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Works Cited

@ahencyclopedia. "Greek Astronomy." Ancient History Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec.
This website is dedicated to the description of structures built by the egyptians, and how
the correlate to the stars. There are images of the structures, as well as of hieroglyphs and other
things that relate to the ancient egyptian civilization, as well as a timeline of the progression of
how the egyptians progressed through their studies of the stars, and what they found.
This website was relevant to my project in that it allowed me to talk about the second
stage of development in a civilizations study of the stars. The descriptions of the buildings and
how they aligned with the stars was critical in the development of my paper, which was the main
part of my website.

Dunbar, Brian. NASA. NASA, n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

NASAs website provides a description of what is going on with nasa, as well as past
projects,and future goals. The website has pictures of some of the current technologies that nasa
is invested in, and has news articles on things that nasa is pursuing. This website also talks about
some of the things that nasa is doing on Earth, showing that nasa is expanding as a company.
This website allowed me to see what we as humans had accomplished when it comes to
space travel and exploration, as well as what goals we have, and the things that we are working
towards when it comes to advancing our knowledge of the cosmos, and how we are advancing
our technologies so that we may discover our true potential in space.

"Greek Constellations." Greek Constellations. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

This website describes the constellations in a list, as well as giving a picture of them, and
the story that the greeks assigned to the star group. The list is in alphabetical order, which made it
much easier to find the main constellations that I wanted to talk about, and the level of detail
really showed how serious the greeks took their myths.
I needed this website so that I could gain knowledge about the greek religion so that I
could write about how the greeks developed from a group of people who focused on the stars
from a mainly religious standpoint to one of the most scientifically advanced civilizations of all
time. "Top 100 Images." ESA/Hubble. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

This website is a collection of pictures taken by the hubble telescope, which is owned by
nasa. The pictures range from individual stars, planets, galaxies, and other celestial bodies. The
pictures are also annotated so that the user can tell what they are, and are of the highest quality.
This site is relevant to my site because I needed to have high grade pictures of the cosmos
on my site, and I did not have the ability to take such pictures, so what better place to get them
than from one of the most powerful telescopes that exists.

"Maya Civilization." - Mystery of the Maya - Astronomy. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec.

This website was all about the mayans, and how their culture revolved around the
cosmos, as well as detailing what they did to learn more about the stars, and how the math they
were doing was advanced for their time. The site includes pictures of Mayan buildings,as well as
describing how they were built to align with the stars.
This site gave me the knowledge to write about the mayans from a space perspective, as
well as a religious perspective, and comparing these two things to each other, as well as to the
other civilizations was what my entire paper was based on, so, without this site, I could not have
finished my paper.

"News." SpaceX. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

This site went into detail about the current tasks that space-x is involved in, the things
that they are working towards, their past accomplishments, as well as having pictures of some of
the tech that they have developed, and descriptions of the goals that they have as a company to
progress the human exploration of space.
This site was relevant to my project in the way that it gave me insight into the best, most
cutting edge tech that we as humans have, and allowed me to compare that to where we began so
I could truly show the reader how far we have came as a species.

Sherril, Leslie. "Astronomy of Ancient Cultures." Starteach Astronomy Education. N.p., 2007.
Web. 7 Dec. 2016.

This site gave me access to how many of the ancient civilizations viewed the stars, and
their cultures were built around their pursuit of knowledge or religious beliefs regarding the sky.
The website had pictures of drawings done by the ancient people, and described how the
civilizations were impacted so heavily by their beliefs.
This site built the groundwork of my understanding of the old civilizations, and allowed
me to compare how primitive they were to how advanced we have become during this modern
time. Without this site, I would only have the present, with nothing to compare it to.

"SkyTellers - Moon Phases - About Our Moon." SkyTellers - Moon Phases - About Our Moon.
N.p., 2005. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

This site provided mathematical numbers, such as the length of the cycle of the moon, or
how long a lunar year was, as well as how long it took venus to orbit the sun. It also has pictures
of the different phases of the moon, and the affects that this has on the tides.
This site allowed me to compare mathematical findings of the ancient civilizations to the
exact numbers so that I could see how accurate they were and determine if they were advanced
for their time, on the right track, or if that information was beyond them. This site also showed
me how complicated the computations were, letting me realize how impressive it was that the
ancient civilizations could do these things.

"STAR MYTHS." Star Myths | Theoi Greek Mythology. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

This site describes some of the myths associated with the stars, providing pictures of the
stars, as well as a detailed account of the story behind that celestial body, its importance, and how
it related to the greeks.The site also had links to other cultures, but I only focused on the greeks.
The greek myths and the stars was a large task to tackle, so I used this website to help me
understand the importance of the stars to the greeks so that I could really go into detail and show
the reader of my paper how important it was for the greeks to go from worshiping the stars to
trying to understand them.

Whitaker, Alex. "Egyptian Astronomy." Egyptian Astronomy. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec. 2016.

This site provided information towards the pyramids, temples, and other structures built
by the egyptians, and showed how they were coordinated with the stars, as well as describing the
meaning of their placement and the implications that they had on the egyptian people. The
website also had pictures of the structures and the star systems that they coordinated with.
This site allowed me to describe the terrestrial phase that the egyptians went through, and
allowed me to describe how advanced the buildings that the egyptians completed were, as well as
showing me the importance that the egyptians placed on their buildings, the stars, and their
religion. This site played a key part in my understanding of the egyptians, which played a major
role in my paper.

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