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Biology 20 Second Lecture Examination

Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. For a terrestrial plant to survive, its stems
must contain
A. Parenchyma and fibers
B. Phloem and xylem
C. Sclereids and phloem
D. Collenchyma and xylem
2. The pith in the root immediately originates
from which of the following?
A. Protoderm
B. Procambium
C. Ground meristem
D. Apical meristem
3. The main functions of aerial stems would
not include:
A. Transport of water and sugars
B. Absorption of water
C. Production of leaves
D. Support
4. The main function of roots would not
A. Absorption
B. Photosynthesis
C. Anchorage
D. Conduction
5. In a leaf, the majority of photosynthesis
occurs in the
A. Upper epidermis
B. Spongy mesophyll
C. Palisade parenchyma
D. Lower epidermis
6. The only type of leaf used for support is
A. Spine
B. Insectivorous leaves
C. Tendril
D. Succulent
7. Which of the following leaf adaptations
would you not expect to find in desert
A. Hairy leaves
B. Thick cuticle
C. Stomates in lower epidermis
D. Thin palisade layer
8. Veins with a bundle sheath in dicot leaves
are mainly involved in
A. Conduction only
B. Conduction and support
C. Support only
D. Conduction, support and sugar
9. Which is not an adaptation to life on land?

A. Presence of lignin
B. Meristematiccells at t he shoot and
root tips
C. Chloroplast in the cell
D. Presence of cuticle
10. Which of the following is not a function of
modified leaves?
A. Protection
B. Support
C. Storage
D. Wood production
11. Most leaves are flat and thin for maximal
A. Absorption of light
B. Absorption of CO2
C. Absorption of water
D. A and B
12. Leaves are quite vulnerable to damage by
fungi and chewing insects. A leaf
adaptation would not hinder those pests
would be
A. Cuticle on the surface of the epidermis
B. Trichomes on the surface
C. Stomates in the epidermis
D. A blade divided into leaflets
Match the parts of the leaf in the key below with
the functions on numbers 14 to 19:
A. Vein
B. Petiole
C. Blade
D. Rachis
13. Water distribution Vein
14. Blade attachment to stem Petiole
15. Photosynthesis Blade
16. Leaflet support Rachis
17. Sugar collection Vein
18. Root hairs increase
A. Surface area
B. Are long-lived
C. Help trap fungi
D. A, B and C
19. What are pericycle cells?
A. These are parenchyma cells that
control mineral absorption
B. These are parenchyma cells that
divide to form lateral roots
C. These are fibers that give support
D. These are endodermal cells that
control mineral absorption
20. A typical monocot plant has a root system
consisting of

A. A radicle, a tap root and adventitious

B. A radicle, lateral roots
C. A taproot and lateral roots
D. Adventitious roots and lateral
21. If a leaf is cut off a Katakataka leaf, new
roots form at the base. The first root
formed this week is
A. A taproot
B. Adventitious
C. A radical
D. A lateral root
22. The main function of a root cap is
A. Root anchorage
B. Protection of the root apical
C. Hormone production
D. Water absorption
E. All of these
23. If a water molecule entered a mature root
at the root surface, it would cross what
tissues, in their correct order, on its way to
the center?
A. Epidermis, endodermis, cortex,
phloem, xylem
B. Epidermis, cortex, pericycle,
endodermis, phloem, xylem
C. Cortex, endodermis, phloem, pericycle,
D. Epidermis, cortex, endodermis,
pericycle, xylem
Match the root structure in the key with the
function listed in the following numbers:
A. Root cap
B. Root hair
C. Apical meristem
D. Endodermis
E. Pericycle
F. Xylem
24. Mineral transport Xylem
25. Control of mineral absorption
26. Cell production Apical meristem
Match the organs listed on the key with the
modifications listed on the following numbers:
A. Root
B. Stem
C. Leaves
D. Both A and B
E. Both A and C
F. Both B and C
27. Tendril Stem and Leaves
28. Bract Leaves

29. Runner Stem

30. Thorn Stem
31. Pneumatophore Root
Match the functions listed on the key with the
modification listed on the following numbers:
A. support
B. asexual production
C. storage
D. aeration
E. protection
F. photosynthesis
G. attraction
H. none of these
32. tuber storage
33. bract attraction
34. prop support
35. runner asexual production
36. pitcher structure none of these
37. The phloem cells of a woody stem get
their required oxygen through
A. Plasmodesmata
B. Normal cork
C. Phelloderm
D. Lenticels
38. Annual rings from the base of a tree trunk
can be used to determine
A. Tree age
B. Xylem development
C. Climatic conditions
D. All of these
39. The cells in primary tissues were produced
by cell divisions in a(n)
A. Vascular cambium
B. Cork cambium
C. Apical meristem
D. A and B
40. An animal-pollinated flower would have
the following characteristics EXCEPT
A. Scent
B. Nectar
C. Red or blue petals
D. Naked flowers
41. Summer wood differs from spring wood in
that in summer wood
A. There are more parenchyma present
B. Cell diameter is narrower
C. Cell diameter is wider
D. Both A and B
42. Which of the following types of leaves
would most likely minimize leaf damage
due to insects?
A. Simple and petiolate
B. Compound and petiolate

C. Simple and sessile

D. Compound and sessile
Use the key to determine the origin of the plant
parts listed on the following numbers:
A. Apical meristem
B. Procambium
C. Protoderm
D. Vascular cambium
E. Cork cambium
F. Ground meristem
43. Cortex Ground meristem
44. Primary Procambium
45. Lenticels Cork cambium
46. Epidermis Protoderm
47. Secondary phloem Vascular cambium

the key with the term listed on numbers

Summer wood
Spring wood
A, B, C, D

48. Annual ring Summer wood and Spring

49. Conducting xylem - Sapwood
50.Composed of secondary xylem
Sapwood, Heartwood, Summer wood,
Spring wood
51. Which of the following is TRUE about
A. It contains the zygote
B. It is metabolically active
C. A small plant is already present in it
D. All of the statements are true
52. The type of venation of Gingko where
halfway the veins formed
A. Pinnate-netted
B. Palmate-netted
C. Dichotomous
D. Distichous
53. When trying to identify a vegetative plant,
it would be most useful to examine its
A. Leaves because their shape is
characteristics of a species
B. Stems because their structure varies
greatly from one species to another
C. Roots because root structure is species
D. A and C
E. B and C
54. One characteristics that distinguishes
spongy mesophyll from palisade
parenchyma is

A. The loose arrangement of cells in

the spongy mesophyll
B. The tight packing of cells in the spongy
C. The presence of cutin on the surface of
palisade parenchyma cells
D. That spongy cells are alive, while
palisade cells are dead at maturity
55. In the life cycle of a flowering plant, which
of the following would be diploid?
A. Microspores
B. Egg
C. Megasporocyte
D. Gametophyte
E. Endosperm
56. A dioecious plant produces flower that are
A. Perfect and complete
B. Perfect and incomplete
C. Imperfect complete
D. Imperfect incomplete
57. The endosperm of the coconut (milk and
meat) is the result of one sperm fusing
A. Polar bodies
B. A synergid cell
C. An antipodal
D. Egg cell
58. Wind pollinated flowers usually are or
A. Large in size
B. Zygomorphic
C. Complete flowers
D. Bright and colorful
E. Lacks petal
59. The order in which flower parts are
attached to the receptacle, from the
outermost whorl to the innermost whorl, is
A. Petals, sepals, stamens, carpels
B. Sepals, stamens petals, carpels
C. Sepals, petals, stamens, carpels
D. Sepals, petals, carpels, stamens
60. Pineapple was derived from which of the
A. A flower with many ovaries fused
B. A cluster of flowers each with
C. A flower with a simple ovary
D. A flower with many ovaries that are
61. Pollen grains are caught and germinate on
A. Anther
B. Ovary

C. Style
D. Stigma
E. Filament
62. Which of the following statements is FALSE
about the pollen tube?
A. The pollen tube grows through the
B. The pollen tube contains three
diploid nuclei
C. The pollen tube enters one synergid
D. The pollen tube contains two sperm
For the next numbers, choose from the items
below to match it with the description in the
following numbers
A. Corolla
B. Calyx
C. Androecium
D. Gynoecium
E. Pedicel
F. Receptacle
63. Usually attracts pollinators corolla
64. Produces pollen androecium
65. Where flower parts are attached
66. Contains the ovules - gynoecium
67. If ovary is to fruit, then ovules is to ___;
and ___ is to seed coat
A. Seeds; integument
B. Cotyledons, micropyle
C. Zygote; embryo
D. Radicle; hypoctyl
E. Endosperm; plumule
68. Which of the following does not belong in
terms of number of chromosomes?
A. Sepals
B. Endosperm
C. Zygote
D. Megasporocyte
E. Embryo
69. The food storage in seeds is/are
A. Cotyledon
B. Endosperm
C. Embyo
D. A and B
E. A, B, C
70. In the plant life cycle, meiosis results in
the production of
A. Gametes
B. Spores
C. Zygotes
D. Sporophytes

71. The diploid generation of the plant life

cycle always ___
A. Produces spores
B. Develops from a spore
C. Is larger and more conspicuous
than the haploid stage
D. Is called the gametophyte
E. Produces eggs and sperm

72. Seeds have advantages over spores. For

A. Seeds contain embryonic plant, an
abundant food supply and a
protective covering
B. Seeds can survive for extended
periods of time at reduced metabolic
C. Seeds are single cells, demanding
fewer nutrients from the parent plants
D. Most seeds are poisonous, therefore
they are not consumed by animals
73. If a leaf has 16 chromosomes, how many
chromosomes does the endosperm have?
A. 8
B. 16
C. 24
D. 32
74. The female and male gametophyte of
angiosperms contain how many cells
A. 7, 3
B. 8, 3
C. 7, 4
D. 8,4
E. Too many cells
75. An

orange is an example of a/an


76. Which of the following fruit types does not

belong in terms of the texture of the
A. Legume
B. Drupe
C. Achene
D. Capsule
E. Nut
77. Which of these is unique to flowering
A. A dominant sporophyte generation
B. An embryo surrounded by nutritive

C. Haploid gametophytes
D. Double fertilization
E. Pollen production
78. The male gametophytes of flowering
plants are also referred to as ___.
A. Endosperm
B. Male sporophytes
C. Megaspores
D. Pollen grains
79. In flowering plants, one megaspore gives
rise to ____ nuclei.
A. Four diploid
B. Four haploid
C. Eight haploid
D. Eight diploid
80. What is endosperm?
A. The male portion of a flowering plant
B. Via cotyledons, a source of food
for the embryo
C. Leaves that are part of the embryo
D. Tissue that develops into a protective
seed coat surrounding the embryo
81. Fruits evolved primarily as structures
specialized to ____
A. Protect seeds and disperse seed
B. Protect pollinators
C. Protect pollen
D. Reward for pollinators

E. Endosperm an ovary
84. What is the correct definition of an
aggregate fruit?
A. A fruit that results from a single
flower that has more than one
carpel, each forming a small fruit
B. A fruit in which other floral parts in
addition to ovaries contribute to what
we call the fruit
C. A fruit that develops from a group of
flowers tightly clustered together
D. A fruit derived from a single carpel or
several fused carpels
85. Which example is NOT an advantage of
sexual reproduction in plants?
A. Sexual reproduction can be an
advantage in unstable environments
because it generates variations in
offspring and populations
B. The offspring of sexually reproducing
plants are not as frail as clones of
asexually reproducing plants
C. Seeds facilitate dispersal of offspring
to more distant locations
D. None of the above

82. A generative cell and a tube cell originate

when ____
A. A microsporocyte undergoes
B. A microsporocyte undergoes mitosis
C. A microscope undergoes meiosis and
D. A microspore undergoes mitosis and

Write A if the statement is correct and B if the

statement is wrong.
86. Monocot roots have vascular cambium.
87. In a cross section of a tree, the oldest
xylem is found near the center and the
oldest phloem is found next to the xylem
88. If a plant is not growing in soil, it will not
have roots FALSE
89. The leaves of insect-trapping plants are
not capable of photosynthesis FALSE
90. The red colored portion of Christmas
flowers, poinsettia are petals - FALSE

83. A pea pod is formed from ___, a pea inside

the pod is formed from ___
A. An ovule a carpel
B. An ovary an ovule
C. An ovary a pollen grain
D. An anther an ovule

Answer briefly:
1. If the films entitled Private Life of Plants,
list at least 3 kinds of relationships
between a plant and its pollinator
2. Explain why Angiosperms are the most
successful land plants at present.

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