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Assignment No 1


Noman Safdar



Submitted To:

Dr. Sara Rizvi

Submission Date:



Introduction to Sociology

It has been observed over decades that, poverty forces poor families to
send their children to work, which results in a serious problem the world
is facing nowadays. Child labour can leave many severe consequences
on children and their families. When children work, it does not mean as
a standard, they support their families economically, neither all of them
get paid for their work since many of them work as bonded labour or as
slaves. In addition to that, they face many problems which may cause
permanent damage to their childhood.
Children usually work to contribute and provide financial support to
their families. Their health is often ignored by their parents or they may
not be aware about their childrens health. This paper illustrates how
different countries have adopted laws and regulations to eliminate child

labour. However despite all the efforts, child labour and the factors that
influence the incidence of child labour continues to be prevalent.
The results from this study explain the reasons which forces children to
work, poverty. This paper also draws conclusion that governments,
societies, and communities should cooperate in a better way with each
other to decrease child labour. Possible and innovate solutions and
suggestions are arose at the end of this paper.

For many years, child labour has been one of the biggest obstacles to
social development. It is a challenge and long-term goal in many
countries to abolish all forms of child labour. Especially in developing
countries, it is considered as a serious issue these days. Child labour
refers to children who miss their childhood and are not able to have the
basic amenities which a child should have. Recently the International
Labour Organization (ILO, 2013) estimated there are around 215 million
children between the ages five to fourteen who works worldwide. They
are often mistreated and work for prolonged hours, in very bad
conditions. This can affect their health physically, mentally and
emotionally. These children do not have the basic rights like access to
school or health care.
According to ILO (2013) the largest numbers of child labourers are
working in hazardous work and the total number of child workers is
increasing, even though it is forbidden by law. These children are
vulnerable to diseases and they struggle with long-term physical and
psychological pain. The main cause that induces children to work is
poverty. These children work for their survival and their families.

The international organizations have made great efforts to eliminate

child labour across the world. Many countries have adopted legislation
to prohibit child labour; nonetheless child labour is widespread
throughout the world. It is not easy task for low income countries to
achieve banning child labour. Several studies and international
organizations considered that education is the key strategy in addressing
child labour, and it can help children to stay away from work. However
not every family can afford to send their children to school or, even if
they enrolled, afford to keep them attending the school.

Child Labour in Pakistan: 2012

Successive governments in Pakistan have failed to conduct a specialized
survey to determine the extent and types of child labour in the country.
The last child labour survey was undertaken in 1996 which estimated
that there were 3.3 undergo labours in Pakistan.
In 2012, a comprehensive survey on child labor was delayed because of
bureaucratic complexities arising in the aftermath of the 18th
constitutional amendment after the 18th amendment the ministry of
labour man power and overseas Pakistanis (MLMOP) was devolved to
the provinces. However, the Federal Bureau of Statics (FBS) which
coordinated with the Ministry of Labour in carrying out the last child
labour survey in 1996 was not devolved. This made it impossible to
collect under age employment data at the provincial level, causing
indefinite delays in conducting the survey.

In the absence of a national database on child labour, international

NGOs and donor organizations provide estimates of underage
employment in Pakistan. According to ILO, the number of child laborers
in Pakistan exceeded 12 million in 2012.

Factor causes child work

Less household income, outstanding debt, wish to start own business in
future, High dependency ratio and many others reason that include
illness of family head, a gap in employment due to job switching that
causes temporary unemployment were the main causes of being sending
children to market.

Stop Child Labour

Allah has given man the wisdom and knowledge to think upon this
world. Children are the flowers of heaven. They are the most beautiful
and purest creation of Allah almighty. No doubt, they are the beauty of
this world. Early in the morning when the children put on different kinds
of clothes and begin to go to schools for the sake of knowledge, we feel
a specific kind of joy through their innocence.
Child Labour is a serious problem which demands a urgent solutions.
There is no better way to the present government in Pakistan has made
elementary education compulsory. There is strict need to stop child
Labour in this country. Awareness must be raised and the attention of
parents should be education of their children. Child Labour Laws should
be put into practice strictly. In addition, the educational system of the
country-must be reshaped and restructured according to national

development goals. The orphans and other deserving children must be

helped financially. It is also essential to eliminate child Labour from the
country, that the political, economical and social system of the country
are need to be reshaped and such steps taken that make child Labour in
this country a crime. So its the time of change and we should all get
united and step up against child labour. Prevent child Labour than to
make education compulsory.

Child labour; the effect on child, causes and remedies to the revolving
Child Labour

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