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The SETAH Initiative

Randi Green 2016

Basic Rules for Business Generation

Use the usual methods of business planning as in writing down the goal of how many new clients you want.
However things will be a bit different in the stellar ways of doing this.
1. Be clear of why you want new clients to your business. There are three levels that must be
envisioned and put into words as a thought form, generating your fourfold intention (the pyramid
of creation):
a. Income: Set a realistic number of new clients that will support your wanted lifestyle and
what you need as a minimum to have a decent life. Thus put a number to the income you
need, where money is not an issue as in always have the flow of money you need to the
projects, you want to begin. Dont be greedy and save for the bank account, but trust that
you will always have enough to pay your bills and have a nice time living the life you need
to be able to progress. VERY IMPORTANT STATEMENT- that is asking for what you need so
that you can progress and live okay while you do it. We can develop and still live a decent
life inside the reality program.
b. Transformation: Also acknowledge that the business, you have, is a holster or vessel into
which the reality program energy units can be transformed back to their cleansed and
higher version of the original planetary holographic units.
c. Progression: Following the Basic Rules of Creation paper, where you learned that all you
create is to be created so that your stellar consciousness genetics get a holster to progress
from, i.e. have a physical medium your business - into which the stellar consciousness can
express itself in this reality program.
d. Scale of Perception: Be very clear that you use the reality program to create a holster where
your stellar awareness can express itself, using the energy units behind this reality
program, with the goal of transforming the energies our reality is built of and at the same
time activate your higher stellar potentials into this reality. You use the scale of perception,
knowing that on the base level you work with the forms of reality, known and accepted as
real by the human race and that you add higher awareness and expanded consciousness to
these existing thought forms and from that give them new depth and dimensions which are
not about personal goals and gains as the reality program is fed up of, but about
transformation and progression. The intent of creating - to activate the transformation of
reality and the progression of your consciousness, to set an example for the many - is the
main intention of all creation and from that intention the original reality program (the
restoration program) will amplify your intentions, attracting what you need of course
when you do the correct activation and energetic pull of energy.
The pyramid of creation
Base of


The SETAH Initiative

Randi Green 2016

2. Write down the segment of the human population you want to get in contact with so that you
know how to target your material to this segment. What you produce of material to reach this
segment will hold the intention and energy of reaching this segment.
3. Visualize what you can give to this segment, your service, your capability, your hard work, what
they will benefit from working with you - on a normal human level as inside the current system of
how things work in this reality and on a higher subtle level, where you are the transmitter of a new
human paradigm of activated humans, creating a new reality.
4. Then you visualize how you get in contact with your segment - the ways to do this over the
Internet, type of means all from brochures to advertising and so forth.
5. Write as much down as possible while you envision all of the details in the material you are to
produce. This is creation work and the more details there are in the visualization the better it is.
6. While you write down the words, going over new and existing material, read into the words the
energy signature of your intentions.
7. As an example see how your information, your brochures etc are amplified with your intention of
getting new clients and the segment you have chosen to be affected by your business tools. See
how they get your brochure, holding it in their hands and how they think: Hmm I will call this
person and make an appointment. Put a lot of good energy into it from your double heart and ajna
vortex by pulling in energy units from your network, via the double root, not forcing the new clients
to come your way by mind-control but creating an energetic path to you built on heart energies of
progression. They will come to you because they too want the highest good for this reality. Ensure
that you disconnect from the bridge you create to the potential clients so you are not connected to
this energy work but only has sent out the intention or way-shower in how to find you, so that
they can benefit from what you offer. Get that image into all of your material.
8. Also acknowledge that your business is in a state of flux and progression, and changes as you
change consciously, expanding your stellar awareness into the human brain, and that you in this
creation work begin the process of creating your future function inside the reality program, which
you will unfold as you progress. Here I refer to the real stellar function, you will discover as you
progress, and not the current type of human inventions that are part of the reality program.
9. But even though its a temporary business, you still want to give all of your existing and new clients
a nice experience, where you utilize the progression energies as a step ladder to the new human
paradigm business of activated humans.
10. Know that this mind-set is an opening to keep all doors open so that you do not shut down your
future as you create in the now.
11. Acknowledge that all creation has to begin with what is and then grow into what is better all the
time. Understand that creations are a process to reach higher progressive goals.
12. Write all of your creation work down in a note book so that you use the hand-brain connection,
which makes your creation more real. The first step of creation or manifestation into words.
13. Be very clear about the progression your current business can develop into. You need to find the
energy to do this and not cutting it off because you find it boring or not what you want to do. The
idea is that your current business is the platform from which you will develop into a new type of
carrier, where you can use more of your skills, what you have learned studying, both the normal
human stuff but also the stellar stuff.
14. Envision that you go from the human level, with this business, to a stellar higher paradigm where
you can merge all of the best things from the human level with the stellar awareness, and make

The SETAH Initiative

Randi Green 2016









them grow into a new human paradigm inside this reality program, fueled with stellar amplifying
Go over your creation once more to ensure that you have got all of the details right. This is tedious
work, where you need to have control of ALL of the inside reality program thought forms of
manifest reality and mainstream concepts of what is real and not, and to all of these boring details
add the stellar amplifying energies, expanding the human reality ideas with the stellar awareness.
You then focus your energy in the upper triangle, activating your stellar mind-set. Shift from beta to
alpha awareness. From the main center in the head, you direct the energy to the heart vortex and
into the root vortex only using the energy system of the LOES, and from there to your network.
Here you pull in energy units and push them up to the root, the heart and the throat vortexes using
the stellar level in you. From the throat vortex you circulate the energy units from your network in
the upper triangle. Pull in more energy units until you feel the momentum is there and then push
the energies of the upper triangle through the ajna, the double throat using the throat vortex and
throat chakra and the double heart, generating a sphere of energy which you send into your
material, activating your thought forms and words (your material) with this energy (the written
word is the container of energy).
In three to six days you give your material more energy this way, going over the details once more.
See how all of your material will manifest the wanted results and then amplify these visions with
the energy sphere as shown above. The best time to create is actually around new moon (2 days
before and 2 days after all in all 5 days).
On the sixth day you give the last amount of energy by adding a bit more double heart energy to
these visions, knowing that you have your clients best interest at heart, but also that you are part
of creating a new human paradigm, using the restoration program energies to rebuild the true
purpose of this reality field and the true higher awareness. Then from a twofold energy connection
between your double heart and double throat, you let go of your creations and you detach yourself
energetically from the creations, you have made and the creation work you have done, knowing
that they now are to go out into the world and multiply what you have created as their function.
You then see how these thought forms enter the reality program, connect to the mind-field of your
chosen segment, amplify their energy fields in a good way, and direct them to you. And then you
turn your focus away, knowing your creations will do what you have intended them to do.
Then on the seventh day, the Elohim rested and saw that their creations were good here you
finish off your creation work totally, knowing that you have done all what you needed to do and
then you rest.
Then you direct your attention to what needs to be done, so that you are prepared for the new
clients to come and what needs to be ready to give them what they need, when they come to you.
You work as they were already coming your way.
Finally you need to be aware that as you progress, you need to dissolve your old creations and
thought forms and generate new ones, so that your creations always carry the highest form of
energy and from that always work correctly transforming the energy units of the current reality

Example of another type of higher work with the stellar mind-set:

Helping a client in your business to generate more customers or attracting a higher sale of a good.
1. When you talk to your client, using the business tools of attracting new customers and so forth - all
based upon your formal education you also look at your client from a higher level of awareness.

The SETAH Initiative

Randi Green 2016
In this you are to operate on two levels; the human talking and the stellar observing and
deducing what type of human you have in front of you. You SEE the client and what that client
NEEDS to progress and transform according to the original intention of this reality, cf. the Basic
Rules of Creation paper.
2. This might surprise you and sometimes you are to give to the client, what he or she does not think
they need, but actually need to get out of a rut of repetition, which is draining their stellar genetics.
You are not to play god or anything, but to amplify what the stellar genetics/LOES in your client ASK
of you to amplify. If their intention to use your service is to pile up goods and money, the energy
that they actually are asking for is to be able to generate more flow and a freer life, where they are
not strained economically or emotionally. Amplify that need in them while you ALSO generate the
usual assisting tools of how to produce a higher income; but all of your intentions are not to
amplify their ego goals, but to generate the circumstances from which they can generate more
energy, which will give them the emotional freedom, they long for. And as you might see, the
freedom they truly long for, is to be activated.
3. When you have the goal for the client, you activate your double heart, linking it up to the upper
triangle via the double throat and then you pull in energy units from your network, via the double
root to the heart and upper triangle and from the ajna, throat and heart creating a pyramid of
creation you send this energy triangle towards the energy field of the client, with the intention of
it amplifying their three fields of energy, as they are now, into generating an opening from which
the stellar mind-set in them, their LOES can begin the activation process.
4. This is not forced-upon-activation but creating an opening which they can take or not.

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