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Plano de Aula: Ingls Instrumental

Aula: 1 Conhecimento prvio, cognatos, palavras-chave e uso correto do

Grupo: Alunos Surdos em diferentes nveis de escolaridade.
Idade: Indeterminado
Tema: Palavras-chave, palavras transparentes e conhecimento prvio
Tempo Sugerido: 1 hora e 45 minutos
- Texto em Francs (Van Gogh)
- Texto em Ingls (Van Gogh)
- Texto em Portugus com contedo e palavras desconhecidas (Livro ingls para
Concursos pg. 08)
- Texto em Ingls (Cochlear Implant)
- Palavras-chave
- Uso correto do dicionrio
- Reconhecimento de significados atravs das palavras cognatas, palavras-chave e
conhecimento prvio.
- Vocabulrio.



1) Grifar as palavras transparentes do texto em francs e inferir atravs dessas
palavras qual o assunto do texto.
2) Grifar as palavras transparentes do texto em Ingls e inferir atravs dessas
palavras e tambm do conhecimento prvio qual o assunto do texto.
3) Analisar o texto em portugus, e avaliar como a falta de conhecimento prvio
pode dificultar o entendimento do texto.
4) Apresentar o texto Cochlear Implant e avaliar a importncia do conhecimento
prvio para o entendimento do texto.
5) Apresentao do dicionrio Ingls- portugus e dicionrio monolnge.
6) O uso de imagens indispensvel para apoiar as atividades e ilustrar os
Van Gogh - Biographie
Artiste non reconnu et incompris de son vivant, Van Gogh est lun desgrands peintres du
XIXme sicle. Hsitant un temps entre la vocation artistique et religieuse, il choisit de se
consacrer la peinture. On peut dire aujourdhui quil a eu raison. Son style trs color a une
vitalit et une tension particulire qui nont pas fini de marquer les esprits.
Vincent Van Gogh est n le 30 mars 1853 Groot-Zundert, un petit village de Hollande. Fils
d'un pasteur protestant, il fut baign ds son plus jeune ge dans la religion. Son temprament
agit lui pose quelques difficults pour se faire des amis. En 1857 nat son frre Thodorus, qui
deviendra son plus grand ami et confident. Ils auront une longue correspondance et Tho
apportera maintes reprises une aide financire son frre. Aprs une scolarit mouvemente,
il devint en 1869 commis dans la galerie d'art Goupil et Cie, galerie fonde par son oncle La
Haye. Il passera ensuite par la succursale londonienne puis celle de Paris.
Aprs une phase de dpression, il retourne vers la vie dartiste. In 1889, il rejoint son frre Tho
Paris. Il dcouvre les jeunes peintres parisiens, le Louvre et les estampes japonaises A leur
contact et sous leur influence, les tableaux de Van Gogh prennent un peu de couleurs. Bien que
Vincent ait t capable de raliser plusieurs dizaines de tableaux cette poque, son tat
mental tait loin dtre stable.

Van Gogh - Biography
Vincent van Gogh (March 30, 1853 - July 29, 1890) is considered the greatest Dutch painter
after Rembrandt. Van Gogh produced all of his work (some 900 paintings and 1100 drawings)
during a period of only 10 years before he succumbed to mental illness (possibly bipolar
disorder) and committed suicide.
Several paintings by Van Gogh rank among the most expensive paintings in the world. Van
Gogh's painting Irises was sold for a record $53.9 million, his Portrait of Doctor Gachet was sold
for $82.5 million.
Vincent was born in The Netherlands; his father was a protestant minister His sister described
him as a serious and introspective child.
In 1873, his firm transferred him to London, then to Paris. He became increasingly interested in
religion; After dropping out in 1878, he became a layman preacher in Belgium in a poor mining
region. He even preached down in the mines and was extremely concerned with the lot of the
workers. He was dismissed after 6 months and continued without pay.
Impressed and influenced by Jean-Francois Millet, van Gogh focused on painting peasants and
rural scenes.
In 1888, Van Gogh suffered a mental breakdown and cut off part of his left ear, which he gave to
a prostitute friend.
The only painting he sold during his lifetime, The Red Vineyard, was created in 1888. It is now
on display in the Pushkin Museum in Moscow, Russia.
He suffered from depression, and in 1889 on his own request Van Gogh was admitted to the
psychiatric center in Saint Remy de Provence, France. During his stay, the clinic and its garden
became his main subject.
In May 1890 Vincent van Gogh left the clinic and his depression aggravated. On July 27 of the
same year, at the age of 37, after a fit of painting activity, van Gogh shot himself in the chest.
He died two days later, with Theo at his side, who reported his last words as "The sadness will
last forever".

1- Relacione as palavras aos seus significados, numerando as colunas abaixo:

1. increasingly
2. concerned
3. several
4. dismissed
5. illness
6. preacher
7. chest
8. shot
9. lot
10. peasant


) fired
) bullet
) evangelist
) destiny
) interested
) disease
) breast
) various
) progressively
) countryman


) doena
) demitido
) cada vez mais
) tiro
) campons
) destino
) vrios
) interessado
) pregador
) peito

Todo corpo corpomdia Helena Katz
A proposta de que todo corpo corpomdia de si mesmo, isto , um corpomdia do estado
momentneo da coleo de informaes que o constitui, mexe tambm com o entendimento
habitual de mdia. Aqui, mdia no tratada como sendo um meio de transmisso. Na mdia
que o corpomdia emprega, a informao fica no corpo, se torna corpo.
No se trata da noo de corpo-mquina, onde adentra uma informao que estava fora (no
ambiente), a mquina processa e, em seguida, a devolve ao ambiente, em uma seqncia foradentro-fora. Ou seja, a teoria corpomdia rejeita o modelo computacional de comunicao.
A mdia do corpomdia, ento, identifica um estado do corpo. O corpo mdia desse seu
estado, por isso sempre mdia de si mesmo, de cada momento dos seus estados. Porque um
corpo sempre mostra a si mesmo, o que equivale dizer que ele sempre se apresenta com a
coleo de informaes que o constituem naquele exato momento.
Por isso, o corpo no , o corpo est sendo corpo. Melhor dizendo, est sempre sendo
corpomdia da evoluo.

Cochlear implant
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A cochlear implant is a surgically implanted electronic device that provides a sense of sound to
a person who is profoundly deaf or severely hard of hearing. The cochlear implant is often
referred to as a bionic ear.
As of April 2009, approximately 188,000 people worldwide had received cochlear implants; in
the United States, about 40,000 adults and over 30,000 children are recipients. The vast
majority are in developed countries due to the high cost of the device, surgery and postimplantation therapy.
Cochlear implants can restore hearing in patients suffering deafness due to loss of sensory hair
cells in their cochlea. In those patients, they can often restore sufficient hearing to allow unaided
understanding of speech in a quiet background, but the restored, electrical hearing is much less
rich than natural hearing, and offers only very limited appreciation of musical melody, or speech
understanding in noisy environments. A sound example of what speech would sound like
through a cochlear implant can be found here, and here is an example of what music would
sound like.

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