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Then the second message is and , have got superficially cause

effect relationship. Essentially no relationship. Why no relationship? When there

is one, what relationship is possible? Essentially no relationship. Non -essentially
or superficially cause effect relationship. Nirupadhika dhrishtya ikyam. Sopadhika
dhrishtya sambandha. And what example you should remember? Wave
and ocean are essentially one. Wave and ocean are superficially cause effect
relation have. So this is message no 2. TF if somebody asks what is the
relationship between me and god what should be the answer? You dont answer.
You ask a counter question. Essentially, or superficially. But most of the people do
not know what is essential. TF their questions are superficial. TF what should be
your answer? You should not talk about iyam. What should yousay? I am a m
product. Bhagavan is . I am born of him. I am sustained by him. I go back
unto him. I am dasa: asmi .Theywill be very happy. But, if the questioner asks
essentially what is the relationship you should never talk about .
Remember MK. No origination. World has no existence. No .2 world has no
origination. Where is the question of . Message no 2. And what is
message no 3.?

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