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Excel VBA Picture Viewer Project: Adding a new image

Excel VBA Programming

Getting Started
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VBA Programming Variables
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Conditional Logic
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Strings and String Functions
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Programming Loops
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Programming Arrays
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Subs and Functions
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Excel VBA and Text Files
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Excel VBA and User Forms
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An Excel Picture Viewer Project
Excel Picture Viewer
Design the User Form
Option and Command Buttons
Add New Photo Tab
Form Initialize Event
Get Textbox data
VBA Option Button Code
ImageBox VBA Code
Next and Previous Buttons
Add New Photo Button
Save New Image
Copy an Image with Excel VBA
Excel VBA and Charts
4 part section >>
A TreeView Project
A 6 part section >>



Excel VBA Picture Viewer Project: Adding a new image

5 Ways to
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The Add New Photo Button

Ongoing tutorial - First part is here: Part One

What we'll do for the Add New Picture button is to display an Open File dialogue box so that you can
select a new image. The new image will then be loaded into the ImageBox control on the form. We'll
also put the image name into the tbImageName text box.
To make a start, select your Add New Photo tab at the top of your form. Now double click your
cmdAddNew button to open up a code stub.
Before we look at the Open File dialogue box, add a new variable to the General Declarations area.
Add the following:
Dim CopyImage As String
Your General Declarations area should now look like this:

The reason we need this variable here is because we're going to copy the selected image over to the
images folder. The image folder, remember, is where we store all the pictures referred to on the
spreadsheet. The image you want to add might be in a different location. So copying your chosen
image over to the images folder ensures that all your pictures are in one place.



Excel VBA Picture Viewer Project: Adding a new image

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The Open File Dialogue Box

When displaying an Open File dialogue box, you have the option of setting an initial directory. This is
the folder you want the dialogue box to be in when appears. What we want is the images folder to
display. To make that happen, we can call our NavigateFromWorkBookPath function again. We can
then add the images folder to it:
Dim FilePath As String
FilePath = NavigateFromWorkBookPath( )
FilePath = FilePath & "images"
Add the three lines of code to your own cmdAddNew button. The & "images" is the part that adds
the folder called images to the file path we got from the function.
If you managed to add an Open File Dialogue Box Control earlier then follow along with the steps
below. If not, then click here to go to your lesson: 64 BIT TUTORIAL
To display an Open File dialogue box the code is fairly simple. It's just:
(The CD1 above is the name of the CommonDialog control you added when you were designing the
There are quite a lot of extra properties you can set, however. The Initial Directory is one of these
properties. You use it like this:
CD1.InitDir = FilePath
Before the equal sign, you have the name of your CommonDialog control followed by a dot. After the
dot, you type InitDir, which is short for Initial Directory. After the equal sign, you can either hard-code a
file path surrounded by double quotes, or you can have the name of a variable. We have our FilePath
variable, which contains the path to our images folder.
You can also add a title to the top of the dialogue box. This is done with the DialogTitle property:
CD1.DialogTitle = "Get Image File Name"
Whatever you want as the title goes between double quotes, after the equal sign.
One thing you will want to set is the type of files that the dialogue box can display. This is done with the
Filter property. Examine the following:
CD1.Filter = "JPEG Images|*.jpg|GIF Images|*.gif|BITMAPS|*.bmp"
Before the equal sign, it's pretty straightforward: just type Filter after the name of your CommonDialog
control. After the equal sign, we have this:
"JPEG Images|*.jpg|GIF Images|*.gif|BITMAPS|*.bmp"
Here, we want to display three different image types: JPG, GIF, and BMP files. Let's look at how the
JPG image type is laid out:
JPEG Images|*.jpg
The part before the pipe character (the | symbol) is what appears in the dropdown list to the right of
File name:



Excel VBA Picture Viewer Project: Adding a new image

To the right of the pipe character you type an asterisk (*). This means all file names. You then need a
dot followed by the type of file you want to display, which is jpg in this case.
To add more file types to the dropdown list, you repeat the process:
|GIF Images|*.gif
Notice that there is now another pipe character, at the very start. This is used to separate each file
If we wanted to specify files of any type and any name, we'd do this:
"JPEG Images|*.jpg|GIF Images|*.gif|BITMAPS|*.bmp|All Files|*.*"
Notice the symbols used for All Files - two asterisks separated by a dot.
One final point to make is that all of your filters need to go between two sets of double quotes.
The Open File dialogue box, however, doesn't actually open a file: it just gets you a file name. This is
done with the Filename property:
fName = CD1.Filename
Because you're trying to read a value, you need the Filename property to the right of an equal sign. To
the left of the equal sign is the name of the variable that's going to store the file name.
With all that in mind, add the following code to your button:
CD1.InitDir = FilePath
CD1.DialogTitle = "Get Image File Name"
CD1.Filter = "JPEG Images|*.jpg|GIF Images|*.gif|BITMAPS|*.bmp"
Dim fName As String
fName = CD1.Filename
Your coding window should now look like this (we've added some comments):

32 but users can now move on by clicking here: Get the Image Name.



Excel VBA Picture Viewer Project: Adding a new image

64 Bit Open File Dialogue Box

To display an Open File Dialogue Box if you didn't add the control, the code is quite different. It's still
fairly straightforward, though. Add the following to your coding window:
Dim fName As String
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
.InitialFileName = FilePath
.Filters.Add "JPEGS", "*.jpg; *.jpeg"
.Filters.Add "GIF", "*.GIF"
.Filters.Add "Bitmaps", "*.bmp"
.AllowMultiSelect = False
If .Show = True Then
fName = .SelectedItems(1)
MsgBox "Operation Cancelled"
Exit Sub
End If
End With
We're using a With Statement, here. But notice what comes after With:
After the Application object, you can add a FileDialog method. In between round brackets, you need to
add one of four available built-in constants. The four constants are these:
The one we want is msoFileDialogOpen.
In between With and End With we first have this:
.InitialFileName = FilePath
The InitialFileName is like the InitDir above: it sets the folder that you initially want to start from.
Next, we set up some filters:
.Filters.Add "JPEGS", "*.jpg; *.jpeg"
.Filters.Add "GIF", "*.GIF"
.Filters.Add "Bitmaps", "*.bmp"
This sets the type of files we want to display in the dialogue box. The first instruction clears the
dropdown box, otherwise you'd end up with lots of other file types that you don't need. Next, we add the
filters, one per line. The asterisk means "all files of this type".
The With Statement also sets AllowMultiSelect to False. The final thing it does is to place the selected
image into the fName variable. But we need to do this in an If Statement:



Excel VBA Picture Viewer Project: Adding a new image

If .Show = True Then

fName = .SelectedItems(1)
MsgBox "Operation Cancelled"
Exit Sub
End If
To place the select image into the fName variable you use SelectedItems. The 1 in round brackets
means the first selected image. If you had set AllowMultiSelect to True then you could have used a for
loop to loop through each file that the user selected.
The Show part is the one that actually displays the dialogue box. If it has a value of True then a file was
selected and the user clicked Open. If it has a value of False then the Cancel button was clicked
instead, and we can exit the Sub.
Your coding window should look like this, though:

Get the Image Name

Next, we can get the image name. We need this for the text box. Here's the code to add:
Dim SlashPos As Integer
If fName < > "" Then
SlashPos = InStrRev(fName, "\")
ImageName = Mid(fName, SlashPos + 1)
End If



Excel VBA Picture Viewer Project: Adding a new image

If you click the Cancel button on the Open File dialogue box then the file name will be blank. The If
Statement checks for that. If it's not blank then we extract the image name with these two lines:
SlashPos = InStrRev(fName, "\")
ImageName = Mid(fName, SlashPos + 1)
First, we get the position of the last backslash (\). This is then used in the Mid string method. Between
the round brackets of Mid we have the string we're trying to chop, which is in the fName variable. After
a comma, we then need a starting point to start chopping text. The starting point is the position of the
backslash plus 1. Because we haven't specified an end position, Mid will chop to the last character in
the fName string. This will get us the name of the image, which we stored in the ImageName variable.
The only other thing we need to do is to load the image into the ImageBox on the form. Here's the
code for you to add:
If Dir(fName) < > "" Then
Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(fName)
Image2.PictureSizeMode = 3
CopyImage = fName
cmdSave.Enabled = True
tbImageName.Text = ImageName
MsgBox "Could not load image - no such file"
End If
This is more or less the same as we did before, for the Load Image Information button. We're doing
two things differently: one, we switch on the Save button by setting the Enabled property to True; two,
we place the image name into the tbImageName text box.
There is one line in the code above that may seem a little odd. This one:
CopyImage = fName
What this line does is to store a copy of the file name in the CopyImage variable. This is the variable
you set up in the General Declarations area. We'll need this file name when we copy the picture to the
images folder. This is done when the Save New Details button is clicked. If we made CopyImage
local to the cmdAddNew button then the cmdSave button wouldn't be able to see it.

Try it out. Run your form and click the Add New Image button. Select any image from your computer.
When you click the Open button on the dialogue box you should find that the image appears on your
form, along with the image name in the text box.

In the next lesson below, we'll write the code that saves the new image details to the spreadsheet.

The Save New Details Button >

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All course material copyright Ken Carney


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