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On Experimental Analysis- Investigate the

effect of Condenser Temperature on the
Evaporator and Condenser Section of PHP
for Different Temperature Ranges.
Er. Rohit Kumar1 and Dr. Parinam Anuradha2
University Institute of Engineering & Technology1
University Institute of Engineering & Technology,2
E mail: rohitmehra470@gmail.com1,

Heat transfer plays an important place in day to day life of science and technology. There is
vast literature of work done on heat transfer devices like heat pipe etc. In current paper, a
multi-turn closed loop pulsating heat pipe having specifications (2mm ID and 4mm OD) is
used in vertical position to compare its performance for three different working fluids i.e.
Methanol, Ethyl Acetate and De-ionized Water with different filling ratio ( 60% and
64%).From analysing previous literature and continuous long experimental work on my
closed loop pulsating heat pipe setup it concludes, Condenser temperature is key parameter
which affects the temperature difference ( between evaporator temperature and condenser
temperature) which greatly responsible for the performance improvement of pulsating heat
pipe because it is directly proportional to the heat transfer rate of PHP.
Keywords: Condensation, Filling ratio, Heat Transfer, Closed Loop Pulsating Heat Pipe.
1 Introduction
Heat transfer devices are mainly classified into two categories, i.e. Active heat transfer device and
Passive heat transfer device. Pulsating heat pipe is the novel member of Passive heat transfer device
group developed by Akachi [1] in mid 1990. It is a new type of efficient heat transfer device having
small design, small size and excellent thermal performance [2]. Its construction is very simple,
capillary tube filled with liquid having a wickless structure, able to carry both sensible and latent
heats through continuous pulsation of liquid slugs and vapour plugs but heat transfer is mainly due to
the exchange of sensible heat because in Dry out condition [3], closed loop PHP failed to work.
Really, PHP is a promising solution for small spaces with high heat flux electronic cooling because
heat dissipation from the electronic chips increases sharply but with the reducing of the physical size
in PHP no external Power is required; bubbles [7] grow in the evaporator acts as pumping/ sucking
elements. Due to condensation these bubbles collapse and shrink in condenser. On the basis of type of
applications required PHPs mainly are of two types: Open or a closed loop pulsating heat pipe.
Akachi et. Al (1990) invented an increasingly promising technology, pulsating heat pipe, is the latest
addition in the family of two phase passive heat transfer devices e.g.: heat pipes and thermo-syphon
[4]. Brua described the heat transfer characteristics of closed loop pulsating heat pipe
(CLPHP) which is new entrants in the family of closed passive two phase heat transfer system. It also

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shows the comparison of thermal efficiency of CLPHP for different filling ratios with two different
working fluids.

Figure 1 : Different PHPs: (a) closed-end, (b) closed-loop, (c) closed-loop with check
valve, and (d)PHP with open ends.
Khandekar et al. (2004) Summarized the complex thermo-hydrodynamics of Pulsating heat pipe
especially suited for thermal management of electronics. H. Barua et. Al (2013) Studied the effect of
filling ratio on heat transfer characteristics [5] and performance of a closed loop pulsating heat pipe.
Xi Zhihu and Que wei (2013) Studied the performance of closed loop pulsating heat pipe using
ammonia as working fluid. (2013) studied the effect of fluctuation of heating and cooling
section temperatures on the oscillatory flow[6], temperature and pressure of the vapour plugs, as well
as latent and sensible heat transfer of pulsating heat pipe. After analysing this literature survey, it
found negligible work has been reported in different condenser temperature ranges to analyse the
thermal performance of different fluids for different filling ratios.

2. Experimental Set Up and Procedure

Figure 2 shows the experimental setup which consists of a Control Panel with connected duct
containing vapour compression refrigeration system inside it and a separate heating
arrangement below the duct exactly in line with the hole provided into the duct for placing
CLPHP. The main frame (duct) is so designed that it contains an inherent housing for a
complete vapour compression refrigeration system (containing compressor, cooling coil,
condenser coil, cooling box having space for glycol solution for better cooling in condenser
section), insulation from outer environment and holding arrangements for CLPHP. A
connected arrangement is also designed for control panel having temperature indicators,
display panel with voltmeter and ammeter and voltage varic. After that, a CLPHP was
fabricated by using capillary of copper (inner diameter of 2 mm and outer diameter of 4 mm)
turned into a frame having number of length and breadth of 290 mm and 220 mm
respectively. For sensing the temperature of different sections and positions on CLPHP and
temperature of vapour compression refrigeration system and heater six open source sensors or
chip sensors and two Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) were used respectively
mounted on the various locations.

Initially, all readings were noted down as starting the compressor of cooling system. After
that, voltage was varied starting from 17 volts (having results into 5 Watt heat flux, Q) as the
heater switch put on time also noted down with respect to the ammeter current in Ampere and
all temperatures. The heat flux was set to a particular value and varied after a gap of 2
minutes (or, 120 seconds.) All readings have been recorded after a particular time periods and
these all steps were repeated again and again by changing the heat flux and voltage.
Temperature of Condenser Section (C.S.) and Evaporator Sections (E.S.) was tried to
maintain after performing each experiments and all readings was recorded instantly while
switching to the next experiments. The same procedure was followed by using different
working fluid inside the CLPHP (ensuring that previous fluid should be taken out

Figure 2: Experimental Setup

3. Result and Discussions
The results represent the effect of condenser temperature verses temperature difference. Here,
effect of condenser temperature with respect to temperature difference for different fluids at
lower temperature range, at medium temperature range and at high temperature range with
two different filling ratios (60% and 64%) are studied.

3.1 Temperature difference at FR 60% and 64% for different fluids at lower temperature range.

The variation of heat transfer [8] rate for different fluids at lower temperature ranges in range
of 2C to 14C condenser temperature, the methanol shows the best temperature difference
variation properties followed by ethyl acetate and then de-ionized water. Results show the
comparison of temperature difference with respect to condenser temperature at filling ratio
60% and 64%.

Lower Temperature Range


Temperature difference C


ethyl acetate at 60%


deionized water 60%


methanol at 60%

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14

ethyl acetate at 64%

methanol at 64%
deionized water 64%

Condenser Temperatue C

Figure 3.1: Effect of Condenser temperatures on Temperature Difference for different

fluids at lower temperature range
3.2 Temperature difference at FR 60% and 64% for different fluids at medium temperature

At medium temperature range of condenser temperature, at filling ratio of 60% and 64% the
curves for different three fluids i.e. methanol, ethyl acetate and de-ionized water shows the
best comparison of heat transfer rate, because after start up load condition during low
temperature range there is rapid increase in Evaporative temperature of PHP. Here all the
three fluids have different pattern of variations in heat transfer rate due to their different
thermo dynamical properties [9].

Medium Temperature range

Temperature Difference C

12 14 16 18 20 22 24

methanol 60%
ethyl acetate 64%
ethyl acetate 60%
methanol 64%
deionized water 60%
deionized water 64%

Condenser Temperature C

Figure 3.2: Effect of Condenser temperatures on Temperature Difference for different

fluids at medium temperature range

3.3 Temperature difference at FR 60% and 64% for different fluids at high temperature range.

The boiling point of De-ionized water is highest among all the three fluids i.e. de-ionized
water, methanol, ethyl acetate, so it shows least sensitivity even up to very high temperature
range of condenser section, whereas methanol has least boiling point so it shows best
variations of maximum temperature difference with respect to higher condenser temperature.

Higher Temperature Range

Temperature differenceC

methanol 60%
ethyl acetate 60%


deionized water 60%


ethyl acetate 64%

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

methanol 64%
deionized water 64%

Condenser Temperature C

Figure 3.3: Effect of Condenser temperatures on Temperature Difference for different

fluids at higher temperature range

Thus to evaluate the effect of condenser temperature verses temperature difference for all three
important working fluids [10] (methanol, ethyl acetate and de-ionized water, three different
experiments are performed for their comparison at lower temperature range Medium temperature
range and higher temperature range comprising of working fluids having two different filling ratio
60% and 64%. By comparing the performance of all three working fluids at both filling ratios it that
methanol has better heat transfer properties with respect to temperature difference and condenser
temperature. By analyses, it is seen that pulsating heat pipe woks better at filling ratio 60% in
comparison to FR 64% for different fluids.

5 Reference
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