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If we calculate velocity of first car before and after collision with the second car, then
the initial velocity before attaching, will be more than after.
If we put weight on the car then its velocity will be less than the car without weight
because of momentum conservation.

Background information
Newtons second law of motion: The rate of change of momentum is directly
proportional to impressed motive force and takes place in the direction in which the force acts
-momentum can be defined as "inertia in motion."
-a property of moving object
-means inertia in motion
- mass of an object multiplied by its velocity
- formular:
Momentum = mass x velocity
P = mv
Momentum is directly proportional to the velocity and mass.

Momentum Conservation Principle

For a collision occurring between object 1 and object 2 in an isolated system, the total
momentum of the two objects before the collision is equal to the total momentum of the two
objects after the collision. That is, the momentum lost by object 1 is equal to the momentum
gained by object 2.

= [Momentum before collision = Momentum after collision ]

- well state that the force are equal in magnitude and the opposite direction for example
the object#1 have a collision with object#2 the force from the object#1 will applied the
same force to the object#2 then the object#2 will be move with the same applied forces

1. Lab quest
We used lab quest to collect the data and to get
some graph that we couldnt do it by hands. After

the the experiment, we can easily get all data and it can send directly to our email.

2. Two carts
In the experiment, we used these carts to measure all
the actions that happens while we push them through
the tracks.

3. Cart track
We needed to use the track to make two carts
able to run through easily.

We wanted to know about momentum in this
experiment so we put some of the weight on the
carts to measure about the velocity, accelerations,
and momentum.
1) Experiment 1: Manually Calculate the velocity
a) Independent Variables
i) The cart run as usual
ii) The cart crash with another cart and continue moving together
b) Control Variables
i) The friction
ii) Distance

iii) Air resistance

iv) The cart (size/mass/type)
c) Dependent Variable
i) The velocity of the cart
2) Experiment 2: Labquest
a) Independent Variable
i) Mass on the car
b) Control Variable
i) The friction
ii) Distance
iii) Air resistance
c) Dependent Variable
i) The velocity of the cart

Manually Calculate the velocity of cart
We did manually calculated of the velocity of a cart on the straight rail without any mass.
1) Place the cart at one end of the rail
2) Pushing it and record the time
3) Calculate it using the distance divided by time
4) Do it again and get the average both results
Using Labquest for cart A at rest, and cart B in motion, hitting cart A, joining and moving
We separate the experiments to two different variable, with no mass at all and with mass on a
No mass
1) Place one cart at the end of the rail(on the side of motion detector), another one at the
2) Press Play in Labquest (electronic device used to record the velocity)
3) Push the cart at the end of the rail
4) Get the result from the Labquest
5) Share the result to an email
6) Analyse the information and data recorded


With Mass
Place one cart at the end of the rail(on the side of motion detector), another one at the
Put mass on one of the cart
Press Play in Labquest (electronic device used to record the velocity)
Push the cart at the end of the rail

5) Get the result from the Labquest

6) Share the result to an email
7) Analyse the information and data recorded
Manually calculation:
t = 2.09s
s = 1.80m
v = 1.80m / 2.09s
= 0.86 m/s
t = 3.00s
s = 1.80m
v = 1.80m / 3.00s
= 0.6 m/s

Lab quest calculation:

Without a mass on car A and car B

With a mass

At first the car run alone as we can see in both graph that its velocity increased. But around the
2nd second the velocity drop dramatically. As both graph has shown the same result that can be
concluded that the drop of velocity is not an error of the experiment. This result is happened
according to the law of Momentum Conservation Principle; stated that Initial momentum will
always be equal to the final momentum. And momentum can be defined as mass multiply by
velocity. As both mass and velocity are proportional to the momentum, which means that if
momentum is the same but one of either mass or velocity is increased then another factor must
be decreased, in order to maintain the same momentum. Therefore, when the car crash and run
along together, it mass increase but it momentum must always be the same that is why the
velocity is decreased.
This experiment with the Labquest has proved the conservative law of momentum, stating that
total momentum before collision equals total momentum after collision. From the graph
informed the results by the Labquest we can clearly see that at one point the velocity drop
fastly. That point was the time when two car crashed and continued moving along the track
together. As the car collided and moved together, it means that the mass of the moving object is
increased. By increasing the mass, normally the momentum has to also be increased, but in our
experiments case it did not increased as when the mass increased the velocity decreased created
the balance which will remain the same total momentum of the car before and after collision.

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