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Abdala, Jay Ar P.

3 CS-1
1. There is a word and six letters it contains. Take one away and twelve is what
remains. What word is it?
2. If you have me, you want to share me. But if you share me, you no longer have
me. What am I?
3. How much dirt is there in a hole thats four feet by five feet by six feet?
4. Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in
the same month and year and yet theyre not twins. How can this be?
5. At night they come without being fetched. By day they are lost without being
stolen. What are they?
6. What is so delicate that even saying its name will break it?
7. You throw away the outside and cook the inside. Then you eat the outside and
throw away the inside. What did you eat?
8. What word in the English Language is always spelled incorrectly?
9. What goes up a chimney down but cant come down a chimney up?
10. What grows when it eats, but dies when it drinks?
1. Dozens
2. A secret
3. There is no dirt in a hole or it wouldnt be a hole.
4. Theyre in a set of triplets
5. The stars
6. Silence (And probably Derrick Roses knee)
7. An ear of corn
8. Incorrectly
9. An umbrella
10. Fire
The Flying Dutchman
The Flying Dutchman is the legend of a ghost ship. According to the legend, the
Flying Dutchman is cursed to never dock a port, and it is also doomed to sail in the
oceans forever. It is likely that the legend has originated from the nautical folklore of
the 17th century. The oldest surviving version of this legend dates back to the late
18th century. During 19th and 20th centuries, there were reports of sighting the
ship as a hull glowing with ghostly light. When another ship tried to contact, the
crew from the Flying Dutchman tried to send messages to land or to the people
dead long ago. According to the lore, the viewing of the Flying Dutchman happens
to be an omen of doom.
When someone is counting out
gold for you, don't look at your hands,
or the gold. Look at the giver.
Jalaluddin Rumi, The Masnavi: Book Two
Muddy water, let stand, becomes clear.
Lao Tzu

Yuyeh sesh. Despise your heart. Ni weh sesh. I have no heart.

Leigh Bardugo, Ruin and Rising
Plant an expectation; reap a disappointment." (Quoting an old adage)
Elizabeth Gilbert, Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage
Whoever said ignorance is bliss must have died a horrible death with a really
surprised look on his face.
Lisa Shearin, Armed & Magical

Its better to be safe than sorry.
Youre never too old to learn.
Opposites attract.
You cant teach an old dog new tricks.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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