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One out of four people contracts an STD (sexually transmitted disease) at least once in
their lifetime. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are the top two most common sexually transmitted
diseases contracted, with an estimated four million new cases of chlamydia and four million new
cases of gonorrhea in the united states each year. Almost two-thirds of people with the two
diseases go untreated because there are no active symptoms. Most suggest that young adults and
teenagers get checked up on a regular basis for any STDs and to make sure their bodies are
healthy. STDs are an issue that can lead to the negative effects of infertility in both males
and females, infants can be born with disabilities, cause miscarriages, and even death. Only
having one single disease, chlamydia or gonorrhea infection, theres a 25 percent chance of

If two infections are contracted, theres a 50 percent chance of sterility. If theres a third
infection contracted, most certainly the girl will be sterile all due to Pelvic Inflammatory
Disease. PID usually doesnt have any symptoms. It can permanently cause damage to the
reproductive system and also lead to long term pelvic pain, inability to get pregnant, and
potentially deadly ectopic pregnancy (pregnancy outside the uterus). Young people around the
world are intentionally having unprotected sex knowing less about birth control options. said
Sandra Mullick. Society focuses on out-of-wedlock and teen births. Meanwhile STDs tear
through our youth and adult population at alarming and deadly rates. According to recent
testimony before the house committee on energy and commerce, three to four million STDs are
mainly contracted yearly by 15-19 Year olds, and also theres another five to six million other
STDs that are contracted annually by 20 to 24 year olds.


In reality, even though a condom may be used 100 percent of the time, a sexually active
young person is taking a risk of contracting an STD, all including gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis
and trichomoniasis. Even when a condom is used, a condom fails to prevent pregnancy 12
percent of the time, according to the Maryland Center for the Mental and Child health. The
results show that too many teens and young adults lack knowledge about their sexual health. This
causes unwanted pregnancies and/or STIs. A contracted STD is spread by body fluids, such as
semen and vaginal secretions, or with mucous membranes, such as those lining the mouth,
vagina, and rectum. 25 and 40 percent of women who has gonorrhea also has chlamydia.

Gonorrhea can cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. Just like chlamydia, a
pregnant female can pass the infection to her baby during childbirth. Anyone having unprotected
sex is at risk for gonorrhea. Gonorrhea contracted through the rectum symptoms are discharge,
anal itching, soreness, bleeding, and painful bowel movement.Trichomoniasis is common and
easy to cure. Trich a very common transmitted disease that is caused by infection with a
protozoan parasite. Symptoms vary, most women and men who have the parasite wont even
notice they are infected. The parasite is passed from an infected person to an uninfected person.
Most infected part of the body is the lower genital tract for women and inside of the penis for
men. The complications of the trichomoniasis can increase the risk of spreading other infections.
For an example, trich can cause genital inflammation that would make it easier to get infected
with the HIV virus or even pass the HIV virus to your sex partner.
Not using any protection during intercourse is totally up to the person and their sexual
partner. More than half of teenagers and young adults do not use protection simply because the


female is on birth control. The ones that do not want any children in the long run will faithfully
continue the dosage of birth control pills or whatever method they use to prevent babies. Because
some of the worlds youth does not use protection, they are more likely to catch any sexual
disease possible regardless if youre in a committed relationship with that person or not. Birth
control doesnt protect against STDs/STIs, AIDS/HIV and herpes.

This graph explains the rate between men and women and the different STDs. Obviously,
more men are infected with a sexual transmitted disease than women. This graph also breaks
down specific STDs in men and women by the most common. College students are more


susceptible to getting an STD. One and five college students will end up with an STD within
their college career. (*******) This graph is a clear demonstration of how important it is to use
protection at all costs.

Promiscuous sex is the biggest way of catching an STD or more. The generation of young
adults of the 21st century casually have sex with almost any and everybody they may be sexually
attracted to. Especially if you do not like the use of sexual protection. A condom can protect you
from all diseases today. A female is four times more likely to become infected with an STD than
to become pregnant. It seems to be that nowadays, school is not really capturing kids or
teenagers attention on practicing safe sex.
Taking the risk of having unprotected sex can cause you to have regrets in the long run
when you find out that it will permanently affect your baby. No one looks forward to a baby
being deaf or blind. Because of the irresponsible choice you decide to make, you ruin a child that
did not ask to be in this world. A baby should not have to suffer because of the decision you
made. Now, most women are lucky and some are not so lucky. Most can get pregnant, some
cannot, and some can get pregnant but continuously have a miscarriage after each try. Men also
can have infertility problems. The semen they give off can be so damaged or weak, so that it
would not be able to have a female conceive a child.
Being sexually active and not using protection with a person can cause even more severe
diseases. HIV/AIDS can be contracted regardless of any race, gender, and age. HIV is an
infection that causes AIDS. HIV will have few or no symptoms at all for 10 years or more before
symptoms of AIDS appear. Just like any STD, HIV can be spread during sexual play. Unlike any
STD, HIV can not be cured, although there is treatment for the disease.


The human immunodeficiency virus has increased in black men who have sex with men
(MSM) in the United States. HIV can not be transmitted through sweat, saliva, or urine. There
are two types of HIV. HIV-1 is the most common type. HIV-2 mainly found in West Africa and
some cases in India and Europe. According to statistics, the most common way for someone to
become infected with HIV is by having anal or vaginal sex without a condom.
AIDS is a chronic, potentially life threatening disease caused by HIV. There is currently
no cure for HIV or AIDS. With the right treatment and support, people can live long healthy
lives. It damages the immune system, HIV will interfere with your bodys ability to fight off any
diseases thatll cause harm to your body. HIV is an sexually transmitted infection which can be
contracted through sex, infected blood (tattoos, shots, etc), mother to child during birth or
breastfeeding. Without the help of medication it will take years before HIV will take over and
weaken your immune system and causes you to develop AIDS.
Majority of people who get infected with HIV will develop a flu-like illness within a
month or two prior to contacting HIV. The possible signs and symptoms of HIV are fevers,
headaches, muscle aches and joint pains, rashes, sore throat and swollen lymph glands mainly on
the neck. If you receive little to no retreatment for your HIV infection, it will progress into AIDS
in about 10 years. When AIDS develops, your immune system is severely damaged and
susceptible to opportunistic infections.
One-Fourth of an average person will catch an STD one time in their life. Top two most
common STDs contracted are chlamydia and gonorrhea. Symptoms go unnoticed, and dont get
treated in time, causing sterility problems.


"AIDS." AIDS & HIV Information from the AIDS Charity AVERT. 19 Apr. 2010. Web. 18 Dec.
"HIV/AIDS -" Mayo Clinic Medical Information and Tools for Healthy Living
- Web. 7 Jan. 2016.

Philip J. Gay Peters, Cindy Beagle, Steve Shankar, Anupama Switzer, William M.
Hightow-Weidman, and Lisa B. "HIV Infection among Partners of HIV-Infected Black
Men Who Have Sex with Men-North Carolina, 2011-2013." MMWR. Morbidity and Mortality
Weekly Report. 7 Feb. 2014. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.
"STD Facts - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Web. 15 Dec. 2015.
"The Hidden Epidemic: Confronting Sexually Transmitted Diseases." SIECUS Report.

1997: 4-14. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 15 Dec. 2015

"Worldwide AIDS & HIV Statistics Including Deaths." AIDS & HIV Information from the AIDS Charity
AVERT. Web. 18 Dec. 2015.


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