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EDUC 2220- Educational Technology

Infant-Pre-K Curriculum Plan: Technology-Based Lesson/Activity

YourName Hannah Dearth Activity Title My Turn, Your Turn
Number of children participating at one time 2 Kids per group Ages Kindergarten
Activities written for previous classes cannot be re-used and must be the original work of the student.
Ohio Early
Learning &
t Standards:
List at least 1
standard that
is addressed
by this
Write out
and exactly,
as published
in ELDS.

Domain: Social and Emotional Development


This lesson will take about two hours (120 minutes). I plan on dividing the lesson into four
days, with each class period lasting about 30 minutes.

of materials

What preparation is needed?

Finding games online for students to play and learn how to take turns.

Strand: Self and Relationships

Topic: Peer Interactions and Relationships
Standard Statement: Interact with peers in more complex pretend play including planning,
coordination of roles and cooperation.

The purpose of this lesson is to have students communicate and develop social skills with each
other because its important and needed in day to day life. In this lesson the students will do two
activities which includes taking turns and sharing by a verbal reminder that it's someone else
turn and by a timer so each student gets the same amount of time during their turn.

What materials will be used?

Book and a online game.
How will the learning environment be set up?
It will be set up at tables with iPads.

Instructional Procedures:
Day 1:
First 10 minutes: Introduce activity- I will began with a story called Share and Take Turns by Cheri J. Meiner,
this book is about taking turns and sharing. After the book I will explain a leaf matching game that is online to
the students that they will be playing.

5 minutes: Model taking turns- I will have a student help me out and act out the appropriate behavior of sharing
and taking turns. I will do this by playing a matching leaf game online, during this game students are to match
the correct leaves together. I will let the student go first to match correct leaves together and then I will say "my
turn". After I'm done with my turn, I will say "your turn" and let the student try to match the leaves. After a few
turns of going back and forth with the student and I saying who's turn it is, I will pair the students up so they can
play the game.
15 minutes: Playing the matching leaf game online- The students will play the matching leaf game for the next
10 minutes. During that time I will walk around to make sure that the students are using the appropriate
behavior while playing the matching game.
Day 2:
5 minutes: Review what sharing and taking turns is.
5 minutes: Introduce new activity- Students will pick an online game to play from the nick jr website, they will
only have 5 minutes to play the game before the timer goes off. Once the timer goes off its the next students
turn to play a game online, students will go back and forth switching on and off of who gets to play a game on
line for about 20 minutes. Each student will get a total of 10 minutes to play a game online in 5 minutes
20 minutes: Playing a online game- The students will play which ever online game they want to play for 5
minutes until the timer goes off and then it's the other students turn to play an online game of their choosing for
5 minutes until the timer goes off. Every 5 minutes when the timer goes off the student switch on and off for 20
minutes. During that time I will walk around to make sure that the students are taking turns each time the timer
goes off.
Day 3:
5 minutes: Review what sharing and taking turns is.
5 minutes: Introduce new activity- Students will be playing don't break the ice. I will explain how to play the
game and show the students how to take turns.
20 minutes: Playing the game- The students will play don't break the ice however many time they can play it in
20 minutes. I will be walking around making sure that students are taking turns and sharing when it's not their
Day 4:
5 minutes: Review what sharing and taking turns is.
25 minutes: Students get to pick from the activities we have done for the past 3 days. They can either pick the
matching leaf game online, an online game to play from the nick jr website, or playing don't break the ice. I will
still be walking around making sure that students are taking turns and sharing when it's not their turn.

This site is birth through kindergarten entry for learning and development standards and students could benefit
from using it by knowing the key concepts and skills that children develop during birth to kindergarten.
Differentiated Instructional Support:Describe how instruction can be differentiated (changed or altered) to
meet the needs of gifted or accelerated students: The instructions can be altered to meet the needs of gifted or
accelerated I would make the games more challenging.
Discuss additional activities you could do to meet the needs of students who might be struggling with the
material: To meet the need of students who might be struggling with the material I will work with them one on
one with the activities.

Yours, Mine, Sharing, Turns
For teachers

iPads will be the technology that the students and I will be using.

For students

Students will have iPads

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