were se usa para sustantivos plurales como apples (manzanas) en el segundo ejemplo.

There was a thief in my house. (Haba un ladrn en mi casa)

There were 3 parties last night. (Hubo tres fiestas anoche)


There wasnt a good teacher in my school. (No haba un buen profesor en mi colegio)
There werent any chairs in the room. (No haba sillas en la habitacin)


-Was there a bat in the bathroom? Yes, there was / No, there wasnt.
Haba un murcilago en el bao? S / No.
-Were there any crocodiles in the zoo? Yes, there were / No, there werent.
Haba cocodrilos en el zoolgico? S / No

I. Lee las siguientes oraciones y escoge la opcin que complete la frase de forma correcta.
1. ______________ a TV in my bedroom when I was younger.
o There wasn't
o There weren't

I remember ___________________ a time when you loved me.

there was

there were

2. I bought a new toy yesterday but ________________ any batteries in it.

there wasn't

there werent

3. I think ______________ dancing lessons next semester.

Ingls II

mg. Nancy Len Pereyra

there wasn't

there weren't

4. ______________ some people who really enjoyed dancing disco music.

There was

There were

5. The company is not really working, so I suspect _____________ a lot of changes in the near

there was

there were

II. Answer:
1. Was there lemonade in the party? ___________________
2. Were there many people? _________________
3. How many people were there? _____________________
4. How many tables were there in the restaurant? _____________________
5. Was there a big cake? _________________

The first Americans

What do you know about the history of the USA?
Thirty thousand years ago the first Americans travelled across the ice from
Asia to Alaska. Some of them stayed in Alaska and became the Inuit people. Others
went to different parts of Canada and North and South America. Some were fishermen, some were
farmers and some were hunters. When Columbus arrived in the Caribbean in 1492, he thought he was
in India, so he called the Native Americans Indians.
When the first Europeans went to live in North America, there were already a million people there.There
were about 300 Indian tribes. Each tribe had a different language and way of life, but they also had a
sign language that everyone could understand.
When the first white settlers* arrived, the Native Americans were living in their traditional homes across
North America. At first, they were friendly to their new neighbours, but the European settlers wanted
their land. The Indians fought many wars
and their leaders Crazy Horse, Geronimo, Sitting Bull became famous. Thousands of them died, and
they also died from illnesses that the Europeans brought with them. Finally, the US government forced
the Native Americans to live in special reservations.
Today, about 1.5 million Native Americans live on reservations. Many of them try to keep their ancient
traditions and now Native American culture is growing again. * European immigrants.

Ingls II

mg. Nancy Len Pereyra

III. Read the text, then look at these sentences. Are they true (T) or false (F)?
1 The first Americans arrived there in 1300.


2 The first Native Americans came from Asia. T F

3 When the Europeans arrived, there were 300 Native Americans. T F
4 The settlers called them Indians because they lived in India. T F
5 The Native Americans and the Europeans didnt fight at first. T F
6 The Native Americans didnt want to lose their traditional homes. T F
7 Crazy Horse was one of their leaders. T F
8 The members of the US government lived in reservations. T F
9 Today no one is interested in Native American culture T F.
IV. Describe what there was and what there were in your city ten years ago.


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