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A.Definition of Lymphatic System

The lymphatic system is a system that serves the secondary circulation of
lymph or lymph in the body. Lymph (instead of the spleen) is derived from the
plasma of blood from the cardiovascular system to the surrounding tissue. This
liquid is then collected by the lymphatic system through the process of diffusion
into lymph glands and returned to the circulatory system. Lymphatics system is
closely linked to the blood circulatory system. Blood leaving the heart through
arteries and returned through the vein.
The arrangement is similar to the lymph plasma levels of protein but with little
more. Lymph nodes added lymphocytes in the lymph so that very large number of
cells in the lymph channels. In lymph there are other cells. Lymph in the channel
is driven by muscle contractions in the vicinity and in some lymph channels in the
channel is driven by the contraction of muscles surrounding and within the lymph
channels that great movement was aided by the valve.
The lymphatic system serves for the absorption of nutrients from the
gastrointestinal tract, is responsible for the absorption of fat, and one mechanical
body's defense against infection. (Syaifuddin, 2009).
The lymphatic system is comprised of two essential parts, namely:
1. lymph vessels
2. Network and lymph organs.
B. Physiology of the Lymphatic System
The lymphatic system is comprised of:
1. Lymph Channels
Lymph is a clear liquid channel resembles a plasma that does not contain
plasma proteins and has competence similar to interstitial fluid. Lymph
transporting plasma protein that permeated kedasar capillaries and back into
the bloodstream. Lymph also carries larger particles, such as bacteria and the
remaining cells of damaged tissue, then filtered and destroyed by the lymph
nodes. Lymph contains lymphocytes, which circulate in the lymphatic system
and allow it to keep different areas of the body. Dilakteal small intestine, fat is
absorbed into the lymphatic makes lymph called the seam, it looks like milk.
The most wide serous membrane is the peritoneum, serous membrane system is
closely related to the lymph channels. Pleats are much it brings lymphatics and
blood vessels. This membrane is coated by the endothelium, and there are a lot

of fine holes. These holes called stomata, they are associated with lymph
vessels and thus prevent serous lymph assembled in space.
2. Lymph Vessels/Vascular System of Lymph
Lymphatic vessels is an important part in the circulation of the lymph
system. Peradaran lymph circulation is open. Lymph tissue will enter the
lymph kekapiler. Lymph capillaries will join other lymph capillaries formed
lymph vessels. Lymphatic vessels will be collected in the chest lymph vessels.
Lymph ended up going back to the old system of blood peradaran. The flow of
lymph in the lymphatic vessels are affected by skeletal muscle skeleton. Along
the lymphatic vessels are the lymph book called lymph nodes in the form of
small spheres.
All lymph fluid from the area of the head, neck, chest, lungs, heart and
right arm collects in the lymph vessels and lymph vessels are united into the
right lymph duct also called dekster. Lymph vessels lead to dipembuluh vein
below the right collarbone. Lymph fluid from a portion other than that empties
into the right lymph dipembuluh will lead to the chest lymph vessel called the
ductus toraksikus which empties ditulang left collarbone.
The structure of the lymph vessels are similar to small veins, but have
more valves so that the lymph vessels seems like a series of beads. The
smallest lymph vessels or lymph capillaries is greater than the blood capillaries
and consists only of a layer of endothelium. Lymph vessels began as a tangle of
fine capillaries are very small or as cavities lymph tissue in various organs. A
kind of specialized lymphatic vessels, called lacteals found in the small
intestine villi. Lymph nodes are small oval or like beans and there along the
lymph pebuluh. It acts as a filter and is found in places of formation of
lymphocytes. Key groups contained within the neck, axila, torax, abdomen,
and groin. A lymph nodes have edges convex and concave. Concave edges
called the hilum. A gland is composed of fibrous tissue, muscle tissue, and
glandular tissue. Next to the outside, lymph tissue encased by a fibrous
capsule. From here out editorials of muscle and fibrous tissue, ie trabekulae,
into the gland and form barriers. Runagan carries other glandular tissue, which
contains many white blood cells or lymphocytes. Afferent lymphatic vessels
penetrate the capsule dipinggiran convex and poured the entire contents into
the gland. This material is mixed with objects smaller than an inordinate lymph
nodes and further contained in this mixture collected afferent lymphatics were
issued through the hilum. Arteries and veins are also entry and exit nodes
through the hilum.
Lymph channels there are two main stems lymph channels, thoracic duct
and right channels rod.

a. The thoracic duct collects lymph from all parts of the body, except on the
part of the channel limfenya to the right lymphatic duct.
b. The right lymphatic duct is much smaller channels and collects lymph
from the right side of the head and neck, right arm and right chest, and
poured into a vein which is located on the bottom right of the neck. Almost
all body tissues have lymphatic vessels, except the central nervous system,
bone, and most superficial layer of the skin. An infection of the lymph
vessels and glands can become inflamed, which looked at the sick diketiak
swollen glands or groin in a finger or toe infection.
The functions of the lymph vessels, namely:
a. Restore fluid and proteins from tissues into the blood circulation
b. Transporting lymphocytes and lymph gland into the blood circulation
c. Make already emulsified fat from milk to blood circulation
d. Filtering and destroy microorganisms
e. Produce antibodies to protect against infection continuation
C. Organs and Tissue Lymphatic System (viscera)
Lymphoid organs include red marrow, lymph nodes, spleen, thymus and
tonsils. This lymphoid organs serve to collect and destroy microorganisms or
other infection in the lymphoid tissue.
Lymphoid organs, namely:
1. Red marrow
Includes red marrow tissues that produce lymphocytes. When released
from the red marrow, lymphocytes are still identical. Subsequent developments
whether it will be a B-cell or T cell maturation depending on the venue. B-cell
maturation disumsum red, whereas T cell maturation ditimus. Both types of
lymphocytes that circulate throughout the body and lymph, then concentrated
in the spleen, lymph nodes and lymphatic tissue.
2. Lymph nodes (lymph gland)
Lymph nodes are bean-shaped organs located or oval often gather along the
lymph vessels. Lymph nodes normally flows through a number of nodes 8-10
before returning to the venous circulation. This node has a size range that is
some small as a pinhead and most large-sized almond.
A lymph nodes have edges convex and concave. Concave edges called
the hilum. A gland is composed of fibrous tissue, muscle tissue, and glandular
tissue. Next to the outside, lymph tissue encased by a fibrous capsule. From
here out editorials of muscle and fibrous tissue, ie trabekulae, into the gland

and form barriers. The room carries other glandular tissue, which contains
many white blood cells or lymphocytes.
Afferent lymphatic vessels penetrate the capsule dipinggiran convex and
poured the entire contents into the gland. This material is mixed with objects
smaller than an inordinate lymph nodes and further contained in this mixture
collected afferent lymphatics were issued through the hilum. Arteries and veins
are also entry and exit nodes through the hilum. It acts as a filter and is found
in places of formation of lymphocytes. Key groups contained within the neck,
axila, torax, abdomen, and groin. Lymph nodes shrouded in loose connective
tissue that divides the node into nodules-nodules. Each nodule contains spaces
(sinuses) containing lymphocytes and macrophages. When lymph fluid passing
through the sinus macrophages will feed on bacteria and microorganisms.
The function of the lymph nodes are as follows:
a. Filtration and phagocytosis
Lymph fluid filtered by the reticular and lymphoid tissue when through
the lymph nodes. The material that settles microbes, which live and dead
phagocytes containing edible microbes, cells from the malignant tumor, the
cells of damaged tissue, and the particles are inhaled. Organic material is
destroyed by macrophages in the lymph nodes and antibodies. Most inhaled
inorganic particles can not be destroyed in the lymph nodes by
phagocytosis. Most of these particles remain in macrophages and does not
cause the cells killed or damaged.
b. The lymphocyte proliferation
Activated T and B lymphocytes multiply in lymph nodes. The antibodies
produced by B lymphocytes and blood terensitisasi sign kelimfe then flow
through to the node.
3. Spleen
The spleen is the largest lymphoid organ. The spleen is a purple colored
glands located on the left side of the abdomen in the area under the left ribs
hipogastrium ninth of ten and eleven. Paada fundus adjacent spleen and
diaphragm touch the outer surface. Lymph touched left kidney, colon and
twists the upper left, and the tail of the pancreas.
The spleen consists of a network of connective tissue structures. Among
the tangle-grid was formed contents spleen or pulp composed of lymphoid
tissue and a large number of blood cells. The spleen is wrapped by a capsule
composed of collagen and elastic tissue and some smooth muscle fibers. This
smooth muscle fibers play a role if there is unbelievably small for the human

spleen function. From the capsule came out editorials called trabekulae the
entrance into the network of the spleen and divide it into several pieces.
Spleen blood vessels in and out through the hilum which is in the inner
surface. Blood vessels were poured directly into the pulp so that blood can be
mixed with elements such as the spleen and other organs that are separated by
the blood vessels. Here there are no ordinary capillary system, but directly
related to the blood cells of the spleen. Blood flow in the spleen were collected
again in a work such as venous sinus and which delivers blood into the vein
branches. These branches unite and form the splenic vein. These veins carry
blood from the spleen entrance gate circulation and delivered to the liver.
The spleen function, namely:
a. Phagocytosis
Leukocytes, platelets, and microbial difagositosis dilimpa. Unlike the
lymph nodes, the spleen does not have incoming afferent lymphatic so that
the spleen is not exposed to a disease spread by the lymphatics.
b. Backup blood
Spleen containing 350 ml of blood, and in response to sympathetic
stimulus can quickly restore it to circulation volume, eg bleeding.
c. The immune response
The spleen contains B and T lymphocytes are activated by the presence
of antigen, eg in infection. Lymphocyte proliferation when a serious
infection can cause an enlarged spleen (splenomegaly).
d. Erythropoiesis
The spleen and liver are producing a fetal blood cells that are important.
In addition, the spleen can also fulfill a function in adults when needed.
4. Thymus
The thymus is the place where lymphocytes develop into T cells Gland
The thymus is located on the upper mediastinum behind the sternum and
extends upwards to the base of the neck. This gland weight of about 10-15
grams at birth and grow to puberty, then will atrophy. The maximum weight of
the thymus at puberty is 30-40 grams. Timopoietin thymus hormones secreted
which cause T cell immunity in thymus differs from other lymphoid organs
because it only serves to place the maturation of T lymphocytes addition,
because the thymus is the only one who did not fight the lymphoid organs
antigen directly.

5. Tonsils
Tonsils are lymphoid organs most sedarhana. Both tonsils consists also on
lymphatic tissue. It lies between two poles fauses (curved ceilings) and
received abundant supply of lymphocytes in the existing liquid surface and that
are in the sidelines of the tonsils.
A large number of lymphoid tissue into the formation of the spleen,
serous membrane, and the skin of the small intestine. In their intestines
accommodated within the mucosa (mucous membrane). In some places found
several nudulus lymphatic tissue. Khilus centralized within the villi associated
with the lymph vessels in the submucosal tissue. From here lymph out and end
up in reseptakulum khili. Tonsils are the mouth and throat, tonsils is also used
to fight infections in the upper respiratory tract and pharynx. Therefore
antigens are destroyed by being swallowed and inhaled.
D. Lymphatic System Function
The function of the human lymphatic system is as follows:
1. Restore fluid and proteins from tissues into the blood circulation.
2. Transporting lymphocytes from the lymph nodes into the blood circulation.
3. To carry fat emulsion that has been made from the intestines to the blood
circulation. Lymph channels that perform these functions are lacteals channel.
4. The lymph nodes filter out and destroy microorganisms to prevent the spread
of the organism from the inlets
5. If there is an infection, lymph nodes produce antibodies to protect the body
against infection continuation.

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