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Accessioning means making a record of each book as it is received in the library. Give each volume a number
and a line in the Accession Register.

Accessioning- is the process of recording the book added to the existing

collection of the library. The accession number is the serial number assigned for
the book as it arrives. The last accession number in the accession record is the
last purchased material in the library. Each number corresponds to a particular
book and provides bibliographic information of the material.
Information found in the accession record:


Accession number

Date of purchase

Authors name

Title of the book

Edition number

Copyright date

Volume number

Number of pages


Place of Publication

Class Number-: a n u m b e r o r l e t t e r ( f r o m a c l a s s i fi c a t i o n s c h e m e ) a s s i g n e d t o a
b o o k o r o t h e r l i b r a r y m a te r i a l t o s h o w i t s l o c a t i o n o n t h e l i b r a r y s h e l f .


CALL NUMBER: t h a t i s g i ve n o n t h e b a s e o r e d g e o f t h e b o o k .

A library classification system is the way that books, videos, and other items are put in order
on the shelf.


In library and information science, cataloging (or cataloguing) is the process of creating
metadata representing information resources, such as books, sound recordings, moving
images, etc.

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