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Das Andenprofil im Bereieh des 45. siidl$chen Breitengrades

MUI~OZ CllISTI, J,: Estudios petrogr/tficos y petroldgieos sobre el Batolito de la

Costa de las provincias de Santiago y Valparaiso. - - Anal. Fae. Ciene. Fis.
Mat., Univ. de Chile, 20--21, 7--98, 29 Tar., Santiago de Chile 1964.
NORDENSKJOLD, O.: Die krystallinisehen Gesteine der Magellanesl~inder. - Wiss. Ergeb: d. Sehwed. Exp. nach den Magellanesl~indern, Bd. 1, Nr. 6,
175--240, Stockholm 1905.
QUENSEL, P, D.: Geologiseh-petrographisehe Studien in der patagonisehen Cordillera. - - Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Uppsala, 11 (1911/12), 1--114, 5 Tar., Uppsala 1911.
RuIz F., C.: Posibilidades mineras de Ays6n. - - 70 S., Santiago de Chile (Imprenta Universitaria) 1946.
- - : Geologla y Yaeimientos Metaliferos de Chile. - - X + 805 S., Lagerstiittenverz. i. Anh., Santiago de Chile (Inst. Invest. Geol.) 1965,
ZEIL, W.: Geologie von Chile. - - XI d- 288 S., Berlin (Borntraeger) 1964.

Metamorphic facies series of the crystalline basement

of Chile
By FELIX GONZ~LEZ-BoNoItINOand LuIs AGUIRllE,Santiago de Chile *)
With 2 figures

Die Haupttypen der metamorphen Gesteine Chiles und deren Mineralzusammensetzung werden beschrieben und deren metamorphe Fazies eharakterisiert.
Das chilenische kristalline Grundgebirge besteht in der Hauptsaehe aus Graniten
und semipelitischen Gesteinen, die unter den Bedingungen der niedriggradigen
Metamorphose umgewandeh wurden. Die Gesteine sind in der Regel in der
Kfistenzone Sfid- und Zentral-Chiles aufgeschlossen; in Nord-Chile treten sie
isoliert auf. Radiometrisehe Altersbestimmungen ergaben sowohl fiir die Tiefenwie fiir die metamorphen Gesteine ein sp~itpal~iozoisches Alter. In Zentral-Chile
wurden drei metamorphe Serien erkannt und fiir eine erste Klassifiziernng der
metamorphen Gesteine dieses Gebietes herangezogen. Die Serien entstanden
in der Hauptsaehe dureh Metamorphoseprozesse, die nnter mittleren bis hohen,
mittleren bis tiefen und tiefen Driicken abliefen. Die Bildung dieser Serien, ihre
Beziehung zu MIYASHIRO'Szirkumpazifischen Giirtelpaaren und die Rolle des
Grundgebirges w~ihrend der Anden-Orogenese werden kurz diskutiert.

The main roek types and mineral assemblages of the metamorphic rocks of
the territory of Chile are deseribed, and the metamorphic facies are identified.
The crystalline basement of Chile consists of predominantly low-grade, semipelitie metamorphic and granitic rocks, exposed mostly along the coastal area
of Central and Southern Chile, and in isolated areas of Northern Chile. Radio*) Adress of authors: Universidad de Chile, Departamento de Geologia, Casilla
18518, Correo 15, Santiago, Chile.
62 *


metric ages of both metamorphic and igneous rocks indicate Late Paleozoic.
Three metamorphic series were recognized in Central Chile and used for a
tentative classification of the metamorphic rocks from the remaining areas. The
series correspond to intermediate-high pressure, intermediate-low pressure, and
low pressure conditions of metamorphism, respectively. The formation of these
series, their relation to MPrASHIRO'Seireumpacific paired belts, and the role of
the basement during the Andean orogeny, are briefly discussed.
Se deseriben los principales tipos de rocas y asoeiaciones minerales del basamento eristalino del territorio chileno. Este basamento consiste predominantemente de roeas metam6rficas semipelRicas de bajo grado y de roeas graniticas,
expuestas de prefereneia a lo largo de la regi6n eostera de Chile Central y
Austral y e n areas aisladas de Chile Septentrional. La edad radiom6trica de las
roeas metam6rfieas y granitieas indiea Neopaleozoieo. En Chile Central se
encontraron tres series metam6rficas, las que fueron empleadas para la clasificaei6n provisoria de las rocas de otras partes del pais. Estas series corresponden
a condieiones de metamorfismo a presiones intermedia-alta, intermedia-baja, y
baja, respectivamente. Se discuten brevemente la formaei6n de las series, su
relaei,6n a los areos cireumpaeificos apareados de MIYASnrRO, y el papel del
basamento durante la orog6nesis andina.
I4paT~oe co~Iepmam~e


THIIbI MeTaM0pd)HblX




a TaHH~e

d)al~ilfi. ~peBHHe gpHcTa~iiiqecH:4e nopo~BI ~I~laH COCTOHT rJIaBHBIM o6pasoM H3 rpaH~TOB, semipelitischen Gesteinen, o6pa3oBanmHxe~ npH HIIUnOTeMnepaTypHoM ~eTaM0p/~oSMe. OT~ IIopo~L: paciio~aramTcn y no6epembu ~omuoro H J4eHTpa~HOrO ~IH~g, n ceeepHoM tIIIaH OHH BCTpeqaDTc~ TO~r
OqeHb peBHo. G n0MOttIMO pa~HOMeTpHqecHHx H3MepeHI~fI
B03paCT DT~X IIop0~ OTHeC~I: ~ II08i:iieMy iia~eo3oIo. B ReHTpa~hHOi~ qaCTH
vI~al4 yCTaHOBHaH
TpH MeTaM0pqp0gs:e cepu~ ~iipoBeaa ~x R:acc~nnaagm.
OT~ cep~H o6paaoBaJmcb npu npot~eccax MeTaM0p~)H3Ma,
npn cpeKggx g B~:co~x
IIo eB0eMy o6pauoBan~o
on~4 0qeIIB
CX0~HB: C nopo~aMg,
i~ T~X00HeaHCn0My
noucy Miyashiro.

In Chilean geology the term "crystalline basement" customarily comprises all regionally metamorphosed and intrusive rocks of pre-Mesozoic
age. The crystalline basement is exposed mainly along the Pacific coast of
Chile from the Peruvian border to the island of Tierra del Fuego; north
of Santiago, however, the coastal basement belt is exposed quite discontinuously (Fig. 1). In Northern Chile, the basement underlies - - and
is mostly hidden by - - the Mesozoic lava flows and marine and terrestrial
volcanic sediments of the Coast Range, whereas in Central Chile (82 ~ to
49.~ S, approximately) it makes up the main body of the Coast Range,
including its southern continuation through Chilo6 Island and Los Chonos
Archipelago. Not all the basement rocks are on the coast, however; few
small inliers are found as a series of upthrust blocks strewn along the
western slope of the Andes (Fig. 1). South of about 46 ~ S the crystalline

Fig. 1 E


F . G ONZALI~'Z-I3ONOI~I_~'O C~5L . AGUtP.,tI2 " T e x t t . a Fel

are~ts eft the; crystalJ[n~ ba.seuLezlt of Chile. Simplilied an~[ slightly modiJied s
the Mapa (;s,olfgico de Chile, So:ale 1 : J-,000,000
published by the Instituto de Invcstigaciones GooI6gicas, Santiago, 1 9 6 8 .

Geologische l~m~dschau; Band 59

F. GONZ~LEZ-BONOI~INOU. a. - - Metamorphic facies of the crystalline basement

belt, somewhat offset to the east, follows the fiord country along the
western border of Chile between the Mesozoic-Cenozoic Andean belt on
the east and the Upper Paleozoic sediments on the West.
The basement metamorphies are, by and large, low-grade, semipelitic
slates, phyllites and schists and, in parts, their hornfelsie derivatives.
These rocks were until recently considered Precambrian in Northern and
Central Chile, and Paleozoie in Southern Chile (see RuIz, 1965); according
to later radiometrie data, however, at least most of the metamorphic
basement in the former area would also be Paleozoic (see "Age"). The
intrusive basement rocks are granites and granodiorites and their derivatives, and very minor proportion of basic and ultrabasie rocks. The
oldest dated granitic rocks are Paleozoic; in fact, no Preeambrian rock of
any kind has yet been reported from Chile.
Paleozoie (Devonian to Permian) rocks, essentially unmetamorphosed
and/or fossiliferous, are exposed in relatively small areas at various latitudes. The correlation between these rocks and those of the crystalline
basement is doubtful; usually, the metamorphics are considered older
but, according to the chronological data available, there must be a considerable age overlap. The study of field relationships between the Paleozoic formations and the crystalline basement is hindered by the fact
that the two units are generally apart from each other.
The knowledge of the Chilean crystalline basement is scanty. Reviews
of the main basement areas and rock types were published by Mv~oz
Caisri (1950, 1956) and A~trial~E (1965). Observations on restricted areas
were published by Mv~oz C~ISTI (1942, 1960, 1964; on Los Vilos, San
Antonio, and Central Coast Range, respectively); AGUmRE (1967; LOS
Choros); VEYL (1961; Concepei6n); ILLIES (1960; Valdivia); SALIOT (1968;
Chilo6 Island); Rtrlz (1946; Province of Ays6n); KATZ (1962; Province of
Ays6n), and KnANK (1982; Tierra del Fuego). More recently, one of the
present authors (GoNZ~LEZ-BoNomNO, 1970) completed a study of the
metamorphic zones and series of the Coast Range of Central Chile between 34 ~ and 41 ~ S.
In the preparation of this review, the authors have also used unpublished data from the following workers and localities: M. VERcAnA
(Vallenar, 28050 " S); G. ROESCHMANN (Mincha, 81 ~ 85' S); F. HERV~ (Valparaiso, 88 ~ 10' S, and Lake General Carrera, 46~ ' S); T. NIsmMvRA
(Fiord Martinez, 54 ~ 80' S). The authors are indebted to these geologists
for such valuable information.
The Antarctic territory is not included in the present review.
The authors are deeply indebted to Dr. B. LEvi for her constructive
criticism during the preparation of the manuscript.
The metamorphic series in Central Chile
A study of the metamorphic belt in the Coast Range of Central Chile
(GonzAta~z-BoNonmo, 1970) has revealed the presence of three different
metamorphic facies series, i.e. areas of progressive metamorphism charac981

terized by a distinctive succession of mineral zones and/or facies (Fig. 2).
By far, the most extensive area is occupied by the C u r e p t o series,
which consists of three mineral zones, all within the greensehist facies,
developed under intermediate- to high-pressure, and dynamothermal conditions. The P i e h i I e m u series shows seven zones and subzones grading
from the greensehist facies to the granulite facies and was developed
under low-to-intermediate-pressure conditions. The temperature gradients
of these two series are opposite to each other. The third series --- N i r i v i 1 o series - - is essentially a thermal aureole of the Pa!eozoie granitic
batholith, and has been formed at greater depth than those of the
previous series.
In the following sections, the principal characteristics of the three
series are described, and an attempt is made to identify and classify the
facies of the rest of the metamorphic areas of the country, according
to the above three-fold scheme of facies series. Since the information
available about mineral assemblages and zoning in most of these areas is
insufficient, the proposed classification is only tentative and will undoubtely b e modified b y future petrological studies. It is even quite
possible that such studies will disclose the presence of other series in
addition to the ones described here.

Intermediate- to high-pressure (Curepto) series

General Statement
The intermediate-high pressure series, or Curepto series, has been
between 84 ~ and 41 ~ S, and recognized both south in the insular region of Patagonia, and north in
isolated areas mostly along the coast up to Perti. The Curepto series in
Central Chile comprises exclusively rocks of the greenschist facies, but
higher temperature facies are represented in other areas.

mapped (GoNZALEZ-BONOItINO,1970)

Greenschist facies
C e n t r a 1 C h i 1 e. - - In the Curepto belt between 84 ~ and 41 ~ S, the
greenschist facies is divided into three longitudinal, narrow mineral zones
with increasing grade toward the west. The easternmost zone (Zone Ii
Fig. 2) consists of metasandstones and slates (quartz-muscovite-chloritealbite); the middle zone (Zone II) is made up of phyllites and quartzphyllites (quartz-muscovite-biotite-albite); in the westernmost zone (Zone
III), the rocks are quartz-mieaschists (quartz-muscovite-ehlorite-albite _+
The latter zone widens markedly south of 88 ~ S, and the slate and
phyllite zones are thereby shifted to the east. The mineralogy and textures
indicate a temperature increase to the west. The presence of chlorite
instead of biotite in Zone I I I is interpreted as due to H and Mg metasomatism rather than to diaphtoresis. Nodular albite is typical of this
zone and reflects a higher Na-content as compared with the other zones.
Quartz veining is abundant in the mica-schists.


73 ~















50 km











Fig. 2. Map showing the distribution of the facies series and mineral zones in
the north part of the Coast Range crystalline basement belt, Central Chile.

Stilpnomelane, piedmontite, lawsonite (F. HEIIVI~, written communication, 1969) and glaucophanic amphibole (O. ALVAItEZ, oral communication,
1969) are also present in scattered localities of Zone III. The last two
minerals were found in separate localities and the presence of a typical
glaucophane-lawsonite-jadeite facies is uncertain, but they nevertheless
justify placing the series in a pressure level at least as high as that of the
high-pressure intermediate series (MIYASHIRO,1961).
Epidote-amphibole-chlorite-albite schists, derived both from basic voleanics and calcareous shales are present but not abundant. Iron-rich
quartzites, apparently derived form ferruginous cherts, are also found at
one locality (Nahuelbuta Range).
C h i l e . - - North of 84 ~ S, rocks that can be attributed
to the greenschist facies of the Curepto-type metamorphism occur in
several areas (Fig. 1).
At M i n c h a
(81085 ' S; 71085 ' W), according to C.I:~OESCHMANN
(written communication, 1969) the metamorphic basement consists mainly
of phyllites, quartz-phyllites and quartz-micaschists, with lesser amounts of
epidote-actinolite schists. The most common assemblages are: quartzmuscovite-chlorite-albite, in parts containing manganese-rich garnet. Biotite
is also present in places, but only in the neighborhood of a granitic pluton
(Atelcura) and is attributed by ROESCHMANNto contact effects. The rock
types and assemblages in this area are very similar to those of Zone III
of Curepto series in the Coast Range of Central Chile.
The coastal range west of the T o n g o y basin (80 ~ 20' S; 71 ~ 40' W)
is formed by metamorphic rocks consisting (at Punta Lengua de Vaca)
mostly of low-grade amphibole schists, containing actinolite and chlorite.
Higher-grade rocks are found farther south in this area.
At L o s C h o r o s (29 ~ 10' S; 71 ~ 80' W) quartz-chlorite-muscovitebiotite-albite-garnet schists are also the predominant rock type; they are
associated with epidote-amphibole-albite greenschists.
The metamorphic area of R i o T r ~ i n s i t o (28 ~ 50' S; 70 ~ 15' W),
located on the western slope of the Andes, presents quartz-muscovitechlorite-albite-epidote schists; there are also layers of greenschists (epidotealbite-amphibole-chlorite, with some calcite). Rock types and assemblages
are very much alike those of Zone III of the Cttrepto series. Higher-grade
rocks are found on the eastern part of the area.
The M e j i l l o n e s
(28000'--28080 , S; 70o85 , W) is
made up mainly of metamorphics consisting of micaschists with quartz,
chlorite (in parts interlayered with biotite), epidote, albite, calcite, and
quartz, biotite, muscovite, albite and garnet (AGuIRItE, 1965).
A small (5 km 2) exposure of metamorphic rocks is present near C h i sm i s a (19 ~ 40' S; 69 ~ 15' W; P. KENTS, oral communication, 1965); they
are schists containing quartz-muscovite-chlorite, which in all probability
belong to the greenschist facies (AcuIRSE, 1965).
The northernmost metamorphic exposures of Chile are those of the
B e 16 n - T i g n a m a r area (18 ~ 80' S; 69 ~ 80' W) which consist of quartzmuseovite-biofite-orthoclase (-calcite) schists (MONTECINOS, 1968). Also pre984

F. GONZLEZ-BoNoRINO u. a. - - Metamorphic facies of the crystalline basement

sent are hornblende-plagioclase-quartz (-epidote-chlorite) amphibolites,
which may represent either a higher metamorphic grade or an incompletely
metamorphosed basic rock.
S o u t h e r n C h i 1e. - - Zone III of the Curepto series continues south
of Puerto Montt (41 ~ 80' S) into G h il o 6 I s 1 a n d, where it is represented by quartz-mica- and actinolite schists (AcumRE, 1965). Recently, SALIOT (1968) has described quartz-micaschists containing lawsonite.
The most common lawsonite-bearing assemblage is quartz-chlorite-muscovite-albite + epidote ___ stilpnomelane ___ tremolite. Lawsonite-free assemblages contain quartz-muscovite-chlorite-albite ___ garnet ___ calcite +_
Opposite to Chile6 Island, on the east side of the Ancud Gulf, the
metamorphic basement is exposed along the coast (42 ~ 55' S; 72 ~ 50' W).
Here the rocks are quartz-mica schists containing quartz, muscovite, biotite and albite, with chlorite and garnet in places (LEvi et al., 1966).
These rocks apparently pertain to Zone II (Biotite zone) of the Curepto
series, in parts showing transitions to Zone I.
Farther south, between 44 ~ and 45 ~ S, there is a large area of metamorphic rocks comprising Los Chonos Archipelago to the west and Magdalena Island and adjacent continental land to the east (Fig. 1). The predominant rock types in Los Chonos Archipelago (which represent, together
with Chile6 Island, the southern extension of the Coast Range) are
phyllites, slates and chlorite schists; very little is known about the mineral
assemblages of the area. Better studied is the area of Taitao Peninsula
(46~ ' S; 74--75 ~ W) where the metamorphic basement consists of
foliated micaceous quartzites and quartz-micaschists on the west part, and
metasandstones on the east part. It is likely that these rocks represent
Zones II and I, respectively, of the Curepto series of Central Chile.
The metamorphic area of the continental side opposite Los Chonos,
north of Ays6n (Magdalena I., Rio Cisnes; 44 ~ 50' S; 78 ~ 00' W) consists
mostly of semipelitic slates and phyllites (Ruzz, 1946) and belong to the
greenschist facies, but higher-grade rocks are also found in the east. In
the vicinity of Lake General Carrera, Ruiz (1946, 1965) and HEIM (1940)
found slates and phyllites with thick marble beds. In places, carbonatebearing schists contain andalusite, garnet and vesuvianite; aplitic injection
is locally abundant. The metamorphic grade lies mostly within the greenschist facies but magmatic bodies have locally produced higher temperature effects. Low-grade pelitic and semipelitic rocks seem to be the most
widespread constituents of the metamorphic complex at this latitude.
Recently, F. HERV~ (written communication, 1969) found in rocks of the
area of P t o. S dtn c h e z on Lake General Carrera, the following assemblages: pelitie, quartz-albite-muscovite-chlorite + calcite phyllites; basic,
quartz-albite-muscovite-epidote-chlorite _+ actinolite + stilpnomelane ___
calcite schists; carbonate rocks, calcite-quartz-albite. These rocks apparently also belong to Zone III; biotite is present in the phyllites but only in
the vicinity of granodiorite stocks.
The metamorphic complex forms a practically continuous and mono985

tonous belt from Lake General Carrera to the island of Tierra del Fuego,
separating the Mesozoic geosynclinal deposits on the east and northeast,
from the Paleozoie (.9) and Mesozoic batholithic rocks on the west and
southwest. At Lake O'Higgins (48 ~ 45' S) slates and quartzites seem to
be the predominant rock types (SERRANO& MO~AOA in JotrBIN & VELTHEIM, 1968); slates and metasandstones are also reported from Lake
O'Higgins by a recent University of Hokkaido and Hiroshima expedition
(T. NISmMUR& written communication, 1969).
Similarly, quartz-micaschists and phyllites have been found in the
metamorphic belt about latitude 52 ~ 00' S by the University of HokkaidoHiroshima expedition (H. YOSH1DA, oral communication, 1969), but details
of their mineralogy are not yet published.
The metamorphies of the crystalline basement of Tierra del Fuego and
Magellan Strait, between 58 ~ 40' S~ 72 ~ 00' W, and 54 ~ 40' S, 68 ~ 00' W
have been studied mainly by KRANK (198'2). He found low-grade quartzmieaschists and mieaeeous quartzites with local transition to higher grades
in the vicinity of granitic plutons. Typical assemblages are quartz-museovite-chlorite-albite + biotite +_ epidote +_ garnet in pelitie types, and
chlorite-epidote-albite-quartz and chlorite-amphibole-epidote-albite in the
more basic types. KRANK(1982) mentions also the presence of glaueophane 1)
in quartz-sericite-biotite-chlorite-garnet schists of Pliischow Bay, Martinez
Fiord. In the same general area (54 ~ 80' S, 70 ~ 15' W), samples collected
by the Japanese expedition headed by Prof. H. YOSmDA yielded the following assemblages: quartz-biotite-chlorite-muscovite-albite _+ garnet; biotiteepidote-albite-garnet +_ muscovite, and aetinolite albite-biotite-epidote.

Intermediate- to low-pressure (Pichilemu) series

The Piehilemu series lies in the north end of the continuous schist belt
of Central Chile, between 84 ~ 10" and 84 ~ 85' S (Fig. 2). It has the
characteristics of the Buchan type of metamorphism, and differs from
the Curepto series by its wider range of metamorphic grade, (seven zones
and subzones) and by the fact that the grade increases eastwards, i.e. the
opposite of the Curepto series. The trend of the zones is between NNW
and NW. The two series merge into each other near Buealemu without
apparent structural break.
G r e e n s c h i s t f a e i e s. The greenschist facies is represented by the
westernmost zone, divided in two subzones: a quartz-muscovite-biotitechlorite (-albite) western subz0ne, and a chlorite-free eastern subzone; the
town of Pichilemu lies approximately between them (Fig. 2). The reeks
are slates and metasandstones in the lower-grade subzone and quartzphyllites in the higher-grade subzone. Roughly interposed between the two
subzones there is a greenstone formation consisting of amphibole-epidote-ehlorite-albite-schist layers intercalated in t h e semipelitic slates and
1) However, a recent visit to the same locality by E. GoDou (personal communication, 1970) failed to confirm this occurrence.

tv. GONZ~LEZ-]3ONORINOU. a. - - Metamorphic facies of the crystalline basement

A m p h i b o 1 i t e f a c i e s. The amphibolite facies is represented by
the three next metamorphic zones, characterized repectively by garnetoligoclase, andalusite-staurolite, and sillimanite-muscovite. The albiteoligoclase isograd is taken as the boundary between this and the greenschist facies. The rocks in the above-mentioned zones are quartz-micaschists and micaceous quartzites; the andalusite-staurolite zone is characterized by large chiastolite porphyroblasts, The assemblages are respectively quartz-muscovite-biotite-oligoclase-garnet, quartz-muscovite-biotiteoligoclase-andalusite-staurolite (___ garnet), and quartz-muscovite-biotitesillimanite. In the middle zone, andalusite and staurolite often occur in
separate layers. The garnet is almandine.
To the same facies and a similar low-pressure intermediate series may
belong the schists found by Rulz (1946) east from Puerto Cisnes (44 ~ 80' S).
They consist of mieaschists containing quartz-muscovite-biotite-stauroliteandalusite-garnet, associated to amphibolite schists, all partly injected by
granite. In samples from the same locality, E. GODOY (oral communication,
1969) found ehloritoid, in addition to the above assemblage.
G r a n u 1 i t e f a e i e s. The breakdown of muscovite-quartz into sillimanite-olthoclase is interpreted here as marking the transition to the
granulite facies. The sillimanite-orthoelase zone represents the higher
metamorphic grade of the series and lies adjacent to the granodiorite
batholith, but the intrusive contact cuts obliquely the zones (Fig. 2).
Two subzones are distinguished: one is characterized by the assemblage
quartz-biotite-sillimanite-plagioelase-orthoelase, and the other - - next to
the batholith - - by quartz-biotite-sillimanite-plagioelase-orthoelase-cordierite-almandine. The rocks are mieaschists and quartz-mieasehists with
gneissie phases near the contact where granitic veining is widespread.
To the same series and facies probably belong the charnockitie rocks
found by F. HERVi (written communication, 1969) in the vicinity of
Laguna Verde, a few kilometers south of Valparaiso. These rocks are
associated with a layered mass of amphibolite gneisses, in parts intruded
conformably and somewhat migmatized by granitic rocks. The assemblage
in the charnockite is quartz-plagioclase-orthoelase-elinopyroxene-orthopyroxene (-biotite); and, in the associated rocks: quartz-plagioetase-htrrnblendebiotite + K-feldspar; quartz-plagioelase-K-feldspar-biotite _+ muscovite;
quartz-plagioclase-biotite-almandine; plagioelase-sillimanite-cordierite-biotire + muscovite; quartz-K-feldspar-biotite-cordierite-almandine. F. HERVE
(written communication, 1969) places these assemblages in the biotitecordierite-almandine subfacies of the granulite facies.

Low-pressure (Nirivilo) series

General Statement
A relatively low-pressure, posteetonic series - - the Nirivilo series - is found adjacent to the batholith. It is best developed upon low-grade
regionally metamorphosed rocks and is characterized mainly by the partial
obliteration of the cleavage planes and by the presence of large andalusite
63 Ceologisehe Rundschau, Bd. 59


porphyroblasts. The aureole may be as wide as 15 km (Nahuelbuta Range),
a fact possibly reflecting a relatively deep level of formation.
Due to the narrowness of the metamorphie zones and the inherent
difficulties for distinguishing the areal distribution of the different fades,
in the following deseription the aureole will be taken as a whole.
Central Chile

The Nirivilo series in the Central Coast Range is exposed between the
Curepto series and the batholith (Fig. 2). There, the metamorphic facies
range from albite-epidote-hornfels on the west to pyroxene-hornfels on the
batholith side. In narrower parts of the aureole the highest grade may not
reach above that of the albite-epidote-homfels facies.
In the areas of maximum width, such as Nahuelbuta Range (87 ~ 45' S)
and Maule River (85 ~ 80' S), the following series of assemblages, distributed as narrow zones roughly paralleling the batholith contact (not so
the satellite bodies) is present in the aureole. At its outer fringe, there are
slightly hornfelsie slates and metasandstones having the assemblage
quartz-biotite-muscovite-chlorite (-albite). The newly-formed biotite and
chlorite first appear, as one el~ters the aureole from the west, as nodular
aggregates and metacrysts; some small andalusite may occur a little
farther east. This rock represents the epidote-albite-hornfels facies. The
next zone is characterized by the predominance of biotite and the presence
of large ehiastolite porphyroblasts. The politic assemblage is quartzbiotite-muscovite-andalusite-oligoclase, and probably represents the hornblende-hornfels facies (the oligoclase isograd is taken tentatively as the
facies boundary). The pyroxene-hornfels facies, which is present only at
the widest parts of the aureole, is represented by the assemblage quartzbiotite-sillimanite-orthoclase-plagioelase-cordierite; the rocks are mediumgrained banded or, in parts, massive schists. Pervasive granitic and quartz
veining is common near the contact.
Other areas

Outside the aureole of the Coast Range in Central Chile, no references

to contact metamorphosed areas which may represent a Nirivilo-type series
have been recorded. However, contact effects, apparently localized, have
been mentioned from a few places, although the age of the intrusives is
not always established. Thus, Rt~lz (1946) described carbonate-bearing
phyllites associated with marble beds, which contain biotite-andalusitegarnet-vesuviante-tourmaline~magnetite, near t~uerto Cristal on the north
shore of Lake General Carrera. The presence of relatively high-grade
rocks in an otherwise low-grade environment (see above) may be attributed to local granitic injection (Rmz, 1946).

The age of the metamorphic basement rocks of Central Chile is known

mainly from the work by MUNIZAGA (1967). He has given Rb/Sr data for
nine samples of schists collected between Pichilemu and Valdivia, all

F. GONZ~LEz-BoNoRINOU. a. - - Metamorphic facies of the crystalline basement

of which fit very well the isochron of 849, 5 m.y. A K/Ar analysis, also
by MVNIZACA (1967) gave 245 m.y. All but one of these samples belong
to the Curepto series; the exception is one from the Nirivilo series
(MuNIZAG& 1967, sample N ~ V-4). A whole reek K/Ar age analysis of a
rock from the Pichilemu series has been made at the Arctic Geological
Institute of Leningrad, U.R.S.S. (GoNzs
1967), obtaining
210 m.y. A K/Ar value of 288 m.y. for a schist from 20 km SSW of Constituei6n, has been reported by FaANCrSCO MVNIZACA(oral communication,
1969, analysis performed at the Laboratorio de Geoeronologia of the
University of S~o Paulo, Brazil).
These data would indicate an Early Carboniferous age for the deposition of the schists and Permian for their metmnorphism; the latter roughly
coincides with the emplacement of the batholith. The somewhat younger
age of the Pichilemu-series rock ~igrees with the hypothesis of a later
formation of this series, but the data are not conclusive.

No systematic studies on the structural geology of the crystalline basement of Chile have yet been published. The scanty information found in
the literature is based on scattered observations, most of which are of
little value because of the variable attitude of the S-planes even within
individual outcrops. More systematic data, yet unpublished, has been
gathered by MAAs and I~OESCHMANN(RoEsCHMANN,written communication,
1969), GONZJ,LEz-BoNoRINO (1970) and T. NISnIMURA (written communication, 1969).
In the Coast Range of Central Chile (GONZ~LEz-BoNoRINO, 1970), the
structure of the least metamorphosed reeks (e.g., Gurepto series, Zone I)
is characterized by small-scale folding with axial planes dipping predominantly to the east. Bedding is well preserved but true axial-plane
cleavage is present even in metasandstones. In Zone II, bedding is partly
obliterated by the schistosity, and in Zone III it is detected only at
scattered places. The schistosity trends NNE on the Curepto and Nirivilo
series, and between NNW and NW in the Piehilemu series; its direetion
of dip, although very variable, is predominantly to the east. Typical of
Curepto Zone III is a flat-lying, wavy sehistosify, the origin of which represents a rather puzzling problem.
The overall bedding structure of the Piehilemu series is interpreted
as a NW- or WNW-dipping monoeline, although in the eastern, more
metamorphic zones, it is impossible to reconstruct the strueture. Similarly,
in the Gurepto series the overall dip of bedding may be to the west.
The attitude of the schistosity, fold axes, and lineation in the schists
of Fiord Martinez in Tierra del Fuego was recently studied by the University of Hokkaido expedition (T. NISmMVnA, written communication,
1969). The trend of the schistosity planes is consistently northwestward,
and the predominant dip is between 9~0~ and 40 ~ to the southwest.

Igneous rocks

The igneous constituent of the Chilean crystalline basement is represented mostly by granitic rocks in the form of batholiths and satellite
plutons, Basic and ultrabasic rocks are present as scanty, small dikes or
lense-like bodies emplaeed in the metamorphic basement. Wherever the
granitic masses are exposed together with the Paleozoic metamorphic
basement, they show intrusive contacts; no older granite has ever been
reported. The Paleozoie age of the basement granites has been in part
established by radiometrie measurements, in part deduced from their
stratigraphie relationships.
The largest mass of basement granites is exposed in the Coast Range
of Central Chile (Fig. 1); it extends continuously from 88 ~ 00' to 88 ~ 00' S.
In Northern Chile, there are smaller batholith areas scattered along the
western foothills of the Andes, although some coastal masses are also exposed, particularly between Taltal and Chafiaral (26 ~ 0O' S). In Southern
Chile there are no known basement granites, there being instead a huge
batholith belt of Cretaceous age (the "Andean batholith") exposed along
the western border of the continent all the way down to Tierra del Fuego.
[t is very likely that part of this granitic mass really belongs to the crystalline
basement, particularly in the area south of 46 ~ S where, by their most part,
granites appear associated exclusively to the Paleozoie metamorphics.
The Paleozoic age of the granitic masses has been determined by leadalpha method for the following localities (RuIz et al., 1961; LEvi et al.,
1968; Ruiz, 1965, p. 81--88): Coastal granites: Taltal-Chafiaral (26 ~ 00' S),
two determinations, '280 +_ 50 and 840 + 40 m.y.; Caldera (27 ~ 00" S),
226 +_ 25 m.y.; Pen. Lengua de Vaca (80020 ' S), 219 +_ m.y.; Quintero
(82 ~ 50' S), 288 _+ 25 m.y. Coastal batholith between Valparadso and
Traigu6n (88 ~ 00' to 88 ~ 00' S), 25 determinations ranging from 224 _+ 25
to 450 _+ 45 m.y. Andean granites: Chuquicamata (22 ~ 17' S), two determinations, 288 and 858 m.y.; Calama (22 ~ 40' S), 260 m.y.; Potrerillos
(26 ~ 80' S), 248 25 m.y.; Juntas (28 ~ 00' S), 265 + 80 m.y.; Rivadavia
(80 ~ 00' S), three determinations, 806 +_ 80 to 878 +_ 40 m.y.
The petrographic characteristics of the Paleozoic granites and their
distinction from the Mesozoic granites have been studied mainly by

MUNOZ CRISTI (1960, 1964), LEVX et al. (1968), and MEHECH COIlVALAN
(1964). However, the petrographic analyses have been made on isolated
samples or small areas and no systematic petrologic studies of the plutons
are available.
The crystalline basement on the eastern slope of the Andes

The Argentine counterpart of the crystalline basement of Central Chile

is a narrow belt of tow-grade metamorphies that extends approximately
from 28 ~ to 84 ~ S, following 69 ~ W. This little known metamorphic belt
consists of metasandstones, slates and phyllites with serpentines bodies,
and is geologically part of the Preeordillera, a morphostructural unit that

F. GONZ~LEZ-BoNoRINOu. a. --- Metamorphic facies of the crystalline basement

in Central Argentine is interposed between the Andean Cordillera and the
Preeambrian Sierras Pampeanas. South of 88 ~ S, however, the belt verges
slightly to the west and, as the Preeordillera disappears beneath younger
formations, it enters the "Cordillera Frontal", the easternmost morphostructural unit of the Andean Cordillera. This belt includes a series of
exposures which in the Argentine geological literature are described under
various formational names (Bonilla, Yerba Loea, etc.); the correlation
between these "formations" and the metamorphic belt has not generally
been recognized. The belt is best exposed in the area north of Jagfie
(28o00 ' S; 68~ ' W), where it encloses relatively large serpentinite
K/Ar radiometric age data has been furnished by Mr. J. FEar, ARO, of
the Instituto Nacional de Geologla y Mineria of Buenos Aires, Argentina, who analyzed (at the Geochronology Laboratory of the University
of Sgo Paulo, Brazil) rock samples collected in part by Dr. J. POLANSKI,
in part by one of the present authors (F.G.B.). The data are, the following:
Preeordillera: (1) Rio San Juan, km 128:365 m.y. (slate, whole ro&
analysis); (2) Quebrada Sta Elena, Uspallata: 403 m.y. (phyllite, whole
rock). Cordillera Frontal: Rio de las Tunas, Corddn del Portillo: 251 m.y.
(muscovite from micasehist); Arroyo Barraquero, Cord6n del PortiIlo: 263
m.y. (biotite from micaschist).
The spread of age data is similar to that of the Chilean metamorphic
basement. In the Cordillera Frontal, Upper Paleozoic granitic plutons are
also intruded into the metamorphies (age values, two samples from the
same source: 281 m.y. and 251 m.y.).
East of the Preeordillera are the Sierras Pampeanas, a series of block
mountains constituted by low-, medium- and high-grade metamorphies
and by granitic batholiths. These rocks seem to be older than the previous
belt; one K/Ar analysis of a biotite from a micasehist collected from
Cerro Valdivia, just east of the eastern border of the Precordillera a few
kilometers south of the city of San Juan, yielded a value of 591 m.y.
(J. FER~ARO, written communication, 1966). Similar ages have been recorded for rocks from the Central Sierras Pampeanas. Still farther east, in the
Province of Buenos Aires, the crystalline basement has yielded much
higher values.

Summary and conclusions

The crystalline basement of Chile is exposed in a narrow belt lying
mostly along the western side of the country. The coastal belt is continuous from about the latitude of Valparaiso to Tierra del Fuego, and
markedly discontinuous to the north, where the basement also appears
in a series of outcrops along the foothills of the Andes, east of the Longitudinal Valley.
A low-grade, greenschist facies prevails in most of the metamorphic
belt; the remarkably monotonous lithology is characterized by slates and
metasandstones in the lowest-grade areas, and by mieasehists and micaeeous quartzites in the higher grade areas. According to radiometric

data, the metamorphies have been deposited during the early Late Paleozoie; no Precambrian crystalline basement is known in Chile.
The igneous constituents of the basement are represented principally
by a granodiorite batholith that intrudes - - and is exposed mostly on the
east side of - - the schist belt in the Coast Range of Central Chile. The
batholith was emplaeed at the end of the Late Paleozoie. Extensive masses
of granitic rocks are intruded in the metamorphic belt in the insular region
of Southern Chile; these rocks are generally considered as part of the
Cretaceous "Andean Batholith", but it is likely that some of them belong
to the Paleozoic batholith.
In a study of metamorphic zoning in the Coast Range of Central Chile,
three different zonal arrangements have been found, each representing a
particular pressure environment. The most widespread of these arrangements, the Curepto series, not only predominates in Central Chile but
apparently in Northern and Southern Chile as well. The Gurepto series
consists of three mineral zones rising in grade to the west, all within the
greenschist facies. East of the Curepto series, interposed between this
and the batholith, is the Nirivilo series, which has the character of a wide
thermal aureole. The Pichilemu series occupies a relatively small area in
the north end of the metamorphic belt of Central Chile, and is the best
developed of the three in number of zones and range of metamorphic
grade (greenschist to granulite facies). The pressure conditions of the
three series are medium-high (Curepto), medium-low (Pichilemu), and
low (Nirivilo) respectively. In the Curepto series, metamorphic conditions
approached those of a glaneophane facies; the Pichilemu series is a
Buchan-type series, and the Nirivilo series is a hornfels-type series. The
three series were formed suceessively in the order just given; periods of
deformation, uplift and erosional unloading must have intervened between
them. The whole process was probably in essence continuous and closely
related to the advance of the batholithic masses from below. The Curepto
series was formed prior to this advance, the Pichilemu series coincided
with it (late-tectonic stage) and the Nirivilo series formed during its
emplacement (posteetonic stage).
If it is assumed that the Pichilemu series, before it was encroached
by the batholith, extended more or less southwards along the eastern side
of the Curepto series (Fig. 2), the two series constitute a paired belt
having the general characteristics postulated by MIYASHIltOfor the Cireumpacific orogenic belts (MIYASHmO, 1961).
The internal structural lines of the metamorphic basement are roughly
parallel to the external structure and to the structure of the Andean
geosynclinal deposits; this parallelism is well displayed at the bend of
the Andes in the Magellanian region, where the strike of the sehistosity
is approximately tangent to the arc. Local departures from such parallelism
are very. common. It is evident that the pattern of the tectonic forces active
during the Late Paleozoie remained virtually unchanged throughout
the Andean orogenesis. The coastal basement belt was not actively involved in the Cenozoic movements; instead, it behaved as a relatively

F. GONZ,~LEz-BoNoIUNOU. a. - - Metamorphic facies of the crystalline basement

stable block; the eastward pressure that p r o d u c e d the flexuring and uptrusting in the Andes (GoNz,I.LEz-BONORINO, 1950) was probably exerted
through and b y the basement lying almost directly underneath the
Andean Cordillera.
The relative youth of the Chilean crystalline basement is consistent with
the general age distribution of crystalline belts in South America at this
latitude. According to recent radiometrie data, at least three belts are
distinguished: 1. A Rio de la Plata belt, comprising basement areas of
Uruguay and the Province of Buenos Aires, where ages of about 1,700
m.y. have been determined; 2. a Sierras Pampeanas belt in north-central
Argentine, characterized by ages around 500 m.y.; and 3. a Cordilleran
belt, including areas on both sides of the Andes, with ages between 300
and 200 m.y. The belts run essentially north-south but as they reach
Patagonia they swing to the Southeast.
AGUIRI~E, L.: Basamento Cristalino Prec~mbrico, 6--18, in Rmz, C.: Geo]ogia
y Yacimientos Metaliferos de Chile. - - 305 p., Santiago, Chile, Inst. Invest.
Geol., 1965.
- - : Geologia de las Islas Choros y Damas y de Punta Choros, provincia de
Coquimbo. - - Minerales, 96---97, 73--83, Santiago, Chile, Depto. Geol.,
Univ. Chile, 1967.
GONZLEz-BoNORINO, F.: Geologic cross-section of the Cordillera de los Andes
at about parallel 33 ~ L.S. (Argentina-Chile). - - Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 61,
17--26, 1950.
- - : Nuevos datos de edad absoluta del basamento cristalino de la Cordillera
de la Costa, Chile. - - 7 p., Santiago, Chile, Depto. Geol., Univ. Chile,
- - : Series metamrrficas del basamento cristalino de la Cordillera de la Costa,
Chile Central. - - Depto. Geol., Univ. Chile, 1970 (in press).
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report. - - Eclog. Geol. Helv., 38, 1, 25 51, 1940.
ILLIES, H.: Geologie der Gegend yon Valdivia Chile. - - N. Jb. Geol. Paleont.;
Abh., 111, 80~110, Stuttgart 1960.
JOUBIN, F., (~ VELTHEIM, V.: Aisen mineral exploration project, Chile. - - U.N.
Teda. Ass. Oper.-Inst. Invest. Geol., unpublished report, Santiago 1963.
KATZ, H.R.: Nuevos antecedentes sobre la Geologia de Ays~n. - - Minerales,
78, 20--33, Santiago, Chile, 1962.
KI~ANK, H.: Geological investigations in the Cordillera of Tierra del Fuego. - Acta Geogr., 4, 2, 231 p., Helsinki, 1932.
LEVI, B., AGUILAR, A., & FUENZALIDA, R.: Reconocimiento geolrgico en las
provincias de Llanquihue y Chilo~. - - Bol. Inst. Invest. Geol., 19, 45 p.,
Santiago, Chile, 1966.
LEVI, B., MEHECH, S., ~ MUNIZAGA,F.: Edades radiomrtricas y petrogra~ia de
granitos chilenos. - - Bol. Inst. Invest. Geol., 12, 42 p., Santiago, Chile 1963.
MEHECH, S., & CORVALAN, J.-" Oudulatory extinction in quartz grains of some
Chilean granitic rocks of different ages. - - Bull. Geol. Soc. America, 75, 363
~366, 1964.
MIYASHIRO, A.: Evolution of metamorphic belts. - - J. Petrology, 2, 277--311,


MONTECINOS, F.: Observaciones de Geologia en el Cuadr~ngulo Campanani,

Depto. de Arica, Provincia de Tarapacfi. - - Tesis, Univ. Chile, Fac. Ciene.
Fis. Mat., Santiago, Chile, i968.
MUNIZAGA, F.: Geocronologia de los esquistos del sur de Chile. - - Resumen,
Jorn. Trab. Inst. Invest. Geol., X Aniv., 86--87, Santiago, Chile, 1967.
Ml-~oz CRISTI, J.: Basgos generales de la eonstituci6n geoI,Sgiea de la Cordillera
de la Costa, especialmente en la provincia de Coquimbo. - - An. ler Congr.
Pan. Min. Geol., 2, 285~817, Santiago, Chile, 194'2.
- - : Geologia. - - Geogr. Econ. de Chile, 1, 55--187, Santiago, Chile, i950.
- - : Chile. - - In: Handbook of South American Geology, Mere. Geol. Soe.
America, 65, 191, 214, 1956.
- - : Contribuci6n al conoeimiento ge6f6gico de la Cordillera de la Costa de la
zona central. - - Minerales, 69, 20 p., Santiago, Chile, 1960.
- - : Estudios petrogr~fieos y petroldgicos sobre eL Batolito de la Costa de las
provineias de Santiago y Valparaiso. - - Inst. Geol., Univ. Chile, 25, 98 p.,
Santiago, Chile, 1964.
RuIz, C.: Posibilidades minerales de Ays6n. - - 70p., Imprenta Universitaria,
Santiago, Chile, 1946.
- - : Geologia y yaeimientos metaliferos de Chile. - - 19~38, Inst. Invest. Geol.,
Santiago, Chile, 1965.
T . W . : Ages of Batholitic Intrusions of Northern and Central Chile. - Bull. Geol. Soc. America, 72, 1551--1559, 1961.
SALIOT, P.: Sur la pr6senee et la signification de la lawsonite dans la Cordillere
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de Concepci6n. - - Minerales, 16, 21--71, Santiago, Chile, 1961.

Burial metamorphic episodes in the Andean geosyneline,

Central Chile
By BEATRIZ LEVI, Santiago de Chile *)
With 4 figures and 6 tables

Die Auswirkungen der Versenkungsmetamorphose auf die Ablagerungen der
andinen Geosynklinale in Mittel-Chile wurden untersueht. Die betrachteten
stratigraphisehen Einheiten, unterer Jura bis obere Kreide und/oder unteres
Tertfiir, haben eine kumulative M~iehtigkeit von 15000 bis 28000 m; sic bedeeken ein Gebiet von fast 2500km 2 und bestehen in der Hauptsaehe aus
basischen und sauren Laven, Ignimbriten und vulkanoklastisdaen Sedimenten,
die unter marinen und kontinentalen Bedingungen abgelagert wurden. Diskor*) Address of author: B. LEVl, Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de
Chile, Casilla 18 518, Gorreo 15, Santiago, Chile.


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