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Policy Paper 3: Labor Migration Policy Paper

- Use the guide questions below in writing your policy paper.

- This paper is 20% of your pre - final grade.
- Format: 12, Century Gothic, 1.5 spacing, justified, short bond paper....


1. What are the problems tackled by the song Walang Natira?
Migration of the working population of the Philippines to
other country. Therefore, losing the workers to contribute to
the economy of our country.
1.1 Do you affirm or deny on the points emphasized by the
song? Explain.
I affirm to the points on how we have plenty of laborers but
they leave our country despite leaving their families behind,
they strive to earn money that they are not capable of
attaining it here.
1.2 Discuss the current status of these problems in the
As of the moment, more and more Filipinos are leaving the
country. If not all of them have left, most of them are already
planning to leave and only a few tries to strive for a better life
here in our country and is willing to work harder to help our
country and possibly another reason to stay is that they
cannot bear to be separated from their family.
1.3 What are the actions currently the PH government do in
order to solve these problems?

1.3.1Do these actions have Cobra Effect? Explain.

2. Raven stein Law of Migration posits that migration is governed

by a push pull" process; that is unfavorable conditions in one
place " push" people out and favorable conditions in an external
location "pull" them out. Use the said law in order to discuss the
international labor migration in the Philippines.
It is said in the raven steins law that most migrants which
come from the surrounding countries are less likely to move
into the center of commerce of a country, most of them only
travel short distances, possibly to be able to go back to their
families at once when needed. These countries may include
the Asian countries around us. And vice versa, the long
distance migrators are said to delve deeper into the
commerce of a countries therefore filling in the gaps of a
system .in the Philippines we hire professionals to work for
our companies. The westerners tend to be pulled to our
system and is called absorption, we take in assets from
other countries to use as our own. since our laborers usually
educated Filipinos tend to move to another location to get
good pay this resembles the push system or dispersion, this
may occur when there are too many laborers at one place
and may have resulted to over crowding in jobs.
1. One of the conclusions of the Raven steins Law is " Women
are more migratory than men within their country of birth, but
men more frequently venture beyond it" Do you agree or
not? Explain.
It is said that women are more migratory within their country
of birth and men venture beyond it, the men have greater
chances to go abroad and leave their families behind since
most of the time females are left behind to care for their
children if they have.

3. What are the positive and negative effects of international labor

Our income from the OFWs will be greater
The remittances that OFWs send is portioned and the
percentage taken would be extra financial support for the
Eventually we will have less efficient workers that are
capable of competing against foreign nationalities, we would
lose these skilled workers and there would be no successors
to their knowledge and talent.
Other countries are the ones reaping the benefits of having
these skilled workers improve their economy
3.1 If you are one of the legislators, what policy will you
recommend in order to enjoy continuously the positive effects of
International Labor Migration?
Since Filipinos are naturally family- loving people and how
they have a hard time being separated from their families. As
we all know their jobs in developed countries which pays
them the remittances they send to our country. I recommend
that we can pay for their leave when they want to go back to
our country to spend a week with their family, all expenses
paid and their trip going here and back to the country they
worked in will be paid, this will encourage more people to
work and comeback to our country to share their knowledge
to their country mean and this will create a new line-up of
skilled workers.

3.1 How should the government implement the policy, you

recommend in number 3?
The government can implement it by starting with the
countries that host a lot of Filipinos as workers and give
these Filipinos the benefits of free balikbayan and paid
3.1.1 What are the hindrances in the implementation of such
policy? Provide solutions for these hindrances.
This would create a lower final output from remittances at
short term as it would be very costly to spend for the
Filipinos, but at the long term as more and more Filipinos are
happy and trusts the government, more and more Filipinos
will migrate and polish their skills to the fullest and share
these sills to aspiring laborers that can eventually help the
country. Using the expansionary monetary fiscal policy is a
good temporary solution to help gather the funds needed for
putting this law in action.
3.1.2 Are the policies you recommended in number 3, necessary
and sufficient to solve such problems?
It is an option to encourage more local laborers to strive
harder and get the chance to become a national asset.
Because if they do become an asset they would be treated
with greater care than how they were treated before.

3.2 If you are one of the legislators, what policy will you
recommend in order to solve the problems brought by the
negative effects of International Labor Migration?
Due to the large possibility of unemployment of our country
men , I recommend a policy that opens the country to more
international companies which would be capable of paying
high wages for a job well done to skilled Filipino laborers and
those who have a potential but are not given the chance due
lack of jobs to be taken.
3.2.1 How should the government implement the policy, you
recommend in number 3?

3.2.2 What are the hindrances in the implementation of such

policy? Provide solutions for these hindrances.

3.2.3 Are the policies you recommended in number 3, necessary

and sufficient to solve such problems?

4. The three major challenges of the PH government for

employment policy are the following: (1) Enhancing of
competitiveness and quality of the workforce (2) Capacity of key
players to monitor and implement employment policy in an
efficient way (3) Overall coherence between measures, programs
and institutions to be mobilized for developments in the labor
market for reaching the goals set by the PH employment

1. If you are one of the legislators, what policies will you

recommend in order overcome the challenges for employment

2. What are the hindrances in the implementation of such policy?

Provide solutions for these hindrances

3. Are the policies you recommended in number 4.1, necessary

and sufficient to solve the challenges?

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