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ROO ‘Code No: 09482401 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERAB 4? 5B. Fech IV Year Il Semester Examinations, May --2013 ENS Alternate Ruels for Autoniobiles (Automobile Engineering) ‘Time: 3 Hours Answer any Five Questions All Questions Carry Equal Marks 1a) Classify various fuels used in Automobiles and explain the need for alternate fuels. 5) Discuss the effect of using LPG and CNG in S.I. engines and mention their limitations. (74 2a)" What are the Various changés to be made iii the S.1. engitié 1’ have optiriini” efficiency when CNG fuel is used? b) What safety measures are 10 be implemented at the filling stations and in the transport vehicles for CNG? [748] 3.8), What are thé ‘sequence of iopérations invol Natural Gas(LNG) and explain its properti b) Differentiate between CNG and LNG mentioning their quality and applications. [7+8] cin the produttion of Liquéficd, xplain the combustion phen« “gaseous fuels: i , 2h b) What are additional devices and piping sytems to be used for the efficient working of LPG fuel on $.1. engines. 1738) S.a) What are the various factors to be considered in the design and fabrication of ; engines for, using Liquefied Hydrogen as fue} - by: Describe thé: propertios of Liguified Hydroséi be encountered in using it as fuel in vehicles. 6.a) Classify various bio-fuels used in practice and mention their relative propertics, advantages and applications. by: What are the ¢lvanges to be “othe effective ‘use’of bio-dies 7.) What are the advantages and limitations of using eleotric vehicles and explain th je, constructional details? b)__ Describe electric vehicle transmission system and mention its performance “characteristics: ¥ : 8.a) Describe the advantages and limitations of fuel cells and explain the transmissic system to be developed on the vehicles for the effective use of fuel cells. 5) Deseribe the constructional details of solar cars and design of chassis and body [748]

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