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A Global Threat Mitigation Firm

17 June 2010 Washington, D.C. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA 703.268.4453

Special points of inter- HONDURAS combined resources to investi- VENEZUELA

est: gate and prosecute those who in
U.S. DEA ON THE DEA Caribbean Corridor flagrant disregard of our laws Shortly after agreeing not
DRUG OFFENSIVE 1 Strike Force (CCSF) agents, and way of life to try to smuggle to sell advanced anti-
working jointly with DEA illegal contraband into our area aircraft weaponry to Iran,
VENEZUELAS Russia has sealed a deal on
New York OCDETF agents of jurisdiction.
AFTER OUSTED and U.S. Coast Guard person- the S-300 surface-to-air
HONDURAN PRESI- nel, arrested last Friday five DEA continued missile with Venezuela's
DENT 1 suspected Honduran smug- Hugo Chavez.
A DEA-Led operation recently
RUSSIA OFFERS glers and seized 66 bales of culminated in over 2,000 arrests,
cocaine in San Juan, Puerto The arms sale is part of a
VENEZUELA IRANS as the FBI, ICE and Mexican
MISSILES 1 Rico following an at-sea in- $2.2 billion military loan
Govt. took part in "Project Deliv-
terdiction of the fishing ves- package provided by Mos-
HONDURAN POLICE erance" which led to the seizure
sel Two Brothers. cow. Many other coun-
COMMISSIONERS of $154 million and 74.1 tons of
MURDER LINKED TO tries are allegedly in pos-
drugs, as well as the arrest of a
HIS DRUG INTER- The 87-foot, Panamanian session of the S-300 in
high-priority target.
flagged, fishing vessel was what appears to be Russia's
carrying 3,269 pounds of rapidly expanding involve-
Two individuals and two entities
cocaine with an estimated ment in the global arms
were linked to the international
wholesale value of approxi- trade.
drug trafficking organization La
mately $46 million. Familia Michoacana as Specially
One must wonder if there
Designated Narcotics Traffick-
These arrests and multi- is a possibility of these
ers. This action targeted
kilogram seizure are a clear missiles eventually finding
ADDITIONAL READING Wenceslao lvarez lvarez, aka
indication of the success of their way to Iran by trans-
Wencho, his frontman Ignacio
the Caribbean Corridor Strike Mejia Gutierrez and two entities, fer in violation of sanctions against it.
Force Initiative, said Rosa Mega Empacadora de Frutas, S.A.
id2315.html Emilia Rodrguez-Vlez, U.S. de C.V. and Importaciones y Ex-
Attorney for the District of U.S. and Mexican intelli-
portaciones Nobaro , S.A. de Puerto Rico. We will con- gence officials told The
id2007.html tinue maximizing all of our Washington Examiner that
accused of violating his na- a leftist revolutionary guer-
tion's Constitution by propos- rilla movement known as the EPR is responsible for
VENEZUELA ing an action to eliminate
id775.html many kidnappings and at-
term barriers to reelection as
Former Honduran President tacks inside Mexico and
other leftist Latin American Manuel Zelaya who was secretly receiving funding
ousted by the Honduran gov- leaders have recently done.
id2441.html from Venezuelan President
ernment for sponsoring a Hugo Chavez.
referendum that was ruled In what some called a coup illegal by the Supreme Court, dtat, President Hugo
id2654.html will head Petrocaribe and a Chavez of Venezuela called HONDURAS
section of the strategic alli- for armed action against the
ance with the Dominican Investigators believe the Honduran government.
Refinery and Venezuelan murder of Police Commis-
Venezuelan President Hugo
Twitter: cjiausa state-owned petroleum com- sioner Jos Puerto was
pany PDVSA. Zelaya was Chavez assigned Zelaya the
related to his role in the
believed to have morphed position at Petrocaribe. recent destruction of five
into a radical leftist and was clandestine runways used
by drug traffickers

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