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Using a childrens book for my artifact defines who I am as a person, a teacher, and a

student. I have always been passionate about reading. When I was a child, I would stay up long
past my bedtime with a flashlight reading under the covers. Reading for me was a way of
traveling to unknown places or times, understanding perspectives of others who have lived
before me or after me, and making connections from the text to my own life. As a teacher, I will
be using childrens books in all aspects of my classroom. Childrens books can help students
understand concepts and develop an interest for other subjects that may be more difficult for
them. As a lifelong learner, a childrens book represents that I will forever be a student. A teacher
should always be learning throughout their entire careers, learning about best practices, new
technology and deepen knowledge in content and strategies.
I chose the childrens book They All Saw a Cat written by Brendan Wenzel, because it
describes my philosophy of education. In this book different animals saw a cat, the cat looked
very different to each animal based on the animals experiences and perspectives. Each student I
encounter will have different perspectives and experiences that should be celebrated and valued
in a classroom community. These differences also mean that students will have different learning
preferences, strengths, and weaknesses. This story reminds me to differentiate in all things to
make sure that students are getting a meaningful and engaging education.

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