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of Mayor Betsy Hodges

350 S. Fifth St. - Room 331
Minneapolis, MN 55415
TEL 612.673.2100

December 3, 2016
The Honorable Barack Obama
President of the United States
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20500
Dear President Obama,
I am writing at a time of great uncertainty and unease in our nation, and with a deep appreciation of
the many ways in which you and your Administration are responding to this difficult moment. At the
same time, I respectfully request your renewed attention to the many pressing issues surrounding the
Dakota Access Pipeline. I am honored to write as Mayor of Minneapolis, a city blessed with the
densest urban American Indian community in our country, as well as with non-Native residents who
care deeply about the rights and safety of their Native brothers and sisters.
I appreciated the announcement of the Army Corps of Engineers on November 14, 2016 that more
study and consultation is needed before granting an easement, and that that consultation would include
the possibility of rerouting the pipeline to reduce the risk of an oil spill that would endanger the
Standing Rock Siouxs vital water supply. However, in the few weeks since then, the situation at
Standing Rock and at camp Oceti Sakowin has become even more urgent. The North Dakota winter is
now firmly settling in, and confrontations between water protectors and local authorities have escalated
to the point that human life is threatened.
Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico sent you a letter on November 30, 2016, a copy of which I have
enclosed, that well expresses concerns about the Dakota Access Pipeline that I share. I respectfully
echo his requests that you consider all options in responding to the Standing Rock Siouxs two-year
public record of opposing the pipeline, including rerouting it; that the Department of Justice respond
to the Tribes request to investigate potential civil rights violations; and that the Administration
coordinate with all authorities, including Tribal, to ensure the health of safety of law enforcement and
water protectors, particularly in the current context of worsening weather and escalation of violence.
Moreover, I have grave concerns about actions that may be taken by the President-elect, who has
already stated that the pipeline should and will be built. I am concerned about the harmful effect
decisions of his administration may have on the safety of both the authorities and the water protectors.
In this pressing context, the residents of Minneapolis and I would greatly appreciate any clear
communication you or you Administration can make in the next few weeks about steps you are taking
to address the Standing Rock Siouxs concerns.
Mr. President, I write in deep appreciation of the many ways that you have delivered on your promises
to honor our countrys commitment to American Indian nations and communities, and to correct
many historical wrongs. No president in memory has done more to partner fully with American
Indians as equal, sovereign people. It has been a hallmark of your Administration for which you will be
long remembered in Minneapolis, across the country, and around the world.

It has been an honor for the residents of Minneapolis and me to partner closely with your
Administration over the last eight years, including the three in which I have served as Mayor. We are a
stronger, more prosperous, and more equitable city because of it. You have my most profound thanks,
and a continued pledge of my full cooperation as we work together over the next several weeks and
beyond, including on a positive resolution of the conflict at Standing Rock.

Mayor Betsy Hodges

City of Minneapolis

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