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Shannon Tobin

November 13, 2016


In this article they are talking about the relationship between animal abuse and antisocial
behavior. A lot of people who abuse animals end up abusing other things like property, drugs,
and humans. They also have intrapersonal violence which means that they abuse themselves
mentally or physically.
A, Frank et al. The Relationship of Animal Abuse to Violence and Other Forms of Antisocial
Behavior. Journal of Intrapersonal Violence
I can use this in my paper to show that people who are violent to animals need to
go to either therapy and try to overcome it or go to jail. They are very dangerous people. They
can become very destructive and hurt a lot of people and animals.

In this article he is talking about young teens being more active in animal abuse than older
people. This mostly happens because the child themselves are being abused and are taking it out
on animals.
Ascione, Frank R. Animal Abuse and Youth Violence. NCJRS

I can use this in my paper to show that we need to make sure that children are having safe
environments at home so that they dont take it out on other things such as animals. If we see a
teenager abusing animals its most likely because they are being abused at home and we should
get them help so that they will stop.

In this article they are talking about dog fighting and how dangerous it is. Although the majority
of this sport is dog against dog the owners of the dogs mistreat them too, just differently. They
crop their ears and tails, they normally do it themselves in a non-humane way, they give the dogs
steroids, isolate them to short heavy chains. If a dog has bad injuries they will either throw them
on the street, killed or brutally executed as part of the sport.
ASPCA. The Criminal, Underground World of Dog Fighting. ASPCA,
I am going to use this in my paper to show that even if the owner isnt hitting
them every day this is still a very scary thing. These people have no heart and just want to see
two dogs get angry with each other. Although its illegal in all 50 states there are still many dog
fights that go on secretly.

In this article they are talking about puppy mills and how in humane they are. They are groups
that will get female dogs to bread as many and as soon as possible with hardly any recovery
time. The puppies that are born are in barred cages and will damage their paws and legs and the
puppies are taken from their families way too early, eight weeks of age. Once the female dogs
cannot breed anymore they are often killed.

ASPCA. What Is a Puppy Mill? ASPCA

I am going to use this to obviously show that this is not ok. There should not be puppy
mills, they are organizations that only care about their profit. Since they only care about profits
many of the dogs have major anxiety, from being taken away from their families at such a young
age, and are prone to congenital and hereditary conditions.

In this book he is talking about animal abuse increasing over the years. He also says that the
people who abuse animals often abuse humans as well. A lot of animal abusers seem to be very
young as well, around late teens and early 20s.
Lockwood, Randall. Animal Cruelty and Societal Violence. Edited by Frank R. Ascione and Phil
Arkow, 1999,
I can use this in my paper to show that animal abuse is becoming huge and we need to
stop people from doing this. A lot of these people are very dangerous and need to be locked up
so they wont only hurt animals but also people. I want to show how scary some people can be so
that other people will take it more seriously.

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