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"How the Universe Works" is a program that enlightens us about the universe, all

objects in it. The episode "Extreme Stars" narrates the story of how the stars are formed
by the universe and how the stars form everything else in that very universe. This
specific episode tells us how a star twinkle or keeps itself burning for a billion of years. It
also narrates the interrelation of stars to stars and stars to universe. The life cycle of a
star has been taught to us by our grade school teacher. However, they did not include
the fact that there is actually life after death. The life and death of a star transformed
the Universe by giving life to another generation of stars, then planets and eventually
the building blocks of life itself.
The approach of this documentary is really entitled to general audience. A mere
civilian can understand each word in this documentary. There are only few technical
terms, which is expected because it is aired on a public channel. However, from the
point of view of an astronomy student, this documentary lacks technicality. It is focused
on more poetic narration. Hence, I will rate it as 9 being 10 is the highest. I really learn
more than I expected in this documentary. I am amazed on how humans can create a
miniature of what is happening in a star. This documentary really enlightened me on our
topic about stars; its life, its effects on the universe, and how a single element can
destroy such powerful object. I will breakdown things that really matters the most in this
documentary. First, let us start by saying that sun is just our stepmother and nebula is
our true mother. Because technically, nebula is where stars are formed. The formation
of stars is first recorded with an aid of the Spitzer telescope(2004) , an infrared
telescope that measures the heat that passes through nebulas. Hence, hydrogen, heat
and pressure are the three components of a star. At a 15 million degrees, atoms begin
to fuse together and a star is born. Einstein's theories proved that stars tap into the
energy of atoms which is shown in his famous equation : E=mc^2. Then, atoms release
energy by fusing when they smash together. Hydrogen atoms crash together creating
helium and energy. Creating such heat, we are wondering how stars don't blow apart. It
is because immense gravity holds them together. As I wrote a while ago, stars produced
the building blocks of the life itself. However, it also causes destruction. Solar flames
caused by a star can damage satellites, space ships and even astronauts. And if you
believe there is a forever, I am sorry to say that you are wrong. Every star will
eventually die because its fuel runs out. Also, in about 4.5 billion years, our sun's
hydrogen will run out, giving us a matter of seconds to live. Gasses in the sun will
expand and it will turn into a red giant. Then, it will turn into white dwarf, containing
carbon in its center. When these massive stars explode, it's calles a supernova and it
will be the most violent explosion. Hence, a single element caused the destruction of
star, iron. Once the iron is formed in the center of a star, it is a matter of seconds before
its destruction. This death leads to the formation of a solar system, another life.

This documentary helped me more to understand a star. It answers the questions in my mind
about the stars. It also enlightened me how human beings can go further just to understand a star.
The most important thing I learned about our lesson and this documentary is that understanding a
specific objects gives you a series of discoveries that can change the view of human beings about
our surroundings.

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