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boys - more UPPER extremity injuries

girls - more LOWER extremity injuries; delayed menarche, hypothalamic amenorrhea or oligomenorrhea
have HIGH BONE DENSITY 2ndary to repetitive high-impact activities
Swimmers shoulder combo of subacromial bursitis + rotator cuff tendinosis (usually supraspinatus)
o Hawkin impingement test
Subacromial bursitis pain with passive abduction of humerus
Supraspinatus tendinosis pain with active abduction, internally rotating arms as if emptying a can
Most common baseball injury: Throwing injuries of elbow & shoulder (esp. pitchers)
Chest wall trauma with the ball (commotio cordis) -> death
Average age to go en pointe: 12 yr
Piriformis syndrome due to repetitive external hip rotation req. in ballet; buttock pain and sciatica
2 most common sites of injury: shoulder and knee
Sport with highest number of injuries
Head and neck injuries: concussion, neck sprain, and brachial plexopathy (stinger or burner)
Knee injuries most common musculoskeletal complaint at time of preseason exam
Turf toe sprain to the 1st MTP joint
Basketball and Volleyball
Knee overuse injuries: patellar tendinosis (jumpers knee) and traction apophysitis (Osgood-Schlatter disease)
Jumping sports acute ligament sprains (medial collateral w/ or w/o anterior cruciate ligaments)
Ankle sprain most common injury; caused by inversion w/ plantar flexion
Stress fractures of all bones of lower extremity
Most common: metatarsals, tibia, fibula
Most worrisome (risk of nonunion): anterior proximal tibia, femoral neck, tarsal navicular
Muscle strains hamstrings > quads > hip adductors >soleus > gastrocnemius
Runners knee patellofemoral stress syndrome; anterior knee pain from excessive dynamic motion of patellar tendon in rel.
to femoral intracondylar groove
Iliotibial band syndrome combo of bursitis + tendinitis due to mech. Friction of the band (tensor fascia latae) over lateral
femoral epicondyle
Shin splints / medial tibial stress syndrome occurs in new runners with overpronation
Plantar fasciitis inflammation of supporting struc of longitudinal arch, due to repetitive cyclic loading w/ foot strike
Concussions are common lead to neurocognitive dysfunction
LOWER EXTERMITY injuries 2x as often as upper extremity injuries
Tennis elbow LATERAL epicondylitis; due to repetitive overload of wrist extensor-supinator mechanism, esp. extensor
carpi radialis brevis
Medial epicondylitis caused by repetitive overload of wrist flexor-pronator muscle groups
Thumb injuries from falls w/ thumb in abduction & hyperextension sprain of ulnar collateral ligament (Skiers thumb)

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