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Planck epoch[edit]

ca. 0 seconds (13.799 0.021 Gya): Planck Epoch begins: earliest meaningful time.
The Big Bang occurs in which ordinary space and time develop out of a primeval
state (possibly a virtual particle or false vacuum) described by a quantum theor
y of gravity or "Theory of Everything". All matter and energy of the entire visi
ble universe is contained in an unimaginably hot, dense point (Gravitational sin
gularity), a billionth the size of a nuclear particle. This state has been descr
ibed as a particle desert. Other than a few scant details, conjecture dominates
discussion about the earliest moments of the universe's history since no effecti
ve means of testing this far back in space-time is presently available. WIMPS (w
eakly interacting massive particles) or dark matter and dark energy may have app
eared and been the catalyst for the expansion of the singularity. The infant uni
verse cools as it begins expanding outward. It is almost completely smooth, with
quantum variations beginning to cause slight variations in density.
Grand Unification Epoch[edit]
ca. 10-43 seconds: Grand unification epoch begins: While still at an infinitesim
al size, the universe cools down to 1032 kelvin. Gravity separates and begins op
erating on the universe the remaining fundamental forces stabilize into the electr
onuclear force, also known as the Grand Unified Force or Grand Unified Theory (G
UT), mediated by (the hypothetical) X and Y bosons which allow early matter at t
his stage to fluctuate between baryon and lepton states.[1]
Electroweak epoch[edit]
ca. 10-36 seconds: Electroweak epoch begins: The Universe cools down to 1028 kel
vin. As a result, the Strong Nuclear Force becomes distinct from the Electroweak
Force perhaps fuelling the inflation of the universe. A wide array of exotic el
ementary particles result from decay of X and Y bosons which include W and Z bos
ons and Higgs bosons.
ca. 10-33 seconds: Space is subjected to inflation, expanding by a factor of the
order of 1026 over a time of the order of 10-33 to 10-32 seconds. The universe
is supercooled from about 1027 down to 1022 kelvin.[2]
ca. 10-32 seconds: Cosmic inflation ends. The familiar elementary particles now
form as a soup of hot ionized gas called quark-gluon plasma; hypothetical compon
ents of Cold dark matter (such as axions) would also have formed at this time.
Quarks epoch[edit]
ca. 10-12 seconds: Electroweak phase transition: the four fundamental interactio
ns familiar from the modern universe now operate as distinct forces. The Weak nu
clear force is now a short-range force as it separates from Electromagnetic forc
e, so matter particles can acquire mass and interact with the Higgs Field. The t
emperature is still too high for quarks to coalesce into hadrons, and the quarkgluon plasma persists (Quark epoch). The universe cools to 1015 kelvin.
ca. 10-11 seconds: Baryogenesis may have taken place with matter gaining the upp
er hand over anti-matter as baryon to antibaryon constituencies are established

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