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Melissa Demarest

Professor Katsanos
LBST 2102-338
Final Reflection
Globalization has affected many indigenous groups throughout the worlds history. All
indigenous societies seem to be globalized in some of the same ways. An example of
globalization within indigenous societies are hunter gatherer groups that have adapted to
agriculture as a way of life. An indigenous groups that this has happened to is the Khoikhoi or
Khoi people. This group was located in southwestern Africa near Botswana, before European
settlers colonized their lands around 1652. The Europeans, just like every other foreign group,
brought disease with them that killed many people of the Khoikhoi group. The Khoi were hunter
gatherers before the Europeans showed up. Their lands where they hunted were turned into
agricultural lands by the Europeans. The Khoi did not know how to farm so they were driven out
of their homeland because the Europeans were not willing to teach them because they wanted to
conquer their lands. Once the Khoi were driven out of their homeland, many became farm
workers and settled on farms and began to use agriculture to survive. The Khoi people did not
have any say in what happened to them or their lands. They had no choice if they wanted to
move or not. The Europeans didnt care either which caused for the Khoikhoi indigenous group
to disappear as a whole. It was hard for some of the Khoi individuals who decided to live on a
farm and learn how to farm the land instead of hunting and gathering their food. It was vital for
them to learn agriculture if they wanted to stay near their homeland in Africa.
Groups that have not switched to agricultural lifestyles have been displaced or now live in areas
where agriculture is not possible. An example of an indigenous group that did not switch to
agriculture is the Central Alaskan Yupik group because they live in Alaska which is very cold
year round and does not allow for farming to happen especially near the coast. Their lands are
not fertile and freeze all the time which is exactly opposite of what you need to be able to farm
for your food. The Central Alaskan Yupik people rely on wild animals not domesticated animals
for their food. The Central Alaskan Yupik people have many options available to them so they
can survive in modern Alaska. This does not include agriculture which is vital to some

indigenous groups today for their survival. This group today, still relies on hunting and gathering
of plants and sea animals for their survival because of their climate and location.
Many indigenous groups have been displaced and have been forced to learn European ways
which include going from hunter gatherers to farmers and learning agriculture. Many groups
have made the hard transition into agriculture in order to survive. It was not an easy transition for
many groups, but this has helped them start to fit in and be a part of a modern society. Learning
modern ways of life has helped indigenous groups today be able to survive and fight for their
land if it is trying to be taken from them. Globalization still affect indigenous groups today that
are left throughout the world.
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