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Marsubtance Abuse Counselor Competent for Lesbian, Gay,

Bisexual, and Transexual (LGBT) Individuals
Nurlita Hendiani, S.Psi.1
Great Hall of the Rehabilitation the National Narcotics Departement di Lido Bogor
Agus Supriyanto, S.Pd, M.Pd.2
Ahmad Dahlan University, Yogyakarta
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual (LGBT) have high levels of substance abuse drugs is
higher than heterosexual group. The necessity of the specifically treatment for drug abusers
were implemented a competent manner for the LGBT community. In the implementation of
treatment, need to be implemented by counselors in the field of addiction. But the counselors
addiction in Indonesia which are still minimal. There currently are 3000 counselor
addiction who are trained in Indonesia, but is still not capable of handling the number of
drug addicts is increasing. Professional addiction counselors and working with the LGBT
community need to understand LGBT characters: (1) self-identity, (2) culture, and (3) a
distinct language on LGBT characters. LGBT number of a minority in Indonesia is also
facing treat, such as (1) discrimination, (2) prejudice, (3) negative attitudes, and (4) a
different experience from the society a majority (heterosexual group) so that the counselor
addiction need to understand special characters drugs addict on the LGBT community.
Addiction counselors were are able to understand the needs of the LGBT community, then it
can affect the success of treatment. Treatment must be comprehensive program with the needs
of drug addicts with LGBT characters. The goal of treatment for drug abusers in the LGBT
community is to produce better outcomes and conditions of abstinence on the substance
abuse and alcohol. Then counseling for the LGBT community implemented by counselors
were had the competence, are (1) self-monitoring; that counselors avoid counter transference
(counselor must avoid the prejudice, stigma and negative beliefs of other for the LGBT
community), (2) helping clients overcome the negative effects of homophobia and hetero
sexism, (3) directing the client to understand the discrimination and prejudice he had ever
experienced, (4) regain power of clients that include self-concept and self-confidence, and (5)
a counselor are prohibited to labeling is prohibited to give pressure, are prohibited refuse
family members who do not support, and must have empathy. This is done so that the
counselor addiction can to understand drug addicts that have multiple identities. The
counselor should deepen the different models of sexual development when working with
LGBT clients. This is done with aim of giving the treatment is carried out effectively. Then the
counselor addiction is able to meet needs the LGBT community and provide knowledge about
the resources owned by the community (eg, alcohol and anonymous meeting for the LGBT
community) and can helpfully in their recovery from drugs through treatment.
Kata kunci
: LGBT, Konselor Adiksi, Penyalahguna Narkoba
2016 Published by Panitia Simposium Nasional I Rehabilitasi Narkoba Berbasis Masyarakat

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