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mike1439 - Latest answer on Jul 4, 2011 12:13PM

I was wondering if anyone knows how to match similar but not identical
cells in excel without specifying the exact match string. For example what
formula would match the first word in one cell with the first word in
another cell, or say the first 5 characters.
For example, matching the cell "ABC Learning Centres" with "ABC
Learning Cents. Ltd" which would be then dragged down for 4000+
I want it to return a confirmation saying "match" or "true" or something
similar so that i know the two columns are reliably matched. I will
subsequently use this to match two data bases so I want the match to be
as reliable as possible.
Thanks very much for any assistance
mubashir aziz

Jul 13, 2009 01:17AM

if your value is in column A & B starting from Row 2 then try this formula
by writing in B2
=MATCH("*"&LEFT(A2,5)&"*",B2:B29,0) now drag it down ...
It will pick first 5 char from cell A2 then compare to column B and if found
in column B anywhere then will return its number which you can be
placed with if condition ......

Misty - Sep 7, 2010 05:44PM
I've used this successfully for a few columns, but in other columns it will compare column A
against several other columns that I did not designate in the formula. Any ideas why it might
do this?
ASHOK CHOURE - Apr 19, 2011 09:45AM
it is working

Aug 18, 2009 08:21AM

I have two lists of personnel names, a master list in A2:A2651 and a

growing list in B2:B?. I need to find names in the growing B list that are
also in the master A list. Using "Help" I made an array formula for exact
matches that works: {=IF(OR(EXACT(B2, $A$2:$A$2651)),"EXACT
Now, I've realized, on some occasions, on either list, the middle initial is
included. Of course, these matches are overlooked by the exact match

formula. So, I am making a partial match formula, but it won't quite

work, yet. Here's what I'm trying.
Any solutions would be much appreciated.


Jul 13, 2009 03:36AM

Thanks very much for your help that works great!!

Stacey - Aug 12, 2009 05:28PM
I'm trying to do something similar.....match Legal company names with company names used
by the GL; Often one will say "Corp." and the other will say "Corporation," so my v-lookup
comes back #N/A. When you used the match formula, a number is returned.....what does that
number represent? I've tried to use the match formula suggested, and it returns a number, but
I have no idea what the number represents!
Q - Dec 3, 2009 06:09AM
The number represents the cell the value is in, if the value is #n/a then it means that it has not
been located in the list
gangsta - Jul 4, 2011 12:13PM
use indirect formula, that works well with the match formula
Vural Jun 25, 2010 02:22AM
i think u should use conditional formatting.
Format-> Conditional Formatting
Select to Growing List(B2:B?)
Formula is -> =countif(MasterList,B2) and format any way you want.

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