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Essay I

Indonesia, the one of beautiful place in the world. It is consist of many islands and
archipelago. An Indonesian are friendly. Im happy to live in this country and Im proud to be an
Indonesian. I often see tourist in this country. In fact, they are often visit my country. I guess,
There are three reason why they are visit my country.
Firstly, Indonesian is interesting country.Geographically, Indonesia is located between two
continents, there are Asia and Australia. And between two oceans too, there are Pacific Ocean
and Hindia Ocean. Indonesia has many various natural resources. For example, beach, forest,
mountain, etc.
secondly, Indonesia has many delicious food.Rendang, Sate, and Fried Rice are some of
Indonesian delicious food that include in category of CNN Research.
The last, Indonesia has many traditions and culture.There are many of traditions and culture
in Indonesia that tourist amazed of it. Such as, Reog from Ponorogo, Kecak from Bali, Saman
from Aceh, etc. Unfortunately, some of traditions and culture inIndonesia was claimed by other
In conclusion, Indonesia is appropriate for tourists visited. Tourist visit this country because
Indonesia is interesting in natural resources, food, traditions and culture. Some of tourist said that
they are proud and amazed of Indonesia. We as Indonesian must be prouder.
Essay II
Protect The Environment
Do you know that our earth is not natural anymore? Do you know what are the bad
effects of it? And do you know what is responsible for it? Bacause of that problems, everyone
has to responsible to keep the balance of the earth. There are many things that we can do which
are saving water, stop using plastic bags, and living greenly.
First, we can stop using plastic bags. Nowadays, people like to use plastic bags. In fact,
the production of plastic bags consume millions of gallons of oil that could be used for fuel and
heating. Hundreds of thousands of whales, dolphins, sea turtles and other marine mammals die
every year because they ingest the small toxic particle in plastic. So if we dont use plastic bags,
how do we bring our groceries home? Actually, we can use reusable bags made of materials that
dont harm the environment. We dont need to discard them after each use. Stop using plastic
bags would make a great difference in the number of plastic in garbage dumps.

Another way to save our earth is saving water. Water shortage is the biggest problem. The
government has adviced to save water. We can take showers insteads of bath for 5 minutes only
and turn off the water while soaping body.
Last but not the least, we have to live greenly. Walking, biking, using public
transportation, and driving less can reduce the gas that causes green house effects. Beside that,
they save our money and make us healthy. To converse energy, we can turn off the lamp and air
conditioner when you dont need them. We can also save paper by using e-books, email. And buy
a new things when you actually need them. If they break, just repair them.
We have understood the ways to save our earth. I think if all people around the world
contribute to do those ways, our earth can be saved and disaster, unwanted accidents, high
temperature that occur nowadays can decrease. So that, earth doest destroy and we can live
Essay 3
Life is a fight
I found my close friends in Junior High School, who introduced me with a thing called
dream. We made dreams together, one of them was that we want to study aboard, succeed in
life, and together we will build an Indonesian restaurant in USA.
In my 1st grade of vocational high school, I applied for student exchange from AFS, but I
failed. I applied again from Nacel Open Door organization and this time I was selected as
Indonesian delegation for 1 year student exchange in USA but I couldnt take it due to some
financial problem.
My entire journey started since I joined English Debate Club. Almost every day I come
home late because of the routine training after school. I joined debate competitions from regional
until national level for 2 periods. I joined national level in 2010, but I didnt in 2011. I didnt lose
my passion because of that and pay it by became the Jabodetabek Best Speaker in SMAN 1
To be a different student, I have to make more efforts in order to get bigger results than the
others. With this club, I get can go to many places, know things about governance, politic,
economic, world, war, and stuff. And now, I become the coach for my juniors.
I learn that I have to keep trying my best, hoping high, and expecting less, and the best
achievement is the one that has gone through the hardest struggle. And Im thankful for being in
this club, because my debate life is my starting point to my dreams.
Essay 4
Indonesia is a big country from its size. But Indonesia isnt a big country in prosperity. I love
my country but Im disappointed with miss managements of it. Its so sad to see our generations
are the ones that mostly say this country isnt good, someday Ill runaway and live abroad, not
here. We as the generation are supposed to make a brighter future for Indonesia. I promise

myself to create a brighter future for Indonesia and for the world, as possible as I can. And this is
my promise to Indonesia.
Before I can change the world, I have to change my country. Before I change my country, I
have to change the society, and before I change anyone else, I have to change myself.
Graduate from high school is like a step to go outside of the house. We'll find the real adventure.
To get my dreams, I have to do some things. Ill continue my education to university and take
international relation major. For about 4 years ahead, Im having a goal to be a good student. I
will concern with my major, join student organizations and activities, and also be active in
I know that for now I still dont know for sure what Ill do for Indonesia, but I believe,
along my education while trying to be a good student, active in organizations and society, I will
find the way to improve my country. But however I have to make plans for my life to reach
dreams for Indonesia.
Im 18 years old when I join in the university, and with this young age, there are so many
chances that I can take. I can be a good student and active in the student council, be active in
many student activities, get a study visit in a company, and take a part in the society like joining
the society forums.
A good country isnt determined by the economy condition only, but also in international
relation. With this international relation major, I can be a diplomat or a foreign ministry, and if I
could become one of them, Ill make Indonesia have more relations with other countries in as
many sectors as possible. For example, in economy Ill enlarge Indonesias roles in international
market, Ill fix the problem of TKI in other countries. In education, Ill make more schools that
have cooperation with other countries, and enlarge opportunity for scholarship aboard, and many
Ill make Indonesias relations with the other countries be better in every sector, take more
roles in international, and stuff. But most of all Id be an agent of change for society around me
and Ill use my power and position to spread the power of education, give people real example
on how a high education can bring a bright future, and I can only do that by gaining a bright
future for my own. Thats the very first step to create a bright future of Indonesia.
Essay 5
The smokers know how big problem and high risk will appear if they smoke the
cigarettes in big quantity and for long time, absolutely. Smoking not just a habitual but to be
necessary because they addicted with nicotine and tar that include in cigarettes. The smokers in
big community for latest years are teenagers. Many reasons make the teenagers in this country to
be the smokers. The teenagers recognize a cigarette because feeling of curiosity, as life style, as
symbol in a community, and to express themselves.
The first reason is feeling of curiosity. Almost all of people have this feeling so do not be
strange if the smokers appear more from teenagers than adult. The teenagers have the big
curiosity feeling. They are try to find out about what they feel. The teenagers as generally look at
their environment. The smoking environment introduces them with cigarettes. Almost all of them
are students of junior high school and senior high school. Actually they know how bad and

expensive this habit before. However the feeling of curiosity brought them to find out the taste of
The second reason, smoking as life style. In case that life style is various. As matter fact
the teenagers in this country choose smoking as life style. How pity them? The teenagers just
want to show if they are can be achieved as smokers. This conditions tells how weak their mental
with this assume.
The third reason, smoking as symbol in a community. The community that entered by the
teenagers identically free of rules. They want to feel free for everything what they done. Usually
the teenagers in free community smoke cigarettes as a symbol freedom. They will pride if they
can enter the free community. Smoking is the best way in their assumed to measure themselves
in their environment. Remember their status as students, they made mistake absolutely.
The fourth reason, smoking is the way to expresses themselves. Actually, the teenagers
have many ways to express themselves. They are creative human being in this age. But a lot of
them express themselves with smoking. Is it the best way or just to show if they can do it as
Smoking has high risk for healthy, everybody knows about it well. All of the smokers
enjoy the smoking just themselves. They never think about the other one. Beside, they never
know how much they spent money. Actually smoking sometimes disturbed somebody else with
the smoke they pup out. This condition will be worse if the teenagers make smoking as the best
way to find out everything based on the reasons above. While almost the teenagers who smoke
are students and still get money from their parents. Therefore, prevent smoking as well as we can
do to keep healthy and save money for a better life.
Jose Mourinho Congratulated for Manchester Uniteds Title
Real Madrid coach, Jose Mourinho, congratulates Sir Alex Ferguson on the success of
Manchester United winning in the Premier League. He pleaded not surprised by the success of
the Red Devils because they had the capacity for it.

Sir Alex Ferguson has been doing what he did in his entire life, which is to win. I congratulate
him. However, it is not surprising to me or the world that Ferguson will be back to win again,
said Mourinho as reported by the U.S..

Red Devils clinched his 20th Premier League after defeating Aston Villa 3-0 at Old Trafford
Stadium, Monday or Tuesday (4/23/2013) early morning hrs. The Red Devils scored created
Robin van Persie (2nd minute, 13th, 33rd).

The result is at once buried dreams of Manchester City to retain the title. The Blue Manchester
ranked second and had the 16 points differentiate from Manchester United. It is impossible for
Roberto Mancinis team can overtake Manchester United despite victory in five games
Terjemahannya :
Jose Mourinho mengucapkan selamat untuk Judul Manchester United
Pelatih Real Madrid, Jose Mourinho, Sir Alex Ferguson mengucapkan selamat atas keberhasilan
Manchester United menang di Liga Premier. Dia mengaku tidak terkejut dengan keberhasilan
The Red Devils karena mereka memiliki kemampuan untuk itu.
"Sir Alex Ferguson telah melakukan apa yang dia lakukan sepanjang hidupnya, yaitu untuk
menang. Saya mengucapkan selamat. Namun, tidak mengherankan bagi saya atau dunia bahwa
Ferguson akan kembali menang lagi, "ujar Mourinho seperti dilansir AS.
Red Devils meraih Premier League ke-20 setelah mengalahkan Aston Villa 3-0 di Stadion Old
Trafford, Senin atau Selasa (2013/04/23) dini hari WIB. The Red Devils mencetak diciptakan
Robin van Persie (menit ke-2, ke-13, ke-33).
Hasilnya sekaligus mengubur impian Manchester City untuk mempertahankan gelar. The Blue
Manchester peringkat kedua dan memiliki 16 poin membedakan dari Manchester United. Tidak
mungkin bagi tim Roberto Mancini dapat menyalip Manchester United meskipun kemenangan
dalam lima pertandingan tersisa.
Mata merupakan jendela hati. Demikian kata pepatah mengatakan. Memang benar, dari mata kita
dapat mewakili semua rasa yang ada. Sorot mata memiliki arti bahkan manusia dapat
berkomunikasi hanya melalui tatap mata. Mata juga tak mampu menyembunyikan sebuah
kebohongan. Betapa dahsyat fungsi mata selain mampu menunjukkan kepada kita akan indahnya
dunia. Namun tahukah Anda apa yang baik untuk mata? Ya, mata perlu sehat dan kita akan
membicarakan tentang manfaat buah untuk kesehatan mata.
Buah selain enak dimakan, menyegarkan tubuh sekaligus menyehatakan tubuh, juga memiliki
berjuta manfaat lain. Salah satunya adalah untuk meningkatkan kesehatan mata. Bagaimana
bisa? Ya, di dalam berbagai jenis buah terkandung suatu komponen zat warna yang disebut
sebagai beta karoten. Beta karoten ini dapat mengaktifkan pro vitamin A menjadi vitamin A yang
baik untuk kesehatan mata dan meningkatkan daya akomodasi. Beta karoten terdapat di dalam
buah-buahan khususnya yang berwarna kuning, jingga atau kemerahan. Sebagai contoh adalah
buah mangga, papaya, jeruk, apel, semangka, melon. Kalau buah berwanra merah, kunging,
jingga, oranye sudah Nampak jelas mengandung karoten, buah apel berwarna hijau serta pir
ternyata juga mengandung beta karoten dalam kadar cukup tinggi.

Selain meningkatkan daya akomodasi, adanya beta karoten di dalam buah mampu mengobati
katarak bahkan glaucoma. Khasiat buah untuk kesehatan mata juga diperankan oleh adanya
kadar lutein tinggi seperti terdapat pada buah kiwi, pisang, jambu juga dapat mengobati katarak.
Kadar vitamin C yang tinggi pada buah juga dapat menguatkan jaringan ikat pada area mata serta
memperlancar peredaran darah. Vitamin C juga membantu meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh
sehingga membantu tubuh mengurangi terjadinya infeksi pada mata.
Beberapa buah yang mengandung minyak esensial seperti buah zaitun, buah strawberry bagus
untuk mata, khususnya dalam proses membersihkan mata serta mengobati mata radang. Juga
dapat mengobati katarak. Kandungan folat, kalsium serta kalium di dalam beberapa jenis jeruk,
pisang, salak. Betapa besar manfaat buah untuk kesehatan mata.
Inggrisnya :
Eyes are the windows heart. So says the proverb says. It is true, of eyes we can represent all
existing flavors. Eyes have meaning even humans can communicate only through eye contact.
Eyes are also unable to hide a lie. How powerful functions besides eyes will be able to show us
the beauty of the world. But you know what is good for the eyes? Yes, the eyes need to be
healthy and we will talk about the benefits of fruit for eye health.
Good to eat besides fruit, refreshing body and menyehatakan body, also has a myriad of other
benefits. One is to improve the health of the eye. How can it be? Yes, in the various types of fruit
contained a dye component is referred to as beta carotene. Beta carotene can activate pro-vitamin
A to vitamin A is good for eye health and improve accommodation. Beta carotene is found in
fruits, especially yellow, orange or reddish. For example, is mangoes, papaya, oranges, apples,
watermelon, melon. If berwanra red fruit, kunging, orange, orange seems clear already contains
carotene, green apple and pear also contains beta-carotene in high enough levels.
In addition to improving the property, the presence of beta-carotene in the fruit is able to treat
cataracts and even glaucoma. Efficacy of fruit for eye health is also played by the presence of
high levels of lutein found in fruits such as kiwi, banana, guava can also treat cataracts. High
levels of vitamin C in the fruit can also strengthen the connective tissue in the eye area as well as
improving blood circulation. Vitamin C also helps boost the immune system thus helping the
body reduce the occurrence of infection in the eye.

Some fruits that contain essential oils such as olive, strawberry fruit good for the eyes, especially
in the process of cleaning the eye and to treat eye inflammation. Also can treat cataracts. The
content of folate, calcium and potassium in the several types of oranges, bananas, barking. How
great for eye health benefits of the fruit.

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