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CranioSacral Therapy

Quantum-Touch and Reiki

Reiki is enhanced by Quantum-Touch. Quantum-Touch
has no attunements or symbols. Quantum-Touch is a
natural and innate skill that can be learned with simple
breathing and body awareness techniques. These
techniques allow the Quantum-Touch practitioner to
powerfully focus and amplify the life-force energy.
Practitioners of Quantum-Touch dont become drained
or tired from doing sessions. When I interviewed Reiki
masters, about 40% reported that they had occasionally
felt energy going up their arm, or had become tired and
drained. This is a function of the practitioner entraining
or matching to the clients vibration. Without a skill to
hold a high vibration, Reiki practitioners may at times
become drained.
Ive taught Quantum-Touch to numerous chiropractors,
physical therapists, acupuncturists and osteopaths who
have been astounded to observe rapid structural
realignment, reduction of inflammation, and other
benefits. Reiki is rarely fast or impressive enough to
impress these skeptical health care professionals.
Reiki masters who have taken my workshops have
nicknamed Quantum-Touch, "Reiki empowerment" or
"turbo charging the Reiki". I got a laugh when one of my
students wrote in the review of my workshop that
Quantum-Touch was "like Reiki on steroids." Both
systems use the same life-forced energy. The Quantum- (1 of 6)2/25/2004 9:13:45 PM

Quantum Touch, breakthrough in hands-on healing

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Touch practitioner learns to focus the energy like a

laser, which takes concentration, body awareness and

"Quantum-Touch greatly surprised me! I wasnt expecting

the class to be as wonderful as it was! I received a
miraculous healing of my back! Im a Reiki Master and
compared to Reiki, Quantum-Touch is surprisingly fast."
-- Betty Clegg, Lombard, CA
"Ive been a Reiki teacher and practitioner for years, and
this was a definite "next step" for me to "ramp up" my
ability to run energy.
-- Paula Battaglio, Chicago, IL
"My energy was intensified to a level I never experienced
with Reiki. I feel I have found what I was searching for to
further my mission of 'helping others be their highest self
possible.' I recommend anyone seeking healing or
becoming a better person take this workshop."
-- Vicktor E. Ransom, Tacoma, WA
"An awesome experience for the skeptic in all of us!!! It's
Reiki on steroids and without all the ritual. I like how pure
it is."
-- Gary J., Boise, ID
"Of our nine class members one was not a Reiki
practitioner. We all felt this class enhanced and augmented
our abilities and understanding. We all flew with this class!"
-- Daniele DeVoe, Frankfort, MI
"Quantum-Touch magnifies and intensifies Reiki. It was
wonderful to be able to spend the time practicing on each
other and feeling the benefits of such a powerful energy.
Thank You."
-- Suzanne Schartz, Aurora, CO
"For energy medicine practitioners, Quantum-Touch
amplifies the effects of Reiki and other hands-on-healing
techniques. For the layman, Quantum-Touch empowers the
individual to tap into the innate healing abilities we all
-- Ellen DiNucci, M.A. Project Coordinator
Complementary and Alternative Medicine Program at
Stanford University
"Very informative and energetic! Richard has a very simple,
easy method that shows instant results for the participant.
I found several new ways to increase my energy flow
beyond my Reiki skills." (2 of 6)2/25/2004 9:13:45 PM

Quantum Touch, breakthrough in hands-on healing

-- Gary Morris, Eugene, OR

Quantum-Touch and Acupuncture

"Acupuncture works wonderfully to open the patient's
own chi to flow freely which facilitates normal healing.
Quantum-Touch however can add an entirely new
vibration of energy to that flow which may allow for
astonishing healing. It can be thought of like the
difference between writing a love letter to yourself, or
receiving one from somebody else. There is a
magnificent surprise factor in someone else's love/
energy that can work miracles."
-- Jody Herriott L.Ac.
Click Here to read an article about acupuncture and

Quantum-Touch and Qigong

An Interview with Alain Herriott

How long have you practiced and taught
AH: I've practiced Qigong for about 10 years and
taught for eight years.
What are the benefits of Quantum-Touch?
AH: Quantum-Touch allows practitioners to easily
attain a deep energy very similar to Qigong without
any side effects, other than actually feeling better
after offering a treatment. Anyone with the desire to
help another can be a practitioner, and be very
Are there limitations with qigong?
AH: When practicing Qigong it is best to learn from
a person rather than a book or a video. Even the
practice needs to be watched to avoid what is called
aberration. This consists of energy traveling through
the body along incorrect pathways that can lead to
illness and in extreme cases, what many would call
dementia. It is considered best not to have a practice
doing healing work, without supervision, for about
two years. At this point you can start doing the (3 of 6)2/25/2004 9:13:45 PM

Quantum Touch, breakthrough in hands-on healing

healing work on a limited basis. Not all practitioners

agree, but on the average, it is very easy to use
ones own energy along with the universes. This
depletes the practitioner and can lead to illness
because they are using up their essence. This is not
a good thing. It is also comparatively easy to pick up
"dirty Qi" from others. This results in headaches,
illness such as cold/flu like symptoms to even
stronger reactions. So, it often takes 20 min or
better to rid one's self of this dirty Qi. This all gets
less severe with practice, however for me, after 10
years of doing this healing, I still had to be very
careful. None of these are problems with QuantumTouch
How long does it take to learn each method to
become effective?
AH: With Quantum-Touch, once you've read the
book, attended a live or video workshop, it takes
about 15 minutes to begin to be effective. As with
anything the more you practice the more you
understand about the work. With Qigong, as stated
above, it takes several years to get comfortable and
effective. One could learn all the basics to be a
healer in about a year, but it often is detrimental to
the practitioner to hurry it. In addition, not everyone
should "emit Qi", if you are ill in any way it is said
you shouldn't do healing work as your energy can
contaminate others.
How effective is QT relative to qigong?
AH: It's a little like comparing apples and oranges. I
found that I could allow much more energy through
me with Quantum-Touch than with Qigong. Easily 3
times as much. Qigong follows a much stricter
protocol, in that you put energy into specific points
or along certain meridians. In that respect Qigong
can be more pin pointed. However, if a Q-T
practitioner leans this methodology, they can be just
as pin pointed. So, I'm saying that they are
extremely similar. The Qigong practitioner does a
great deal more study and a physical practice to
build Qi within them each day. This is a must for a
Qigong healer. It easily requires, 1/2 hour to an hour
or more of "self care" each day. When working at the
basic level, the Quantum-Touch practitioners really
only needs to remember to sweep and breath. At the
more advanced level, with Quantum-Touch, you use
other techniques to aid the flow of the energy. (4 of 6)2/25/2004 9:13:45 PM

Quantum Touch, breakthrough in hands-on healing

Quantum-Touch and CranioSacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy is enhanced by Quantum-Touch
energy work. CS Therapists are trained to monitor the
gentle rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid as it moves
throughout the spine and head like a partially enclosed
hydraulic pump system. By monitoring this rhythm CS
Therapists can tell where the energy and/or connective
tissue (fascia) might be blocked. When the therapist
finds a blocked area, or an area where a release would
be therapeutic, they usually "hold" that area until a
release is achieved provided the client/patient is ready
to release. (CS Therapists would never presume to force
a release. The bodys wisdom is the guide.)
Quantum-Touch energy work can greatly facilitate the
release of blockages, by increasing the therapists
energy, thereby raising the energy of the client/patient.
In this way, the energy of the therapist and the client/
patient resonates, and the release can happen faster,
(provided the body is ready to release at the time).
CS Therapists work on the bones of the cranium in
certain situations. By enhancing the work with QuantumTouch, the bones may move quicker if they are ready to
release. This can greatly facilitate the healing session
and help the therapist to facilitate the healing of the
client/patient more efficiently.
The important thing to remember with combining
Quantum-Touch with CranioSacral Therapy is not to
"overdo" it. Sometimes the gentlest of breaths can bring
the most magnificent results.
Reonne Haslett
Craniosacral Therapist

"Far better than chiropractic, physical therapy, or

medication, Quantum-Touch has completely relieved my
chronic back pain... This should be studied in every nursing
school across the country. Quantum-Touch is what is
needed to transform the limited way nursing is currently
-- Lauralyn C. McCurry, RNC, PHN, CARN
"When I combine Quantum-Touch with Reiki or Cranial
Sacral therapy, my results are far more effective. QuantumTouch awakens the magic in your hands."
-- Roni Frank, Cranial Sacral Therapist, Reiki Master (5 of 6)2/25/2004 9:13:45 PM

Quantum Touch, breakthrough in hands-on healing

"I have studied a variety of energy techniques and prayerhealing, Reiki, Chi gung. This helped increase my
effectiveness and confidence."
-- Margaret Gorman, RN, Carmichael, CA (6 of 6)2/25/2004 9:13:45 PM

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